BOOKSHELF - Members Missing
BlueMonk Entrance:
DeadBlkDwarf912: someone ask me some questions, please
DAISYTRAIL: When are you leaving?
Max 314159265358: Is this infected?
BluDahlias Entrance - spotting Binx & Four
Bludahlias: oh geez - annoying and more annoying.
Bludahlias: I cant make up my mind which is which
Bludahlias: you are both equally horrid
Meet Dabada:
BinxB91: So, dabada, why BookShelf??
Dabada20: don't know, was tired of people talkin
bout their dicks
Onion the Diabolical:
PatientOnion3: win xp has corrupted all my html files,
so i have to transfer all of them from my healthy win
98 computer
PatientOnion3: and with that square of chatroom mind
control the cursor is always stolen from the typing box
PatientOnion3: right now it's an ad for purina puppy
chow by that atlanta falcon quarterback
"all I can find is recipes":
PhillyBoyz42: I have a quick question for anyone....
is anyone here a cook?
Creepy Loner: I'm not a cook, but as luck would have it,
I'm sitting by an arse load of cookbooks as I type this
Dabada20: no but i know how
Creepy Loner: Depending on what you need, I guess that
could be useful.
PhillyBoyz42: I just need to know how to disolve knox
gelatin....the recipe says follow manufacturer's
instructions, but there are no instructions on the box
Creepy Loner: Oh, I don't think my "Gourmet" library's
going to be of any use there.
Creepy Loner: Sorry.
PhillyBoyz42: I know....all I can find is recipes....
Dabada20: boil some water and add powder
Or Miss Softee:
Avoidingstasis: quite the truckload of bitchiness in the
message board, no?
BinxB91: A truckload of bitchiness?? I suppose.
But then it speeds on by leaving a cloud of dust
BinxB91: and I wait for the MisterSoftee Truck
Always Buying, Never Cooking:
PatientOnion3: i need to buy limes to make dipping
sauce for my vietnamese spring rolls.
And 70 Years Before Willie Nelson's "On the Road Agaian":
BooksIut: Are you aware Jack London published his work,
The Road exactly fifty years prior to Kerouac's
On The Road?
Perky New Jersey:
LynBelle: my daughter-in-law is from Jersey, they moved
to Florida quite a few yrs ago though, now when she goes
back to Jersey to visit she hates the way her extended
family acts
Creepy Loner: Hm. My only connections to Jersey come from
being a fan of The Sopranos...and a brief fascination
with the Jersey Devil and Pineys.
LynBelle: she says they are loud and obnoxious
Dabada20: who's loud and obnoxious?
LynBelle: people from Jersey
Dabada20: maybe a little too perky
Dabada20: not really a fan of perky people
Dabada20: disney store not a patron of
Creepy Loner: I like some perky people...when it's
genuine perkiness and not some act...
Dabada20: ok i agree with that
Dabada20: i just can't stand in your face people
Creepy Loner: Nah, that's not perkiness. That's menace.
Dabada20: lol
Creepy Loner: Which is only lovable if there are sexual
Dabada20: oh ok now
Never Say Never:
Creepy Loner: The sex part pretty much is...
Creepy Loner: Well, sort of.
Dabada20: what?
Creepy Loner: I won't f**k anymore, Dab.
BinxB91: C'Loner, never say never
Creepy Loner: True - I could be raped.
Debating the Joys of Sex/Literature At Last:
Creepy Loner: Yes. I won't accept any sexual deposits until
I get a checking/savings deposit of at least $50000.
Creepy Loner: I've become an expensive nun.
Dabada20: some times you just need a good fuck though
Creepy Loner: Which is only a finger away, Dab.
Dabada20: sorry so rude
Dabada20: should've bleeped
Creepy Loner: Don't worry - you're not going to make me
cry. I've been picked on by the nastiest drag queens
that Ohio has crapped out...
Creepy Loner: And those girls are mean.
Dabada20: i wasn't tryin to be mean, even i need a good
one every now and then
BinxB91: gee, Dabada
Dabada20: but good dick is hard to find
Dabada20: it's tru you all know it
Creepy Loner: And, more ironically, pointless to find.
Creepy Loner: Get a toy.
BinxB91: MAN, this is good stufff!! (writing it all down)
Creepy Loner: There's your great lay.
BinxB91: embarressed that my daughter's in the next room
Creepy Loner: LOL
Dabada20: i have one, but the real thing is needed
from time to time
Dabada20: well then keep her out of the room
Creepy Loner: Tell me...honestly...why is that NEEDED
from time to time?
Dabada20: you need to feel the pulse of the cum and the
vein rubbin the inside
Dabada20: sometimes you just need someone else to touch you
BinxB91: I SO want to read Daba's stories!!!
PatientOnion3: glad we are talking about literature at last!
The Repressed State of Ohio:
Creepy Loner: I think you can find them in a free sex
story depository of some kind or another.
Creepy Loner: Penthouse Forum, perhaps.
BinxB91: Creepy, she DOES have a style
Max 314159265358: Craigslist
Dabada20: i haven't submitted any but maybe i should
BinxB91: oh C'Loner, don't be cynical
Creepy Loner: Why not?
Creepy Loner: What's wrong with being cynical?
Dabada20: erotica is becomin very popular
BinxB91: there is good erotic writing
Creepy Loner: I know! I read it.
PatientOnion3: sex is becoming popular again?
BinxB91: something that will give your finger more power
Creepy Loner: Just 'cause I don't f**k anymore doesn't
mean that I don't appreciate filth.
BinxB91: filth??
PatientOnion3: creepy are you too old to do it?
Creepy Loner: Of course - the nastier the story, the better.
BinxB91: Filth is the name for bad erotica
Dabada20: i like zane, she's one of my favorite
BinxB91: I like stories of people who aren't really
looking for sex ... but somehow find it anyway
PatientOnion3: ohio is not a sex friendly state
Max 314159265358: Bad enough I gotta hear people gettin
laid let alone read it
BinxB91: So C'Loner's story could fill the first few pages.
Then comes the hard part
PatientOnion3: you live above a whorehouse?
Creepy Loner: Sure it is, Onion. The more repressed the
state seems on the surface, the more twisted it is once
that surface is scratched...
Dabada20: imagination is power
Creepy Loner: I've had plenty of sex.
PatientOnion3: the HARD part?
Creepy Loner: And now I'm done with it -- unless Binx is right.
PatientOnion3: how many sexes have you had?
Creepy Loner: "Never say never."
Dabada20: no one is sayin it's not
BinxB91: the Hard Part:the C'Loner character enjoys sex again
BinxB91: making that a believable story
Creepy Loner: I don't dislike sex. I just won't have it.
Dabada20: i think maybe in the next story she will
CreepyLoner's prom/Max wasn't finished yet:
BinxB91: C'Loner and Dabada were at the same senior prom
in 1995?
Creepy Loner: No, I wasn't allowed to go to prom.
Max 314159265358: Why'd everyone stop? I'm not finished
Dabada20: i didn't go to prom in 1995, try '96
Dabada20: wow
Creepy Loner: Yeah...actually.
Creepy Loner: '96 is right.
Dabada20: max was havin a party
Creepy Loner: Shows you how much I cared.
BinxB91: Your family was strict?
Dabada20: i had fun at prom
Creepy Loner: Oh no - my date was a 24 year old bisexual
that wanted to breakdance in front of my class...
Creepy Loner: They wouldn't let us in.
Does it Hurt?:
BooksIut: I sort of vacillate between image and image maker.
Right After Harry Potter7:
ParaMyrrh: Adorno Negative Dialectics is a must read
Don't Dare Misspeak:
BooksIut: I love Baudelaire long time, as well, though.
Creepy Loner: You love him long time?
Creepy Loner: Five dollar?
Creepy Loner: You sucky sucky?
Max 314159265358: Would Baudelaire have a MySpace page?
DAISYTRAIL: This room is just too lofty for me
BinxB91: Baudelaire picked up street girls?
Answer Me a Question(s);
DeadBlkDwarf912: why do i joke about women this way?
DeadBlkDwarf912: and consistently at that?
DeadBlkDwarf912: i couldn't stop reading orhan veli last week
DeadBlkDwarf912: let's start over
DeadBlkDwarf912: someone ask me some questions, please
DeadBlkDwarf912: know what makes me sad?
DAISYTRAIL: When no one talks to you?
If you don't like BlueMonk, avoid Saratoga:
DeadBlkDwarf912: daisy, ask me some more questions, please
DAISYTRAIL: Have you ever been to Saratoga?
DeadBlkDwarf912: that's funny
DeadBlkDwarf912: no, but i'm going to lake george tomorrow
and people keep telling me i need to go to saratoga while
i'm up there
DAISYTRAIL: Oh God. Skip Lake George.
DeadBlkDwarf912: hehe, why?
DAISYTRAIL: It's boring, a tourist trap.
DeadBlkDwarf912: i liked it there as a boy
DAISYTRAIL: Saratoga's the real thing.
DeadBlkDwarf912: my wife is gonna hate it, i know
DeadBlkDwarf912: tell me about saratoga
DAISYTRAIL: It's a charming little village.
DAISYTRAIL: With a great racetrack.
DeadBlkDwarf912: day trip?
DAISYTRAIL: More than a day. Spend a week.
Ta21l - Expereinced at handling jerks:
Forkrereredux: any underwear?
Ta21l: Dux...lay off
Forkrereredux: fuck you, ta
Ta21l: in your wettest and wildest baby
On a nite like this:
JuneRosalie1: pumpkin ale is very pleasant on a nite
like this....fallish
CordialCactus: what is the brand?
JuneRosalie1: it is....dogfishhead
Movie Chat:
Jhd730: there was no where for Danny Devito to go
after playing the Pengiun
The Harder the Better:
JFWaterman: How've you been, Ta21l?
Ta21l: tense, but ok
JFWaterman: Why, Ta?
CordialCactus: ta... why are you tense?
CordialCactus: know what helps me?
Ta21l: loud music on headphones?
JFWaterman: Of course.
CordialCactus: no.. ... nevermind...
Ta21l: helps me....usually the harder the better
Sister Love:
Jhd730: I sent my sister a ransom note with cut out
newspaper and magazine letters
JFWaterman: Why, Jhd? She wouldn't give back your teddy bear?
BinxB91: Joann, you must love her a lot
Jhd730: JF, I had nothing to do that day and need to keep
myself entertained
No One gets My Jokes:
Max 314159265358: I fear the Internet is starting to creep
in and ruin my offline life
Jennifer Payne: i miss letters
Max 314159265358: I clearly know what I'm talkin about but no one
ever gets the references and having to explain it kinda kills the
whole point of saying anything
Jhd730: I feel your pain someone asked me how're are
you..and I replied better than 157 people in air China
Jhd730: no one keeps up with current events anymore..never mind
working them in as jokes
Jo-ann's Classroom:
Jhd730: I run the computer lab in a middle school
Jhd730: I love every single one of those terrorists
Jhd730: I have whats called SychronizedEyes
Jhd730: I can tell what each student is doing on each
computer from my desk
Max 314159265358: they don't know how to read n's?
Jhd730: so when one drifts off and thinks they can go to
myspace..I can im them..."would you like a trip to the
main office"
Catpower777: that sounds like fun
Jhd730: or iI had one kid sneaking on Word...making
a lovely diagonal bold print of the word "FUCK"
Jhd730: I let him do it but printed it out without him
Jhd730: then walked near him which of course made him x
out..and I asked what were you doing?
Jhd730: then I handed him his paper and said
"could you take this to Mr Tracy"
Jhd730: he crapped himself...I love my job
Jam7604801: so he wasn't smart enough to say my teacher
sent me hear to give mr tracy a note
Jam7604801: here
Headbanger's ball:
Ta21l: Headbangers' Ball this past Saturday was all
Motley Crue...I was happy
Max 314159265358: banger's ball is still on?
Max 314159265358: Must be vh-1 Classic
Ta21l:'s mostly bands that eat the
microphone when they sing
Condor Gets Updated:
Condorblue: jhd, have you heard anything from bev?
I haven't contacted her since she kicked me out
Jhd730: I know she had her hump removed...she's been
laying low
Condorblue: ahh, in recuperation no doubt
The 1/2 Solution:
JFWaterman: Kevin, my wife is 15 years younger than I am.
I met her when she was 18 1/2 and I was 33.
JFWaterman: Met her online, to boot.
CordialCactus: lol to and a half..... sorry john...
dont mean to pick on you
CordialCactus: its just the and 1/2 thing kills me
Watchful Fathers:
CordialCactus: when i was dating my first husband....
my dad threatened to break both of his collar bones....
and then said, see if you still want to marry him after
having to wipe his _____ for 6 weeks
CordialCactus: gotta love em
August Brides:
JFWaterman: We were always going to get 'church-married';
it just took us three years to save up the money for
what she wanted.
JFWaterman: ANd we got it; she got all she wanted, and
everyone had a great time.
JFWaterman: 4 August 2007.
Godwit935: Who gets married in August.
StarlightStorms: I did.
Is She Weird 55: I want to get married in September
CordialCactus: coughcurmudgeoncough
JFWaterman: Thanks, Storms.
Godwit935: JF, isn't there a famous quote, or a famous
line from a play, about getting married in August?
BinxB91: Godwit, are we suppose to fill in your memory lapses?
StarlightStorms: better than the Ides of March, Wit
JFWaterman: And I'd care why, precisely, Godwit?
Godwit935: Binx, you don't know, either. Check.
BinxB91: No, I don't. But I'm not sure if the line or the
play even exists
CordialCactus: you've been more acerbic than usual lately,
Godwit...anything wrong?
Godwit935: JF, you don't know, either. Okay.
Godwit935: Cordial, be more tolerant.
CordialCactus: ok... i will work on that
We Were All Trying:
JFWaterman: GOdwit, if you understood Deutsch, I'd call you
a 'mistkerl' . . .
Godwit935: I know a little German, JF.
BinxB91: I know a little German ---- Marlene Dietrich was 5'4"
CordialCactus: lol binx
StarlightStorms: funny, Binx
JFWaterman: Bravo, Binx!
BinxB91: 3 people laughed at that stupid joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CordialCactus: lol binx... we were all trying to think of how
to put a punch line to knowing a little german
Godwit's Home version of Jeopardy:
Godwit935: I would like to know the joke which has as
its punchline, Tony Bennett. Does anyone know this joke?
Joann, ask them about Godwit's Joke:
Jhd730: I am taking the boat to P=town on saturday to look
at the gays
BlueMonk Entrance:
DeadBlkDwarf912: someone ask me some questions, please
DAISYTRAIL: When are you leaving?
Max 314159265358: Is this infected?
BluDahlias Entrance - spotting Binx & Four
Bludahlias: oh geez - annoying and more annoying.
Bludahlias: I cant make up my mind which is which
Bludahlias: you are both equally horrid
Meet Dabada:
BinxB91: So, dabada, why BookShelf??
Dabada20: don't know, was tired of people talkin
bout their dicks
Onion the Diabolical:
PatientOnion3: win xp has corrupted all my html files,
so i have to transfer all of them from my healthy win
98 computer
PatientOnion3: and with that square of chatroom mind
control the cursor is always stolen from the typing box
PatientOnion3: right now it's an ad for purina puppy
chow by that atlanta falcon quarterback
"all I can find is recipes":
PhillyBoyz42: I have a quick question for anyone....
is anyone here a cook?
Creepy Loner: I'm not a cook, but as luck would have it,
I'm sitting by an arse load of cookbooks as I type this
Dabada20: no but i know how
Creepy Loner: Depending on what you need, I guess that
could be useful.
PhillyBoyz42: I just need to know how to disolve knox
gelatin....the recipe says follow manufacturer's
instructions, but there are no instructions on the box
Creepy Loner: Oh, I don't think my "Gourmet" library's
going to be of any use there.
Creepy Loner: Sorry.
PhillyBoyz42: I know....all I can find is recipes....
Dabada20: boil some water and add powder
Or Miss Softee:
Avoidingstasis: quite the truckload of bitchiness in the
message board, no?
BinxB91: A truckload of bitchiness?? I suppose.
But then it speeds on by leaving a cloud of dust
BinxB91: and I wait for the MisterSoftee Truck
Always Buying, Never Cooking:
PatientOnion3: i need to buy limes to make dipping
sauce for my vietnamese spring rolls.
And 70 Years Before Willie Nelson's "On the Road Agaian":
BooksIut: Are you aware Jack London published his work,
The Road exactly fifty years prior to Kerouac's
On The Road?
Perky New Jersey:
LynBelle: my daughter-in-law is from Jersey, they moved
to Florida quite a few yrs ago though, now when she goes
back to Jersey to visit she hates the way her extended
family acts
Creepy Loner: Hm. My only connections to Jersey come from
being a fan of The Sopranos...and a brief fascination
with the Jersey Devil and Pineys.
LynBelle: she says they are loud and obnoxious
Dabada20: who's loud and obnoxious?
LynBelle: people from Jersey
Dabada20: maybe a little too perky
Dabada20: not really a fan of perky people
Dabada20: disney store not a patron of
Creepy Loner: I like some perky people...when it's
genuine perkiness and not some act...
Dabada20: ok i agree with that
Dabada20: i just can't stand in your face people
Creepy Loner: Nah, that's not perkiness. That's menace.
Dabada20: lol
Creepy Loner: Which is only lovable if there are sexual
Dabada20: oh ok now
Never Say Never:
Creepy Loner: The sex part pretty much is...
Creepy Loner: Well, sort of.
Dabada20: what?
Creepy Loner: I won't f**k anymore, Dab.
BinxB91: C'Loner, never say never
Creepy Loner: True - I could be raped.
Debating the Joys of Sex/Literature At Last:
Creepy Loner: Yes. I won't accept any sexual deposits until
I get a checking/savings deposit of at least $50000.
Creepy Loner: I've become an expensive nun.
Dabada20: some times you just need a good fuck though
Creepy Loner: Which is only a finger away, Dab.
Dabada20: sorry so rude
Dabada20: should've bleeped
Creepy Loner: Don't worry - you're not going to make me
cry. I've been picked on by the nastiest drag queens
that Ohio has crapped out...
Creepy Loner: And those girls are mean.
Dabada20: i wasn't tryin to be mean, even i need a good
one every now and then
BinxB91: gee, Dabada
Dabada20: but good dick is hard to find
Dabada20: it's tru you all know it
Creepy Loner: And, more ironically, pointless to find.
Creepy Loner: Get a toy.
BinxB91: MAN, this is good stufff!! (writing it all down)
Creepy Loner: There's your great lay.
BinxB91: embarressed that my daughter's in the next room
Creepy Loner: LOL
Dabada20: i have one, but the real thing is needed
from time to time
Dabada20: well then keep her out of the room
Creepy Loner: Tell me...honestly...why is that NEEDED
from time to time?
Dabada20: you need to feel the pulse of the cum and the
vein rubbin the inside
Dabada20: sometimes you just need someone else to touch you
BinxB91: I SO want to read Daba's stories!!!
PatientOnion3: glad we are talking about literature at last!
The Repressed State of Ohio:
Creepy Loner: I think you can find them in a free sex
story depository of some kind or another.
Creepy Loner: Penthouse Forum, perhaps.
BinxB91: Creepy, she DOES have a style
Max 314159265358: Craigslist
Dabada20: i haven't submitted any but maybe i should
BinxB91: oh C'Loner, don't be cynical
Creepy Loner: Why not?
Creepy Loner: What's wrong with being cynical?
Dabada20: erotica is becomin very popular
BinxB91: there is good erotic writing
Creepy Loner: I know! I read it.
PatientOnion3: sex is becoming popular again?
BinxB91: something that will give your finger more power
Creepy Loner: Just 'cause I don't f**k anymore doesn't
mean that I don't appreciate filth.
BinxB91: filth??
PatientOnion3: creepy are you too old to do it?
Creepy Loner: Of course - the nastier the story, the better.
BinxB91: Filth is the name for bad erotica
Dabada20: i like zane, she's one of my favorite
BinxB91: I like stories of people who aren't really
looking for sex ... but somehow find it anyway
PatientOnion3: ohio is not a sex friendly state
Max 314159265358: Bad enough I gotta hear people gettin
laid let alone read it
BinxB91: So C'Loner's story could fill the first few pages.
Then comes the hard part
PatientOnion3: you live above a whorehouse?
Creepy Loner: Sure it is, Onion. The more repressed the
state seems on the surface, the more twisted it is once
that surface is scratched...
Dabada20: imagination is power
Creepy Loner: I've had plenty of sex.
PatientOnion3: the HARD part?
Creepy Loner: And now I'm done with it -- unless Binx is right.
PatientOnion3: how many sexes have you had?
Creepy Loner: "Never say never."
Dabada20: no one is sayin it's not
BinxB91: the Hard Part:the C'Loner character enjoys sex again
BinxB91: making that a believable story
Creepy Loner: I don't dislike sex. I just won't have it.
Dabada20: i think maybe in the next story she will
CreepyLoner's prom/Max wasn't finished yet:
BinxB91: C'Loner and Dabada were at the same senior prom
in 1995?
Creepy Loner: No, I wasn't allowed to go to prom.
Max 314159265358: Why'd everyone stop? I'm not finished
Dabada20: i didn't go to prom in 1995, try '96
Dabada20: wow
Creepy Loner: Yeah...actually.
Creepy Loner: '96 is right.
Dabada20: max was havin a party
Creepy Loner: Shows you how much I cared.
BinxB91: Your family was strict?
Dabada20: i had fun at prom
Creepy Loner: Oh no - my date was a 24 year old bisexual
that wanted to breakdance in front of my class...
Creepy Loner: They wouldn't let us in.
Does it Hurt?:
BooksIut: I sort of vacillate between image and image maker.
Right After Harry Potter7:
ParaMyrrh: Adorno Negative Dialectics is a must read
Don't Dare Misspeak:
BooksIut: I love Baudelaire long time, as well, though.
Creepy Loner: You love him long time?
Creepy Loner: Five dollar?
Creepy Loner: You sucky sucky?
Max 314159265358: Would Baudelaire have a MySpace page?
DAISYTRAIL: This room is just too lofty for me
BinxB91: Baudelaire picked up street girls?
Answer Me a Question(s);
DeadBlkDwarf912: why do i joke about women this way?
DeadBlkDwarf912: and consistently at that?
DeadBlkDwarf912: i couldn't stop reading orhan veli last week
DeadBlkDwarf912: let's start over
DeadBlkDwarf912: someone ask me some questions, please
DeadBlkDwarf912: know what makes me sad?
DAISYTRAIL: When no one talks to you?
If you don't like BlueMonk, avoid Saratoga:
DeadBlkDwarf912: daisy, ask me some more questions, please
DAISYTRAIL: Have you ever been to Saratoga?
DeadBlkDwarf912: that's funny
DeadBlkDwarf912: no, but i'm going to lake george tomorrow
and people keep telling me i need to go to saratoga while
i'm up there
DAISYTRAIL: Oh God. Skip Lake George.
DeadBlkDwarf912: hehe, why?
DAISYTRAIL: It's boring, a tourist trap.
DeadBlkDwarf912: i liked it there as a boy
DAISYTRAIL: Saratoga's the real thing.
DeadBlkDwarf912: my wife is gonna hate it, i know
DeadBlkDwarf912: tell me about saratoga
DAISYTRAIL: It's a charming little village.
DAISYTRAIL: With a great racetrack.
DeadBlkDwarf912: day trip?
DAISYTRAIL: More than a day. Spend a week.
Ta21l - Expereinced at handling jerks:
Forkrereredux: any underwear?
Ta21l: Dux...lay off
Forkrereredux: fuck you, ta
Ta21l: in your wettest and wildest baby
On a nite like this:
JuneRosalie1: pumpkin ale is very pleasant on a nite
like this....fallish
CordialCactus: what is the brand?
JuneRosalie1: it is....dogfishhead
Movie Chat:
Jhd730: there was no where for Danny Devito to go
after playing the Pengiun
The Harder the Better:
JFWaterman: How've you been, Ta21l?
Ta21l: tense, but ok
JFWaterman: Why, Ta?
CordialCactus: ta... why are you tense?
CordialCactus: know what helps me?
Ta21l: loud music on headphones?
JFWaterman: Of course.
CordialCactus: no.. ... nevermind...
Ta21l: helps me....usually the harder the better
Sister Love:
Jhd730: I sent my sister a ransom note with cut out
newspaper and magazine letters
JFWaterman: Why, Jhd? She wouldn't give back your teddy bear?
BinxB91: Joann, you must love her a lot
Jhd730: JF, I had nothing to do that day and need to keep
myself entertained
No One gets My Jokes:
Max 314159265358: I fear the Internet is starting to creep
in and ruin my offline life
Jennifer Payne: i miss letters
Max 314159265358: I clearly know what I'm talkin about but no one
ever gets the references and having to explain it kinda kills the
whole point of saying anything
Jhd730: I feel your pain someone asked me how're are
you..and I replied better than 157 people in air China
Jhd730: no one keeps up with current events anymore..never mind
working them in as jokes
Jo-ann's Classroom:
Jhd730: I run the computer lab in a middle school
Jhd730: I love every single one of those terrorists
Jhd730: I have whats called SychronizedEyes
Jhd730: I can tell what each student is doing on each
computer from my desk
Max 314159265358: they don't know how to read n's?
Jhd730: so when one drifts off and thinks they can go to
myspace..I can im them..."would you like a trip to the
main office"
Catpower777: that sounds like fun
Jhd730: or iI had one kid sneaking on Word...making
a lovely diagonal bold print of the word "FUCK"
Jhd730: I let him do it but printed it out without him
Jhd730: then walked near him which of course made him x
out..and I asked what were you doing?
Jhd730: then I handed him his paper and said
"could you take this to Mr Tracy"
Jhd730: he crapped himself...I love my job
Jam7604801: so he wasn't smart enough to say my teacher
sent me hear to give mr tracy a note
Jam7604801: here
Headbanger's ball:
Ta21l: Headbangers' Ball this past Saturday was all
Motley Crue...I was happy
Max 314159265358: banger's ball is still on?
Max 314159265358: Must be vh-1 Classic
Ta21l:'s mostly bands that eat the
microphone when they sing
Condor Gets Updated:
Condorblue: jhd, have you heard anything from bev?
I haven't contacted her since she kicked me out
Jhd730: I know she had her hump removed...she's been
laying low
Condorblue: ahh, in recuperation no doubt
The 1/2 Solution:
JFWaterman: Kevin, my wife is 15 years younger than I am.
I met her when she was 18 1/2 and I was 33.
JFWaterman: Met her online, to boot.
CordialCactus: lol to and a half..... sorry john...
dont mean to pick on you
CordialCactus: its just the and 1/2 thing kills me
Watchful Fathers:
CordialCactus: when i was dating my first husband....
my dad threatened to break both of his collar bones....
and then said, see if you still want to marry him after
having to wipe his _____ for 6 weeks
CordialCactus: gotta love em
August Brides:
JFWaterman: We were always going to get 'church-married';
it just took us three years to save up the money for
what she wanted.
JFWaterman: ANd we got it; she got all she wanted, and
everyone had a great time.
JFWaterman: 4 August 2007.
Godwit935: Who gets married in August.
StarlightStorms: I did.
Is She Weird 55: I want to get married in September
CordialCactus: coughcurmudgeoncough
JFWaterman: Thanks, Storms.
Godwit935: JF, isn't there a famous quote, or a famous
line from a play, about getting married in August?
BinxB91: Godwit, are we suppose to fill in your memory lapses?
StarlightStorms: better than the Ides of March, Wit
JFWaterman: And I'd care why, precisely, Godwit?
Godwit935: Binx, you don't know, either. Check.
BinxB91: No, I don't. But I'm not sure if the line or the
play even exists
CordialCactus: you've been more acerbic than usual lately,
Godwit...anything wrong?
Godwit935: JF, you don't know, either. Okay.
Godwit935: Cordial, be more tolerant.
CordialCactus: ok... i will work on that
We Were All Trying:
JFWaterman: GOdwit, if you understood Deutsch, I'd call you
a 'mistkerl' . . .
Godwit935: I know a little German, JF.
BinxB91: I know a little German ---- Marlene Dietrich was 5'4"
CordialCactus: lol binx
StarlightStorms: funny, Binx
JFWaterman: Bravo, Binx!
BinxB91: 3 people laughed at that stupid joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CordialCactus: lol binx... we were all trying to think of how
to put a punch line to knowing a little german
Godwit's Home version of Jeopardy:
Godwit935: I would like to know the joke which has as
its punchline, Tony Bennett. Does anyone know this joke?
Joann, ask them about Godwit's Joke:
Jhd730: I am taking the boat to P=town on saturday to look
at the gays
Hey what happened to the French eros you sprinkled the column with last time? Ya lazy punk ... Sarai
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