Hillary and Rono Talk A Lot
Rono's Not Gonna Take It:
Niontron3: if someone gives me a capitain's position,
I refuse to take it
Prude Police:
Booboo2240: By the way, I'm Laura. ;-)
DGlass63: hi Laura
Is She Weird 55: okay ew get a room
Easily Amused:
DGlass63: Hermione cracks me up
That's Scotlandish:
Niontron3: various wears a skirt
Niontron3: and prances infront of other men
Various704: and i carry a handbag
Niontron3: it is a scotlandish thing
Rono the Contortionist:
Niontron3: creepy's breath smells like my ass
Phronsie: Rono smells his own ass?
BlDET: maybe you should pop a mint where the sun
don't shine, rono
Phronsie: Rono is a contortionist
ParaMyrrh: Phronsie, dogs do
Lyn, Be Brave:
LynBelle: it is 10:15 here and I am not even brave
enough to sit on my porch
LynBelle: which is rather stupid of me
Max 314159265358: you gotta get outta the ghetto Lyn
LynBelle: max, it is a lovely neighborhood
Lpwfuw: I don't live in a ghetto and I wouldn't walk
around the block alone
LynBelle: I am just watching too much Nancy Grace
Max 314159265358: what is there to fear?! you're 4 feet
from the door
Knishofdeath: snipers?
Rono Making Friends:
Niontron3: Women are not complete humans...there brains
are not developed
Niontron3: all women can think is how to destroy men's
life, sex, and money
Phronsie: How come no one has killed you, Rono.
Phronsie: assuming you talk like this in public
A Woman President:
Niontron3: i don't understand how a women would run the country
Vanda52: hillary might end up as president, rono
BinxB91: Read up on Indira Gandhi, Margaret Thatcher, Golda Meir
Rafo65: Oh, I don't know, Nion.. we've already seen how a
dickhead runs the country
Mg500mv: I will be the happiest person in America if Hillary
is President
Vanda52: aha mary, what do you like about hillary?
Bgrant444: Binx - Mary Bloody Mary, Victoria, Katherine,
Isabella of Spain, neat people
Mg500mv: She treats me well and knows her info
Vanda52: aha
Rafo65: You and her mother, Mg.. the rest of us will just
relocate to Canada
Is She Weird 55: what??? i am NOT voting for hillary.
BinxB91: IsSheWeird55 is also Hillarey. I thought you
were talking about her.
Is She Weird 55: lol me too
Is She Weird 55: i was really confused
Vanda52: i would like to see hillary become president just
for the change
Rafo65: Lady MacBubba would be as big a disaster as Dubya..
but in a completely different way
Is She Weird 55: and it would be so confusing to have a
president with the same name as me
LeslieHapablap: i would become president but i hate flying.
the president has to fly a lot.
Vanda52: nice planes tho leslie
LeslieHapablap: i would become president but i hate flying.
the president has to fly a lot.
Leslie Scoots Down for an A+:
LeslieHapablap: i went to the doctor for the annual
peek-a-boo of my lady parts.
LeslieHapablap: "scoot down."
LeslieHapablap: "scoot down a little more."
LeslieHapablap: the doctor gave my parts an A+!
A Pink Fixation:
Ragamuffingirl35: now she's talking about giving a $5000
bond to every infant born in the US. if we think we have
an illegal immigrant problem now let the mexicans get wind
of that
LeslieHapablap: ragamuffingirl35, i like mexicans. i like
a clean house and a good taco.
Rafo65: ...intruiged by Leslie's fixation on her "taco"
Vanda in Pink?:
Vanda52: i often laugh as I write posts on the site and
yet they often seem to fall flat or are taken seriously
Lydiaparn8: We probably need facial expressions.
LeslieHapablap: vanda52, trying using pink font.
then people will not take you seriously
Putting Your Life in Perspective:
Asia7384: I like watching the series Mega Disasters on the
History Channel. Puts my love life in perspective
Rono finds a Partner:
Niontron3: Most people in the society are not here to make
the society right...they are here just to live a life...
ParaMyrrh: Great! Rono's here. Rono did you get the job?
Duwamish Head: Nion...unfortounately you've described most
americans qiute well
Duwamish Head: modern day america has such shitty values..
morals...and ethics
Gypsyjo47: Duwamish you and rono should go to a private room
and snuggle...you'd get along wonderfully
ParaMyrrh: Duwamish, I disagree If you watch TV and don't
go out much you may believe that but if you go out and
experience people there are so many good people
Duwamish Head: true, i know there are alot of good americans
but thier views dont prevail, unfortunately
Catpower777: Para, you said something I agree with
ParaMyrrh: Rono can you ever shut up!
Call Me Mick:
Vanda52: ive heard america will be a spanish-speaking
country in 50 years
Vanda52: might be true
Rimlogic: Vanda, I am guessing 25 years
Vanda52: maybe rim
Vanda52: its happening fast
Rimlogic: yes, definitely 25 years for the 100 largest cities
Creepy Loner: This revolution seems to have skipped Ohio.
Vanda52: hey sarai, your a chicano?
Beysshoes: no allan ... only in heart.
Vanda52: chicana
Vanda52: oh
Vanda52: that's right, you are a japanese
Vanda52: i forgot
Vanda52: cute jap girl
Beysshoes: i've belonged to many mexican families - adopted
Beysshoes: don't say jap pls
Vanda52: i like jap porn, anime
Vanda52: japanese
Beysshoes: people have good reasons for being touchy allan.
you should know this.
Creepy Loner: Vanda - just to let you know, you're free to
call me a mick if you want.
So, what are you wearing?
SeaQuest Dsv 017: I dont know what this chat is about
but i came in here because i am bored and lonely
Running on Root Beer:
Is She Weird 55: I have 78 more problems for math hw... i
am procrastinating. i am running on root beer though
They'd have to Be Very Horny:
Niontron3: I go to the mature women's room now
Niontron3: most of the women are horny
What Did You Have For Dinner?:
Is She Weird 55: I am hungry
Is She Weird 55: because all i had for dinner were mushrooms
Lpwfuw: Sure they weren't toadstools?
Is She Weird 55: because i dont eat pork and my mom cooked
pork chops. and well...the potatoes werent cooked. they
were raw!
Moongirlsnj: Do you cook, Is She
Various704: weird, taking the magic shrooms again?
Is She Weird 55: and i COULD have gotten a sub at subway...
but NOOO my bro needed a sub
Condorblue: oh what a bad mommy you have
Lpwfuw: I made Chicken Kiev
Condorblue: you should have her replaced
BinxB91: Your Mom is a bad cook?
Is She Weird 55: Lmao i wasnt complaining, condor.
Is She Weird 55: No my mom is an excellent cook
Is She Weird 55: just not tonight
CordialCactus: Lpw....did it turn out good?
Is She Weird 55: but that's okay
Lpwfuw: Excellent
CordialCactus: we made it with roughed grouse
(like partridge) the other night.. not bad at all
Lpwfuw: ooooooooh, sounds delicious
Freud Was Served:
Niontron3: I believe most of the knowledge to freud was
served to him by a certain group
Moongirlsnj: What group is that nion
Various704: the fruedians
Getting Work Done:
Phronsie: I think I'm going to leave off my antidepresaant
tomorrow and see if I get a little more done
Coming Soon from Subway:
Is She Weird 55: at subway we have pumpkin bread subs
Is She Weird 55: just kidding
Is She Weird 55: but we should
Is She Weird 55: i have so many good ideas for subway.
if only they would listen
Is She Weird 55: like pb and j subs for kids.
Hillary and Asperger:
Is She Weird 55: i was going to be Daria
Is She Weird 55: but now i might be a fifties person
Is She Weird 55: because i have a sweet dress
Condorblue: a sweet dress? does it have sugar plums and candy
canes on it?
Is She Weird 55: condor...stop taking everything i say
Condorblue: I'm sorry, I have asperger's syndrome
Niontron3: creepy is so horny it humps the walls
Creepy Loner: Eh, no...I've never been a wall-humper.
Creepy Loner: Nion; Now you're pegging me a rapist? LOL!
Niontron3: yes...you are a devil
Creepy Loner: [laughing / rolling eyes] Oy vey.
BinxB91: CreepyLoner's the devil!!!! Identified at last!!
Notify Billy Graham!!
Various704: the devil? can i have my soul back please?
Creepy Loner: ROFL
Moongirlsnj: what's rofl
Is She Weird 55: i am eating a nutri grain bar
Creepy Loner: "Rolling on the floor laughing"
CordialCactus: rolling on floor laughing is rofl
ThirtyYrsOfHate: roll on floor laughing
Moongirlsnj: thanks creepy
Knishofdeath: rofl is a Danish cereal
BinxB91: rofl = Right On, Fish Lover!!
Moongirlsnj: Nion sounds desperate for creepy
TRBfrom NC: john rofl was an early colonist
Is She Weird 55: rofl rhymes with waffle
Niontron3: seems like it is new on the net...
Niontron3: and it felt proud to be the one who explains it
Creepy Loner: Nion - Someone asked what it meant, moron.
A Cool Kinda Messy:
Is She Weird 55: I got a note in my locker today that said:
Is She Weird 55: and i have no idea who wrote it
Moongirlsnj: Is She, is your locker messy
Is She Weird 55: sorta...it's the cool kinda messy though
What are You Reading?:
Condorblue: how many books have you read this year?
Is She Weird 55: ehhh too many to count
Condorblue: liar
TRBfrom NC: i have read dozens
Is She Weird 55: I am not LYING
CordialCactus: dozens is about right for me
Condorblue: what was the last book you read?
CordialCactus: shes come undone...wally lamb
Moongirlsnj: The Unbearable Lightness of Being
Condorblue: you guys are ten years behind the times
Is She Weird 55: i read jazz by toni morrison but right
now i am reading bee season by myla goldberg and
inivisble man by ellison
Knishofdeath: The Unlightable Bareness of Meat is
pretty good, too
Niontron3: I lie...but it is most of the time unintentional...
CordialCactus: condor, time to polish up your congeniality award
Condorblue: cordial, quit bragging about me, it makes me
Moongirlsnj: I am currently reading Memoirs from the House of
the Dead
Knishofdeath: I'm reading something by C. S. Lewis now--
not interested in his religious stuff, but he was a great
CordialCactus: thanks condor... was thinking you were an
incorrigible curmudgeon
ThirtyYrsOfHate: is there any other kind?
CordialCactus: lol thirty... i dont know.. it just flowed
from my fingertips ... i do love alliteration
Moongirlsnj: Cordial Cactus can continuously chat, caring and cute
Ask Your Mom:
Niontron3: I don't why I feel like most women are evil
Rear window view: anyone like Poe?
LeslieHapablap: rear window view, i do not.
Mg500mv: Rear, I did tolerate Poe in school
Is She Weird 55: I like Poe
Rear window view: come on....gotta like The Raven, right?
Is She Weird 55: except we had to read Ligeia over
the summer and that sucked. once i understood it though it
was good. class discussion. i like that.
Is She Weird 55: we had to memorize the raven last year
Is She Weird 55: in eighth grade we read the tell-tale heart
Is She Weird 55: and last year we read the purloined letter
BinxB91: I used to like The Raven but Nevermore.
KaL's Type:
Jhd730: Kal, Sinead O was on Oprah today..I almost choked as
I was channel surfing///still bald but old looking..she's
bipolar..who would have guessed????
ParaMyrrh: Jo, sad but her new record is pretty damn good
she can sing
Jhd730: her wiffle is all slat and pepper now
ParaMyrrh: Jo she's still pretty
Too Girly:
BRitT xo214: Oh her writing is just amazing...
i love nicholas sparks too
BRitT xo214: the Guardian ... go get it
Phronsie: Way too girly for me
Dreams That Passed me By:
Niontron3: I always wanted to work in a subway...
Niontron3: but never happened
Is She Weird 55: crassssssh into a ditch just playing
Somewhere Under the Radar:
Verneuker: I dont care one way or another...you all know how
I feel about cops..."The only good cop is a dead cop"
Is She Weird 55: vern, if i was a cop, you would be under
radar right now
Is She Weird 55: but since i'm not, you arent
LeslieHapablap: hung is dangerous.
ParaMyrrh: Leslie Im gentle
The Tattle Tale:
Beysshoes: binx, para was telling everyone about your clamydia
Catpower777: interesting that Para disappeared when he did
LynBelle: kal is gone
BinxB91: Beys, do you believe everything Para says?
Beysshoes: and jo left deb's number on the screen
Various704: bey****
Beysshoes: oscarxox
Jhd730: Bey are you a tattletale?
Beysshoes: yes jojo
BinxB91: Well .... good evening to you too Beyss
Jhd730: ok, don't forget to tell that you got fired from your job
BinxB91: Who got fired?
Jhd730: Beys did..her boss didn't think she was good with pipples
[ "Did you see how Mr Rocha looked at David? Did you see how
his touch reassured him?", I asked the group. "Picture
yourself lying on that bed. Go on .. picture it." They
shuffled their feet. "It's a terrifying experience. It's
important that you realize that every illness, whether it's
a broken bone, or a bad pneumonia, comes with a spiritual
violation that parallels the physical ailment. A doctor has
to be more than just a dispenser of cures, but also, to use
an old term, a minister of healing. That's what that
touch is about. Recognize this ability in yourselves,
think of it as a potent instrument. Sharpen it and learn
to use it."
They had the uh-oh look, the concern that we were straying
into touchy-feely territory, an area of medicine that was
not fashionable, particularly in an ICU where it was as if
the high-tech gadgetry stood in for the spiritual, the
emotional. What they wanted to hear were aphorisms like
the rule of five tubes: A patient in the ICU with more
than five tubes in him will die]
BinxB91: I think I might find My Dog Skip disturbing
LadyMtnMedic: Binx it was a cute movie, kids movie, but cute
Marymag844: true
BinxB91: I read the stories from which My Dog Skip was made.
I cried then
Marymag844: wuss
BinxB91: I heard there's scene where the boy slaps the dog
Marymag844: the dog deserved it
BinxB91: wuss? perhaps. But I embrace my wussdom
Marymag844: we all have something we are wuss about
Max The Obscure: I hear there's a scene in Kite Runner where
a boy gets raped yet it's a PG-13
Teacher2057: My grandparents were completely opposite in
politics but had a great marriage...do you care?
Is She Weird 55: yeah my mom and dad are completely opposites
in politics too
Max The Obscure: sounds like a marriage where no one else would
have them
Marymag844: I dont have a mom and dad you need to stop bragging!
Hillary's Work-Out Plan:
Is She Weird 55: I am building ab muscles i am laughing so hard
Rono's Not Gonna Take It:
Niontron3: if someone gives me a capitain's position,
I refuse to take it
Prude Police:
Booboo2240: By the way, I'm Laura. ;-)
DGlass63: hi Laura
Is She Weird 55: okay ew get a room
Easily Amused:
DGlass63: Hermione cracks me up
That's Scotlandish:
Niontron3: various wears a skirt
Niontron3: and prances infront of other men
Various704: and i carry a handbag
Niontron3: it is a scotlandish thing
Rono the Contortionist:
Niontron3: creepy's breath smells like my ass
Phronsie: Rono smells his own ass?
BlDET: maybe you should pop a mint where the sun
don't shine, rono
Phronsie: Rono is a contortionist
ParaMyrrh: Phronsie, dogs do
Lyn, Be Brave:
LynBelle: it is 10:15 here and I am not even brave
enough to sit on my porch
LynBelle: which is rather stupid of me
Max 314159265358: you gotta get outta the ghetto Lyn
LynBelle: max, it is a lovely neighborhood
Lpwfuw: I don't live in a ghetto and I wouldn't walk
around the block alone
LynBelle: I am just watching too much Nancy Grace
Max 314159265358: what is there to fear?! you're 4 feet
from the door
Knishofdeath: snipers?
Rono Making Friends:
Niontron3: Women are not complete humans...there brains
are not developed
Niontron3: all women can think is how to destroy men's
life, sex, and money
Phronsie: How come no one has killed you, Rono.
Phronsie: assuming you talk like this in public
A Woman President:
Niontron3: i don't understand how a women would run the country
Vanda52: hillary might end up as president, rono
BinxB91: Read up on Indira Gandhi, Margaret Thatcher, Golda Meir
Rafo65: Oh, I don't know, Nion.. we've already seen how a
dickhead runs the country
Mg500mv: I will be the happiest person in America if Hillary
is President
Vanda52: aha mary, what do you like about hillary?
Bgrant444: Binx - Mary Bloody Mary, Victoria, Katherine,
Isabella of Spain, neat people
Mg500mv: She treats me well and knows her info
Vanda52: aha
Rafo65: You and her mother, Mg.. the rest of us will just
relocate to Canada
Is She Weird 55: what??? i am NOT voting for hillary.
BinxB91: IsSheWeird55 is also Hillarey. I thought you
were talking about her.
Is She Weird 55: lol me too
Is She Weird 55: i was really confused
Vanda52: i would like to see hillary become president just
for the change
Rafo65: Lady MacBubba would be as big a disaster as Dubya..
but in a completely different way
Is She Weird 55: and it would be so confusing to have a
president with the same name as me
LeslieHapablap: i would become president but i hate flying.
the president has to fly a lot.
Vanda52: nice planes tho leslie
LeslieHapablap: i would become president but i hate flying.
the president has to fly a lot.
Leslie Scoots Down for an A+:
LeslieHapablap: i went to the doctor for the annual
peek-a-boo of my lady parts.
LeslieHapablap: "scoot down."
LeslieHapablap: "scoot down a little more."
LeslieHapablap: the doctor gave my parts an A+!
A Pink Fixation:
Ragamuffingirl35: now she's talking about giving a $5000
bond to every infant born in the US. if we think we have
an illegal immigrant problem now let the mexicans get wind
of that
LeslieHapablap: ragamuffingirl35, i like mexicans. i like
a clean house and a good taco.
Rafo65: ...intruiged by Leslie's fixation on her "taco"
Vanda in Pink?:
Vanda52: i often laugh as I write posts on the site and
yet they often seem to fall flat or are taken seriously
Lydiaparn8: We probably need facial expressions.
LeslieHapablap: vanda52, trying using pink font.
then people will not take you seriously
Putting Your Life in Perspective:
Asia7384: I like watching the series Mega Disasters on the
History Channel. Puts my love life in perspective
Rono finds a Partner:
Niontron3: Most people in the society are not here to make
the society right...they are here just to live a life...
ParaMyrrh: Great! Rono's here. Rono did you get the job?
Duwamish Head: Nion...unfortounately you've described most
americans qiute well
Duwamish Head: modern day america has such shitty values..
morals...and ethics
Gypsyjo47: Duwamish you and rono should go to a private room
and snuggle...you'd get along wonderfully
ParaMyrrh: Duwamish, I disagree If you watch TV and don't
go out much you may believe that but if you go out and
experience people there are so many good people
Duwamish Head: true, i know there are alot of good americans
but thier views dont prevail, unfortunately
Catpower777: Para, you said something I agree with
ParaMyrrh: Rono can you ever shut up!
Call Me Mick:
Vanda52: ive heard america will be a spanish-speaking
country in 50 years
Vanda52: might be true
Rimlogic: Vanda, I am guessing 25 years
Vanda52: maybe rim
Vanda52: its happening fast
Rimlogic: yes, definitely 25 years for the 100 largest cities
Creepy Loner: This revolution seems to have skipped Ohio.
Vanda52: hey sarai, your a chicano?
Beysshoes: no allan ... only in heart.
Vanda52: chicana
Vanda52: oh
Vanda52: that's right, you are a japanese
Vanda52: i forgot
Vanda52: cute jap girl
Beysshoes: i've belonged to many mexican families - adopted
Beysshoes: don't say jap pls
Vanda52: i like jap porn, anime
Vanda52: japanese
Beysshoes: people have good reasons for being touchy allan.
you should know this.
Creepy Loner: Vanda - just to let you know, you're free to
call me a mick if you want.
So, what are you wearing?
SeaQuest Dsv 017: I dont know what this chat is about
but i came in here because i am bored and lonely
Running on Root Beer:
Is She Weird 55: I have 78 more problems for math hw... i
am procrastinating. i am running on root beer though
They'd have to Be Very Horny:
Niontron3: I go to the mature women's room now
Niontron3: most of the women are horny
What Did You Have For Dinner?:
Is She Weird 55: I am hungry
Is She Weird 55: because all i had for dinner were mushrooms
Lpwfuw: Sure they weren't toadstools?
Is She Weird 55: because i dont eat pork and my mom cooked
pork chops. and well...the potatoes werent cooked. they
were raw!
Moongirlsnj: Do you cook, Is She
Various704: weird, taking the magic shrooms again?
Is She Weird 55: and i COULD have gotten a sub at subway...
but NOOO my bro needed a sub
Condorblue: oh what a bad mommy you have
Lpwfuw: I made Chicken Kiev
Condorblue: you should have her replaced
BinxB91: Your Mom is a bad cook?
Is She Weird 55: Lmao i wasnt complaining, condor.
Is She Weird 55: No my mom is an excellent cook
Is She Weird 55: just not tonight
CordialCactus: Lpw....did it turn out good?
Is She Weird 55: but that's okay
Lpwfuw: Excellent
CordialCactus: we made it with roughed grouse
(like partridge) the other night.. not bad at all
Lpwfuw: ooooooooh, sounds delicious
Freud Was Served:
Niontron3: I believe most of the knowledge to freud was
served to him by a certain group
Moongirlsnj: What group is that nion
Various704: the fruedians
Getting Work Done:
Phronsie: I think I'm going to leave off my antidepresaant
tomorrow and see if I get a little more done
Coming Soon from Subway:
Is She Weird 55: at subway we have pumpkin bread subs
Is She Weird 55: just kidding
Is She Weird 55: but we should
Is She Weird 55: i have so many good ideas for subway.
if only they would listen
Is She Weird 55: like pb and j subs for kids.
Hillary and Asperger:
Is She Weird 55: i was going to be Daria
Is She Weird 55: but now i might be a fifties person
Is She Weird 55: because i have a sweet dress
Condorblue: a sweet dress? does it have sugar plums and candy
canes on it?
Is She Weird 55: condor...stop taking everything i say
Condorblue: I'm sorry, I have asperger's syndrome
Niontron3: creepy is so horny it humps the walls
Creepy Loner: Eh, no...I've never been a wall-humper.
Creepy Loner: Nion; Now you're pegging me a rapist? LOL!
Niontron3: yes...you are a devil
Creepy Loner: [laughing / rolling eyes] Oy vey.
BinxB91: CreepyLoner's the devil!!!! Identified at last!!
Notify Billy Graham!!
Various704: the devil? can i have my soul back please?
Creepy Loner: ROFL
Moongirlsnj: what's rofl
Is She Weird 55: i am eating a nutri grain bar
Creepy Loner: "Rolling on the floor laughing"
CordialCactus: rolling on floor laughing is rofl
ThirtyYrsOfHate: roll on floor laughing
Moongirlsnj: thanks creepy
Knishofdeath: rofl is a Danish cereal
BinxB91: rofl = Right On, Fish Lover!!
Moongirlsnj: Nion sounds desperate for creepy
TRBfrom NC: john rofl was an early colonist
Is She Weird 55: rofl rhymes with waffle
Niontron3: seems like it is new on the net...
Niontron3: and it felt proud to be the one who explains it
Creepy Loner: Nion - Someone asked what it meant, moron.
A Cool Kinda Messy:
Is She Weird 55: I got a note in my locker today that said:
Is She Weird 55: and i have no idea who wrote it
Moongirlsnj: Is She, is your locker messy
Is She Weird 55: sorta...it's the cool kinda messy though
What are You Reading?:
Condorblue: how many books have you read this year?
Is She Weird 55: ehhh too many to count
Condorblue: liar
TRBfrom NC: i have read dozens
Is She Weird 55: I am not LYING
CordialCactus: dozens is about right for me
Condorblue: what was the last book you read?
CordialCactus: shes come undone...wally lamb
Moongirlsnj: The Unbearable Lightness of Being
Condorblue: you guys are ten years behind the times
Is She Weird 55: i read jazz by toni morrison but right
now i am reading bee season by myla goldberg and
inivisble man by ellison
Knishofdeath: The Unlightable Bareness of Meat is
pretty good, too
Niontron3: I lie...but it is most of the time unintentional...
CordialCactus: condor, time to polish up your congeniality award
Condorblue: cordial, quit bragging about me, it makes me
Moongirlsnj: I am currently reading Memoirs from the House of
the Dead
Knishofdeath: I'm reading something by C. S. Lewis now--
not interested in his religious stuff, but he was a great
CordialCactus: thanks condor... was thinking you were an
incorrigible curmudgeon
ThirtyYrsOfHate: is there any other kind?
CordialCactus: lol thirty... i dont know.. it just flowed
from my fingertips ... i do love alliteration
Moongirlsnj: Cordial Cactus can continuously chat, caring and cute
Ask Your Mom:
Niontron3: I don't why I feel like most women are evil
Rear window view: anyone like Poe?
LeslieHapablap: rear window view, i do not.
Mg500mv: Rear, I did tolerate Poe in school
Is She Weird 55: I like Poe
Rear window view: come on....gotta like The Raven, right?
Is She Weird 55: except we had to read Ligeia over
the summer and that sucked. once i understood it though it
was good. class discussion. i like that.
Is She Weird 55: we had to memorize the raven last year
Is She Weird 55: in eighth grade we read the tell-tale heart
Is She Weird 55: and last year we read the purloined letter
BinxB91: I used to like The Raven but Nevermore.
KaL's Type:
Jhd730: Kal, Sinead O was on Oprah today..I almost choked as
I was channel surfing///still bald but old looking..she's
bipolar..who would have guessed????
ParaMyrrh: Jo, sad but her new record is pretty damn good
she can sing
Jhd730: her wiffle is all slat and pepper now
ParaMyrrh: Jo she's still pretty
Too Girly:
BRitT xo214: Oh her writing is just amazing...
i love nicholas sparks too
BRitT xo214: the Guardian ... go get it
Phronsie: Way too girly for me
Dreams That Passed me By:
Niontron3: I always wanted to work in a subway...
Niontron3: but never happened
Is She Weird 55: crassssssh into a ditch just playing
Somewhere Under the Radar:
Verneuker: I dont care one way or another...you all know how
I feel about cops..."The only good cop is a dead cop"
Is She Weird 55: vern, if i was a cop, you would be under
radar right now
Is She Weird 55: but since i'm not, you arent
LeslieHapablap: hung is dangerous.
ParaMyrrh: Leslie Im gentle
The Tattle Tale:
Beysshoes: binx, para was telling everyone about your clamydia
Catpower777: interesting that Para disappeared when he did
LynBelle: kal is gone
BinxB91: Beys, do you believe everything Para says?
Beysshoes: and jo left deb's number on the screen
Various704: bey****
Beysshoes: oscarxox
Jhd730: Bey are you a tattletale?
Beysshoes: yes jojo
BinxB91: Well .... good evening to you too Beyss
Jhd730: ok, don't forget to tell that you got fired from your job
BinxB91: Who got fired?
Jhd730: Beys did..her boss didn't think she was good with pipples
[ "Did you see how Mr Rocha looked at David? Did you see how
his touch reassured him?", I asked the group. "Picture
yourself lying on that bed. Go on .. picture it." They
shuffled their feet. "It's a terrifying experience. It's
important that you realize that every illness, whether it's
a broken bone, or a bad pneumonia, comes with a spiritual
violation that parallels the physical ailment. A doctor has
to be more than just a dispenser of cures, but also, to use
an old term, a minister of healing. That's what that
touch is about. Recognize this ability in yourselves,
think of it as a potent instrument. Sharpen it and learn
to use it."
They had the uh-oh look, the concern that we were straying
into touchy-feely territory, an area of medicine that was
not fashionable, particularly in an ICU where it was as if
the high-tech gadgetry stood in for the spiritual, the
emotional. What they wanted to hear were aphorisms like
the rule of five tubes: A patient in the ICU with more
than five tubes in him will die]
BinxB91: I think I might find My Dog Skip disturbing
LadyMtnMedic: Binx it was a cute movie, kids movie, but cute
Marymag844: true
BinxB91: I read the stories from which My Dog Skip was made.
I cried then
Marymag844: wuss
BinxB91: I heard there's scene where the boy slaps the dog
Marymag844: the dog deserved it
BinxB91: wuss? perhaps. But I embrace my wussdom
Marymag844: we all have something we are wuss about
Max The Obscure: I hear there's a scene in Kite Runner where
a boy gets raped yet it's a PG-13
Teacher2057: My grandparents were completely opposite in
politics but had a great marriage...do you care?
Is She Weird 55: yeah my mom and dad are completely opposites
in politics too
Max The Obscure: sounds like a marriage where no one else would
have them
Marymag844: I dont have a mom and dad you need to stop bragging!
Hillary's Work-Out Plan:
Is She Weird 55: I am building ab muscles i am laughing so hard
"People people, we're but a chain of hands ..." Ivan Klima
Uhmmm was that excerpt in the column from an episode of ER?
The Tennis Partner - Abraham Verghese
Hmmm ... a book on tennis. Interesting. Mildly so.
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