Resistance is Fertile
Prime Time:
Winters Mourning: hello everyone, how are you
all tonight?
BinxB91: Winters, the mood is silly tonight
Swede da lo: it's prime time.
BinxB91: ... but intelligent silly
Doc Whew: thats a lie
BinxB91: meaning no fart jokes
Swede da lo: binx, pull my finger
Setting Standards:
Prospect26: for most women, appearance is right up
there. I would not want to date a toad.
Snap Out of It:
MsJillybeen9: russian history depresses me
Epatterson186044: why, you're not Russian
Poster Child for Universal Heath Coverage:
MsJillybeen9: Sweets, i broke out in hives last
night, so i went to beg for an allergy shot
With friends like you:
TRBfrom NC: Epat, listening to Bush give a speech is like
watching a drunk trying to cross an icy street
Epatterson186044: what would you say if you didn't like him
TRBfrom NC: you hope and pray he will make it but your
heart's in your mouth
Epatterson186044: with friends like you.....
Rememberance of Things Past:
MsJillybeen9: Sweets, how is the dog?
Sweet Disorder 2: Jilly...he is just fine...doing great.
Did you know I adopted a cat while I was living on
Long Island? They are GREAT friends.
MsJillybeen9: Sweets, what about the goose or duck you had?
Sweet Disorder 2: was a pigeon...had a broken
wing. well, a hawk swooped down...that was the end of
Mr. Pige. I wrote a story about him, though.
Ghosts of Christmas:
MsJillybeen9: i think we should have fireworks when it
snows, it'd be pretty
Beysshoes: jilly i like the snow scenes that look
like canada best
MsJillybeen9: i get christmas cards from jewish people
TBeysshoes: jilly, i had a party in maine with fireworks
on my frozen pond. didn't know fires could start under
those conditions
Who does your kid think he is?:
Catpower777: I was very gingerly telling my little one
about the events of 9/11on the way to school this a.m.
Catpower777: and she interrupted me and said, "Mom,
I KNOW about terrorists"
Epatterson186044: kids bring each other up
Fezziwhig: How does she know about terrorists?
Was she contacted by them? Is she aggravated about current
us policy? Did she refuse to pledge alleigance to the flag?
Just as he is now:
Fezziwhig: I once refused to pledge alleigance to the flag
MsJillybeen9: too lazy to stand up, Fezz?
Epatterson186044: we were not required to do that at six
Fezziwhig: They took me to the principal
Epatterson186044: or seven
Lucyuser: Why did you refuse?
Fezziwhig: he asked why
Fezziwhig: I said, "I just did that yesterday."
Fezziwhig: I was just like I am now
Niontron3: Hey, ted, not so normal person you
Epatterson186044: Fezz - wish I knew you when you were six
Her spelling/His typos
Cecilleej: i am sacred
Cecilleej: that salmonella thing
Cecilleej: not sacred but scared
Prime Time:
Winters Mourning: hello everyone, how are you
all tonight?
BinxB91: Winters, the mood is silly tonight
Swede da lo: it's prime time.
BinxB91: ... but intelligent silly
Doc Whew: thats a lie
BinxB91: meaning no fart jokes
Swede da lo: binx, pull my finger
Setting Standards:
Prospect26: for most women, appearance is right up
there. I would not want to date a toad.
Snap Out of It:
MsJillybeen9: russian history depresses me
Epatterson186044: why, you're not Russian
Poster Child for Universal Heath Coverage:
MsJillybeen9: Sweets, i broke out in hives last
night, so i went to beg for an allergy shot
With friends like you:
TRBfrom NC: Epat, listening to Bush give a speech is like
watching a drunk trying to cross an icy street
Epatterson186044: what would you say if you didn't like him
TRBfrom NC: you hope and pray he will make it but your
heart's in your mouth
Epatterson186044: with friends like you.....
Rememberance of Things Past:
MsJillybeen9: Sweets, how is the dog?
Sweet Disorder 2: Jilly...he is just fine...doing great.
Did you know I adopted a cat while I was living on
Long Island? They are GREAT friends.
MsJillybeen9: Sweets, what about the goose or duck you had?
Sweet Disorder 2: was a pigeon...had a broken
wing. well, a hawk swooped down...that was the end of
Mr. Pige. I wrote a story about him, though.
Ghosts of Christmas:
MsJillybeen9: i think we should have fireworks when it
snows, it'd be pretty
Beysshoes: jilly i like the snow scenes that look
like canada best
MsJillybeen9: i get christmas cards from jewish people
TBeysshoes: jilly, i had a party in maine with fireworks
on my frozen pond. didn't know fires could start under
those conditions
Who does your kid think he is?:
Catpower777: I was very gingerly telling my little one
about the events of 9/11on the way to school this a.m.
Catpower777: and she interrupted me and said, "Mom,
I KNOW about terrorists"
Epatterson186044: kids bring each other up
Fezziwhig: How does she know about terrorists?
Was she contacted by them? Is she aggravated about current
us policy? Did she refuse to pledge alleigance to the flag?
Just as he is now:
Fezziwhig: I once refused to pledge alleigance to the flag
MsJillybeen9: too lazy to stand up, Fezz?
Epatterson186044: we were not required to do that at six
Fezziwhig: They took me to the principal
Epatterson186044: or seven
Lucyuser: Why did you refuse?
Fezziwhig: he asked why
Fezziwhig: I said, "I just did that yesterday."
Fezziwhig: I was just like I am now
Niontron3: Hey, ted, not so normal person you
Epatterson186044: Fezz - wish I knew you when you were six
Her spelling/His typos
Cecilleej: i am sacred
Cecilleej: that salmonella thing
Cecilleej: not sacred but scared
Spawn doesn't pledge the flag. I just told him he does have to stand up, and keep quiet during the pledge. We never have any problems.
Back when I went to Catholic school, I used to get sent to the office EVERY DAY for refusing to say the Hail Mary. The principal kepting saying, "Is she being disruptive? As long as she stands and is quiet, leave her alone." But my damn homeroom teacher still sent me to talk to sister every day.
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