Katy Tried

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Pre-existing Conditions/Does Your bf Know?/
Red Boots/Gnostic Trepidism/

Scary Throwbacks:
Tom Brite: parades always bother me
DoomGrl: i hate parades they are scary
DoomGrl: especially when they have bag pipes in them
Tom Brite: like arent they a throw-back to a simpler time

Everybody Has One:
DoomGrl: I am in my french realist phase

Art Discussion:
BobsurAuntTom: Sure, you can sell a shitload of Monet prints.
BobsurAuntTom: Money cups
BobsurAuntTom: Money posters.
BobsurAuntTom: I don't even know what his shit is like.
BobsurAuntTom: See... I can't take that seriously.
BobsurAuntTom: So, I can't discuss him.
KissMyAsterix: it's actually not bad, it's interesting how they
play with the lighting in his galleries
DoomGrl: is "sh*tload" a measure of art prints?

And His Mom Was the Best White Cheerleader in Detroit:
PatientOnionSF: i was the best pre-microsoft secretary in san francisco

Gina's Good Idea:
PatientOnionSF: i was a marine sniper in nam
BinxB91: You're too young to have been in nam
KissMyAsterix: he was
KissMyAsterix: but we could send him now

Pre-existing Condition:
PatientOnionSF: breasts are a pre-existing condition, so insurance
companies will no longer cover breast cancer

raven of rapha: the meaning is not my intention

Strip Poetry:
BlackHeartedCur: is this the poetry reading?
KissMyAsterix: you're just in time cur
KissMyAsterix: you're on
PatientOnionSF: cur, we are playing strip poetry
PatientOnionSF: if we don't like your poem, you have to take
something off
PatientOnionSF: jam is totally naked

That's so raven:
raven of rapha: studies the nice panty lines
raven of rapha: aw see: pissed you off
raven of rapha: you must hurt me
raven of rapha: this is my diagnosis
raven of rapha: I want to die in my lover's arms.
Hadachoke: i want you to die too, raven

What Melo Suspects:
Melodramamama22: we were supposed to go see the cult tonight,
and it got sold out, and i bailed
Melodramamama22: so i could sit home in my jammies and knit
PatientOnionSF: does your bf know you are a knitter?
Melodramamama22: yes
PatientOnionSF: does he brag to his buddies that you knit?
Melodramamama22: onion, naw, he just tells 'em he's got a hot gf
who's good with her hands
Melodramamama22: (i don't know this for a fact, that he says this,
but i suspect it)

What If DoomGrl Was One of Us?
Angelcutie12189: lol
BinxB91: oh DoomGrl!! I thought AngelCutie was DoomGrl under a
new screen name
DoomGrl: no, I'm still me
Angelcutie12189: lol
DoomGrl: why did you think that?
PatientOnionSF: Binky is obsessed with you that's why
BinxB91: I was being silly, DoomGrl, I think Angel is a bot
Angelcutie12189: lol
PatientOnionSF: he caught the doom virus from Alan
DoomGrl: does she say anything other than lol?
PatientOnionSF: she says her url too
DoomGrl: lol
PatientOnionSF: but you have to say pretty please and give her
your credit card number
Angelcutie12189: lol
DoomGrl: lol

Onion Accepts Compliments:
DoomGrl: Onion, I liked that picture on alans blog. its nice
PatientOnionSF: the photo of you?
DoomGrl: no, of YOU
PatientOnionSF: oh, thank you cupcake

Look Who's Stalking:
KimberlysCabin09: is stan hiding in here?
KimberlysCabin09: im kind of tired and dont feel like working too
hard to stalk him tonight

Who Knew:
Anais3233: yes, mama needs to go birdwatching in washington

Christmas Season 2009:
PatientOnionSF: i went to goodwill, they had FOUR bread machines,
more bad xmas presents

Humility Points:
FutureDetritus: it's also sacred, a rare thing, to admit to not

Look at the Bright Side Alan:
Alansueton: Kg it does mass shottings war incivility a mjority
of the world living under the poverty level words can't feed them
Alansueton: Kg and to declare war swindle people use mass
propaganda to prop a war machine
Kgbirdpaul: alan, still , it is better now than it was 1000 years ago

More of DoomGrl's Closet:
DoomGrl: i have books in my closet too, and that picture of
albert einstein sticking his tongue out

Let's Dialogue:
KimberlysCabin09: i doubt anyone else smells so vanillaoee yummy as me
PatientOnionSF: i made my meatball mix too thin, so i am adding
dry things like oatmeal and a toasted/ground corn tortilla
FutureDetritus: linksys unstable

Onion Speechless:
KimberlysCabin09: parsley is a good ingredient, people dont know
the benefits of it

Strange But True:
PatientOnionSF: blt, binky and myself were all born in the same
5 mile radius of the detroit suburbs

True Confessions:
Steve Iz Here 0: I never thought Mel Gibson was that good looking.

Jam's School:
Jam7604801: i remember all the girls at school talking about
mel gibsons butt in lethal weapon

Like Your Brain:
Steve Iz Here 0: Bravehart sucked
Jam7604801: how can brave heart suck it was based on a true story
Steve Iz Here 0: it was based loosely

Empress's Closet:
EmpressZ21: my sister is so full of shit she smokes but she
is a closet smoker she goes to this church too

Melo's Church:
Melodramamama22: everybody what goes to church has naughty habits,
i'm convinced
Melodramamama22: when i lived in bubbaville, we went to church and
i'd laugh cause i could see people in there i'd seen the night before
Melodramamama22: snarfing up somebody else's wife cause she had on
red boots
Melodramamama22: red boots are the sign that somebody else's wife
is hotter than your own
EmpressZ21: i need some red boots

Tom Brite: sick of the bullshit by all the bullshitters: accountants,
lawyers, real estate brokers, government creeps, title asswipes,
all of it
PatientOnionSF: tom, are you about to go postal? is there a
military base nearby?
Tom Brite: these people have no limits
EmpressZ21: what happened
Tom Brite: sale didnt close but i got huge bills from everyone
Bgrant444: Tom, welcome to America
EmpressZ21: why didnt it close
PatientOnionSF: cuz of the dead body stench?
PatientOnionSF: where are they buried?
PatientOnionSF: basement?
PatientOnionSF: attic?

The New Miss Manners:
BlackHeartedCur: Is it wrong for me to flirt with the girl at Starbucks?
DoomGrl: you can flirt with whomever you care too, as far as I
am concerned

What If BookSlut Talked Back?
MiriamsDance: so clearly no dostoevsky fans
Bgrant444: Miriam, the best part of that is the dream where the
grand inquisitor visits Christ in his jail cell
MiriamsDance: oh yes
MiriamsDance: that's a great part
Bgrant444: Miriam, yes, especially where Christ slinks off never
to be heard from again
Hadachoke: how about where the drunken cart driver beats his horse
to death? That wqas sentimental
MiriamsDance: oh yeah
Melodramamama22: i'm reading a load of obscure but brilliant writers
that none of you have ever head of
Melodramamama22: so there
MiriamsDance: that part was pretty bad
Bgrant444: Hada, PETA is still protesting

Tsunami Base:
Catpower777: Bey was oblivious of the tsunami yesterday
Alansueton: that's what I say before I ejaculate "Here comes the Tsunami!"
Beysshoes: omg. ew ew ew
Catpower777: oh, thanks for sharing, Para
Alansueton: just kidding and I apologize to anyone who has lost
family or friends to a Tsunami

[... the two viewers are long gone, the television muted, Candace up
and astride Russell, bobbing herself to a pulse they find together,
Russell her fuse beneath her. They end up shattered, crumpled into
each other, a double collapse, both grateful to be back here, after
so long away.
Then they're in her bed. The second time is slow. They turn each
other all ways, tasting, playing, giving over --- all either of them
ever wanted. Whatever the first reason, there's no other point than
to fit togather. It takes all his will not to tell her he loves her,
over and over. And he would, if words weren't as hindering as fur on
fish. But this what he thinks, curled up safely into her amazing
back, plummeting into sleep: Thank you. Thank you for raising me
from the dead.

Veteran's Day Blues:
Beysshoes: so fubar, were you in 'nam?
Fubar817: for a couple of months, Bey
Beysshoes: (what happed? 2 months?)
Fubar817: TDY
Beysshoes: ted offense? just before?
Fubar817: Temporary Duty
Beysshoes: oic
Beysshoes: thank you for serving fubar
Fubar817: no, I was just a Sgt
Beysshoes: may i ask what you do on veterans day please?
Fubar817: Not much
Beysshoes: i hope you have somebody to tend to you fubar.
Fubar817: but then I don't do too much on any day

Giving Beys the News:
KissMyAsterix: hey beys, how was the tidal wave?
Beysshoes: was it here kissy?
Beysshoes: cat won't tell me if it came yet
Catpower777: Bey didn't even realize she got tsunamied
KissMyAsterix: oh you're floating away right now beys
Beysshoes: we really got hit cat?
KissMyAsterix: can't you tell?
KissMyAsterix: hope you can fish
Beysshoes: trynna send me over to ms vicky kiss? how rude
KissMyAsterix: not at all
Catpower777: there actually were some scary warning earlier in
the day yesterday, Bey
Catpower777: but they downgraded them
KissMyAsterix: I just knew you wanted a world cruise

Rider Pierced
Roldda: anyone ever heard of susan fast?
PaIeRlDER2: susan fast?
PaIeRlDER2: yeah i did her slow once
Roldda: well that must be why shes a lesbian now

Funeral Food:
EmpressZ21: a funeral we went to today beys
Beysshoes: ah funeral food is supposed to be the best yes?
EmpressZ21: it wasnt
Beysshoes: it wasn't? that is poor manners empy. or cheapness
EmpressZ21: lack of money i think
PatientOnionSF: you don't need a lot of money to make something delicious
EmpressZ21: well the family wasn't exactly cooking
PatientOnionSF: somebody could have cooked for the family
EmpressZ21: very impersonal funeral

Imagine There's No Onion:
I2DaysInNovember: OnionHead took 4 dollars out of the Shelf cookie
jar to go to Chinatown to buy some stinky tofu

The Old Urinary Tract:
Melodramamama22: that's okay tho, the old urinary tract is in good shape!
Beysshoes: mama, dunt lie. you had chlamydia last week
Melodramamama22: i cured it with jagermeister
BlackHeartedCur: yo. ho. ho.
Melodramamama22: beys, he's callin ya
Boulshevit: Mels!
Beysshoes: stop it mama. you know i'm fake engaged.
Melodramamama22: you are??
BlackHeartedCur: that's ok i'm real married
Melodramamama22: who's your fake almost husband?
Beysshoes: well, binky. but i think we broke the fake engage.
still, i have hope. its the age of obama. yes we can. loL
Melodramamama22: so you're going to be beysbinx?
Hadachoke: beysB91
Beysshoes: lol nope binkysbeybey
BlackHeartedCur: What?? I thought Binx was gay?
Beysshoes: binx is flexible blackcurd. as onions says
Melodramamama22: is he bendy too?
Beysshoes: yep
BlackHeartedCur: flexible = gay?

Should Have Said Fruit?:
Boulshevit: Now now, the fag's not here to defend himself!
Beysshoes: boulsy i cannot believe you said fag

Popcorn Piglets:
Melodramamama22: the piglets are cute, when you put a load of them
into a tiny piglet pen, they pop up in the air like popcorn
DoomGrl: baby pigs are cute
Tammynet: trying to imagine a state fair in October in Seattle....
it would be a fairgrounds full of umbrellas and no one on the fairways
Boulshevit: How do you have a fair without popcorn piglets?
Melodramamama22: it just wouldn't be a fair
Melodramamama22: popcorn piglets and footlong pigdogs

Elephany Ears:
Tammynet: elephant ears!
Boulshevit: Tammy, how did you know my high school nick name?
Tammynet: lol
Tammynet: wasn't that elephant nose?
Tammynet: (just kidding)
DoomGrl: do elephants have noses?
Boulshevit: No, actually it was, nevermind, lol
DoomGrl: there was this kid in 10th grade that would inside out
his pockets and then say do you want to see the elephants nose?

Violent but Stupid:
ManiacEyeball: where the wild things are sucked
ManiacEyeball: a lot
ManiacEyeball: horrible
Anais3233: i've never laughed harder at a movie then I did at the hangover.
ManiacEyeball: it's violent in a really unattractive way
Anais3233: i'll never be the same after seeing that movie. omg.
i . cant. stand. how. funny. that. movie. is...
Anais3233: violent in where the wild things are?
Anais3233: huh i didn't know
ManiacEyeball: it wasnt marketed towards a childrens audience for
a reason
ManiacEyeball: i dont mind violent but it was pretty stupid anyway
Anais3233: i wanted to take my kid to that but everyone was like DON"T
Anais3233: actually the baby and i watched big trouble in little china
last night
Anais3233: now he wants to be a ninja

EmpressZ21: my stepwhore made the fairy tale moms look like June Cleaver
Bgrant444: Empress, don't beat around the bush

Dem Columns:
Gleam1946: The Dem fifth column within the Obama administration is going
to be the subject of "ethnic cleansing"

Empress Analysis:
DGBALTIMORE: somepeople are incapable of staying married to anyone
DGBALTIMORE: due to an internal psychological struggle based in
childhood trauma
EmpressZ21: or they're just assholes

LadyQ's Cat:
BinxB91: Q, I'm sorry about your cat then
LadyQuasi: Thanks, Binx.
LadyQuasi: That's considerate of you...to mourn the imaginary cat.
LadyQuasi: His death was traumatic.
DoomGrl: maybe it was imaginary sympathy
LadyQuasi: in an imaginary sort of way
BinxB91: I can cry at Hallmark card commercials
LadyQuasi: ::hands Binx tissue::
Beysshoes: binx the tissue is for your eye tears
BinxB91: I once dated a woman who cried at the first 4 movies we
saw together

Lesbians For 800, Alex:
DoomGrl: wasn't anne heche ellens girl friend?
Beysshoes: yes dooms
DoomGrl: what ever happened to that?
Beysshoes: heche is a borderline
BinxB91: true about Anne Heche. Select the next category
Beysshoes: she humiliated ellen. but ellen upgraded to porsha anyway
BinxB91: It puts the lotion in the basket
Hadachoke: jeezuz, is heche gay

What Are You Wearing BookSlut?:
erstwhile mots: I'm wearing an old Raiders sweatshirt that I cut
above my navel.
PatientOnionSF: mots, cut it higher por favor
erstwhile mots: Laugh.
erstwhile mots: You should see me - I look so cute.
PatientOnionSF: cut it higher, and use the cut stuff as a headband

Remembering CreepyLoner:
DoomGrl: i liked how creepy always inserted her actions
Hadachoke: [frowns]
PatientOnionSF: action insertion?
DoomGrl: exactly Hada
Beysshoes: [perching on ledge and lighting a fag]
Hadachoke: lol
BinxB91: [wiggles eye brows]
DoomGrl: (scratching a**)
BinxB91: [flops back down]
Beysshoes: oooh lala
Hadachoke: [wipes ass ]
Beysshoes: ew ew EW

Ok, but who's gonna eat it?:
PatientOnionSF: tonight i will experiment with pumpernickel
loaded with dried cherries, cranberries & walnuts
PatientOnionSF: old loaves are great for bread crumbs

BookSlut Back Lash:
erstwhile mots: I made zucchini nut pound cake yesterday.
BinxB91: BookSlut can cook? who knew?
erstwhile mots: I made it for my mother and I.
PatientOnionSF: binky, it's called baking
PatientOnionSF: you don't cook bread
erstwhile mots: Oh, I can cook.
BinxB91: what's your mother like?
erstwhile mots: Binx. Unavailable - to you.
Tom Brite: only indians cook bread
BinxB91: B'slut, trying answering straight
Beysshoes: binx is strong and handsome mots.
erstwhile mots: Beysshoes. Really? Cause I see him as this
guy suffering from Gnostic trepidism.
Beysshoes: what is gnostic trepidism?
DoomGrl: a gnostic
BinxB91: oh man, double word score
erstwhile mots: Lol, Doom. Shhh.
DoomGrl: ag nostic
Beysshoes: oh. yeah mebbe that too. but he's a marathon runner.
so its okay
BinxB91: oh oh, Bookslut make a fox paw??
erstwhile mots: Faux pas.

DoomGrl: is trepidism that thing where they drill a whole in your head

Folk Songs:
Tom Brite: autistic savants are the coolest
Hyperion x3: FCC won't let me be or let me be...
Hyperion x3: so it feels empty
Beysshoes: tommy boy, just about everybody's cooler than you hon.
Hyperion x3: everybody just follow me
Tom Brite: boxcar counters
Hyperion x3: 'cause we need a little controversy

Hunter Thompson and Patient Onion:
BlackHeartedCur: I had a drink at the Woody Creek Tavern when
thompson was alive, but I picked the one night he wasn't there
Melodramamama22: well yes, that goes without saying
BlackHeartedCur: Patient Onion was there, however, and he was
bombed out of his skull
DoomGrl: did he come across as a bon vivant? (whats a bon vivant?)
BlackHeartedCur: Patient Onion? No.
Catpower777: no, I think he's a serious person, Doom
Catpower777: thoughtful
BlackHeartedCur: He came across as a neurotic, food-obsessed
san franciscan
BlackHeartedCur: with anger management issues

Food Fights:
HollyGoI23: Onion, I made cauliflower graten
PatientOnionSF: what kind of cheese did you use?
HollyGoI23: guerreare & chedder and parm
PatientOnionSF: sharp?
HollyGoI23: extra
DoomGrl: do you think cheese is good for you?
PatientOnionSF: was the date stinkier than aged provolone?
HollyGoI23: I think it's ok if you don't have a meat course
PatientOnionSF: that is the stinkiest cheese i have ever used

Remembering CreepyLoner II:
Fubar817: Where is Creepy when we need her?
DoomGrl: lol
BinxB91: [cuts thigh]
DoomGrl: BINX!
BinxB91: sorry sorry
BinxB91: Doom keeping us in line
Beysshoes: binx you are mean
DoomGrl: Creepy was fun

BinxB91: (sigh)
LadyQuasi: ::ties tourniquet around Binx's thigh::
BinxB91: yes, I liked Creepy
LadyQuasi: Anything to get someone to touch your thigh, huh?
Fubar817: ---cuts off circulation & foot falls off
Beysshoes: ladyq you are doing the wrong appendage there
BinxB91: even if she never smiled
LadyQuasi: Hahaha
Beysshoes: get offa my boo
PatientOnionSF: cur is eating dinner with his hot wife
Beysshoes: fubar are you iranian?
PatientOnionSF: Elvarina
Fubar817: No, but I've been there
Beysshoes: did you love it fubar?
LadyQuasi: I just saw a promo for Nightmare on Elm Street
and wondered...how does Freddy Krueger(sp?) wipe his butt?
LadyQuasi: That would be painful.
DoomGrl: fubar is almost rabbit spelled back wards
Fubar817: Yes, nice country, say about 40 yrs ago
Beysshoes: ladyq that was crass. ahem
LadyQuasi: Crass? I used no curse words.

BinxB91: fubar? fucked up beyond any repair? Not a very
optimistic screen name
Beysshoes: oh is that what that is?
Fubar817: all recognition, but close enough

Cyber Me:
BinxB91: If you have to cyber, insert a few of the lines here
BinxB91: For example, "touches cheek"
Beysshoes: BINX!
BinxB91: "moaning
BinxB91: "moaning"
LadyQuasi: Damn...out of batteries.
Beysshoes: hahaha
LadyQuasi: Like that, Binx?

Who Do You Miss:
Beysshoes: what happed to creeps anyway? does anybody know?
DoomGrl: bookie adored creepy
Fubar817: She ran off with Arais
Fubar817: Anais
HollyGoI23: anais...that name is familiar
DoomGrl: unless they were fighting
DoomGrl: i doubt she would run off with Anais
Beysshoes: i miss at.
DoomGrl: i miss leslie haplabap and Oolijay the most
Beysshoes: where did oojie go?
Fubar817: Ooooly was a lot of fun
DoomGrl: i should have given her my address so she could send me
the darn socks
BinxB91: ooolijay is having an affair, I think
Fubar817: With her parrot

It's Mourning in America:
HollyGoI23: all great societies fall. It's the States turn
DoomGrl: isnt the world supposed to end in 2012, anyways
PatientOnionSF: we closed down thousands of factories and set
up a bunch of casinos to make bets on the price of oil and
toxic mortgages
BinxB91: Gee Holly, you're a ray of sunshine
Fubar817: Ah, finally, it's Clinton's fault
DoomGrl: the number of India's honor students is more than all
the students in the USA
Beysshoes: rome fell because they lost the middle classes. just like
we did
PatientOnionSF: the hillbillies just care about their guns
BinxB91: Holly, I was worried in 1974 too
DoomGrl: I agree it may be the beginning of the decline and fall of
the american empire
PatientOnionSF: doom, it's closer to the end than the beginning

Vonnegut Night:
BinxB91: Fubar, name a beloved book
Fubar817: Breakfast of Champions
BinxB91: oh good!!! and long is your cock??? DON'T ANSWER THAT
Beysshoes: binky?
Fubar817: Not So Wild A Dream (Severeid)
Beysshoes: lots of stuff is wrong. binx what in the world?
BinxB91: Beys, it's in Breakfest of Champions. Vonnegut describes
each male character's cock as soon as they appear in the book

"it's a cruel to role play":
PatientOnionSF: macs were designed for the intellectually challenged,
e.g., point and click instead of typing the command
PatientOnionSF: for some reason they like to think that makes them
Beysshoes: cat has a mac homer
PatientOnionSF: cuz she teaches the pre-literate
Hadachoke: what's a mac homer?
Beysshoes: macs are for artists onoins
Beysshoes: macintosh and onions bobby
Hadachoke: JOKING
Beysshoes: pipples are pretty stoopid in here bobby.
its cruel to role play a fucktard.

Too boring to be gay:
Tom Brite: glenn beck had a nice edgar allen poe reading today
PatientOnionSF: glenn heck is my favorite homosexual right wing crackpot
Beysshoes: he's not gay. he's too boring to be gay. sheesh

Unclear on the Concept:
PatientOnionSF: all the fancy artisan breads here are made from
white flour, not very sophisticated
PatientOnionSF: bolshevik, you getting ready for winter?
PatientOnionSF: you got lots of corn and taters in the cellar?
Beysshoes: onions, they came out with a wheat grain fudge now.
PatientOnionSF: bey, you live on a rock
Beysshoes: oh you knew this already?

Heywud, he knew you'd be watching:
Heywud U: good lord is the ole onion ever not here??? came in the
other nite and he was the only one here argueing with hisself

In Tom's Orbit:
Tom Brite: Are you a conservative, Bessy?
Beysshoes: tom? why do you call me bessy?
KissMyAsterix: tom's a libertarian beys
Tom Brite: I feel close to you Bessy.
Beysshoes: tom. you're big. you're close to everybody.
KissMyAsterix: in a planetary way, he's got gravitational pull beys?

Getting Right With God:
Catpower777: time to get right with god, Bey?
Beysshoes: cat! did you lie when you told me there wasn't a god?
or heaven?
Catpower777: I am one of those people who admit to not knowing, Bey
Beysshoes: cat. you laffed at me. for talking about heaven. !!!
Catpower777: I didn't laugh at you
Beysshoes: you did so!
KissMyAsterix: scoffed?
Catpower777: no, I wouldn't do that
Beysshoes: sneered.
KissMyAsterix: chortled?
KissMyAsterix: she coughed beys
KissMyAsterix: she's under the weather
KissMyAsterix: coughed and scoffed
Beysshoes: nope kiss. she laffed
Catpower777: Bey, if you thought i was laughing at you, it was
because I thought you were kidding
Catpower777: I wouldn't laugh at someone's religious beliefs
Beysshoes: cat told me heaven was like the easter bunny. it traumatized me.
Catpower777: unless they're Mormon
KissMyAsterix: it's hopping away and smells like rotten eggs?
Catpower777: oh did I invoke the Easter bunny?
Beysshoes: yes kitkat you did. kissy is horridly worse tho.
KissMyAsterix: well I did have different afterlife plans beys
KissMyAsterix: but if there's chocolate involved, I can take a detour
Beysshoes: what different plans.
Beysshoes: there's a choice?
Catpower777: she's realistic, Bey...she knows the bus is idling for her
KissMyAsterix: well if there's a heaven, there's a hell
KissMyAsterix: I'm packing lite

Child Actor:
SSingActress: Thanks, I did Courtship of Eddie's Father there as a
Guest Star
SSingActress: 88 lines were mine, Raven, it was about my character.
SSingActress: i played a kid from the ghetto.
Hadachoke: Millionaire Singdog

How Do You Act?:
BinxB91: Were you REALLY a kid from the ghetto?
SSingActress: Not at all. Quite the opposite.
SSingActress: I sure did a good job playing one, though.
BinxB91: So how did you "act"?
SSingActress: I just 'played' my sister Cindy, the fat pig. With a
chip on her shoulder.

People With Live Libidos:
EDruezillaB: i think a wedding kiss should be sort of a make out,
not just a kiss
BlackHeartedCur: Especially if its a lesbian couple. Lets face it,
thats hot.

Jam7604801: getting ready to start the book Dandeilion Wine by
Ray Bradbury anyone ever read it?

Tom Terrific:
Tom Brite: Like now that youre hitched its ok finally to kiss and
everyone claps
Tom Brite: and everyone know in reality they fucked on the first date
Hadachoke: tom is a slut
Tom Brite: where white, be all giggly, pretend to be a virgin for the crowd
BinxB91: Tom, I hope you never have daughters
BlackHeartedCur: Or even cats

Tom and Erma:
KissMyAsterix: Tom, you're a little combative, did erma hide the metamucil
BinxB91: Tom, is your wife sweet?
Tom Brite: no binkx why
BlackHeartedCur: Probably Binx. She's inflatable, after all
Tom Brite: and what is mtamaxul
Hadachoke: poop meds tom
KissMyAsterix: are you drinking tom
BinxB91: I just wonder what kind of couple you are
Tom Brite: we are like every couple. we hate each other
BlackHeartedCur: Can't imagine why ....

Why KatyTried Often Sucks:
DoomGrl: yes, before you came in
DoomGrl: i was hilarious

Friday, November 06, 2009

DoomGrl Out of the Closet

Oh Boy!!:
VioletDeliriums: i cant wait to see what the onion does

Well-Adjusted Daughter:
HollyGoI23: my father once told me to go out and fuck because
that was how to make friends.
mourning bread: Did you take his advice.
HollyGoI23: no I shot him
HollyGoI23: in my mind

No Room For Skeltons:
DoomGrl: my dad has almost 2000 record albums stored in the
hall closet

Out-of-Context Blues:


Toujourspc: it is so odd how something mundane like a bubble
blower or a sewing machine can make you filthy filthy rich

raven of rapha: When I was young my father wroked for the government.

W4p25m25: i still think they'll have football on Mars someday

Gleam1946: Are we not Devo?

Hey, I'm there!:
niontron8: a soft violin song, played live:niontron.com/onekrat.mp3

Goes right to his head:
Melodramamama22: damn. i lol'd alan

Doesn't Work With "Vero":
Melodramamama22: i like it when people say "boca" all nonchalantly

But 'ha ha ha':
quiet scientist: i don't mean to laugh at arthritis or anything

Would you like them on a train, or in the rain?:
ManiacEyeball: i hate 'jokes', i prefer spontaneous humor

Who Loves Ya Baby?:
Melodramamama22: binx, i went to see paranormal activity at the weekend
BlackHeartedCur: I would respond to that, because I'm interested in
that movie, but the comment was directed only at Binx
Melodramamama22: oh.
BlackHeartedCur: So I'll just sit here and drum my fingers on the table
Melodramamama22: cur, i went to see paranormal activity at the weekend.
BlackHeartedCur: Oh, really? How was it?
Melodramamama22: skeery!

Melodramamama22: i was skeert. i asked this, approx 43 times:
NOW what are they doing?
Melodramamama22: cause i didn't watch a lot of it
BlackHeartedCur: You must have been annoying to watch the movie with
Melodramamama22: yes, hugely annoying
Melodramamama22: but i'm worth it
Melodramamama22: i watched none of the end, and everyone was still
gasping and i was hollering HOW DID IT END?!

What else is scary?:
Melodramamama22: actually i like baseball, but i don't like to watch
it alone

Dance Discussion:
Alansueton: of course not Maniac you should do "The Petulant Child"
ballet and free style your inability to convey your secret to us
ManiacEyeball: i didn't say free style.
ManiacEyeball: you're retarded.
ManiacEyeball: you don't know anything about dance, apparently
BlackHeartedCur: When people decided to break out of the rules of
ballet, it became another kind of dance

Snob Baiting:
ManiacEyeball: arguing about ballet, when you probably couldn't
even describe what a brise-vole is.
Melodramamama22: brise vole sounds like some pickled rodent meat
DoomGrl: its like dancing about architcture
ManiacEyeball: i know, its missing the accent
Toujourspc: brise vole sounds like a jewish rat
Alansueton: brise marine Sea Breeze brise is a breeze wind

What Are You Wearing:
BlackHeartedCur: Jeans and a t-shirt

So Is Brokeback Mountain but ...:
DoomGrl: tits up in a ditch is an annie proulx story

Cue Cards:
Toujourspc: Patient writes for Dave Letterman
PatientOnionSF: i pick out the interns too
Melodramamama22: did he write the part when letterman said "oh fuck"

Uncertain Geography:
Toujourspc: I never realized Wisconsin was so close to Pa until I
got a map for my grand daughter

Beginning the CreepyLoner Quest:
DoomGrl: whats that nice city in Ohio?

Sex With Jeff:
quiet scientist: my roommate is having sex and yelling "nick!"
quiet scientist: this is awkward

Bubble Burster:
raven of rapha: My father is the remote for Howard H.
raven of rapha: At one time the wealthiest man in the world.
raven of rapha: He designed the Cia.
quiet scientist: then he spent a month peeing in jars
quiet scientist: what's the moral of that story?

Halloween Dreams:
DoomGrl: qui, what are you going to be for Halloween
quiet scientist: i don't know yet
PatientOnionSF: what were you last year?
DoomGrl: Howard Hughes?
PatientOnionSF: a scientist again?
quiet scientist: but a lady came to our door yesterday asking me
to sign a petition to ban trick or treating at our apartments
quiet scientist: last year i was an angel
quiet scientist: boring i know

[He stood at the table, looking down at the handkerchief case
and stud box, and was afraid. Upstairs was a girl who was a
person. That he loved her seemed unimportant to what she was.
He only loved her, which really made him a lot less than a
friend or an acquaintance. Other people saw her or talked to
her when she was herself, her great, important self. It was
wrong, this idea that you know someone better because you have
shared a bed and a bathroom with her. He knew, and not another
human being knew, that she cried "I" or "high" in moments of
great ecstasy. He knew, he alone knew her when she let herself
go, when she herself was not sure whether she was wildly gay or
wildly sad, but one or the other. But that did not mean that he
knew her. Far from it. It only meant that he was closer to her
when he was close, but (and this was the first time the thought
had come to him) maybe farther away from anyone else when he was
not close. It certainly looked that way now. "Oh, I'm a son of
a bitch," he said.]

DoomGrl Undercover:

DoomGrl: I feel funny with such a big font. wait a minute

DoomGrl: baby can you blow my heart upmaybe i will be Lady Gaga

DoomGrl: I bought 4 coloring books today

DoomGrl: i am drinks beer

DoomGrl: in my tanks top and jean

BookSlut Just Back From Writing Seminar:
erstwhile mots: Gawd, the Redskins suck almost as bad as the Psycho
remake with Anne Heche.

Scandavian Syndromes:
HollyGoI23: isn't there a psychosis that enables you to fall for
your rescuer? like that kidnapping thing...
Catpower777: like the Stockholm Syndrome?
Hadachoke: Copenhagen Syndrome?
Catpower777: Holly, I think with men it's called horny?

The Answer Man:
Gleam1946: Are you at all cognizant? Is the tail now wagging the dog?

Gleam1946: Obama is a nice guy who just fell in with a real
nefarious crowd

Stream of Consciousness:
HollyGoI23: I have a hard time with some older films
HollyGoI23: ohh and smell good too

Stop listening to AM radio?:
Gleam1946: When the aliens get here and tell us we are all
sub-human what will the liberals say?

Onion Says "obscene":
PatientOnionSF: across the street from where I grew up was built
the very first mall in america, by that scumbag Taubman, then
about 20 years later they covered it, making it even more obscene

Our Better Angels:
BinxB91: Angel, white font does not work
PatientOnionSF: the only murders we have here are drug/gang related
PatientOnionSF: angel's font is naked just like herself

[The dinner guests stood up and he looked for Caroline. He saw
she was too far away to have it worth making a point of of going
to her. That turned out to be an error of judgement.]

Onion's World:

PatientOnionSF: empress and her tycoon husband are going to visit
thor and ****** in the spring for some kinda orgy

PatientOnionSF: never try to make mashed potatoes in a food processor,
it gives it a pasty unappetizing texture
PatientOnionSF: just mash 'em

PatientOnionSF: i am testing out a pork filling for bitter melon
stuffed w/pork
PatientOnionSF: i have a friend that likes the bitter flavor, I can
live without it

But Only If I Have a Coupon:
DoomGrl: if they have the swine flu vaccine at the super market,
maybe I will get it

The Real End of the Cold War:
BlackHeartedCur: Binx, lets have more of the Eastern Euro-hotties

DoomGrl at 13:
DoomGrl: johnny depp plays all different kinds of people, like
with scissors as hands and stuff
DoomGrl: and the cuban transvestite
DoomGrl: he was sooo pretty in that movie

HollyGoI23: ah...my parents were hippies.... I have photos

One Flew in a Taxi, One Saved Time in a Bottle:
DoomGrl: i get harry chapin and jim croce mixed up

Favorite Book Club:
Fubar817: Say what youwill about Vonnegut, you always get a reaction
MyStrat: you have to be in the right mood to read kurt
Fubar817: Stoned is good

I even got the month of May:
Alansueton: methinks Binx is a SteelyDan fan
Beysshoes: binx isn't a fan of anyone bonbon
Beysshoes: mebbe me. but nobody else.

Deciphering Boulshevit:
Boulshevit: Wow, see, that's why I quit driving
Beysshoes: you quit for alcohol boulsy? alcohol is a jealous lover.
Boulshevit: Yeah, no shit, Beys..she was probably a mean drunk
Boulshevit: Nah, I just quit driving
Beysshoes: just? like 2 hours ago?
Boulshevit: Just like 15 minutes ago
SemiLitterate: (his car reposessed)
Beysshoes: aaah. well, its good you're making such a monumental
effort boulsy
Boulshevit: Hey, you know me, trying to give back
Beysshoes: always the philanthropist.

Attack of The Penis Boys:
Beysshoes: sue sue nobody could zoom in on your teenie peenie
so you be safe
PatientOnionSF: "I can't stop touching it. I can't find it.
Please help me"
Alansueton: I know a small penis is an adaptative advantage if you
wish to masturbate in public
Alansueton: I have availed myself of the advantage on numerous occasions
Alansueton: Onion Im not a Deli side order cook
PatientOnionSF: especially at baskin robbins before they close and
all the soccer moms come in
Beysshoes: thanks for sharing suesue

... and that she's not LadyMountainMedic:
Prospect26: hi beys...do you know that i am a woman?
Beysshoes: yes pros i do.
Prospect26: thanks

Newbie With No Promise:
v70mattg: so do people here talk about books?
v70mattg: lol

Piling On Prospect:
Prospect26: I am reading The Story of Edgar Sawtelle.
PatientOnionSF: you have been reading that stupid book since 2002
Hadachoke: pros, you've been reading that for a year
PatientOnionSF: it is one million pages long?
PatientOnionSF: it's like eating a pizza as big as ohio

The Self-effacing Beysshoes:
Hadachoke: Beyss came to my house once... stood in the doorway
and said "Hi, I'm here to give you super sex"
Hadachoke: I said ok, i'll take the soup
Beysshoes: i did not bobby. i only offerred a bj
Beysshoes: don't exaggerate
KissMyAsterix: what are you clinton
KissMyAsterix: that's not sex?

Group Therapy:
SkylerThompson22: why do you two hate your mothers?

Sexual Confusion:
KissMyAsterix: just because you don't want to talk to someone
doesn't mean you hate them
Beysshoes: egg sackly. you can love somebody and not like them ya know
SkylerThompson22: you cant talk to her?
KissMyAsterix: I prefer the term try not to
SkylerThompson22: because shes overbearing?
KissMyAsterix: mine, no
SkylerThompson22: a busybody?
Beysshoes: its rude to probe skyler.
Beysshoes: unless its sexual probing
KissMyAsterix: nah, and honestly it's shrink stuff.. unless you can
write scripts
KissMyAsterix: eww
KissMyAsterix: beys geez
KissMyAsterix: skyler is still questioning his sexuality
Beysshoes: gina you ingrate
Beysshoes: so be a good citizen and hep him.
KissMyAsterix: he's still in denial
Beysshoes: oh skyler. you're in the perfect chat. a lot of
sexual confusion in here.
SkylerThompson22: mom sent me to a therapist
Beysshoes: not now, but when the trannies get here you'll see

Heard It:
SkylerThompson22: the contraction is "clit"
KissMyAsterix: been dying to use that huh

Flirting 2009:
KimberlysCabin09: hes not into trailer trash like me
Boulshevit: Stanley from Three's Company was kind of creepy
KimberlysCabin09: oh yeah boul
PaIeRlDER2: yer trailer trash too kim?
PaIeRlDER2: mmmmmmmmmm intriguing
PaIeRlDER2: Kim, is it just me or are you a tad 'paranoid'?
KimberlysCabin09: are you trailer trash pale?
KimberlysCabin09: at least youre my equal
KimberlysCabin09: tad paranoid
PaIeRlDER2: I live in a house , I am redneck trash
KimberlysCabin09: oh a house... does it have bugs?
KimberlysCabin09: good i hate bugs
PaIeRlDER2: and i'm a neat freak
KimberlysCabin09: man i got like nine skeeter bites on the deck OUCH
KimberlysCabin09: does mold make you sleepy and clog your nose up?
KimberlysCabin09: good i like neatness too
PaIeRlDER2: Mold will make you ill
KimberlysCabin09: i think this mold might have been contributing
to some of my health problems
PaIeRlDER2: probably kim
KimberlysCabin09: rescue me
KimberlysCabin09: take me outta this dump
PaIeRlDER2: lol
KimberlysCabin09: see i knew you werent serious
KimberlysCabin09: you can see when you prove to me who you are
Hadachoke: go ahead, Pale, send her the dick pic
KimberlysCabin09: send me 25 grand
princessslayah42: stop yelling, Rider
PaIeRlDER2: she said she dont open mail had
KimberlysCabin09: ill send it back i promise :-D

A Chick Magnet:
PatientOnionSF: kman, you smooth talker you, how do you do it?
Kman3x3: id just do
PatientOnionSF: you are irresistible, a CHICK MAGNET
KissMyAsterix: lol onion
KissMyAsterix: you win
KissMyAsterix: he's all yours
PatientOnionSF: kman, bey is hot too, a hawaii surfer/suntan
lotion model
Kman3x3: o yeah
Beysshoes: yah that's me alright
PatientOnionSF: rub some on her
KissMyAsterix: wait, don't give away my beys
Kman3x3: ]hey bey want to talk
Catpower777: Kman, you faithless cad
Catpower777: you dumped Kiss that easily?
Beysshoes: you mean cyber kman? i already did 5 today. i'm tired.
sorry raincheck?
KissMyAsterix: he knows a good thing when he sees it
Kman3x3: she wasn't talkin

The Chick Magnet Strikes Out:
Kman3x3: so who want to talk to kman
Kman3x3: anybody
Catpower777: Kman, I think you're barking up the wrong chatroom
KissMyAsterix: we can't
KissMyAsterix: we'll fight over you
KissMyAsterix: and no one will win
Kman3x3: why is that
KissMyAsterix: you should save us from ourselves
KissMyAsterix: and well, try another room
Melodramamama22: i hear author's lounge is good for that sort of thing
Chick Magnet Reflections:
Catpower777: Dino hurt him, Bey
Beysshoes: lol he IMd me; dino took him? ty kiss
KissMyAsterix: uh no beys
KissMyAsterix: I closed him
KissMyAsterix: he can't spell what
KissMyAsterix: that's a requirement
Beysshoes: i'm over my quota today, you're so lazy and uncharitable kiss
KissMyAsterix: I am
Beysshoes: oh i see, like me and the toothless. yes, its good
you have standards.
KissMyAsterix: I was already nauseated beys

Jam7604801: onion you sound jealous
PatientOnionSF: jam, I am only jealous of your charm and wisdom
PatientOnionSF: and your svengali hold you have over book shelf chix

First Question?
quiet scientist: uhhhhhhhh...underwear? :-[
quiet scientist: and to answer the first question i'll have
to say the dartboard

Naked Darts?
Catpower777: ok, sitting there in underwear with a dartboard sounds
more male than "scientist"
Beysshoes: he said he didn't use his undies cat. pay attention pls
quiet scientist: this is just like salem
quiet scientist: weeeeeee
Bgrant444: Salem?
Bgrant444: Are we going to burn a witch?
Beysshoes: cat? are you going over to quiets place?
Catpower777: to play darts in my undies?
BinxB91: Salem? maybe we could just dunk her
Beysshoes: no undies cat
Catpower777: well, I'm not playing darts nekkid
Catpower777: that just sounds dangerous

Niontron Out and About:
Niontron9: I see a chinese lady walking towards me...what do i do
Niontron9: quick
Niontron9: someone tell me quick
Niontron9: the chinese lady approaching
Niontron9: she looks mad
Boulshevit: Run, Nion
PatientOnionSF: she's jewish, they look chinese

Enhance Your Life:
PatientOnionSF: it's gay slang for ****** *************
Beysshoes: ACTDF you mean?
PatientOnionSF: alan wrote a poem about it
PatientOnionSF: *** 2 ******
Boulshevit: ACTDF? Is that an alternate guitar tuning?
Beysshoes: A cock to die for (ACTDF)
Boulshevit: lol jesus
PatientOnionSF: don't be coy bolshevik, you knew what it meant
Boulshevit: Hell, I wouldn't die for my own
PatientOnionSF: you shrekster you
Beysshoes: then i guess you don't got one o' those (ACTDF). so sorry
PatientOnionSF: with your lost beer-encrusted weekends
Beysshoes: not to fret, they have those male enhancements for free now.
PatientOnionSF: enhance your life

Alan's muse:
princessslayah42: i have one incredibly sharp toenail
princessslayah42: i can't stop touching it
PatientOnionSF: sounds like one of alan's poems
Beysshoes: there are better things to not stop touching layah

[They played for another fifteen minutes. On the final play,
after a long steady drive that took the offense down to the
8-yard line, Taft fumbled the hand-off. Defense recovered,
whistles blew, and that was it for the day. The three of us
headed back together.
"Hobbsie laid it right in his gut and he goes and loses it,"
Rector said. "I attribute that kind of error to lack of
concentration. Coloreds can run and leap but they can't
concentrate. A colored is a runner and a leaper. You're making
a big mistake if you ask him to concentrate."
A very heavy girl wearing an orange dress came walking toward
us across a wide lawn. There was a mushroom cloud appliqued
on the front of dress. I recognized the girl; we had classes
together. I let the others walk on ahead and I stood for a
moment watching her walk past me and move into the distance.
I was wearing a smudge of lampblack under each eye to reduce
the sun's glare. I didn't know whether the lampblack was very
effective but I liked the idea of painting myself in a barbaric
manner before going forth to battle in the mud. I wondered if
the fat girl knew I was still watching her. I had a vivid picture
of myself standing there holding my helmet at my side, my left leg
bent slightly, hair all mussed up and lampblack under my eyes. Her
dress was the brightest orange. I thought she must be a little
crazy to wear a dress like that with her figure.]

Unclear on the Concept:
quiet scientist: my friend works at a drug store and the anorexics
steal the laxatives
VioletDeliriums: wow
VioletDeliriums: why dont they just buy them?

"it's like slutty"
VioletDeliriums: i'm a musician...i play stringed instruments
ManiacEyeball: you should not do every genre, it's like slutty

VioletDeliriums: i like to look at things and think about them

HollyGoI23: I knew there would be transformers

Love the One You're With:
Tom Brite: take advantage of being alone and masturbate

Scary Halloween:
DoomGrl: i think i will stay home, halloween was too traumatic last year
erstwhile mots: Doom. Did you become a woman then.
DoomGrl: no, i broke up with my boyfreind, i got angry and broke a
giant mirror and then my dad almost threw me out
DoomGrl: remember?

Why Cur Is Planning a Vacation in China:
BlackHeartedCur: Its probably hard to get a Russian girl drunk

More So When You're Rocking Them With Someone:
Tom Brite: the sounds of rocking springs is so exciting

AmberDevilRay8: I had to get some snacks and a blanket.
AmberDevilRay8: Now I'm all wrapped up. I could use one of those
"slankets" right about now.
AmberDevilRay8: One the bright side, I'm like a toasty cinnamonbun. =)

Rhymin' Simon:
Alansueton: I was "busy"
ManiacEyeball: alan does anyone call you al?
AmberDevilRay8: Would you be my bodyguard?