Katy Tried

Monday, November 26, 2007

Chiefly Candice/Beysshoes AWOL/
CreepyLoner and Fork are gloomy/
Vanda as Rip van Winkle/
Lesliehapaflap listens to her
smart husband

It's My Birthday:

CordialCactus: i didnt dance on the bar.. but i
started a game of quarters at the bar... and enticed
others into doing shots of tequila
CordialCactus: i only sang a little... and not well

A Dyke Name:

Eyez Wide Open 3: candice is a dyke name
Eyez Wide Open 3: every candice I've known, and there
were three of them, were lesbians
BinxB91: Eyez, candice seems like a practicing hetero-sexual
CordialCactus: you must attract them?
Eyez Wide Open 3: shrug
Eyez Wide Open 3: so there is a straight one also
Eyez Wide Open 3: nice to meet you
Rosmario: candice is not a dyke name. there's no such thing
as a dyke name. geez
Eyez Wide Open 3: who is candice?
Eyez Wide Open 3: fine
CordialCactus: im candice
Eyez Wide Open 3: I take it back.
Eyez Wide Open 3: oh, you
Eyez Wide Open 3: oops
CordialCactus: lol.. dork
Eyez Wide Open 3: Cactus = Candice
Eyez Wide Open 3: sorry
Eyez Wide Open 3: *takes foot out of mouth*
CordialCactus: thats alright.. heh
Rosmario: <--inserts foot back into Eyez mouth
CordialCactus: eh.. eh.. no need for that
Rosmario: and duct tapes Eyez mouth shut


CordialCactus: i met my husband through match.com
Well.. i was on a date with a man that i met on
match.com when i met my husband
CordialCactus: does that make sense?
Phezziwig13: A stunning testimonial for match.com


Phezziwig13: Damned thing is so slow
Mentros: Phez:Obviously a Mac?
Phezziwig13: An IBM clone piece of poo poo ka ka
CordialCactus: lol phezz. well said

OJ's sequel:

ShhJm: oj's new book, "if I were to use guns to
re-steal memorabilia"

I Wish I Had been There:

ShhJm: I wish I would have been there
ShhJm: I would have said "OMG Juice, what are you
going to do? Shoot me? Do you think the same jury is

Give Me a G:
CordialCactus: i dont hunt.. but i will be a cheerleader

CordialCactus: really.. old people are just young people
that have been here longer and are wondering what in the
hell happened and who is that in the mirror

I'm Lying:

Creepy Loner: We could make it shocking somehow...we could
light a candle in my butt before I start the seance...that
kind of thing. Dripless, though...I wouldn't want wax burns
on my precious booty.
CordialCactus: lol.. creepy.. i have a question
Creepy Loner: Yes.
CordialCactus: do you ever hesitate when you type things
like that.. i would be a mass of nervous giggle with one
finger on the enter key and one on the delete
Creepy Loner: Nope.
Creepy Loner: I'm completely deadpan, all the time.
Forkrereredux: christ
Dinosaur Vagina: she does seem deadpan
Forkrereredux: it's a friggin' chat room
Forkrereredux: say whatever the f you want
Creepy Loner: When I say "LOL"...I'm lying.

More Whores:
Niontron3: women say in public that they don't like sex
to prove that they are not whores
Niontron3: which makes them more whores

Intorenance for Weirdos:

Creepy Loner: Onion has gotten into sending me IMs.
Creepy Loner: They are strange.
Forkrereredux: i don't like onion or 99% of the people
who come in here
Creepy Loner: I don't know what to think of Onion.
Creepy Loner: I'm baffled by him...I think he might be a
Forkrereredux: i wouldn't be surprised
Creepy Loner: I can't believe that someone living on food stamps
in San Francisco is that stupid about human nature...
Creepy Loner: It just doesn't fit.
Forkrereredux: i never pay attention to him

Niontron3: most humans are conditioned to worship their owners

Stealing Rono's Act:

Forkrereredux: If you are living better than others or in an
affluent society, that only means someone or some group is
working very hard or suffering for you, somewhere else, or
someone close to you.
Niontron3: lol
Forkrereredux: Humans, no matter what they do, they think they
are always right. So, they never accept or fix their mistakes,
even after being told. Because they always think about
themselves, they don't realize how they hurt or harm each others.
Niontron3: melting pot
Forkrereredux: Always think: how your greed, your ego, your
easy way out and your high expectations, your fun times harm
others, people surrounding you?
Niontron3: bookshelf

This Much is True:

PatientOnion3: binx, since hada was dumped by julie, and
urban was nearly beaten to death by her drunken ax murderer,
they now live together, hada & urban
BinxB91: Onion only part of that is true
BinxB91: The part about my screen name being Binx

Action High School:

Is She Weird 55: I got into a fight with some kid at school
and he jumped off the roof into a trashcan and got suspended
but broke his solar plexus
Creepy Loner: I would accept what you said if you told me
the boy was cut in half from about the nipples down...
Hadachoke: solar plexus is unbreakable

[In that moment I wished I could find everything as funny
as he did. He must see things on some kind of higher
plane, where the essence of everything ridiculous comes
to him in theses sharp, pleasurable spasms. I think that
today I ended up on the plane where I see the same essence,
except it makes me sick to my stomach.]

"wtf is wrong with me?":

Is She Weird 55: I got named after Sir Edmund Hillary
Is She Weird 55: I am named 17
Is She Weird 55: I mean I am 17
Is She Weird 55: wtf is wrong with me?!
BinxB91: Hillary, probably not enough love
Is She Weird 55: shut up binx
Creepy Loner: You have that mad-cow disease, Hillary.
Next time you fall over in ballet, get worried.

Re-Writing Waiting for Godot :

Forkrereredux: miss creepy, you were right. there was gum!
Creepy Loner: I knew it!
Creepy Loner: Was it in an old coat?
Creepy Loner: There's always gum.
Forkrereredux: mommy stocked up before she left
Creepy Loner: Ah ha!
Creepy Loner: Better still.
Creepy Loner: Fresh gum. It's bad when you're desperate
enough to chomp on old-coat-gum.
Forkrereredux: fork doesn't own a coat
Creepy Loner: Why is this?
Forkrereredux: or even a jacket
Forkrereredux: he hasn't had one for about 6 years now
Creepy Loner: What's with you Sagittarian pigs?
Seven Years was the same way.
Forkrereredux: we're too tough for a coat
Creepy Loner: Is that it?
Creepy Loner: Too studly to stay warm?
Forkrereredux: fork gets too hot in it
Creepy Loner: Please.
Forkrereredux: and what's the point
Forkrereredux: fork's car has heat
Creepy Loner: This is some macho thing, isn't it.
Forkrereredux: so he goes from the car to a building
Forkrereredux: then takes off the coat?
Forkrereredux: no way
Forkrereredux: and what to do with the coat
Creepy Loner: F that. You keep the coat on.
Creepy Loner: That's what we do in Ohio.
Forkrereredux: but you don't wear a coat indoors the
rest of the year
Creepy Loner: From November to March, we all wear coats
...all the time.
Creepy Loner: Yes we do.
Forkrereredux: in the summer?
Creepy Loner: November - March.
Forkrereredux: but this is fork's logic:
Creepy Loner: Well, I type the truth.
Forkrereredux: say the supermarket temperature is set to 70
Forkrereredux: now in the summer, you don't wear a coat in there
Forkrereredux: but in the winter you do
Forkrereredux: why?
Creepy Loner: Because you're cold from being outside.
Forkrereredux: and there is too much coat to deal with in the car
Creepy Loner: No there isn't.
Creepy Loner: This is madness.
Forkrereredux: lol
Creepy Loner: Get a coat.
Forkrereredux: the coat interferes with everything
Creepy Loner: No it doesn't.

Every Kind of Depravity:

Godwit935: live next to a state park and you will witness
every kind of homosexual depravity you can imagine.
Dinosaur Vagina: do they make you watch?
Godwit935: Dino, yes, they're on public property and there's
so many of them. In effect, they do make you watch.
Dinosaur Vagina: I've been to many parks - state and
otherwise and never seen these things
RHill63057: (i think godwit hangs out in state parks at
night, with night-vision goggles)
RHill63057: (he seems somewhat gleeful in his description of
this "depravity")

Who's Laughing Now:

EDruezillaB: You know, I have no Christmas lights up but
I don't give a crap because all my neighbors do and I can
see theirs.
EDruezillaB: They're the ones looking at a dark house.
EDruezillaB: Who's laughing now
BinxB91: Christmas Lights on November 24th?
EDruezillaB: Yes. These bastards have them up.

More Gay Chat:

Godwit935: Look at that guy, that British homo,
whatsisname, that Pete Postlethwaite. That guy is almost
grotesque, but a very good actor.
Godwit935: And John Malkovich. He's no beauty.
PatientOnion3: malkovich is hottttttttttttt
PatientOnion3: he is married to a lovely woman, and they live
in a beautiful estate in the south of france
Godwit935: He's as queer as a three-dollar bill, Patient.

The Man Who Loved Cat Dancing:
Creepy Loner: I like it when Dr. Fork talks about dancing
with his cat...

Onion as Fork's Advocate:

Godwit935: Fork, you are Fork. Why not say, I, instead of Fork?
Forkrereredux: DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?
Godwit935: Fork, you refer to yourself as if you were someone
else. Why do you do that?
PatientOnion3: fork is in the third dimension, so third person
is appropriate
CordialCactus: interesting view you have there PO

The Bottom Line:
CordialCactus: if fork left forever... you know there would
be an empty void...even as crass and vulgar as he is... he's
like the worst.. as long as we have him.. we know that the
rest of us... arent so bad
CordialCactus: the shelf needs fork

Say Please:

YafarkinICEWhole: once i screenamed a name that aol let me
but i got a tos cause the members found the name offensive
CordialCactus: what was the name, yafark?
YafarkinICEWhole: sukmayhdk
CordialCactus: well that answers the gender question
YafarkinICEWhole: only got one use b4 aol terminated it
Catpower777: maybe if you'd added pls to the front

Back to Sanity:

BinxB91: Ta is off scouting the Christian rooms.
Dinosaur Vagina: planning an invasion?
Ta21l has entered the room
Ta21l: ahhhh....back to sanity
CordialCactus: convert?
BinxB91: So Ta, how was the Christian room?
Dinosaur Vagina: this is sanity?
Ta21l: let's see...the Catholics were discussing guns
Dinosaur Vagina: that's frightening
Ta21l: then the Bahas were discussing how Jesus hates everyone
Ta21l: yes, this is sanity

Sunday, November 18, 2007

BLT(ShhJm) vs CreepyShoes - You'd think a seasoned
brawler like BLT (aka Horsehamburger, etc) would wipe
the floor with Beysshoes and CreepyLoner. But here he
handicapps himself by wrapping himself up in sincerity.
Plus his antics brought out sharp feminist wits from two
usually playful ladies. No worry about BLT though. He'll
live to fight another day. Towards the end of this column
he's already attempting to re-write the outcome of the

Round I - Eau de Sociopath

ShhJm: im nailing a married nurse that lives on a
nice lake and I might break up her marriage
Beysshoes: i'm so proud of you. i truly am. but are
you lying about this please?
Beysshoes: (no offense)
Creepy Loner: Eau de Sociopath.
ShhJm: people have always been awful to me
Beysshoes: boo hoo
ShhJm: now I just want calm peace and to be safe
Creepy Loner: And nothing says "I want calm..."
like boinking a married woman.
ShhJm: its not sleazy what I am doing
Creepy Loner: No, no...it's very noble.

Round 2 - A Borderline?

ShhJm: I am 44 years old, the fruit I have to pick
from isnt exactly ripe on the tree
Beysshoes: actually james ... women your own age
aren't usually dumb enough. you need to go younger.
Creepy Loner: So, because you're in your mid-40s, you
have to bang married women?
ShhJm: creepy, she and I connect
Beysshoes: uhm ... i think we know how you connect
ShhJm: beys, I dont want an 18 year old, i want a woman
that i can talk to
Beysshoes: find a borderline james ... lots of them around.

Round 3 - In trouble, BLT stands on his manhood

ShhJm: maybe I am a bit more of a man than you want to
admit or realize
Beysshoes: sheesh could i be wrong about you james?
ShhJm: but in my real life, I am not a bad person
Beysshoes: lol whoopsy
ShhJm: I have a deep desire to be loved and to love
Creepy Loner: [flops back down]
ShhJm: you are very insulting beys

Round 4 - C'Loner dodges a clinch

ShhJm: I apologized to you
ShhJm: I like you beys
Creepy Loner: What-the-f.
Beysshoes: Not good enough. But thank you, i do
appreciate the false gesture.
Max The Obscure: Group hug, people
Creepy Loner: No.

Round 5 - The Girls scoring points

ShhJm: beys, when a person asks for forgiveness, its
a way to healing, not only for the offended person,
but for the offender
Creepy Loner: I doubt that. I bet he's mapping out a
plan to:
(a) get in your pants
(b) get you to pay for more medical school.
Creepy Loner: See?
Creepy Loner: Told ya.
Beysshoes: hey your freakshow. i got my own forgiveness
issues to cope with. so fuck off that one.

Round 6 - A Weak Defense

ShhJm: beys, I dont want "girls" I want a partner for life
ShhJm: I dont want to have sex with anyone unless I
completely trust them
Beysshoes: ha. yup trust a married woman who steps out
with you.
ShhJm: you dont know anything about her
Creepy Loner: [poot]...that's a good point there, Shh.
Beysshoes: i know she's married.
Creepy Loner: Yep.
Beysshoes: and she's with you.

Round 7 - BLT down for the count

ShhJm: beys, she is not a pretty or thin woman,
she is not young
Beysshoes: good move james. going after fugly now.
ShhJm: she is beautiful beyond belief on the inside
Creepy Loner: Is she rich?
ShhJm: define rich
Beysshoes: H
Beysshoes: A
Beysshoes: !
Creepy Loner: [grin]
Creepy Loner: Bingo.
Beysshoes: sounds like she's well off enough to support
your ass for a few years while you troll for a better
deal anyways.

Round 8 - BLT up swinging away but hitting ... nothing

ShhJm: beys, I have had about enough of your insults
Beysshoes: oof
Beysshoes: solly jimmys
Beysshoes: i thought i was being helpful.
ShhJm: beys, why cant you just accept the fact that I
have changed?
Beysshoes: i mean its not like you're not paying dues yes?
ShhJm: if paying dues means that I have to be disgraced
by your arrogant comments, then I dont think I can sit here
and let you do this to me
Beysshoes: changed? meaning? you now play the mandolin
instead of the guitar?

Round 9 - Throwing in the Towell

ShhJm: beys, I have tried with a fair amount of
patience to find favor in your sight, but you insist
on being my enemy, I will leave you now, knowing that
I restrained my impulses and I will know that you are
the damaged one
Beysshoes: okay james. smoochies
Creepy Loner: Thank God for small favors, eh Beys?
Creepy Loner: [grin]
Beysshoes: ha
Beysshoes: small is right
Creepy Loner: [tips hat]

[According to the notes Ka made about his lovemaking ---
notes I feel I must share with my readers --- his passion
was finally reciprocated, and they fell upon each other
with such intensity as to leave the rest of the world behind.
The same notes also reveal that Ipek let out a mournful cry
when it was over.]

The ex-bartender:

CordialCactus: hello the room
CordialCactus: what?
Beysshoes: yay candice is here
CordialCactus: yay me
CordialCactus: what?
CordialCactus: oh i hate being drunkish
Beysshoes: candice drunk?
Creepy Loner: no, Drunkish.
Creepy Loner: Like me after two beers.
Creepy Loner: That's when I hit drunkish.
Creepy Loner: I'm a cheap date.
CordialCactus: i dont get out often./...
but when i do... i i...
Beysshoes: i wish i had easilydrunkgenes like that
CordialCactus: i have a modicum of fuj
CordialCactus: fun too
CordialCactus: to the local bar
Beysshoes: did you have fun?
Creepy Loner: She had a modicum of it.
Beysshoes: did you rub up against anything good?
CordialCactus: not really...beys
CordialCactus: i tried

Being Tall Can Suck:

CordialCactus: you are 6 feet tall?
Creepy Loner: Yes I am...on the nose. I actually thought
I was taller than six feet for a while...but I checked
at the gym the other night.
CordialCactus: damn northwoods punies
Beysshoes: you're short next to binx creeps
Beysshoes: he cant fit on da bed
Creepy Loner: Yeah...being tall can suck.
Beysshoes: he must sleep on da floor
Creepy Loner: The two worst things for me are the basketball
question [and no, I don't f-ing play]...and being made to
get things off of shelves [Creepy, the walking ladder].
PatientOnion3: what about being a vogue cover girl model?
PatientOnion3: a cosmo girl?
Beysshoes: onion is so sweet. esp after blt.

The Night in Review:

Creepy Loner: What did you have to drink?
CordialCactus: 2 dirty martinis and 4 blue uvs with sprite
Creepy Loner: Yeah, that would do the trick...
Creepy Loner: Well, for me. I'd be flat on my arse.
CordialCactus: er.... and something else
Creepy Loner: ...?
CordialCactus: 3 shots of tequila
Creepy Loner: LOL
Creepy Loner: Good lord!
CordialCactus: so... im not doing too bad
Creepy Loner: I'm amazed you could find your computer,
let alone type!
CordialCactus: heya tone de sky!!??
CordialCactus: \look at me
Creepy Loner: TONE!
Creepy Loner: Tony, Tone, Toni!
Beysshoes: candice. omg you are sooo soaked chica
CordialCactus: welcome to the shelf
Creepy Loner: Yeah, she's pretty drunk.
CordialCactus: i know itl.. pathetic and sad.. yet the most
funish ive had in awhile
Beysshoes: tone's logging the room for someone you idjits
Creepy Loner: ROFL
CordialCactus: im soberingish up so dont mock me.. lol..
i will be able to keep up soo
CordialCactus: .. thank gosh..lol.. did you know that heck
is the place you go if you dont believe in gosh
Beysshoes: oh no. she's a comin' down creeps
Beysshoes: back to goodygoody town
CordialCactus: lol.. cause im overly censory

See Me:

ParaMyrrh: Creepy everytime I see your SN I think of
the Elvis Costello song "Spooky Girlfriend"

(5 minutes later)

ParaMyrrh: Creepy everytime I see your SN I think of
the Elvis Costello song "Spooky Girlfriend"
Creepy Loner: Yes, I saw that.
ParaMyrrh: I need to be acknowledged
Creepy Loner: Well...got it outta the way, then...

Sack Dances:
LynBelle: the dances these people do on Dancing With the
Stars, i'll bet they are in the sack with each other a
lot of the time

Another Oldie Returns:

Vanda52: you used to come here?
JoYiy: You're right Vanda
JoYiy: Where is everyone?
PatientOnion3: they are writing novels
Vanda52: here and there, the shelf is different now
PatientOnion3: we are all published and famous now
Vanda52: yeah
PatientOnion3: they made our novels into movies too
PatientOnion3: we are filthy rich & sassy
JoYiy: Really?
JoYiy: I think your're pulling my leg
BinxB91: PatientOnion has a walk-on role as the obnoxious waiter
PatientOnion3: would you like pineapple with your salad miss?
PatientOnion3: I wrote wonderful books filled with culilnary
anecdotes from my youth in France and in the fanciest kitchens in
Paris and New York

Down Home Indiana:

I2DaysInNovember: so you're telling me that you went
to school in Terre Haute?
ParaMyrrh: Um Im not saying anything
ParaMyrrh: Terre Haute is my home. I love it that's all
ParaMyrrh: it's my Mother city
I2DaysInNovember: okay
I2DaysInNovember: Terra Houst is like . . . the cross roads
of the midwest
I2DaysInNovember: Haute too
I2DaysInNovember: sorry
ParaMyrrh: great city
I2DaysInNovember: I went with my dad a few times to visit the
college there
I2DaysInNovember: it was deffinately a cool place
I2DaysInNovember: it was back in the early 70's
I2DaysInNovember: so 'cool' meant really cool

You Don't Have Time for Me But ...:

Niontron3: Is she, i don't have time to argue with a
teenage with hormonal problems
Is She Weird 55: But you have time to sit in a swivel chair
staring at a chat room and complain about each and every one
of us

Group Research:

EDruezillaB: We have a foothold in the middle east and we are
never leaving. And if you don't believe me, research Okinawa.
We never left Japan.
BinxB91: research Okinawa???
Phezziwig13: Ok, let's research Okinawa. I'll take restaurants
Phezziwig13: Who wants the parks?

What Rates Color:
Niontron3: I was in the newspaper, in a bengali newspaper
Niontron3: for going to college
Niontron3: the picture was color too

What's in Your Drawer?:

DoomGrl: somebody once gave me LSD
DoomGrl: i put it in my underwear drawer.
BinxB91: Is it still there?
Is She Weird 55: granny panties
Ta21l: did you get a contact high from it...lol
DoomGrl: probly
Forkrereredux: fork used to do lots of acid
Is She Weird 55: o h em gee

Hillary's Protection:

Is She Weird 55: I HATE how they teach abstinence in schools
Is She Weird 55: that just makes kids do it more
Nomdujourxx: Is there a better way to teach it?
Is She Weird 55: dur dur dur
Is She Weird 55: Yes, SAFE s ex. protection
Is She Weird 55: No, they teach safe s ex with
"abstinence is the safest"
Is She Weird 55: I like it that way
DoomGrl: there is no such thing as "Safe Sex"
Creepy Loner: Now there's an unfortunate name.
Is She Weird 55: Doom, SAFER!
Is She Weird 55: It's better than no protection
DoomGrl: i mean emotionally
Is She Weird 55: knowing options
Is She Weird 55: emotionally does NOT equal unsafe
Is She Weird 55: that's dangerous for some teens.
not really literally but ya know?
Is She Weird 55: you need to know your options for protection.
and so they should teach that instead of solely abstinence
Phezziwig13: Don't you guys know anything?
DoomGrl: i try not to eat too much
Is She Weird 55: Doom you sound like a real DUR
Is She Weird 55: I am protected by no one liking me

Topping Fork:

Phezziwig13: ABCDEFG
Phezziwig13: HIJKLMNOP
Phezziwig13: QRSTUV
Phezziwig13: WX
Phezziwig13: YandZ
Phezziwig13: Fork can bite me
Catpower777: hey, I know that song !

Silence of the Lambs as a One-Man Show:

Forkrereredux: mr. fork puts lotion in the basket
Forkrereredux: mr. fork rubs the lotion on his skin

So Touching:

PatientOnion3: bey did you take an extra stupid pill tonight?
Beysshoes: hush onion
ShhJm: bey had a tall glass of carnation instant bitch
Beysshoes: yes creeps. there is an alluring quality with an
abusive man
PatientOnion3: instant stupid
Beysshoes: james, you're losing your touch. that was incredibly

Is There Never Any Cuddling?:

ShhJm: im wearing spandex batman briefs with the banana hammock
ShhJm: im only abusive in the bedroom
Beysshoes: too many beers today james?
Creepy Loner: How so, Shh?
Creepy Loner: Explain.
Dinosaur Vagina: judging by the outfit, it sounds like self abuse
Creepy Loner: You don't happen to cook, do you?
ShhJm: hair pulling, spanking, abusive language, maybe some
unusual demands
Creepy Loner: What kind of unusual demands?
Creepy Loner: A quiche?
Dinosaur Vagina: maybe he asks if he can vacuum afterwards
Dinosaur Vagina: that would be uncommon
Creepy Loner: Necrophile!

BLT Still Beloved:

Jhd730: B L effin T
ShhJm: boo, some of these people will call me blt
ShhJm: some call me jim
Beysshoes: some call you pig

Re-telling the Fight:

ShhJm: boo, just some background, beys made a play for me
and I rejected her, I wanted to remain her friend, but a
scorned woman....
Beysshoes: lol james. lawd that's what you said about you
know who.
Beysshoes: was that a lie???
Jhd730: lol Blt you think all the female screennames make
a play for you
Beysshoes: omg james. i'm so stupid i believed you
Beysshoes: you told me that was IRL too james!
Beysshoes: you punk!
ShhJm: beys, quit trying to start trouble for me
ShhJm: I have never confided in you
Beysshoes: lol wow. you really do drink too much

Then You're Doing It Wrong:
Beysshoes: lord, men make me puke


Is She Weird 55: Oh, so I am asking this kid to the Christmas
dance because [you won't believe this] HE LIKES ME
Hadachoke: 55.. yer likeable
Asia7384: She, your right, it is hard to believes

This Person:
Niontron3: they asked this person why didn't you get the noble
prize before
Niontron3: he said "because the noble commitee is lazy"

If George Bush were a 17-year old girl:
Is She Weird 55: I'm wearin my knit hat
Is She Weird 55: and my new black velvet blazer
Is She Weird 55: I feel really.... braveryesque

Charmin' Rono:
Niontron3: oneday I said to this teenage girl YOU LOOK OK
Niontron3: she cried for two days

Hillary on a roll:
Is She Weird 55: Oh and I got some guys phone number at the mall today.

Silence Is Not an Option:
Niontron3: why should I tell someone that she is pretty if she
is not pretty?
Niontron3: people do that just to have sex
Niontron3: at least I was being honest

Just Desserts:

Hadachoke: As a moral man, I know Idjit here will get his just
desserts some day
Asia7384: Nion, judgment isn't always immediate or apparent
Asia7384: but the moral man knows it eventually comes
Niontron3: Asia, that is what I used to think...but I see evil
wins everyday

Bush to Iraq - "Make Your Own Beds":
Niontron3: asia, 100000 iraqis died
Niontron3: no repayment was maid to america

No Book Marker Needed:
Niontron3: I read the back cover of that book

Ships passing in the Night:
Forkrereredux: i'm starting to hate this room
Is She Weird 55: I'm starting to love you

Hillary's One-Liner:
Is She Weird 55: nion- you are the second hand smoke of
this chat room. you do not seem really dangerous but you
can still kill a few people.

Is She Weird 55: WHAT THE EFF?
Is She Weird 55: I unblock nion and I am seeing retardisms

He's a Warrior:
Niontron3: I cursed at the supervisor
Niontron3: and walked out of the job
Niontron3: <<<<<<<Niontron3: and they called me back
Niontron3: knowing that it was the supervisors
Niontron3: MISTAKE

Take Your Peek:
Niontron3: two kinds of people are very nice to people
Niontron3: one with low self esteem
Niontron3: who needs to get accepted
Niontron3: the other is a politician
Niontron3: some people in this room
Niontron3: are always nice to other people
Niontron3: they are either politicians
Niontron3: or with low self esteem
Niontron3: take your peek

Stepping Out on Hillary:

Is She Weird 55: I can't go to sleep
Is She Weird 55: and i've been crying for an hour
Is She Weird 55: and my nose and ears are all stuffed up
Jam7604801: weird did you catch subway man eating at Wendy's

The Other Woman:
CordialCactus: the big problem with my birthday is that
it falls on or around opening day for deer season..
so bambi is the other woman

If You Think You're Fitting In ...:

JuggaloSkitz420: does it strike anyone as odd that im hanging
out with people much older than me and fitting in perfectly?
NeuroticAsMyCat: jugg? if you have to point out that you're
fitting in, maybe you're not

We Don't Know You Like That:

ShhJm: you know what I like?
Max The Obscure: Cajun fish
Creepy Loner: Light rum?
ShhJm: I like a woman who is confident enough to make me go
down on her even though she hasnt showered since yesterday
Max The Obscure: No you just wanted to go down regardless


ShhJm: I was a steelworker in a dying company, I realized
that people will always be sick, so I got a degree in 18
months and now I have a cushy medical job that pays well and
will always give me more
Creepy Loner: Considering you can't even spell clitoris, that
is impressive.

Creepy Mistiming:

Creepy Loner: BRB.
Beysshoes: hb creeps
Beysshoes: you bitch creeps...you had me going
Creepin deth68: why am i a bitch?
Creepin deth68: i just got here

Stealing Fork's act:

ShhJm: whats fun is opening a random car door and
peeing in the front seat
Forkrereredux: i hate you, shhjm

Deer Season Joke:

ShhJm: do you know the difference between deer nuts and beer nuts?
CordialCactus: no
Dinosaur Vagina: with a belated card?
Doralopezaustin: no i dont
ShhJm: deer nuts are under a buck
Creepy Loner: Har har.
Creepy Loner: That's really bad, Shh.
Dinosaur Vagina: lol
Dinosaur Vagina: tough crowd

Even a Blind Squirrel:

Niontron3: always put yourself in others' shoes...
because shoes are expensive

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

HadaCho is Back/BlueMonk Stays On/
Another Katy/A Needy Beysshoes/
Hillary Out for Adoption

A One-Act Play:

Creepy Loner: Did you have another date, Godwit?
Godwit935: I have grown tomatoes in five-gallon
pots and they do well up to a point, but never as
well as in-ground tomatoes. Same for peppers.
Prospect26: And how about you? How long have
you been gardening?
Creepy Loner: Speaking of tomatoes and five-gallon
pots...did you have another date?
Knowjuan2: my peppers thrive in the pots
Godwit935: To whom are you speaking, Creepy?
Creepy Loner: You.
Forkrereredux: To youm.
Creepy Loner: Yron.
Knowjuan2: the tomatoes dont do as good but they
dont do to bad
Godwit935: Creepy, if you attach a name to the person
to whom you are speaking, it's much better.
Creepy Loner: I did.
Creepy Loner: Creepy Loner: Did you have another date, Godwit?
Creepy Loner: ...
Creepy Loner: Godwit.
CordialCactus: another? as in one previously?
Creepy Loner: Yes...
Creepy Loner: Godwit had a date.
Creepy Loner: He didn't say much about it, though.
Forkrereredux: Godwit has a boyfriends.
Creepy Loner: Mentioned it the other night.
Knowjuan2: you get some godwit?
CordialCactus: good for godwit... that shatters my hermit
image of him... yay
Godwit935: Creepy, it's tired out....get a new schtick.
Creepy Loner: I'm not cracking jokes - I'm asking about
your date.
Creepy Loner: Tell us.
Creepy Loner: We're interested.
Godwit935: Creepy, speak for yourself.
Creepy Loner: Was your date funny?
Creepy Loner: Tell me.
Knowjuan2: inquiring minds want to know
Creepy Loner: I'm interested.
Prospect26: my first garden was in 1970...
Creepy Loner: See?
Forkrereredux: godwit, fork has to urinate. will you open
your mouth?
CordialCactus: interesting: Know wants to know about
your date.
Godwit935: Creepy, try coming up with something interesting
to say or talk about. You too, Fork.
Creepy Loner: We are talking about something interesting...
Creepy Loner: You're not.
Creepy Loner: Tell us about the date.
Forkrereredux: godwit's mouth ~~~> =-O <~~~ fork's urine
Godwit935: Creepy, you're too dull.
CordialCactus: yuck fork
CordialCactus: the word urine is good for what it decribes
Forkrereredux: Godwit935: Mmm. I likes watersports :)
CordialCactus: yucky word for a yucky waste product
Godwit935: Sigh.
CordialCactus: overusing the word yucky
CordialCactus: alright.. off to read
Knowjuan2: rofl, poor wit
CordialCactus: toodalloooo
Creepy Loner: Adios.
Forkrereredux: godwit, when are we going to the bar?
Creepy Loner: I want to go to the bar, too.
Creepy Loner: Baseball is over, right?
Knowjuan2: i quit drinkin and drugin a couple years ago
Godwit935: Fork, in earlier times, had I met you in a bar,
you would not have fared well.
Prospect26: I have been gardening since 1970.
Forkrereredux: is that right, godwit? how can you be so sure?
Godwit935: Fork, from experience.
Creepy Loner: Godwit would have ripped Dr. Fork a new
*sshole with his razor-sharp tongue...
Forkrereredux: lol
Knowjuan2: rofl
Forkrereredux: godwit is a thug
Creepy Loner: Yo.
Creepy Loner: Yo yo.
Godwit935: You know when you're in trouble in a bar, Fork?
Forkrereredux: when they run out of yuengling?
Godwit935: When the door is locked behind you, Fork.
Forkrereredux: what kind of hillbilly bar is that?
Creepy Loner: Dundundun!
Godwit935: One short, Creep.
Forkrereredux: what happens when the door is locked?
Creepy Loner: For the real "lockin' the bar door" theme?
Knowjuan2: boing boing boing
Creepy Loner: Hahahaha
Creepy Loner: Oh, this is great..
Knowjuan2: i think thats when the razor sharp toungue
starts to protrude
Godwit935: Fork, you take a beatin'.
Godwit935: It's silly to you boys, I know.
Forkrereredux: what bar is such a thing happening in, godwit?
Prospect26: Lady...my daughter drove the ambulance from
Edwards to Denver. Yeah...
Jam7604801: fork remember the blue oyster bar on police academy?
Godwit935: Well, this is too tired out for me. Good night, my
fellow Americans.
Creepy Loner: My fellow Americans?
Creepy Loner: What a c*ckhead.
Creepy Loner: That was f-ing great.
Jam7604801: i don't understand why people don't like Witicus
Creepy Loner: Someone needs to save that conversation...
Forkrereredux: in what bar does such a thing happen?
Creepy Loner: In Godwit's bar...which should be called
"I'm Really Not Gay"
Prospect26: I need to sign off and get ready for vacation...

What Binx Gave to Beysshoes:

Phezziwig13: Hey, my computer is going nuts
Phezziwig13: Finally, we understand each other
Beysshoes: ... oh you prolly caught binx's virus. i did.
Beysshoes: yah, he had porn popping up all over the place
Beysshoes: if it was allan it wouldn't be a problem... but no.
Creepy Loner: Heh.
Creepy Loner: Sounds like my set-up.

That the Family Bouncer Was Busy at T-Giving?:

CordialCactus: i have a question about cousins and
being twice removed... what the heck does it mean?

Finding a Friend for Godwit:

HCSMAUI: You know, in thinking about it, it makes no
difference what a persons sexual preference is. God is
the judge on judgement day. I am no judge. I am sorry
if I offended any gay people here. I am not gay and have
no desire to be gay but that is my choice
HCSMAUI: I will not judge you.
Vanda52: hes all yours bey
Beysshoes: lolol wow i missed something good here
Beysshoes: no homophobe friends for me allan. but thx
for the thought
HCSMAUI: I am a true homophobe
Beysshoes: wait for godwit, ... you'll be in good company

"Vanda isn't gay":

HCSMAUI: I am waiting for Lyn
Phronsie: Poor Lyn.
Various704: hcs........can i fill you in on something?
vanda isnt gay. but he is taking the piss out of you.
but you seem to do a better job yourself.
Phronsie: What did she ever do to deserve you.
HCSMAUI: I cannot believe any of you. I will wait.
Thank you
Beysshoes: maui, cannot you change yoh nick?
so pipples dunt know you is from here?
HCSMAUI: Lyn has found a very nice man to talk to.
I know she is married and I respect that.
Beysshoes: kmsa? kiss yoh stupid ass? that's rude
HCSMAUI: That is not what it means
HCSMAUI: Your definition defines you
Beysshoes: maui ... i dunt care. sorry.

BookShelf - Ya Gotta be Strong:

ElizabethTudor7: So this is the rude room today?
ElizabethTudor7: again?
HCSMAUI: No, people are rude the room is fine

BookShelf Counseling:

Is She Weird 55: sorry..
Is She Weird 55: it's taking me a while
Is She Weird 55: and little things get my hopes up
and then they come tumbling down
BinxB91: I want to write Hillary a love poem but can't
think of anything that rhymes with Hillary, Subway, or
Phronsie: lollollol
Forkrereredux: rape
Phronsie: scuppernong
Is She Weird 55: i used to have people who loved me...
but i'm not sure what happened
BinxB91: There once was a girl from Akron/
Who never took to saccharine
Hadachoke: carniverous
Is She Weird 55: i still love them
BinxB91: Is that the real Hada??
BinxB91: Hillary, you're just in a slump
Is She Weird 55: i'm always in a slump
Forkrereredux: you should drink
Is She Weird 55: i have bad posture too
BinxB91: a ballerina with bad posture???
No Way!
Is She Weird 55: yeah..... not when i dance
...just when i walk
Phronsie: Hard to imagine
BinxB91: Like an actress with a stutter
Phronsie: twirling around in a slump
Is She Weird 55: shut up
Is She Weird 55: God
Phronsie: en pointe in a slump
Is She Weird 55: I suck! okay! i suck at ballet
Phronsie: we didn't say that
Is She Weird 55: that's why i'm spanish senorita
soloist in the nutcracker
BinxB91: Or a sculpture with atheritis
Is She Weird 55: that's how much i effing suck
Is She Weird 55: and I dO!
BinxB91: should we argue with her further?
Phronsie: Binx, I don't think it's helping.
Phronsie: she seems determined to wallow

A Thin Disguise:

Hadachoke: I've developed a new vegetable, closely
related to the Artichoke. Named it Hadachoke because
my last name is Hadad

"oh kool ... yeah please":

NOKTURNALvne: what kind screen name is DinosaurVagina
Dinosaur Vagina: it's pretty self explanatory Nok
Dinosaur Vagina: need a pic?
NOKTURNALvne: oh kool
NOKTURNALvne: yeah plaese

A New and Better Katie:
Katiesofar: <--sitting on the book shelf...swinging legs
Katiesofar: <---drinking my beer

Candice Giggling:
CordialCactus: i love it when people say they need to
take a roast out of the freezer to "unthaw" ..makes me
giggle every time

Out-Forking Fork:
Teacher2057: OK let's see if I get tortured lol
Forkrereredux: do you enjoy a belly full of semen, teacher?
Teacher2057: as long as you're not lazy and don't call me stupid
Katiesofar: do you think you could actually produce a belly
full, Fork?

Cultural Revolution (they should have listened to their Moms):

Dinosaur Vagina: cultural revolution, what time period was that?
Kgbirdpaul: late 60's early 70's
Dinosaur Vagina: in China?
Kgbirdpaul: yes
Dinosaur Vagina: it's not still going on
Dinosaur Vagina: with western influence?
Kgbirdpaul: students were encouraged to beat up their teachers
BinxB91: About the Cutural Revolution, try To Live and Die Shanghai
Kgbirdpaul: lots of nice things like that
Teacher2057: a black panther, huh
BinxB91: DV, it wasn't about culture
Dinosaur Vagina: who encouraged?
Kgbirdpaul: the cadres
Dinosaur Vagina: oh
Kgbirdpaul: the political bully boys
Teacher2057: is this the socialist room tonight
Various704: yes
Teacher2057: oh well, then bye
BinxB91: Teacher, why would you think that??
Dinosaur Vagina: was it a violent book Kg, or
Teacher2057: because I was asked to look up fela kuti
Various704: you get it teach?
Kgbirdpaul: yes, wake up working class, throw off your
chains and smash the capitalist oppressor blood suckers
Teacher2057: that is a black panther radicalist bye
CordialCactus: and btw, dont eat the aqua dots
Dinosaur Vagina: sound advice from a Mom, Cactus

A Real Creep Does Not Greet:

Creepin deth68: heya fellow creep
CordialCactus: hello newish creep

Book Recommendations:

Catpower777: Kg, I just started Bridge of Sighs this week
CordialCactus: Kg... just finished a memoir called,
Bright Lights, Big Ass by jen lancaster

Dreaming of Being Homeless:
Katiesofar: bbl....my child is trying to sleep in a
cardboard box on his bed

Gratuitous Letters:

Godwit935: I am reading this book by this Dominican guy,
it's called, eh....what the heck.....The Brief Wondrous
Life of Oscar Wao. It is not very good.
Godwit935: Full of gratuitiious, ignorant ghetto obscenity.
CordialCactus: strike the 2 superfluous i's


Gypsyjo47: My wife is insisting on making chicken and
dumplings tomorrow. I HATE FUCKING DUMPLINGS!

Warn Us First:

Is She Weird 55: i also got pulled over for stopping at
a flashing yellow light
Is She Weird 55: Riding dirty
Is She Weird 55: they see me rollin they hatin
Is She Weird 55: hahaha
CordialCactus: hillary.. suggestion... can you type
before launching into verse?

BlueMonk at McDonald's:
Henrykrinkle912: one time i blacked out and woke up
in that big bin of colored balls in mcdonald's
playland and the spanish girls had the giggles when
i ordered coffee

Born During Deer Season:

CordialCactus: i havent celebrated a birthday since
marrying into my husbands deer hunting family
Godwit935: Cordial, are they ethical hunters?

Mr. Exacto on Erotica:

Henrykrinkle912: i've written some erotic chat before
Godwit935: Erotic chat.
BinxB91: yes, Henry, I remember that
Henrykrinkle912: hehe, yw
Godwit935: Funny phrase.
Tryst27pt: Erotica is hot
Dinosaur Vagina: now the truth comes out
CordialCactus: ive written erotic chat with a typing
lisp ... was kind of fun
Henrykrinkle912: god, that's why i typed it
Godwit935: How can chat be erotic?
CordialCactus: LISP!!!
Henrykrinkle912: some more questions, please, someone
Is She Weird 55: What the duck?
Godwit935: No, the term, chat, excludes eroticism,
is what I mean, Tryst.
CordialCactus: lol.. i love the way that when you state
something, it must be true, it couldnt possibly be any
other way, because you declare it so
Godwit935: Doesn't chat imply lust?
Godwit935: I mean, when you chat, you chat. Chat can't
include lust.
BinxB91: Godwit, like this --- "unbuttoning ..."
Max The Obscure: I've a boner the size of rhode island
BinxB91: and the same shape max?

Gypsy as Helpful Adult:

Gypsyjo47: Weird child, listen to me...smoking is fine
but you control it, don't let it control you
Is She Weird 55: I DONT SMOKE!

BlueMonk and Hillary as a Couple:

Henrykrinkle912: is she, name a few bands you like, please
Is She Weird 55: hmm pixies, red hot chili peppers,
the killers, modest mouse, smashing pumpkins
Is She Weird 55: eww i think there's a bug in my hair!
Henrykrinkle912: anything less annoying?

Pipples Don't Trust Jokers:
Beysshoes: why does everybody think i'm joking and not
see the neediness in me? sigh

[In South Carolina, they'd treated him like a beast, and
he'd survived. He's grown bigger, stronger, older, better.
But having returned to the world he'd grown up in, he had
no idea how to sit in a room with his mother, or what to
say to this 16-year old girl, no idea how to get through a
few days in his life until he shipped to Lousiana for
Advanced Infantry Training, until he got back where people
would tell what to do.]

Friends Vanda Never Knew He Had:

Redneck granger: Where's Vanda?
ManiacEyeball: i stuck him in the oven
ManiacEyeball: he'll be ready in 40
Beysshoes: this is his usual daily masturbation hour redneck
Beysshoes: then he showers and sleeps
Madamehairymole: shoeho, you know him so well
Beysshoes: yes madame
Beysshoes: he's me friend woot can i say?

Beysshoes Finds a Friend:

Beysshoes: hey you ingrate! i was starting the
hairymole club after youza!
Madamehairymole: really?
Beysshoes: yes, all members here must have moles surgically
implanted ...
Beysshoes: with hairs of different colors
Rozari: yuck. I'm out of here...
Beysshoes: those who resist this surgery must groom the others.
Madamehairymole: shoeho are you the sort who collects
extracted moles like some serial killer who collected nips?

Beysshoes of the Vague Subtleties:

Madamehairymole: what is the combined iq of these frackers?
Beysshoes: just over farenheit madame

Books Lose Again:

BatmanNC2: do people actually talk about books in here
Rozari: I wish we could
Beysshoes: from 11-11:15 on Wednesday nights.
BatmanNC2: oh...i see
Rozari: way past my bedtime
Beysshoes: but you can now iffin you want. but ya gotta pay extra
BatmanNC2: no thanks....the last book i read was in the 9th grade
Madamehairymole: bats don't sleep atnight
Beysshoes: or ya gotta touch madames mole 5 times.
Rozari: ewwwww
Beysshoes: soft.hard.soft.hard.soft
Madamehairymole: lay off your grabby fingers from my hairymole,
you horny dirty bich
BatmanNC2: whats this soft hard stuff
BatmanNC2: is that hairy mole or hairy hole....i need to
clean my glasses

Trying to Leave Polite:

Rozari: Batman, I'm off to look at your gallery. back soon. :)
BatmanNC2: i dont have a gallery
Rozari: you sure don't. Your link is broken.
Rozari: why don't you have one?
BatmanNC2: it was never there....its an AOL screw up
Beysshoes: batman, she just wanna leave polite and all. don't blow it.

Handy for Addicts and Drunks:

BatmanNC2: i cant wait to get a digital SLR
Madamehairymole: a new one is in the market
Madamehairymole: it's shake free
Beysshoes: whats that mean shake free
Madamehairymole: meaning your hands can shake like hell,
but the picture stays still
BatmanNC2: its not so much the shaking....its the delay
Beysshoes: oh that's handy for addicts and drunks yes?

The Benevolent BookShelf:

Is She Weird 55: i come in here because even though
i'm annoying and can talk about some immature issues,
i guess you guys listen better than anyone i know

Monday, November 05, 2007

(Your Nicky is Icky)

Poopooing Pharmacopland:

ParaMyrrh: Rush is a huge fan of Pharmacopaland
where there's a pill for every pain,
setback and sadness
ParaMyrrh: he was a Oxycontin addict
ParaMyrrh: for "pain treatment" pain at being a
fat asshole
Catpower777: he a bigger fan of poopooing legitimate
Ta21l: is poopooing a real word?
Catpower777: Ta, it is if you teach Pre-K

Inoculate Before Dressing Up:

Ta21l: although, the boyfriend and I decided last night
that next year, we're throwing a Halloween party..even
planned out our costumes
Ta21l: he's going as a vampire and I'll be going as a
Renissance woman with lots of cleavage and two bite
marks on one breast
Ta21l: I'll give you three guesses who's idea the
costumes were

Gypsy's Cousin:

Gypsyjo47: I have a cousin who has been married 5 times,
always to a younger model. I have no idea how he pulled
that off, but he did.
Gypsyjo47: His last one is younger than his child by the
first one
Catpower777: Gyps, is your cousin Rod Stewart?

Fork as the Invisible Man:

Dinosaur Vagina: so Fork, were you a spoon for halloween?
Various704: fork is making sense. white font rocks
Dinosaur Vagina: well he is a visionary

People Not Like Us:
Duwamish Head: ever notice how things just don't seem
the same since dime bag daryll died?


Phezziwig13: I'm going to change my name to Elephants
Penis and talk about Spaghetti Westerns in here
Dinosaur Vagina: promise?

Life With the AP Bimbo:
Is She Weird 55: and my dog barfed on my superman pjs

Vincent the Drama Queen:

Duwamish Head: yeah they told vincent van go
gh "hey, the object of a painting is, after all,
to make a buck"
Duwamish Head: he disagreed, apparently
Dinosaur Vagina: maybe he didn't hear them Duam
ManiacEyeball: killing himself was a good business move
Catpower777: yeah, major drama queen, that Van Gogh

BlueMonk is Back:

Henrykrinkle912: someone ask me some questions, please
Henrykrinkle912: my scrabble site is down
Dinosaur Vagina: ok, what do you do with seven letters
and no vowels Henry?
Henrykrinkle912: swap

The News From Subway:

Is She Weird 55: some guy at subway sometimes comes
in and he like, puts a bajillion onions on his sub
Nomdujourxx: a bajillion is a lot?
Is She Weird 55: and then there's a hot guy omg he's
hot.. he always gets a veggie sub and i was always like
omg they are for gay guys but not this guy
Duwamish Head: gay guys eat subs?
Duwamish Head: veggie subs?
Is She Weird 55: you smell a bit like coffee and taste
a bit like me
Is She Weird 55: yes, veggie subs usually
BinxB91: Cather in the Rye is a new product at Subway
Is She Weird 55: binx that's not funny

BlueMonk Continued:

BinxB91: Ever cooked dinner for a woman?
Henrykrinkle912: certainly
Henrykrinkle912: my mom and sisters
Henrykrinkle912: my wife
Henrykrinkle912: her mom and sister
Henrykrinkle912: i like cooking
BinxB91: Do you and your sisters ever share secrets
about your romantic lives?
Dinosaur Vagina: wow Binx
Dinosaur Vagina: these are some entertaining questions.
Is She Weird 55: where are you thinking of these questions?
Henrykrinkle912: my sisters are both mildly retarded, actually

You Know, I Was Thinking of Colonizing Korea:

Beysshoes: binx, you're the closest thing to an imperialist
japanese i've met besides my dad.
BinxB91: HOW AM I an imperialist Japanese???
BinxB91: Para is right, Beys --- you are a Fruit Loop
Beysshoes: you try to make me talk less, and stuff like
that binx
BinxB91: Beys, that makes me an imperialist???
Beysshoes: yes
BinxB91: Beys, you failed Political Science, didn't you?

But Nags isn't That Easy:

Beysshoes: fezz, how did you get back on aol pls?
i wanna tell nags.
Phezziwig13: I had to sleep with this girl in India


Madamehairymole: i am a moron with high IQ

Maybe She Means It's Extinct?:

Madamehairymole: vagina, your sn is a bigger ego
Madamehairymole: as if inviting big dicks
Dinosaur Vagina: my Sn has meaning you couldn't begin
to comprehend
Madamehairymole: there is only one fracking meaning
Madamehairymole: it is that nurse in"curb your enthusiasm"
whose vagina is super large sized
Dinosaur Vagina: well you're entitled to your opinion,
hope you enjoy it

He Doesn't Return Her Calls Even After All the Time
She Spent Holding Up His Poster With One Hand:

Jhd730: I am mad at Tom Brady

Pool Hall Chat:

ParaMyrrh: Colts are gonna kill the Patriots and their
coach Bill Bellicheat
ParaMyrrh: and yes Im willing to BET
Jhd730: no way Para.. penis-faced Manning is going to lose


ParaMyrrh: Jane I like what you posted on Emma's blog
JaneH56: Kal I posted nothing on emma's blog.

Vanda's Job:

Madamehairymole: he said he wanted to open a stripclub
and get you ladies to dance at his joint
ParaMyrrh: Vanda should be a limo driver for a Celeb
that'd be hilarious
JaneH56: on his joint or at his joint.?
Beysshoes: yes para!
Beysshoes: the stories he'd tell!
Madamehairymole: jane you are one dirty bich
Madamehairymole: hahahahha
JaneH56: yep madame. you guess it.
Jhd730: I still stand by my job for Allan..
he should be a paperboy

ParaMyrrh: I can poop anytime anywhere squat
and drop or public restroom doesn't matter

Long Island men:
LynBelle: I cannot go back to the house my mother
lived in for the last 50 yrs
LynBelle: my brother now owns it and he keeps it locked up,
he lives on Long Island

So Sad:
Beysshoes: derby is cryingcrying ... she see's her dog
runner playing basketball with friends.
Beysshoes: he said he'd be here to run her. but that was
2 hrs ago. HA!

[The street crazies seem especially attracted to me.
They converge on me for change, bless me, or curse me.
I give them what I can, which isn't much, and try not
to gag at the stench or harden myself to their plight.
They remind me that I do have some things to be grateful
for. At least I have a bed and a refrigertaor to go
home to. Except when I forgot to pay my ConEd bill and
they shut off my gas and electricity ...]

Times Have Changed:

Jhd730: so check this out...my son was going to be a
vampire in school tomorrow but the school sent home a list
of things NOT to bring to school because they are considered
"weapons" ...fangs was one of the things
Jhd730: can you believe that?
Beysshoes: sheesh jo ... sux for kids nowdays
LynBelle: those little wobbly fangs, big deal
Jhd730: when I was in high school I went to school dressed
as the grim reaper and brought a REAL sickle to school..
I could have cut off dozens of arms and legs before the
caught me...how times have changed
Dinosaur Vagina: Wonder when they'll outlaw real teeth.
ParaMyrrh: Jo but he can wear jeans that fall down to
show his underwear

No Offence:

Various704: and here was me getting sentimental. i realise
now i actually hate most of you. no offence.
Jhd730: Various?? even me?
Various704: :)
Creepy Loner: That's all right, Various.
Creepy Loner: Understood.
Creepy Loner: I hate most of us, too.

A Beysshoes Halloween:

Jhd730: Bey, what are you making for kids for halloween?
it'll just get throw out by the cautious parents
Beysshoes: NO jo
Beysshoes: they are cute li'l treasure bags and toys
Beysshoes: all soft clothe animal dolls
Beysshoes: and stuff
Jhd730: no one will accept homemade anything from the
"kookey lady that lives in that house"

Hard Ass:

Jhd730: I used to keep a few cans of creamed corn and
saurkraut by the door for the late night 16 year olds...
Jhd730: I'd drop that in their bags and say
"you like veggies right"

It's About Beysshoes Re-Naming:

LynBelle: various, some people call you Derek and now
Oscar, which is it?
Various704: my name is derek
ParaMyrrh: Various Bey notices everything about the shelf males
Creepy Loner: I've never understood the whole "Oscar" thing.
Creepy Loner: What's that about?

Ambiguous Sexuality:

ParaMyrrh: Creepy you're asexual a seahorse of a woman
Creepy Loner: Oh.
Creepy Loner: Sorry.
Creepy Loner: [rolling a cigarette]
LynBelle: she is very attractive kal
Madamehairymole: creepy is a seahussey?
ParaMyrrh: Lyn I wasn't dissing Creepy I am sure
she is attractive
Madamehairymole: creepy PICS, stat
Creepy Loner: No.
Madamehairymole: why not
Madamehairymole: come on
Creepy Loner: I prefer to keep my ugly a mystery.
ParaMyrrh: But she has stated many times she has takn
up celibacy and hairy legs
Creepy Loner: Thanks.
Madamehairymole: hairy legs HOT
Dinosaur Vagina: the two do go together
Jhd730: hairly legs are only hot to male dogs

You Frackers!:

LynBelle: madame, I want to know where the mole is
Madamehairymole: lyn, why
Creepy Loner: Why not?
Beysshoes: madame, she wants to touch it but it
depends on where it is.
Madamehairymole: shoeho that is just fracking psychotic
LynBelle: who in the hell is shoeho?
Beysshoes: me lynbelle
ParaMyrrh: Lyn her name for Bey
Madamehairymole: are you frackers like hair probia or something
Beysshoes: its an endearment.
LynBelle: I just keep visualizing madame with this long
hair coming from that mole on her face and she keeps
sucking on it
Madamehairymole: :-D=-O:-P:-*
ParaMyrrh: ha
ParaMyrrh: good image
LynBelle: hahahaha

The Alpha Gorilla:

Madamehairymole: why does the name amber remind me of
porn actresses?
Beysshoes: bec she used to go steady with allan madame
AmberHighWinds: some of you have halloween inspired s/n's?
Madamehairymole: o hahahahha shoeho
Creepy Loner: Amber, Just Dinosaur Vagina.
AmberHighWinds: oookkk
Madamehairymole: seems like allan the dude is the resident
alpha gorilla eh
Dinosaur Vagina: I do?
Beysshoes: that DV nicky is sooo icky

But No Recipe?:

Madamehairymole: i may cook pig kidney today yes
Beysshoes: !
ParaMyrrh: (guitar solo)
Creepy Loner: [belch]
Dinosaur Vagina: best to save some sentiment for eulogies
Madamehairymole: tomorrow i am planning on pig intestines
Madamehairymole: large and small intestines
Madamehairymole: i just consumed a quarter of a large pig liver
Madamehairymole: but i am still hungry
Beysshoes: drink the blood mole
ParaMyrrh: ravenous
Beysshoes: fry it first.
Beysshoes: blood sausage
Madamehairymole: shoeho, best to solidify it first
Madamehairymole: cut into cubes
Beysshoes: truism
Madamehairymole: and yes cook in soup
ParaMyrrh: insatiable
Various704: sounds lovely
Beysshoes: para gonna hunt you down now mole ... its his fave

Dr. Penrod is In:

Iz2Bornot2B: But first guy I fell in love with after my
ex, had a relationship with
JaggedMetalPill: put your hand in this bag of candy
Iz2Bornot2B: for 6 years, and finally he tells me he is bi.
DAISYTRAIL: Weren't there any clues in 6 years?
Iz2Bornot2B: Very naive Daisy, in retrospect, yes.
Penrod59: Iz, you sound bright and perceptive.
z2Bornot2B: I am about most things, not men.
Penrod59: Live with a guy and blow him, bang him, and you
couldn't tell he was a homo

Penrod Not Being Fair:

Penrod59: sounds like she is afraid of men who exhibit
masculine characteristics
Iz2Bornot2B: I didn't dump him until he cheated on me.
Penrod59: Iz is a head case, and I'd steer clear if
I was anyone steering towards her
Iz2Bornot2B: Pen that's not fair. You don't even know me
Penrod59: Iz, you'd be amazed at how revealing this
place can be
Penrod59: I mean you'd be amazed if you had any brain

What Jagged Likes:

JaggedMetalPill: don't yall talk about books n stuff
Penrod59: Jags, we always switch to sordid animal
eroticism when you arrive so you feel comfortable
Penrod59: otherwise you "clam" up
JaggedMetalPill: i dint hear ya talkin about aminals
DAISYTRAIL: They were implied.
JaggedMetalPill: i like possums

Penrod Vs Izzy:

Penrod59: you are dumb and a female drone with little
capacity for analytical deduction
Iz2Bornot2B: You are being abusive to me by swearing at me.
Penrod59: and you think I deserve to be beaten for the
words I just typed to you?
Iz2Bornot2B: You don't know a damn thing Pen
JaggedMetalPill: i'm gonna pet a possum
Penrod59: I see I am outclassed in intellectual weight here.

Penrod vs Izzy, Round II/Daisy is intrigued:

Penrod59: someone please step in and help me
Iz2Bornot2B: I did not say that
Gypsyjo47: Pen you need to be scalded
Iz2Bornot2B: typical abusive man tactic
Tm0108: abusive? I'd call being married to a guy who
wouldn't tellyou he was gay "abusive"
Iz2Bornot2B: puts words in your mouth
Penrod59: you certainly did all but say it, Iz.
Read your text.
Iz2Bornot2B: I did not marry the bi guy.
Various704: now now children. im going to send you to
bed and gypsy will shell the orphange if youre not nice
DAISYTRAIL: A woman here killed her husband while he slept,
after suffering a lifetime of beatings.
Iz2Bornot2B: No, Pen, I did not.
Penrod59: Iz2Bornot2B: Maybe you talked to her the way you
are talking to me before you went to sleepl
Tm0108: you blew him and cooked for him..same diff
DAISYTRAIL: The jury set her free.
Iz2Bornot2B: Well, you claim you did nothing. Absolutely nothing
Iz2Bornot2B: But you have proven to me, you can be very
abusive with your tongue
DAISYTRAIL: Tongue abuse? Hmmmm.

Round III:

Penrod59: I have "proven" nothing to anyone, but
you have drawn conclusions based upon a stranger's
(my) musings made in a chat room to amuse himself.
DAISYTRAIL: You're just in time for round 3.
Penrod59: I can see you are truly weak and full of
fear and stupid
Jhd730: give me the gist in one sentence so I can
join in
Iz2Bornot2B: You do not know me, yet you have said
things to me to amuse yourself that are abusive.
Penrod59: I feel sorry for you, but I would definitely
stear clear of you in real life
Iz2Bornot2B: Ditto
Various704: i wouldn't even dream of hitting a woman
DAISYTRAIL: You'll be up to speed in a moment.

Feeling Sorry for Penrod:

2Bornot2B: And, I don't feel sorry for youl.
Jhd730: why would you feel sorry for Penrod?
Iz2Bornot2B: You are the kind who stays in denial,
Penrod59: I would never get close enough to you to
actually abuse you, even if in some weird parallel
universe I decided to meet you and become an abusive
Iz2Bornot2B: There are many parallel universes Pen,
shouldn't joke.
Penrod59: Jo, meet feminist clown Iz
Penrod59: why shouldn't I joke?
Penrod59: I shall joke away at will
Jhd730: oh my..I see that she believes in parallel
universes..just like that presidential hopeful
Iz2Bornot2B: Because everything you do and say comes
back to you in some way.
Penrod59: leave congressperson moonbat alone, Jo
Penrod59: I see: I'm rubber and you're glue.
Gypsyjo47: A femenist is just a woman who hates her
husband and needs a good lay, that's all

Izzy Surrendering:

Iz2Bornot2B: How old are you Pen?
Iz2Bornot2B: Were you born in 59?
Penrod59: yes
z2Bornot2B: 3 years older than me
Penrod59: and infinitely wiser
Iz2Bornot2B: ditto
Iz2Bornot2B: totally intuitive and physic
Jhd730: I just figured out your sn...and it's stupid
Penrod59: Iz, it truly is silly for a person your
age to throw the label "abuser" around indiscriminately
as a means of assuaging your fears and insecurites
Gypsyjo47: Pen and Iz will be in the loft soon, then?
Who knows...
Iz2Bornot2B: LOL, couldn't think of anything else, so gave
up and went with it.
Iz2Bornot2B: It is dumb, I know.

Feminine Infallibillity:

Penrod59: and it's obvious that you have been indoctrinated
into a sort of cult that worships a mythical and false
feminine infallibility
Penrod59: the terms you use give you away
Jhd730: but Penrod is an online abuser..he's made me weep
tears of frustration many times
Iz2Bornot2B: I have overcome my fears and insecurities Pen,
but you clearly have a foul mouth.
Iz2Bornot2B: And took it out on me.
Jhd730: he doesn't believe in rainbows or butterfiles and
bashes unicorns relentlessly
Penrod59: Jo, thank you for your support. I'll beat you later,
just like I promised
Jhd730: yippeeeee

Puh -- lease:
2Bornot2B: I study quatum physics and metaphysics, not femnism
Penrod59: liar
Jhd730: quantum physics and metaphysics??? and you
visit the bookshelf...puh lease

I Don't Have the Statistics:

Iz2Bornot2B: How do you define feminism? I like having a
door opened for me.
Penrod59: Iz, do you think more men, or women are responsible
for child abuse of any kind, sexual, physical, and emotional
all included?
Iz2Bornot2B: I don't want to fight in the war.
Penrod59: this will give you away as a mindless drone
Iz2Bornot2B: I haven't read any stats on that Pen. I don't know.

But Imagine Being Married to a Baby:

CordialCactus: if my husband had not stepped on our
kitten, he would be 4 months

A Missed Appointment?:

Catpower777: why does naked moonlight dancing pop
into my mind