(Your Nicky is Icky)
Poopooing Pharmacopland:
ParaMyrrh: Rush is a huge fan of Pharmacopaland
where there's a pill for every pain,
setback and sadness
ParaMyrrh: he was a Oxycontin addict
ParaMyrrh: for "pain treatment" pain at being a
fat asshole
Catpower777: he a bigger fan of poopooing legitimate
Ta21l: is poopooing a real word?
Catpower777: Ta, it is if you teach Pre-K
Inoculate Before Dressing Up:
Ta21l: although, the boyfriend and I decided last night
that next year, we're throwing a Halloween party..even
planned out our costumes
Ta21l: he's going as a vampire and I'll be going as a
Renissance woman with lots of cleavage and two bite
marks on one breast
Ta21l: I'll give you three guesses who's idea the
costumes were
Gypsy's Cousin:
Gypsyjo47: I have a cousin who has been married 5 times,
always to a younger model. I have no idea how he pulled
that off, but he did.
Gypsyjo47: His last one is younger than his child by the
first one
Catpower777: Gyps, is your cousin Rod Stewart?
Fork as the Invisible Man:
Dinosaur Vagina: so Fork, were you a spoon for halloween?
Various704: fork is making sense. white font rocks
Dinosaur Vagina: well he is a visionary
People Not Like Us:
Duwamish Head: ever notice how things just don't seem
the same since dime bag daryll died?
Phezziwig13: I'm going to change my name to Elephants
Penis and talk about Spaghetti Westerns in here
Dinosaur Vagina: promise?
Life With the AP Bimbo:
Is She Weird 55: and my dog barfed on my superman pjs
Vincent the Drama Queen:
Duwamish Head: yeah they told vincent van go
gh "hey, the object of a painting is, after all,
to make a buck"
Duwamish Head: he disagreed, apparently
Dinosaur Vagina: maybe he didn't hear them Duam
ManiacEyeball: killing himself was a good business move
Catpower777: yeah, major drama queen, that Van Gogh
BlueMonk is Back:
Henrykrinkle912: someone ask me some questions, please
Henrykrinkle912: my scrabble site is down
Dinosaur Vagina: ok, what do you do with seven letters
and no vowels Henry?
Henrykrinkle912: swap
The News From Subway:
Is She Weird 55: some guy at subway sometimes comes
in and he like, puts a bajillion onions on his sub
Nomdujourxx: a bajillion is a lot?
Is She Weird 55: and then there's a hot guy omg he's
hot.. he always gets a veggie sub and i was always like
omg they are for gay guys but not this guy
Duwamish Head: gay guys eat subs?
Duwamish Head: veggie subs?
Is She Weird 55: you smell a bit like coffee and taste
a bit like me
Is She Weird 55: yes, veggie subs usually
BinxB91: Cather in the Rye is a new product at Subway
Is She Weird 55: binx that's not funny
BlueMonk Continued:
BinxB91: Ever cooked dinner for a woman?
Henrykrinkle912: certainly
Henrykrinkle912: my mom and sisters
Henrykrinkle912: my wife
Henrykrinkle912: her mom and sister
Henrykrinkle912: i like cooking
BinxB91: Do you and your sisters ever share secrets
about your romantic lives?
Dinosaur Vagina: wow Binx
Dinosaur Vagina: these are some entertaining questions.
Is She Weird 55: where are you thinking of these questions?
Henrykrinkle912: my sisters are both mildly retarded, actually
You Know, I Was Thinking of Colonizing Korea:
Beysshoes: binx, you're the closest thing to an imperialist
japanese i've met besides my dad.
BinxB91: HOW AM I an imperialist Japanese???
BinxB91: Para is right, Beys --- you are a Fruit Loop
Beysshoes: you try to make me talk less, and stuff like
that binx
BinxB91: Beys, that makes me an imperialist???
Beysshoes: yes
BinxB91: Beys, you failed Political Science, didn't you?
But Nags isn't That Easy:
Beysshoes: fezz, how did you get back on aol pls?
i wanna tell nags.
Phezziwig13: I had to sleep with this girl in India
Madamehairymole: i am a moron with high IQ
Maybe She Means It's Extinct?:
Madamehairymole: vagina, your sn is a bigger ego
Madamehairymole: as if inviting big dicks
Dinosaur Vagina: my Sn has meaning you couldn't begin
to comprehend
Madamehairymole: there is only one fracking meaning
Madamehairymole: it is that nurse in"curb your enthusiasm"
whose vagina is super large sized
Dinosaur Vagina: well you're entitled to your opinion,
hope you enjoy it
He Doesn't Return Her Calls Even After All the Time
She Spent Holding Up His Poster With One Hand:
Jhd730: I am mad at Tom Brady
Pool Hall Chat:
ParaMyrrh: Colts are gonna kill the Patriots and their
coach Bill Bellicheat
ParaMyrrh: and yes Im willing to BET
Jhd730: no way Para.. penis-faced Manning is going to lose
ParaMyrrh: Jane I like what you posted on Emma's blog
JaneH56: Kal I posted nothing on emma's blog.
Vanda's Job:
Madamehairymole: he said he wanted to open a stripclub
and get you ladies to dance at his joint
ParaMyrrh: Vanda should be a limo driver for a Celeb
that'd be hilarious
JaneH56: on his joint or at his joint.?
Beysshoes: yes para!
Beysshoes: the stories he'd tell!
Madamehairymole: jane you are one dirty bich
Madamehairymole: hahahahha
JaneH56: yep madame. you guess it.
Jhd730: I still stand by my job for Allan..
he should be a paperboy
ParaMyrrh: I can poop anytime anywhere squat
and drop or public restroom doesn't matter
Long Island men:
LynBelle: I cannot go back to the house my mother
lived in for the last 50 yrs
LynBelle: my brother now owns it and he keeps it locked up,
he lives on Long Island
So Sad:
Beysshoes: derby is cryingcrying ... she see's her dog
runner playing basketball with friends.
Beysshoes: he said he'd be here to run her. but that was
2 hrs ago. HA!
[The street crazies seem especially attracted to me.
They converge on me for change, bless me, or curse me.
I give them what I can, which isn't much, and try not
to gag at the stench or harden myself to their plight.
They remind me that I do have some things to be grateful
for. At least I have a bed and a refrigertaor to go
home to. Except when I forgot to pay my ConEd bill and
they shut off my gas and electricity ...]
Times Have Changed:
Jhd730: so check this out...my son was going to be a
vampire in school tomorrow but the school sent home a list
of things NOT to bring to school because they are considered
"weapons" ...fangs was one of the things
Jhd730: can you believe that?
Beysshoes: sheesh jo ... sux for kids nowdays
LynBelle: those little wobbly fangs, big deal
Jhd730: when I was in high school I went to school dressed
as the grim reaper and brought a REAL sickle to school..
I could have cut off dozens of arms and legs before the
caught me...how times have changed
Dinosaur Vagina: Wonder when they'll outlaw real teeth.
ParaMyrrh: Jo but he can wear jeans that fall down to
show his underwear
No Offence:
Various704: and here was me getting sentimental. i realise
now i actually hate most of you. no offence.
Jhd730: Various?? even me?
Various704: :)
Creepy Loner: That's all right, Various.
Creepy Loner: Understood.
Creepy Loner: I hate most of us, too.
A Beysshoes Halloween:
Jhd730: Bey, what are you making for kids for halloween?
it'll just get throw out by the cautious parents
Beysshoes: NO jo
Beysshoes: they are cute li'l treasure bags and toys
Beysshoes: all soft clothe animal dolls
Beysshoes: and stuff
Jhd730: no one will accept homemade anything from the
"kookey lady that lives in that house"
Hard Ass:
Jhd730: I used to keep a few cans of creamed corn and
saurkraut by the door for the late night 16 year olds...
Jhd730: I'd drop that in their bags and say
"you like veggies right"
It's About Beysshoes Re-Naming:
LynBelle: various, some people call you Derek and now
Oscar, which is it?
Various704: my name is derek
ParaMyrrh: Various Bey notices everything about the shelf males
Creepy Loner: I've never understood the whole "Oscar" thing.
Creepy Loner: What's that about?
Ambiguous Sexuality:
ParaMyrrh: Creepy you're asexual a seahorse of a woman
Creepy Loner: Oh.
Creepy Loner: Sorry.
Creepy Loner: [rolling a cigarette]
LynBelle: she is very attractive kal
Madamehairymole: creepy is a seahussey?
ParaMyrrh: Lyn I wasn't dissing Creepy I am sure
she is attractive
Madamehairymole: creepy PICS, stat
Creepy Loner: No.
Madamehairymole: why not
Madamehairymole: come on
Creepy Loner: I prefer to keep my ugly a mystery.
ParaMyrrh: But she has stated many times she has takn
up celibacy and hairy legs
Creepy Loner: Thanks.
Madamehairymole: hairy legs HOT
Dinosaur Vagina: the two do go together
Jhd730: hairly legs are only hot to male dogs
You Frackers!:
LynBelle: madame, I want to know where the mole is
Madamehairymole: lyn, why
Creepy Loner: Why not?
Beysshoes: madame, she wants to touch it but it
depends on where it is.
Madamehairymole: shoeho that is just fracking psychotic
LynBelle: who in the hell is shoeho?
Beysshoes: me lynbelle
ParaMyrrh: Lyn her name for Bey
Madamehairymole: are you frackers like hair probia or something
Beysshoes: its an endearment.
LynBelle: I just keep visualizing madame with this long
hair coming from that mole on her face and she keeps
sucking on it
Madamehairymole: :-D=-O:-P:-*
ParaMyrrh: ha
ParaMyrrh: good image
LynBelle: hahahaha
The Alpha Gorilla:
Madamehairymole: why does the name amber remind me of
porn actresses?
Beysshoes: bec she used to go steady with allan madame
AmberHighWinds: some of you have halloween inspired s/n's?
Madamehairymole: o hahahahha shoeho
Creepy Loner: Amber, Just Dinosaur Vagina.
AmberHighWinds: oookkk
Madamehairymole: seems like allan the dude is the resident
alpha gorilla eh
Dinosaur Vagina: I do?
Beysshoes: that DV nicky is sooo icky
But No Recipe?:
Madamehairymole: i may cook pig kidney today yes
Beysshoes: !
ParaMyrrh: (guitar solo)
Creepy Loner: [belch]
Dinosaur Vagina: best to save some sentiment for eulogies
Madamehairymole: tomorrow i am planning on pig intestines
Madamehairymole: large and small intestines
Madamehairymole: i just consumed a quarter of a large pig liver
Madamehairymole: but i am still hungry
Beysshoes: drink the blood mole
ParaMyrrh: ravenous
Beysshoes: fry it first.
Beysshoes: blood sausage
Madamehairymole: shoeho, best to solidify it first
Madamehairymole: cut into cubes
Beysshoes: truism
Madamehairymole: and yes cook in soup
ParaMyrrh: insatiable
Various704: sounds lovely
Beysshoes: para gonna hunt you down now mole ... its his fave
Dr. Penrod is In:
Iz2Bornot2B: But first guy I fell in love with after my
ex, had a relationship with
JaggedMetalPill: put your hand in this bag of candy
Iz2Bornot2B: for 6 years, and finally he tells me he is bi.
DAISYTRAIL: Weren't there any clues in 6 years?
Iz2Bornot2B: Very naive Daisy, in retrospect, yes.
Penrod59: Iz, you sound bright and perceptive.
z2Bornot2B: I am about most things, not men.
Penrod59: Live with a guy and blow him, bang him, and you
couldn't tell he was a homo
Penrod Not Being Fair:
Penrod59: sounds like she is afraid of men who exhibit
masculine characteristics
Iz2Bornot2B: I didn't dump him until he cheated on me.
Penrod59: Iz is a head case, and I'd steer clear if
I was anyone steering towards her
Iz2Bornot2B: Pen that's not fair. You don't even know me
Penrod59: Iz, you'd be amazed at how revealing this
place can be
Penrod59: I mean you'd be amazed if you had any brain
What Jagged Likes:
JaggedMetalPill: don't yall talk about books n stuff
Penrod59: Jags, we always switch to sordid animal
eroticism when you arrive so you feel comfortable
Penrod59: otherwise you "clam" up
JaggedMetalPill: i dint hear ya talkin about aminals
DAISYTRAIL: They were implied.
JaggedMetalPill: i like possums
Penrod Vs Izzy:
Penrod59: you are dumb and a female drone with little
capacity for analytical deduction
Iz2Bornot2B: You are being abusive to me by swearing at me.
Penrod59: and you think I deserve to be beaten for the
words I just typed to you?
Iz2Bornot2B: You don't know a damn thing Pen
JaggedMetalPill: i'm gonna pet a possum
Penrod59: I see I am outclassed in intellectual weight here.
Penrod vs Izzy, Round II/Daisy is intrigued:
Penrod59: someone please step in and help me
Iz2Bornot2B: I did not say that
Gypsyjo47: Pen you need to be scalded
Iz2Bornot2B: typical abusive man tactic
Tm0108: abusive? I'd call being married to a guy who
wouldn't tellyou he was gay "abusive"
Iz2Bornot2B: puts words in your mouth
Penrod59: you certainly did all but say it, Iz.
Read your text.
Iz2Bornot2B: I did not marry the bi guy.
Various704: now now children. im going to send you to
bed and gypsy will shell the orphange if youre not nice
DAISYTRAIL: A woman here killed her husband while he slept,
after suffering a lifetime of beatings.
Iz2Bornot2B: No, Pen, I did not.
Penrod59: Iz2Bornot2B: Maybe you talked to her the way you
are talking to me before you went to sleepl
Tm0108: you blew him and cooked for him..same diff
DAISYTRAIL: The jury set her free.
Iz2Bornot2B: Well, you claim you did nothing. Absolutely nothing
Iz2Bornot2B: But you have proven to me, you can be very
abusive with your tongue
DAISYTRAIL: Tongue abuse? Hmmmm.
Round III:
Penrod59: I have "proven" nothing to anyone, but
you have drawn conclusions based upon a stranger's
(my) musings made in a chat room to amuse himself.
DAISYTRAIL: You're just in time for round 3.
Penrod59: I can see you are truly weak and full of
fear and stupid
Jhd730: give me the gist in one sentence so I can
join in
Iz2Bornot2B: You do not know me, yet you have said
things to me to amuse yourself that are abusive.
Penrod59: I feel sorry for you, but I would definitely
stear clear of you in real life
Iz2Bornot2B: Ditto
Various704: i wouldn't even dream of hitting a woman
DAISYTRAIL: You'll be up to speed in a moment.
Feeling Sorry for Penrod:
2Bornot2B: And, I don't feel sorry for youl.
Jhd730: why would you feel sorry for Penrod?
Iz2Bornot2B: You are the kind who stays in denial,
Penrod59: I would never get close enough to you to
actually abuse you, even if in some weird parallel
universe I decided to meet you and become an abusive
Iz2Bornot2B: There are many parallel universes Pen,
shouldn't joke.
Penrod59: Jo, meet feminist clown Iz
Penrod59: why shouldn't I joke?
Penrod59: I shall joke away at will
Jhd730: oh my..I see that she believes in parallel
universes..just like that presidential hopeful
Iz2Bornot2B: Because everything you do and say comes
back to you in some way.
Penrod59: leave congressperson moonbat alone, Jo
Penrod59: I see: I'm rubber and you're glue.
Gypsyjo47: A femenist is just a woman who hates her
husband and needs a good lay, that's all
Izzy Surrendering:
Iz2Bornot2B: How old are you Pen?
Iz2Bornot2B: Were you born in 59?
Penrod59: yes
z2Bornot2B: 3 years older than me
Penrod59: and infinitely wiser
Iz2Bornot2B: ditto
Iz2Bornot2B: totally intuitive and physic
Jhd730: I just figured out your sn...and it's stupid
Penrod59: Iz, it truly is silly for a person your
age to throw the label "abuser" around indiscriminately
as a means of assuaging your fears and insecurites
Gypsyjo47: Pen and Iz will be in the loft soon, then?
Who knows...
Iz2Bornot2B: LOL, couldn't think of anything else, so gave
up and went with it.
Iz2Bornot2B: It is dumb, I know.
Feminine Infallibillity:
Penrod59: and it's obvious that you have been indoctrinated
into a sort of cult that worships a mythical and false
feminine infallibility
Penrod59: the terms you use give you away
Jhd730: but Penrod is an online abuser..he's made me weep
tears of frustration many times
Iz2Bornot2B: I have overcome my fears and insecurities Pen,
but you clearly have a foul mouth.
Iz2Bornot2B: And took it out on me.
Jhd730: he doesn't believe in rainbows or butterfiles and
bashes unicorns relentlessly
Penrod59: Jo, thank you for your support. I'll beat you later,
just like I promised
Jhd730: yippeeeee
Puh -- lease:
2Bornot2B: I study quatum physics and metaphysics, not femnism
Penrod59: liar
Jhd730: quantum physics and metaphysics??? and you
visit the bookshelf...puh lease
I Don't Have the Statistics:
Iz2Bornot2B: How do you define feminism? I like having a
door opened for me.
Penrod59: Iz, do you think more men, or women are responsible
for child abuse of any kind, sexual, physical, and emotional
all included?
Iz2Bornot2B: I don't want to fight in the war.
Penrod59: this will give you away as a mindless drone
Iz2Bornot2B: I haven't read any stats on that Pen. I don't know.
But Imagine Being Married to a Baby:
CordialCactus: if my husband had not stepped on our
kitten, he would be 4 months
A Missed Appointment?:
Catpower777: why does naked moonlight dancing pop
into my mind
(Your Nicky is Icky)
Poopooing Pharmacopland:
ParaMyrrh: Rush is a huge fan of Pharmacopaland
where there's a pill for every pain,
setback and sadness
ParaMyrrh: he was a Oxycontin addict
ParaMyrrh: for "pain treatment" pain at being a
fat asshole
Catpower777: he a bigger fan of poopooing legitimate
Ta21l: is poopooing a real word?
Catpower777: Ta, it is if you teach Pre-K
Inoculate Before Dressing Up:
Ta21l: although, the boyfriend and I decided last night
that next year, we're throwing a Halloween party..even
planned out our costumes
Ta21l: he's going as a vampire and I'll be going as a
Renissance woman with lots of cleavage and two bite
marks on one breast
Ta21l: I'll give you three guesses who's idea the
costumes were
Gypsy's Cousin:
Gypsyjo47: I have a cousin who has been married 5 times,
always to a younger model. I have no idea how he pulled
that off, but he did.
Gypsyjo47: His last one is younger than his child by the
first one
Catpower777: Gyps, is your cousin Rod Stewart?
Fork as the Invisible Man:
Dinosaur Vagina: so Fork, were you a spoon for halloween?
Various704: fork is making sense. white font rocks
Dinosaur Vagina: well he is a visionary
People Not Like Us:
Duwamish Head: ever notice how things just don't seem
the same since dime bag daryll died?
Phezziwig13: I'm going to change my name to Elephants
Penis and talk about Spaghetti Westerns in here
Dinosaur Vagina: promise?
Life With the AP Bimbo:
Is She Weird 55: and my dog barfed on my superman pjs
Vincent the Drama Queen:
Duwamish Head: yeah they told vincent van go
gh "hey, the object of a painting is, after all,
to make a buck"
Duwamish Head: he disagreed, apparently
Dinosaur Vagina: maybe he didn't hear them Duam
ManiacEyeball: killing himself was a good business move
Catpower777: yeah, major drama queen, that Van Gogh
BlueMonk is Back:
Henrykrinkle912: someone ask me some questions, please
Henrykrinkle912: my scrabble site is down
Dinosaur Vagina: ok, what do you do with seven letters
and no vowels Henry?
Henrykrinkle912: swap
The News From Subway:
Is She Weird 55: some guy at subway sometimes comes
in and he like, puts a bajillion onions on his sub
Nomdujourxx: a bajillion is a lot?
Is She Weird 55: and then there's a hot guy omg he's
hot.. he always gets a veggie sub and i was always like
omg they are for gay guys but not this guy
Duwamish Head: gay guys eat subs?
Duwamish Head: veggie subs?
Is She Weird 55: you smell a bit like coffee and taste
a bit like me
Is She Weird 55: yes, veggie subs usually
BinxB91: Cather in the Rye is a new product at Subway
Is She Weird 55: binx that's not funny
BlueMonk Continued:
BinxB91: Ever cooked dinner for a woman?
Henrykrinkle912: certainly
Henrykrinkle912: my mom and sisters
Henrykrinkle912: my wife
Henrykrinkle912: her mom and sister
Henrykrinkle912: i like cooking
BinxB91: Do you and your sisters ever share secrets
about your romantic lives?
Dinosaur Vagina: wow Binx
Dinosaur Vagina: these are some entertaining questions.
Is She Weird 55: where are you thinking of these questions?
Henrykrinkle912: my sisters are both mildly retarded, actually
You Know, I Was Thinking of Colonizing Korea:
Beysshoes: binx, you're the closest thing to an imperialist
japanese i've met besides my dad.
BinxB91: HOW AM I an imperialist Japanese???
BinxB91: Para is right, Beys --- you are a Fruit Loop
Beysshoes: you try to make me talk less, and stuff like
that binx
BinxB91: Beys, that makes me an imperialist???
Beysshoes: yes
BinxB91: Beys, you failed Political Science, didn't you?
But Nags isn't That Easy:
Beysshoes: fezz, how did you get back on aol pls?
i wanna tell nags.
Phezziwig13: I had to sleep with this girl in India
Madamehairymole: i am a moron with high IQ
Maybe She Means It's Extinct?:
Madamehairymole: vagina, your sn is a bigger ego
Madamehairymole: as if inviting big dicks
Dinosaur Vagina: my Sn has meaning you couldn't begin
to comprehend
Madamehairymole: there is only one fracking meaning
Madamehairymole: it is that nurse in"curb your enthusiasm"
whose vagina is super large sized
Dinosaur Vagina: well you're entitled to your opinion,
hope you enjoy it
He Doesn't Return Her Calls Even After All the Time
She Spent Holding Up His Poster With One Hand:
Jhd730: I am mad at Tom Brady
Pool Hall Chat:
ParaMyrrh: Colts are gonna kill the Patriots and their
coach Bill Bellicheat
ParaMyrrh: and yes Im willing to BET
Jhd730: no way Para.. penis-faced Manning is going to lose
ParaMyrrh: Jane I like what you posted on Emma's blog
JaneH56: Kal I posted nothing on emma's blog.
Vanda's Job:
Madamehairymole: he said he wanted to open a stripclub
and get you ladies to dance at his joint
ParaMyrrh: Vanda should be a limo driver for a Celeb
that'd be hilarious
JaneH56: on his joint or at his joint.?
Beysshoes: yes para!
Beysshoes: the stories he'd tell!
Madamehairymole: jane you are one dirty bich
Madamehairymole: hahahahha
JaneH56: yep madame. you guess it.
Jhd730: I still stand by my job for Allan..
he should be a paperboy
ParaMyrrh: I can poop anytime anywhere squat
and drop or public restroom doesn't matter
Long Island men:
LynBelle: I cannot go back to the house my mother
lived in for the last 50 yrs
LynBelle: my brother now owns it and he keeps it locked up,
he lives on Long Island
So Sad:
Beysshoes: derby is cryingcrying ... she see's her dog
runner playing basketball with friends.
Beysshoes: he said he'd be here to run her. but that was
2 hrs ago. HA!
[The street crazies seem especially attracted to me.
They converge on me for change, bless me, or curse me.
I give them what I can, which isn't much, and try not
to gag at the stench or harden myself to their plight.
They remind me that I do have some things to be grateful
for. At least I have a bed and a refrigertaor to go
home to. Except when I forgot to pay my ConEd bill and
they shut off my gas and electricity ...]
Times Have Changed:
Jhd730: so check this out...my son was going to be a
vampire in school tomorrow but the school sent home a list
of things NOT to bring to school because they are considered
"weapons" ...fangs was one of the things
Jhd730: can you believe that?
Beysshoes: sheesh jo ... sux for kids nowdays
LynBelle: those little wobbly fangs, big deal
Jhd730: when I was in high school I went to school dressed
as the grim reaper and brought a REAL sickle to school..
I could have cut off dozens of arms and legs before the
caught me...how times have changed
Dinosaur Vagina: Wonder when they'll outlaw real teeth.
ParaMyrrh: Jo but he can wear jeans that fall down to
show his underwear
No Offence:
Various704: and here was me getting sentimental. i realise
now i actually hate most of you. no offence.
Jhd730: Various?? even me?
Various704: :)
Creepy Loner: That's all right, Various.
Creepy Loner: Understood.
Creepy Loner: I hate most of us, too.
A Beysshoes Halloween:
Jhd730: Bey, what are you making for kids for halloween?
it'll just get throw out by the cautious parents
Beysshoes: NO jo
Beysshoes: they are cute li'l treasure bags and toys
Beysshoes: all soft clothe animal dolls
Beysshoes: and stuff
Jhd730: no one will accept homemade anything from the
"kookey lady that lives in that house"
Hard Ass:
Jhd730: I used to keep a few cans of creamed corn and
saurkraut by the door for the late night 16 year olds...
Jhd730: I'd drop that in their bags and say
"you like veggies right"
It's About Beysshoes Re-Naming:
LynBelle: various, some people call you Derek and now
Oscar, which is it?
Various704: my name is derek
ParaMyrrh: Various Bey notices everything about the shelf males
Creepy Loner: I've never understood the whole "Oscar" thing.
Creepy Loner: What's that about?
Ambiguous Sexuality:
ParaMyrrh: Creepy you're asexual a seahorse of a woman
Creepy Loner: Oh.
Creepy Loner: Sorry.
Creepy Loner: [rolling a cigarette]
LynBelle: she is very attractive kal
Madamehairymole: creepy is a seahussey?
ParaMyrrh: Lyn I wasn't dissing Creepy I am sure
she is attractive
Madamehairymole: creepy PICS, stat
Creepy Loner: No.
Madamehairymole: why not
Madamehairymole: come on
Creepy Loner: I prefer to keep my ugly a mystery.
ParaMyrrh: But she has stated many times she has takn
up celibacy and hairy legs
Creepy Loner: Thanks.
Madamehairymole: hairy legs HOT
Dinosaur Vagina: the two do go together
Jhd730: hairly legs are only hot to male dogs
You Frackers!:
LynBelle: madame, I want to know where the mole is
Madamehairymole: lyn, why
Creepy Loner: Why not?
Beysshoes: madame, she wants to touch it but it
depends on where it is.
Madamehairymole: shoeho that is just fracking psychotic
LynBelle: who in the hell is shoeho?
Beysshoes: me lynbelle
ParaMyrrh: Lyn her name for Bey
Madamehairymole: are you frackers like hair probia or something
Beysshoes: its an endearment.
LynBelle: I just keep visualizing madame with this long
hair coming from that mole on her face and she keeps
sucking on it
Madamehairymole: :-D=-O:-P:-*
ParaMyrrh: ha
ParaMyrrh: good image
LynBelle: hahahaha
The Alpha Gorilla:
Madamehairymole: why does the name amber remind me of
porn actresses?
Beysshoes: bec she used to go steady with allan madame
AmberHighWinds: some of you have halloween inspired s/n's?
Madamehairymole: o hahahahha shoeho
Creepy Loner: Amber, Just Dinosaur Vagina.
AmberHighWinds: oookkk
Madamehairymole: seems like allan the dude is the resident
alpha gorilla eh
Dinosaur Vagina: I do?
Beysshoes: that DV nicky is sooo icky
But No Recipe?:
Madamehairymole: i may cook pig kidney today yes
Beysshoes: !
ParaMyrrh: (guitar solo)
Creepy Loner: [belch]
Dinosaur Vagina: best to save some sentiment for eulogies
Madamehairymole: tomorrow i am planning on pig intestines
Madamehairymole: large and small intestines
Madamehairymole: i just consumed a quarter of a large pig liver
Madamehairymole: but i am still hungry
Beysshoes: drink the blood mole
ParaMyrrh: ravenous
Beysshoes: fry it first.
Beysshoes: blood sausage
Madamehairymole: shoeho, best to solidify it first
Madamehairymole: cut into cubes
Beysshoes: truism
Madamehairymole: and yes cook in soup
ParaMyrrh: insatiable
Various704: sounds lovely
Beysshoes: para gonna hunt you down now mole ... its his fave
Dr. Penrod is In:
Iz2Bornot2B: But first guy I fell in love with after my
ex, had a relationship with
JaggedMetalPill: put your hand in this bag of candy
Iz2Bornot2B: for 6 years, and finally he tells me he is bi.
DAISYTRAIL: Weren't there any clues in 6 years?
Iz2Bornot2B: Very naive Daisy, in retrospect, yes.
Penrod59: Iz, you sound bright and perceptive.
z2Bornot2B: I am about most things, not men.
Penrod59: Live with a guy and blow him, bang him, and you
couldn't tell he was a homo
Penrod Not Being Fair:
Penrod59: sounds like she is afraid of men who exhibit
masculine characteristics
Iz2Bornot2B: I didn't dump him until he cheated on me.
Penrod59: Iz is a head case, and I'd steer clear if
I was anyone steering towards her
Iz2Bornot2B: Pen that's not fair. You don't even know me
Penrod59: Iz, you'd be amazed at how revealing this
place can be
Penrod59: I mean you'd be amazed if you had any brain
What Jagged Likes:
JaggedMetalPill: don't yall talk about books n stuff
Penrod59: Jags, we always switch to sordid animal
eroticism when you arrive so you feel comfortable
Penrod59: otherwise you "clam" up
JaggedMetalPill: i dint hear ya talkin about aminals
DAISYTRAIL: They were implied.
JaggedMetalPill: i like possums
Penrod Vs Izzy:
Penrod59: you are dumb and a female drone with little
capacity for analytical deduction
Iz2Bornot2B: You are being abusive to me by swearing at me.
Penrod59: and you think I deserve to be beaten for the
words I just typed to you?
Iz2Bornot2B: You don't know a damn thing Pen
JaggedMetalPill: i'm gonna pet a possum
Penrod59: I see I am outclassed in intellectual weight here.
Penrod vs Izzy, Round II/Daisy is intrigued:
Penrod59: someone please step in and help me
Iz2Bornot2B: I did not say that
Gypsyjo47: Pen you need to be scalded
Iz2Bornot2B: typical abusive man tactic
Tm0108: abusive? I'd call being married to a guy who
wouldn't tellyou he was gay "abusive"
Iz2Bornot2B: puts words in your mouth
Penrod59: you certainly did all but say it, Iz.
Read your text.
Iz2Bornot2B: I did not marry the bi guy.
Various704: now now children. im going to send you to
bed and gypsy will shell the orphange if youre not nice
DAISYTRAIL: A woman here killed her husband while he slept,
after suffering a lifetime of beatings.
Iz2Bornot2B: No, Pen, I did not.
Penrod59: Iz2Bornot2B: Maybe you talked to her the way you
are talking to me before you went to sleepl
Tm0108: you blew him and cooked for him..same diff
DAISYTRAIL: The jury set her free.
Iz2Bornot2B: Well, you claim you did nothing. Absolutely nothing
Iz2Bornot2B: But you have proven to me, you can be very
abusive with your tongue
DAISYTRAIL: Tongue abuse? Hmmmm.
Round III:
Penrod59: I have "proven" nothing to anyone, but
you have drawn conclusions based upon a stranger's
(my) musings made in a chat room to amuse himself.
DAISYTRAIL: You're just in time for round 3.
Penrod59: I can see you are truly weak and full of
fear and stupid
Jhd730: give me the gist in one sentence so I can
join in
Iz2Bornot2B: You do not know me, yet you have said
things to me to amuse yourself that are abusive.
Penrod59: I feel sorry for you, but I would definitely
stear clear of you in real life
Iz2Bornot2B: Ditto
Various704: i wouldn't even dream of hitting a woman
DAISYTRAIL: You'll be up to speed in a moment.
Feeling Sorry for Penrod:
2Bornot2B: And, I don't feel sorry for youl.
Jhd730: why would you feel sorry for Penrod?
Iz2Bornot2B: You are the kind who stays in denial,
Penrod59: I would never get close enough to you to
actually abuse you, even if in some weird parallel
universe I decided to meet you and become an abusive
Iz2Bornot2B: There are many parallel universes Pen,
shouldn't joke.
Penrod59: Jo, meet feminist clown Iz
Penrod59: why shouldn't I joke?
Penrod59: I shall joke away at will
Jhd730: oh my..I see that she believes in parallel
universes..just like that presidential hopeful
Iz2Bornot2B: Because everything you do and say comes
back to you in some way.
Penrod59: leave congressperson moonbat alone, Jo
Penrod59: I see: I'm rubber and you're glue.
Gypsyjo47: A femenist is just a woman who hates her
husband and needs a good lay, that's all
Izzy Surrendering:
Iz2Bornot2B: How old are you Pen?
Iz2Bornot2B: Were you born in 59?
Penrod59: yes
z2Bornot2B: 3 years older than me
Penrod59: and infinitely wiser
Iz2Bornot2B: ditto
Iz2Bornot2B: totally intuitive and physic
Jhd730: I just figured out your sn...and it's stupid
Penrod59: Iz, it truly is silly for a person your
age to throw the label "abuser" around indiscriminately
as a means of assuaging your fears and insecurites
Gypsyjo47: Pen and Iz will be in the loft soon, then?
Who knows...
Iz2Bornot2B: LOL, couldn't think of anything else, so gave
up and went with it.
Iz2Bornot2B: It is dumb, I know.
Feminine Infallibillity:
Penrod59: and it's obvious that you have been indoctrinated
into a sort of cult that worships a mythical and false
feminine infallibility
Penrod59: the terms you use give you away
Jhd730: but Penrod is an online abuser..he's made me weep
tears of frustration many times
Iz2Bornot2B: I have overcome my fears and insecurities Pen,
but you clearly have a foul mouth.
Iz2Bornot2B: And took it out on me.
Jhd730: he doesn't believe in rainbows or butterfiles and
bashes unicorns relentlessly
Penrod59: Jo, thank you for your support. I'll beat you later,
just like I promised
Jhd730: yippeeeee
Puh -- lease:
2Bornot2B: I study quatum physics and metaphysics, not femnism
Penrod59: liar
Jhd730: quantum physics and metaphysics??? and you
visit the bookshelf...puh lease
I Don't Have the Statistics:
Iz2Bornot2B: How do you define feminism? I like having a
door opened for me.
Penrod59: Iz, do you think more men, or women are responsible
for child abuse of any kind, sexual, physical, and emotional
all included?
Iz2Bornot2B: I don't want to fight in the war.
Penrod59: this will give you away as a mindless drone
Iz2Bornot2B: I haven't read any stats on that Pen. I don't know.
But Imagine Being Married to a Baby:
CordialCactus: if my husband had not stepped on our
kitten, he would be 4 months
A Missed Appointment?:
Catpower777: why does naked moonlight dancing pop
into my mind
You have got to be kidding me! ONE lousy little line!? I got a bit part? I can't work this way! You have to give me more stage time!How am I supposed to become a SupahStah with one lousy little line?! You will be hearing from my attorney. :)
And this is the particular post edition you announced was my work? Liar liar thingy on fire! ... is what I say. xox
Dear Constance (who always succeeds at being Cordial), Try picking a fight with Beysshoes soon. Guarantee you'll be all over next week's column.
Oh shoot!! I just realized
it's Candice. Not Constance.
So sorry.
(I do have to write Connie soon).
Dear Binx, Trynna voyeur on some girl-on-girl action? C'mere you bad boy! S
Ok. I am down with that. Just let me slip into my badass suit and try to get some mean on. Bring it on Beys! That is, if you don't mind. heh
|crack| *rawhide
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