BookShelf - A Sunny, Happy Place
Orientating Snerts:
DarthXKitten: how are u all tonite!?!?
Ta21l: just ducky Darth
DarthXKitten: is ducky good!?!?
Author's Lounge Refugee:
BinxB91: So Darth, why book shelf???
DarthXKitten: causeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee all the other rooms
has creepy people binx
Creepy Loner: What's wrong with creepy people, eh?
Topping Penrod:
CordialCactus: In order to maintain air-speed velocity,
a swallow needs to beat its wings forty-three times every
second, right?
Gypsyjo47: Cactus a swallow doesn't beat its wings anywhere
near 43 times a second...a hummingbird maybe...swallow, no.
Penrod59: Do you swallow
CordialCactus: i chew first
Mood Killer:
Mendogrl: my date yesterday was pleasant until his car
was hit by a truck in the parking lot
Because TooHot Needs adventure:
Wobbetta: bidet do you see rachel at all
BlDET: no, she married a super creepy drug user gay guy
Wobbetta: druge user?
BlDET: and she has a baby now
BlDET: oh yes
Wobbetta: thats awful
BlDET: the week they got married he landed in jail
BlDET: wrecked the car
BlDET: had his stomach pumped
Your son's girl friend:
Wobbetta: my older son has a girlfriend and i simply
love her go figure
JaneH56: wobbs. great.
SCHELL37: That's good, Wobb. Imagine if you didn't.
Wobbetta: oh dear lord schell lol
SCHELL37: My oldest has been dating someone new, but I
haven't met her yet
Wobbetta: beleive it or not shes a lot like me
BinxB91: Wobbs, expect your son to dump her then
Wobbetta: lol binx
SCHELL37: Or else don't tell him you like her
Wobbetta: she is very outgoing just like me
Wobbetta: oh schell too late lol they been dating almost a year
JaneH56: ahh. smart boy, he dates someone like his mother.
Wobbetta: it is very difficult not to like her my mom adores her
Handling Husbands:
SCHELL37: Just today I bought a yellow leather loveseat
from someone on Craig's list for $25.00
SCHELL37: Keith hates it....but, I told him that if he didn't
like it, he could take me to a furniture store, and buy me a
brand new one. Suddenly, he hated it less
BlDET: put some pillows on it, and he'll get used to it
The Color of Dirt:
BlDET: that's pretty, schell
SCHELL37: I love it.
BlDET: and most importantly, you'll never have to mop it
SCHELL37: I know.
BlDET: because who would know
SCHELL37: It's the color of dirt
If She Doesn't Type, Don't Take It Personally:
Wobbetta: this RA is really getting to me damnnnnnnnn
Wobbetta: im going to take ahot bath inhopes that my
joints will feel better
Wobbetta: nite all nice seeing everyone
Can One be Sued For Food Stamps?:
PatientOnion3: I am looking at saul's bikini pics
Catpower777: thong?
SaWeb22: what
PatientOnion3: he's wearing a buttercup thong
Catpower777: nice
SaWeb22: prove it or you WILL BE SUE FOR LIBEL/SLANDER
Or when he Got Bigger:
Ragamuffingirl35: he went and applied for a job looking
like a homeless person today
Ragamuffingirl35: i should have beat him more when he
was little
Ride Him All the Way to the Bank:
Vanda52: people like you shouldnt ride bey
Beysshoes: STFU allan. i was only 8 yrs old
KimberlysCabin2: i wanna ride you vanda
PatientOnion3: vanda, kimberly wants to ride your bank account
KimberlysCabin2: onion not if yours has more
I Love Bats:
Vanda52: i love bats
CordialCactus: i dont mind if they want to hang out
near my house, allan... i just object when the bats start
reading over my shoulder
The Next Day (pass the biscuits):
CordialCactus: i caught a bat tonight
Ta21l: you did?
Ta21l: what'd you do with it?
CordialCactus: i did.... with a butterfly net... released it
BinxB91: a bat?? was it reading over your shoulder?
Ta21l: good job!!
CordialCactus: greeted us at the door when we come home
from camp
Ta21l: yuck
CordialCactus: swoopy little suckers
CordialCactus: heck, opening biscuits makes me scream
.... this was quite an accomplishment
BinxB91: opening biscuits?? what's scary about that?
CordialCactus: when you unpeel the tube... you know?
CordialCactus: you cant tell me that the "POP" doesnt
make you jump just a little
Ta21l: makes me close my eyes everytime
An Uncontrolled Study:
KimberlysCabin2: study came out today that smoking pot
long term causes psychosis
ShhJm: people who smoke pot are idiots to begin with so
how do they know for sure?
A Bit Later:
KimberlysCabin2: man i had a good thought and forgot it
Catti enters - Duck!:
CattiGuen: gaaahhhhh.......some recommend a very crazy book
I need a book:
Max 314159265358: I need a book
CordialCactus: max, what genre?
Creepy Loner: [flops back down w/ coffee]
Ta21l: wb Creepy
Creepy Loner: Thank you.
Creepy Loner: Are we all waiting on MAX?/
Nonny0201: i think he went to look up the word genre
Memorable KatyTried Columns:
Creepy Loner: I know that there's a phenomonem called
"Google Lacking" which actually points out those rare
cases when Google can't crap back at least one result...
P.S. Your Cat is Dead:
Creepy Loner: Argh! I got kicked off, mangled my toe,
have forgotten in the past 20 minutes how to spell...
Creepy Loner: [weeps]
Creepy Loner: Help!
CordialCactus: and your font is wrong
About Last Night:
Max 314159265358: I remember the nights some Shelfers
would come in drunker than a Skunk
Not a contradiction in terms?:
CordialCactus: just came in from a marital date
Ta21l: marital date?
Ta21l: that's a great idea
CordialCactus: you know.. the time squeezed in between
getting the kids ready for a babysitter and taking her home
Ta21l: lol...I don't have that kids just
end up spending the night with someone
What's Your Sign?:
BinxB91: Do mothers sometimes induce premature labor to
change the zodiac sign of their children?
Creepy Loner: Probably...
Creepy Loner: Sounds like some weird crap they'd do.
Creepy Loner: They would need another excuse, I'm sure.
CordialCactus: binx... i think maybe the motivation may be
to just get the whole thing over with
Catpower777: well, if doctors can do it to accomodate their
CordialCactus: at 9 months you are ready!
He meant interREAD:
Max 314159265358: Shelfers shouldn't interbreed
I'm Done:
Creepy Loner: <---29
BinxB91: 29!!!!!!!!!!! and you've already dropped out!
Creepy Loner: Yep.
Creepy Loner: I'm done!
Jam7604801: 32
Max 314159265358: 29?! you're a bit behind
BinxB91: I thought at 29 a woman is still looking forward
to her sexual peak
Jam7604801: has had sex since i was divorced in 95
Ta21l: 33 she gets ready for it
Jam7604801: hasn't
Creepy Loner: I'll just touch myself more often, Binx...
that'll be my peak.
Max 314159265358: 27 is when women should know where they're goin
Creepy Loner: Heh.
Ta21l: why is that Max...guys don't so, why should women?
BinxB91: touch yourself??? And what will you think about
while you touch yourself?
Ta21l: me of course Binx :-D
Max 314159265358: that's when all the friends are being married off
Creepy Loner: So, "where women are going" is to an altar?
Jam7604801: i bet she thinks about bald headed britney binx
Max 314159265358: I touch myself every morning
What's in a Name:
Creepy Loner: Hang on...I'm being bothered by a drunk ex-con
Ta21l: I wasn't bothering her...
Creepy Loner: No,'s not a shelfer. It's this poor
bozo that keeps talking about his dreams of being a recognized
conspiracy theorist between boiler-makers.
Creepy Loner: I don't know how this idiot got attached to me.
Ta21l: it must be the
BinxB91: Creepy, where do you meet these people?
PrettyLush702: weird
Max 314159265358: must be confused with Creepy Boner
Get Off:
Godwit935: I got the hiccups once while hitchhiking and
the queer driver said he knew a way to cure it. I told
him I was getting off just up ahead, right here.
Jam7604801: getting off ha
Thought it Was a Cat:
ShhJm: I accidently ate a puppy in Korea
On Menstruation and Midgets:
ShhJm: allie, creepy is about to menstruate
ShhJm: anything that bleeds for a week and doesnt
die cant be trusted
Creepy Loner: Yes...I'm crying here and there, eating
chocolate, and am kind of horny although completely obnoxious.
Creepy Loner: Terrible mood.
BinxB91: It would be more interesting if BLT were about
to menstruate
AforAllie: I thought only men could be creepy loners
Creepy Loner: You thought wrong.
BinxB91: horny though completely obnoxious??? Now that's
a contradiction
Creepy Loner: It is to a degree, Binx...I'm not able to
reel anyone in for sex...I'd just as soon punch 'em.
ShhJm: but I think I am in love with her
AforAllie: well, that's nice, blt
AforAllie: maybe you should meet her
Creepy Loner: [raised brow]
ShhJm: im not lookin for ms right, I am looking for ms right now
Jam7604801: creepy needs a midget that way when she swings
she will miss hitting him
Ta21l: why should she have to miss?
Creepy Loner: Actually...someone once dumped me for a
same-sex midget.
Creepy Loner: I'm not kidding.
ShhJm: and I am a menstrual vampire, I love that
AforAllie: there was this midget guy back in New Zealand
AforAllie: this woman left her normal-sized husband and
kids for the midget
AforAllie: then the midget eventually dumped her
AforAllie: it was weird
AforAllie: you would think he would've been grateful
AforAllie: but he was a playa
ShhJm: when you get dumped by a midget, its time to do some
soul searching
Ta21l: it takes all kinds Allie
Creepy Loner: Yeah...the guy I was dating was 8 years my
senior and bisexual...guess the midget wasn't such a shock,
now that I think about it.
Jam7604801: sounds like the movie me myself and irene, allie
Menagerie de Troix:
Creepy Loner: Actually, JG wouldn't be a bad comparison
for me...I'm just taller...
Creepy Loner: Same kind of tone, though.
BinxB91: JG has a lovely lower lip
Ta21l: ^$#%$ cat...brb
BinxB91: taller? how tall?
Creepy Loner: Depending on the tape by the convenience
store door...6'0" - 6'2"...
BinxB91: wow
Creepy Loner: Yep.
Creepy Loner: I'm a moose.
BinxB91: I'm taller than that though
BinxB91: I'm a giraffe
At Least It Gets You Get Clean:
Creepy Loner: I never did get into the whole
"screw in the shower" was just uncomfortable...
Creepy Loner: Give me a bed...or at least a floor.
Ta21l: I agree Creepy...foreplay in the shower is good
ExShelfer: agreed creepy
Three Dear Abby's, No Waiting:
Londoj: ok, since there is a fair amount of female
perspective and dorkiness. can ask your angle on something?
CordialCactus: shoot
Ta21l: ask away Lon
Londoj: this is in regard to my undecided ex-girlfriend . . .
Creepy Loner: Undecided ex?
CordialCactus: type faster
Ta21l: you're still dealing with her? what about the new one?
ExShelfer: this is taking too long
ExShelfer: goodnight
Londoj: that other one i was just hanging out with and
i can't fool myself. i'm in love w/ this one
BinxB91: so what's the question?
CordialCactus: get to the meat
Londoj: anyway . . .sad , i know
Londoj: anyway she still has never really broken it off
however it's not continuing either. I told her
Creepy Loner: Sounds like my best friend / ex, Lon...
just let it go.
Londoj: that look , this ridulous, i'll get my stuff
from your place and you won't have to see me anymore
Londoj: anyway, now she says she wants to stay in touch
and is all warmth
No Waves:
Penrod59: Allie, there are no waves on the equator
because gravity and wind are balanced along the 0 degree
AforAllie: oh, interesting, I didn't know that
AforAllie: I guess that's the doldrums, right ?
Penrod59: No, Allie; this is the doldrums.
While Blu Was Sleeping:
Nonny0201: i gotta go to bed, but you guys are the
friendliest chat room i've been in
Orientating Snerts:
DarthXKitten: how are u all tonite!?!?
Ta21l: just ducky Darth
DarthXKitten: is ducky good!?!?
Author's Lounge Refugee:
BinxB91: So Darth, why book shelf???
DarthXKitten: causeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee all the other rooms
has creepy people binx
Creepy Loner: What's wrong with creepy people, eh?
Topping Penrod:
CordialCactus: In order to maintain air-speed velocity,
a swallow needs to beat its wings forty-three times every
second, right?
Gypsyjo47: Cactus a swallow doesn't beat its wings anywhere
near 43 times a second...a hummingbird maybe...swallow, no.
Penrod59: Do you swallow
CordialCactus: i chew first
Mood Killer:
Mendogrl: my date yesterday was pleasant until his car
was hit by a truck in the parking lot
Because TooHot Needs adventure:
Wobbetta: bidet do you see rachel at all
BlDET: no, she married a super creepy drug user gay guy
Wobbetta: druge user?
BlDET: and she has a baby now
BlDET: oh yes
Wobbetta: thats awful
BlDET: the week they got married he landed in jail
BlDET: wrecked the car
BlDET: had his stomach pumped
Your son's girl friend:
Wobbetta: my older son has a girlfriend and i simply
love her go figure
JaneH56: wobbs. great.
SCHELL37: That's good, Wobb. Imagine if you didn't.
Wobbetta: oh dear lord schell lol
SCHELL37: My oldest has been dating someone new, but I
haven't met her yet
Wobbetta: beleive it or not shes a lot like me
BinxB91: Wobbs, expect your son to dump her then
Wobbetta: lol binx
SCHELL37: Or else don't tell him you like her
Wobbetta: she is very outgoing just like me
Wobbetta: oh schell too late lol they been dating almost a year
JaneH56: ahh. smart boy, he dates someone like his mother.
Wobbetta: it is very difficult not to like her my mom adores her
Handling Husbands:
SCHELL37: Just today I bought a yellow leather loveseat
from someone on Craig's list for $25.00
SCHELL37: Keith hates it....but, I told him that if he didn't
like it, he could take me to a furniture store, and buy me a
brand new one. Suddenly, he hated it less
BlDET: put some pillows on it, and he'll get used to it
The Color of Dirt:
BlDET: that's pretty, schell
SCHELL37: I love it.
BlDET: and most importantly, you'll never have to mop it
SCHELL37: I know.
BlDET: because who would know
SCHELL37: It's the color of dirt
If She Doesn't Type, Don't Take It Personally:
Wobbetta: this RA is really getting to me damnnnnnnnn
Wobbetta: im going to take ahot bath inhopes that my
joints will feel better
Wobbetta: nite all nice seeing everyone
Can One be Sued For Food Stamps?:
PatientOnion3: I am looking at saul's bikini pics
Catpower777: thong?
SaWeb22: what
PatientOnion3: he's wearing a buttercup thong
Catpower777: nice
SaWeb22: prove it or you WILL BE SUE FOR LIBEL/SLANDER
Or when he Got Bigger:
Ragamuffingirl35: he went and applied for a job looking
like a homeless person today
Ragamuffingirl35: i should have beat him more when he
was little
Ride Him All the Way to the Bank:
Vanda52: people like you shouldnt ride bey
Beysshoes: STFU allan. i was only 8 yrs old
KimberlysCabin2: i wanna ride you vanda
PatientOnion3: vanda, kimberly wants to ride your bank account
KimberlysCabin2: onion not if yours has more
I Love Bats:
Vanda52: i love bats
CordialCactus: i dont mind if they want to hang out
near my house, allan... i just object when the bats start
reading over my shoulder
The Next Day (pass the biscuits):
CordialCactus: i caught a bat tonight
Ta21l: you did?
Ta21l: what'd you do with it?
CordialCactus: i did.... with a butterfly net... released it
BinxB91: a bat?? was it reading over your shoulder?
Ta21l: good job!!
CordialCactus: greeted us at the door when we come home
from camp
Ta21l: yuck
CordialCactus: swoopy little suckers
CordialCactus: heck, opening biscuits makes me scream
.... this was quite an accomplishment
BinxB91: opening biscuits?? what's scary about that?
CordialCactus: when you unpeel the tube... you know?
CordialCactus: you cant tell me that the "POP" doesnt
make you jump just a little
Ta21l: makes me close my eyes everytime
An Uncontrolled Study:
KimberlysCabin2: study came out today that smoking pot
long term causes psychosis
ShhJm: people who smoke pot are idiots to begin with so
how do they know for sure?
A Bit Later:
KimberlysCabin2: man i had a good thought and forgot it
Catti enters - Duck!:
CattiGuen: gaaahhhhh.......some recommend a very crazy book
I need a book:
Max 314159265358: I need a book
CordialCactus: max, what genre?
Creepy Loner: [flops back down w/ coffee]
Ta21l: wb Creepy
Creepy Loner: Thank you.
Creepy Loner: Are we all waiting on MAX?/
Nonny0201: i think he went to look up the word genre
Memorable KatyTried Columns:
Creepy Loner: I know that there's a phenomonem called
"Google Lacking" which actually points out those rare
cases when Google can't crap back at least one result...
P.S. Your Cat is Dead:
Creepy Loner: Argh! I got kicked off, mangled my toe,
have forgotten in the past 20 minutes how to spell...
Creepy Loner: [weeps]
Creepy Loner: Help!
CordialCactus: and your font is wrong
About Last Night:
Max 314159265358: I remember the nights some Shelfers
would come in drunker than a Skunk
Not a contradiction in terms?:
CordialCactus: just came in from a marital date
Ta21l: marital date?
Ta21l: that's a great idea
CordialCactus: you know.. the time squeezed in between
getting the kids ready for a babysitter and taking her home
Ta21l: lol...I don't have that kids just
end up spending the night with someone
What's Your Sign?:
BinxB91: Do mothers sometimes induce premature labor to
change the zodiac sign of their children?
Creepy Loner: Probably...
Creepy Loner: Sounds like some weird crap they'd do.
Creepy Loner: They would need another excuse, I'm sure.
CordialCactus: binx... i think maybe the motivation may be
to just get the whole thing over with
Catpower777: well, if doctors can do it to accomodate their
CordialCactus: at 9 months you are ready!
He meant interREAD:
Max 314159265358: Shelfers shouldn't interbreed
I'm Done:
Creepy Loner: <---29
BinxB91: 29!!!!!!!!!!! and you've already dropped out!
Creepy Loner: Yep.
Creepy Loner: I'm done!
Jam7604801: 32
Max 314159265358: 29?! you're a bit behind
BinxB91: I thought at 29 a woman is still looking forward
to her sexual peak
Jam7604801: has had sex since i was divorced in 95
Ta21l: 33 she gets ready for it
Jam7604801: hasn't
Creepy Loner: I'll just touch myself more often, Binx...
that'll be my peak.
Max 314159265358: 27 is when women should know where they're goin
Creepy Loner: Heh.
Ta21l: why is that Max...guys don't so, why should women?
BinxB91: touch yourself??? And what will you think about
while you touch yourself?
Ta21l: me of course Binx :-D
Max 314159265358: that's when all the friends are being married off
Creepy Loner: So, "where women are going" is to an altar?
Jam7604801: i bet she thinks about bald headed britney binx
Max 314159265358: I touch myself every morning
What's in a Name:
Creepy Loner: Hang on...I'm being bothered by a drunk ex-con
Ta21l: I wasn't bothering her...
Creepy Loner: No,'s not a shelfer. It's this poor
bozo that keeps talking about his dreams of being a recognized
conspiracy theorist between boiler-makers.
Creepy Loner: I don't know how this idiot got attached to me.
Ta21l: it must be the
BinxB91: Creepy, where do you meet these people?
PrettyLush702: weird
Max 314159265358: must be confused with Creepy Boner
Get Off:
Godwit935: I got the hiccups once while hitchhiking and
the queer driver said he knew a way to cure it. I told
him I was getting off just up ahead, right here.
Jam7604801: getting off ha
Thought it Was a Cat:
ShhJm: I accidently ate a puppy in Korea
On Menstruation and Midgets:
ShhJm: allie, creepy is about to menstruate
ShhJm: anything that bleeds for a week and doesnt
die cant be trusted
Creepy Loner: Yes...I'm crying here and there, eating
chocolate, and am kind of horny although completely obnoxious.
Creepy Loner: Terrible mood.
BinxB91: It would be more interesting if BLT were about
to menstruate
AforAllie: I thought only men could be creepy loners
Creepy Loner: You thought wrong.
BinxB91: horny though completely obnoxious??? Now that's
a contradiction
Creepy Loner: It is to a degree, Binx...I'm not able to
reel anyone in for sex...I'd just as soon punch 'em.
ShhJm: but I think I am in love with her
AforAllie: well, that's nice, blt
AforAllie: maybe you should meet her
Creepy Loner: [raised brow]
ShhJm: im not lookin for ms right, I am looking for ms right now
Jam7604801: creepy needs a midget that way when she swings
she will miss hitting him
Ta21l: why should she have to miss?
Creepy Loner: Actually...someone once dumped me for a
same-sex midget.
Creepy Loner: I'm not kidding.
ShhJm: and I am a menstrual vampire, I love that
AforAllie: there was this midget guy back in New Zealand
AforAllie: this woman left her normal-sized husband and
kids for the midget
AforAllie: then the midget eventually dumped her
AforAllie: it was weird
AforAllie: you would think he would've been grateful
AforAllie: but he was a playa
ShhJm: when you get dumped by a midget, its time to do some
soul searching
Ta21l: it takes all kinds Allie
Creepy Loner: Yeah...the guy I was dating was 8 years my
senior and bisexual...guess the midget wasn't such a shock,
now that I think about it.
Jam7604801: sounds like the movie me myself and irene, allie
Menagerie de Troix:
Creepy Loner: Actually, JG wouldn't be a bad comparison
for me...I'm just taller...
Creepy Loner: Same kind of tone, though.
BinxB91: JG has a lovely lower lip
Ta21l: ^$#%$ cat...brb
BinxB91: taller? how tall?
Creepy Loner: Depending on the tape by the convenience
store door...6'0" - 6'2"...
BinxB91: wow
Creepy Loner: Yep.
Creepy Loner: I'm a moose.
BinxB91: I'm taller than that though
BinxB91: I'm a giraffe
At Least It Gets You Get Clean:
Creepy Loner: I never did get into the whole
"screw in the shower" was just uncomfortable...
Creepy Loner: Give me a bed...or at least a floor.
Ta21l: I agree Creepy...foreplay in the shower is good
ExShelfer: agreed creepy
Three Dear Abby's, No Waiting:
Londoj: ok, since there is a fair amount of female
perspective and dorkiness. can ask your angle on something?
CordialCactus: shoot
Ta21l: ask away Lon
Londoj: this is in regard to my undecided ex-girlfriend . . .
Creepy Loner: Undecided ex?
CordialCactus: type faster
Ta21l: you're still dealing with her? what about the new one?
ExShelfer: this is taking too long
ExShelfer: goodnight
Londoj: that other one i was just hanging out with and
i can't fool myself. i'm in love w/ this one
BinxB91: so what's the question?
CordialCactus: get to the meat
Londoj: anyway . . .sad , i know
Londoj: anyway she still has never really broken it off
however it's not continuing either. I told her
Creepy Loner: Sounds like my best friend / ex, Lon...
just let it go.
Londoj: that look , this ridulous, i'll get my stuff
from your place and you won't have to see me anymore
Londoj: anyway, now she says she wants to stay in touch
and is all warmth
No Waves:
Penrod59: Allie, there are no waves on the equator
because gravity and wind are balanced along the 0 degree
AforAllie: oh, interesting, I didn't know that
AforAllie: I guess that's the doldrums, right ?
Penrod59: No, Allie; this is the doldrums.
While Blu Was Sleeping:
Nonny0201: i gotta go to bed, but you guys are the
friendliest chat room i've been in