Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Thanks for the Editing Assistance, EmmaWrites.
You're a Peach. KillaKaL is composing a poem
in your honor.

Emma is Nice:

LeslieHapablap: emmawrites emailed me.
LeslieHapablap: she is nice.
Beysshoes: what did she want from you leslie?
LeslieHapablap: to tell me she missed me.
Beysshoes: ah
LeslieHapablap: then she asked to borrow money.

Meg Setting Up PatientOnion:

Mg500mv: Dark, you would like Deerksin by McKinley
DarkNinjaErnie: Never heard of it
Mg500mv: Dark, do you like the HP series?
PatientOnion3: i adore the Foreskin series

Onion stays put:

LeslieHapablap: patientonion3, please, go to the
thinkers room. this is prime time over there.
PatientOnion3: thinkers would eat me alive
PatientOnion3: another holocaust

And for Pointers on Being Annoying:

ParaMyrrh: I read Rosie O'Donnell's Blog for my
political opinions

What makes Joann Laugh:

Jhd730: Allan, that picture of yours that keeps
popping up "emma" makes me laugh every time


Vanda52: kals poem was brilliant
Godwit935: Someone said brilliant.
Godwit935: You can't go a half-hour in this joint,
if there's anyone in here, without someone saying
something is brilliant.

Putting Things in Perspective:

Godwit935: Vanda, you have a hard time spelling.
Vanda52: god its late and my spelling means nothing,
think of thre deaths in uraq when you again go to
critisize my speling, it puts things in perspective

Talk to His Lawyer:

Jhd730: Godwit..does anything make you happy?
Godwit935: Jhd, you'll get no personal information from me.

The TooHot Role:

Vanda52: lord those bread sticks were delishes. they are
called everything breadsticks with salt and poppy seeds
and other seeds. pat you would love this bakery i have

Some Lucky Girl:

Godwit935: All right, I have enough of exposing the
pathology of the inherently disordered. I have to leave.
I have a woman tomorrow who needs me fresh and vital.

And the Paki Girl Would Kill Her:

Vanda52: id date blu but she could never fit into
my bizzare lifestyle

Before the Food Fight:

ExShelfer: I took about 10 teenagers to lunch today and
they got into this serious discussion about religion
ExShelfer: it was odd because half of them were certain
that there is no God

Lee Greenwood's Flip Side:

ParaMyrrh: if you've been to Europe or the rest of the
world you'd recognize that this country is the
least crappiest country in the world

She Did It!!:

LeslieHapablap: patientonion3, you talk too much
PatientOnion3: all jews are chatty, leslie you anti-semite you
LeslieHapablap: no, that is not true.
LeslieHapablap: plenty of jews know how to shut up.
PatientOnion3: yeah the dumb boring ones
LeslieHapablap: you talk like you are on meth.
LeslieHapablap: just shut up for a minute.
PatientOnion3: ok, i will bake urban some cookies

Who Hates Leslie:

Forkrereredux: aww vanda's friend left
Forkrereredux: he hates you
Vanda52: i guess
Forkrereredux: it's ok. fiona apple hates me
Forkrereredux: so does annieinstead
LeslieHapablap: i remember her.
LeslieHapablap: who is this forkrereredux?
Vanda52: for some reason rosa doesnt like you either
LeslieHapablap: who?

Beysshoes as a Mentor:

ParaMyrrh: Hey Phronsie
Phronsie: I read the poem you recommended, and it seems
to me that you have embraced Bey as a mentor
Phronsie: You are definitely emulating her style in that poem

More Stuff only KaLenfer Knows:

ParaMyrrh: Judas was Jesus' favorite Disciple

Turkeys on Turkey:

BooksIut: I want to go to Istanbul.
BooksIut: My professor is organizing a study trip.
Forkrereredux: oh, my, bookslut. that sounds ever so much fun!
LeslieHapablap: you should go.
Forkrereredux: perhaps fork can come alone too
Forkrereredux: i've always wanted to go to arab land
ParaMyrrh: Orhan Pamuk is wonderful
Vanda52: join the army fork
Lpwfuw: Have you seen Istanbul underground on History Channel?
BooksIut: My friend just finished Snow by Pamuk.
ParaMyrrh: and Yashar Kemal
Lpwfuw: Awesome
ParaMyrrh: Linda yes the Water reservoirs, hippodrome
BooksIut: "The City of Cisterns."
Lpwfuw: The Turks seem to be the most civilized of all the Arabs
BinxB91: Turks are not Arabs
LeslieHapablap: they have the best beaches anyway.
Vanda52: are turks arabs? i would think not ?
BooksIut: Some are, Binx.
Lpwfuw: What are they, Binx?
BinxB91: Turks!!!
ParaMyrrh: Lpw the Seljuk Turks hardly ask any Armenian or Kurd
Vanda52: iranians are not arabs either
ParaMyrrh: and they are not Arabs
BooksIut: The Ottoman Caliphate.

Allow me to Disagree:

Forkrereredux: rape porn is never funny
ParaMyrrh: Fork Allow me to disagree
Phronsie: I wonder if Fork is on something, or
is just practicing free association
Forkrereredux: rape victims need a good chuckle sometimes
Phronsie: Actually, rape is the erotic fantasy material
of many people
Phronsie: even by people who disapprove of rape
Forkrereredux: phronsie, that's not funny
BinxB91: How can sex be good when someone is being terrorized
and beaten
Forkrereredux: lol terrorized and beaten is funny
Ta21l: terrorized and beaten is funny...sounds like someone
who needs their ass kicked...you know, just for laughs

Book Chat ad nauseum, et cetera:

BooksIut: I am taking my first French class in the fall.
BooksIut: I want to read Bataille, Sade, Gide, et cetera
ad nauseum in their original forms.
BooksIut: I've read Bataille's erotica, but I find his
aesthetic philosophy more provocative.
ParaMyrrh: Flaubert's Temptation of St Anthony is wonderful
and Joris Karl Huysmans La-Bas
BooksIut: He says that Art cannot be a scarecrow.
ParaMyrrh: Book yes Accursed Share is more sociological
ParaMyrrh: it delves into aesthetics, political economy and
social organization
ParaMyrrh: true but he condemned jean genet stupidly
Jean genet was a true great
ParaMyrrh: Bataille was a quiet librarian
BooksIut: Like Borges.
ParaMyrrh: Book Michel Leiris is good too also Lautreamont

Blaming Vanda:

Beysshoes: minimum stay here is 3.2 hours steve.
so you cannot leave
Beysshoes: cover charge
IamSteve30: ok
Cognomen98: or we could talk about books
Beysshoes: cog. you know the bookchat is only on friday
nights from 11-11:15pm
IamSteve30: hehe
Cognomen98: and we could change that rule
Beysshoes: but alright, since vanda's not here...lets talk books.
risk a fine why not.

Leading Horses to the Beysshoes Well:

IamSteve30: I still have 3 hrs left.
IamSteve30: I can't leave.
Beysshoes: so what are you guys reading?
steve stop whining. its unattractive hon.

Beysshoes: steve, are you just doing your time here?
you will be penalized with an extra hour iffin you don't
contribute to this dazzling convo.

"the hag process is an arduous one":

Beysshoes: are you gay cog? can i be your hag please?
Cognomen98: well, I am gay, but the hag process is
an arduous one
Beysshoes: i'm applying for the position at
augustens' georgia home...but thats a long shot.

Silencing Beysshoes, Altering Godwit:

Godwit935: Owyoudoon Beys.
Beysshoes: i'm silenced by your comment on breasts and
god godwit.
Beysshoes: and why are you talking street godwit?
Godwit935: It's shtreet, Beys.
Beysshoes: godwit, you must stop going to the think tank.
they are altering you.
Godwit935: But I'm a senior fellow there, Beys.

Debate Review:

Godwit935: Jam, John Edwards is the man!
LeslieHapablap: john edwards came off crabby.
Godwit935: Crabby? American workers are more than
crabby, and Edwards knows it.
ParaMyrrh: at least crabby is not rote and shows some passion
Prospect26: I have a great recipe for crabbies...an excellent
appetizer that you can take out of the freezer, pop in the oven
and serve.
Prospect26: Crabbie...gues you meant somrthing else....

News at Eleven:

MadiHolmes: that whole $400 for a haircut thing
was a total dumbass topic
ParaMyrrh: Clinton = the Stepford Candidate
LeslieHapablap: clinton was smiling like she had
a sneaky secret.
LeslieHapablap: obama sounded nice.
MadiHolmes: "News at eleven: rich guy pays a lot
for a haircut"
LeslieHapablap: the remainder had horrible hair.
ParaMyrrh: Gingrich has the charm of a wet fart

He's Just an Enthusiatic Creep:

LyricLemon: Patient Onion's gone.
LyricLemon: He kept trying to IM me.
MadiHolmes: just ignore him
LyricLemon: I finally had to block his IMs.
LyricLemon: they came every split-second.
MadiHolmes: wow
MadiHolmes: creepy
LyricLemon: and did you see what he typed?
MadiHolmes: no
Beysshoes: hes just enthusiastic is all lyric.
LyricLemon: He said well, I tried. Some people
don't want to ever leave Kansas.
LyricLemon: but what's the connection????
MadiHolmes: it's best not to dwell on what he says
LyricLemon: because I won't respond to an IM every
split-second from Onion...
LyricLemon: that means I don't want to leave Kansas????


Blogger Beysshoes said...

"The bitch is back" eh? All I have to say is that Emma made you swear the F word and you got to talking about blu's boobs. How sessy is that?! ha.

6/05/2007 10:56 PM  

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