Wednesday, November 14, 2007

HadaCho is Back/BlueMonk Stays On/
Another Katy/A Needy Beysshoes/
Hillary Out for Adoption

A One-Act Play:

Creepy Loner: Did you have another date, Godwit?
Godwit935: I have grown tomatoes in five-gallon
pots and they do well up to a point, but never as
well as in-ground tomatoes. Same for peppers.
Prospect26: And how about you? How long have
you been gardening?
Creepy Loner: Speaking of tomatoes and five-gallon
pots...did you have another date?
Knowjuan2: my peppers thrive in the pots
Godwit935: To whom are you speaking, Creepy?
Creepy Loner: You.
Forkrereredux: To youm.
Creepy Loner: Yron.
Knowjuan2: the tomatoes dont do as good but they
dont do to bad
Godwit935: Creepy, if you attach a name to the person
to whom you are speaking, it's much better.
Creepy Loner: I did.
Creepy Loner: Creepy Loner: Did you have another date, Godwit?
Creepy Loner: ...
Creepy Loner: Godwit.
CordialCactus: another? as in one previously?
Creepy Loner: Yes...
Creepy Loner: Godwit had a date.
Creepy Loner: He didn't say much about it, though.
Forkrereredux: Godwit has a boyfriends.
Creepy Loner: Mentioned it the other night.
Knowjuan2: you get some godwit?
CordialCactus: good for godwit... that shatters my hermit
image of him... yay
Godwit935: Creepy, it's tired out....get a new schtick.
Creepy Loner: I'm not cracking jokes - I'm asking about
your date.
Creepy Loner: Tell us.
Creepy Loner: We're interested.
Godwit935: Creepy, speak for yourself.
Creepy Loner: Was your date funny?
Creepy Loner: Tell me.
Knowjuan2: inquiring minds want to know
Creepy Loner: I'm interested.
Prospect26: my first garden was in 1970...
Creepy Loner: See?
Forkrereredux: godwit, fork has to urinate. will you open
your mouth?
CordialCactus: interesting: Know wants to know about
your date.
Godwit935: Creepy, try coming up with something interesting
to say or talk about. You too, Fork.
Creepy Loner: We are talking about something interesting...
Creepy Loner: You're not.
Creepy Loner: Tell us about the date.
Forkrereredux: godwit's mouth ~~~> =-O <~~~ fork's urine
Godwit935: Creepy, you're too dull.
CordialCactus: yuck fork
CordialCactus: the word urine is good for what it decribes
Forkrereredux: Godwit935: Mmm. I likes watersports :)
CordialCactus: yucky word for a yucky waste product
Godwit935: Sigh.
CordialCactus: overusing the word yucky
CordialCactus: alright.. off to read
Knowjuan2: rofl, poor wit
CordialCactus: toodalloooo
Creepy Loner: Adios.
Forkrereredux: godwit, when are we going to the bar?
Creepy Loner: I want to go to the bar, too.
Creepy Loner: Baseball is over, right?
Knowjuan2: i quit drinkin and drugin a couple years ago
Godwit935: Fork, in earlier times, had I met you in a bar,
you would not have fared well.
Prospect26: I have been gardening since 1970.
Forkrereredux: is that right, godwit? how can you be so sure?
Godwit935: Fork, from experience.
Creepy Loner: Godwit would have ripped Dr. Fork a new
*sshole with his razor-sharp tongue...
Forkrereredux: lol
Knowjuan2: rofl
Forkrereredux: godwit is a thug
Creepy Loner: Yo.
Creepy Loner: Yo yo.
Godwit935: You know when you're in trouble in a bar, Fork?
Forkrereredux: when they run out of yuengling?
Godwit935: When the door is locked behind you, Fork.
Forkrereredux: what kind of hillbilly bar is that?
Creepy Loner: Dundundun!
Godwit935: One short, Creep.
Forkrereredux: what happens when the door is locked?
Creepy Loner: For the real "lockin' the bar door" theme?
Knowjuan2: boing boing boing
Creepy Loner: Hahahaha
Creepy Loner: Oh, this is great..
Knowjuan2: i think thats when the razor sharp toungue
starts to protrude
Godwit935: Fork, you take a beatin'.
Godwit935: It's silly to you boys, I know.
Forkrereredux: what bar is such a thing happening in, godwit?
Prospect26: daughter drove the ambulance from
Edwards to Denver. Yeah...
Jam7604801: fork remember the blue oyster bar on police academy?
Godwit935: Well, this is too tired out for me. Good night, my
fellow Americans.
Creepy Loner: My fellow Americans?
Creepy Loner: What a c*ckhead.
Creepy Loner: That was f-ing great.
Jam7604801: i don't understand why people don't like Witicus
Creepy Loner: Someone needs to save that conversation...
Forkrereredux: in what bar does such a thing happen?
Creepy Loner: In Godwit's bar...which should be called
"I'm Really Not Gay"
Prospect26: I need to sign off and get ready for vacation...

What Binx Gave to Beysshoes:

Phezziwig13: Hey, my computer is going nuts
Phezziwig13: Finally, we understand each other
Beysshoes: ... oh you prolly caught binx's virus. i did.
Beysshoes: yah, he had porn popping up all over the place
Beysshoes: if it was allan it wouldn't be a problem... but no.
Creepy Loner: Heh.
Creepy Loner: Sounds like my set-up.

That the Family Bouncer Was Busy at T-Giving?:

CordialCactus: i have a question about cousins and
being twice removed... what the heck does it mean?

Finding a Friend for Godwit:

HCSMAUI: You know, in thinking about it, it makes no
difference what a persons sexual preference is. God is
the judge on judgement day. I am no judge. I am sorry
if I offended any gay people here. I am not gay and have
no desire to be gay but that is my choice
HCSMAUI: I will not judge you.
Vanda52: hes all yours bey
Beysshoes: lolol wow i missed something good here
Beysshoes: no homophobe friends for me allan. but thx
for the thought
HCSMAUI: I am a true homophobe
Beysshoes: wait for godwit, ... you'll be in good company

"Vanda isn't gay":

HCSMAUI: I am waiting for Lyn
Phronsie: Poor Lyn.
Various704: hcs........can i fill you in on something?
vanda isnt gay. but he is taking the piss out of you.
but you seem to do a better job yourself.
Phronsie: What did she ever do to deserve you.
HCSMAUI: I cannot believe any of you. I will wait.
Thank you
Beysshoes: maui, cannot you change yoh nick?
so pipples dunt know you is from here?
HCSMAUI: Lyn has found a very nice man to talk to.
I know she is married and I respect that.
Beysshoes: kmsa? kiss yoh stupid ass? that's rude
HCSMAUI: That is not what it means
HCSMAUI: Your definition defines you
Beysshoes: maui ... i dunt care. sorry.

BookShelf - Ya Gotta be Strong:

ElizabethTudor7: So this is the rude room today?
ElizabethTudor7: again?
HCSMAUI: No, people are rude the room is fine

BookShelf Counseling:

Is She Weird 55: sorry..
Is She Weird 55: it's taking me a while
Is She Weird 55: and little things get my hopes up
and then they come tumbling down
BinxB91: I want to write Hillary a love poem but can't
think of anything that rhymes with Hillary, Subway, or
Phronsie: lollollol
Forkrereredux: rape
Phronsie: scuppernong
Is She Weird 55: i used to have people who loved me...
but i'm not sure what happened
BinxB91: There once was a girl from Akron/
Who never took to saccharine
Hadachoke: carniverous
Is She Weird 55: i still love them
BinxB91: Is that the real Hada??
BinxB91: Hillary, you're just in a slump
Is She Weird 55: i'm always in a slump
Forkrereredux: you should drink
Is She Weird 55: i have bad posture too
BinxB91: a ballerina with bad posture???
No Way!
Is She Weird 55: yeah..... not when i dance
...just when i walk
Phronsie: Hard to imagine
BinxB91: Like an actress with a stutter
Phronsie: twirling around in a slump
Is She Weird 55: shut up
Is She Weird 55: God
Phronsie: en pointe in a slump
Is She Weird 55: I suck! okay! i suck at ballet
Phronsie: we didn't say that
Is She Weird 55: that's why i'm spanish senorita
soloist in the nutcracker
BinxB91: Or a sculpture with atheritis
Is She Weird 55: that's how much i effing suck
Is She Weird 55: and I dO!
BinxB91: should we argue with her further?
Phronsie: Binx, I don't think it's helping.
Phronsie: she seems determined to wallow

A Thin Disguise:

Hadachoke: I've developed a new vegetable, closely
related to the Artichoke. Named it Hadachoke because
my last name is Hadad

"oh kool ... yeah please":

NOKTURNALvne: what kind screen name is DinosaurVagina
Dinosaur Vagina: it's pretty self explanatory Nok
Dinosaur Vagina: need a pic?
NOKTURNALvne: oh kool
NOKTURNALvne: yeah plaese

A New and Better Katie:
Katiesofar: <--sitting on the book shelf...swinging legs
Katiesofar: <---drinking my beer

Candice Giggling:
CordialCactus: i love it when people say they need to
take a roast out of the freezer to "unthaw" ..makes me
giggle every time

Out-Forking Fork:
Teacher2057: OK let's see if I get tortured lol
Forkrereredux: do you enjoy a belly full of semen, teacher?
Teacher2057: as long as you're not lazy and don't call me stupid
Katiesofar: do you think you could actually produce a belly
full, Fork?

Cultural Revolution (they should have listened to their Moms):

Dinosaur Vagina: cultural revolution, what time period was that?
Kgbirdpaul: late 60's early 70's
Dinosaur Vagina: in China?
Kgbirdpaul: yes
Dinosaur Vagina: it's not still going on
Dinosaur Vagina: with western influence?
Kgbirdpaul: students were encouraged to beat up their teachers
BinxB91: About the Cutural Revolution, try To Live and Die Shanghai
Kgbirdpaul: lots of nice things like that
Teacher2057: a black panther, huh
BinxB91: DV, it wasn't about culture
Dinosaur Vagina: who encouraged?
Kgbirdpaul: the cadres
Dinosaur Vagina: oh
Kgbirdpaul: the political bully boys
Teacher2057: is this the socialist room tonight
Various704: yes
Teacher2057: oh well, then bye
BinxB91: Teacher, why would you think that??
Dinosaur Vagina: was it a violent book Kg, or
Teacher2057: because I was asked to look up fela kuti
Various704: you get it teach?
Kgbirdpaul: yes, wake up working class, throw off your
chains and smash the capitalist oppressor blood suckers
Teacher2057: that is a black panther radicalist bye
CordialCactus: and btw, dont eat the aqua dots
Dinosaur Vagina: sound advice from a Mom, Cactus

A Real Creep Does Not Greet:

Creepin deth68: heya fellow creep
CordialCactus: hello newish creep

Book Recommendations:

Catpower777: Kg, I just started Bridge of Sighs this week
CordialCactus: Kg... just finished a memoir called,
Bright Lights, Big Ass by jen lancaster

Dreaming of Being Homeless:
Katiesofar: child is trying to sleep in a
cardboard box on his bed

Gratuitous Letters:

Godwit935: I am reading this book by this Dominican guy,
it's called, eh....what the heck.....The Brief Wondrous
Life of Oscar Wao. It is not very good.
Godwit935: Full of gratuitiious, ignorant ghetto obscenity.
CordialCactus: strike the 2 superfluous i's


Gypsyjo47: My wife is insisting on making chicken and
dumplings tomorrow. I HATE FUCKING DUMPLINGS!

Warn Us First:

Is She Weird 55: i also got pulled over for stopping at
a flashing yellow light
Is She Weird 55: Riding dirty
Is She Weird 55: they see me rollin they hatin
Is She Weird 55: hahaha
CordialCactus: hillary.. suggestion... can you type
before launching into verse?

BlueMonk at McDonald's:
Henrykrinkle912: one time i blacked out and woke up
in that big bin of colored balls in mcdonald's
playland and the spanish girls had the giggles when
i ordered coffee

Born During Deer Season:

CordialCactus: i havent celebrated a birthday since
marrying into my husbands deer hunting family
Godwit935: Cordial, are they ethical hunters?

Mr. Exacto on Erotica:

Henrykrinkle912: i've written some erotic chat before
Godwit935: Erotic chat.
BinxB91: yes, Henry, I remember that
Henrykrinkle912: hehe, yw
Godwit935: Funny phrase.
Tryst27pt: Erotica is hot
Dinosaur Vagina: now the truth comes out
CordialCactus: ive written erotic chat with a typing
lisp ... was kind of fun
Henrykrinkle912: god, that's why i typed it
Godwit935: How can chat be erotic?
CordialCactus: LISP!!!
Henrykrinkle912: some more questions, please, someone
Is She Weird 55: What the duck?
Godwit935: No, the term, chat, excludes eroticism,
is what I mean, Tryst.
CordialCactus: lol.. i love the way that when you state
something, it must be true, it couldnt possibly be any
other way, because you declare it so
Godwit935: Doesn't chat imply lust?
Godwit935: I mean, when you chat, you chat. Chat can't
include lust.
BinxB91: Godwit, like this --- "unbuttoning ..."
Max The Obscure: I've a boner the size of rhode island
BinxB91: and the same shape max?

Gypsy as Helpful Adult:

Gypsyjo47: Weird child, listen to me...smoking is fine
but you control it, don't let it control you
Is She Weird 55: I DONT SMOKE!

BlueMonk and Hillary as a Couple:

Henrykrinkle912: is she, name a few bands you like, please
Is She Weird 55: hmm pixies, red hot chili peppers,
the killers, modest mouse, smashing pumpkins
Is She Weird 55: eww i think there's a bug in my hair!
Henrykrinkle912: anything less annoying?

Pipples Don't Trust Jokers:
Beysshoes: why does everybody think i'm joking and not
see the neediness in me? sigh

[In South Carolina, they'd treated him like a beast, and
he'd survived. He's grown bigger, stronger, older, better.
But having returned to the world he'd grown up in, he had
no idea how to sit in a room with his mother, or what to
say to this 16-year old girl, no idea how to get through a
few days in his life until he shipped to Lousiana for
Advanced Infantry Training, until he got back where people
would tell what to do.]

Friends Vanda Never Knew He Had:

Redneck granger: Where's Vanda?
ManiacEyeball: i stuck him in the oven
ManiacEyeball: he'll be ready in 40
Beysshoes: this is his usual daily masturbation hour redneck
Beysshoes: then he showers and sleeps
Madamehairymole: shoeho, you know him so well
Beysshoes: yes madame
Beysshoes: he's me friend woot can i say?

Beysshoes Finds a Friend:

Beysshoes: hey you ingrate! i was starting the
hairymole club after youza!
Madamehairymole: really?
Beysshoes: yes, all members here must have moles surgically
implanted ...
Beysshoes: with hairs of different colors
Rozari: yuck. I'm out of here...
Beysshoes: those who resist this surgery must groom the others.
Madamehairymole: shoeho are you the sort who collects
extracted moles like some serial killer who collected nips?

Beysshoes of the Vague Subtleties:

Madamehairymole: what is the combined iq of these frackers?
Beysshoes: just over farenheit madame

Books Lose Again:

BatmanNC2: do people actually talk about books in here
Rozari: I wish we could
Beysshoes: from 11-11:15 on Wednesday nights.
BatmanNC2: oh...i see
Rozari: way past my bedtime
Beysshoes: but you can now iffin you want. but ya gotta pay extra
BatmanNC2: no thanks....the last book i read was in the 9th grade
Madamehairymole: bats don't sleep atnight
Beysshoes: or ya gotta touch madames mole 5 times.
Rozari: ewwwww
Beysshoes: soft.hard.soft.hard.soft
Madamehairymole: lay off your grabby fingers from my hairymole,
you horny dirty bich
BatmanNC2: whats this soft hard stuff
BatmanNC2: is that hairy mole or hairy hole....i need to
clean my glasses

Trying to Leave Polite:

Rozari: Batman, I'm off to look at your gallery. back soon. :)
BatmanNC2: i dont have a gallery
Rozari: you sure don't. Your link is broken.
Rozari: why don't you have one?
BatmanNC2: it was never there....its an AOL screw up
Beysshoes: batman, she just wanna leave polite and all. don't blow it.

Handy for Addicts and Drunks:

BatmanNC2: i cant wait to get a digital SLR
Madamehairymole: a new one is in the market
Madamehairymole: it's shake free
Beysshoes: whats that mean shake free
Madamehairymole: meaning your hands can shake like hell,
but the picture stays still
BatmanNC2: its not so much the shaking....its the delay
Beysshoes: oh that's handy for addicts and drunks yes?

The Benevolent BookShelf:

Is She Weird 55: i come in here because even though
i'm annoying and can talk about some immature issues,
i guess you guys listen better than anyone i know


Blogger Beysshoes said...

Ah Mia Dios ... Creeps and Godwits date was the best play ever! Even Candice got her sassy on. ha. And thanks for making me spit up my water with the 'sculpturess with arthritis' thingy. Sarai

11/14/2007 11:08 PM  
Blogger Binx said...

... and thanks for spelling "arthritis" for me.
(hope you have your sassy on today)

11/15/2007 6:21 AM  
Blogger Beysshoes said...

hmmm c'mere you.

11/15/2007 2:50 PM  

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