Chiefly Candice/Beysshoes AWOL/
CreepyLoner and Fork are gloomy/
Vanda as Rip van Winkle/
Lesliehapaflap listens to her
smart husband
It's My Birthday:
CordialCactus: i didnt dance on the bar.. but i
started a game of quarters at the bar... and enticed
others into doing shots of tequila
CordialCactus: i only sang a little... and not well
A Dyke Name:
Eyez Wide Open 3: candice is a dyke name
Eyez Wide Open 3: every candice I've known, and there
were three of them, were lesbians
BinxB91: Eyez, candice seems like a practicing hetero-sexual
CordialCactus: you must attract them?
Eyez Wide Open 3: shrug
Eyez Wide Open 3: so there is a straight one also
Eyez Wide Open 3: nice to meet you
Rosmario: candice is not a dyke name. there's no such thing
as a dyke name. geez
Eyez Wide Open 3: who is candice?
Eyez Wide Open 3: fine
CordialCactus: im candice
Eyez Wide Open 3: I take it back.
Eyez Wide Open 3: oh, you
Eyez Wide Open 3: oops
CordialCactus: lol.. dork
Eyez Wide Open 3: Cactus = Candice
Eyez Wide Open 3: sorry
Eyez Wide Open 3: *takes foot out of mouth*
CordialCactus: thats alright.. heh
Rosmario: <--inserts foot back into Eyez mouth
CordialCactus: eh.. eh.. no need for that
Rosmario: and duct tapes Eyez mouth shut
CordialCactus: i met my husband through
Well.. i was on a date with a man that i met on when i met my husband
CordialCactus: does that make sense?
Phezziwig13: A stunning testimonial for
Phezziwig13: Damned thing is so slow
Mentros: Phez:Obviously a Mac?
Phezziwig13: An IBM clone piece of poo poo ka ka
CordialCactus: lol phezz. well said
OJ's sequel:
ShhJm: oj's new book, "if I were to use guns to
re-steal memorabilia"
I Wish I Had been There:
ShhJm: I wish I would have been there
ShhJm: I would have said "OMG Juice, what are you
going to do? Shoot me? Do you think the same jury is
Give Me a G:
CordialCactus: i dont hunt.. but i will be a cheerleader
CordialCactus: really.. old people are just young people
that have been here longer and are wondering what in the
hell happened and who is that in the mirror
I'm Lying:
Creepy Loner: We could make it shocking somehow...we could
light a candle in my butt before I start the seance...that
kind of thing. Dripless, though...I wouldn't want wax burns
on my precious booty.
CordialCactus: lol.. creepy.. i have a question
Creepy Loner: Yes.
CordialCactus: do you ever hesitate when you type things
like that.. i would be a mass of nervous giggle with one
finger on the enter key and one on the delete
Creepy Loner: Nope.
Creepy Loner: I'm completely deadpan, all the time.
Forkrereredux: christ
Dinosaur Vagina: she does seem deadpan
Forkrereredux: it's a friggin' chat room
Forkrereredux: say whatever the f you want
Creepy Loner: When I say "LOL"...I'm lying.
More Whores:
Niontron3: women say in public that they don't like sex
to prove that they are not whores
Niontron3: which makes them more whores
Intorenance for Weirdos:
Creepy Loner: Onion has gotten into sending me IMs.
Creepy Loner: They are strange.
Forkrereredux: i don't like onion or 99% of the people
who come in here
Creepy Loner: I don't know what to think of Onion.
Creepy Loner: I'm baffled by him...I think he might be a
Forkrereredux: i wouldn't be surprised
Creepy Loner: I can't believe that someone living on food stamps
in San Francisco is that stupid about human nature...
Creepy Loner: It just doesn't fit.
Forkrereredux: i never pay attention to him
Niontron3: most humans are conditioned to worship their owners
Stealing Rono's Act:
Forkrereredux: If you are living better than others or in an
affluent society, that only means someone or some group is
working very hard or suffering for you, somewhere else, or
someone close to you.
Niontron3: lol
Forkrereredux: Humans, no matter what they do, they think they
are always right. So, they never accept or fix their mistakes,
even after being told. Because they always think about
themselves, they don't realize how they hurt or harm each others.
Niontron3: melting pot
Forkrereredux: Always think: how your greed, your ego, your
easy way out and your high expectations, your fun times harm
others, people surrounding you?
Niontron3: bookshelf
This Much is True:
PatientOnion3: binx, since hada was dumped by julie, and
urban was nearly beaten to death by her drunken ax murderer,
they now live together, hada & urban
BinxB91: Onion only part of that is true
BinxB91: The part about my screen name being Binx
Action High School:
Is She Weird 55: I got into a fight with some kid at school
and he jumped off the roof into a trashcan and got suspended
but broke his solar plexus
Creepy Loner: I would accept what you said if you told me
the boy was cut in half from about the nipples down...
Hadachoke: solar plexus is unbreakable
[In that moment I wished I could find everything as funny
as he did. He must see things on some kind of higher
plane, where the essence of everything ridiculous comes
to him in theses sharp, pleasurable spasms. I think that
today I ended up on the plane where I see the same essence,
except it makes me sick to my stomach.]
"wtf is wrong with me?":
Is She Weird 55: I got named after Sir Edmund Hillary
Is She Weird 55: I am named 17
Is She Weird 55: I mean I am 17
Is She Weird 55: wtf is wrong with me?!
BinxB91: Hillary, probably not enough love
Is She Weird 55: shut up binx
Creepy Loner: You have that mad-cow disease, Hillary.
Next time you fall over in ballet, get worried.
Re-Writing Waiting for Godot :
Forkrereredux: miss creepy, you were right. there was gum!
Creepy Loner: I knew it!
Creepy Loner: Was it in an old coat?
Creepy Loner: There's always gum.
Forkrereredux: mommy stocked up before she left
Creepy Loner: Ah ha!
Creepy Loner: Better still.
Creepy Loner: Fresh gum. It's bad when you're desperate
enough to chomp on old-coat-gum.
Forkrereredux: fork doesn't own a coat
Creepy Loner: Why is this?
Forkrereredux: or even a jacket
Forkrereredux: he hasn't had one for about 6 years now
Creepy Loner: What's with you Sagittarian pigs?
Seven Years was the same way.
Forkrereredux: we're too tough for a coat
Creepy Loner: Is that it?
Creepy Loner: Too studly to stay warm?
Forkrereredux: fork gets too hot in it
Creepy Loner: Please.
Forkrereredux: and what's the point
Forkrereredux: fork's car has heat
Creepy Loner: This is some macho thing, isn't it.
Forkrereredux: so he goes from the car to a building
Forkrereredux: then takes off the coat?
Forkrereredux: no way
Forkrereredux: and what to do with the coat
Creepy Loner: F that. You keep the coat on.
Creepy Loner: That's what we do in Ohio.
Forkrereredux: but you don't wear a coat indoors the
rest of the year
Creepy Loner: From November to March, we all wear coats
...all the time.
Creepy Loner: Yes we do.
Forkrereredux: in the summer?
Creepy Loner: November - March.
Forkrereredux: but this is fork's logic:
Creepy Loner: Well, I type the truth.
Forkrereredux: say the supermarket temperature is set to 70
Forkrereredux: now in the summer, you don't wear a coat in there
Forkrereredux: but in the winter you do
Forkrereredux: why?
Creepy Loner: Because you're cold from being outside.
Forkrereredux: and there is too much coat to deal with in the car
Creepy Loner: No there isn't.
Creepy Loner: This is madness.
Forkrereredux: lol
Creepy Loner: Get a coat.
Forkrereredux: the coat interferes with everything
Creepy Loner: No it doesn't.
Every Kind of Depravity:
Godwit935: live next to a state park and you will witness
every kind of homosexual depravity you can imagine.
Dinosaur Vagina: do they make you watch?
Godwit935: Dino, yes, they're on public property and there's
so many of them. In effect, they do make you watch.
Dinosaur Vagina: I've been to many parks - state and
otherwise and never seen these things
RHill63057: (i think godwit hangs out in state parks at
night, with night-vision goggles)
RHill63057: (he seems somewhat gleeful in his description of
this "depravity")
Who's Laughing Now:
EDruezillaB: You know, I have no Christmas lights up but
I don't give a crap because all my neighbors do and I can
see theirs.
EDruezillaB: They're the ones looking at a dark house.
EDruezillaB: Who's laughing now
BinxB91: Christmas Lights on November 24th?
EDruezillaB: Yes. These bastards have them up.
More Gay Chat:
Godwit935: Look at that guy, that British homo,
whatsisname, that Pete Postlethwaite. That guy is almost
grotesque, but a very good actor.
Godwit935: And John Malkovich. He's no beauty.
PatientOnion3: malkovich is hottttttttttttt
PatientOnion3: he is married to a lovely woman, and they live
in a beautiful estate in the south of france
Godwit935: He's as queer as a three-dollar bill, Patient.
The Man Who Loved Cat Dancing:
Creepy Loner: I like it when Dr. Fork talks about dancing
with his cat...
Onion as Fork's Advocate:
Godwit935: Fork, you are Fork. Why not say, I, instead of Fork?
Forkrereredux: DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?
Godwit935: Fork, you refer to yourself as if you were someone
else. Why do you do that?
PatientOnion3: fork is in the third dimension, so third person
is appropriate
CordialCactus: interesting view you have there PO
The Bottom Line:
CordialCactus: if fork left forever... you know there would
be an empty void...even as crass and vulgar as he is... he's
like the worst.. as long as we have him.. we know that the
rest of us... arent so bad
CordialCactus: the shelf needs fork
Say Please:
YafarkinICEWhole: once i screenamed a name that aol let me
but i got a tos cause the members found the name offensive
CordialCactus: what was the name, yafark?
YafarkinICEWhole: sukmayhdk
CordialCactus: well that answers the gender question
YafarkinICEWhole: only got one use b4 aol terminated it
Catpower777: maybe if you'd added pls to the front
Back to Sanity:
BinxB91: Ta is off scouting the Christian rooms.
Dinosaur Vagina: planning an invasion?
Ta21l has entered the room
Ta21l: ahhhh....back to sanity
CordialCactus: convert?
BinxB91: So Ta, how was the Christian room?
Dinosaur Vagina: this is sanity?
Ta21l: let's see...the Catholics were discussing guns
Dinosaur Vagina: that's frightening
Ta21l: then the Bahas were discussing how Jesus hates everyone
Ta21l: yes, this is sanity
CreepyLoner and Fork are gloomy/
Vanda as Rip van Winkle/
Lesliehapaflap listens to her
smart husband
It's My Birthday:
CordialCactus: i didnt dance on the bar.. but i
started a game of quarters at the bar... and enticed
others into doing shots of tequila
CordialCactus: i only sang a little... and not well
A Dyke Name:
Eyez Wide Open 3: candice is a dyke name
Eyez Wide Open 3: every candice I've known, and there
were three of them, were lesbians
BinxB91: Eyez, candice seems like a practicing hetero-sexual
CordialCactus: you must attract them?
Eyez Wide Open 3: shrug
Eyez Wide Open 3: so there is a straight one also
Eyez Wide Open 3: nice to meet you
Rosmario: candice is not a dyke name. there's no such thing
as a dyke name. geez
Eyez Wide Open 3: who is candice?
Eyez Wide Open 3: fine
CordialCactus: im candice
Eyez Wide Open 3: I take it back.
Eyez Wide Open 3: oh, you
Eyez Wide Open 3: oops
CordialCactus: lol.. dork
Eyez Wide Open 3: Cactus = Candice
Eyez Wide Open 3: sorry
Eyez Wide Open 3: *takes foot out of mouth*
CordialCactus: thats alright.. heh
Rosmario: <--inserts foot back into Eyez mouth
CordialCactus: eh.. eh.. no need for that
Rosmario: and duct tapes Eyez mouth shut
CordialCactus: i met my husband through
Well.. i was on a date with a man that i met on when i met my husband
CordialCactus: does that make sense?
Phezziwig13: A stunning testimonial for
Phezziwig13: Damned thing is so slow
Mentros: Phez:Obviously a Mac?
Phezziwig13: An IBM clone piece of poo poo ka ka
CordialCactus: lol phezz. well said
OJ's sequel:
ShhJm: oj's new book, "if I were to use guns to
re-steal memorabilia"
I Wish I Had been There:
ShhJm: I wish I would have been there
ShhJm: I would have said "OMG Juice, what are you
going to do? Shoot me? Do you think the same jury is
Give Me a G:
CordialCactus: i dont hunt.. but i will be a cheerleader
CordialCactus: really.. old people are just young people
that have been here longer and are wondering what in the
hell happened and who is that in the mirror
I'm Lying:
Creepy Loner: We could make it shocking somehow...we could
light a candle in my butt before I start the seance...that
kind of thing. Dripless, though...I wouldn't want wax burns
on my precious booty.
CordialCactus: lol.. creepy.. i have a question
Creepy Loner: Yes.
CordialCactus: do you ever hesitate when you type things
like that.. i would be a mass of nervous giggle with one
finger on the enter key and one on the delete
Creepy Loner: Nope.
Creepy Loner: I'm completely deadpan, all the time.
Forkrereredux: christ
Dinosaur Vagina: she does seem deadpan
Forkrereredux: it's a friggin' chat room
Forkrereredux: say whatever the f you want
Creepy Loner: When I say "LOL"...I'm lying.
More Whores:
Niontron3: women say in public that they don't like sex
to prove that they are not whores
Niontron3: which makes them more whores
Intorenance for Weirdos:
Creepy Loner: Onion has gotten into sending me IMs.
Creepy Loner: They are strange.
Forkrereredux: i don't like onion or 99% of the people
who come in here
Creepy Loner: I don't know what to think of Onion.
Creepy Loner: I'm baffled by him...I think he might be a
Forkrereredux: i wouldn't be surprised
Creepy Loner: I can't believe that someone living on food stamps
in San Francisco is that stupid about human nature...
Creepy Loner: It just doesn't fit.
Forkrereredux: i never pay attention to him
Niontron3: most humans are conditioned to worship their owners
Stealing Rono's Act:
Forkrereredux: If you are living better than others or in an
affluent society, that only means someone or some group is
working very hard or suffering for you, somewhere else, or
someone close to you.
Niontron3: lol
Forkrereredux: Humans, no matter what they do, they think they
are always right. So, they never accept or fix their mistakes,
even after being told. Because they always think about
themselves, they don't realize how they hurt or harm each others.
Niontron3: melting pot
Forkrereredux: Always think: how your greed, your ego, your
easy way out and your high expectations, your fun times harm
others, people surrounding you?
Niontron3: bookshelf
This Much is True:
PatientOnion3: binx, since hada was dumped by julie, and
urban was nearly beaten to death by her drunken ax murderer,
they now live together, hada & urban
BinxB91: Onion only part of that is true
BinxB91: The part about my screen name being Binx
Action High School:
Is She Weird 55: I got into a fight with some kid at school
and he jumped off the roof into a trashcan and got suspended
but broke his solar plexus
Creepy Loner: I would accept what you said if you told me
the boy was cut in half from about the nipples down...
Hadachoke: solar plexus is unbreakable
[In that moment I wished I could find everything as funny
as he did. He must see things on some kind of higher
plane, where the essence of everything ridiculous comes
to him in theses sharp, pleasurable spasms. I think that
today I ended up on the plane where I see the same essence,
except it makes me sick to my stomach.]
"wtf is wrong with me?":
Is She Weird 55: I got named after Sir Edmund Hillary
Is She Weird 55: I am named 17
Is She Weird 55: I mean I am 17
Is She Weird 55: wtf is wrong with me?!
BinxB91: Hillary, probably not enough love
Is She Weird 55: shut up binx
Creepy Loner: You have that mad-cow disease, Hillary.
Next time you fall over in ballet, get worried.
Re-Writing Waiting for Godot :
Forkrereredux: miss creepy, you were right. there was gum!
Creepy Loner: I knew it!
Creepy Loner: Was it in an old coat?
Creepy Loner: There's always gum.
Forkrereredux: mommy stocked up before she left
Creepy Loner: Ah ha!
Creepy Loner: Better still.
Creepy Loner: Fresh gum. It's bad when you're desperate
enough to chomp on old-coat-gum.
Forkrereredux: fork doesn't own a coat
Creepy Loner: Why is this?
Forkrereredux: or even a jacket
Forkrereredux: he hasn't had one for about 6 years now
Creepy Loner: What's with you Sagittarian pigs?
Seven Years was the same way.
Forkrereredux: we're too tough for a coat
Creepy Loner: Is that it?
Creepy Loner: Too studly to stay warm?
Forkrereredux: fork gets too hot in it
Creepy Loner: Please.
Forkrereredux: and what's the point
Forkrereredux: fork's car has heat
Creepy Loner: This is some macho thing, isn't it.
Forkrereredux: so he goes from the car to a building
Forkrereredux: then takes off the coat?
Forkrereredux: no way
Forkrereredux: and what to do with the coat
Creepy Loner: F that. You keep the coat on.
Creepy Loner: That's what we do in Ohio.
Forkrereredux: but you don't wear a coat indoors the
rest of the year
Creepy Loner: From November to March, we all wear coats
...all the time.
Creepy Loner: Yes we do.
Forkrereredux: in the summer?
Creepy Loner: November - March.
Forkrereredux: but this is fork's logic:
Creepy Loner: Well, I type the truth.
Forkrereredux: say the supermarket temperature is set to 70
Forkrereredux: now in the summer, you don't wear a coat in there
Forkrereredux: but in the winter you do
Forkrereredux: why?
Creepy Loner: Because you're cold from being outside.
Forkrereredux: and there is too much coat to deal with in the car
Creepy Loner: No there isn't.
Creepy Loner: This is madness.
Forkrereredux: lol
Creepy Loner: Get a coat.
Forkrereredux: the coat interferes with everything
Creepy Loner: No it doesn't.
Every Kind of Depravity:
Godwit935: live next to a state park and you will witness
every kind of homosexual depravity you can imagine.
Dinosaur Vagina: do they make you watch?
Godwit935: Dino, yes, they're on public property and there's
so many of them. In effect, they do make you watch.
Dinosaur Vagina: I've been to many parks - state and
otherwise and never seen these things
RHill63057: (i think godwit hangs out in state parks at
night, with night-vision goggles)
RHill63057: (he seems somewhat gleeful in his description of
this "depravity")
Who's Laughing Now:
EDruezillaB: You know, I have no Christmas lights up but
I don't give a crap because all my neighbors do and I can
see theirs.
EDruezillaB: They're the ones looking at a dark house.
EDruezillaB: Who's laughing now
BinxB91: Christmas Lights on November 24th?
EDruezillaB: Yes. These bastards have them up.
More Gay Chat:
Godwit935: Look at that guy, that British homo,
whatsisname, that Pete Postlethwaite. That guy is almost
grotesque, but a very good actor.
Godwit935: And John Malkovich. He's no beauty.
PatientOnion3: malkovich is hottttttttttttt
PatientOnion3: he is married to a lovely woman, and they live
in a beautiful estate in the south of france
Godwit935: He's as queer as a three-dollar bill, Patient.
The Man Who Loved Cat Dancing:
Creepy Loner: I like it when Dr. Fork talks about dancing
with his cat...
Onion as Fork's Advocate:
Godwit935: Fork, you are Fork. Why not say, I, instead of Fork?
Forkrereredux: DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?
Godwit935: Fork, you refer to yourself as if you were someone
else. Why do you do that?
PatientOnion3: fork is in the third dimension, so third person
is appropriate
CordialCactus: interesting view you have there PO
The Bottom Line:
CordialCactus: if fork left forever... you know there would
be an empty void...even as crass and vulgar as he is... he's
like the worst.. as long as we have him.. we know that the
rest of us... arent so bad
CordialCactus: the shelf needs fork
Say Please:
YafarkinICEWhole: once i screenamed a name that aol let me
but i got a tos cause the members found the name offensive
CordialCactus: what was the name, yafark?
YafarkinICEWhole: sukmayhdk
CordialCactus: well that answers the gender question
YafarkinICEWhole: only got one use b4 aol terminated it
Catpower777: maybe if you'd added pls to the front
Back to Sanity:
BinxB91: Ta is off scouting the Christian rooms.
Dinosaur Vagina: planning an invasion?
Ta21l has entered the room
Ta21l: ahhhh....back to sanity
CordialCactus: convert?
BinxB91: So Ta, how was the Christian room?
Dinosaur Vagina: this is sanity?
Ta21l: let's see...the Catholics were discussing guns
Dinosaur Vagina: that's frightening
Ta21l: then the Bahas were discussing how Jesus hates everyone
Ta21l: yes, this is sanity
Mr. Tried, Your excerpts are beginning to slide into the mold and moss ecotones. Please tend to reclaiming your previously delightful and curious blurbs, yes?
I feel like a bratty kid who threw a fit to get her way. There is no glory in this victory. Beys, come back and play. Mr. Tried, I'm sure, will become a veritable fount of delightful blurbs upon your return.
Candice, Sweety, this is not about you ... I have more IRL stuff going on is all, you mentalcakes. xox
Oh schnookumpoo, hang in there toots. Hope things take a turn for the better soon.
Hey mental cakes! Who said the IRL stuff was junk stuff? I found better stuff to do than hang around with you nutcases. (Yeah right ... as if anything could be better). xox
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