Katy Tried

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Sorry, KaLenfer dominates this post.
For those one or two of you who dislike
him, a simple skim of this post may be
in order. On the other hand he does get
pummeled at one point.
A few set jokes were sent my way this
week. Perhaps you'll find them funny.
However, as often the case with such jokes,
you had to be there (or be drunk).
Otherwise the Shelf seems aware of
its own dullness ... and a need to change.
A few newbies tried to make an impression.
But how can they expect to be remembered
when they list their reading preferences
as: "a myriad of things". Try harder,
you guys.

Dumb Joke #1:

Catpower777: Celine Dione goes up to the bar and
orders a drink
Catpower777: the bartender says, "Why the long face?"

Her way of flirting?:

Spendastic: does any body in hr know emmawrites?
whas up wit her?
BinxB91: emma was once a great wit
Spendastic: once?
BinxB91: well, these days she talks mostly about TV
Spendastic: i talked with her once long ago, and then
i'd see her words pop up and they were...well...deranged?

Waiting for Godot:

Swede da lo: i'm turning in early tonight room,
looks like NAG is a no show

Cliff Claven with a severed ear?:

Dreamy0ne uk: I've not been in here for some time
Dreamy0ne uk: not much changes though, only the names
Dreamy0ne uk: its like if David Lynch had directed Cheers

British humor:

Dreamy0ne uk: I've got no problem buying tampons. I'm a
modern man.
But apparently, they're not a "proper present".

Dreamy0ne uk: I got an odd-job man in. He was useless.
Gave him a list of eight things to do and he only did
numbers one, three, five and seven. Had to get an even-man
in to finish it off.

Dreamy0ne uk: If I ever saw an amputee being hanged,
I'd just yell out letters

Dreamy0ne uk: two guys came to my door asking if they could talk
to me about Jesus - I said What's he been up to this time?

Bristle Humor:

Jam7604801: some agency was wanting to hire a saleman
to sell toothbrushes so 3 guys showed up for the job,
so the owner said i tell you what i will let you guy
sell toothbrushes for a week and whoever sells the
most will get the job
Jam7604801: so the first day all three guy came in and
the first sold 30. the 2nd guy sold 40 and the hair lip
sold none but he said he is working on it so thursday
the hairlips still hadn't sold any so he goes home and
Jam7604801: makes some cookies
Jam7604801: so friday he comes in and they asked how
many toothbrushes he sold he said 3,000 so the boss asks
said how'd he do it he said well i baked some cookie
and i went to the airport and i said free cookies
and i would give a person a cookie
Jam7604801: and they would eat it and say that tastes
like shit and i said it is shit want to buy a
HighTopVL: YOu'd need to sell toothpaste too

Everyone hates KaL:

Catpower777: cats like to curl up together
ParaMyrrh: sleeping with pets is unsanitary
Dreamy0ne uk: in your case Kal, probably for the pets
Catpower777: Para, what's unsanitary about animals?
JaneH56: Kal doesn't like pets. he wants to be the pet.
ParaMyrrh: they're animals hairy vile filthy
they shed it's gross sleeping with pets is gross
to not admit that is disgusting
Catpower777: now you sound like a squeamish Nazi
ParaMyrrh: Jane I don't want to be a slave to a
human's whims a plaything for a humans need for
control and companionship
Dreamy0ne uk: beds are full of creatures anyway a few
more isn't going to make much difference
JaneH56: Kal. you just don't like them. you don't
have to give a reason.
Catpower777: Jane, he claims he loved a weenie dog once
ParaMyrrh: pet ownership is a rather digusting form
of interspecies slavery we selectively breed, control
their reproduction imprison them it's Nazism against
a creature we even euthanize them
TRBfrom NC: yeah, i even swat flies, vicious Nazi that
I am

Lost Innocence:

Swede da lo: mcdonald's nutritional info makes me feel betrayed
BinxB91: betrayed? by whom?
Swede da lo: by mcdonalds!

Lyn is bored:

LynBelle: I can't believe it is only 9:30.

Shelf FAA Inquiry:

LadyMtnMedic: so the plane that crashed went down a
wrong runway?
LynBelle: wait a minute, had it just taken off, or
was it landing?
LadyMtnMedic: taken off, it clipped trees and went
ParaMyrrh: I think that's it Lady the sad thing is
by a cruel irony everyone died but the Pilot(Captain)
Swede da lo: communication issues
LadyMtnMedic: you'd think someone in the control tower
coulda said, uh excuse me, you are GOING THE WRONG WAY
LynBelle: you'd think
ParaMyrrh: Lady ever since Reagan broke the
Air Traffic Controller's Union!
BinxB91: Rocky, if it were me, I'd be afraid of hurting
the pilot's feelings


LynBelle: I wish that some of you were watching the emmys
I want to know what you thought about farrah
LadyMtnMedic: was she being a dork again?
BinxB91: There's not much to think about in regards to farrah.
ParaMyrrh: Lyn Farrah has been looking scary lately with
the obvious plastic surgery
BinxB91: Was she coherent?
Vanda52: i never cared for the name faucet, amy aswell
be farrah toilet or farrah bidet

The sound of BookShelf hitting new lows:

ParaMyrrh: Binx sometimes I break wind when I laugh it's
accidental and I try to cover it with a cough afterwards
which only brings more attention, etc..
BinxB91: sounds like you're 12
ParaMyrrh: Binx I try to act as young as possible
LynBelle: 12 yr olds don't have a problem with their anal
ParaMyrrh: Id wear diapers if it wasn't demeaning
ParaMyrrh: Lyn I don't either
LynBelle: good
ParaMyrrh: my sphincter is bionic
LadyMtnMedic: when people say Kal you are full of it, you
can just say why yes I am!
ParaMyrrh: it even makes that noice chuh chuh chuh
ParaMyrrh: But what is it?

And the nominees for best Medic in a dramatic role:

LadyMtnMedic: I am opposed to award shows
LadyMtnMedic: do they ever give us awards for doing our jobs? no...
Swede da lo: employee of the month?
Hickory49: ... medic ... true ... they are useless exercises ...
Vanda52: the academy awards are films? thats whats on?
ParaMyrrh: Hickory the Useless is a Luxury a waste pointless as a God
so we honor it the most
LadyMtnMedic: academy is tv I do believe
Vanda52: isnt that emmys roc>?
LynBelle: emmys are tv
Vanda52: and tonys are broardway?
Vanda52: right
LynBelle: Academy is movie theaters
LadyMtnMedic: see, I don't know these things
Vanda52: right
Vanda52: films
Vanda52: i know this stuff roc , i read it
all in the papers
LadyMtnMedic: I can't start the day without reading
the papers and having my coffee
BinxB91: and skipping the entertainment page?

Beach Boys as culturally relevant:

ParaMyrrh: "In My Room" is a song that's about 20 years a
head of its time
ParaMyrrh: as far as cultural relevancy goes

A plea for objectivity:

ParaMyrrh: Vanda I like how every story involving Karr
mentions what a "perv" he is

VANDA is bored:

Vanda52: slow here
Vanda52: better perk things up
Vanda52: hey kal , what should the tire
pressure be on that big lincoln?
ParaMyrrh: what year?
Vanda52: 88 towncar
ParaMyrrh: and does it have 15" or 16" tires?
Vanda52: 32?
Vanda52: oh i dont know
ParaMyrrh: 215/70/15?
Vanda52: maybe
ParaMyrrh: 35lbs

Dumb Joke #2

TRBfrom NC: they are starting to use lawyers instead of
white rats in scientific experiments, i hear
TRBfrom NC: three reasons
IflOnIyHadABrain: rats have much better dispostitions
TRBfrom NC: first there are LOTS of lawyers
TRBfrom NC: second the lab workers don't get emotional
attached to the lawyers
TRBfrom NC: and third there are some thing that white
rats WON'T DO!
Swede da lo: hey lawyers have morals sometimes

No, but you talk too much:

ParaMyrrh: Harvey Fierstein voice
ParaMyrrh: I think I spelled his name wrong
ParaMyrrh: ah well shucks
ParaMyrrh: Lyn are you a Cardinals fan or a Cubs fan?
they are playing
ParaMyrrh: Im a Cardinals fan
ParaMyrrh: They've(Cards) been playing terribly lately
Cards 6 Cubs 4
LynBelle: Cards won last night
ParaMyrrh: Insringhausen has blown more saves than
Marilyn Chambers
has blown men
ParaMyrrh: Oh Id be the first to admit that I ramble on
talk like Im Moses just down from the mount and Im insufferable
ParaMyrrh: I just want to be loved! Is that SO WRONG?

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I am not MeeMawAdelaide.
But try this:
1) reverse the first two letters of Mee
2) leave the first two letters of Maw
3) ignore the "ew'
4) disregard the adelaide (addled mind?)
Yowee, I feel I just solved The DaVinci Code.
Seriously though, I do pray for a second
coming of BookShelf in the way like emma anticipates
the new fall reality TV shows. For now here are
a few scraps and summer re-runs:

I'm KaL. Edit me:

ParaMyrrh: Bidet another thing on a lighter and happier note
God must be on Hezbollah's side if they defeated a vastly
superior, in technology and numbers, Israeli

Country Muisc Song in the making:

Prospect26: my daughter was just in a relationship with a man from
Lubbock. They lived together in Vail, Co. He wanted to move back
to Lubbock and make a home. This was the deal breaker for my daughter.
Soulrebel49: yea, lubbock isn't exciting
Soulrebel49: texas really isn't to me in general
Jam7604801: buddy holly was from there
Prospect26: So he has gone back to sit on a barstool in
Lubbock and she's going on to nursing school.

Yet more penis Chat:

BinxB91: Beauty isn't always a sure-fire recipe to success in romance
PatientOnion3: it's a sure-fire recipe to bonerhood
Vanda52: speaking of boners , i hope that indian guy isnt
making a bad choice removing that extra penisre-runs:

SCHELL we hardly knew ye:

SCHELL37: debating turning off the air conditioning
and opening windows
Vanda52: Muslim women are mysterious
SCHELL37: I have no mystery at all.
BinxB91: < ------- imagining SCHELL debating
SCHELL37: Although, I do wear scarves fairly often
SCHELL37: Binx....I play both sides. Pros and cons.
BinxB91: "Now for the opposing side --- keeping the air on --- SCHELL"
SCHELL37: It would be much more fun if I had a little podium.
SCHELL37: <~~shuffling note cards, trying to find most valid point
Vanda52: its cooling off schell, gonna be 65 here tonight
SCHELL37: Yeah, high 50's here, Allan.
Vanda52: nice
Vanda52: i love fall
SCHELL37: Exactly. I think the pro side just won the debate
SCHELL37: I like the first couple of weeks of fall, before it
actually gets cold.
BinxB91: no mystery about SCHELL? well, you've been brave enough
to publish pictures of yourself
Vanda52: right
SCHELL37: I'm practically an open book, Binx.
SCHELL37: I talk about myself, good or bad, all the time.
Vanda52: thats true
SCHELL37: Let me quiz you
BinxB91: Kath posted a picture of herself and she looked surprisingly
pretty after running down her appearance in here for years
SCHELL37: What's my husband's name?
BinxB91: You should publish that book, SCHELL
Vanda52: keith
SCHELL37: Right.
BinxB91: uhm .. KEITH!!
SCHELL37: Which book?
SCHELL37: What are my children's names?
BinxB91: Your memoir
SCHELL37: Maybe one day.
Vanda52: brandonm, jj and a daughter
SCHELL37: I saved all those postings.
BinxB91: Braden and JJ
BinxB91: I don't know your daughter's name
SCHELL37: Yes....Renee the daughter. And my oldest son, Joe.
Vanda52: ah
Vanda52: yes
Vanda52: oh we never hear of joe
SCHELL37: They don't live here anymore, so there's not
too much to say about them.
Vanda52: ah
Vanda52: go on
SCHELL37: Allan, because Joe is my most normal.
BinxB91: If Angela's Ashes, why not Schell's scars
Vanda52: ah
SCHELL37: Do I have a pet?
Vanda52: yes
SCHELL37: What do I do for a living?
Vanda52: teach
BinxB91: Teacher
SCHELL37: (Be very careful with this answer) How old am I?
Vanda52: 47
BinxB91: 43
SCHELL37: <~~crossing Allan off my friend list
Vanda52: hmmm
Vanda52: haha
SCHELL37: 44
BinxB91: guessing based on the rock n roll concerts you said you went to
Vanda52: ok
Vanda52: big deal
Vanda52: 3 lousy years
SCHELL37: What am I trying to do now, that I've tried to do plenty of times before
SCHELL37: (But, three lousy years too many, Allan)
Vanda52: stop smoking
BinxB91: get a tan
SCHELL37: Right.
BinxB91: AND stop smoking
SCHELL37: Binx, I don't even have to try to do that.
Vanda52: go on
SCHELL37: I'm down to 4 cigarettes a day, and it's going pretty well.
Vanda52: quiz
SCHELL37: What activity did I do in high school?
BinxB91: You're svelte, are you afraid of gaining weight if you quit
Vanda52: hmmmm
BinxB91: You weilded an ax
SCHELL37: Binx, I can afford a few...but, I am a little worried
BinxB91: in the color guard
SCHELL37: Right, Binx. Very good.
Vanda52: damn
BinxB91: Pen Argyl High School
Vanda52: you were in the band?
SCHELL37: Allan, colorguard. Hatchet twirler.
Vanda52: ah
Vanda52: ok
BinxB91: I sent that entry to my daughter who loathed marching band
but is now an aspiring classical musician
PatientOnion3: are you urban's mother?
SCHELL37: What could I do for hours and hours back when I was in my teens?
SCHELL37: Me? No.
SCHELL37: I believe Urb's mother is deceased.
BinxB91: My older brother went Salisbury High School which sometimes
played against Pen Argyl
SCHELL37: You're right, Binx.
PatientOnion3: bingo? chess? shuffleboard?
BinxB91: do for hours?? uhm ... not masturbate?
PatientOnion3: darts?
SCHELL37: Close, Binx.
BinxB91: oh gee!!
SCHELL37: Makeout, of course.

Monday, August 21, 2006

This past week Wobbetta --- the Brazilean-Albanian beauty,
jouster with teenaged sons, confidant of Oprah Winfrey, uncertain
bike rider --- had some difficult news. She is afflicted with
rheumatoid arthritis. The women present expressed sympathy, sounding like
the best of Hallmark. The boys greeted such tough news (because
nothing is sacred on the Shelf) with the usual round of insensitivity;
asking her if it was contagious, imagining side effects of the
treatments, suggesting cures. Hopefully, the always-positive Wobbs
was able to smile at some of this. One outcome so far seems that her
spelling is greatly improved.
Speaking of insensitivity, I was delighted to receive my
first "dumbass" on my very first comment on my very first column.
I know in BookShelf circles, this is a term of endearment. I feel
like I now belong and carry the sobriquet with me with warmth.
It's OK that some of you miss MeeMaw. If you see her, please
let her know I wanted to post all of the items she left me.
But I so dilly-dallied in setting up this column that my old
e-mail vaporized at 7 days. All that wisdom is lost to the ages.
Sigh. Any new wisdom, please try me at KatyTried@aol.com. Only two
people figured this out on their own, so the listings today are
still meager:

Higher Priorities than chatting:

ParaMyrrh: Allan Im still on this Karr guy
ParaMyrrh: He looks like Wink Martindale's lost lovechild
Vanda52: ok, im eating melon kal, goodluck

Godwit can't find a fight:

Godwit935: Jam, do you think it important to know the ten commandments?
Jam7604801: well yeah wit i do
Godwit935: I agree with you, Jam.

No, wait a minute:

Wyrmpowerx: I thought it was an interesting book. Th auther died of AIDS
Wyrmpowerx: Epidemilogy is an interesting subject
Godwit935: You misspelled another simple word in your field, Wyrm.
Wyrmpowerx: I never said I couls spell. I have mild deslexia
Godwit935: How familiar could you be with your alleged profession, Wrm.
Wyrmpowerx: It's not a secritary obviously as i can't type worth a dam
Godwit935: You have a case of severity, Wyrm.
Wyrmpowerx: You don't even know hwhat my profession is
Jam7604801: he also mis spelled author
Godwit935: I know you're spouting bs, Wrym.
Jam7604801: and he forgot the e in the
Godwit935: Your behavior is pathological, Wyrm.
Wyrmpowerx: Like you know about pathology?
Godwit935: It's symptomatic.
Wyrmpowerx: Non sense
Godwit935: It's hard to miss, Wyrm.
Wyrmpowerx: You just like to get in peoples faces
Godwit935: All this guys come up, lying to beat the band, and think they're the first ones.
Godwit935: Wyrm, I am just telling you, you are transparent.
Wyrmpowerx: Transparent?
Wyrmpowerx: Because I read a book?

Try That Stupid There then:


Room of Vipers:

ArikTheRead: Arts and Entertainment - Authors Lounge
ArikTheRead: how's that?
ArikTheRead: Hope it works--had to (gulp) go there for a brief time
Chopsticks05: poor arik...it's okay, it's over now
LadyMtnMedic: you seem bright and witty in here
ArikTheRead: I went to that room once--many years ago--what a nest of vipers that was
LadyMtnMedic: no way!
Chopsticks05: lol arik, really? I've never been there before
ArikTheRead: yeah--I was new to the 'net and made the mistake of admitting it "out loud"
ArikTheRead: it was quite some time before I went to another chat rooTem

Tell that to Ted Bundy's dates:

ArikTheRead: I've only met one person in real life that I knew online first
ArikTheRead: didn't really click
Chopsticks05: there is a lot of single women around
Chopsticks05: I think it's easier to form a relationship with someone in your surrounding neighborhood
Chopsticks05: it's easier to meet and such
Prospect26: Chops...there are a lot of married women around...
Verneuker: Chop..sure...and theres all the baggage...and you cant tell a person from first sight
ArikTheRead: I've also had a few occasions when I've chatted with someone online and discovered that I know them.
Chopsticks05: besides, there is a lot of weirdos on the internet
Verneuker: Chop...I guess I could extrapolate that Im too ugly for local women, so I get into LTRs with online women
BinxB91: If you say you don't know any weirdos on the net, you're
probably one of the weirdoes
ArikTheRead: there's a lot of weirdos in the real world too
Chopsticks05: yea, but i think it's easier to spot the weirdos in the real world...
Verneuker: Tell that to any of Ted Bundys Dates

Looking for That Asian Girl:

IflOnIyHadABrain: i'm looking for a girl with an oriental name who used
to come here
BinxB91: an oriental name? Her screen name was oriental?
IflOnIyHadABrain: yes binx
Verneuker: Brain...Id look for an oriental name high and low....
Verneuker: whats the name?
Jam7604801: yeah whats the name
Verneuker: Only Oriental name I know in here is HadaCho
BinxB91: hmmm ... there used to be a Korean-American woman who came here regularly but her name was Western
LadyMtnMedic: Brain, quick, theres some chopsticks, will that do?
IflOnIyHadABrain: jade river or something like that
BinxB91: UrbanStarGazer is half-Japanese but her name isn't Asian
BinxB91: Jade River is Oriental to you?
Verneuker: Sure it wasnt a bot?
Jam7604801: jadeddremer
Vanda52: jadeddreamer
IflOnIyHadABrain: jade is oriental
Verneuker: < --- didnt know Jaded Dreamr was oriental
IflOnIyHadABrain: yes dreamer. not sure why i thought river
LadyMtnMedic: Jaded is not oriental, Croc
BinxB91: Brook Shields' character in Endless Love was named Jade
Vanda52: jaded is Laotian vern
Verneuker: Thanks Lady...
BinxB91: into teenage sex and a pill addiction
Verneuker: Allan...I hate to show my stupidity in publick...but Isnt Laos in Asia?
IflOnIyHadABrain: she told me she was from singapore
Vanda52: hang on, maybe shes north korean
Vanda52: of course croc , julie is oriental
Jam7604801: i learned a new word today cogitate
BinxB91: North Korean??? hehe a North Korean on the web?
LadyMtnMedic: those wicked Oriental Irish folks
Vanda52: the leader of north korea is a bigfan of the internet and hes
the only one in the countrywho has it
Vanda52: kim ... all koreans are named kim
IflOnIyHadABrain: so does she still come here
Chopsticks05: so what's with the sudden interest in orientals?
IflOnIyHadABrain: chop i talked to an oriental girl here she was cool
LadyMtnMedic: Chop is trying to find one of the denizens of the shelf ,
tho she is NOT oriental
Chopsticks05: oh i see
Chopsticks05: how do you know I am not oriental?
Verneuker: Chop..well Ive been Asian-preferential for over 19 years now
...never yet dated an asian girl
Prospect26: Vanda... I have no interest in talking to North Korea...
LadyMtnMedic: Are you Jaded Dremer?
Chopsticks05: most asian girls are nice
IflOnIyHadABrain: chop are you jade?
IflOnIyHadABrain: do you remember me?
Chopsticks05: no i am not jade
IflOnIyHadABrain: ok
Vanda52: i used to hear strange things about the anatomy of a
sian women when i was a kid

What really happened to tooHot:

Wobbetta: lyn do you read the chicago tribune???
Wobbetta: are you reading about that little boy that was attacked by 3 pit bulls
Wobbetta: pit bulls were so vicious they attacked their own master

Parenting advice from PatientOnion:

SCHELL37: Okay, I have to go pick my son up at the movies.
SCHELL37: Later, everyone
UrbanStarGazer: back
PatientOnion3: let him hitch hike
PatientOnion3: he' cute, somebody will pick him up

BIDET LIVES: but i don't feel like going to a thrift store with
3 kids in this heat
PatientOnion3: why did you have so many kids if they are a problem to control?

Monday, August 14, 2006

6 months from now, a BookShelf trivia question
might go: "name the gossip columnist before
KatyTried." But it's now and MeemawAdelaide
has just moved on offering me her spot. She'd been joking
about drinking, a lesbian love affair, and grandbabies.
How any of that should distract her from being the BookShelf
Yentel I don't know. She was suppose to stick with the script
and die, not go crazy. Well, never mind. It's mine now.
With the wasteland that the BookShelf has become,
I'm not risking much. If I suck, it's only because the
rest of you (or what's left of you) suck too.
The only qualifications I bring to this job is that I've
read the other columnists (Hedda, etc ...) and was once
a grafitti artist (until the spray paint made me sick).
Send me something from the chat room. Something.
Anything. Anything smart. Anything stupid. Anything
funny. Anything full of conflict. Just try to avoid boring.
Anyway, here's a few tidbits left from Meemaw's outbox:

Anntz Life in reverse:

AnntWb: he was driving a Lincoln
Vanda52: damn
AnntWb: he gets out RUNS into my apt and starts pulling on his pants
AnntWb: i said WTF??

Life is short,Oh Crap:

Vanda52: seriously,. lifes short , im going to see that ocean tomorrow , i should of gone todasybut i crapped around here and wasted the day

Life's rewards:

Moonmet: mr moon will be 65
AnntWb: how is mr moon?
Moonmet: he is doing great, going to be commodore of the yacht club for 2007
Moonmet: he gets a special hat

Mel had it right:

BinxB91: Sandy Koufax was a jewish baseball pitcher who grew up in Brooklyn
in the 1950s
BinxB91: I wrote a review of his biography on the website
BinxB91: Vanda asked about the Larry King-Sandy Koufax relationship in the comments
AA Birthday Pony: He was the greatest left hander of all time
BinxB91: maybe Warren Spahn was greater over the long run. But Sandy Koufax in his prime (1961-1966) was best.
Itruthingi: went to a dodger and giants game sandy was pitching hit Jaun Marachal on the ear and a big fight ensued crowd was engaged as well
BinxB91: Juan Marachal hit the catcher with his bat ...
Itruthingi: didnt see that
Itruthingi: i was sitting behind home plate up a little
PatientOnion3: see, sandy started war just like mel said

Aloha Bobby and Rose:

JaneH56: what happen to jaded and hada?

Yes, but can he pronounce nuclear:

Godwit935: He's amoral, sexist and racist. He's a normal American man

If her date only knew what she meant:

Bethliebner: im getting Wilde tommorrow

Southerner Tranlation:

Catpower777: What are y'all reading?
Bethliebner: the Poe Shadow
Sobei7791: hello i am still here
Catpower777: Sobe, you're a part of "y'all"
Sobei7791: oh

The best author next to the bible writers:

Machiavelli797: wow, people talking about books
Machiavelli797: never thought i'd live to see it
IMEmusic3: is call "Book Shelf"
Machiavelli797: you guys know whos probably best author next to
the bible writers is?
IMEmusic3: who Machia?
IMEmusic3: St Jerome
Machiavelli797: Jon Krakauer
Machiavelli797: he is pretty good
Machiavelli797: hes the best next to the bible writers
Fairywing3: lol, I'm not sure you could really say the bible is well written..
Fairywing3: but I reeeally don't want to get into THAT conversation
Machiavelli797: haha, whatever
RinglingCircus89: the Bible is the greatest fantasy ever told
Machiavelli797: well,guess you guys are atheists ahh?