Katy Tried

Monday, February 01, 2010

fill out this column, 4 clips were lifted from
Arts & Entertainment - Trivial Pursuit. Does
that make KatyTried impure? Maybe. But I felt
such a compromise was acceptable after recognizing
several gentle shelfers there as well as BookSlut.
If AuthorLounge clips start appearing, then the
apocalypse has truly arrived.

Uhm ... Sears?:
bookish dude 21: what cataloging philosphy do you use

BookSlut as Von Troyer:
erstwhile mots: Everyone I know is tall.

Name That Tune:
Daaydream: bonzo dog doo dah band?

Dr Seuss Takes a Bet:
Daaydream: and did you know dr. seuss wrote green eggs and ham
to win a bet that he couldn't write a book using only 50 words?

Cuddling Be Damned:
erstwhile mots: Doom. I always desire relationships that rival
Leda and the Swan's.
BinxB91: You want to be raped by a swan???
MyStrat: been there, done that

Enter Laughing:
jakobinarina: get
jakobinarina: imeant 'hey'

One or None?:
Cognomen98: it's kind of crazy that there are a thousand
socialization sites on AOL and ONE book chatroom
Beysshoes: there are others ... private ones cogno ... and
JonnyDuffy: well, many AOL chat rooms PRETEND to be bookchat rooms
Cognomen98: yes indeed
Beysshoes: yes like this one jonny lol

What It Means to be an Artist:
CountAbility008: I just put yours in my Fav....and will look and
comment later....thanks
Beysshoes: thank you counta!!!
Beysshoes: btw who are you ?
Beysshoes: (not that it matters, just visit me i'm needy counta)
CountAbility008: lol...I'm just your usual modest artist orbiting
the chat rooms
Beysshoes: yay. an artist. score!

Mismatched Mines:
Tj34: after a bath the skin is completely white as they never
see sunshine
EmpressZ21: what skin
EmpressZ21: you lost me somewhere
Tj34: also they get a hump on the back crawling thru low tunnels
to get to the digging site, often a mile or more
Tj34: you don't get paid until you start work
Tj34: george orwell wrote about it
Beysshoes: well, we do other stuffs in those tunnels jones.
Tj34: read the paper with your carbite headlights
Beysshoes: yes and fornicating.

She Really Blows:
Tj34: she's a good writer, i already told her that
Beysshoes: oh jones. wow. how did i ever live without you?
Beysshoes: jones. i can't tell you how much your commets mean to me.
Beysshoes: hey, i owe you like at least a bj for that.
Tj34: well, o.k.
Beysshoes: haha. that's understated. i guess you haven't heard
about my bj's.haha

Compassionate Conservatives:
Tj34: i slept in a shelter once
Forkrerereredux: fork has slept in a jail
Forkrerereredux: fork didn't like getting arrested
Tom Brite: we visited the poor once at the salvation army
Beysshoes: how elite of you tommy
Tom Brite: a lot of them had coughs
Tom Brite: they need separate rooms
Forkrerereredux: malnourished people cough a lot
Forkrerereredux: they also have blood in their urine
Forkrerereredux: and in the stool
Forkrerereredux: and produce milk from the nipple
KissMyAsterix: whose?
Tom Brite: yeah they need better medical care
Beysshoes: we're talking about homeless, not drunken sots of
sewage like you here
Forkrerereredux: fuck that
Forkrerereredux: throw bleach in your eye

Mixed Mesasage:
Tom Brite: fork is the way he is for a reason
Beysshoes: are we changing topics to crystal meth?
KissMyAsterix: why, are you selling or buying beys?

Onion and the Hillbillies:
Tammynet: my uncle and aunts are almost the same age as me
actually.. one is even younger
PatientOnionSF: tammy that sounds very hillbilly
Tammynet: it is kind of, onion
PatientOnionSF: your father is your brother's son
Tammynet: you know teen grandparents ....and then teen parents
Tammynet: i made my g'ma a g'ma at 35
PatientOnionSF: we need jam to explain it
PatientOnionSF: he explained our depression by the banks being
"forced" to make bad loans to poor people

Strange At First:
MyStrat: my aunt and her husband do carpet installation..they did
a nudist colonly once...that was strange at first

Except For Tucking a Napkin:
HelenaHandbagg: there's nothing wrong with eating naked.

Doctor Melissa:
Melodramamama22: i say break it down to teeny tiny parts
Melodramamama22: what you can change, what you can't
Melodramamama22: what you have control over, what you don't
Melodramamama22: cause the stuff you don't? will eat you alive
if you let it

What Channel?:
NotNycgirl: i like watching nonsense on tv

The Glib Godwit:
Oncewasbird: Phez, are you in favor of the healthcare thing?

Random Fan:
Lilmisscutie1266: im listening to shiny toy guns right now
Lilmisscutie1266: i randomly met them last year

The Anti-Godwit:
NotNycgirl: i'm politically clueless

Obama Fanatic:
Oncewasbird: I remember Bush taking three days to resopond to the
tsunami in Indonesia, long before 9-11.
Oncewasbird: Obama is right on it. he was must faster, much more
vigoruous than Bush.

The Down Low:
Pheziwig: Obama received the Nobel Prize for not being George Bush

Scape Goat:
Daaydream: michael cera embodies everything that is wrong with
today's young males

Harsh Commas:
Tom Brite: i like w
Oncewasbird: Tom, you horrible, ignorant dog.

Lilmisscutie1266: i read entertainment every wee
Lilmisscutie1266: i can tell you the top rated anything

Tongue Deep In Cheek:
Kgbirdpaul: Gilligan's Island is an immortal classic

Tom and David:
Tom Brite: i dont think im homosexual but i do enjoy seeing
a naked man now and then

DeeZbornac: what bugs me about pro wrestling is... theres 20
minutes of talking and 5 minutes of wrestling ! wotta gyp

Were They Ever Clever?:
WhitBissel: why are all car dealership tv ads so lame ??????

Interesting Baredom?:
HidinginNY: the funny thing about madame bovary, is it's about
a woman's boredom. and during the parts describing her boredom,
its really boring

Terrybiohazard: We are sorry, but your application to e-Harmony
has been denied. You failed question #14 "What do you like in most
women?" Your answer "My dick" was unacceptable.

Hope Springs Eternal:
BinxB91: I thought BookShelf had ended
Alansueton: Binx nah it went on hiatus President Obama
earmarked some stimulus for the Shelf

[As Fusan and I, still silent, walked up to Aladdin's shop a cool
wind hit us passing Tesvikiye Mosque and I felt almost as if it
was my disquiet that made me shiver.
"Did that frighten you back there?" I asked. "We shouldn't have
looked ..."
"The poor lamb," she said.
"You know why they sacrifice the lamb, don't you?"
"One day, when we go to heaven, that lamb will take us over the
Strat bridge, which is as thin as hair and sharp as a sword ..."
That was a version for children and people with no education.
"There's more to the story," I said, with a teacherly air. "Do
you know how it begins?"
"The prophet Abraham was childless. He prayed to God, saying,
'O Lord, if you give me a child, I'll do anything you ask.' In
the end his prayers were answered, and one day his son Ishmail
was born. The prophet Abraham was filled with joy. He adored
his son; kissing and caressing him all day long, the prophet was
exultant and everyday he thanked God. One day God came to him
in his dream and God said, 'Now slit your son's throat and
sacrifice him.'"
"Why did he say that?"
"Listen now ...The prophet Abraham did as God instructed. He
took out his knife, and just as he was about to slit his son's
throat ... at that very moment a lamb appeared."
"God showed mercy on Abraham: He sent him a lamb so that he
could sacrifice it in his son's place. God saw that Abraham had
been obedient."
"If God hadn't sent the lamb, would the prophet Abraham really
have slit his son's throat?" asked Fusan.
"He treally would have," I said uneasily. "It was because He was
sure that Abraham would slit his son's throat that God loved him
so much and sent the lamb to spare him terrible grief."
I could see that I had not told the story in such a way as to
make it clear to a twelve-year-old girl why a doting father would
try to kill his son. My unease was now turning to annoyance at
my failure to explain the sacrifice.]

The Replacements:
Catpower777: what are you reading, Binx?
KissMyAsterix: cat if you're filling in for onion, you should be
asking what he's wearing
Catpower777: and calling him Binky?

Fowever ParaMyrrh:
Alansueton: I like Burkas draws attention to the eyes