Katy Tried

Monday, October 23, 2006

This Entry Was Delayed Until
Fezziwhig's Enema:

JadedDremer: hey, what happened to the shelf
gossip page?
Fezziwhig: i ate it

Until I found You:

BinxB91: what book are you neglecting by chatting here??
N2Mooveez: no books
N2Mooveez: movies maybe
BinxB91: no books?? so what attracted you to this room??
N2Mooveez: don't know
N2Mooveez: it was on the list
Fezziwhig: uh oh
Fezziwhig: she has a list
Vanda52: i thought you said you followed me here?
N2Mooveez: did i?
Vanda52: yes
N2Mooveez: oh I did follow you here
Vanda52: right
N2Mooveez: for no reason
Vanda52: so im on your buddy list?
N2Mooveez: no
Vanda52: hmm
Vanda52: ok
N2Mooveez: I just looked in every chat room until I found you
N2Mooveez: on the screen

Why Fezzi No Longer Has A Maid:

Fezziwhig: I washed about six days worth of dishes
Fezziwhig: and did about three loads of laundry
Fezziwhig: then cleaned my revolve

Puking Is Such a Turn-on:

Fezziwhig: I've got the craziest pick up strategy that
worked, wanna hear it?
Fezziwhig: It was last call and this cute girl was
hammered and I came up to her and said, "let's go....
Remember me?....You came here with me?..."
Fezziwhig: It worked.
Fezziwhig: We walked along the lake
Fezziwhig: she threw up
Fezziwhig: drove her home
Fezziwhig: got her number
Fezziwhig: called her
Fezziwhig: she went out with me
Vanda52: puking is such a turn on

Vanda goes to bed ... but never sleeps:

Prospect26: Vanda...so you pick and choose who you
want to talk to?
Vanda52: well pros, i cant talk to people
if im not here
Vanda52: as a matter of fact im going to bed soon
Vanda52: and I'll leave my name here
Prospect26: vanda...you are always signed on...
Jptos000: pros, a lot of times he's signed on but
he's here, there and neverwhere...
Vanda52: until the aol shuts me off yes
Jptos000: his name sleeps in shelf
Vanda52: actually catz, since free aol it turns
off during the night
Vanda52: I have to sign on in the morning
Jptos000: see...there's his corner right over there>>
Vanda52: who would of thought FREE AOL
Asia7384: Vanda, if your here or not here is there a
distinguishable difference?
Asia7384: just asking
Vanda52: no asia
Prospect26: Vanda...so you turn on AOL forever?
Vanda52: foreverpros , i will have a coomputer in
my grave with aol on
Prospect26: Vanda...so if we all signed on to AOL
indefinitely...what would happen?
Vanda52: probably nothing pros

19 Wasted Years Not Smoking:

Lpwfuw: I quit one morning, Asia, after smoking
for 40 years
Steppsrider: Lpw was it very hard?
Asia7384: I have requsted a carton of cigarettes be put
into my coffin before I'm buried. I doub't I'll be short
of a light considering where I'm likely headed
Cecilleej: Lol asia
Jptos000: asia's frisky tonight
Jptos000: lol asia
Catpower777: Asia, way to plan
Asia7384: that you JP?. Thought that was my left hand
Prospect26: Hi Asia...I would love a smoke now...
Asia7384: Prospect, don't start
Vanda52: there was some kind of race here this morning
(running) i saw one runner sneak a drag on a cigarette,
it struck me as funny
Asia7384: it's a nasty habit and if you start there may
not be enough for me
Cecilleej: never want to smoke personally
Steppsrider: I have never met anybody who has smoked over
two years who said "If I had it to do over again, I would
still smoke"
Asia7384: Step, let me be the first then
Jptos000: lol
Asia7384: if I had to do it over I'd start smoking earlier
Cecilleej: lol
Steppsrider: Sure Asia
Jptos000: lol
Jptos000: before 5pm?
Asia7384: truth.com
Jptos000: :P
Prospect26: Step...I smoked for a zillion years..
I never said I was happier not smoking.
Asia7384: I wasted 19 years not smoking
Asia7384: what the hell was I thinking?

Monday, October 16, 2006

Death, Dying, After-Death and NAGUAL-Free

TRACEE not being silly:

TRACEEBRAT: I had to sub for a french teacher once, I
don't know one word of french.
Aegraine: That would be so difficult, to be sent into
a classroom and not know the language.
Vanda52: the kids knew english tho brat?
TRACEEBRAT: It wasn't that bad, the kids were great
and well behaved
TRACEEBRAT: They had worksheets and knew what to do
Jptos000: that's how our regulars are with plans and such
BinxB91: TRACEE could have innovated. ... made French
Toast or something
TRACEEBRAT: Vanda, yes they knew english
TRACEEBRAT: Dont be silly Binx
JadedDremer: or taught them to french kiss...

Live and Uncensored ... and persistent:

SKlein69: The Revolution is here. Howard Stern live
and uncensored only on Sirius Satellite Radio.
Vanda52: oh jesus
TRACEEBRAT: Oh my darling Klein I've missed you so
Sheila222: the revolution, is that when my eyeballs spin?

What do they know?:

TRACEEBRAT: I got a call this weekend about a free
cemetary plot

Spot the pun:

Vanda52: my father was creamated and my mother went
in an airplane to scatter his ashes in the atlantic
TRBfrom NC: i scattered mama's ashes in the blue ridge,
pop's were scattered in the ocean (he was a sailor)
Aegraine: My Uncle Abe was scattered over his hometown
and all the relatives were insensed over it.

Saving Natural Resouces:

TRACEEBRAT: I read once that they need to use a huge
amount of energy to cremate people
TRBfrom NC: TRACE, why should they?
TRACEEBRAT: Why should they what?
TRBfrom NC: TRACEEBRAT: I read once that they need to
use a huge amount of energy to cremate people
TRACEEBRAT: Why should they use a huge amount of energy?
I guess because that's how much energy it takes
TRACEEBRAT: So if people are getting cremated to save
natural resources, they might not be
TRACEEBRAT: saving much
TRBfrom NC: TRACE, but bodies burn without a lot of trouble

Having Anna for a Mother:

Aegraine: Did they ever figure out what happened to Anna's son?
Vanda52: he's in a funeral parlor in the bahmas
BinxB91: Vanda, they're planning a reality show around it
Vanda52: ah
Vanda52: annas mother now says the kid was murdered
JadedDremer: he probably died of embarrassment,
having anna for a mother

Julie going apeshit:

JadedDremer: i quit smoking pot
BinxB91: tobacco too??
JadedDremer: not yet, but soon.....i tried quitting both at
once, but was going apeshit

Not as weird as you quitting pot:

JadedDremer: isn't it weird that the 'i before e' rule
doesn't apply to the word weird?

Vanda and Hannibal Lectner would be friends:

Vanda52: i decided to leave my liver to science, its in
perfect shape after 40 years of heavy drinking, they
might learn something from it
BinxB91: or they might have it for lunch
JadedDremer: with a nice chianti?

TDNA lets it out of the bag:

DAISYTRAIL: Binx, you're just in time for a nice bowl
of stew. Don't ask what's in it.
TDNA983: i dont care about cats myself

What Freya loves doing:

Freya0306: just to clear it up, the four stomach's are the
omasum, abomasum, reticulum and rumen (thus ruminant)
I2DaysInNovember: Freya very good I never would have
even guessed that
Freya0306: 12, I thought you brought up this ridiculous topic,
the only reason I know it was that I dated a dairy farmer,
believe that?
I2DaysInNovember: Freya a moooooving story
Freya0306: ahh, but he was cute and married, I used
to love doing that

It's OK. It was all a dream. Your handsome husband is
not dead. Go greet him in the shower:

Anneg345678: I have not really understood the last 10 yars

Monday, October 09, 2006


KAL is happy:

ParaMyrrh: Im just happy Foley has come out and
is recovering from "Alcoholism" and admitted he
was sexually molested by a clergyman WOW that's a
network movie of the week dramatic motif TRIFECTA!

RONO's sewing machine:

Sheila222: i can't keep all the different names
and personalities straight
BinxB91: His former screen name started with Rono
BinxB91: Don't call him "Ron"
TRBfrom NC: i call him Ron sometimes just to tease
Sheila222: ronco- and the pocket fisherman
Sheila222: and the spray on hair
Sheila222: and the ronco pocket sewing machine
BinxB91: Sheila, if you make Rono laugh ... you could
be the next Queen of Bangladesh
TRBfrom NC: i see the Muslims are mad at the pope,
they are saying "don't call us violent or we'll KILL you"
BinxB91: a pocket sewing machine?? It would turn
itself on in my pocket
BinxB91: sewing my pant leg to my leg
BinxB91: or worse
Sheila222: yes, it was that worse business I was
thinking about

The next Toot:

Tootietilla: i have to say, this is a nice chatroom
Vanda52: it is toot
Raconteurerudite: Yes, I fell in love with it awhile ago,
probably a couple of months ago.
Tootietilla: nobody is rude or cursing, this is nice
Vanda52: not a big (((((((((((((hug)))))))))))))) room
Vanda52: believe me toot, there is no other room like
this and ive been everywhere
Raconteurerudite: Just wait and you'll see the ugly side
of the room soon enough.

You could add a rider:

I2DaysInNovember: I don't think my insurance covers rodeo

What's your dream?;

Fezziwhig: I think it would have been cool to jetison a few
thousand disco balls out into space on one of the mission

What's your perversion?:

NAGUAL4A: I really do love it when people in here start
clinging to each others pant legss

Asoorted NAG bits --- there's never a night off:

NAGUAL4A: its just so absurd
NAGUAL4A: thats just republican propaganda
NAGUAL4A: You cant actualy understand anything about
history and declare reagan anything but a dismal failure
NAGUAL4A: I guess these pathetic americans these days
are a product of public school education
NAGUAL4A: thats my theory
NAGUAL4A: my god vanda you dont understand......
NAGUAL4A: not TONIGHT....Tonight is the night a republican
resigned for being a closet homo who apparently molested
NAGUAL4A: what else...oh yeah woodwards book
NAGUAL4A: interesting stuff in there
NAGUAL4A: theres no night off tonight