Monday, September 10, 2007

The Vapid Vanda-less Room

RONO's back, all new:

Niontron3: Most people in the soceity are not here
to make things right...they are here merely to live
a life

Indulging Your Puppy:

StarlightStorms: Beys, how's the puppy doing?
Beysshoes: she had her first popcorn party last night
Beysshoes: she didn't jump for them when i tossed them
tho...she was scared
StarlightStorms: awwww....
CordialCactus: she's going to develope a popcorn complex
CordialCactus: damn womans throwing it at me again!

At Long Last Nomdujour:

Beysshoes: james i told binx not to print that
but he did anyways...sorry
BinxB91: Beys, I bet he doesn't know what you're talking about
ShhJm: not to print what beys?
BinxB91: SEE
Beysshoes: katytried
ShhJm: binx, you better watch what you do where I am concerned
Beysshoes: binx is soo bad...hush james.
BinxB91: I better watch??? Or else?
Nomdujourxx: Katy Lied----Steely Dan

Chess of the Gods:

Nomdujourxx: I heard on the radio that some Philosophy
prof over in the UK has postulated that the Earth and it
inhabitants are nothing more that a Simms type game being
played by superior beings
StarlightStorms: like the chess board of the gods, Nom
TRBfrom NC: he says they are SUPERIOR? LOL
MadiHolmes: nom- sounds like crap to me
Forkrereredux: fork plays his enemies like a game of chess nooooooooooooooooooooooooo stress
MadiHolmes: not even very original at that
Nomdujourxx: My question is what's gonna happen if their
computer crashes??

Russell Crowe - not for poofters:

Godwit935: Russell Crowe is great, I love that guy. He's
not afraid to throw a punch, although he is fully grown.
Forkrereredux: godwit, punching people is immature
Godwit935: It is to poofters, Fork


BinxB91: Gimlette, get over it!!
Gimlette: Binx.. NEVER!!!
Gypsyjo47: Jennifer yeah...Gimlette called me a prick
(I'm rather proud of that)
Gimlette: lol... I did not
BinxB91: "i think it's about forgiveness ..."
Gimlette: I've never used that word in my life
Gimlette: you are so full of it! lol
Gypsyjo47: Yes you did!
Gimlette: I have a psychotic uncle who reminds me a lot of you
Gimlette: I did not.. I NEVER say "prick"
BinxB91: Gim, what do you say when a needle touches your finger
Gimlette: it wouldn't occur to me to use that word
Forkrereredux: put the needle to the eardrum
BinxB91: "oh shit, I did something to my finger that I can't
explain. And it fuckin hurts"
Gimlette: I say, "ow"
Gimlette: but I appreciate your thoughtful and intelligent
point, Binxy
BinxB91: (sigh)
BinxB91: I'm so tired

The Ohio Players:

Forkrereredux: binx, why not just hit it with your daughter?
BinxB91: FORK!!!!!
BinxB91: (sigh)
Forkrereredux: why not?
Creepy Loner: LOL...oh, Fork. You really must stop that.
Godwit935: Jam, the guy is going to Barnes and Noble to pick
up women....give him a break. lol
Forkrereredux: nothing wrong with that. she's legal age and all
Creepy Loner: The AOL po-po will find you and thrash you in
public if you keep it up, you know.
BinxB91: Fork lives in Ohio. He'll be visiting Alex soon.
Creepy Loner: Fork now lives in Ohio?
Max 314159265358: that reminds of the girl who married her father
Forkrereredux: yes. fork is in cleveland
Creepy Loner: How very exciting! I had no idea.
Forkrereredux: fork knows!
Godwit935: You survive in Cleveland, Fork? Hard to believe.
BinxB91: "who's your daddy?"
Max 314159265358: You doin a roadtrip Creep?
BinxB91: CreepyLoner lives in Akron
Nomdujourxx: Speaking of Cleveland, what ever happened to
Bear, who used to come in this room all the time?
Creepy Loner: MAX; Absolutely not. Fork must come to me.
Forkrereredux: drew carry is from cleveland
Creepy Loner: I can bend fork with my mind.
Godwit935: Creepy, can you tell me who owns the Akron paper?
StarlightStorms: It's a Five O'Clock World.....
Max 314159265358: the Mapquest has been printed out already,
I bet
BinxB91: Mariah Carey is not from Cleveland
Creepy Loner: GOD; No...why the f--k would I know that?
Godwit935: Creepy, I thought maybe you were literate.
Max 314159265358: Creep only reads the finest literature
and erotica
Max 314159265358: not fishwraps
BinxB91: John Kerry visited Cleveland
Creepy Loner: GOD,so literacy = knowing who owns the Akron paper?
Creepy Loner: What a snob.
Godwit935: The Beacon-Journal used to be a good paper
when Knight-Ridder owned it.
Forkrereredux: the night rider owned a paper?

The News from East Dallas:
BlDET: did you know that i am parading through the
neighborhood with nipple erections these days?

She Has a Retainer:
Is She Weird 55: i love having a retainer
Is She Weird 55: it's so versatile

Parrot Head:

Prospect26: I am no longer a parakeet. I went to my first
Jimmy Buffet last night. Now I am a PARROTHEAD! What a
great time...and a great show. Jimmy Buffet puts a smile
on everyone's face!
Ta21l: lol...not you too Pros...
Catpower777: I've never seen him, but I like his attitude
Ta21l: wasted

An Apartment in the City:

Gypsyjo47: Well I heated with firewood and a wood stove
all was sort of fun going out in the fresh air
and cutting and splitting firewood
Gimlette: I'm sure it would be, but I live in an apartment
in the city


Gypsyjo47: Bey are you still writing poetry?
Beysshoes: yes gyps. i'm critiquing for an online magazine
as well.
Beysshoes: and will be hosting the radio show soon
NckAdams: Poetry criticism?
NckAdams: ....or general literary critiques?
Beysshoes: yes nick - writing
Beysshoes: literary
Doc Whew: i dont think that rhyming hope with dope is any good
Doc Whew: i could be a poetry critic
Doc Whew: or only god can make a tree
Beysshoes: i find it builds my own momentum doc
Doc Whew: i think the geneticists might disagree
Beysshoes: in my writes
Gypsyjo47: Bey are you accepting poetry?
Beysshoes: 'scuze` gyps?
Gypsyjo47: Do you include poetry submissions in the mag
you are doing?
Beysshoes: you must belong to one of the dozens of writers
groups to sumit to the magazine gyps
Beysshoes: dulces sognas doc
Doc Whew: i like when you talk like that beys
Gypsyjo47: O...okay I don't belong to any groups
Doc Whew: dont rhymehope with dope
Doc Whew: bad poetry
Beysshoes: rhyming poetry went out along time ago doc...
now its mainly used for lyrics
Creepy Loner: Figures. It's the only kind of poetry that
requires some effort
Creepy Loner: Lazy bastards.

Blocked Metaphors:
CordialCactus: i love poetry.... but i rarely get when
something means something else..

Tomato Chat:

CordialCactus: jam... we think our "squirrel" that was
stealing our tomatoes... is actually a two legged thief
Beysshoes: hey, did you guys see they have
'grape tomatoes' now? omg truly ? happy???

Magic Guitar:

CordialCactus: i wish i could play the acoustic guitar
Beysshoes: i used to play the guitar...but only the eagles songs

Blogs - No Substitute for Allan:

LynBelle: what is in the blogs?
Jhd730: Lyn, the
LynBelle: Jo, is it interesting?
Phronsie: I think to appreciate the blogs, you need to
be a long time shelfer
Jhd730: very entertaning Lyn..Kal send Lyn a link..she has been
around forever..she knows all the players
LynBelle: jo, go get allan and tell him to get his butt in here


Blogger Beysshoes said...

La noche cerro` sus ojos ... la manana` abrio sus ojos.

9/12/2007 4:15 PM  

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