Can Beysshoes Save BookShelf Chat??
(maybe not, but already she's earned
an unpleasant nick name from KaLenfer)
BookShelf Decline as Human Nature:
Beysshoes: Godwit, the shelf has been in decline
i'm afraid. it hurts my heart.
Godwit935: Beys, too many queers.
Beysshoes: godwit, quite the opposite is true.
If gays were here it would be livelier.
Godwit935: Normal people move out of the
neighborhood, Beys....just human nature.
Beysshoes: There is no norm left in our country godwit.
The breed died out from boredom
Godwit935: Beys, most folks remain normal, I think.
BUF5694927: aint this book chat!!
Just Friends, not Followers:
Shredhed1: Hello, my friends
Beysshoes: do we know you shredhed?
BinxB91: hello Shred ... are you seeking followers?
Shredhed1: no, but I consider each new aquaintance to
be a possible new friend.
Shredhed1: no, not seeking followers. Just thought I
would stop in and say hey.
Beysshoes: good, because we cannot follow you round
cyber airwaves forever shred?
That Blog Shit:
LynBelle: jane, we used to have so many fun people in here
JaneH56: I know lyn, I miss them all.
LynBelle: that blog shit is pointless, they need conversation
Not Looking Past the Tomatoes:
Godwit935: Jam, who is catching on among the Democratic
presidential candidates out your way?
Jam7604801: maybe i will have tomatoes before the 4th of july
"I wanna hear about the janitor work":
BinxB91: Blue, ever been fired from a job??
(Beysshoes, don't answer again)
Beysshoes: lol
BillyBudd912: never been fired, no
BillyBudd912: actually, i was once
BillyBudd912: like my first job as a janitor
Beysshoes: tell us!
BillyBudd912: i only took the job so i could have
basketball games in the gym
BillyBudd912: got caught
BinxB91: so it wasn't for skinny dipping?
Beysshoes: i wanna hear about the janitor work please
BillyBudd912: not exclusively
BillyBudd912: i mopped
BillyBudd912: poorly
BillyBudd912: and had a buncha people come play basketball
Godwit vs BlueMonk:
Godwit935: Billy, why be such an arse? Why act like that?
BillyBudd912: why act otherwise?
Godwit935: It's just stupid,'s not funny.
BinxB91: hehe
BillyBudd912: it's conceptual
Godwit935: It's ridiculous.
BillyBudd912: agreed
Godwit935: No man likes to be ridiculous.
BillyBudd912: why not?
Godwit935: Billy, it's anti-human.
BillyBudd912: neil hamburger is ridiculous
BillyBudd912: he's my hero
Godwit935: Billy, you need to be manly.
Creepy Loner: Most comedians are ridiculous, for that matter.
BillyBudd912: hehe, okay
Godwit935: If you are ridiculous, you are inconsequential,
by definition.
Creepy Loner: Being the anal-retentive bozo I am...I just
looked it up. You might be foolish or laughable, but you're
not "inconsequential, by definition."
Sexual Pastry:
Anthonychi94: hey
Beysshoes: anthony wb
Anthonychi94: o hey bey
Catpower777: you two know each other?
Beysshoes: anthony was here earlier cat
Beysshoes: we were discussing the sex genders of pastry.
Catpower777: of pastry?
Beysshoes: binx said there weren't any genders. i disagree.
Catpower777: eclairs are complicated
Beysshoes: binx has never seen a filled eclair?
Beysshoes: jinx
Jam7604801: or a long john
Catpower777: he's never read "Portnoy's Complaint?"
Catpower777: there's a pastry called a long john, jam?
Beysshoes: its the same as an eclair cat
Jam7604801: more of a doughnut cat
Jam7604801: its bigger bey
Beysshoes: it is? how so jam?
Jam7604801: 2 inches longer and a inch wider
Beysshoes: wow, i didn't know this.
Harry Potter, meet Alexander Portnoy:
Catpower777: Bey, apparently Portnoy liked to experiment
with food items
Beysshoes: like Nine and a half weeks cat?
Catpower777: I can't remember 91/2 Weeks well enough to
answer that, Bey
Pba112492: any1 here like harry potter
Beysshoes: the fridge scene? its famous!
Pba112492: oh and ello to u too cat....
Catpower777: I remember an ice cube
Jam7604801: i don't think i would ever do the food sex
Monk's Career Move:
BillyBudd912: lady, are you an rn?
LadyMtnMedic: paramedic
BillyBudd912: like it?
Puhseewillow: everyone in here is hospital??
LadyMtnMedic: depends on the day :-D
BillyBudd912: i start nursing school in the fall
MagNdre: cool, billy
LadyMtnMedic: good luck with that
Puhseewillow: i am a flight nurse
BillyBudd912: today was my last day at the restaurant
BillyBudd912: sale closes tomorrow
Ta's Friends:
Ta21l: wow...froze for a sec...AOL acting funny
tonight or is it just me?
Puhseewillow: ta? just you dear
BinxB91: ta, it's you
BinxB91: ta, how is your tea?
Meet Wingy:
Wingybat06: My name is Cleveland Maxwell, the Iv.
Wingybat06: But for all intents and purposes,
just call me cleve, or Wingy
The Harpo Marx of Chat:
Wingybat06: i'm sorry, good people, but you are
horrendously dull. Besides masterpiece theatre is on
and i cannot abide missing it. ta ta
Puhseewillow: << Knishofdeath: Does Vanda still post here?
LadyMtnMedic: he posts on the shelf site
Ta21l: we just get passed over for Masterpiece Theater?!?!?
Knishofdeath: Does Vanda still post here?
LadyMtnMedic: have not seen him in here in ages
BinxB91: Vanda has been going to bed early
Knishofdeath: When I looked in this room the first time, he
wasn't typing at all--just flocks of bats and hearts
Knishofdeath: He was like the Harpo Marx of chat
Ta21l: lol...I like the comparason knish
Mrs McGreevy and Shakira:
ParaMyrrh: Vanda McGreevey is a media whore
and now his wife is weeping for Oprah on her
"Im miserable too" tour
Vanda52: i sure like that sharika video
ParaMyrrh: Shakira
Vanda52: i know kal, the wifes an idiot
Vanda52: yeah
Vanda52: shakira
Vanda52: hahaha
Vanda52: hips dont lie
Vanda52: hahaha
The Left Behind:
Phronsie: Today I found 3 commas and a hyphen I
didn't intend to appear in my book. It is depressing
Spoiling the Moment:
Vanda52: i was with a girl once in a car, near scoring,
a cop pulled up and I yelled my wifes name,
spoiled the whole moment
The Wrong Name:
Phronsie: I am told that my ex used to call his second
wife by my name for a while
Phronsie: Not too surprising, because he used to sometimes
miscall the kids and the dog
Because There Is no Anal Sex chat room:
ParaMyrrh: Phronsie as a Gay man did he constantly
try to "enter the wrong door" during sex?
BinxB91: KaL, yich
ParaMyrrh: One gal said that hurts the tailbone if
you try without warning
Phronsie: Para, you are kind of fixated on that
Phronsie: Makes me wonder about you
ParaMyrrh: Phronsie Well I now begin to understand why
you hate sex
ParaMyrrh: I always knew there was an underlying reason
for your pathological hatred of sex
Phronsie: look at the governor and his ex wife
Madav1: Phronsie Para is a sicko
Phronsie: Mad, how true
ParaMyrrh: Madav! I thought we were friends!
ParaMyrrh: I am not a sicko
BinxB91: Para, if you're not a sicko, you DO try to act
like a sicko
ParaMyrrh: Madav please apologize
ParaMyrrh: Binx never
Madav1: what Binx said
Vanda52: kal doesnt seem sick to me
Vanda52: but who am i to judge
BinxB91: ParaMyrh's major fear is that he won't be the
center of attention
ParaMyrrh: If being reasonable and reaching logical
conclusions from other's behavior is sick Then count
me as sick
Vanda52: any of those republicans look good tonight?
Madav1: Vanda anybody who has to go online anonymously to
talk about anal sex is a sicko
Vanda52: oh
Vanda52: he does that?
ParaMyrrh: if stating the truth no matter how discomforting
it may be to some is sick Then I am sick
Vanda52: SICK!!!!!!!!
Phronsie: Para, is obsessing about anal penetration
entirely healthy?
ParaMyrrh: Madav then there are a million sickos
BinxB91: So Madav, you talk about anal sex with people you
know well??
Madav1: Para you may be right
ParaMyrrh: Yes Anal sex with a woman is healthy and very
pleasurable for both parties and I am not FIXATED on it
Vanda52: funny about the republicans, they will likely
win the prtesidency again even with bush looking so bad
Phronsie: Ah, you seem so, Para
Madav1: I didn't come in to dscuss this
Madav1: Vanda no way
... and KaL always finds 'em:
ParaMyrrh: Some people live to be offended
TDNA vs The Hallmark Company:
TDNA983: you know what offends me? All this talk
of mothers day on tv what about peopl who dont
have mothers thats offensive and i should sue someone
As long as there are ... :
AmberHighWinds: Springer is still on?
TDNA983: as long as there are midgets and rednecks
Springer will be on
Knowing One's Tastes:
Phronsie: TD, I feel pretty sure you wouldn't like
what I write
TDNA983: probably not Phrons I usually dont even like
what you write in here
Phronsie: It originated on message boards online, so
some of it tends to be a little raunchy
Rono Leading With His Chin:
Niontron3: I hate humans
UrbanStarGazer: Nion -- How perfect cuz humans hate you!
Niontron3: I hate humans...the most irrational being
Phronsie: Well, Rono, you certainly know about the irrationality
Niontron3: I think I will not get married...I can't
imagine living with another human for life
Urban Clarifying:
BinxB91: Urban used to be famous for burping in the chat room
LadyMtnMedic: I thought that was TooHot
UrbanStarGazer: no, I'm the burper
UrbanStarGazer: she's the eater
BinxB91: You were comparing your arm freckles with freinds
while sitting at a yard sale
UrbanStarGazer: . . . I have quite a few. Thanks, dad.
UrbanStarGazer: ohhhh yeah
UrbanStarGazer: wow
Prospect26: Urban...cancel my conversation with you.
(maybe not, but already she's earned
an unpleasant nick name from KaLenfer)
BookShelf Decline as Human Nature:
Beysshoes: Godwit, the shelf has been in decline
i'm afraid. it hurts my heart.
Godwit935: Beys, too many queers.
Beysshoes: godwit, quite the opposite is true.
If gays were here it would be livelier.
Godwit935: Normal people move out of the
neighborhood, Beys....just human nature.
Beysshoes: There is no norm left in our country godwit.
The breed died out from boredom
Godwit935: Beys, most folks remain normal, I think.
BUF5694927: aint this book chat!!
Just Friends, not Followers:
Shredhed1: Hello, my friends
Beysshoes: do we know you shredhed?
BinxB91: hello Shred ... are you seeking followers?
Shredhed1: no, but I consider each new aquaintance to
be a possible new friend.
Shredhed1: no, not seeking followers. Just thought I
would stop in and say hey.
Beysshoes: good, because we cannot follow you round
cyber airwaves forever shred?
That Blog Shit:
LynBelle: jane, we used to have so many fun people in here
JaneH56: I know lyn, I miss them all.
LynBelle: that blog shit is pointless, they need conversation
Not Looking Past the Tomatoes:
Godwit935: Jam, who is catching on among the Democratic
presidential candidates out your way?
Jam7604801: maybe i will have tomatoes before the 4th of july
"I wanna hear about the janitor work":
BinxB91: Blue, ever been fired from a job??
(Beysshoes, don't answer again)
Beysshoes: lol
BillyBudd912: never been fired, no
BillyBudd912: actually, i was once
BillyBudd912: like my first job as a janitor
Beysshoes: tell us!
BillyBudd912: i only took the job so i could have
basketball games in the gym
BillyBudd912: got caught
BinxB91: so it wasn't for skinny dipping?
Beysshoes: i wanna hear about the janitor work please
BillyBudd912: not exclusively
BillyBudd912: i mopped
BillyBudd912: poorly
BillyBudd912: and had a buncha people come play basketball
Godwit vs BlueMonk:
Godwit935: Billy, why be such an arse? Why act like that?
BillyBudd912: why act otherwise?
Godwit935: It's just stupid,'s not funny.
BinxB91: hehe
BillyBudd912: it's conceptual
Godwit935: It's ridiculous.
BillyBudd912: agreed
Godwit935: No man likes to be ridiculous.
BillyBudd912: why not?
Godwit935: Billy, it's anti-human.
BillyBudd912: neil hamburger is ridiculous
BillyBudd912: he's my hero
Godwit935: Billy, you need to be manly.
Creepy Loner: Most comedians are ridiculous, for that matter.
BillyBudd912: hehe, okay
Godwit935: If you are ridiculous, you are inconsequential,
by definition.
Creepy Loner: Being the anal-retentive bozo I am...I just
looked it up. You might be foolish or laughable, but you're
not "inconsequential, by definition."
Sexual Pastry:
Anthonychi94: hey
Beysshoes: anthony wb
Anthonychi94: o hey bey
Catpower777: you two know each other?
Beysshoes: anthony was here earlier cat
Beysshoes: we were discussing the sex genders of pastry.
Catpower777: of pastry?
Beysshoes: binx said there weren't any genders. i disagree.
Catpower777: eclairs are complicated
Beysshoes: binx has never seen a filled eclair?
Beysshoes: jinx
Jam7604801: or a long john
Catpower777: he's never read "Portnoy's Complaint?"
Catpower777: there's a pastry called a long john, jam?
Beysshoes: its the same as an eclair cat
Jam7604801: more of a doughnut cat
Jam7604801: its bigger bey
Beysshoes: it is? how so jam?
Jam7604801: 2 inches longer and a inch wider
Beysshoes: wow, i didn't know this.
Harry Potter, meet Alexander Portnoy:
Catpower777: Bey, apparently Portnoy liked to experiment
with food items
Beysshoes: like Nine and a half weeks cat?
Catpower777: I can't remember 91/2 Weeks well enough to
answer that, Bey
Pba112492: any1 here like harry potter
Beysshoes: the fridge scene? its famous!
Pba112492: oh and ello to u too cat....
Catpower777: I remember an ice cube
Jam7604801: i don't think i would ever do the food sex
Monk's Career Move:
BillyBudd912: lady, are you an rn?
LadyMtnMedic: paramedic
BillyBudd912: like it?
Puhseewillow: everyone in here is hospital??
LadyMtnMedic: depends on the day :-D
BillyBudd912: i start nursing school in the fall
MagNdre: cool, billy
LadyMtnMedic: good luck with that
Puhseewillow: i am a flight nurse
BillyBudd912: today was my last day at the restaurant
BillyBudd912: sale closes tomorrow
Ta's Friends:
Ta21l: wow...froze for a sec...AOL acting funny
tonight or is it just me?
Puhseewillow: ta? just you dear
BinxB91: ta, it's you
BinxB91: ta, how is your tea?
Meet Wingy:
Wingybat06: My name is Cleveland Maxwell, the Iv.
Wingybat06: But for all intents and purposes,
just call me cleve, or Wingy
The Harpo Marx of Chat:
Wingybat06: i'm sorry, good people, but you are
horrendously dull. Besides masterpiece theatre is on
and i cannot abide missing it. ta ta
Puhseewillow: <<
LadyMtnMedic: he posts on the shelf site
Ta21l: we just get passed over for Masterpiece Theater?!?!?
Knishofdeath: Does Vanda still post here?
LadyMtnMedic: have not seen him in here in ages
BinxB91: Vanda has been going to bed early
Knishofdeath: When I looked in this room the first time, he
wasn't typing at all--just flocks of bats and hearts
Knishofdeath: He was like the Harpo Marx of chat
Ta21l: lol...I like the comparason knish
Mrs McGreevy and Shakira:
ParaMyrrh: Vanda McGreevey is a media whore
and now his wife is weeping for Oprah on her
"Im miserable too" tour
Vanda52: i sure like that sharika video
ParaMyrrh: Shakira
Vanda52: i know kal, the wifes an idiot
Vanda52: yeah
Vanda52: shakira
Vanda52: hahaha
Vanda52: hips dont lie
Vanda52: hahaha
The Left Behind:
Phronsie: Today I found 3 commas and a hyphen I
didn't intend to appear in my book. It is depressing
Spoiling the Moment:
Vanda52: i was with a girl once in a car, near scoring,
a cop pulled up and I yelled my wifes name,
spoiled the whole moment
The Wrong Name:
Phronsie: I am told that my ex used to call his second
wife by my name for a while
Phronsie: Not too surprising, because he used to sometimes
miscall the kids and the dog
Because There Is no Anal Sex chat room:
ParaMyrrh: Phronsie as a Gay man did he constantly
try to "enter the wrong door" during sex?
BinxB91: KaL, yich
ParaMyrrh: One gal said that hurts the tailbone if
you try without warning
Phronsie: Para, you are kind of fixated on that
Phronsie: Makes me wonder about you
ParaMyrrh: Phronsie Well I now begin to understand why
you hate sex
ParaMyrrh: I always knew there was an underlying reason
for your pathological hatred of sex
Phronsie: look at the governor and his ex wife
Madav1: Phronsie Para is a sicko
Phronsie: Mad, how true
ParaMyrrh: Madav! I thought we were friends!
ParaMyrrh: I am not a sicko
BinxB91: Para, if you're not a sicko, you DO try to act
like a sicko
ParaMyrrh: Madav please apologize
ParaMyrrh: Binx never
Madav1: what Binx said
Vanda52: kal doesnt seem sick to me
Vanda52: but who am i to judge
BinxB91: ParaMyrh's major fear is that he won't be the
center of attention
ParaMyrrh: If being reasonable and reaching logical
conclusions from other's behavior is sick Then count
me as sick
Vanda52: any of those republicans look good tonight?
Madav1: Vanda anybody who has to go online anonymously to
talk about anal sex is a sicko
Vanda52: oh
Vanda52: he does that?
ParaMyrrh: if stating the truth no matter how discomforting
it may be to some is sick Then I am sick
Vanda52: SICK!!!!!!!!
Phronsie: Para, is obsessing about anal penetration
entirely healthy?
ParaMyrrh: Madav then there are a million sickos
BinxB91: So Madav, you talk about anal sex with people you
know well??
Madav1: Para you may be right
ParaMyrrh: Yes Anal sex with a woman is healthy and very
pleasurable for both parties and I am not FIXATED on it
Vanda52: funny about the republicans, they will likely
win the prtesidency again even with bush looking so bad
Phronsie: Ah, you seem so, Para
Madav1: I didn't come in to dscuss this
Madav1: Vanda no way
... and KaL always finds 'em:
ParaMyrrh: Some people live to be offended
TDNA vs The Hallmark Company:
TDNA983: you know what offends me? All this talk
of mothers day on tv what about peopl who dont
have mothers thats offensive and i should sue someone
As long as there are ... :
AmberHighWinds: Springer is still on?
TDNA983: as long as there are midgets and rednecks
Springer will be on
Knowing One's Tastes:
Phronsie: TD, I feel pretty sure you wouldn't like
what I write
TDNA983: probably not Phrons I usually dont even like
what you write in here
Phronsie: It originated on message boards online, so
some of it tends to be a little raunchy
Rono Leading With His Chin:
Niontron3: I hate humans
UrbanStarGazer: Nion -- How perfect cuz humans hate you!
Niontron3: I hate humans...the most irrational being
Phronsie: Well, Rono, you certainly know about the irrationality
Niontron3: I think I will not get married...I can't
imagine living with another human for life
Urban Clarifying:
BinxB91: Urban used to be famous for burping in the chat room
LadyMtnMedic: I thought that was TooHot
UrbanStarGazer: no, I'm the burper
UrbanStarGazer: she's the eater
BinxB91: You were comparing your arm freckles with freinds
while sitting at a yard sale
UrbanStarGazer: . . . I have quite a few. Thanks, dad.
UrbanStarGazer: ohhhh yeah
UrbanStarGazer: wow
Prospect26: Urban...cancel my conversation with you.
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