Thursday, May 31, 2007

They Always Come Back for More

RONO coming back for more:

Niontron3: I always feel like you people talk
about inane matters...never anything deep

Allen Observing:

Vanda52: i went out to montauk point today
Vanda52: it was beautiful
Beysshoes: where is this montauk allan?
Vanda52: the end of long island bey, out in the hamptons
Vanda52: four flights lives out there
Beysshoes: what did you do there? smell the ocean and
feel the breeze allan?
Vanda52: i was surprized that there was still traffic
Vanda52: basically bay, i drive and observe things
Phronsie: It's amazing there could still be beauty out there
Vanda52: kills time
BinxB91: all I ever hear about Long Island is about traffic
Phronsie: because man has the tendency to damn the land
as he settles it
Beysshoes: what did you witness in your observation allan?
besides traffic.

Oh nooooo:

Vanda52: little richard is DEAD
Beysshoes: oh nooooo
Catpower777: No, he's not !
Vanda52: i dont know
Tallthinjones: vanda, he's on a tv commercial
Beysshoes: allan for shame!
Vanda52: i made that up
Catpower777: He's on a car insurance ad
Vanda52: oh
Vanda52: sorry
Phronsie: I saw little Richarad in a picture the last day or two
Phronsie: looked pretty chirky
Tallthinjones: something about mashed potatoes and gravy
Beysshoes: my mom loves him.
Phronsie: I don't think I have any feeling about Little Richard

We put the "D" in dialogue:

LadyMtnMedic: 3 bdrm, and a little fenced yard for the dog
Phronsie: for about 8 years after my divorce I walked to work
LeslieHapablap: i hope the story includes a cat named snowflake.
Tallthinjones: she's like that gorilla in holland

The unstoppable PatientOnion:

NicheBurger: i made it abundantly clear
BinxB91: "abundantly clear" is a stupid pharse
NicheBurger: so?
NicheBurger: never stopped me before

Flirting for Dog Lovers:

Bludahlias: vanda my love
Vanda52: hey blu , hows oskar?
Vanda52: oskar weiner
Bludahlias: will you be my joey buttafouco?
Bludahlias: oskar is fine
Vanda52: oh blu, go check out sea cliff
Bludahlias: i sing him that song
Vanda52: its a nice town
Bludahlias: my doggie has a first name
Bludahlias: its o s c a r
Bludahlias: he is really a cute dog, i get stopped
whereever i go
Vanda52: poop wise
Ragamuffingirl35: i hate poorly trained dogs
Bludahlias: fully weewee pad trained
Ragamuffingirl35: <<<Bludahlias: knows how to sit
Vanda52: i bet old ladies ohh and ahhh
Bludahlias: and fetch
Vanda52: oh hes so cute
Bludahlias: the koreans in the nail salon were about
to microwave him
Vanda52: oh yes, koreans like to eat dog

Brutal Truths:

Vanda52: i wish i was gay, my life would be simpler
Bludahlias: how much simpler can it get
Vanda52: hmmm
NicheBurger: not much
Bludahlias: you have no women bothering you

Biblical Entrance:

Imo Tucker: Here comes Imo Tucker, That mean motherfucker!
Phronsie: Whee
NicheBurger: thank you for the biblical quote imo


NicheBurger: i'm onion
MadiHolmes: ah
MadiHolmes: gotcha
Imo Tucker: Crazy as a loon
Phronsie: One wonders why to use a use a new screenname if
you're going to tell people who you are
Phronsie: are you hiding out as I usually am when I use on of
my other names
MadiHolmes: eh, I have a friend who changes all the time
NicheBurger: loons are not crazy, HUMANS are, especially
the ones stupid and simple enough to participate in a
u.s. war which is fought for the benefit of the rich
and intelligent
MadiHolmes: of course,that's just because she's always
getting tos'ed
NicheBurger: so, imo, if you were EVER in a war,
then you are and were an idiot stooge.
NicheBurger: god bless america
NicheBurger: dodge ball
Ta21l: hey, schizophernia is're never alone
NicheBurger: you should be ashamed of yourself
Phronsie: I used to do it because I got bored
with being Phronsie and female on line
Phronsie: Nowadays, I just do it to dodge a couple of people

I was always me ... but the Shelf moved on:

Vanda52: how long you been on the shelf binx?
BinxB91: 2001 ... but I'm not sure it was the Shelf then.
There used to be two other "book" chat rooms
BinxB91: And BookShelf survived
LeslieHapablap: barely.
Vanda52: right
Vanda52: ive been on the shelf since 99
Vanda52: too damn long
BinxB91: while the other ones fell to the laws of Darwin
LeslieHapablap: this room used to be standing room only.
Vanda52: it did
Vanda52: never will be again
BinxB91: Yes, especially Sunday nights
Vanda52: its sorta defunct
LeslieHapablap: i find that odd.
BinxB91: well, things change
Vanda52: that site is getting bad too
Vanda52: female chit chat
LeslieHapablap: what goes on there?
Vanda52: gets annoying
BinxB91: there also used to be a daytime
BookShelf and a Nighttime
Vanda52: you want a link
LeslieHapablap: no.
Vanda52: right binx
Vanda52: ok
BinxB91: two sets of characters that slightly overlapped
Vanda52: fine
Vanda52: its all AI lately
LeslieHapablap: i was always me.
LeslieHapablap: this is me.
BinxB91: who else would you be?

A Girl in Gaters:
Vanda52: i have a fantasy about a certain
girl in a skirt and gaters and hose and the boss
is under her desk

The Zipless Fuck:

BinxB91: "my zipper is stuck"
BinxB91: "I think I'm going to vomit"
BinxB91: well, whispering wouldn't help that last one
Catpower777: that would be a Para movie
DAISYTRAIL: that explains a lot about your love life
Phronsie: Although that does remind me of Erica Jong
and the "zipless fuck."
TerreBlanche777: most love lives are inexplicable, Daisy
Ta21l: I don't even want to think of that kind of movie
done by Para
Catpower777: I wonder how that book would read today,
Catpower777: Ta, you have a point
Phronsie: Yes indeed, Daisy
DAISYTRAIL: so what exactly is this "zipless f*ck"?
BinxB91: Reaction to Para's movie: "WHAT THE HELL????"
Phronsie: Daisy, it's a concept.
Phronsie: As in fantasy, one proceeds from foreplay to
sexual actg without
DAISYTRAIL: without what?
Ta21l: no, reaction to Para's movie "I think
I'm going to vomit"
Phronsie: having to divest of clothing or unzippling
BinxB91: The zipless?? You keep some clothes on?
Or just a lack of emotional involvement?
DAISYTRAIL: gosh, that doesn't sound like much fun
Phronsie: Moving seamlessly from being fully clothed
to not being clothed
DAISYTRAIL: "seamlessly" ... LOL Phronsie
Phronsie: The clothes dissolve and disappear
Ta21l: velcro?
DAISYTRAIL: That's the epitome of laziness, clothes
with Velcro closings.
Ta21l: attachments I think Cat
Catpower777: that works, too, Ta

Send in the Clowns updated;
Ta21l: ehhhh...normal people are boring...
bring on the nuts I say

Doomed Mutant Werewolves?:

Ta21l: nothing...finally finished one of my submission
stories I just have to get my editor to
look it over
LadyMtnMedic: what genre TA?
Ta21l: Fantasy
Ta21l: and no, not the dirty
LadyMtnMedic: like unicorns and ogres?
Ta21l: more like werewolves and vampires

A scooter, a body, and toilet paer:

Txsnowflake12: i'd like to write a book
Txsnowflake12: something funny
Txsnowflake12: i started about a week ago
Txsnowflake12: and so far i have about 20 pages
BinxB91: snowflake, what's funny to you??
Txsnowflake12: work
Txsnowflake12: micro management
Txsnowflake12: i just find humor in the way the corporate
world operates
Txsnowflake12: it involves a scooter, a body and toilet paper

"I just recognized him somehow":

ShhJm: when I orgasm, I pass out for like 5 seconds
TDNA983: wow ok
ShhJm: its me blt, dont talk about orgasms to me,
I will sever my gentials into a coffee can with a
rusty kitchen knife
ShhJm: daisy!
ShhJm: <++++blt
DAISYTRAIL: hahaha, I thought it might be you!
ShhJm: Hi daisy
BinxB91: DAISY, what gave him away?
DAISYTRAIL: I'm not sure, I just recognized him somehow.

A stripper in his parents' driveway:

BillyBudd912: i fisted a stripper once, in a car,
in my parents' driveway
BillyBudd912: it was weird, never did it again
DAISYTRAIL: Nice, Billy. Thanks for sharing that.
Beysshoes: billybudd. please excercise some restraint.
BillyBudd912: beys, too late, already signed on
BillyBudd912: ask me some questions, please
PatientOnion3: which one is billy?

She came dressed as Danielle Steele:
Jandjcostello5: I thought this was the authors lounge

Unintelligent Book Chat:

ManyDreams1: I remember Sylvia Plath...she commit suicide?
ManyDreams1: right?
ManyDreams1: her father was a HATED man?
ManyDreams1: mean man...
ManyDreams1: and then her husband too
Beysshoes: yes dream
ManyDreams1: I remember something along those lines having to
do with that name
ManyDreams1: yea
VasquezGomez: She died. I think her work was excellent, but
I guess to her, it wasn't worth living. Still a good writer.
ManyDreams1: yea I remember Sylvia Plath
TDNA983: poet
ManyDreams1: poetess
ManyDreams1: what was she 1930's or 50's or something...
ManyDreams1: 40's?
VasquezGomez: Well, when she commited suicide when she was 30.
VasquezGomez: Great writer and poet
ManyDreams1: poetess
ManyDreams1: a female poet is a poetess!
VasquezGomez: Manydreams, I don't know if you realize that know
both male and female are just called "poets" because we don't
want to show that there is a difference.
PatientOnion3: a female penis is a Penisess

Kalenfer - the human puching bag:

ParaMyrrh: Darwin never went back to Christianity
actually he went further away from it
ParaMyrrh: Einstein too
Knishofdeath: Einstein was never real close to Christianity,
being a Jew and all

More unintelligent Book Chat:

BooksIut: Baldwin was homosexual, yes?
Fleurdelochi: it puts the lotion on its skin
BooksIut: I never understood Baldwin's homosexuality in
the context of his writing.
GutterDoll138: He liked bigger girls with shall we say
little girl demeanor
Beysshoes: which baldwin book...only one is gay.
but their all beautiful
Zoshka5: oh goodness, I thought you were talking about
Alec Baldwin
PatientOnion3: oh the little tiny negro baldwin, not
the hollywood pretty boys, this is book chat, i forgot


PatientOnion3: bey, you thought blt was a sandwich and
rocky mtn medic was a woman
Beysshoes: no onion, i will not sammich with blt for you.

"I dig you guys":

GutterDoll138: I dig you guys... I might come back
tommorrow night....
GutterDoll138: Early morning lol
Zoshka5: my sisters of mercy song might be over by then
GutterDoll138: zosh was my fave
GutterDoll138: but onion was funnier
Fleurdelochi: gutter, you show every sign of good taste
Beysshoes: dolly dont go. stay and sleep here.

Snake in Full Flight:

Fleurdelochi: depends on the tat, don'tcha think?
Beysshoes: hey some guy sent me a pic of his toolbox.
the entirety was tatted dolly
GutterDoll138: tool box
Zoshka5: tatted toolbox
GutterDoll138: ?
GutterDoll138: his junk?
Beysshoes: as a snake. in full flight.
GutterDoll138: LMAO ROFL!!
Fleurdelochi: i tatted a lovely doily
GutterDoll138: yer the worst!
GutterDoll138: *hug*
KimberlysCabinCR: gee a tatted doily toolbox cover would
take a long time to create
Fleurdelochi: took ages, tho
Zoshka5: he probably calls it the love python
KimberlysCabinCR: theres my first click of the day
GutterDoll138: That makes me think of what I wouldnt give to.....
GutterDoll138: ohh mannn
Zoshka5: wouldn't give to get a penis tattoo?
Beysshoes: zosh, it was well staged and angled.
quite an ambitious undertaking.
Fleurdelochi: why am i getting these intrusive
visions of a snake charmer?
Zoshka5: still, I'm not getting ink on my dink
KimberlysCabinCR: gee this conversation is a bit lame
GutterDoll138: go away kim
Beysshoes: can you imagine the stamina that took? i
mean he had to keep it standing for the entire tatt process!
Fleurdelochi: zoshka, the first time i actually saw a
clit peircing, i nearly fainted
Beysshoes: quite impressive
GutterDoll138: yer dull...and we're DONE talking about doilies
Fleurdelochi: i kid you not, my knees went weak
Zoshka5: some snake charmer probably played flute music
so he'd stay risen

Kim is not Amused:

Beysshoes: impaling men makes sense, but gals fleur?
GutterDoll138: *pees*
KimberlysCabinCR: kind of trashy conversation
Zoshka5: exactly my reaction when I saw a peepee
piercing, fleur
Fleurdelochi: nothing below the waist makes sense to me, bey
KimberlysCabinCR: Beysshoes: now dolly, you need to put on depends iffin
you be stayin round us.
KimberlysCabinCR: perhaps a few tosses are needed here
Fleurdelochi: kim, for somebody that bitches as much as
you do, you sure are staying put
GutterDoll138: For real
Beysshoes: kim get out of here. go rant somewhere else

"Toss no longer means dick":

Fleurdelochi: i have the inner secret of idiot free chat
Zoshka5: she's busy tut-tutting and surrepticiously googling
photos for 'clit piercings' and 'snake penis tattoo'
GutterDoll138: *licks fleur*
Fleurdelochi: the tool of unflappable zen
Beysshoes: dolly! woohoo
KimberlysCabinCR: there think ive got ya all tossed,
have a holy easter
GutterDoll138: lololol
Zoshka5: my unflappable zen tool
GutterDoll138: dont get all excited bey. LMAO!!!
GutterDoll138: I only lick ...
Fleurdelochi: is she not aware that toss no longer means dick?


Blogger Beysshoes said...

Binx, Fanny smacks on Dolly, Fleur, Zosh and moi. (Here, borrow my ruler). Kimberly's Cabin must have turned us into Emma. oof.
We shall make a concerted effort to create and submit better material to KatyTried. Bey

6/04/2007 10:45 PM  

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