Animal Chat
Tragic End to a Strange Affair:
NAGUAL4A: Hey...theres this dead squirrel outside
NAGUAL4A: just off my patio
Fezziwhig: Lay off those drugs, Nag, it will ruin
ya in the end
NAGUAL4A: it might be this squirrel I have
been seeing
NAGUAL's attempts to move us beyond vapid tripe:
NAGUAL4A: its dead
Swede da lo: it might be nutty
Ta21l: it had two marks on it...did you put them there?
Fezziwhig: It may only be faking death to outwit you
NAGUAL4A: no..I only saw it from a distance alive
NAGUAL4A: and I couldnt tell what they were
Swede da lo: distance relationships never work out.
Fezziwhig: Unidentified Squirrels
NAGUAL4A: it seemed as if something had bit it perhaps
NAGUAL4A: but it was still alive
Fezziwhig: Is it an open case?
The Crocodile Guy and Maudlin Tripe:
Godwit935: How about that dead crocodile guy? He's dead,
out of the picture, forgotten already.
NAGUAL4A: did you see all the maudlin tripe about him
Ta21l: very sympathetic Godwit
NAGUAL4A: they propped his 8 yr old daughter up to read
the eulogy
Nomdujourxx: Now the a-holes are going out and killing
Mantas, what a crock that is
NAGUAL4A: yeah.....apparently australians loved that idiot
Fezziwhig: Godwit, I thought Australia was going to have
to breath into a giant paper bag over that guy
Godwit935: Fezzi, I felt bad about it, I liked that
crocodile guy.
Swede da lo: now that the chatroom is again breathing fine,
i'll finish up my vocab.
Fezziwhig: Am I the only one who thought he was an ass?
Swede da lo: no fezz, i thought he was an idiot
Godwit935: I think the crocodile guy was mentally ill,
in the way that makes people successful.
Fezziwhig: I didn't wish him dead but I'm not surprised
BinxB91: Was Mr Rogers mentally ill?
Godwit935: No, of course not, Binx.
Ta21l: do you have to ask Binx?
Nomdujourxx: Kinda like that scene in Apocolypse Now,
where the boat commander catches a spear through the thoeax
Godwit935: A spear!
Beysshoes: i thought he was the epitome of living fearlessly.
Nomdujourxx: exactly!!
Ta21l: why is that Godwit?
Godwit935: Because they are so publicly needy, it's pathetic, Ta.
Fezziwhig: Russel Crowe was shooting tears fifty feet over
the guy and so was Kevin Costner and some actress......
...they all got together wiping their eyes and nodding
Fezziwhig: I wonder if a movie might be in the works?
Godwit935: You have to feel sorry for these people.
BinxB91: There are many interesting Shelfers who never
come here anymore ... (sigh)
Swede da lo: yes binx
Swede da lo: they all died.
Godwit935: Of AIDS, no doubt.
Beysshoes: and there we have it. AIDS.
Ta21l: maybe they caught it from trassexuals...
Godwit935: They caught it from monkeys, Ta. Imagine that.
Swede da lo: damned monkeys
Fezziwhig: I could never live long enough to get to the
point where a monkey would be attractive
Beysshoes: i think a missive might be in order tonight.
off i go.
Godwit935: Fezzi, imagine the Original Pervert. Not just
homosexual, but doing it with a monkey.
Swede da lo: those baboons have shiney hineys
Fezziwhig: I can't
BinxB91: what if the monkey was a good conversationalist?
Fezziwhig: I mean I can't imagine the motivation
Swede da lo: then he'd be ishmael.
Swede da lo: could be all the hair.
Godwit935: The come-on look in the monkey's eye...
Swede da lo: the way they move their tales so slow.
Fezziwhig: Then, again, I look at some of the guy some
women are dating
Dissent1: Well, given a thousand monkeys randomly
making monkey's noses, one can be sure that in time,
they would reproduce the conversation here and now..
Godwit935: Including you, Dissent?
Ta21l: monkeys? what the hell did I miss?
Swede da lo: a monkey would never admit to being
the source of aids.
Fezziwhig: TA, you'd never have sex with Peter Tork,
would you?
Ta21l: who in their right mind would?
Swede da lo: uh oh, i think my pc screen isn't level
Godwit935: You mean, who in his right mind would.
Godwit935: Who doesn't have their. Who has his, or
hers, but not theirs.
Dissent1: Swede, well according to some, A monkey was
the source of our current trouble with AIDS
Fezziwhig: What do the creationists say. It seems
science credits monkeys with too much
Ta21l: I say, we start blaming cats
Swede da lo: cats gave people aids?
Dancing with Bears I
Dissent1: according to the wise, one should play dead
when confonted with a Bear. Does this really work?
Swede da lo: if you like being molested by a bear
Dancing with Bears II:
BinxB91: I read about a man who saved himself from an
angry bear by diving under the jeep he was working on.
Ta21l: not a bad idea really
BinxB91: And the bear shocked itself when trying to claw
at him from above the engine
Swede da lo: why was the bear angry?
Fezziwhig: the guy wasn't union
Dancing with Bears III:
Fezziwhig: I read about this photographer that couldn't
outrun a bear
Fezziwhig: he thought he was dead and decided to take a
last pic before he died
Ta21l: there was that movie "Grizzly Man" I think it
was called...
Ta21l: I think, I've never seen it
Fezziwhig: flash went off and the bear freaked and ran
BinxB91: yes, that's a documentary
BinxB91: wisely, they cut the last scene
Ta21l: after living with grizzlies, he decides to interact
with them and gets eaten
Swede da lo: nice
Swede da lo: guess he had bad body language
Ta21l: you could probably fine the ending on Faces of Death
whatever number they're on
Ta21l: find...geez...I'm having problems tonight
BinxB91: He successfully lived with the grizzlies for awhile
Ta21l: 2 months, wasn't it
BinxB91: The end came when he introduced his girl friend
BinxB91: really
BinxB91: she was killed too
Swede da lo: what did his girlfriend do?
Fezziwhig: "I don't like his GF. Let's kill them and eat them."
Fezziwhig: You bring a GF into a clique and you never know
how everyone will react
Swede da lo: guess it goes to show that you should never date
someone who lives with bears.
Ta21l: unless your Goldilocks
Binx earns brownie points:
BinxB91: Tonight we've discussed squrrels(dead),
dogs, monkeys, bears, owls, and now horses ...
Ta21l: thank you for not including women in that
catagory Binx...major brownie points....
Tragic End to a Strange Affair:
NAGUAL4A: Hey...theres this dead squirrel outside
NAGUAL4A: just off my patio
Fezziwhig: Lay off those drugs, Nag, it will ruin
ya in the end
NAGUAL4A: it might be this squirrel I have
been seeing
NAGUAL's attempts to move us beyond vapid tripe:
NAGUAL4A: its dead
Swede da lo: it might be nutty
Ta21l: it had two marks on it...did you put them there?
Fezziwhig: It may only be faking death to outwit you
NAGUAL4A: no..I only saw it from a distance alive
NAGUAL4A: and I couldnt tell what they were
Swede da lo: distance relationships never work out.
Fezziwhig: Unidentified Squirrels
NAGUAL4A: it seemed as if something had bit it perhaps
NAGUAL4A: but it was still alive
Fezziwhig: Is it an open case?
The Crocodile Guy and Maudlin Tripe:
Godwit935: How about that dead crocodile guy? He's dead,
out of the picture, forgotten already.
NAGUAL4A: did you see all the maudlin tripe about him
Ta21l: very sympathetic Godwit
NAGUAL4A: they propped his 8 yr old daughter up to read
the eulogy
Nomdujourxx: Now the a-holes are going out and killing
Mantas, what a crock that is
NAGUAL4A: yeah.....apparently australians loved that idiot
Fezziwhig: Godwit, I thought Australia was going to have
to breath into a giant paper bag over that guy
Godwit935: Fezzi, I felt bad about it, I liked that
crocodile guy.
Swede da lo: now that the chatroom is again breathing fine,
i'll finish up my vocab.
Fezziwhig: Am I the only one who thought he was an ass?
Swede da lo: no fezz, i thought he was an idiot
Godwit935: I think the crocodile guy was mentally ill,
in the way that makes people successful.
Fezziwhig: I didn't wish him dead but I'm not surprised
BinxB91: Was Mr Rogers mentally ill?
Godwit935: No, of course not, Binx.
Ta21l: do you have to ask Binx?
Nomdujourxx: Kinda like that scene in Apocolypse Now,
where the boat commander catches a spear through the thoeax
Godwit935: A spear!
Beysshoes: i thought he was the epitome of living fearlessly.
Nomdujourxx: exactly!!
Ta21l: why is that Godwit?
Godwit935: Because they are so publicly needy, it's pathetic, Ta.
Fezziwhig: Russel Crowe was shooting tears fifty feet over
the guy and so was Kevin Costner and some actress......
...they all got together wiping their eyes and nodding
Fezziwhig: I wonder if a movie might be in the works?
Godwit935: You have to feel sorry for these people.
BinxB91: There are many interesting Shelfers who never
come here anymore ... (sigh)
Swede da lo: yes binx
Swede da lo: they all died.
Godwit935: Of AIDS, no doubt.
Beysshoes: and there we have it. AIDS.
Ta21l: maybe they caught it from trassexuals...
Godwit935: They caught it from monkeys, Ta. Imagine that.
Swede da lo: damned monkeys
Fezziwhig: I could never live long enough to get to the
point where a monkey would be attractive
Beysshoes: i think a missive might be in order tonight.
off i go.
Godwit935: Fezzi, imagine the Original Pervert. Not just
homosexual, but doing it with a monkey.
Swede da lo: those baboons have shiney hineys
Fezziwhig: I can't
BinxB91: what if the monkey was a good conversationalist?
Fezziwhig: I mean I can't imagine the motivation
Swede da lo: then he'd be ishmael.
Swede da lo: could be all the hair.
Godwit935: The come-on look in the monkey's eye...
Swede da lo: the way they move their tales so slow.
Fezziwhig: Then, again, I look at some of the guy some
women are dating
Dissent1: Well, given a thousand monkeys randomly
making monkey's noses, one can be sure that in time,
they would reproduce the conversation here and now..
Godwit935: Including you, Dissent?
Ta21l: monkeys? what the hell did I miss?
Swede da lo: a monkey would never admit to being
the source of aids.
Fezziwhig: TA, you'd never have sex with Peter Tork,
would you?
Ta21l: who in their right mind would?
Swede da lo: uh oh, i think my pc screen isn't level
Godwit935: You mean, who in his right mind would.
Godwit935: Who doesn't have their. Who has his, or
hers, but not theirs.
Dissent1: Swede, well according to some, A monkey was
the source of our current trouble with AIDS
Fezziwhig: What do the creationists say. It seems
science credits monkeys with too much
Ta21l: I say, we start blaming cats
Swede da lo: cats gave people aids?
Dancing with Bears I
Dissent1: according to the wise, one should play dead
when confonted with a Bear. Does this really work?
Swede da lo: if you like being molested by a bear
Dancing with Bears II:
BinxB91: I read about a man who saved himself from an
angry bear by diving under the jeep he was working on.
Ta21l: not a bad idea really
BinxB91: And the bear shocked itself when trying to claw
at him from above the engine
Swede da lo: why was the bear angry?
Fezziwhig: the guy wasn't union
Dancing with Bears III:
Fezziwhig: I read about this photographer that couldn't
outrun a bear
Fezziwhig: he thought he was dead and decided to take a
last pic before he died
Ta21l: there was that movie "Grizzly Man" I think it
was called...
Ta21l: I think, I've never seen it
Fezziwhig: flash went off and the bear freaked and ran
BinxB91: yes, that's a documentary
BinxB91: wisely, they cut the last scene
Ta21l: after living with grizzlies, he decides to interact
with them and gets eaten
Swede da lo: nice
Swede da lo: guess he had bad body language
Ta21l: you could probably fine the ending on Faces of Death
whatever number they're on
Ta21l: find...geez...I'm having problems tonight
BinxB91: He successfully lived with the grizzlies for awhile
Ta21l: 2 months, wasn't it
BinxB91: The end came when he introduced his girl friend
BinxB91: really
BinxB91: she was killed too
Swede da lo: what did his girlfriend do?
Fezziwhig: "I don't like his GF. Let's kill them and eat them."
Fezziwhig: You bring a GF into a clique and you never know
how everyone will react
Swede da lo: guess it goes to show that you should never date
someone who lives with bears.
Ta21l: unless your Goldilocks
Binx earns brownie points:
BinxB91: Tonight we've discussed squrrels(dead),
dogs, monkeys, bears, owls, and now horses ...
Ta21l: thank you for not including women in that
catagory Binx...major brownie points....
Whats His Name subjected me to watching that Grizzley documentary. That nut job lived with the bears for 13 summers before getting eatten.
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