Quarter to Three/No One in the Place but ...:
Raconteurerudite: the place died
Raconteurerudite: too bad
Lazy Energy: greetins...slow nite?
Raconteurerudite: Come back tomorrow around 10pm central
to get a taste of how this place is when it's in full
Raconteurerudite: it's only open for a few hours every day.
Lazy Energy: i was in here earlier and it was incomprehensible
Raconteurerudite: lol
Lazy Energy: seriously i couldn't make heads or tails of it
Raconteurerudite: Well, 10pm-2am is the usual hours. Get
here early and you can see how things work.
Raconteurerudite: We have a few key players who have been
here for a few years.
Raconteurerudite: Vanda being one of the oldest.
Raconteurerudite: in all senses
Lazy Energy:
Lazy Energy: good to hear thanks
Raconteurerudite: np
Raconteurerudite: we talk about a wide range of things
Raconteurerudite: a lot of it, since so many of us have
been here for a few years, is layered in inside jokes
Lazy Energy: you make it sound sugar-coated
Raconteurerudite: but we talk about new things as well
and if you hang around for about a week you can start
to get a feel of the place.
Raconteurerudite: well, take off the sugar where you
feel like it's been added.
Raconteurerudite: Everything that i've told you is true
Lazy Energy: maybe i'll try its not often i find chats
with relatively complete sentences
Raconteurerudite: lol
Raconteurerudite: I am just glad that you came on a night
where politics was not one of the hot topics.
Lazy Energy: i try to keep my two cents out of politics
Raconteurerudite: If you do that, on one of those nights,
you won't have much to say.
Lazy Energy: but i love to listen
Raconteurerudite: Then this is your place.
Lazy Energy: mmthanks
Raconteurerudite: We have all sorts in here.
Lazy Energy: how about brlaneo and pen?
Raconteurerudite: Old, young, Democrat, republican, Female,
male, Marxist, capitalist...
Raconteurerudite: new people to me.
Raconteurerudite: I took a few months to travel.
Raconteurerudite: This is actually my first day back.
Raconteurerudite: Not much has changed, just a few new names.
Raconteurerudite: But, I'm headed to bed like everyone else
has done before me.
Lazy Energy: well thank you for the chat
Raconteurerudite: Thanks for checking out the Shelf.
Lazy Energy: very welcoming
Lazy Energy: don't let me keep you up
Lazy Energy: lil' ol' me
Raconteurerudite: It's not much, but it's a drop of sanity in
an ocean of...people. (My opinion of the average person is not
very high at all, especially the ones on the internet chatrooms,
except this one of course.)
Raconteurerudite: ok, but watch out for Godwit, Nags, and there
are a few others but they are lesser evils.
Raconteurerudite: The other ones tend to play nicely.
Raconteurerudite: Goodnight for now. I hope to see you on again.
Lmysterious2u: how is it people
Lmysterious2u: I am drinking coffee in a moment
Jo's daughter:
ParaMyrrh: Jo speaking of romance is your daughter
still a virgin or still giving virginity preserving
blow jobs?
Jhd730: she is dating this very handsome boy..he is
the quarterback for the football team
Jhd730: at first I was thinking "oh no"
ParaMyrrh: Jo Ann, a "Brady" type?
Jhd730: then tory comes to me and says "mom, we aren't
going to have sex but David doesn't want to have sex
til he's married"
Jhd730: he's very religious
ParaMyrrh: LOL what a loser a religious nut
BinxB91: ... and a lousy quarterback?
Jhd730: I breathed a sigh of relief..laughed my ass off
PatientOnion3: you let your daughter date a radical
islmamic terrorist type?
Beautyisfreedom: i think that's good Sex sould be saved
until marrige
ShhJm: joann, :::::warning:::::::: I was using that same
line 25 years ago
ParaMyrrh: his name is DAVID! haha
Jhd730: he is a Brady type...I personally think he's
a raging homosexual
PatientOnion3: homosexual, radical islam, same thing
The End of the Innocent:
ShhJm: bey, were you adopted?
Beysshoes: STFU james
ShhJm: a poor little korean girl with flies on your
eyes and a distended belly, whisked off to america to
enjoy a better life
Beysshoes: you syphillitic maggot.
Phronsie: dear me!
Beysshoes: well thats better than the crabs you got
stuck on your eyes you socio
ShhJm: phrons, bey is a nasty one
Try Pyongyang:
Vanda52: berlin is no longer fun since the cold war ended
Walker Percy Spinning in His Grave:
LiteralTake: knockwood binky
BinxB91: Why call my Binky? I don't call you Litty
PatientOnion3: Binky is a cute name
PatientOnion3: Binx, Bink, Binky
LiteralTake: what would booboo say?
PatientOnion3: it is a character from that book
PatientOnion3: the moviegoer by Percy
PatientOnion3: that's where he got the name Binky from
PatientOnion3: and it stuck to him, like white on rye
There's No Crying in Bathhouses:
TomRiddle12: My Million Dollar Idea: remake the movie
"A League of Their Own" but instead of girl ball players,
they're a bunch of flaming homosexuals
TomRiddle12: and pay Tom Hanks a lot of money for one line,
"Ballplayers? I haven't got ballplayers I've Got Fags"
Talk Dirty to Me:
Forkrereredux: i'm a fascist scum
LeslieHapablap: forkrereredux, tell me more.
Your Diet Gave You Away:
TomRiddle12: Who says I'm antisemitic?
PatientOnion3: you don't like chopped chicken livers,
it's a jewish delicacy
OMCAT1234: Isn't chop liver made with onions and chicken fat?
PatientOnion3: yes it is momcat, i made some last night,
with homemade chicken fat (schmaltz)
PatientOnion as Jeff Foxworthy:
PatientOnion3: 50% of america has been social-engineered
into halfwit hillbilly self-loathing complacency
PatientOnion3: they worship the rich and hate their middle
BinxB91: half-wit hillbillies wouldn't be self-aware enough
to loath themselves
Phronsie: Onion, you are fixated on the "hill-billy " concept
PatientOnion3: if you are not rich and you vote republican
you are a "hillbilly"
PatientOnion3: if you are an islamic terrorist you are a
PatientOnion3: if you die or live for the rich and powerful
you are self-loathing and thus a hillbilly
Phronsie: Hillbilly islamic terrorists! What a novel concept
Phronsie: You need to get out of San Francisco a little more
BLT Lyric:
ShhJm: My furious fabulous fork,
comes across as a third person dork,
its rather uncanny,
that a woman named annie,
cant seem to like the taste of his pork.
Real Men Have No Secrets:
ParaMyrrh: I sleep with a big teddy bear
Rono On:
Niontron3: I don't learn ANYTHING from ANYONE
Niontron3: self-taught man
LeslieHapablap: i recommend an esl class.
"You are not getting the context":
Niontron3: Binx, go back to your cage
BinxB91: back to my cage???
Niontron3: stop snarling, now!!!
Niontron3: I always noticed HUMANS ONLY SEE BAD
TRBfrom NC: but you do that too Rono
Niontron3: ?
Niontron3: when did I say anything negative about
Niontron3: anyone in here
Niontron3: show me
Creepy Loner: "Binx, go back to your cage" is a start
Niontron3: Creepy, you are not getting the context...
From Poor Rono's Almanac:
Niontron3: Don't argue with fools...
people might not notice the difference
Cogno's List:
Cognomen98: I became curious about Pricksongs & Descants
when it was listed in 1001 Books You Must Read Before
You Die
Rono's List:
Niontron3: BInx, fork, PO...all three in the room at
the same time...not a good thing
Niontron3: You three are in my BAD LIST
Tell them to Get a Room:
KimberlysCabin2: someone is hitting my trailer be right back
Oh to Be Young Again:
BlisteredCorpse: And now for a poem...
BlisteredCorpse: Fire burns within my darkened soul
BlisteredCorpse: Everybody is a bastard,
BlisteredCorpse: Everybody is a fucking bastard,
BlisteredCorpse: Dad won't buy me a car
BlisteredCorpse: My soul hurts,
BlisteredCorpse: Explain THAT, mr scientist
BlisteredCorpse: Is
BlisteredCorpse: Shitty
BlisteredCorpse: So don't try to amputate your own hands
Niontron3: blistered
Niontron3: you must be very young
Remark of the Night:
Cognomen98: if only we could all scroll upward... with life
Ayn Rand Chat:
Remocontrol9: I'm working on another book I've been meaning
to read for years... "The Fountainhead"
Cognomen98: oh, I've heard of Ayn Rand
Niontron3: I've never heard of anyone that stupid in my
whole life
Remocontrol9: It's a 700 page book
Cognomen98: a friend of mine told me about her
Remocontrol9: and her other book, "Atlas Shrugged"
is over 1,000 pages!
TRBfrom NC: you sort of catch Ayn Rand, like the measles
Cognomen98: she's a philosopher
TRBfrom NC: and it takes a while to get over her
Cognomen98: talked about 'Objectivism'
Godwit935: Wow, those must be some thick books. Must
be a lot of words in there.
TRBfrom NC: some folks never do
Remocontrol9: That's it, Cognomen98
Cognomen98: there's a movie about her - The Passion of Ayn Rand
PRobin5478: a complex/simple-minded rationalization for
infantile selfishness
Cognomen98: I guess
PRobin5478: Rand is influential. Alan Greenspan was an acolyte
It's OK, I Need the Material:
Niontron3: I don't usually talk this much
In spite of Stupid Pricks:
BinxB91: W'Woman, you sure are energetic
WyzWomn06: I've had the best day of my life, binx!
BinxB91: the best day of your life??? Really?
Godwit935: How can anyone know the best day of your life?
BinxB91: God, it's based on emotion
WyzWomn06: yes....today was our "pinning" ceremony for
the (nursing) graduating class. i'm higher than a kite!
Godwit935: So you can measure emotion, Binx?
BinxB91: Best Day of my Life: April 30th, 1983
BinxB91: It's a subjective choice though
WyzWomn06: the red wine doesn't hurt, of course......
Cognomen98: I don't think you can know the best day of your
life until the day of your death
KimberlysCabin2: still waiting for my best day, sigh
Creole Bean: me too kim
WyzWomn06: tomorrow is commencement......i'm wearing a purple
tie-dyed sundress under my cap and gown...oh, and my "formal"
birkenstocks: black patent leather sandals!
WyzWomn06: <--hippie chick
TRBfrom NC: i feel that way too, wit
Vanda52: my best days were when i was in my 20s and traveled
all over america in a VW camper . saw every state in the union .
I have no doubt I will ever have better days then those were
KimberlysCabin2: i think when i eventually have sex with a great
guy, it will be almost the greatest day of my life... i imagine
that after he sees me the next morning and doesnt run away...
that THAT will be a great day
Godwit935: Wyz, so you are getting a what, a college degree?
TRBfrom NC: allen, that does sound great
WyzWomn06: although my ex has yet to sign the divorce papers.
he is, as is obvious, a stupid prick.
BinxB91: hippie chick AND a nurse?? Can the roles co-exist?
WyzWomn06: no, godwit, i'm a faculty member.
Godwit935: What do you teach, Wyz?
WyzWomn06: nursing.
TRBfrom NC: pricks can be smart or stupid, you see
TRBfrom NC: marie's was a stupid one
"Sex is Funny" starts a fight?:
BinxB91: why is sex so funny?
TRBfrom NC: binx, because it's so emotional
TRBfrom NC: humor is essentially a nervous reaction
Godwit935: Humor is a nervous reaction?
That's ridiculous, TRB.
TRBfrom NC: we make jokes to fend off and control unease
TRBfrom NC: no, it isn't, wit -- it's quite true
KimberlysCabin2: god, lots of people use humor to cope
Godwit935: It's bs, TRB.
TRBfrom NC: love your logic, wit
TRBfrom NC: just keep saying bs and you prove your point
Godwit935: But laughing or making a joke is not a nervous
reaction, that's cowflop.
TRBfrom NC: that's it, wit, keep it up
Godwit935: It might make you feel better, if you are a
nervous sort, to laugh.
What Would the Robot Wear?:
Condorblue: I'd like a robot to feed me
LeslieHapablap: i am not a squid.
"It's a strong woman that calls herself a man":
ReconParty: I've met some young lassies recently,
x-marines and x-sailors...the x-marine said she
was a radioman
TorpedoChief: Quartermaster is gone IC is gone.
Lot of rates are going away
ReconParty: the x-navy call is boats
TorpedoChief: We even have female nukes now
ReconParty: I believe it's a strong woman that calls
herself a man without any problems
Searching for God in All the Wrong Places:
Vanda52: i gave up tv , tossed in the trash when
one morning I almost wrote a check to the 700 Club
Vanda52: i was close
Vanda52: poor pat didnt get my money
Phronsie: Good grief, Vanda! Why?
Vanda52: true story phrons, i was searching for god i guess
I hear Money Calling:
Vanda52: i missed my calling not becoming a
ReconParty: we think we miss our calling, but we don't.
LeslieHapablap: i heard my calling.
LeslieHapablap: i am doing exactly what i should be doing.
Vanda52: good point recon, but basically im talking money wise
Quest for Nadahead:
ArikTheRead: The first time I came to the shelf there
was someone called Nadahead
ArikTheRead: I forgot to put it on my favorites, so the next
time I wanted to come here I had to look for Nadahead
We'd Expect Nothing Less:
LeslieHapablap: i am going to make 100% whole wheat toast.
... and Chat Rooms:
Vanda52: life is pretty boring actually, sometimes i
think thats why people have wars
There's no Crying in Chat Rooms:
Bludahlias: I hate crying.
News From the Garden State
("schools are often weird"):
GabrielRamos4: my name is gabe. i am 27. i am a
hispanic male and i am currently going for my Masters
in Library Sciences at Rutgers Univ
Phronsie: It's too bad that Leslie left. She would
make you feel very welcome Gabriel
Phronsie: Rutgers! My goodness!
GabrielRamos4: well its nice to meet all of you. i am
actually on vacation from work and noticed how much i
want to go back to work
BinxB91: spell the town in which Rutgers lies.
GabrielRamos4: new brunswick
BinxB91: hehe
Phronsie: My mother at one point was working toward a
master's in Library science
GabrielRamos4: but we have campus in newark and camden
Phronsie: howver, she chose, in the end, to get one in
Business Education
BinxB91: I thought is was Pisquataway (or however it's spelled)
Phronsie: with equivalent hours in English
Phronsie: She loved to go to school
GabrielRamos4: the football stadium is there
BinxB91: oh I see
GabrielRamos4: its weird
GabrielRamos4: cuz my classes are technically in piscataway
GabrielRamos4: but my schedule says new brunswick
Phronsie: Schools are often weird.
Jane's Brother:
ShhJm: Jane, I thought of your brother while I watched
the shuttle launch
JaneH56: did you, he has completely retired from Nasa this year.
Lpwfuw: What did he do with NASA?
ShhJm: He can be proud
JaneH56: director of LBJ space center.
Lpwfuw: Wow!
JaneH56: linda he is a retired 3 star general USMC.
ShhJm: are his heat shields still intact?
JaneH56: we hope
Lpwfuw: Jane, a position such as that could make a person
old before his/her time!
JaneH56: yes linda. 3 months after he started they had the
space ship thingy.
JaneH56: enough to give him grey hairs.
BinxB91: space ship thingy?? what a way for an aviator's
wife to talk
JaneH56: He said it was the hardest job he ever had.
JaneH56: now he is visiting professor at U of Texas living in Austin.
Lpwfuw: We knew what she meant!
ShhJm: Can you imagine "um, sir, we just lost another shuttle"
ShhJm: and he says "lost like you cant find it? or lost like it blew up?"
Vanda Speaking Bushese:
Vanda52: personally withut getting into it all, i think
bush was dealt a very bad hand of cards to deal with
The EVYunq Literary Prize for Humilty was one:
DianaBrit: my book has won three literary awards so far
DianaBrit: I am honored
Creepy Loner: Congratulations, Diana.
DianaBrit: thank you
Would Hand Washing Have Helped?:
Jam7604801: Thyroid Mary killed a bunch of people
Cincinnati Deads:
DianaBrit: Hahn poisoned about a dozen people in
Cincinnati in the 1930s. None was her husband
"the social filter":
ShhJm: I wish I could die, I hope I get cancer
LeslieHapablap: shhjm, no.
ShhJm: I am tired of being alive
Lpwfuw: Jm, you don't want that
LeslieHapablap: how old are you?
ShhJm: 43
Lpwfuw: Go to the doctor and get some pills to make you happy
LeslieHapablap: i know people twice your age.
Vanda52: good blt, get a shot gun , its faster
Vanda52: just the truth pink
BinxB91: YAY Vanda!!
Phronsie: True crime, huh?
ShhJm: I don't care, the world sucks and all of the people
in it are stupid
LeslieHapablap: vanda52, the social filter! put it on!
Vanda52: ok
Trouble with Origami:
Forkrereredux: fork missed class today to stay home
and work on a paper
Forkrereredux: which went no where
That She's typing From a cell?:
BinxB91: L'Energy, tell us a funny story
Lazy Energy: i went to the grocery store today and
just started eating stuff
LeslieHapablap: what does that mean?
Everyone Loves KaLenfer:
ParaMyrrh: well I have to go
ExShelfer: kal, wtf
Vanda52: bye kal
MsJillybeen9: TOC, i own 35% of my house and it's only been
a year, so it's not so bad
Phronsie: The disappearing god
MsJillybeen9: it just takes too much time
ParaMyrrh: I have someone tugging on my shirt
ExShelfer: ah yes...
ExShelfer: kal, tell your mom to wait a few minutes
The Dangling Conversation:
Gypsyjo47: Annie who raped you?
Vanda52: jane?
Sheila222: verb turned me on to ferrol sams
MsJillybeen9: i love janeH, she sent me a picture of her
family, it's on my big wall of stuff
ShhJm: jane raped annie?
Raconteurerudite: the place died
Raconteurerudite: too bad
Lazy Energy: greetins...slow nite?
Raconteurerudite: Come back tomorrow around 10pm central
to get a taste of how this place is when it's in full
Raconteurerudite: it's only open for a few hours every day.
Lazy Energy: i was in here earlier and it was incomprehensible
Raconteurerudite: lol
Lazy Energy: seriously i couldn't make heads or tails of it
Raconteurerudite: Well, 10pm-2am is the usual hours. Get
here early and you can see how things work.
Raconteurerudite: We have a few key players who have been
here for a few years.
Raconteurerudite: Vanda being one of the oldest.
Raconteurerudite: in all senses
Lazy Energy:
Lazy Energy: good to hear thanks
Raconteurerudite: np
Raconteurerudite: we talk about a wide range of things
Raconteurerudite: a lot of it, since so many of us have
been here for a few years, is layered in inside jokes
Lazy Energy: you make it sound sugar-coated
Raconteurerudite: but we talk about new things as well
and if you hang around for about a week you can start
to get a feel of the place.
Raconteurerudite: well, take off the sugar where you
feel like it's been added.
Raconteurerudite: Everything that i've told you is true
Lazy Energy: maybe i'll try its not often i find chats
with relatively complete sentences
Raconteurerudite: lol
Raconteurerudite: I am just glad that you came on a night
where politics was not one of the hot topics.
Lazy Energy: i try to keep my two cents out of politics
Raconteurerudite: If you do that, on one of those nights,
you won't have much to say.
Lazy Energy: but i love to listen
Raconteurerudite: Then this is your place.
Lazy Energy: mmthanks
Raconteurerudite: We have all sorts in here.
Lazy Energy: how about brlaneo and pen?
Raconteurerudite: Old, young, Democrat, republican, Female,
male, Marxist, capitalist...
Raconteurerudite: new people to me.
Raconteurerudite: I took a few months to travel.
Raconteurerudite: This is actually my first day back.
Raconteurerudite: Not much has changed, just a few new names.
Raconteurerudite: But, I'm headed to bed like everyone else
has done before me.
Lazy Energy: well thank you for the chat
Raconteurerudite: Thanks for checking out the Shelf.
Lazy Energy: very welcoming
Lazy Energy: don't let me keep you up
Lazy Energy: lil' ol' me
Raconteurerudite: It's not much, but it's a drop of sanity in
an ocean of...people. (My opinion of the average person is not
very high at all, especially the ones on the internet chatrooms,
except this one of course.)
Raconteurerudite: ok, but watch out for Godwit, Nags, and there
are a few others but they are lesser evils.
Raconteurerudite: The other ones tend to play nicely.
Raconteurerudite: Goodnight for now. I hope to see you on again.
Lmysterious2u: how is it people
Lmysterious2u: I am drinking coffee in a moment
Jo's daughter:
ParaMyrrh: Jo speaking of romance is your daughter
still a virgin or still giving virginity preserving
blow jobs?
Jhd730: she is dating this very handsome boy..he is
the quarterback for the football team
Jhd730: at first I was thinking "oh no"
ParaMyrrh: Jo Ann, a "Brady" type?
Jhd730: then tory comes to me and says "mom, we aren't
going to have sex but David doesn't want to have sex
til he's married"
Jhd730: he's very religious
ParaMyrrh: LOL what a loser a religious nut
BinxB91: ... and a lousy quarterback?
Jhd730: I breathed a sigh of relief..laughed my ass off
PatientOnion3: you let your daughter date a radical
islmamic terrorist type?
Beautyisfreedom: i think that's good Sex sould be saved
until marrige
ShhJm: joann, :::::warning:::::::: I was using that same
line 25 years ago
ParaMyrrh: his name is DAVID! haha
Jhd730: he is a Brady type...I personally think he's
a raging homosexual
PatientOnion3: homosexual, radical islam, same thing
The End of the Innocent:
ShhJm: bey, were you adopted?
Beysshoes: STFU james
ShhJm: a poor little korean girl with flies on your
eyes and a distended belly, whisked off to america to
enjoy a better life
Beysshoes: you syphillitic maggot.
Phronsie: dear me!
Beysshoes: well thats better than the crabs you got
stuck on your eyes you socio
ShhJm: phrons, bey is a nasty one
Try Pyongyang:
Vanda52: berlin is no longer fun since the cold war ended
Walker Percy Spinning in His Grave:
LiteralTake: knockwood binky
BinxB91: Why call my Binky? I don't call you Litty
PatientOnion3: Binky is a cute name
PatientOnion3: Binx, Bink, Binky
LiteralTake: what would booboo say?
PatientOnion3: it is a character from that book
PatientOnion3: the moviegoer by Percy
PatientOnion3: that's where he got the name Binky from
PatientOnion3: and it stuck to him, like white on rye
There's No Crying in Bathhouses:
TomRiddle12: My Million Dollar Idea: remake the movie
"A League of Their Own" but instead of girl ball players,
they're a bunch of flaming homosexuals
TomRiddle12: and pay Tom Hanks a lot of money for one line,
"Ballplayers? I haven't got ballplayers I've Got Fags"
Talk Dirty to Me:
Forkrereredux: i'm a fascist scum
LeslieHapablap: forkrereredux, tell me more.
Your Diet Gave You Away:
TomRiddle12: Who says I'm antisemitic?
PatientOnion3: you don't like chopped chicken livers,
it's a jewish delicacy
OMCAT1234: Isn't chop liver made with onions and chicken fat?
PatientOnion3: yes it is momcat, i made some last night,
with homemade chicken fat (schmaltz)
PatientOnion as Jeff Foxworthy:
PatientOnion3: 50% of america has been social-engineered
into halfwit hillbilly self-loathing complacency
PatientOnion3: they worship the rich and hate their middle
BinxB91: half-wit hillbillies wouldn't be self-aware enough
to loath themselves
Phronsie: Onion, you are fixated on the "hill-billy " concept
PatientOnion3: if you are not rich and you vote republican
you are a "hillbilly"
PatientOnion3: if you are an islamic terrorist you are a
PatientOnion3: if you die or live for the rich and powerful
you are self-loathing and thus a hillbilly
Phronsie: Hillbilly islamic terrorists! What a novel concept
Phronsie: You need to get out of San Francisco a little more
BLT Lyric:
ShhJm: My furious fabulous fork,
comes across as a third person dork,
its rather uncanny,
that a woman named annie,
cant seem to like the taste of his pork.
Real Men Have No Secrets:
ParaMyrrh: I sleep with a big teddy bear
Rono On:
Niontron3: I don't learn ANYTHING from ANYONE
Niontron3: self-taught man
LeslieHapablap: i recommend an esl class.
"You are not getting the context":
Niontron3: Binx, go back to your cage
BinxB91: back to my cage???
Niontron3: stop snarling, now!!!
Niontron3: I always noticed HUMANS ONLY SEE BAD
TRBfrom NC: but you do that too Rono
Niontron3: ?
Niontron3: when did I say anything negative about
Niontron3: anyone in here
Niontron3: show me
Creepy Loner: "Binx, go back to your cage" is a start
Niontron3: Creepy, you are not getting the context...
From Poor Rono's Almanac:
Niontron3: Don't argue with fools...
people might not notice the difference
Cogno's List:
Cognomen98: I became curious about Pricksongs & Descants
when it was listed in 1001 Books You Must Read Before
You Die
Rono's List:
Niontron3: BInx, fork, PO...all three in the room at
the same time...not a good thing
Niontron3: You three are in my BAD LIST
Tell them to Get a Room:
KimberlysCabin2: someone is hitting my trailer be right back
Oh to Be Young Again:
BlisteredCorpse: And now for a poem...
BlisteredCorpse: Fire burns within my darkened soul
BlisteredCorpse: Everybody is a bastard,
BlisteredCorpse: Everybody is a fucking bastard,
BlisteredCorpse: Dad won't buy me a car
BlisteredCorpse: My soul hurts,
BlisteredCorpse: Explain THAT, mr scientist
BlisteredCorpse: Is
BlisteredCorpse: Shitty
BlisteredCorpse: So don't try to amputate your own hands
Niontron3: blistered
Niontron3: you must be very young
Remark of the Night:
Cognomen98: if only we could all scroll upward... with life
Ayn Rand Chat:
Remocontrol9: I'm working on another book I've been meaning
to read for years... "The Fountainhead"
Cognomen98: oh, I've heard of Ayn Rand
Niontron3: I've never heard of anyone that stupid in my
whole life
Remocontrol9: It's a 700 page book
Cognomen98: a friend of mine told me about her
Remocontrol9: and her other book, "Atlas Shrugged"
is over 1,000 pages!
TRBfrom NC: you sort of catch Ayn Rand, like the measles
Cognomen98: she's a philosopher
TRBfrom NC: and it takes a while to get over her
Cognomen98: talked about 'Objectivism'
Godwit935: Wow, those must be some thick books. Must
be a lot of words in there.
TRBfrom NC: some folks never do
Remocontrol9: That's it, Cognomen98
Cognomen98: there's a movie about her - The Passion of Ayn Rand
PRobin5478: a complex/simple-minded rationalization for
infantile selfishness
Cognomen98: I guess
PRobin5478: Rand is influential. Alan Greenspan was an acolyte
It's OK, I Need the Material:
Niontron3: I don't usually talk this much
In spite of Stupid Pricks:
BinxB91: W'Woman, you sure are energetic
WyzWomn06: I've had the best day of my life, binx!
BinxB91: the best day of your life??? Really?
Godwit935: How can anyone know the best day of your life?
BinxB91: God, it's based on emotion
WyzWomn06: yes....today was our "pinning" ceremony for
the (nursing) graduating class. i'm higher than a kite!
Godwit935: So you can measure emotion, Binx?
BinxB91: Best Day of my Life: April 30th, 1983
BinxB91: It's a subjective choice though
WyzWomn06: the red wine doesn't hurt, of course......
Cognomen98: I don't think you can know the best day of your
life until the day of your death
KimberlysCabin2: still waiting for my best day, sigh
Creole Bean: me too kim
WyzWomn06: tomorrow is commencement......i'm wearing a purple
tie-dyed sundress under my cap and gown...oh, and my "formal"
birkenstocks: black patent leather sandals!
WyzWomn06: <--hippie chick
TRBfrom NC: i feel that way too, wit
Vanda52: my best days were when i was in my 20s and traveled
all over america in a VW camper . saw every state in the union .
I have no doubt I will ever have better days then those were
KimberlysCabin2: i think when i eventually have sex with a great
guy, it will be almost the greatest day of my life... i imagine
that after he sees me the next morning and doesnt run away...
that THAT will be a great day
Godwit935: Wyz, so you are getting a what, a college degree?
TRBfrom NC: allen, that does sound great
WyzWomn06: although my ex has yet to sign the divorce papers.
he is, as is obvious, a stupid prick.
BinxB91: hippie chick AND a nurse?? Can the roles co-exist?
WyzWomn06: no, godwit, i'm a faculty member.
Godwit935: What do you teach, Wyz?
WyzWomn06: nursing.
TRBfrom NC: pricks can be smart or stupid, you see
TRBfrom NC: marie's was a stupid one
"Sex is Funny" starts a fight?:
BinxB91: why is sex so funny?
TRBfrom NC: binx, because it's so emotional
TRBfrom NC: humor is essentially a nervous reaction
Godwit935: Humor is a nervous reaction?
That's ridiculous, TRB.
TRBfrom NC: we make jokes to fend off and control unease
TRBfrom NC: no, it isn't, wit -- it's quite true
KimberlysCabin2: god, lots of people use humor to cope
Godwit935: It's bs, TRB.
TRBfrom NC: love your logic, wit
TRBfrom NC: just keep saying bs and you prove your point
Godwit935: But laughing or making a joke is not a nervous
reaction, that's cowflop.
TRBfrom NC: that's it, wit, keep it up
Godwit935: It might make you feel better, if you are a
nervous sort, to laugh.
What Would the Robot Wear?:
Condorblue: I'd like a robot to feed me
LeslieHapablap: i am not a squid.
"It's a strong woman that calls herself a man":
ReconParty: I've met some young lassies recently,
x-marines and x-sailors...the x-marine said she
was a radioman
TorpedoChief: Quartermaster is gone IC is gone.
Lot of rates are going away
ReconParty: the x-navy call is boats
TorpedoChief: We even have female nukes now
ReconParty: I believe it's a strong woman that calls
herself a man without any problems
Searching for God in All the Wrong Places:
Vanda52: i gave up tv , tossed in the trash when
one morning I almost wrote a check to the 700 Club
Vanda52: i was close
Vanda52: poor pat didnt get my money
Phronsie: Good grief, Vanda! Why?
Vanda52: true story phrons, i was searching for god i guess
I hear Money Calling:
Vanda52: i missed my calling not becoming a
ReconParty: we think we miss our calling, but we don't.
LeslieHapablap: i heard my calling.
LeslieHapablap: i am doing exactly what i should be doing.
Vanda52: good point recon, but basically im talking money wise
Quest for Nadahead:
ArikTheRead: The first time I came to the shelf there
was someone called Nadahead
ArikTheRead: I forgot to put it on my favorites, so the next
time I wanted to come here I had to look for Nadahead
We'd Expect Nothing Less:
LeslieHapablap: i am going to make 100% whole wheat toast.
... and Chat Rooms:
Vanda52: life is pretty boring actually, sometimes i
think thats why people have wars
There's no Crying in Chat Rooms:
Bludahlias: I hate crying.
News From the Garden State
("schools are often weird"):
GabrielRamos4: my name is gabe. i am 27. i am a
hispanic male and i am currently going for my Masters
in Library Sciences at Rutgers Univ
Phronsie: It's too bad that Leslie left. She would
make you feel very welcome Gabriel
Phronsie: Rutgers! My goodness!
GabrielRamos4: well its nice to meet all of you. i am
actually on vacation from work and noticed how much i
want to go back to work
BinxB91: spell the town in which Rutgers lies.
GabrielRamos4: new brunswick
BinxB91: hehe
Phronsie: My mother at one point was working toward a
master's in Library science
GabrielRamos4: but we have campus in newark and camden
Phronsie: howver, she chose, in the end, to get one in
Business Education
BinxB91: I thought is was Pisquataway (or however it's spelled)
Phronsie: with equivalent hours in English
Phronsie: She loved to go to school
GabrielRamos4: the football stadium is there
BinxB91: oh I see
GabrielRamos4: its weird
GabrielRamos4: cuz my classes are technically in piscataway
GabrielRamos4: but my schedule says new brunswick
Phronsie: Schools are often weird.
Jane's Brother:
ShhJm: Jane, I thought of your brother while I watched
the shuttle launch
JaneH56: did you, he has completely retired from Nasa this year.
Lpwfuw: What did he do with NASA?
ShhJm: He can be proud
JaneH56: director of LBJ space center.
Lpwfuw: Wow!
JaneH56: linda he is a retired 3 star general USMC.
ShhJm: are his heat shields still intact?
JaneH56: we hope
Lpwfuw: Jane, a position such as that could make a person
old before his/her time!
JaneH56: yes linda. 3 months after he started they had the
space ship thingy.
JaneH56: enough to give him grey hairs.
BinxB91: space ship thingy?? what a way for an aviator's
wife to talk
JaneH56: He said it was the hardest job he ever had.
JaneH56: now he is visiting professor at U of Texas living in Austin.
Lpwfuw: We knew what she meant!
ShhJm: Can you imagine "um, sir, we just lost another shuttle"
ShhJm: and he says "lost like you cant find it? or lost like it blew up?"
Vanda Speaking Bushese:
Vanda52: personally withut getting into it all, i think
bush was dealt a very bad hand of cards to deal with
The EVYunq Literary Prize for Humilty was one:
DianaBrit: my book has won three literary awards so far
DianaBrit: I am honored
Creepy Loner: Congratulations, Diana.
DianaBrit: thank you
Would Hand Washing Have Helped?:
Jam7604801: Thyroid Mary killed a bunch of people
Cincinnati Deads:
DianaBrit: Hahn poisoned about a dozen people in
Cincinnati in the 1930s. None was her husband
"the social filter":
ShhJm: I wish I could die, I hope I get cancer
LeslieHapablap: shhjm, no.
ShhJm: I am tired of being alive
Lpwfuw: Jm, you don't want that
LeslieHapablap: how old are you?
ShhJm: 43
Lpwfuw: Go to the doctor and get some pills to make you happy
LeslieHapablap: i know people twice your age.
Vanda52: good blt, get a shot gun , its faster
Vanda52: just the truth pink
BinxB91: YAY Vanda!!
Phronsie: True crime, huh?
ShhJm: I don't care, the world sucks and all of the people
in it are stupid
LeslieHapablap: vanda52, the social filter! put it on!
Vanda52: ok
Trouble with Origami:
Forkrereredux: fork missed class today to stay home
and work on a paper
Forkrereredux: which went no where
That She's typing From a cell?:
BinxB91: L'Energy, tell us a funny story
Lazy Energy: i went to the grocery store today and
just started eating stuff
LeslieHapablap: what does that mean?
Everyone Loves KaLenfer:
ParaMyrrh: well I have to go
ExShelfer: kal, wtf
Vanda52: bye kal
MsJillybeen9: TOC, i own 35% of my house and it's only been
a year, so it's not so bad
Phronsie: The disappearing god
MsJillybeen9: it just takes too much time
ParaMyrrh: I have someone tugging on my shirt
ExShelfer: ah yes...
ExShelfer: kal, tell your mom to wait a few minutes
The Dangling Conversation:
Gypsyjo47: Annie who raped you?
Vanda52: jane?
Sheila222: verb turned me on to ferrol sams
MsJillybeen9: i love janeH, she sent me a picture of her
family, it's on my big wall of stuff
ShhJm: jane raped annie?
The unfortunate entitled entry is both displaced and improper to lead-in the obscene blurb beneath it. It was also an isolated incident a time ago… I’ve never addressed anyone before or since so crudely. ( At least, not in English ).
My recollection of Don Henley’s song takes me back to a beautiful spring morning with New England cross breezes, freshly brewed coffee, 2 chocolate chip cookies, and a fine man at the kitchen table writing a long missive, unbeknownst, to and for me. I think I’ll hold onto that one in spite of the column’s reference.
Allan, I believe Jones town has had a vacancy for some time now.
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