Monday, October 09, 2006


KAL is happy:

ParaMyrrh: Im just happy Foley has come out and
is recovering from "Alcoholism" and admitted he
was sexually molested by a clergyman WOW that's a
network movie of the week dramatic motif TRIFECTA!

RONO's sewing machine:

Sheila222: i can't keep all the different names
and personalities straight
BinxB91: His former screen name started with Rono
BinxB91: Don't call him "Ron"
TRBfrom NC: i call him Ron sometimes just to tease
Sheila222: ronco- and the pocket fisherman
Sheila222: and the spray on hair
Sheila222: and the ronco pocket sewing machine
BinxB91: Sheila, if you make Rono laugh ... you could
be the next Queen of Bangladesh
TRBfrom NC: i see the Muslims are mad at the pope,
they are saying "don't call us violent or we'll KILL you"
BinxB91: a pocket sewing machine?? It would turn
itself on in my pocket
BinxB91: sewing my pant leg to my leg
BinxB91: or worse
Sheila222: yes, it was that worse business I was
thinking about

The next Toot:

Tootietilla: i have to say, this is a nice chatroom
Vanda52: it is toot
Raconteurerudite: Yes, I fell in love with it awhile ago,
probably a couple of months ago.
Tootietilla: nobody is rude or cursing, this is nice
Vanda52: not a big (((((((((((((hug)))))))))))))) room
Vanda52: believe me toot, there is no other room like
this and ive been everywhere
Raconteurerudite: Just wait and you'll see the ugly side
of the room soon enough.

You could add a rider:

I2DaysInNovember: I don't think my insurance covers rodeo

What's your dream?;

Fezziwhig: I think it would have been cool to jetison a few
thousand disco balls out into space on one of the mission

What's your perversion?:

NAGUAL4A: I really do love it when people in here start
clinging to each others pant legss

Asoorted NAG bits --- there's never a night off:

NAGUAL4A: its just so absurd
NAGUAL4A: thats just republican propaganda
NAGUAL4A: You cant actualy understand anything about
history and declare reagan anything but a dismal failure
NAGUAL4A: I guess these pathetic americans these days
are a product of public school education
NAGUAL4A: thats my theory
NAGUAL4A: my god vanda you dont understand......
NAGUAL4A: not TONIGHT....Tonight is the night a republican
resigned for being a closet homo who apparently molested
NAGUAL4A: what else...oh yeah woodwards book
NAGUAL4A: interesting stuff in there
NAGUAL4A: theres no night off tonight


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