Fear and Loathing in BookShelf
Beysshoes Out of Context:
Beysshoes: omg i can't believe pipples is in here!
Beysshoes: i've been niggling with binx lately. oof
Beysshoes: some stupid dog rescue mission .. bitches
Beysshoes: anal control freaks
Beysshoes: whats with dat stupid bitch at the rescue
mission? makes me so mad!
Beysshoes: i swear gyps shrub is such an imbecile
its horrendous.
Beysshoes: i mean its like he's still in jr.high school
making rash comments like that in a PRESS RELEASE!
Beysshoes: it doesn't matter what kind. he's like
a fucking sociopath
Beysshoes: the democratic party is so impotent it is
Beysshoes: can you believe the hubris???
Beysshoes: he makes me violently ill
Beysshoes: how about freedom for new orleans? do you
know the ninth ward is in the same condition as a week
after katrina hit??
Beysshoes: THIS MAKES ME SO INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beysshoes: gyps, i dont know how you can still be a repub.
i honestly dont get this
Beysshoes: gyps i've been on the recruit waiting list to
go with habitat for over 2 yrs
Beysshoes: and they still dont have it cleaned up and
detoxed enough for habitat to go in
Beysshoes: well gyps bush NEVER INTENDED TO REBUILD.
but he wont cop to it
Beysshoes: its obscene spin. he is obscene.
Beysshoes: spin...i'm so enraged
Beysshoes: can you believe women are putting ads in the
paper for canadian men to marry them so they can get some
health care?
Various704: bey, how you doing my hawain sweetheart?
Beysshoes: oscar, you cant even spell tonight. that
makes me sad
Beysshoes: you get no credit for consuming less.
Beysshoes:Mail me yoh pain pills Allan
Beysshoes: spanking should be done in a small village
confessional booth up in canada.
Homosexuality in Iran:
Phezziwig13: There are no homosexuals in Iran. Have
you seen how those Iranians dress? No homosexuals would
be caught dead in that
Book Review:
WordNemesis: im reading Stephen Colbert's book right now. Its funny
Marriage Secrets:
Moongirlsnj: KD, what's the secret of a long lasting marriage?
KD81785: Moon, marry the right person
["Why are you walking like that?", Vero asked me.
"Because I have Buerger's disease," I said.
"I see," she said, not seeing a thing; people like Vero
only need answers. They can't admit they don't understand
when they don't, so they take all answers at face value and
go charging ahead.]
Post This You Wuss:
LeslieHapablap: binxb91, i have noticed you in the 40s love
chat room.
Creepy Loner: Ah ha!
LeslieHapablap: how is that working out for you?
Creepy Loner: Binx, you dog!
Creepy Loner: [smirk]
BinxB91: Leslie, that wasn't me
ManiacEyeball: lol
LeslieHapablap: oh yes it was.
Creepy Loner: It was his daughter. She's crazy about that room.
LeslieHapablap: i had no idea you were under 50.
LeslieHapablap: i mistook you for the aarp crowd.
Creepy Loner: Heh.
BinxB91: I turned 50 recently
BinxB91: And yes, I have been in 40s Romance of late
Creepy Loner: Ah ha!
Creepy Loner: A confession.
BinxB91: with much frustration
Creepy Loner: Have you been talking women into blathering about
the vein?
BinxB91: I did meet a nice woman through that room several
years ago
LeslieHapablap: i hope you have the guts to copy and paste this
into your gossip blog.
BinxB91: C'Loner, the vein woman was nice (if weird).
You liked her too
Creepy Loner: I thought she was very funny...that doesn't mean
that I liked her.
BinxB91: OK, Leslie, I'll take that as a challenge
LeslieHapablap: the whole truth and conversastion.
Creepy Loner: Wurd.
LeslieHapablap: conversation.
Bad word Choice:
Jlswilson227: im finicky about child porn
Taking Beysshoes to the Bank:
BinxB91: Beysshoes says I'm the closest thing she's ever
met to a straight gay man
LeslieHapablap: whatever beysshoes says should never be
carried to the bank in a wet paper bag.
Forkrereredux: the way kathy lee needed regis, that's the
way fork needs jesus
ThirtyYrsOfHate: I cared so little about all of that- I
didn't know what you'll were talking about- the it dawned
on me- ohhh, it's about that crap!
Sneaky Tough Love:
Vanda52: you figure Debubird is dead binx?
BinxB91: Debubird needs a hug and a good kick in the ass.
But I'm not sure in which order
Vanda52: yeah
Vanda52: probably
BinxB91: I doubt she'd dead. She's too lazy
CordialCactus: i prefer to hug then kick -catches em off gaurd
[I heard footsteps in the hallway. Rajani, on her way to the
kitchen, or perhaps to investigate the noise, looked in.
She saw me with the notebook, recognizing it for what
it was.
Perhaps the same thought occurred to both of us: If I had paid
as much attention to the marriage, if i had kept notes on love,
if I had tuned my act each time there was a discordant note, a
flubbed move, if I had recorded the things that worked, perhaps
we could have saved the relationship, moved to a higher level,
made it as effortless and automatic as lifting a glass to
one's lips ...
I put my notebooks away carefully. I didn't want her to see
them in my hand when she walked past the doorway again.]
Troubled Meat Eater:
Vanda52: hey lyn, i went out and looked at roasts and
i swear i almost puked looking at all the piles of
animal flesh encased in plastic wrap
Vanda52: its really disgusting
Vanda52: so i bought chop meat
Vanda52: and made burgers
Catpower777: you don't like your prime rib anymore, Allan?
BinxB91: Vanda becoming a vegetarian?
Vanda52: thats cooked cat
Vanda52: i could binx if i didnt like meat so much
Vanda52: eating dead animals is really disgusting
ThirtyYrsOfHate: Sloppy Joes this eve- and Pepsi!
Catpower777: Thirty, that sounds great
LynBelle: allan, but dino's is where you get all of that
other good food isn't it?
Vanda52: i made a burger on my george forman
Vanda52: yeah lyn
CordialCactus: i wonder what the origin of that name is
... re:sloppy joes
LynBelle: he makes all of that other food at a pizza place
Catpower777: probably from some diner, Cactus
ThirtyYrsOfHate: Pepsi so cold that it shocks the fingertips
when you touch the glass.
It's Nice to be Nice:
HCSMAUI: You are all a bunch or nerf balls. I was told this
was a nice place or room, not so. You have attacked me and
accused me of being someone I am not and more. God Bless
You All
BinxB91: I've never thought "nice" was this room's attraction
HCSMAUI: It is nice to be nice to people, always, in fact fun
to be nice to people
Niontron3: Hcs, I am NICE to people
Leslie in the Shower:
LeslieHapablap: i am disgusted by bar soap
LeslieHapablap: i will not allow bar soap in my showers..
LeslieHapablap: bar soap is germy.
LeslieHapablap: i like soap in a bottle.
LeslieHapablap: bar soap is vulgar.
BinxB91: I've worked with people who seemingly never used soap.
Now THAT was vulgar
LeslieHapablap: binxb91, do you get them soap for secret santa?
BinxB91: Leslie, factory workers and construction crews do not
do secret Santas
LeslieHapablap: what fun haters.
Rono in the City:
Niontron3: nyc is the worse city
Niontron3: people are mean
Niontron3: I like to live in quiete area
Niontron3: country sides
Niontron3: apartments are small
Niontron3: bosses are mean
Niontron3: co workers are mean
The Ohio Girls:
Creepy Loner: Swank...turn on the Weather Channel...tell
me what's going on out there.
Creepy Loner: Share doppler information.
Is She Weird 55: in cleveland????
Creepy Loner: It's close enough.
Is She Weird 55: what are you talking about?
Creepy Loner: The Weather Channel!
Is She Weird 55: what do you want me to do???
Is She Weird 55: go to weather channel.com
Is She Weird 55: duh
Creepy Loner: I'm on a crap computer, you AP bimbo!
I can't! Do my work for me!
BinxB91: what do we want you to do?? Eat some pie.
You're too thin
Is She Weird 55: okay...what weather do you want???
Creepy Loner: DOPPLER!
Is She Weird 55: I dont eat pie
Creepy Loner: You're so lucky you're not 18 yet.
Is She Weird 55: Creepy- for what location?????
Creepy Loner: [sigh]
HeartVineyards: this is random, but is 125-130 pnds alot
for a 5'7'' girl?
Rank Session Breaks Down:
Niontron3: is she , shut it a whiny
Niontron3: piece of
Is She Weird 55: nion, shut up shorty
Niontron3: shi*
Is She Weird 55: nion, i love you as much as i love maggots.
Niontron3: Nion, I love you as much as I love hitler
Niontron3: I mean, is she I love you as much as I love hitler**
Ohio Girls Initiation:
BinxB91: Heart, where do you live??
HeartVineyards: ohio]
Creepy Loner: Yes!
Is She Weird 55: so do I
BinxB91: Ohio!!!!
HeartVineyards: im not a big sports person
Is She Weird 55: WELL YOU SUCK
The Beauty of Ballet:
Is She Weird 55: my toe nail fell off
Is She Weird 55: eww
BinxB91: Fell off? Suddenly?
Is She Weird 55: no...it fell off a few minutes ago
Is She Weird 55: ballet does that
FORKVS MAGNVS: that is gross
Niontron3: Is She, ugly biatch, you were here two minutes ago
BinxB91: I mean .... it fell off without warning?
Is She Weird 55: nion, i am not kidding. i was walking to go
get something and it scraped against the carpet and fell off
Is She Weird 55: why is everybody against me??!!!
Is She Weird 55: I am being nice.
Is She Weird 55: a little warped but nice
BinxB91: Hillary, because your freak-outs are so entertaining
Is She Weird 55: I dont "freak-out"
Niontron3: people don't love , they want to be loved
Niontron3: in bengali one woould say, "prithibitay keho
valobashitay janena"
Creepy Loner: In English one would say "Suck it."
Guardian Angel:
Creepy Loner: I am a little drunk.
Creepy Loner: Well...buzzed.
LeslieHapablap: creepy loner, please do not drive.
That Translates into That:
Is She Weird 55: my ex is gay
Is She Weird 55: for real. he straightens his hair
and wears eyeliner and skinny jeans. and he hugs girls
way too much
FORKVS MAGNVS: fork could have told you your ex is gay
Is She Weird 55: he's changed for the worse. and i
dont care
FORKVS MAGNVS: he looks like a homo
Is She Weird 55: he's hot
Is She Weird 55: i guess that does translate into that
Is She Weird 55: and he wants to join the army..
Healing Pool Polluted:
OnlineHost: Thehealingpool has entered the room.
ShhJm: heal me
Thehealingpool: hi if anyone has any pain and wants to
be healed tonite i m me now
ShhJm: I wont IM you
ShhJm: heal me here
ShhJm: pervert
Phronsie: Lourdes on tap?
ParaMyrrh: yes the waters of Lourdes
ParaMyrrh: my urine has the same miracle curing power
ShhJm: I had a gf in puerto rico named lourdes, she was
such a nice girl
Phronsie: A Jack Nicholson disciple
ParaMyrrh: it can also clean crap dots off toilets
ShhJm: kal, how about coffee pots?
Phronsie: He's supposed to be into golden showers too
ParaMyrrh: I don't drink coffee
ShhJm: I might be interested in purchasing your urine
ParaMyrrh: Shh I only sell it in bulk
Phronsie: This is getting kinky
ShhJm: how much for a quart?
Phronsie: Too bad Binx isn't here to record
ShhJm: eff binx
Fork Curled Up With One of the Bronte Sisters:
ThirtyYrsOfHate: heya Cat/Derek/Babs/Vanda/Creepy..Binx
Creepy Loner: I think most of 'em are either lurking or sleeping...
ThirtyYrsOfHate: did i miss anyone?O:-)
Creepy Loner: Not sure and not going to check.
Creepy Loner: That was list enough for me.
Catpower777: you got the ones who are talking, anyway
Creepy Loner: I think Fork is probably curled up with one of the Bronte sisters...Vanda's sleeping...Binx is lurking...
Creepy Loner: [shrug]
West Coast Crime Wave:
ThirtyYrsOfHate: There were three drive by slappings in
San Fran last week...
I'm Not Crazy I'm Fat:
Is She Weird 55: i am sick of being fat
BinxB91: Hillary, for the first time I think you're nuts
BinxB91: But women are often nuts when thinking about
their bodies
Mitch73629: Is, have you tried diets
Jlswilson227: I agree Binx, women are harder on themselves when
the need not be
Jlswilson227: keep in mind...there is always someone somewhere
that would love to see you naked
Is She Weird 55: I am not nuts!
Is She Weird 55: I really am fat
Jlswilson227: so what weird
Jlswilson227: I am crazy
Mitch73629: Is, how fat are you?
Is She Weird 55: I am 118 lbs
Is She Weird 55: but i am a ballet dancer and some russian guy
isnt going to be able to lift me
JFWaterman: Yeah, you are a heifer, Is.
Is She Weird 55: yeah i am
Hillary - The Next Day:
Is She Weird 55: were you talking about me?
Creepy Loner: Oh, hey...it's lard *ss.
Goodbye Teresa Brewer:
Phronsie: anything you want me to
Phronsie: all I want is loving you and music, music, music
Phronsie: closer, my dear come closer
ParaMyrrh: Phronsie are you on something?
Phronsie: The biggest part of any melody is ....when you'rs
standing near to me
Phronsie: just reminscing, Para
Phronsie: just remembering one of Teresa's tunes
ShhJm: go to bed old one, you're drunk
ParaMyrrh: no she isn't Phronsie is cool
Beysshoes Out of Context:
Beysshoes: omg i can't believe pipples is in here!
Beysshoes: i've been niggling with binx lately. oof
Beysshoes: some stupid dog rescue mission .. bitches
Beysshoes: anal control freaks
Beysshoes: whats with dat stupid bitch at the rescue
mission? makes me so mad!
Beysshoes: i swear gyps shrub is such an imbecile
its horrendous.
Beysshoes: i mean its like he's still in jr.high school
making rash comments like that in a PRESS RELEASE!
Beysshoes: it doesn't matter what kind. he's like
a fucking sociopath
Beysshoes: the democratic party is so impotent it is
Beysshoes: can you believe the hubris???
Beysshoes: he makes me violently ill
Beysshoes: how about freedom for new orleans? do you
know the ninth ward is in the same condition as a week
after katrina hit??
Beysshoes: THIS MAKES ME SO INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beysshoes: gyps, i dont know how you can still be a repub.
i honestly dont get this
Beysshoes: gyps i've been on the recruit waiting list to
go with habitat for over 2 yrs
Beysshoes: and they still dont have it cleaned up and
detoxed enough for habitat to go in
Beysshoes: well gyps bush NEVER INTENDED TO REBUILD.
but he wont cop to it
Beysshoes: its obscene spin. he is obscene.
Beysshoes: spin...i'm so enraged
Beysshoes: can you believe women are putting ads in the
paper for canadian men to marry them so they can get some
health care?
Various704: bey, how you doing my hawain sweetheart?
Beysshoes: oscar, you cant even spell tonight. that
makes me sad
Beysshoes: you get no credit for consuming less.
Beysshoes:Mail me yoh pain pills Allan
Beysshoes: spanking should be done in a small village
confessional booth up in canada.
Homosexuality in Iran:
Phezziwig13: There are no homosexuals in Iran. Have
you seen how those Iranians dress? No homosexuals would
be caught dead in that
Book Review:
WordNemesis: im reading Stephen Colbert's book right now. Its funny
Marriage Secrets:
Moongirlsnj: KD, what's the secret of a long lasting marriage?
KD81785: Moon, marry the right person
["Why are you walking like that?", Vero asked me.
"Because I have Buerger's disease," I said.
"I see," she said, not seeing a thing; people like Vero
only need answers. They can't admit they don't understand
when they don't, so they take all answers at face value and
go charging ahead.]
Post This You Wuss:
LeslieHapablap: binxb91, i have noticed you in the 40s love
chat room.
Creepy Loner: Ah ha!
LeslieHapablap: how is that working out for you?
Creepy Loner: Binx, you dog!
Creepy Loner: [smirk]
BinxB91: Leslie, that wasn't me
ManiacEyeball: lol
LeslieHapablap: oh yes it was.
Creepy Loner: It was his daughter. She's crazy about that room.
LeslieHapablap: i had no idea you were under 50.
LeslieHapablap: i mistook you for the aarp crowd.
Creepy Loner: Heh.
BinxB91: I turned 50 recently
BinxB91: And yes, I have been in 40s Romance of late
Creepy Loner: Ah ha!
Creepy Loner: A confession.
BinxB91: with much frustration
Creepy Loner: Have you been talking women into blathering about
the vein?
BinxB91: I did meet a nice woman through that room several
years ago
LeslieHapablap: i hope you have the guts to copy and paste this
into your gossip blog.
BinxB91: C'Loner, the vein woman was nice (if weird).
You liked her too
Creepy Loner: I thought she was very funny...that doesn't mean
that I liked her.
BinxB91: OK, Leslie, I'll take that as a challenge
LeslieHapablap: the whole truth and conversastion.
Creepy Loner: Wurd.
LeslieHapablap: conversation.
Bad word Choice:
Jlswilson227: im finicky about child porn
Taking Beysshoes to the Bank:
BinxB91: Beysshoes says I'm the closest thing she's ever
met to a straight gay man
LeslieHapablap: whatever beysshoes says should never be
carried to the bank in a wet paper bag.
Forkrereredux: the way kathy lee needed regis, that's the
way fork needs jesus
ThirtyYrsOfHate: I cared so little about all of that- I
didn't know what you'll were talking about- the it dawned
on me- ohhh, it's about that crap!
Sneaky Tough Love:
Vanda52: you figure Debubird is dead binx?
BinxB91: Debubird needs a hug and a good kick in the ass.
But I'm not sure in which order
Vanda52: yeah
Vanda52: probably
BinxB91: I doubt she'd dead. She's too lazy
CordialCactus: i prefer to hug then kick -catches em off gaurd
[I heard footsteps in the hallway. Rajani, on her way to the
kitchen, or perhaps to investigate the noise, looked in.
She saw me with the notebook, recognizing it for what
it was.
Perhaps the same thought occurred to both of us: If I had paid
as much attention to the marriage, if i had kept notes on love,
if I had tuned my act each time there was a discordant note, a
flubbed move, if I had recorded the things that worked, perhaps
we could have saved the relationship, moved to a higher level,
made it as effortless and automatic as lifting a glass to
one's lips ...
I put my notebooks away carefully. I didn't want her to see
them in my hand when she walked past the doorway again.]
Troubled Meat Eater:
Vanda52: hey lyn, i went out and looked at roasts and
i swear i almost puked looking at all the piles of
animal flesh encased in plastic wrap
Vanda52: its really disgusting
Vanda52: so i bought chop meat
Vanda52: and made burgers
Catpower777: you don't like your prime rib anymore, Allan?
BinxB91: Vanda becoming a vegetarian?
Vanda52: thats cooked cat
Vanda52: i could binx if i didnt like meat so much
Vanda52: eating dead animals is really disgusting
ThirtyYrsOfHate: Sloppy Joes this eve- and Pepsi!
Catpower777: Thirty, that sounds great
LynBelle: allan, but dino's is where you get all of that
other good food isn't it?
Vanda52: i made a burger on my george forman
Vanda52: yeah lyn
CordialCactus: i wonder what the origin of that name is
... re:sloppy joes
LynBelle: he makes all of that other food at a pizza place
Catpower777: probably from some diner, Cactus
ThirtyYrsOfHate: Pepsi so cold that it shocks the fingertips
when you touch the glass.
It's Nice to be Nice:
HCSMAUI: You are all a bunch or nerf balls. I was told this
was a nice place or room, not so. You have attacked me and
accused me of being someone I am not and more. God Bless
You All
BinxB91: I've never thought "nice" was this room's attraction
HCSMAUI: It is nice to be nice to people, always, in fact fun
to be nice to people
Niontron3: Hcs, I am NICE to people
Leslie in the Shower:
LeslieHapablap: i am disgusted by bar soap
LeslieHapablap: i will not allow bar soap in my showers..
LeslieHapablap: bar soap is germy.
LeslieHapablap: i like soap in a bottle.
LeslieHapablap: bar soap is vulgar.
BinxB91: I've worked with people who seemingly never used soap.
Now THAT was vulgar
LeslieHapablap: binxb91, do you get them soap for secret santa?
BinxB91: Leslie, factory workers and construction crews do not
do secret Santas
LeslieHapablap: what fun haters.
Rono in the City:
Niontron3: nyc is the worse city
Niontron3: people are mean
Niontron3: I like to live in quiete area
Niontron3: country sides
Niontron3: apartments are small
Niontron3: bosses are mean
Niontron3: co workers are mean
The Ohio Girls:
Creepy Loner: Swank...turn on the Weather Channel...tell
me what's going on out there.
Creepy Loner: Share doppler information.
Is She Weird 55: in cleveland????
Creepy Loner: It's close enough.
Is She Weird 55: what are you talking about?
Creepy Loner: The Weather Channel!
Is She Weird 55: what do you want me to do???
Is She Weird 55: go to weather channel.com
Is She Weird 55: duh
Creepy Loner: I'm on a crap computer, you AP bimbo!
I can't! Do my work for me!
BinxB91: what do we want you to do?? Eat some pie.
You're too thin
Is She Weird 55: okay...what weather do you want???
Creepy Loner: DOPPLER!
Is She Weird 55: I dont eat pie
Creepy Loner: You're so lucky you're not 18 yet.
Is She Weird 55: Creepy- for what location?????
Creepy Loner: [sigh]
HeartVineyards: this is random, but is 125-130 pnds alot
for a 5'7'' girl?
Rank Session Breaks Down:
Niontron3: is she , shut it a whiny
Niontron3: piece of
Is She Weird 55: nion, shut up shorty
Niontron3: shi*
Is She Weird 55: nion, i love you as much as i love maggots.
Niontron3: Nion, I love you as much as I love hitler
Niontron3: I mean, is she I love you as much as I love hitler**
Ohio Girls Initiation:
BinxB91: Heart, where do you live??
HeartVineyards: ohio]
Creepy Loner: Yes!
Is She Weird 55: so do I
BinxB91: Ohio!!!!
HeartVineyards: im not a big sports person
Is She Weird 55: WELL YOU SUCK
The Beauty of Ballet:
Is She Weird 55: my toe nail fell off
Is She Weird 55: eww
BinxB91: Fell off? Suddenly?
Is She Weird 55: no...it fell off a few minutes ago
Is She Weird 55: ballet does that
FORKVS MAGNVS: that is gross
Niontron3: Is She, ugly biatch, you were here two minutes ago
BinxB91: I mean .... it fell off without warning?
Is She Weird 55: nion, i am not kidding. i was walking to go
get something and it scraped against the carpet and fell off
Is She Weird 55: why is everybody against me??!!!
Is She Weird 55: I am being nice.
Is She Weird 55: a little warped but nice
BinxB91: Hillary, because your freak-outs are so entertaining
Is She Weird 55: I dont "freak-out"
Niontron3: people don't love , they want to be loved
Niontron3: in bengali one woould say, "prithibitay keho
valobashitay janena"
Creepy Loner: In English one would say "Suck it."
Guardian Angel:
Creepy Loner: I am a little drunk.
Creepy Loner: Well...buzzed.
LeslieHapablap: creepy loner, please do not drive.
That Translates into That:
Is She Weird 55: my ex is gay
Is She Weird 55: for real. he straightens his hair
and wears eyeliner and skinny jeans. and he hugs girls
way too much
FORKVS MAGNVS: fork could have told you your ex is gay
Is She Weird 55: he's changed for the worse. and i
dont care
FORKVS MAGNVS: he looks like a homo
Is She Weird 55: he's hot
Is She Weird 55: i guess that does translate into that
Is She Weird 55: and he wants to join the army..
Healing Pool Polluted:
OnlineHost: Thehealingpool has entered the room.
ShhJm: heal me
Thehealingpool: hi if anyone has any pain and wants to
be healed tonite i m me now
ShhJm: I wont IM you
ShhJm: heal me here
ShhJm: pervert
Phronsie: Lourdes on tap?
ParaMyrrh: yes the waters of Lourdes
ParaMyrrh: my urine has the same miracle curing power
ShhJm: I had a gf in puerto rico named lourdes, she was
such a nice girl
Phronsie: A Jack Nicholson disciple
ParaMyrrh: it can also clean crap dots off toilets
ShhJm: kal, how about coffee pots?
Phronsie: He's supposed to be into golden showers too
ParaMyrrh: I don't drink coffee
ShhJm: I might be interested in purchasing your urine
ParaMyrrh: Shh I only sell it in bulk
Phronsie: This is getting kinky
ShhJm: how much for a quart?
Phronsie: Too bad Binx isn't here to record
ShhJm: eff binx
Fork Curled Up With One of the Bronte Sisters:
ThirtyYrsOfHate: heya Cat/Derek/Babs/Vanda/Creepy..Binx
Creepy Loner: I think most of 'em are either lurking or sleeping...
ThirtyYrsOfHate: did i miss anyone?O:-)
Creepy Loner: Not sure and not going to check.
Creepy Loner: That was list enough for me.
Catpower777: you got the ones who are talking, anyway
Creepy Loner: I think Fork is probably curled up with one of the Bronte sisters...Vanda's sleeping...Binx is lurking...
Creepy Loner: [shrug]
West Coast Crime Wave:
ThirtyYrsOfHate: There were three drive by slappings in
San Fran last week...
I'm Not Crazy I'm Fat:
Is She Weird 55: i am sick of being fat
BinxB91: Hillary, for the first time I think you're nuts
BinxB91: But women are often nuts when thinking about
their bodies
Mitch73629: Is, have you tried diets
Jlswilson227: I agree Binx, women are harder on themselves when
the need not be
Jlswilson227: keep in mind...there is always someone somewhere
that would love to see you naked
Is She Weird 55: I am not nuts!
Is She Weird 55: I really am fat
Jlswilson227: so what weird
Jlswilson227: I am crazy
Mitch73629: Is, how fat are you?
Is She Weird 55: I am 118 lbs
Is She Weird 55: but i am a ballet dancer and some russian guy
isnt going to be able to lift me
JFWaterman: Yeah, you are a heifer, Is.
Is She Weird 55: yeah i am
Hillary - The Next Day:
Is She Weird 55: were you talking about me?
Creepy Loner: Oh, hey...it's lard *ss.
Goodbye Teresa Brewer:
Phronsie: anything you want me to
Phronsie: all I want is loving you and music, music, music
Phronsie: closer, my dear come closer
ParaMyrrh: Phronsie are you on something?
Phronsie: The biggest part of any melody is ....when you'rs
standing near to me
Phronsie: just reminscing, Para
Phronsie: just remembering one of Teresa's tunes
ShhJm: go to bed old one, you're drunk
ParaMyrrh: no she isn't Phronsie is cool
Forget hugging first, Beys is going to kick your virtual butt!
Candice! Here you are chica! Binx told me about this column! Dunt you know Binx is into S&M girl? It only turns him on when I *whack him about. There's much better punishment to ponder ... fret not. Anyway, he's so lazy, he won't do the S part properly. (He got kicked out of the 'Submissive Curiousity' chat last week for laziness.) oof
I never see you in unos shelf anymore ... please come back we're all a tither without you. *Sarai
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