(Therapy/Fetishes/Older Men/
Breast-feeding/Toilet Training/Alcohol Rehab)
Snert kicks The Old Croc's shins:
Verneuker: Dark...everyone is welcome here,
as long as youre polite....but that doesn't
mean youre in the in-crowd, neither
Darkaquarius16: thanks anyways. hope u all die!!!!!!!!!
Verneuker: Dark, but you can join my little group if
you wanna
Darkaquarius16: thanks
Darkaquarius16: i ride solo
Darkaquarius16: later
Verneuker: Dark, you hope I die? well thats hardly cricket
BinxB91: Now there's someone with issues!
Verneuker: Boy I tell you, People used to like me...
but I think Ive lost my golden glamour
"I have kids at each end":
Asia7384: if I was any better I'b be in prison awaiting
Paris Hilton
Beysshoes: wow asia. that good huh?
Prospect26: Asia...what happened to this girl?
Asia7384: Prospect, the media, her love of it, our love of her
Prospect26: old is Paris?
Asia7384: a self-sustaining disaster waiting to happen
Prospect26: How old is Paris?
Catpower777: 20s, Pros
Catpower777: young
BinxB91: Maybe we need to find a simpler celeb -----
Orlando Marriot, Tampa Sheraton, Peoria Holiday Inn,
Prospect26: Cat...I have kids at each end? 30? 25?
Prospect26: Paris could be my daughter...whew!
BinxB91: Prospect slept with a Hilton??
Prospect26: Binx...yes
An Alternatate Trip:
Beysshoes: bad binx? ooooo i wish i could peer into
your cerebellum binx.
BinxB91: peer pressure?
Asia7384: Bey, visit the Grand Canyon instead.
They have burros there
Canyons, Seriously:
Beysshoes: i didn't know you were a painter.
Asia7384: we all have our talents
Beysshoes: what do you paint asia?...i don't get this joke.
Asia7384: Bey, why does it have to be a joke?
Asia7384: or you saying you can't take me seruious?
Beysshoes: do you do landscapes asia? portraits? (que?)
Beysshoes: why did binx laff then?
Asia7384: landscapes mostly, geologic formations precisely
BinxB91: Beys: visit the Grand Canyon instead of Binx's brain
Asia7384: seeing all your names brings tears to my eyes.
Hayfever I think
Beysshoes: i love bryce the is full of life.
Beysshoes: not just rocks.
Beysshoes: lolol asia
Asia7384: I have a large framed photograph of Bryce Canyon a
few feet away from me
Beysshoes: nobody loves bryce canyon better than the grande but me?
Phronsie: I thought Lady drove an ambulance
LadyMtnMedic: Prospect, funny
LadyMtnMedic: So now because I told you I will not
hire your kid for a "summer job"
Prospect26: Ladt... the patrollers laughed when I
showed them what you thought they did. HA HA
LadyMtnMedic: you knock me?
LadyMtnMedic: Lemme tell you something
BinxB91: uh oh
LadyMtnMedic: we dont hire "summer help"
BinxB91: (ducking)
LadyMtnMedic: just because your kid went to EMT classes
LadyMtnMedic: does not mean she is street ready
LadyMtnMedic: nor
BinxB91: (hides head under table)
Beysshoes: lady, must you humiliate a proud mother in
a public chat?
LadyMtnMedic: Eff off Beys
Prospect26: Lady...I have already told my daughter to
be aware of certain EMT jobs
Ta21l: can I hide with you Binx?
Jam7604801: bey please stay out of it
Phronsie: Is everyone in the attic
BinxB91: I once met a woman who was "street ready" but
I didn't have 20 bucks
LadyMtnMedic: Good, there are a lot of bad ones out
there Prosp
LadyMtnMedic: Denver and Aurora esp
Beysshoes: back at you lady....jam, take this outside
of the chat if you want people to stay out.
Beysshoes: get out
BinxB91: (Ta spills her tea while ducking under table)
Jam7604801: same to you bey
Jam7604801: i come in here more than you bey
LadyMtnMedic: Beys, she came into the AL and told me
to come in here, so she started it
Beysshoes: thats nothing to brag on jam
MadiHolmes: woof
BinxB91: Maybe, Jam, but Beys kicks ass when she's here
Beysshoes: thank you for telling me lady.
MadiHolmes: wow, I've never seen this room this upset
BinxB91: You just ride her coat tails
Jam7604801: bey when you showed up are chat room went
from 15 a night to 0
Jam7604801: why is that bey?
Beysshoes: binx, you want i should do some fussin on yours?
BinxB91: no, just picturing you in a long coat
LadyMtnMedic: and Prosp yes, your "ski patrollers" no BLS
LadyMtnMedic: but they are not bagging tagging and tagging
dead bodies and administering drugs with no license
BinxB91: Jam, that's so wrong. Bey is the straw that stirs the drink
Beysshoes: c'mere babe...i'll tuck you in.
LadyMtnMedic: your daughter may have BLS , basic life support
Jam7604801: ha binx she stirs everyones drinks
LadyMtnMedic: but that is not waht you think
LadyMtnMedic: what
LadyMtnMedic: sorry to burst your bubble
Prospect26: Lady...I am so sorry for must be older
and ill-informed and you do not ski, right?
BinxB91: Jam, you're just cranky
Jam7604801: ask blt binx
LadyMtnMedic: Prospect, you are the older one
I'll help you if you don't beep:
ZEREP2 147: hey can anyone proofread a sentance or two for me?
ZEREP2 147: I have something for invitations I need someone
to proof
ZEREP2 147: anyone a good gramatic person?
ZEREP2 147: beys u got my IM?
Beysshoes: Zerep i wont open it. the beeps are unpleasant.
Jam's Cyber Freind:
Jam7604801: i talked to alot of women from the shelf in
Im's and there has only been one that cybered with me
and she isn't in here tonight
BinxB91: Jam, that TooHot's an animal, isn't she?
Jam7604801: wasn't TooHot binx
I sling when slung:
Gypsyjo47: Madi why are you always so quiet? You never
join the shit slinging matches either here or in the AL
MadiHolmes: sometimes I multitask, Gypsy
MadiHolmes: also I'm not that big on chatroom tiffs
LadyMtnMedic: at the moment, I would say nobody is slinging anything...
MadiHolmes: I don't mind a good argument
Ta21l: I sling when slung
MadiHolmes: but when things no longer seem like anyone's having fun
MadiHolmes: then I lose my attention
LadyMtnMedic: slung to, or slung at TA? ;-D
The wonderful ability to be oblivious:
AmberHighWinds: men have a wonderful ability to be oblivous
Ta21l: why do you say that Amber?
LadyMtnMedic: why Amber?
AmberHighWinds: bby boy tried to tell dad he needed a
change by bringing him the pack of diapers. he gave him a
hug instead
AmberHighWinds: could smell the tyke from 4 feet away
MadiHolmes: when my brother started bringing us diapers to
change him, that's when we potty trained him
AmberHighWinds: yeah he is ready
MadiHolmes: because he was bringing us diapers to put on
him so he could go
MadiHolmes: he was afraid of the toilet
AmberHighWinds: so he could go??
LadyMtnMedic: how old is he Amber?
MadiHolmes: the ironic thing is that now he can only go at home
AmberHighWinds: 1 1/2
MadiHolmes: go number 2, Amber
MadiHolmes: he was "mostly" potty trained
Gypsyjo47: My daughter was unbuttoning my wife's blouse to nurse
and I put my foot down on weaning time...I mean Gheeezzzz
MadiHolmes: how old was she?
LadyMtnMedic: ew
Gypsyjo47: 2 1/2
AmberHighWinds: I din't nurse...bottle
MadiHolmes: my cousin who was about 3 once told my grandma
that she had good nursers
AmberHighWinds: meds I take are questionable
Ta21l: LMAO
MadiHolmes: in some cultures, some children nurse until they're
about 4 or 5
AmberHighWinds: besides bottle suits me
MadiHolmes: granted, nursing is a way for children to still
be protected from various diseases
MadiHolmes: they get antibodies from their mothers
MadiHolmes: that's why there's a high mortality rate around
the age of 3
Ta21l: I don't know Gyspy...I never breast fed my kids and
my son, at age 3 months, knew how to get into my shirt
AmberHighWinds: I gave him some colostrum
AmberHighWinds: just didn't want to nurse
MadiHolmes: oh
AmberHighWinds: I think the experts have a few things wrong
about breast feeding
Prospect26: I did not nurse my son for a long time...
I don't get Mother's Day cards.
Ta21l: I don't trust "experts"
Gypsyjo47: Ta maybe he was precocious in another way
LadyMtnMedic: True Amber
AmberHighWinds: ta, too many experts..aren't
Ta21l: most
On Older Men:
Ta21l: what are you talking about is a
well known fact men get better with age
Zoshka5: are you talking about breasts or cheese?
Phronsie: cheese ages
Beysshoes: they're selling cheaper in cali than
wisconsin in everything else.
Ta21l: lol Zosh...I wish I knew
Verneuker: Ta2...well they tend to get richer
Zoshka5: nice goudas, baby
Beysshoes: small boobs ta
Verneuker: or poorer if theyve been married and divorced
Phronsie: Main thing wrong with older men is their tendency
to talk down to women
Phronsie: to try to educate them
Phronsie: Very kindly, of course
Ta21l: yeah
Verneuker: Indeed Phronsie, dont I do that all the time?
Phronsie: not as much as others, Vern. besides, you're
not that old
Verneuker: feh
Zoshka5: that's not true at all, want to put
a period at the end of a complete thought, btw
Beysshoes: yes phrons...if only they taught the interesting stuff
Phronsie: lollollol
Phronsie: I have never done well at playing the student role.
Phronsie: Not even when I was young
Phronsie: not even when I could use some educating
Phronsie: always lots of attitude on my part
Ta21l: I can play student or teacher, depends on the subject
Phronsie: Well, I was a teacher for a long time, but
I don't bother any more
Phronsie: I don't know anyone who wants to think they
know less than me
Verneuker: I was told many moons ago Id make a great guru
Phronsie: so I just usually pay the eccentric for them
Ta21l: that's the best role to play Phros
Phronsie: play , not pay
Verneuker: Phronsie...eccentric?
Verneuker: :(
Ta21l: ahhh...see, sanity is
Phronsie: a little batty, vern?
Phronsie: Gives me room to ramble
Water Sportss:
Verneuker: Perhaps...remember, you were an anchor
when I was at my mental nadir....perhaps its all
perspective to me
Beysshoes: i just began readin the "shop girl"
Verneuker: Steve Martin?
Zoshka5: steve martin?
Beysshoes: yes vern, zosh
Phronsie: he was in the movie
Beysshoes: have you both read it?
Verneuker: never figured on reading that one
Beysshoes: he wrote the book phrons
Zoshka5: yes, I read it
Verneuker: Beys, you know I read obscure crap and
stuff WAY over my head
Verneuker: which would probably qualify Shop Girl...actually...
Verneuker: over my head that is
Beysshoes: its quite moving vern
OnlineHost: Catpower777 has entered the room.
Verneuker: Chello Cat
Beysshoes: wb caaaaaaaat
Catpower777: thx -- screen froze
Zoshka5: getting cheshirey, cat
Phronsie: And speaking of that, I wonder where my Alice is
Phronsie: I guess it's around here somewhere
Verneuker: the cat sneaks out on little fog feet....
er scratch that, reverse it....--Carl Sandburg meets Crock
Catpower777: I like "little fog feet"
Phronsie: yeah. fog feet is cute
Verneuker: use it anytime you want, color it a mixed metaphor
Verneuker: know what sucks about not drinking alcohol?
Phronsie: what?
Catpower777: not feeling drunk?
Verneuker: you substitute coffee...and you get rammy AS HELL
Zoshka5: rammy?
Verneuker: (for example, see me)
Catpower777: is rammy something you can describe and not get TOSd?
Verneuker: rammy...mentally and physically ready to jump
out of your skin
Phronsie: well, try diet decaf pepsi
Phronsie: that's what I drink
Verneuker: thanks Phronsie
Zoshka5: otherwise known as really dark fizzy water
Phronsie: lollol
Phronsie: well what with atrial fib and the diabetes,
I kind of have to
Verneuker: as opposed to the really dark bitter water
Im drinking right now
Phronsie: although I guess water would be a better choice
Verneuker: what fun is water?
Verneuker: Besides I drink lots of water when I do
my 3 miles on the treadmill in the morning
Catpower777: y'all are making me thirsty -- brb
Verneuker: then later when I do my half-hour in the sauna
Ta21l: I hate it when you peek in a part of a
Beysshoes: que ta?
Ta21l: I was doing something in another window and came
back to "what fun is water"
Ta21l: now, knowing my mind is always in the
Beysshoes: lolol ta...tell ussssssssss
Catpower777: we're in the gutter now? yay!
Phronsie: golden showers?
Ta21l: and no Phron...I was just thinking plain old showers....
Phronsie: ah, good.
Ta21l: and what fun they can be...
Phronsie: golden always reminds me of Jack Nicholson
Catpower777: why, Phrons?
Phronsie: In some sleazy tell all book about prostitution in
the LA area, it was mentioned that Jack peed in his whore's
Phronsie: some fun, apparently
Ta21l: honestly...I can see that
Catpower777: why does this not surprise me about him?
Catpower777: he looks like a mouth peer
Ta21l: he just looks like he would and tell her to smile
while he did it
Phronsie: yeah
Verneuker: kinda like the perfect woman...another experience
Ill die without alas
Verneuker: :)
Ta21l: bye
Beysshoes: no wonder you miss them vern...come back ta
Beysshoes: soon
Catpower777: Vern, you were hoping to pee in someone's mouth?
Ta21l: can't get rid of me that easily Bey
Catpower777: did you need something, Bey?
Verneuker: Cat...well no, that hardly seems fun
(doubly so when you consider that urine is sterile, and
hence the exercise isnt even "dirty")
Beysshoes: yes cat. i do
Beysshoes: but i don't know what it is.
Ta21l: if you say a golden
Beysshoes: alright if you insist. we'll talk golden
shower ta...mind you, blt isn't here yet.
Verneuker: Ta2...there are a heck of a lot of fetishes
out there....Ive never gotten most of them
Catpower777: there are some really, really scary ones
Beysshoes: i have fetishes but they all belong to me. sigh.
Verneuker: Beys do you have a shoe fetish?
Beysshoes: spill cat
Beysshoes: socks vern
Verneuker: (declaring myself an honourary chick for the
coming conversation)
Catpower777: you are not alone there Bey
Beysshoes: my own. lol
Catpower777: there are some other deeply disturbed sock lovers
out there
Beysshoes: smells. (not my own)
Verneuker: well they go together like, ummmm, shoes and....socks
Beysshoes: tell me more about the psycho socks cat pulease
Ta21l: I was kidding Bey...and personally, I've no interest in them
Verneuker: once popularised a sock fetish
Beysshoes: ta...get a new menu. golden showers are oldies but
goodies yes?
Beysshoes: what did mick foley do with socks vern?
Ta21l: stuck them in people's mouths, while on his hand
Beysshoes: truly ta? and this was sexual?
Verneuker: Beys...well it was part of his wrestler schtick
...he would pull "socko" out of his crotch (wrestling trunks)
and stuff it on a defeated foes face
Ta21l: a mandible claw of sorts
Ta21l: I hope not...if so, it shatters s few girly delusions
Beysshoes: ew
Verneuker: Beys I would call it less sexual and more
humiliating...the straight male world only accepts
humiliation if its desexualised
Beysshoes: yes, this is good to know vern. hmmm
Catpower777: out of the crotch and into the face doesn't s
ound desexualized to me
Beysshoes: so that was my problem all these years.
Ta21l: the only think socks are good for during sex is restraints
Beysshoes: they must be separated.
Verneuker: Cat...well its like spitting on a friend...its
gross and devaluing, but not in a sexual manner
Catpower777: depends on where you spit, Vern
Verneuker: perhaps
Beysshoes: lollllllllll cat you skank
Ta21l: I was thinking that too
Verneuker: (whistling past the graveyard)
Beysshoes: ta you do the porn circuitry too chica?
Ta21l: when the mood hits...and you can find a decent one
Beysshoes: oops. sorry cat
Catpower777: very funny, Bey
Beysshoes: give us the link ta
Beysshoes: que?
Verneuker: ought I leave?
Catpower777: no, Vern
Beysshoes: where's godwit when we need
Catpower777: stay and pull us out of the gutter
Beysshoes: verrrrrrrn
Beysshoes: we'll behave
Beysshoes: stay
Catpower777: save us from ourselves
Ta21l: why pull us out...come on down
Verneuker: Cat....youre talking to the wrong person
Catpower777: ok, then, dive in
Verneuker: I get this invitation every day
Beysshoes: vern, now that you're cant shout handicap
Verneuker: I sure can...Im male...if that isnt a handicap,
I dont know what is
Ta21l: impotence...that's one
Beysshoes: ummm vern....think a couple beats yes?
Catpower777: 'night
Beysshoes: i had an irish bf who used to say 'alcohol is a jealous lover' caaaaaat
Therapy on the Fly:
Verneuker: Beys whatcha thinking?
Beysshoes: i'm thinking that i need to get back to work
but i wanna stay and play
Verneuker: wants and needs
Beysshoes: this is the livliest chat in a blue moon vern
...i'm fretting about this chatroom in rigor for too long.
Beysshoes: yes. vern. wants and needs. monumental ones yes?
Verneuker: perhaps
Beysshoes: perhaps and monumental don't seem to match up
Verneuker: they dont need to if youre not on the same page :)
Beysshoes: are you alright vern?
Verneuker: well define alright...Im sober...which seems
to satisfy the majority
Verneuker: and satisfying the majority is what I have to be
all about these days
Verneuker: right?
Beysshoes: vern, have you read "dry"? by augusten?
Beysshoes: no vern. its saving you. remember?
Verneuker: So Ive not...but Ive read the Big book and 12/12
Verneuker: over and over and over again my friend
Beysshoes: read augusten. it''lll work for you.
Ta21l: ok, needed asprin
Beysshoes: it rocks. a dry rock.
Beysshoes: you good ta?
Verneuker: its fighting a smaller war on a different front Beys
Beysshoes: wanna talk about it vern?
Verneuker: I might could, dont know as it will help
Beysshoes: try us
Verneuker: Ok well I did step 1 and then took on
Dr. Tom Cruise as my personal doctor
Verneuker: so I threw out my psychatric meds and started jogging
Verneuker: this is only step one in the problem
Verneuker: so be patient
Beysshoes: thought you were brighter than that. but the jogging's good.
Verneuker: Thought I was too Bright to be an AA too,
everythings relative, love
Beysshoes: talk to binx sometime vern. i don't think he's a drinker
but he's a LD runner.
Verneuker: so lately Ive been troubled with minor issues regarding
losing my patience...but I was thinking
Verneuker: well maybe its the booze
Beysshoes: and he has alot of insights into stuff.
Verneuker: the lack there of
Beysshoes: or seems to.
Verneuker: you know what...I dont really want to talk any more
about it....thanks for the offer
Beysshoes: but dont listen to me too much. cus i be an idjit.
majorly. i talk when i should listen.
Ta21l: well, if you ever feel the need Vern....
Verneuker: thanks...something I need to work out myself
BlueMonk Looking for Love:
BillyBudd912: any questions tonight, ladies?
Beysshoes: i used to do something together with
my dog sally. hey billy
Ta21l: yes...why do you feel the need to be asked questions?
BillyBudd912: ta, it's just what i do when i go on aol
Ta21l: ok, fair enough
BillyBudd912: been that way off and on for years
BillyBudd912: beys
Beysshoes: i made a theme every week vern. like 'patience'
or 'greed'...stuff to work on together. to teach my dog
BillyBudd912: except you don't have a dog?
Beysshoes: i ended up teaching myself naturally. which,
i guess, was what was needed
Beysshoes: i don't now billy.
BillyBudd912: i don't care for animals
Ta21l: I like that Bey...everything I taught my dog,
he taught me....catchy
BillyBudd912: domesticated animals
Ta21l: why...I love my pets
Beysshoes: thx ta...i need to get back to work folks.
pls ta...come back soon. yes?
billy good to see you again.
BillyBudd912: ta, your dog taught you how to lick
condiments off his or her genitals?
Ta21l: anything for you...night Bey
BillyBudd912: i need some questions before you go, i'm afraid
Beysshoes: dulces suenos.
(Therapy/Fetishes/Older Men/
Breast-feeding/Toilet Training/Alcohol Rehab)
Snert kicks The Old Croc's shins:
Verneuker: Dark...everyone is welcome here,
as long as youre polite....but that doesn't
mean youre in the in-crowd, neither
Darkaquarius16: thanks anyways. hope u all die!!!!!!!!!
Verneuker: Dark, but you can join my little group if
you wanna
Darkaquarius16: thanks
Darkaquarius16: i ride solo
Darkaquarius16: later
Verneuker: Dark, you hope I die? well thats hardly cricket
BinxB91: Now there's someone with issues!
Verneuker: Boy I tell you, People used to like me...
but I think Ive lost my golden glamour
"I have kids at each end":
Asia7384: if I was any better I'b be in prison awaiting
Paris Hilton
Beysshoes: wow asia. that good huh?
Prospect26: Asia...what happened to this girl?
Asia7384: Prospect, the media, her love of it, our love of her
Prospect26: old is Paris?
Asia7384: a self-sustaining disaster waiting to happen
Prospect26: How old is Paris?
Catpower777: 20s, Pros
Catpower777: young
BinxB91: Maybe we need to find a simpler celeb -----
Orlando Marriot, Tampa Sheraton, Peoria Holiday Inn,
Prospect26: Cat...I have kids at each end? 30? 25?
Prospect26: Paris could be my daughter...whew!
BinxB91: Prospect slept with a Hilton??
Prospect26: Binx...yes
An Alternatate Trip:
Beysshoes: bad binx? ooooo i wish i could peer into
your cerebellum binx.
BinxB91: peer pressure?
Asia7384: Bey, visit the Grand Canyon instead.
They have burros there
Canyons, Seriously:
Beysshoes: i didn't know you were a painter.
Asia7384: we all have our talents
Beysshoes: what do you paint asia?...i don't get this joke.
Asia7384: Bey, why does it have to be a joke?
Asia7384: or you saying you can't take me seruious?
Beysshoes: do you do landscapes asia? portraits? (que?)
Beysshoes: why did binx laff then?
Asia7384: landscapes mostly, geologic formations precisely
BinxB91: Beys: visit the Grand Canyon instead of Binx's brain
Asia7384: seeing all your names brings tears to my eyes.
Hayfever I think
Beysshoes: i love bryce the is full of life.
Beysshoes: not just rocks.
Beysshoes: lolol asia
Asia7384: I have a large framed photograph of Bryce Canyon a
few feet away from me
Beysshoes: nobody loves bryce canyon better than the grande but me?
Phronsie: I thought Lady drove an ambulance
LadyMtnMedic: Prospect, funny
LadyMtnMedic: So now because I told you I will not
hire your kid for a "summer job"
Prospect26: Ladt... the patrollers laughed when I
showed them what you thought they did. HA HA
LadyMtnMedic: you knock me?
LadyMtnMedic: Lemme tell you something
BinxB91: uh oh
LadyMtnMedic: we dont hire "summer help"
BinxB91: (ducking)
LadyMtnMedic: just because your kid went to EMT classes
LadyMtnMedic: does not mean she is street ready
LadyMtnMedic: nor
BinxB91: (hides head under table)
Beysshoes: lady, must you humiliate a proud mother in
a public chat?
LadyMtnMedic: Eff off Beys
Prospect26: Lady...I have already told my daughter to
be aware of certain EMT jobs
Ta21l: can I hide with you Binx?
Jam7604801: bey please stay out of it
Phronsie: Is everyone in the attic
BinxB91: I once met a woman who was "street ready" but
I didn't have 20 bucks
LadyMtnMedic: Good, there are a lot of bad ones out
there Prosp
LadyMtnMedic: Denver and Aurora esp
Beysshoes: back at you lady....jam, take this outside
of the chat if you want people to stay out.
Beysshoes: get out
BinxB91: (Ta spills her tea while ducking under table)
Jam7604801: same to you bey
Jam7604801: i come in here more than you bey
LadyMtnMedic: Beys, she came into the AL and told me
to come in here, so she started it
Beysshoes: thats nothing to brag on jam
MadiHolmes: woof
BinxB91: Maybe, Jam, but Beys kicks ass when she's here
Beysshoes: thank you for telling me lady.
MadiHolmes: wow, I've never seen this room this upset
BinxB91: You just ride her coat tails
Jam7604801: bey when you showed up are chat room went
from 15 a night to 0
Jam7604801: why is that bey?
Beysshoes: binx, you want i should do some fussin on yours?
BinxB91: no, just picturing you in a long coat
LadyMtnMedic: and Prosp yes, your "ski patrollers" no BLS
LadyMtnMedic: but they are not bagging tagging and tagging
dead bodies and administering drugs with no license
BinxB91: Jam, that's so wrong. Bey is the straw that stirs the drink
Beysshoes: c'mere babe...i'll tuck you in.
LadyMtnMedic: your daughter may have BLS , basic life support
Jam7604801: ha binx she stirs everyones drinks
LadyMtnMedic: but that is not waht you think
LadyMtnMedic: what
LadyMtnMedic: sorry to burst your bubble
Prospect26: Lady...I am so sorry for must be older
and ill-informed and you do not ski, right?
BinxB91: Jam, you're just cranky
Jam7604801: ask blt binx
LadyMtnMedic: Prospect, you are the older one
I'll help you if you don't beep:
ZEREP2 147: hey can anyone proofread a sentance or two for me?
ZEREP2 147: I have something for invitations I need someone
to proof
ZEREP2 147: anyone a good gramatic person?
ZEREP2 147: beys u got my IM?
Beysshoes: Zerep i wont open it. the beeps are unpleasant.
Jam's Cyber Freind:
Jam7604801: i talked to alot of women from the shelf in
Im's and there has only been one that cybered with me
and she isn't in here tonight
BinxB91: Jam, that TooHot's an animal, isn't she?
Jam7604801: wasn't TooHot binx
I sling when slung:
Gypsyjo47: Madi why are you always so quiet? You never
join the shit slinging matches either here or in the AL
MadiHolmes: sometimes I multitask, Gypsy
MadiHolmes: also I'm not that big on chatroom tiffs
LadyMtnMedic: at the moment, I would say nobody is slinging anything...
MadiHolmes: I don't mind a good argument
Ta21l: I sling when slung
MadiHolmes: but when things no longer seem like anyone's having fun
MadiHolmes: then I lose my attention
LadyMtnMedic: slung to, or slung at TA? ;-D
The wonderful ability to be oblivious:
AmberHighWinds: men have a wonderful ability to be oblivous
Ta21l: why do you say that Amber?
LadyMtnMedic: why Amber?
AmberHighWinds: bby boy tried to tell dad he needed a
change by bringing him the pack of diapers. he gave him a
hug instead
AmberHighWinds: could smell the tyke from 4 feet away
MadiHolmes: when my brother started bringing us diapers to
change him, that's when we potty trained him
AmberHighWinds: yeah he is ready
MadiHolmes: because he was bringing us diapers to put on
him so he could go
MadiHolmes: he was afraid of the toilet
AmberHighWinds: so he could go??
LadyMtnMedic: how old is he Amber?
MadiHolmes: the ironic thing is that now he can only go at home
AmberHighWinds: 1 1/2
MadiHolmes: go number 2, Amber
MadiHolmes: he was "mostly" potty trained
Gypsyjo47: My daughter was unbuttoning my wife's blouse to nurse
and I put my foot down on weaning time...I mean Gheeezzzz
MadiHolmes: how old was she?
LadyMtnMedic: ew
Gypsyjo47: 2 1/2
AmberHighWinds: I din't nurse...bottle
MadiHolmes: my cousin who was about 3 once told my grandma
that she had good nursers
AmberHighWinds: meds I take are questionable
Ta21l: LMAO
MadiHolmes: in some cultures, some children nurse until they're
about 4 or 5
AmberHighWinds: besides bottle suits me
MadiHolmes: granted, nursing is a way for children to still
be protected from various diseases
MadiHolmes: they get antibodies from their mothers
MadiHolmes: that's why there's a high mortality rate around
the age of 3
Ta21l: I don't know Gyspy...I never breast fed my kids and
my son, at age 3 months, knew how to get into my shirt
AmberHighWinds: I gave him some colostrum
AmberHighWinds: just didn't want to nurse
MadiHolmes: oh
AmberHighWinds: I think the experts have a few things wrong
about breast feeding
Prospect26: I did not nurse my son for a long time...
I don't get Mother's Day cards.
Ta21l: I don't trust "experts"
Gypsyjo47: Ta maybe he was precocious in another way
LadyMtnMedic: True Amber
AmberHighWinds: ta, too many experts..aren't
Ta21l: most
On Older Men:
Ta21l: what are you talking about is a
well known fact men get better with age
Zoshka5: are you talking about breasts or cheese?
Phronsie: cheese ages
Beysshoes: they're selling cheaper in cali than
wisconsin in everything else.
Ta21l: lol Zosh...I wish I knew
Verneuker: Ta2...well they tend to get richer
Zoshka5: nice goudas, baby
Beysshoes: small boobs ta
Verneuker: or poorer if theyve been married and divorced
Phronsie: Main thing wrong with older men is their tendency
to talk down to women
Phronsie: to try to educate them
Phronsie: Very kindly, of course
Ta21l: yeah
Verneuker: Indeed Phronsie, dont I do that all the time?
Phronsie: not as much as others, Vern. besides, you're
not that old
Verneuker: feh
Zoshka5: that's not true at all, want to put
a period at the end of a complete thought, btw
Beysshoes: yes phrons...if only they taught the interesting stuff
Phronsie: lollollol
Phronsie: I have never done well at playing the student role.
Phronsie: Not even when I was young
Phronsie: not even when I could use some educating
Phronsie: always lots of attitude on my part
Ta21l: I can play student or teacher, depends on the subject
Phronsie: Well, I was a teacher for a long time, but
I don't bother any more
Phronsie: I don't know anyone who wants to think they
know less than me
Verneuker: I was told many moons ago Id make a great guru
Phronsie: so I just usually pay the eccentric for them
Ta21l: that's the best role to play Phros
Phronsie: play , not pay
Verneuker: Phronsie...eccentric?
Verneuker: :(
Ta21l: ahhh...see, sanity is
Phronsie: a little batty, vern?
Phronsie: Gives me room to ramble
Water Sportss:
Verneuker: Perhaps...remember, you were an anchor
when I was at my mental nadir....perhaps its all
perspective to me
Beysshoes: i just began readin the "shop girl"
Verneuker: Steve Martin?
Zoshka5: steve martin?
Beysshoes: yes vern, zosh
Phronsie: he was in the movie
Beysshoes: have you both read it?
Verneuker: never figured on reading that one
Beysshoes: he wrote the book phrons
Zoshka5: yes, I read it
Verneuker: Beys, you know I read obscure crap and
stuff WAY over my head
Verneuker: which would probably qualify Shop Girl...actually...
Verneuker: over my head that is
Beysshoes: its quite moving vern
OnlineHost: Catpower777 has entered the room.
Verneuker: Chello Cat
Beysshoes: wb caaaaaaaat
Catpower777: thx -- screen froze
Zoshka5: getting cheshirey, cat
Phronsie: And speaking of that, I wonder where my Alice is
Phronsie: I guess it's around here somewhere
Verneuker: the cat sneaks out on little fog feet....
er scratch that, reverse it....--Carl Sandburg meets Crock
Catpower777: I like "little fog feet"
Phronsie: yeah. fog feet is cute
Verneuker: use it anytime you want, color it a mixed metaphor
Verneuker: know what sucks about not drinking alcohol?
Phronsie: what?
Catpower777: not feeling drunk?
Verneuker: you substitute coffee...and you get rammy AS HELL
Zoshka5: rammy?
Verneuker: (for example, see me)
Catpower777: is rammy something you can describe and not get TOSd?
Verneuker: rammy...mentally and physically ready to jump
out of your skin
Phronsie: well, try diet decaf pepsi
Phronsie: that's what I drink
Verneuker: thanks Phronsie
Zoshka5: otherwise known as really dark fizzy water
Phronsie: lollol
Phronsie: well what with atrial fib and the diabetes,
I kind of have to
Verneuker: as opposed to the really dark bitter water
Im drinking right now
Phronsie: although I guess water would be a better choice
Verneuker: what fun is water?
Verneuker: Besides I drink lots of water when I do
my 3 miles on the treadmill in the morning
Catpower777: y'all are making me thirsty -- brb
Verneuker: then later when I do my half-hour in the sauna
Ta21l: I hate it when you peek in a part of a
Beysshoes: que ta?
Ta21l: I was doing something in another window and came
back to "what fun is water"
Ta21l: now, knowing my mind is always in the
Beysshoes: lolol ta...tell ussssssssss
Catpower777: we're in the gutter now? yay!
Phronsie: golden showers?
Ta21l: and no Phron...I was just thinking plain old showers....
Phronsie: ah, good.
Ta21l: and what fun they can be...
Phronsie: golden always reminds me of Jack Nicholson
Catpower777: why, Phrons?
Phronsie: In some sleazy tell all book about prostitution in
the LA area, it was mentioned that Jack peed in his whore's
Phronsie: some fun, apparently
Ta21l: honestly...I can see that
Catpower777: why does this not surprise me about him?
Catpower777: he looks like a mouth peer
Ta21l: he just looks like he would and tell her to smile
while he did it
Phronsie: yeah
Verneuker: kinda like the perfect woman...another experience
Ill die without alas
Verneuker: :)
Ta21l: bye
Beysshoes: no wonder you miss them vern...come back ta
Beysshoes: soon
Catpower777: Vern, you were hoping to pee in someone's mouth?
Ta21l: can't get rid of me that easily Bey
Catpower777: did you need something, Bey?
Verneuker: Cat...well no, that hardly seems fun
(doubly so when you consider that urine is sterile, and
hence the exercise isnt even "dirty")
Beysshoes: yes cat. i do
Beysshoes: but i don't know what it is.
Ta21l: if you say a golden
Beysshoes: alright if you insist. we'll talk golden
shower ta...mind you, blt isn't here yet.
Verneuker: Ta2...there are a heck of a lot of fetishes
out there....Ive never gotten most of them
Catpower777: there are some really, really scary ones
Beysshoes: i have fetishes but they all belong to me. sigh.
Verneuker: Beys do you have a shoe fetish?
Beysshoes: spill cat
Beysshoes: socks vern
Verneuker: (declaring myself an honourary chick for the
coming conversation)
Catpower777: you are not alone there Bey
Beysshoes: my own. lol
Catpower777: there are some other deeply disturbed sock lovers
out there
Beysshoes: smells. (not my own)
Verneuker: well they go together like, ummmm, shoes and....socks
Beysshoes: tell me more about the psycho socks cat pulease
Ta21l: I was kidding Bey...and personally, I've no interest in them
Beysshoes: ta...get a new menu. golden showers are oldies but
goodies yes?
Beysshoes: what did mick foley do with socks vern?
Ta21l: stuck them in people's mouths, while on his hand
Beysshoes: truly ta? and this was sexual?
Verneuker: Beys...well it was part of his wrestler schtick
...he would pull "socko" out of his crotch (wrestling trunks)
and stuff it on a defeated foes face
Ta21l: a mandible claw of sorts
Ta21l: I hope not...if so, it shatters s few girly delusions
Beysshoes: ew
Verneuker: Beys I would call it less sexual and more
humiliating...the straight male world only accepts
humiliation if its desexualised
Beysshoes: yes, this is good to know vern. hmmm
Catpower777: out of the crotch and into the face doesn't s
ound desexualized to me
Beysshoes: so that was my problem all these years.
Ta21l: the only think socks are good for during sex is restraints
Beysshoes: they must be separated.
Verneuker: Cat...well its like spitting on a friend...its
gross and devaluing, but not in a sexual manner
Catpower777: depends on where you spit, Vern
Verneuker: perhaps
Beysshoes: lollllllllll cat you skank
Ta21l: I was thinking that too
Verneuker: (whistling past the graveyard)
Beysshoes: ta you do the porn circuitry too chica?
Ta21l: when the mood hits...and you can find a decent one
Beysshoes: oops. sorry cat
Catpower777: very funny, Bey
Beysshoes: give us the link ta
Beysshoes: que?
Verneuker: ought I leave?
Catpower777: no, Vern
Beysshoes: where's godwit when we need
Catpower777: stay and pull us out of the gutter
Beysshoes: verrrrrrrn
Beysshoes: we'll behave
Beysshoes: stay
Catpower777: save us from ourselves
Ta21l: why pull us out...come on down
Verneuker: Cat....youre talking to the wrong person
Catpower777: ok, then, dive in
Verneuker: I get this invitation every day
Beysshoes: vern, now that you're cant shout handicap
Verneuker: I sure can...Im male...if that isnt a handicap,
I dont know what is
Ta21l: impotence...that's one
Beysshoes: ummm vern....think a couple beats yes?
Catpower777: 'night
Beysshoes: i had an irish bf who used to say 'alcohol is a jealous lover' caaaaaat
Therapy on the Fly:
Verneuker: Beys whatcha thinking?
Beysshoes: i'm thinking that i need to get back to work
but i wanna stay and play
Verneuker: wants and needs
Beysshoes: this is the livliest chat in a blue moon vern
...i'm fretting about this chatroom in rigor for too long.
Beysshoes: yes. vern. wants and needs. monumental ones yes?
Verneuker: perhaps
Beysshoes: perhaps and monumental don't seem to match up
Verneuker: they dont need to if youre not on the same page :)
Beysshoes: are you alright vern?
Verneuker: well define alright...Im sober...which seems
to satisfy the majority
Verneuker: and satisfying the majority is what I have to be
all about these days
Verneuker: right?
Beysshoes: vern, have you read "dry"? by augusten?
Beysshoes: no vern. its saving you. remember?
Verneuker: So Ive not...but Ive read the Big book and 12/12
Verneuker: over and over and over again my friend
Beysshoes: read augusten. it''lll work for you.
Ta21l: ok, needed asprin
Beysshoes: it rocks. a dry rock.
Beysshoes: you good ta?
Verneuker: its fighting a smaller war on a different front Beys
Beysshoes: wanna talk about it vern?
Verneuker: I might could, dont know as it will help
Beysshoes: try us
Verneuker: Ok well I did step 1 and then took on
Dr. Tom Cruise as my personal doctor
Verneuker: so I threw out my psychatric meds and started jogging
Verneuker: this is only step one in the problem
Verneuker: so be patient
Beysshoes: thought you were brighter than that. but the jogging's good.
Verneuker: Thought I was too Bright to be an AA too,
everythings relative, love
Beysshoes: talk to binx sometime vern. i don't think he's a drinker
but he's a LD runner.
Verneuker: so lately Ive been troubled with minor issues regarding
losing my patience...but I was thinking
Verneuker: well maybe its the booze
Beysshoes: and he has alot of insights into stuff.
Verneuker: the lack there of
Beysshoes: or seems to.
Verneuker: you know what...I dont really want to talk any more
about it....thanks for the offer
Beysshoes: but dont listen to me too much. cus i be an idjit.
majorly. i talk when i should listen.
Ta21l: well, if you ever feel the need Vern....
Verneuker: thanks...something I need to work out myself
BlueMonk Looking for Love:
BillyBudd912: any questions tonight, ladies?
Beysshoes: i used to do something together with
my dog sally. hey billy
Ta21l: yes...why do you feel the need to be asked questions?
BillyBudd912: ta, it's just what i do when i go on aol
Ta21l: ok, fair enough
BillyBudd912: been that way off and on for years
BillyBudd912: beys
Beysshoes: i made a theme every week vern. like 'patience'
or 'greed'...stuff to work on together. to teach my dog
BillyBudd912: except you don't have a dog?
Beysshoes: i ended up teaching myself naturally. which,
i guess, was what was needed
Beysshoes: i don't now billy.
BillyBudd912: i don't care for animals
Ta21l: I like that Bey...everything I taught my dog,
he taught me....catchy
BillyBudd912: domesticated animals
Ta21l: why...I love my pets
Beysshoes: thx ta...i need to get back to work folks.
pls ta...come back soon. yes?
billy good to see you again.
BillyBudd912: ta, your dog taught you how to lick
condiments off his or her genitals?
Ta21l: anything for you...night Bey
BillyBudd912: i need some questions before you go, i'm afraid
Beysshoes: dulces suenos.
Dear Katy,
Boygeorge, what a delight to see the shelf is doing a few sit ups in its coffin. However, you may need an editor? Estan locos todas. Beysshoes
You want to edit me, do you? How about I just edit you out? That would sure streamline things.
Just kidding. How could I be mean to someone I just dubbed a savior last week. But beware of what rhymes with "Katy Tried".
By the way, you need to get a counter-nick name for Killa KaL.
Binxy Ride? Matey Cried? Paisley Tied? hmph. Well, I'm afraid Para will have to wait on his nicky. I'm sensing a nightmare coming on...perhaps it'll come to me then.(smile) Bey p.s. edit me out? hmmm c'mere you.
Hapablap is PinkVotary. I was surprised to see she'd come in.
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