Katy Tried

Saturday, September 30, 2006

No NAGUAL (almost)

Insightful Religious Discussion:

History69: Paul ruined Christianity... while
making it, in my opinion.

Blake94546: the bible doesn't count.. ..except
the parts that count

Having Our Legs Pulled?:

FADUMA: I don't eat meat, because I"m like a vetenarian.

Throwing Red Meat in the NAGUAL cage:

DAISYTRAIL: hahaha, you non-Republicans are all demented

Provocative Titles:

Catpower777: oh, I think I read a book by him --
something like Little Children?
Catpower777: hey,Allan
Vanda52: hi
Catpower777: surely that wasn't the name of that book
-- that's not a very provocative title
Catpower777: lol -- I just looked it up and it IS
"Little Children"
BinxB91: Name a book with a provocative title
Catpower777: "Another Bullshit Night in Suck City"
Vanda52: To Kill a Mockingbird
Catpower777: "The Heart is a Lonely Hunter"
I2DaysInNovember: "I Have a Blister"
Catpower777: lol, 12
BinxB91: My favorite: Eating Chinese Food Naked
I2DaysInNovember: oh that sounds fun
Catpower777: did you write that one, Binx?
BinxB91: No, Mei Ng
I2DaysInNovember: do you know of a Chinese
delivery place?
BinxB91: It's a good novel ... but hard to live up
to that title
Vanda52: i had fried rice for dinner

Celebrating Diversity:

Catpower777: I had okra, squash and mashed potatoes
Catpower777: how's that for Southern?
Vanda52: blech


Solsfam: I have fantasized that there might be aliens
posing as humans in chatrooms.

Meet Trace, Trace meet the Nazis:

TK DANES: why is everyone talking about nazis
Phronsie: TK, beats me
NAGUAL4A: speers said hitler had a plane land
to surrender himself to the brits
Phronsie: It seems to be an ongoing fascination
Vanda52: hahaha, this is a nazi room
BinxB91: DANES, because NAGUAL is here
TK DANES: it's trace and is he a nazi?

(a bit later)

BinxB91: So Trace, what do you read?
TK DANES: king koontz anything w/a plot and humor
TK DANES: i like a lot more but to lazy to type
Phronsie: broad range there, Dane

Pity my Sorted life:

Vanda52: Its a sorted affair
Vanda52: and her lawyer says he is
Freya0306: sorted?
Vanda52: her ex
LynBelle: DAniel had not even seen his Dad since he
was a small child
BinxB91: oh more People magazine re-hash?
Vanda: you certainly know what i mean by sorted
ParaMyrrh: sordid
Vanda52: fine
Freya0306: fun times, sure I did
LynBelle: well, who knows, Howard thinks he is
Vanda52: frey, dont play dumb with a bad spelling i make
Vanda52: its highly annoying
Vanda52: im damn near blind
Vanda52: its a miricle i can type
LynBelle: allan you mean sordid
Freya0306: well, I'm sorry, and I mean it
LynBelle: when did you become blind?
Vanda52: thanks frey, i appreciate it and i mean it too

Pity Mine more:

Vanda52: jesus, im almost 60
Vanda52: who would of thought
Vanda52: hahaha
Vanda52: i should be dead
LynBelle: allan, you are obsessing
Vanda52: i know lyn
Vanda52: wait til next march when i turn 60
Freya0306: sdf, I turned 60 in March
Vanda52: oh
LynBelle: what is sdf?
Vanda52: figure it out lyn
Vanda52: shut the f up
Jam7604801: stupid dumb fu-k
Freya0306: shit damn fuck or sweet dear friend,
Vanda52: oh

Cat fails as a sponsor at CA:

Catpower777: 12, I hate to admit this
I2DaysInNovember: yes?
Catpower777: I'm going out for coffee
Catpower777: but, I promise to get decaf and not to
enjoy it

Because Chicago is too straight:

Fezziwhig: Did Godwit ever tell you guys about what
scarred his thinking about homosexuality?
Fezziwhig: It was a few years back, I don't think
anyone in the room except Vanda and Nag go back that
Swede da lo: no nobody here but them would be able to
validate it.
Fezziwhig: He was in a bar and tossing them down while
he was putting the charm on this tall sexy blonde
Fezziwhig: Godwit says it happened in Chicago but I
suspect he was lost somewhere in Milwaukee

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

NAG Lines

Book Shelf - The Next Generation


300 nunneries

Asia7384: I've already sent pics of my johnson
to 300 nunneries
LynBelle: asia, that will reaffirm them about why
they became nuns
LynBelle: hold on, my dog needs out
Asia7384: is that what Lyn calls it?

A 10-year pregnancy:

BinxB91:what music is on in your home?
TDNA983: bad company
TDNA983: yeah im listening to holy water
BinxB91: 1970s?
TDNA983: no 80's
BinxB91: sorry, I'm lost
BinxB91: I spent the 1980s in exile mostly
TDNA983: i spent most of the 80s not being born

Benefits of drug use:

Asia7384: I have a easy time believing life as
we know it is an illusion
TDNA983: sorry i was laughing for like ten minutes
what did i miss? Ok nothing good

Gypsy going in and out:

Gypsyjo47: I am watching bullriding on tv...so
I will be in and out as the riding progresses

Getting the Greeting out of the way:

NAGUAL4A: what vapid senseless tripe

What do you thing of NAG?:

Gypsyjo47: Nag is an utter redundant fool

Vanda52: nag is odd

Phronsie: Nag is fixated and obsessed

Swede da lo: i've developed a healthy dislike for nag.

Blake94546: you elitist bastard nag

You five above and five of your friends:

NAGUAL4A: I can stand my ground against any
ten protestants

Acting like yourself and get away with it:

Ta21l: I used to date a guy who, no matter where we
went, used to get hit on by gay men...even with me
standing next to him
Fezziwhig: That happens to me sometimes
Fezziwhig: Somehow, they still expect me to buy the
Ta21l: lol...one guy asked him if I was his boyfriend...
that creeped me out
Swede da lo: whoa
Swede da lo: i guess we learned about your physical
appearance then ta.
Ta21l: I may not be the most femine woman on the planet,
but I certainly don't look like a guy
Fezziwhig: In college, my GF dressed me up as a chick
for this whacky contest
BinxB91: Ta, wear hoop ear rings
Swede da lo: wear a skirt
Ta21l: I hate earings...I find it's better to flash a
lot of cleavage
Fezziwhig: I have a lot of experience in kilts so a skirt
was no problem for me
Ta21l: a contest...is that what she told you Fezzi?
did you win?
Swede da lo: everyone likes cleavage, unless the cleavage
never stops...in that case it's best to just cover up.
Fezziwhig: No, I didn't win but I was better looking than
I thought I could be
Ta21l: you'd be surprised at the number of guys that like
a not-so-feminine woman Fezzi...
Ta21l: you probably could act like yourself and get away
with it
Fezziwhig: Thanks, bitch
Ta21l: welcome sweetheart

Let me know when we get to Hitler:

NAGUAL4A: I just read about jimmy hoffa in this
unsolved crime book
NAGUAL4A: I always liked jimmy....but I had no
idea how tough he was
Swede da lo: must've been the spinach
Fezziwhig: Jimmy spoke well of you too, Nag
NAGUAL4A: It's a shame most of you idiots have been
brainwashed to be anti-union
Ta21l: I'm not Nag...goes to show how much you know
NAGUAL4A: and england is laboring under the crumbling
delusion of anglicanism
Ta21l: again with this...
Ta21l: let me know when we get to Hitler
NAGUAL4A: swede did you know that up until the absolute
end Hitler always planned on moving ot England?
Swede da lo: we got to hitler ta
Ta21l: thank you

They were here looking for PageGeek:

Fezziwhig: VIVA CHAVEZ!
KatyTried: see!!! Fezzi is looking for trouble
Thumperbunny2u: good thing hells angels left huh Katy


Asia7384: and typing in caps

Adultry as Comedy:

LynBelle: one of the funniest things I remember is
about my girlfriend who was having an affair with a
doctor, she is dead now, once she asked him
LynBelle: "is it in" they both went into convulsions
laughing and fell onto the floor laughing
Catpower777: Lyn, at least he had a sense of humor
about it?
BinxB91: Is that what killed her, Lynn??
I2DaysInNovember: is the dcotor in?
LynBelle: cat, we had a million laughs about their affair
Catpower777: what kind of doctor?
Asia7384: this is boring
Asia7384: 2nd hand sex chat
LynBelle: cat, he was ear, nose, throat

Come for the Discussion, Stay for the laughs:

Niontron3: I am tired of people
Niontron3: I don't like talking to people
JaneH56: rono, say it isn't so.
Catpower777: Rono, not again?
Niontron3: I hate people...
Niontron3: not again what
Niontron3: I hate talking to people
Catpower777: not again needing to hate people
TDNA983: i always hate people
JaneH56: I am reading a most interesting book
about sociopaths.
Niontron3: human doesn't change his mindset...how
could people believe same lies all their lives
Asia7384: Jane, family album?
Catpower777: Jane, did Nags recommend it?
Solsfam: Jane, I am hoping to avoid sociopathic
killers in the years ahead
Catpower777: he was reading about serial killers last week

They might have gotten here by accident:

Niontron3: k, we automatically assume that if it's
an alien, he/she must be smarter than us...how do you
know we are not smarter
JaneH56: well rono, we aren't visiting them.
LynBelle: how often do them come?
Phronsie: Rono, it's probably the matter of space travel
Vanda52: rono, if you get here from 100s of light years
Phronsie: We figure if they can get here, they're bound
to be smarter
Niontron3: they might have gotten here by accident..

"Whaaaah, my casino is losing money":

Gypsyjo47: I detest whining Indians.

Goering's good sense:

NAGUAL4A: rush uses goebbels old propaganda techniques
NAGUAL4A: what's funny is that in his real life Goebbels
was every bit as pathetic a character as Rush
Vanda52: most nazis were pretty pathetic
NAGUAL4A: on the ground...at that time....the rise of the
nazis looked just the same as the rise of the republicans
does today
Vanda52: goering was pretty funny tho
NAGUAL4A: at least goering had the good sense to do a
spectacular elvis type flame out
Vanda52: he did
NAGUAL4A: He started wearing a velvet robe everywhere
NAGUAL4A: and insisting people kiss his ring
Vanda52: oh he had a sense of humor
NAGUAL4A: I cant imagine meeting him at the end
Vanda52: he had lots of diamonds
NAGUAL4A: he was totally blitzed on drugs...
in a velvet robe...
NAGUAL4A: and wine
NAGUAL4A: he stole all the best wine
NAGUAL4A: and art

Hitler's use of chat rooms:

NAGUAL4A: anyway the catholic room is a dump for
republican propaganda ... its a ploy that hitler used

HadaCho Lives On:

JadedDremer: his screen name was HeilMe

Me and Newt are like that:

NAGUAL4A: Anyway Newt Ginrich was always obsessed
with the nazis

Least surprising purchase of the week:

NAGUAL4A: incidentally I bought a dvd series on hitler
from the library

A 1999 SNERT returns to haunt:

IIVIRAN 0814: can someone help me please
IIVIRAN 0814: where can I find Financial and Managerial
Accounting by Williams Haka Bettner Teacher's Edition

Back in the 80's:

Jam7604801: mom used to take us on country drives on
halloween at night and pretent the car would break down
and make us walk back to town and she would dress up and
sneak up on us and scare the crap out of us
Wneat: Jam..that was great
BinxB91: dress up?? the devil wears Prada
Hstbbc47: I think I like your mother Jam
Jam7604801: well after we ran a few miles we forgot
about eating candy
BinxB91: no
BinxB91: Jam, no way. You're making that up
Hstbbc47: how far from home were you?
TK DANES: attack of the killer tomatoes
Jam7604801: nope binx
Jam7604801: about 5 miles out of town
BinxB91: Jam, sounds like an accident waiting to happen
Ahuxley63: Wow. Long way.
Jam7604801: this was back in the 80's binx
Hstbbc47: just sprayed my wine all over the screen Jam

You'd think a man who can use hand-cuffs would
be more agressive:

TK DANES: no i mean i can't write love stories because
they are too far from the real world
Jam7604801: well the way i see love stories or scenes who
cares what they are like as long as it makes the book or
story whole
TK DANES: i'm a realist in that way i get pissed when i
watch or read about the knight in shining armor then
look at my husband
Jam7604801: so you see your husband as a peasant
TK DANES: he's great but forget opening doors or slaying
dragons he's scared of snakes
Jam7604801: and not a knight
Swede da lo: tk, i think the feminist movement screwed most
women out of chivalry.
Jam7604801: you should base your character off of him then
TK DANES: a cross between a dictator and a court jester
Jam7604801: you should base it off your dream man in your head
TK DANES: he's a cop in real life
Jam7604801: cops are control freaks
Jam7604801: most of them anyway
TK DANES: he's not, i am
TK DANES: he says he's the boss all day long so i get to be at home
Jam7604801: maybe you should let him lead you in bed then just
give him the reigns and tell him i don't care what we do as long
as it last for more than 2 hours
Hstbbc47: Whew!
TK DANES: lol thats the problem, he'd ask for advice on what he
should do once in control
TK DANES: you would think a person that could use a pair of cuffs
as good as he can would be a little more aggressive

Shelf By-Laws allow for rehashing until midnight,
hashing anytime though:

History69: isn't it a bit late to be rehashing the Reformation?

Friday, September 22, 2006

Animal Chat

Tragic End to a Strange Affair:

NAGUAL4A: Hey...theres this dead squirrel outside
NAGUAL4A: just off my patio
Fezziwhig: Lay off those drugs, Nag, it will ruin
ya in the end
NAGUAL4A: it might be this squirrel I have
been seeing

NAGUAL's attempts to move us beyond vapid tripe:

NAGUAL4A: its dead
Swede da lo: it might be nutty
Ta21l: it had two marks on it...did you put them there?
Fezziwhig: It may only be faking death to outwit you
NAGUAL4A: no..I only saw it from a distance alive
NAGUAL4A: and I couldnt tell what they were
Swede da lo: distance relationships never work out.
Fezziwhig: Unidentified Squirrels
NAGUAL4A: it seemed as if something had bit it perhaps
NAGUAL4A: but it was still alive
Fezziwhig: Is it an open case?

The Crocodile Guy and Maudlin Tripe:

Godwit935: How about that dead crocodile guy? He's dead,
out of the picture, forgotten already.
NAGUAL4A: did you see all the maudlin tripe about him
Ta21l: very sympathetic Godwit
NAGUAL4A: they propped his 8 yr old daughter up to read
the eulogy
Nomdujourxx: Now the a-holes are going out and killing
Mantas, what a crock that is
NAGUAL4A: yeah.....apparently australians loved that idiot
Fezziwhig: Godwit, I thought Australia was going to have
to breath into a giant paper bag over that guy
Godwit935: Fezzi, I felt bad about it, I liked that
crocodile guy.
Swede da lo: now that the chatroom is again breathing fine,
i'll finish up my vocab.
Fezziwhig: Am I the only one who thought he was an ass?
Swede da lo: no fezz, i thought he was an idiot
Godwit935: I think the crocodile guy was mentally ill,
in the way that makes people successful.
Fezziwhig: I didn't wish him dead but I'm not surprised
BinxB91: Was Mr Rogers mentally ill?
Godwit935: No, of course not, Binx.
Ta21l: do you have to ask Binx?
Nomdujourxx: Kinda like that scene in Apocolypse Now,
where the boat commander catches a spear through the thoeax
Godwit935: A spear!
Beysshoes: i thought he was the epitome of living fearlessly.
Nomdujourxx: exactly!!
Ta21l: why is that Godwit?
Godwit935: Because they are so publicly needy, it's pathetic, Ta.
Fezziwhig: Russel Crowe was shooting tears fifty feet over
the guy and so was Kevin Costner and some actress......
...they all got together wiping their eyes and nodding
Fezziwhig: I wonder if a movie might be in the works?
Godwit935: You have to feel sorry for these people.


BinxB91: There are many interesting Shelfers who never
come here anymore ... (sigh)
Swede da lo: yes binx
Swede da lo: they all died.
Godwit935: Of AIDS, no doubt.
Beysshoes: and there we have it. AIDS.
Ta21l: maybe they caught it from trassexuals...
Godwit935: They caught it from monkeys, Ta. Imagine that.
Swede da lo: damned monkeys
Fezziwhig: I could never live long enough to get to the
point where a monkey would be attractive
Beysshoes: i think a missive might be in order tonight.
off i go.
Godwit935: Fezzi, imagine the Original Pervert. Not just
homosexual, but doing it with a monkey.
Swede da lo: those baboons have shiney hineys
Fezziwhig: I can't
BinxB91: what if the monkey was a good conversationalist?
Fezziwhig: I mean I can't imagine the motivation
Swede da lo: then he'd be ishmael.
Swede da lo: could be all the hair.
Godwit935: The come-on look in the monkey's eye...
Swede da lo: the way they move their tales so slow.
Fezziwhig: Then, again, I look at some of the guy some
women are dating
Dissent1: Well, given a thousand monkeys randomly
making monkey's noses, one can be sure that in time,
they would reproduce the conversation here and now..
Godwit935: Including you, Dissent?
Ta21l: monkeys? what the hell did I miss?
Swede da lo: a monkey would never admit to being
the source of aids.
Fezziwhig: TA, you'd never have sex with Peter Tork,
would you?
Ta21l: who in their right mind would?
Swede da lo: uh oh, i think my pc screen isn't level
Godwit935: You mean, who in his right mind would.
Godwit935: Who doesn't have their. Who has his, or
hers, but not theirs.
Dissent1: Swede, well according to some, A monkey was
the source of our current trouble with AIDS
Fezziwhig: What do the creationists say. It seems
science credits monkeys with too much
Ta21l: I say, we start blaming cats
Swede da lo: cats gave people aids?

Dancing with Bears I

Dissent1: according to the wise, one should play dead
when confonted with a Bear. Does this really work?
Swede da lo: if you like being molested by a bear

Dancing with Bears II:

BinxB91: I read about a man who saved himself from an
angry bear by diving under the jeep he was working on.
Ta21l: not a bad idea really
BinxB91: And the bear shocked itself when trying to claw
at him from above the engine
Swede da lo: why was the bear angry?
Fezziwhig: the guy wasn't union

Dancing with Bears III:

Fezziwhig: I read about this photographer that couldn't
outrun a bear
Fezziwhig: he thought he was dead and decided to take a
last pic before he died
Ta21l: there was that movie "Grizzly Man" I think it
was called...
Ta21l: I think, I've never seen it
Fezziwhig: flash went off and the bear freaked and ran
BinxB91: yes, that's a documentary
BinxB91: wisely, they cut the last scene
Ta21l: after living with grizzlies, he decides to interact
with them and gets eaten
Swede da lo: nice
Swede da lo: guess he had bad body language
Ta21l: you could probably fine the ending on Faces of Death
whatever number they're on
Ta21l: find...geez...I'm having problems tonight
BinxB91: He successfully lived with the grizzlies for awhile
Ta21l: 2 months, wasn't it
BinxB91: The end came when he introduced his girl friend
BinxB91: really
BinxB91: she was killed too
Swede da lo: what did his girlfriend do?
Fezziwhig: "I don't like his GF. Let's kill them and eat them."
Fezziwhig: You bring a GF into a clique and you never know
how everyone will react
Swede da lo: guess it goes to show that you should never date
someone who lives with bears.
Ta21l: unless your Goldilocks

Binx earns brownie points:

BinxB91: Tonight we've discussed squrrels(dead),
dogs, monkeys, bears, owls, and now horses ...
Ta21l: thank you for not including women in that
catagory Binx...major brownie points....

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Resistance is Fertile

Prime Time:

Winters Mourning: hello everyone, how are you
all tonight?
BinxB91: Winters, the mood is silly tonight
Swede da lo: it's prime time.
BinxB91: ... but intelligent silly
Doc Whew: thats a lie
BinxB91: meaning no fart jokes
Swede da lo: binx, pull my finger

Setting Standards:

Prospect26: for most women, appearance is right up
there. I would not want to date a toad.

Snap Out of It:

MsJillybeen9: russian history depresses me
Epatterson186044: why, you're not Russian

Poster Child for Universal Heath Coverage:

MsJillybeen9: Sweets, i broke out in hives last
night, so i went to beg for an allergy shot

With friends like you:

TRBfrom NC: Epat, listening to Bush give a speech is like
watching a drunk trying to cross an icy street
Epatterson186044: what would you say if you didn't like him
TRBfrom NC: you hope and pray he will make it but your
heart's in your mouth
Epatterson186044: with friends like you.....

Rememberance of Things Past:

MsJillybeen9: Sweets, how is the dog?
Sweet Disorder 2: Jilly...he is just fine...doing great.
Did you know I adopted a cat while I was living on
Long Island? They are GREAT friends.
MsJillybeen9: Sweets, what about the goose or duck you had?
Sweet Disorder 2: Jilly...it was a pigeon...had a broken
wing. well, a hawk swooped down...that was the end of
Mr. Pige. I wrote a story about him, though.

Ghosts of Christmas:

MsJillybeen9: i think we should have fireworks when it
snows, it'd be pretty
Beysshoes: jilly i like the snow scenes that look
like canada best
MsJillybeen9: i get christmas cards from jewish people
TBeysshoes: jilly, i had a party in maine with fireworks
on my frozen pond. didn't know fires could start under
those conditions

Who does your kid think he is?:

Catpower777: I was very gingerly telling my little one
about the events of 9/11on the way to school this a.m.
Catpower777: and she interrupted me and said, "Mom,
I KNOW about terrorists"
Epatterson186044: kids bring each other up
Fezziwhig: How does she know about terrorists?
Was she contacted by them? Is she aggravated about current
us policy? Did she refuse to pledge alleigance to the flag?

Just as he is now:

Fezziwhig: I once refused to pledge alleigance to the flag
MsJillybeen9: too lazy to stand up, Fezz?
Epatterson186044: we were not required to do that at six
Fezziwhig: They took me to the principal
Epatterson186044: or seven
Lucyuser: Why did you refuse?
Fezziwhig: he asked why
Fezziwhig: I said, "I just did that yesterday."
Fezziwhig: I was just like I am now
Niontron3: Hey, ted, not so strange...you normal person you
Epatterson186044: Fezz - wish I knew you when you were six

Her spelling/His typos

Cecilleej: i am sacred
Cecilleej: that salmonella thing
Cecilleej: not sacred but scared

Monday, September 11, 2006

Lots and lots of silliness this week.
But first are bits from a long drawn-out
about the Bush administration and the
Iraq War. I printed just the name calling.
Even then I stopped short as it became

Just the facts:

Gypsyjo47: Nag it is the truth...you ignore the truth
NAGUAL4A: thats a blatant lie
NAGUAL4A: gypsy that is a provable lie
NAGUAL4A: right and the few we DO know always seem to show
how the republicans are sleazy liars
NAGUAL4A: and as I just said all those lies have now been
methodically refuted
NAGUAL4A: Few members of the house or senate had the REAL
information....most had only the LIES of the chimp admin to
base a decision on
Swede da lo: "What's really in your hot cocoa?"
NAGUAL4A: gypsy that is a provable lie
Swede da lo: is a provable lie a blatant lie?
NAGUAL4A: so gypsy just lied AGAIN
NAGUAL4A: you really are insane
Asia7384: obvious lies

A child left behind:

Prospect26: My high school school English teacher
still believes that I have a novel in me.

Prospect26: People with full body tatoos often
feel "cold."

Pen (not penis) chat:

History69: I'm dying to buy a Montblanc .... if the
deal I dream of comes through, I will give myself
that gift
Catpower777: Hist -- a fountain pen?
History69: yes
History69: love those pens
Catpower777: I use disposable fountain pens so I don't
have to change the ink
History69: I've tried cheaper pens and the touch is
just not good
Swede da lo: microsoft word saves me money on ink.
Catpower777: oh, I'm not trying to discourage you --
you should treat yourself
History69: Allen Ginsberg always wrote with fountain pens
... one reason his shirt pockets were always stained
Swede da lo: prepare for court cases.
Prospect26: How many of you write with fountain pens?
Swede da lo: i write with a calligraphy pen.
History69: not me ... waiting for the Mont BlancDoc
Doc Whew: i used gel pens
Doc Whew: so i can write rxs faster
BinxB91: I once wrote a letter while sitting next to
a fountain
Doc Whew: if i use a ball point slows me down
History69: I did have a Tombo and enjoyed it ... wore
it out ... might buy another
one of those in the mean time
Belovedmy: I once threw pen(nies) into a fountain
History69: till the day I can afford the Mont Blanc
Doc Whew: i once found ten pennies
Doc Whew: in a fountain
Doc Whew: does that make cents?


Doc Whew: its nice to be in a gondola with a beautiful
girl who is built
Swede da lo: a beautiful girl is built?

Fezziwhig: My mother is driving me nuts
Beysshoes: you have a mother fezz?
Swede da lo: kick her out of the car.

What was he trying to make:

NAGUAL4A: i believe I just accidentally made some
real coffee

Applauding Women:

History69: I'm not criticizing men nor applauding women ...
Doc Whew: i am criticizing men who dont applaud
Catpower777: Hist, I think you should
History69: I was only trying to help solve the puzzle of why
it is so rare for women to be peeping toms
Doc Whew: they have to give the clap
History69: Cat, I should applaud women and criticize men?
Belovedmy: Maybe women are just better at it and don't get
Catpower777: Hist, it's important to both sexes.
But Women don't have to be peeping toms because men will
strip whenver and wherever

NAGUAL vomits:

NAGUAL4A: These "9/11 memorials " are beginning to nauseate me
NAGUAL4A: pbs news tonight had a maudlin self indulgent
episcopalian minister reciting some crap she wrote about 9/11
NAGUAL4A: I vomited

Oh What a Beautiful Morning:

Fezziwhig: The CIA operates secret prisons abroad for holding
key suspects in the war on terror, President Bush acknowledged
Fezziwhig: Though Bush said the United States never tortures
suspects, "alternative" interrogation methods are used to glean
information from them.
Catpower777: Just some light spanks, then?
Fezziwhig: They kept playing the score from Oklahoma over and
over again

Cultural Sensitivity:

NAGUAL4A: Cause I'll slap the dot right off his damn head
BinxB91: NAGUAL getting carded at 7-11?
NAGUAL4A: anyway....hindus are polytheists..and hence pretty
much pagans
Duwamish Head: ok, well, at any rate, I think Ill put you on
ignore now...
BinxB91: Pagans? You mean they can read minds?
Fezziwhig: I wonder if a ten year old can buy liquor at a
7Eleven if he tells the owner that this is his fourth life

Guess who WASN'T there:

MatteeMattel: i just found the ppl i met here the other
day to be uh...well, kind hearted, even
MatteeMattel: but, many rooms don't have the caliber of
intellect that one assumes to be in the Shelf.

ILOVE Lives ... through Vanda:

Vanda52: i had a letter from ilove today basically claiming
he was at the world trade centeron 9/11/01
Vanda52: i thought his letter was pretty funny
and who knows ,maybe he was there

O is sometimes zero:

History69: I started a new book yesterday, The Dante Club
BooksNLipGloss: OOO
BooksNLipGloss: so did I History!!
BooksNLipGloss: and I picked up Poes shadow as well
History69: how far are you into the Dante Club?
BooksNLipGloss: 3 pages
BooksNLipGloss: i fell asleep
History69: question: what is your impression after 3 pages?
History69: boring, I guess!
BooksNLipGloss: so far

But Cher likes it:

BooksNLipGloss: I'm going to Serendipity in Nov.
BooksNLipGloss: can't wait
History69: it might still be there
History69: I think I ate there once
Catpower777: I used to take classes at the Actors' Playhouse
on 7th -- is it still there?
Vanda52: bush is in nyc tonight
History69: what is Serendipity, Books?
History69: sorry to be such an uninformed New Yorker!
Catpower777: hey, Fezz
Phronsie: Didn't there used to be a Serendipity Singers back
in the 60s?
BooksNLipGloss: It was in the movie by the same name with
John Cusack
Catpower777: you're really in Cleveland, aren't you Hist?
BooksNLipGloss: and Kate Beckinsale
History69: I have kind of my narrow odd range of interests/places
and keep to those!
Phronsie: hi Fez
Catpower777: Books, I've been there -- across from Bloomingdale's
Fezziwhig: <---MOPING IN CORNER
BooksNLipGloss: it's a restaurant
Catpower777: why moping?
Catpower777: hey, Rono
Niontron3: Cat!!!
BooksNLipGloss: did you like it Cat?
Phronsie: Fez, you'll have to speak up
History69: I'm too poor to follow restaurants!
Niontron3: hi, phronsie
Fezziwhig: <--MUMBLER
Phronsie: HI Rono
Catpower777: I did, Books. It's very cute. Their claim to fame
is "frozen hot chocolate." I didn't think it was very good,
but Cher likes it

Rono, Phronsie is taking notes:

Niontron3: They see but they don't realize...they hear but
they don't listen...
Phronsie: Rono, you have said that before
Niontron3: Long ago...
Phronsie: and often
Niontron3: I didn't think anyone would remember
Phronsie: I believe it was on your site, Rono
Niontron3: not often..
Niontron3: no...it wasn't...
Phronsie: are you sure?
Niontron3: 100%
Phronsie: It was something similar

Farewell My Concubine:

BinxB91: Fezzi, with a woman who would appreciate the
books as much as you?
Fezziwhig: NO, PEOPLE SUCK
Catpower777: ouch , Fezz
TreeSquish: how about a concubine to read the books
to you when your eyes die out from old age?

World's Sexist Man 2006??:

TreeSquish: all my crushes are on men like harvey pekar.

Title please:

Niontron3: I am reading about someone's father crushing a disk

Who gets remembered most:

EragonnEldest: Hey! It's been a while since i've been here!
TreeSquish: i have missed this room
EragonnEldest: Hey. I remember you Cat.
Vanda52: you from west virginia eragon?
EragonnEldest: Tennessee
Vanda52: ok
EragonnEldest: I remember you most Vanda!

Rainman's reaction to the World Trade Center:

Vanda52: hey susie , were you ever on the top of the
world trade center when it was there?
Epatterson186044: no Vanda I did the Empire State Building
when I used to go sightseeing
Vanda52: i was , it was high

Define natural course:


Speaking Kligon?:

Phronsie: Vanda, seems to regard most poeple as being aloke
Phronsie: Well, not me, because he dissed rather seriously, but
Vanda52: most people are a loke phrone


Vanda52: dont do the statue of liberty susie,
its a nasty walk up to the top
Epatterson186044: Vanda stopped drinking
Epatterson186044: now he is dangerous
Vanda52: oh, you cant go up in the statue now?
Epatterson186044: you can go to the first level but not up
the arm to the torch
Vanda52: i thought they reopened the statue of liberty?
Epatterson186044: I thought it was a bit dangerous shimmying
up that arm anyway
Catpower777: wasn't there some guy out on the torch drinking
a cup of coffee?
Vanda52: i hated it susie, i did it years ago and there
was this obese lady in front of us who was near death
from walking up stairs
TreeSquish: if you have an ass fetish, it might be okay
Vanda52: yikes

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The beginning of the new school year
brings with it the first request for
homework help. This one ended pleasantly
(especially for PatientOnion apparently).
The child never reached a level of
Perhaps some of these procrastinating
students will one day turn into interesting
Shelfers. After all, how much maturation
would it take?

Homework Help:

AtticusGrlie281: hey
AtticusGrlie281: has anyone read huckleberry finn
AtticusGrlie281: i need help
TRBfrom NC: snert alert, folks
PatientOnion3: I just did a book report on huck finn
PatientOnion3: i hope i didn't delete it
AtticusGrlie281: because i read it kind of but theres
this thing theyre askin me why i think lying occured
so much ...like how is it significant...can anyone help
Fezziwhig: Just tell your teacher before Kerouac did
it with a car, Huck did it with a river
AtticusGrlie281: does anyone have an idea why lying
occured so much...or why u think it is significant
PatientOnion3: it occurred so much, cuz they didn't do
their homework

Homework Help Refresher:

TRBfrom NC: usual they ask sunday nights and when we won't
write their book reviews for them they stalk out in a huff
calling us GAY LOOSERS
TRBfrom NC: always loosers, mind you, not losers
Knishofdeath: This room sux--bye, loosers!
Niontron3: DId you notice, TOC doesn't stay here as long
as he used to
TRBfrom NC: yes, barely even a tic-toc
PatientOnion3: the san francisco suv terrorist heard voices,
as schizos tend to do, before he went on his rampage,
according to his parents
TRBfrom NC: that's voices by hearsay, then
AtticusGrlie281: lol
AtticusGrlie281: im always thankful
AtticusGrlie281: i just get stuck pretty often on things
like that
AtticusGrlie281: its like its on the tip of my tongue.
but i cant get it out
Knishofdeath: I'm the same way with hairballs

Homework Help Conclusion:

AtticusGrlie281: but thank all of you so much.....even if
i make a c...yall made me feel real good about it....so thanks
Knishofdeath: Huck tells a few "stretchers"
TRBfrom NC: good luck, Atticus
PatientOnion3: thanks for the bikini photos atticus

Vanda gets along with everyone:

Vanda52: no one really bothers me much in here or
in my outside life since ive gotten older,
i just take it as it comes

Except dolts:

Vanda52: hmmm, where are yougoing tocollege?
BooksNLipGloss: rutgers
Vanda52: wheres that, new jersey?
BooksNLipGloss: yes
BinxB91: Vanda, does nothing West of the Hudson exist
for you?
Vanda52: oh please binx, ive seen all ofamerica,
emmas right ,m you are a dolt

NAGUAL doing a favor:

Niontron3: can someone give me jo's screen name
NAGUAL4A: I believe it is JHDon'ttellrono

The cutest President:

BinxB91: Lady Godiva took her ride on a dare from her
husband. He said he'd lower taxes when she rode
through the village naked.
BinxB91: He apparently didn't know his wife.
DAISYTRAIL: I wish Laura Bush would do that.
DAISYTRAIL: Or Hillary Clinton.
BinxB91: or Jackie Kennedy in 1962 to get the missiles
out of Cuba
DAISYTRAIL: Right, Binx.
BinxB91: Jackie was a real tomato
BinxB91: Only 31 when JFK became president
DAISYTRAIL: She was only 31? Wow.
Vanda52: jackie was that much younger then jfk?
I2DaysInNovember: he was the youngest president ever
DAISYTRAIL: The cutest one, too.

Living in PatientOnion's World, Part I:

PatientOnion3: i just made the most delicious pork chop
broccoli dish
Catpower777: it's about time you showed up, PO
Catpower777: Wills was looking for you
PatientOnion3: bruce willis?
Catpower777: no, your biggest fan
PatientOnion3: bruce likes pork chops & broccoli?
Catpower777: he likes you less for your cooking and more for
your politics
PatientOnion3: That's cuz he never tasted my cooking
PatientOnion3: with all my views and $.25 you can't even buy
a newspaper, but my pork chops are the fastest way to a girl's
heart ... thru her tummy

Living in PatientOnion's World, Part II:

PatientOnion3: mr. tomato man!
BinxB91: you've confused me with someone else
PatientOnion3: you don't grow tomatoes?
PatientOnion3: cherry tomatoes?
BinxB91: I only grow hair
PatientOnion3: let me check
PatientOnion3: yes, it is you
PatientOnion3: no, you are right, it is fezziwhig,
i get you and him mixed up
BinxB91: HOW did you check?
BinxB91: You have a satellite pcture of my yard?
PatientOnion3: i get you and him mixed up, and gypsy & godwit
PatientOnion3: you and fezz both live in chicago
PatientOnion3: gypsy and godwit are both right wing freaks and live
in texas
BinxB91: I don't live in Chicago though I kind of like Peter Gabriel

Mistaken Identity:

Niontron3: people always give an accusing look to the whores
...but not to the person who opens the whore house
Swede da lo: right?
Doneyya: whorehouse/bar and grille
Swede da lo: whorehouse/bed and breakfast
Niontron3: people give accusing look to the poor people
...but not to the people who makes them poor
Swede da lo: oops rono i thought you were nag

Quest for fire:

Catpower777: I wanted to like baked cheetos,
but I just couldn't

Yes, Dogs too:

BIDET LIVES: i have a lot of routines in my life
BIDET LIVES: they're important to me, because i'm a busy woman
BIDET LIVES: once a week i put a peel off mask on my face
BIDET LIVES: cucumber and ginseng
BIDET LIVES: it goes on clear and peels off like skin
BIDET LIVES: after it dries, i call the young dog over and
rip my face right off in front of him
BIDET LIVES: it's really one of the funniest things i've ever
BIDET LIVES: i'm laughing again just thinking about it
BIDET LIVES: you should try it with your dog, allan
Vanda52: hmmm
HighTopVL: Everyone comes here to be told the minutia of
Bidet's life?
Vanda52: shes sadistic, high
HighTopVL: you like upsetting dogs?