Monday, April 16, 2007

KaL, Jerks, Boogie Men,and Feel-Good Movies

He's still Got It:
TRBfrom NC: how nice to think i can still freak people out

... or am I in another universe?:
TDNA983: did don ho die or was he already dead or
am i just way too drunk for this?

You want feel good????
I'll give you feel good!!!!
Ragamuffingirl35: i want to see a really good feel good movie
Ragamuffingirl35: it's sad that there doesn't seem to be
more of those around
MadiHolmes: Rag- are you kidding??
MadiHolmes: Pursuit of Happyness?
MadiHolmes: Happy Feet?
MadiHolmes: THe Last Mimzy?
Ragamuffingirl35: i hated pursuit of happyness
MadiHolmes: Hot Fuzz?
Beysshoes: you talking soft core porn mel?
Ragamuffingirl35: i've seen happy feet
Ragamuffingirl35: is the last mimzy good?
Beysshoes: juegando chica
MadiHolmes: I doubt it, Rag
MadiHolmes: but you never asked about goodness

Race Ranter Be Gone:
MrApproachable: I have a question besides race huslter,
race baiting, race huckster and race spitting what are
some other terms to call Al Sharpton???
MrApproachable: please answer my question folks?????
Jlswilson227: huh?
Beysshoes: can ya take down the font color a notch?
Jlswilson227: Im the boss and I say race baiting ist verboten!
Kevlar56: Who the hell is this guy???
MrApproachable: can some1 give me a new sophicated word
for al sharpton
Beysshoes: we already had a race rant in here earlier MR APP
Jlswilson227: NO RACE RANTING
Beysshoes: the other MRs left
Jlswilson227: sorry for the capps all
Kevlar56: Go the hell away, asswipe
Jlswilson227: we were having a good time and all
Kevlar56: Sorry folks
Beysshoes: ty kev
Jlswilson227: I could always emasculate him
Kevlar56: I could care less about that crap

ParaMyrrh: everyone should read my blog

Dating KaL:
ParaMyrrh: it makes for an excellent mixture of wantonness and cruelty

KaL is struck:
ParaMyrrh: it struck me that my father buried the poet in him to love
his children with all that song in him

Spitting Tea:
Beysshoes: the ta is back!
Ta21l: would have been sooner but I spit tea on myself

Down Boys:
JFWaterman: Hi there, chat folks!
Beysshoes: we're actually talking books tonight JF
JFWaterman: Poznakomtis, Bey!
JFWaterman: Khorosho!
Jlswilson227: I love books
Kevlar56: Me too, JF
Kevlar56: I live/love to read
Jlswilson227: all of them (excluding westerns and housewife porn)!
JFWaterman: WHat kind of books are we talking about,
or just the concept of books?

The origin of jerks and boogie men:
Penrod59: how did the word "jerk" evolve into the meaning
it has had for at least the last 60 years?
Bludahlias: i just learned where the term boogie men came from.
Bludahlias: any takers?
Penrod59: Blu, the bog men dug out of european peat bogs
Catpower777: bogey?
Niontron3: I know where it came from
Penrod59: northern europe and scandinavia, mainly
Niontron3: it came from
Penrod59: and the british isles
Bludahlias: bugimen -- pirates

Bludahlias: europeans would go back home and tell their children
Penrod59: that's not what I read, blu
Penrod59: but maybe you're right
Bludahlias: behave or the bugimen will come get you
Penrod59: it'd be the first time, thogh

That strange sense of Geography:
Kevlar56: In the middle of the Great western
continent, west of the great river and near the
land of the inbred
Saint Louis in other words
AHHHH tupelo honeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Among us dwell many with great hearts and
minds to match
Jlswilson227: where kev?

Kevlar56: Of course, I'm not among them...


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