RONO and Other Critters
RONO - Straight Line Delivery Boy:
Niontron3: I LIED on my resume..
Creepy Loner: Uh oh. Did you indicate that you have
a functioning cerebral cortex?
Cow Chat:
LeslieHapablap: mr. hapablap speaks fluent french.
BinxB91: How did he learn French?
DAISYTRAIL: I think men sound so sexy speaking French.
LeslieHapablap: first school french & then travels.
LeslieHapablap: mr. hapablap is bright.
BinxB91: he better be bright with such a goofy name
LeslieHapablap: mr. hapablap went to stanford.
BinxB91: where did you go?
LeslieHapablap: nebraska.
LeslieHapablap: go big red!
BinxB91: gee ... how long have you been married?
LeslieHapablap: 4 years.
Ragamuffingirl35: leslie is a cornhusker?
LeslieHapablap: although, we went to junior high & high
school together.
LeslieHapablap: see, we "dated" in junior high but mr.
hapablap dumped me for being prude.
LeslieHapablap: then after college we ran into one another.
LeslieHapablap: and he decided to buy the cow.
BinxB91: I think Mr Hapablap is bright too. He knows
enough to stay out of chat rooms
LeslieHapablap: since i was not giving the milk for free.
DAISYTRAIL: Well, cows are a necessity in Nebraska, I guess.
LeslieHapablap: we live in santa monica.
BinxB91: Leslie, awful metaphor
Cow Chat II
Lydiaparn8: I was Lydia88888 many years ago.
Lydiaparn8: then I moved from Florida and married my
Jersey guy and changed my name.
DAISYTRAIL: Jersey? That's a type of cow too.
Lydiaparn8: It is, Daisy. I recently saw them when we
were driving home from Indiana.
Cow Chat III
KubrickianHitch: pity about BRANDO squandering away his
talent for the last 2 or 3 decades of his life, he could
have made and acted in a lot of movies during that time
BinxB91: Post-Godfather. Was there much?
AttitudeF0rEvEr6: they dont have alot of roles for manatees
DAISYTRAIL: hahaha Att
BinxB91: what's a manatee?
LeslieHapablap: binxb91, most women on aol.
Phronsie: Binx, some say , a siren
BinxB91: OK, I'll research this
KubrickianHitch: not really, just APOCAPYSE NOW, THE FRESHMAN,
BinxB91: a siren??? like Rita Hayworth?
DAISYTRAIL: It's a big clumsy seal-like sea creature, Binx.
BinxB91: Don Juan Demarco was fun
Phronsie: no, like a Circe type Siren
KubrickianHitch: RITA HAYWORTH was very pretty
Phronsie: A siren of Ulysses
AttitudeF0rEvEr6: everyone knows what a manatee is
LeslieHapablap: a manatee is a water cow.
DAISYTRAIL: Cows again.
So It Was Cartoon Turkey?:
Raconteurerudite: cause the thing to the right of the chat
gave me a gun and a bunch of turkeys running by, so i shot
Godwit935: Oh okay, Racon. That sounds like poaching.
Raconteurerudite: well i didn't eat it
Godwit935: What'd you just throw it away, Racon?
Raconteurerudite: no, it disappeared
Godwit935: You wounded a turkey, Racon?
Raconteurerudite: now there are a bunch of cars there in
place of the turkey
Raconteurerudite: i think i more than wounded it
Raconteurerudite: but it was quite silent about the whole thing
Godwit935: I don't believe you, Racon.
Raconteurerudite: why not?
Raconteurerudite: i should have taken a screenshot
Godwit935: It has the ring of untruth, Racon.
Raconteurerudite: turkeys don't wear rings
Godwit935: Racon, was it a tom turkey or a hen?
Ta21l: Godwit...let me explain it to you
Raconteurerudite: i think it was a tom
Godwit935: Racon, why do you think that?
Ta21l: under the names of the people in the chat is a box of ads
Raconteurerudite: it was running too fast to tell
Ta21l: one of them is for PCH...shoot the turkey and enter to win
Godwit935: It's bs, Racon
Raconteurerudite: i didn't enter to win
Raconteurerudite: i just shot the turkey
Jam7604801: it says no turkeys are harmed in the making of this ad
Ta21l: well, that's what it says anyways
Godwit935: So it was a cartoon turkey.
"i knew beys would tell everyone":
Ta21l: so, how's the wrist and back?
Ta21l: heard you got hurt at work
Raconteurerudite: got me home early today
Raconteurerudite: ah i knew bey would tell everyone
Ta21l: lol...oh yeah
Raconteurerudite: getting me to the doctor's tomorrow
Ta21l: said you hurt them lifting boxes...I had my
own theory
Raconteurerudite: and might get me a lawsuit >.>
Ta21l: lawsuit, huh....big bucks, no whammies STOP!
Raconteurerudite: but there goes my dream of being a
kung fu master with a minor in boxing
Ta21l: the road of recovery maybe long, but we'll get
you back into fighting shape
Raconteurerudite: they were paying me 15$/hr to sit
in a chair today
Ta21l: it's a hard thing to give up
Raconteurerudite: eh, it hurt to much to stay
Ta21l: yeah, you don't appreciate your back till you
hurt it
Raconteurerudite: yea, it sucks
Raconteurerudite: now i can't go on cruises like i used to
Ta21l: could be worse
Raconteurerudite: yea
Raconteurerudite: i could be missing my foot
Ta21l: or a hand
Raconteurerudite: like two people who worked there are
Ta21l: are you serious?
Raconteurerudite: yea
Ta21l: someone get OSHA on the phone
Raconteurerudite: they had their foot ran over by a forklift
Raconteurerudite: they did
Ta21l: sick sick world
Raconteurerudite: yar
Raconteurerudite: if i really wanted to go get hurt i could
stand under one of the falling pallets on the conventional
racks for 12hrs
BobbyBell55: hi
Ta21l: falling pallets....seriously, has anyone died there yet?
Raconteurerudite: not yet
Ta21l: nothig much Bobby...
Raconteurerudite: some one got KO'd by a teir rack though
Ta21l: unreal
The Jungle Book:
Niontron3: in my jungle I also have a yacht...some deers
Niontron3: rabbits
Niontron3: horses...
Ta21l: the jungle
Niontron3: I want to live very close to nature..
Niontron3: far away from the cities..
Jam7604801: a yacht in a jungle?
Niontron3: in the lake...
Why is This Woman Laughing?:
CordialCactus: i dont know.. male genetalia.. while useful..
is pretty humorous
One Little Detail:
PatientOnion3: Neraiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
PatientOnion3: Nerai is the daughter of beysshoes
Nerai 08: good evening
PatientOnion3: hi nerai
Ta21l: hi Nerai
Nerai 08: though im not aware of the reference
BinxB91: Nerai, where do you live??
PatientOnion3: we were waiting for you to get here,
now we can talk about literature
Nerai 08: well thank the heavens i showed up when i did
Nerai 08: Albuquerque, NM
BinxB91: Nerai, Beysshoes is a regular
PatientOnion3: bey lives in NM too
Nerai 08: ah, afraid im not her daughter then
Nerai 08: the penis sort of negates that
Try "Dissecting":
CordialCactus: i was perusing Katy Tried
CordialCactus: you know.. now that i've said it out loud..
perusing just doesnt sound right
Dating a Mortician:
Ta21l: I had a guy once that wanted me to lay there,
perfectly still, and not make a sound while we has sex.
Niontron's Jungle Girl:
Niontron3: I happen to like day I stole a
book from the queens libray
Niontron3: so I ripped the cover that had the sticker that
can be detected
Niontron3: but I didn't know there was another one inside it
Niontron3: so the thing started to blare
PatientOnion3: and you snuck in the airport with your fatwah?
Niontron3: and the librarian came to me...she knew I stole the book
Scarletprynne33: It's sacriligious to steal a book from the library.
Londoj: we send guido and knuckles after you for that nion
Niontron3: but she went like "Oh, that is from another library"?
PatientOnion3: it was a harry potter book he wanted to burn
Niontron3: "you can go"
Niontron3: she saw the look on my face
Niontron3: and I was so scared
Niontron3: since then I thought "I have to marry a librarian'
Rono's Sister Not Getting Any:
Niontron3: I advice anyone to NOT TO read HP books
Niontron3: My sister asked me to buy her the latest
HP books, I said "NO"...
Ex-wife Moving On ... and Outward:
Londoj: my ex-wife wants to move to NM with a guy she has
known for less than a month. they are both involved in a
org. whose leader talks about a galactic confederation
Londoj: and likes to make himself out to be a messiah
Ta21l: and they do the same thing every night...try to take
over the world!!!
Right Next to the Guns:
Catpower777: I have a confession
Catpower777: it's been weighing on my soul
Catpower777: I shopped at Walmart yesterday
PatientOnion3: walmart sells sex toys?
Not Pedestrian:
Vanda52: hey, she started it, i just picked up on it
Vanda52: no big deal
Catpower777: that's what all the peds say, Allan
Onion The Controller:
Catpower777: Onion frequently makes me spit coffee onto
my computer
The Weekly Blu:
Bludahlias: i may steal her boyfriend, the mothers
Bludahlias: that would seal the deal
Vanda52: hes cute?
Bludahlias: no
Bludahlias: fucking him over her head
Bludahlias: but thats how much i hate her
I Need Big Butts:
Niontron3: I don't like skinny girls
Niontron3: I need big butts
Niontron3: big boobs
Niontron3: I only loved one person in my whole life...
she my first and she is my last...I will not love anyone else
Niontron3: most of my relations are because I need companion
and sex
Niontron3: not because of love...
BinxB91: Rono, does she have a big butt?
Niontron3: Binx, I don't love because of big butts...I love
because of big heart and competency...
Candance Gets Free to Chat:
CordialCactus: i fed him steak for dinner.. he's
fat happy and sleeping
Uneasy Romance:
ParaMyrrh: Book I sent you e-mail
BooksIut: Para. Now why would you go and do a thing like that?
Niontron3: what's wrong wiht slut
Niontron3: I like slut
ParaMyrrh: Book because I think you'd like it?
Niontron3: I like slut(s)
ParaMyrrh: I like slut too
ParaMyrrh: oooh
BooksIut: Para. You're not flattering me. You haven't met a slut
you didn't like!
RONO - Straight Line Delivery Boy:
Niontron3: I LIED on my resume..
Creepy Loner: Uh oh. Did you indicate that you have
a functioning cerebral cortex?
Cow Chat:
LeslieHapablap: mr. hapablap speaks fluent french.
BinxB91: How did he learn French?
DAISYTRAIL: I think men sound so sexy speaking French.
LeslieHapablap: first school french & then travels.
LeslieHapablap: mr. hapablap is bright.
BinxB91: he better be bright with such a goofy name
LeslieHapablap: mr. hapablap went to stanford.
BinxB91: where did you go?
LeslieHapablap: nebraska.
LeslieHapablap: go big red!
BinxB91: gee ... how long have you been married?
LeslieHapablap: 4 years.
Ragamuffingirl35: leslie is a cornhusker?
LeslieHapablap: although, we went to junior high & high
school together.
LeslieHapablap: see, we "dated" in junior high but mr.
hapablap dumped me for being prude.
LeslieHapablap: then after college we ran into one another.
LeslieHapablap: and he decided to buy the cow.
BinxB91: I think Mr Hapablap is bright too. He knows
enough to stay out of chat rooms
LeslieHapablap: since i was not giving the milk for free.
DAISYTRAIL: Well, cows are a necessity in Nebraska, I guess.
LeslieHapablap: we live in santa monica.
BinxB91: Leslie, awful metaphor
Cow Chat II
Lydiaparn8: I was Lydia88888 many years ago.
Lydiaparn8: then I moved from Florida and married my
Jersey guy and changed my name.
DAISYTRAIL: Jersey? That's a type of cow too.
Lydiaparn8: It is, Daisy. I recently saw them when we
were driving home from Indiana.
Cow Chat III
KubrickianHitch: pity about BRANDO squandering away his
talent for the last 2 or 3 decades of his life, he could
have made and acted in a lot of movies during that time
BinxB91: Post-Godfather. Was there much?
AttitudeF0rEvEr6: they dont have alot of roles for manatees
DAISYTRAIL: hahaha Att
BinxB91: what's a manatee?
LeslieHapablap: binxb91, most women on aol.
Phronsie: Binx, some say , a siren
BinxB91: OK, I'll research this
KubrickianHitch: not really, just APOCAPYSE NOW, THE FRESHMAN,
BinxB91: a siren??? like Rita Hayworth?
DAISYTRAIL: It's a big clumsy seal-like sea creature, Binx.
BinxB91: Don Juan Demarco was fun
Phronsie: no, like a Circe type Siren
KubrickianHitch: RITA HAYWORTH was very pretty
Phronsie: A siren of Ulysses
AttitudeF0rEvEr6: everyone knows what a manatee is
LeslieHapablap: a manatee is a water cow.
DAISYTRAIL: Cows again.
So It Was Cartoon Turkey?:
Raconteurerudite: cause the thing to the right of the chat
gave me a gun and a bunch of turkeys running by, so i shot
Godwit935: Oh okay, Racon. That sounds like poaching.
Raconteurerudite: well i didn't eat it
Godwit935: What'd you just throw it away, Racon?
Raconteurerudite: no, it disappeared
Godwit935: You wounded a turkey, Racon?
Raconteurerudite: now there are a bunch of cars there in
place of the turkey
Raconteurerudite: i think i more than wounded it
Raconteurerudite: but it was quite silent about the whole thing
Godwit935: I don't believe you, Racon.
Raconteurerudite: why not?
Raconteurerudite: i should have taken a screenshot
Godwit935: It has the ring of untruth, Racon.
Raconteurerudite: turkeys don't wear rings
Godwit935: Racon, was it a tom turkey or a hen?
Ta21l: Godwit...let me explain it to you
Raconteurerudite: i think it was a tom
Godwit935: Racon, why do you think that?
Ta21l: under the names of the people in the chat is a box of ads
Raconteurerudite: it was running too fast to tell
Ta21l: one of them is for PCH...shoot the turkey and enter to win
Godwit935: It's bs, Racon
Raconteurerudite: i didn't enter to win
Raconteurerudite: i just shot the turkey
Jam7604801: it says no turkeys are harmed in the making of this ad
Ta21l: well, that's what it says anyways
Godwit935: So it was a cartoon turkey.
"i knew beys would tell everyone":
Ta21l: so, how's the wrist and back?
Ta21l: heard you got hurt at work
Raconteurerudite: got me home early today
Raconteurerudite: ah i knew bey would tell everyone
Ta21l: lol...oh yeah
Raconteurerudite: getting me to the doctor's tomorrow
Ta21l: said you hurt them lifting boxes...I had my
own theory
Raconteurerudite: and might get me a lawsuit >.>
Ta21l: lawsuit, huh....big bucks, no whammies STOP!
Raconteurerudite: but there goes my dream of being a
kung fu master with a minor in boxing
Ta21l: the road of recovery maybe long, but we'll get
you back into fighting shape
Raconteurerudite: they were paying me 15$/hr to sit
in a chair today
Ta21l: it's a hard thing to give up
Raconteurerudite: eh, it hurt to much to stay
Ta21l: yeah, you don't appreciate your back till you
hurt it
Raconteurerudite: yea, it sucks
Raconteurerudite: now i can't go on cruises like i used to
Ta21l: could be worse
Raconteurerudite: yea
Raconteurerudite: i could be missing my foot
Ta21l: or a hand
Raconteurerudite: like two people who worked there are
Ta21l: are you serious?
Raconteurerudite: yea
Ta21l: someone get OSHA on the phone
Raconteurerudite: they had their foot ran over by a forklift
Raconteurerudite: they did
Ta21l: sick sick world
Raconteurerudite: yar
Raconteurerudite: if i really wanted to go get hurt i could
stand under one of the falling pallets on the conventional
racks for 12hrs
BobbyBell55: hi
Ta21l: falling pallets....seriously, has anyone died there yet?
Raconteurerudite: not yet
Ta21l: nothig much Bobby...
Raconteurerudite: some one got KO'd by a teir rack though
Ta21l: unreal
The Jungle Book:
Niontron3: in my jungle I also have a yacht...some deers
Niontron3: rabbits
Niontron3: horses...
Ta21l: the jungle
Niontron3: I want to live very close to nature..
Niontron3: far away from the cities..
Jam7604801: a yacht in a jungle?
Niontron3: in the lake...
Why is This Woman Laughing?:
CordialCactus: i dont know.. male genetalia.. while useful..
is pretty humorous
One Little Detail:
PatientOnion3: Neraiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
PatientOnion3: Nerai is the daughter of beysshoes
Nerai 08: good evening
PatientOnion3: hi nerai
Ta21l: hi Nerai
Nerai 08: though im not aware of the reference
BinxB91: Nerai, where do you live??
PatientOnion3: we were waiting for you to get here,
now we can talk about literature
Nerai 08: well thank the heavens i showed up when i did
Nerai 08: Albuquerque, NM
BinxB91: Nerai, Beysshoes is a regular
PatientOnion3: bey lives in NM too
Nerai 08: ah, afraid im not her daughter then
Nerai 08: the penis sort of negates that
Try "Dissecting":
CordialCactus: i was perusing Katy Tried
CordialCactus: you know.. now that i've said it out loud..
perusing just doesnt sound right
Dating a Mortician:
Ta21l: I had a guy once that wanted me to lay there,
perfectly still, and not make a sound while we has sex.
Niontron's Jungle Girl:
Niontron3: I happen to like day I stole a
book from the queens libray
Niontron3: so I ripped the cover that had the sticker that
can be detected
Niontron3: but I didn't know there was another one inside it
Niontron3: so the thing started to blare
PatientOnion3: and you snuck in the airport with your fatwah?
Niontron3: and the librarian came to me...she knew I stole the book
Scarletprynne33: It's sacriligious to steal a book from the library.
Londoj: we send guido and knuckles after you for that nion
Niontron3: but she went like "Oh, that is from another library"?
PatientOnion3: it was a harry potter book he wanted to burn
Niontron3: "you can go"
Niontron3: she saw the look on my face
Niontron3: and I was so scared
Niontron3: since then I thought "I have to marry a librarian'
Rono's Sister Not Getting Any:
Niontron3: I advice anyone to NOT TO read HP books
Niontron3: My sister asked me to buy her the latest
HP books, I said "NO"...
Ex-wife Moving On ... and Outward:
Londoj: my ex-wife wants to move to NM with a guy she has
known for less than a month. they are both involved in a
org. whose leader talks about a galactic confederation
Londoj: and likes to make himself out to be a messiah
Ta21l: and they do the same thing every night...try to take
over the world!!!
Right Next to the Guns:
Catpower777: I have a confession
Catpower777: it's been weighing on my soul
Catpower777: I shopped at Walmart yesterday
PatientOnion3: walmart sells sex toys?
Not Pedestrian:
Vanda52: hey, she started it, i just picked up on it
Vanda52: no big deal
Catpower777: that's what all the peds say, Allan
Onion The Controller:
Catpower777: Onion frequently makes me spit coffee onto
my computer
The Weekly Blu:
Bludahlias: i may steal her boyfriend, the mothers
Bludahlias: that would seal the deal
Vanda52: hes cute?
Bludahlias: no
Bludahlias: fucking him over her head
Bludahlias: but thats how much i hate her
I Need Big Butts:
Niontron3: I don't like skinny girls
Niontron3: I need big butts
Niontron3: big boobs
Niontron3: I only loved one person in my whole life...
she my first and she is my last...I will not love anyone else
Niontron3: most of my relations are because I need companion
and sex
Niontron3: not because of love...
BinxB91: Rono, does she have a big butt?
Niontron3: Binx, I don't love because of big butts...I love
because of big heart and competency...
Candance Gets Free to Chat:
CordialCactus: i fed him steak for dinner.. he's
fat happy and sleeping
Uneasy Romance:
ParaMyrrh: Book I sent you e-mail
BooksIut: Para. Now why would you go and do a thing like that?
Niontron3: what's wrong wiht slut
Niontron3: I like slut
ParaMyrrh: Book because I think you'd like it?
Niontron3: I like slut(s)
ParaMyrrh: I like slut too
ParaMyrrh: oooh
BooksIut: Para. You're not flattering me. You haven't met a slut
you didn't like!
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