Katy Tried

Friday, August 24, 2007

BOOKSHELF - Members Missing

BlueMonk Entrance:

DeadBlkDwarf912: someone ask me some questions, please
DAISYTRAIL: When are you leaving?
Max 314159265358: Is this infected?

BluDahlias Entrance - spotting Binx & Four

Bludahlias: oh geez - annoying and more annoying.
Bludahlias: I cant make up my mind which is which
Bludahlias: you are both equally horrid

Meet Dabada:

BinxB91: So, dabada, why BookShelf??
Dabada20: don't know, was tired of people talkin
bout their dicks

Onion the Diabolical:

PatientOnion3: win xp has corrupted all my html files,
so i have to transfer all of them from my healthy win
98 computer
PatientOnion3: and with that square of chatroom mind
control the cursor is always stolen from the typing box
PatientOnion3: right now it's an ad for purina puppy
chow by that atlanta falcon quarterback

"all I can find is recipes":

PhillyBoyz42: I have a quick question for anyone....
is anyone here a cook?
Creepy Loner: I'm not a cook, but as luck would have it,
I'm sitting by an arse load of cookbooks as I type this
Dabada20: no but i know how
Creepy Loner: Depending on what you need, I guess that
could be useful.
PhillyBoyz42: I just need to know how to disolve knox
gelatin....the recipe says follow manufacturer's
instructions, but there are no instructions on the box
Creepy Loner: Oh, I don't think my "Gourmet" library's
going to be of any use there.
Creepy Loner: Sorry.
PhillyBoyz42: I know....all I can find is recipes....
Dabada20: boil some water and add powder

Or Miss Softee:

Avoidingstasis: quite the truckload of bitchiness in the
message board, no?
BinxB91: A truckload of bitchiness?? I suppose.
But then it speeds on by leaving a cloud of dust
BinxB91: and I wait for the MisterSoftee Truck

Always Buying, Never Cooking:

PatientOnion3: i need to buy limes to make dipping
sauce for my vietnamese spring rolls.

And 70 Years Before Willie Nelson's "On the Road Agaian":

BooksIut: Are you aware Jack London published his work,
The Road exactly fifty years prior to Kerouac's
On The Road?

Perky New Jersey:

LynBelle: my daughter-in-law is from Jersey, they moved
to Florida quite a few yrs ago though, now when she goes
back to Jersey to visit she hates the way her extended
family acts
Creepy Loner: Hm. My only connections to Jersey come from
being a fan of The Sopranos...and a brief fascination
with the Jersey Devil and Pineys.
LynBelle: she says they are loud and obnoxious
Dabada20: who's loud and obnoxious?
LynBelle: people from Jersey
Dabada20: maybe a little too perky
Dabada20: not really a fan of perky people
Dabada20: disney store not a patron of
Creepy Loner: I like some perky people...when it's
genuine perkiness and not some act...
Dabada20: ok i agree with that
Dabada20: i just can't stand in your face people
Creepy Loner: Nah, that's not perkiness. That's menace.
Dabada20: lol
Creepy Loner: Which is only lovable if there are sexual
Dabada20: oh ok now

Never Say Never:

Creepy Loner: The sex part pretty much is...
Creepy Loner: Well, sort of.
Dabada20: what?
Creepy Loner: I won't f**k anymore, Dab.
BinxB91: C'Loner, never say never
Creepy Loner: True - I could be raped.

Debating the Joys of Sex/Literature At Last:

Creepy Loner: Yes. I won't accept any sexual deposits until
I get a checking/savings deposit of at least $50000.
Creepy Loner: I've become an expensive nun.
Dabada20: some times you just need a good fuck though
Creepy Loner: Which is only a finger away, Dab.
Dabada20: sorry so rude
Dabada20: should've bleeped
Creepy Loner: Don't worry - you're not going to make me
cry. I've been picked on by the nastiest drag queens
that Ohio has crapped out...
Creepy Loner: And those girls are mean.
Dabada20: i wasn't tryin to be mean, even i need a good
one every now and then
BinxB91: gee, Dabada
Dabada20: but good dick is hard to find
Dabada20: it's tru you all know it
Creepy Loner: And, more ironically, pointless to find.
Creepy Loner: Get a toy.
BinxB91: MAN, this is good stufff!! (writing it all down)
Creepy Loner: There's your great lay.
BinxB91: embarressed that my daughter's in the next room
Creepy Loner: LOL
Dabada20: i have one, but the real thing is needed
from time to time
Dabada20: well then keep her out of the room
Creepy Loner: Tell me...honestly...why is that NEEDED
from time to time?
Dabada20: you need to feel the pulse of the cum and the
vein rubbin the inside
Dabada20: sometimes you just need someone else to touch you
BinxB91: I SO want to read Daba's stories!!!
PatientOnion3: glad we are talking about literature at last!

The Repressed State of Ohio:

Creepy Loner: I think you can find them in a free sex
story depository of some kind or another.
Creepy Loner: Penthouse Forum, perhaps.
BinxB91: Creepy, she DOES have a style
Max 314159265358: Craigslist
Dabada20: i haven't submitted any but maybe i should
BinxB91: oh C'Loner, don't be cynical
Creepy Loner: Why not?
Creepy Loner: What's wrong with being cynical?
Dabada20: erotica is becomin very popular
BinxB91: there is good erotic writing
Creepy Loner: I know! I read it.
PatientOnion3: sex is becoming popular again?
BinxB91: something that will give your finger more power
Creepy Loner: Just 'cause I don't f**k anymore doesn't
mean that I don't appreciate filth.
BinxB91: filth??
PatientOnion3: creepy are you too old to do it?
Creepy Loner: Of course - the nastier the story, the better.
BinxB91: Filth is the name for bad erotica
Dabada20: i like zane, she's one of my favorite
BinxB91: I like stories of people who aren't really
looking for sex ... but somehow find it anyway
PatientOnion3: ohio is not a sex friendly state
Max 314159265358: Bad enough I gotta hear people gettin
laid let alone read it
BinxB91: So C'Loner's story could fill the first few pages.
Then comes the hard part
PatientOnion3: you live above a whorehouse?
Creepy Loner: Sure it is, Onion. The more repressed the
state seems on the surface, the more twisted it is once
that surface is scratched...
Dabada20: imagination is power
Creepy Loner: I've had plenty of sex.
PatientOnion3: the HARD part?
Creepy Loner: And now I'm done with it -- unless Binx is right.
PatientOnion3: how many sexes have you had?
Creepy Loner: "Never say never."
Dabada20: no one is sayin it's not
BinxB91: the Hard Part:the C'Loner character enjoys sex again
BinxB91: making that a believable story
Creepy Loner: I don't dislike sex. I just won't have it.
Dabada20: i think maybe in the next story she will

CreepyLoner's prom/Max wasn't finished yet:

BinxB91: C'Loner and Dabada were at the same senior prom
in 1995?
Creepy Loner: No, I wasn't allowed to go to prom.
Max 314159265358: Why'd everyone stop? I'm not finished
Dabada20: i didn't go to prom in 1995, try '96
Dabada20: wow
Creepy Loner: Yeah...actually.
Creepy Loner: '96 is right.
Dabada20: max was havin a party
Creepy Loner: Shows you how much I cared.
BinxB91: Your family was strict?
Dabada20: i had fun at prom
Creepy Loner: Oh no - my date was a 24 year old bisexual
that wanted to breakdance in front of my class...
Creepy Loner: They wouldn't let us in.

Does it Hurt?:
BooksIut: I sort of vacillate between image and image maker.

Right After Harry Potter7:
ParaMyrrh: Adorno Negative Dialectics is a must read

Don't Dare Misspeak:

BooksIut: I love Baudelaire long time, as well, though.
Creepy Loner: You love him long time?
Creepy Loner: Five dollar?
Creepy Loner: You sucky sucky?
Max 314159265358: Would Baudelaire have a MySpace page?
DAISYTRAIL: This room is just too lofty for me
BinxB91: Baudelaire picked up street girls?

Answer Me a Question(s);

DeadBlkDwarf912: why do i joke about women this way?
DeadBlkDwarf912: and consistently at that?
DeadBlkDwarf912: i couldn't stop reading orhan veli last week
DeadBlkDwarf912: let's start over
DeadBlkDwarf912: someone ask me some questions, please
DeadBlkDwarf912: know what makes me sad?
DAISYTRAIL: When no one talks to you?

If you don't like BlueMonk, avoid Saratoga:

DeadBlkDwarf912: daisy, ask me some more questions, please
DAISYTRAIL: Have you ever been to Saratoga?
DeadBlkDwarf912: that's funny
DeadBlkDwarf912: no, but i'm going to lake george tomorrow
and people keep telling me i need to go to saratoga while
i'm up there
DAISYTRAIL: Oh God. Skip Lake George.
DeadBlkDwarf912: hehe, why?
DAISYTRAIL: It's boring, a tourist trap.
DeadBlkDwarf912: i liked it there as a boy
DAISYTRAIL: Saratoga's the real thing.
DeadBlkDwarf912: my wife is gonna hate it, i know
DeadBlkDwarf912: tell me about saratoga
DAISYTRAIL: It's a charming little village.
DAISYTRAIL: With a great racetrack.
DeadBlkDwarf912: day trip?
DAISYTRAIL: More than a day. Spend a week.

Ta21l - Expereinced at handling jerks:

Forkrereredux: any underwear?
Ta21l: Dux...lay off
Forkrereredux: fuck you, ta
Ta21l: in your wettest and wildest baby

On a nite like this:

JuneRosalie1: pumpkin ale is very pleasant on a nite
like this....fallish
CordialCactus: what is the brand?
JuneRosalie1: it is....dogfishhead

Movie Chat:
Jhd730: there was no where for Danny Devito to go
after playing the Pengiun

The Harder the Better:

JFWaterman: How've you been, Ta21l?
Ta21l: tense, but ok
JFWaterman: Why, Ta?
CordialCactus: ta... why are you tense?
CordialCactus: know what helps me?
Ta21l: loud music on headphones?
JFWaterman: Of course.
CordialCactus: no.. ... nevermind...
Ta21l: lol...it helps me....usually the harder the better

Sister Love:

Jhd730: I sent my sister a ransom note with cut out
newspaper and magazine letters
JFWaterman: Why, Jhd? She wouldn't give back your teddy bear?
BinxB91: Joann, you must love her a lot
Jhd730: JF, I had nothing to do that day and need to keep
myself entertained

No One gets My Jokes:

Max 314159265358: I fear the Internet is starting to creep
in and ruin my offline life
Jennifer Payne: i miss letters
Max 314159265358: I clearly know what I'm talkin about but no one
ever gets the references and having to explain it kinda kills the
whole point of saying anything
Jhd730: I feel your pain Max...today someone asked me how're are
you..and I replied better than 157 people in air China
Jhd730: no one keeps up with current events anymore..never mind
working them in as jokes

Jo-ann's Classroom:

Jhd730: I run the computer lab in a middle school
Jhd730: I love every single one of those terrorists
Jhd730: I have whats called SychronizedEyes
Jhd730: I can tell what each student is doing on each
computer from my desk
Max 314159265358: they don't know how to read n's?
Jhd730: so when one drifts off and thinks they can go to
myspace..I can im them..."would you like a trip to the
main office"
Catpower777: that sounds like fun
Jhd730: or iI had one kid sneaking on Word...making
a lovely diagonal bold print of the word "FUCK"
Jhd730: I let him do it but printed it out without him
Jhd730: then walked near him which of course made him x
out..and I asked what were you doing?
Jhd730: then I handed him his paper and said
"could you take this to Mr Tracy"
Jhd730: he crapped himself...I love my job
Jam7604801: so he wasn't smart enough to say my teacher
sent me hear to give mr tracy a note
Jam7604801: here

Headbanger's ball:

Ta21l: Headbangers' Ball this past Saturday was all
Motley Crue...I was happy
Max 314159265358: banger's ball is still on?
Max 314159265358: Must be vh-1 Classic
Ta21l: yeah...it's mostly bands that eat the
microphone when they sing

Condor Gets Updated:

Condorblue: jhd, have you heard anything from bev?
I haven't contacted her since she kicked me out
Jhd730: I know she had her hump removed...she's been
laying low
Condorblue: ahh, in recuperation no doubt

The 1/2 Solution:

JFWaterman: Kevin, my wife is 15 years younger than I am.
I met her when she was 18 1/2 and I was 33.
JFWaterman: Met her online, to boot.
CordialCactus: lol to and a half..... sorry john...
dont mean to pick on you
CordialCactus: its just the and 1/2 thing kills me

Watchful Fathers:

CordialCactus: when i was dating my first husband....
my dad threatened to break both of his collar bones....
and then said, see if you still want to marry him after
having to wipe his _____ for 6 weeks
CordialCactus: gotta love em

August Brides:

JFWaterman: We were always going to get 'church-married';
it just took us three years to save up the money for
what she wanted.
JFWaterman: ANd we got it; she got all she wanted, and
everyone had a great time.
JFWaterman: 4 August 2007.
Godwit935: Who gets married in August.
StarlightStorms: I did.
Is She Weird 55: I want to get married in September
CordialCactus: coughcurmudgeoncough
JFWaterman: Thanks, Storms.
Godwit935: JF, isn't there a famous quote, or a famous
line from a play, about getting married in August?
BinxB91: Godwit, are we suppose to fill in your memory lapses?
StarlightStorms: better than the Ides of March, Wit
JFWaterman: And I'd care why, precisely, Godwit?
Godwit935: Binx, you don't know, either. Check.
BinxB91: No, I don't. But I'm not sure if the line or the
play even exists
CordialCactus: you've been more acerbic than usual lately,
Godwit...anything wrong?
Godwit935: JF, you don't know, either. Okay.
Godwit935: Cordial, be more tolerant.
CordialCactus: ok... i will work on that

We Were All Trying:

JFWaterman: GOdwit, if you understood Deutsch, I'd call you
a 'mistkerl' . . .
Godwit935: I know a little German, JF.
BinxB91: I know a little German ---- Marlene Dietrich was 5'4"
CordialCactus: lol binx
StarlightStorms: funny, Binx
JFWaterman: Bravo, Binx!
BinxB91: 3 people laughed at that stupid joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CordialCactus: lol binx... we were all trying to think of how
to put a punch line to knowing a little german

Godwit's Home version of Jeopardy:

Godwit935: I would like to know the joke which has as
its punchline, Tony Bennett. Does anyone know this joke?

Joann, ask them about Godwit's Joke:

Jhd730: I am taking the boat to P=town on saturday to look
at the gays

Saturday, August 18, 2007


Gardening Chat (sorta)

CordialCactus: oh... we used the store bought kind...
but our plants are really bushy, not tall and lean
like i see at gardening web sites
CordialCactus: is bushy good?
Ta21l: lmao...totally taken the wrong way
Jam7604801: bushy is good you can always sucker them
Ta21l: lol....
CordialCactus: yeah, we checked for suckers ..which i
think is when you have a third stem growing between
a "Y"
Jam7604801: yeah

I do not bother with porn or contractions:

Ragamuffingirl35: leslie have you ever read my antionia?
LeslieHapablap: no.
LeslieHapablap: i know enough about life in nebraska.
Ragamuffingirl35: i would think you'd like to read books
set in nebraska
LeslieHapablap: i prefer books written after 1950.
LeslieHapablap: i do not like books with horses & corsets.
Catpower777: not even porn, Leslie?
LeslieHapablap: i do not bother with porn

Dallas Update:

BlDET: her boxer was over here and tried to do cool
spin moves like my dogs
BlDET: and blew out both knees
BlDET: cost her over $1K

Career Move:

CordialCactus: ...im no longer a bartender
CordialCactus: last day was yesterday
Ta21l: now she's avaliable for private parties...

Saving on Sitters:

CordialCactus: i will now attempt to google my home.. brb

Failed Civics 101:

Madam Mimi: Using America Online to bash Americans
is pretty funny

The 100-year days:

Godwit935: Leslie, I think it's plain to see that it
is so, yes, America's best days are behind it.
LeslieHapablap: in your opinion what were the best days?
Godwit935: Leslie, the 20th Century, I'd say.

Rather Apposite:

BooksIut: with the exception of the Little Red Book,
Red Guards were only allowed to read Kerouac's On The Road.
BooksIut: Rather apposite, considering untold thousands of
them died from meningitis.

Social Conditioning:

ParaMyrrh: it is only social conditioning which tells us
being gay and finding males attractive is wrong
Beysshoes: para, obviously you've not been exposed to many
butch lesbians who could toss you about like a piece of lettuce.

Breaking Out of Baby Talk:

ParaMyrrh: Bey Im sorry Im appropriating a role you attempt
to play in here, albeit with less success
Beysshoes: para go suck on yourself

["J'm en fous de tes amis. To hell with your friends.
You're dancing."
He took hold of her arm but she snatched it away.
"Fous moi la paix, espece con", she cried with sudden
Gray did not undertsand what they were saying, but I
saw Isabel, with that strange knowledge of obscenity
that for most virtuous women seem to possess,
understood perfectly and her face went hard with a
frown of disgust.]

Timely Entrance:

REDLOBSTER2408: how old is the women in here can you
plz tell me
PatientOnion3: red lobster, i am the only hot one too
PatientOnion3: the rest of them are washed up spinsters
LeslieHapablap has entered the Room
LeslieHapablap: hello!
LeslieHapablap: here i am!

The Flexible Candice:

Verneuker: CordialCactus: oh phooey
CordialCactus: ill grow up a little

Pleasing People if they like alliteration:

CordialCactus: im a people pleaser...
CordialCactus: i must please people
CordialCactus: and then i am pleased

Croc gets carded:

Mendogrl: are you and your gf doing ok toc?
Verneuker: Mendo...well I dunno...we're moving into a
better place, as partners
Verneuker: havent had sex in about 7 months....
Verneuker: whats ok?
Mendogrl: good. the sobriety prolly helps
Zoshka5: getting out the 'too much information' yellow card

Hoping for a car:

Gypsy Woman 21: ...mentally he still wanted to be with the
boys...have me pregnant and cooking all day long... didn't
think education was important if he was providing me with
a good life
EllaGrace22: sounds familiar
BinxB91: Ella, not you too!!
EllaGrace22: only i was indeed pregnant
EllaGrace22: and he was with the boys!
BinxB91: This is getting to be a Dr Phil program
StarlightStorms: lol
Gypsy Woman 21: i had 3 boys within 2 yrs
Zoshka5: sounds more Oprahesque...perhaps if I stick around
I'll win a car

"all the reason to chat left with Beys":

Beysshoes: good lawd. i must run off to the post office.
i'll bb in 30 beats. dont leave pulease.
PatientOnion3: she has to mail something because the tsunami
is 2 hours away and closing in on her beachfront hut
KingDom52: that's a terrible situation to be in
KingDom52: seems as if all of reason to chat left with Beys'
KingDom52: so, i will return when she does .... bbl
PatientOnion3: yes dom that is true the rest of us are chopped
liver, and you just eat spam
PatientOnion3: that christian chopped ham industrial residue
food toy
PatientOnion3: you peasant you
PatientOnion3: we will hold our breath till you return Dom
PatientOnion3: you bingo head
PatientOnion3: water used from the tennesee river to cool off
a TVA nuclear plant so it had to be shut down
PatientOnion3: cuz the water was too hot
PatientOnion3: when it gets real hot, the air gets real dirty
in America, stay inside air con, burn up more electricity
PatientOnion3: I wonder how the air is in iraq in the summer?
PatientOnion3: come back later we are doing chatroom sex
PatientOnion3: it will just nauseate you

Another Sarai Hater??:

PatientOnion3: bey's hut was hit by yet another tsunami
generated by the earthquake in utah
Phronsie: too bad
Phronsie: Most unfortunate

Onion Break:

Phronsie: mormons can be vicious
PatientOnion3: pink is a mormon, she is vicious
Phronsie: and here we go?
PatientOnion3: i am going to boil some chinese broccoli
Phronsie: Onion, are you fine?
PatientOnion3: oui
Phronsie: Das ist gut!

Beth, if only:

PatientOnion3: beth is going over her endangered species
fur coat collection
Beysshoes: you're so kind onion. the world would be fine
if everyone was like you.
Beysshoes: beth say it aint true!
Bethliebner: it aint true
PatientOnion3: Beth has three full length coats made out of
panda coats, and 6 made out of soft and fuzzy polar bear tummy
Bethliebner: "slaps ONION"

If only it were the garlic:

PatientOnion3: i ate an apple and two cloves of raw garlic
so I am all revved up :-$
Beysshoes: no wunder you got no friends.
PatientOnion3: i will soon become the FOOD STAMP MESSIAH!
It is the path I have chosen.

"my fetching cuteness":

Beysshoes: you underestimate my fetching cuteness
Beysshoes: i am so cute, i just posted a current pic on my
other nick with no make up.
PatientOnion3: bey, fetch the stick
Beysshoes: shup you asseries
Beysshoes: i'll come fetch yoh stick is woot
Beysshoes: dont run away onion. dunt be scared. i was just
being funneries.
Ta21l: like he'd run,he likes pushing buttons too much to do that
Ta21l: pushing even...yeeash

Fork going still lower:

Forkrereredux: chocolate rain!
Beysshoes: ew
Ta21l: always a pleasure Dux
Beysshoes: :::puke:::

Leslie's Quiz ... false start:

LeslieHapablap: hi, i am making a quiz.
Ta21l: hi Leslie
Beysshoes: a quiz? leaving to do cyberly stuff already leslie?
Beysshoes: wow. how rude
Ta21l: great...put this one down....what comes to mind when
you think of frenzied masturbation?
Forkrereredux: chocolate rain!
Ta21l: lmao
Beysshoes: sigh. fork. enuff reruns.

Biting the Hand That Pats You:

Beysshoes: fork, somebody tattled in the deux about
your stealing that wallet. oof
Beysshoes: i defended you fork.
Beysshoes: i said anybody who'd expect decency from you
is a savant at best. so thare!
Forkrereredux: lick it
Ta21l: lol
Beysshoes: ingrate

Lucky Vanda:

BlDET: did allan die?
Beysshoes: nope, bidet. its his masturbation hour.
Bethliebner: lol
Ta21l: lmao...well, one of anyway
BlDET: he's been gone for days
BlDET: it must be going well
PatientOnion3: he drinks tequilla and hires lapdancing
hookiers to placate his bitterness
Beysshoes: yah, he has your pic up on his ceiling bidet
BlDET: lucky me
BlDET: or lucky him

Leslie's Quiz for Real:

LeslieHapablap: Who was the first novelist to present a
typed manuscript to his publisher?
Beysshoes: jesus?
Ta21l: Harriet Beecher Stowe?
Is She Weird 55: uhhhh i was about to say that bey
Ta21l: no wait...not her
Is She Weird 55: mark twain
LeslieHapablap: is she weird 55!
LeslieHapablap: you win
Is She Weird 55: really? that was just a guess
Catpower777: I was going to say that
Beysshoes: what was the answer?
Is She Weird 55: hehe it was between jesus and twain
DANN99999: mark twain had a typewriter?
Ta21l: lol...I'd have gone with jesus

Pouting and Puffing:

TDNA983: my dad was always pouting
TDNA983: didnt really cry
TDNA983: just poked that lip out like a five year old
TDNA983: and chain smoked

[And the answer, the one that was important above
everything else, ran through my body and fell from
my lips: "You can't just pull me out of your life
and throw me away"
I saw what I wanted: his eyes, confused, then scared.
He was hulihudu. The power of my words was
that strong.]

There's a Word in Spanish ...:

Is She Weird 55: que aburrido
BinxB91: Hillary?
Is She Weird 55: yea
TDNA983: no hablas f***** espanol
LeslieHapablap: hello, book shelf.
LeslieHapablap: me gusta practicar hablando en espanol.
Is She Weird 55: yo tambien
LeslieHapablap: con per miso.
LeslieHapablap: claro que si!
LeslieHapablap: audios!
Is She Weird 55: that's a nice spelling of adios

Like whatever. So Whatever:

TDNA983: what pissed me off is when i saw an article
on second hand obesity
Is She Weird 55: second hand obesity? like when two obese
people have a baby?
TDNA983: no its supposedly when you have friends that are
fat so you become fat by association
TDNA983: because theyre fat and eat so you have to eat too
TDNA983: i was like whatever
Is She Weird 55: haahhaha well actually...my boyfriend always
takes me places and makes me eat so sorta..but i'm not fat
so whatever

Me Too:
Gypsy Woman 21: ...i kinda like this room...

Sunday, August 12, 2007

The BookShelf Blues

Hard-up for material so: The Origin of Truck Patch:

Godwit935: Jam, I heard a gardening-related tidbit
the other day which I had not heard before. Do you
know the origin of the term, truck patch?
Vanda52: a small patch a farmer could transport
on a truck?
Vanda52: the produce
Vanda52: and sell from the truck
Godwit935: Well, the way I was told it, Jam, the truck
patch is for vegetables not for your household. You put
in on your truck, or the truck of someone else, so it
can be sold.
Jam7604801: makes sense wit
Vanda52: basically what i said god
Godwit935: It makes perfect sense, right, Jam. I never
knew the origin of the term, although I have heard it
for lots of years.

Dependent on the Hamlet thing:

Gypsyjo47: I can't agree with you about pot...I know a
man who smoked pot daily who played Hamlet in a theatre
performance, over 2,000 lines, and never once stumbled
on a single word. I bet many people who never touched
the stuff couldn't
ShhJm: ok gypsy, base your entire view on one guy doing
one thing, thats the smart way to go about it, he
probably depended on the Hamlet thing to buy his pot

Anti-Dog Lovers:

ParaMyrrh: I think every American should donate their
domesticated Cat or Dog to poor nations like North Korea
and The Sudan where people are starving
Vanda52: spark could easily feed a small tribe in
darfur for a few months of dog stew

Fresh Clothes:

Bludahlias: anyone ever want to just throw out all their
clothes and start over? I have so much shit and half of
it doesnt fit. If i had less, i could find what i
fucking need.
Vanda52: actually blu, i have done just that in the past,
tossed out everything clothing-wise i owned and bought
new stuff, of course all i own is casual stuff
Bludahlias: i dont someone elses clothes that they fart in
Jhd730: blu, do you make sure the clothes you buy weren't
tried on before you?
Jhd730: I always try clothes on, then when I buy I go back
to the rack to get the freshest one
ParaMyrrh: Jo do they allow women to try on underwear?
PatientOnion3: I refuse to buy clothes that somebody hasn't
farted in

emmm ... That New Clothes Smell:

JaneH56: my daughter in law washes everything new before she
wears it.
Beysshoes: jane, you don't? oof
Jhd730: I don't Jane..I like that new smell and look..you can't
replicate that fresh from the child slave labor mills

Beysshoes, feeling she's back in 8th grade:

ParaMyrrh: hey Bey there is a new show about asian women
dating men "Slant Eyes for the Straight Guy"
Beysshoes: thats nice para. thx for telling me.

Who Misses You Most:

Max 314159265358: Hello
Max 314159265358: I need a cigarette
Jhd730: Hi Max..I've missed you more than
LesleiHapawhatever ever says she does

Shelf Break-ups:

BinxB91: Para used to call Jo ann and leave messages on her
answering machine
Jhd730: Binx, he'd sing me messages too..creeped my family out
ParaMyrrh: Binx I am proud of that
ParaMyrrh: Once Jo and I were considered friends and she
tolerated my phone calls and messages
Beysshoes: binx used to sing to me. but he doesn't any more.

BinxB91: I thought your children we're rolling on the floor
PatientOnion3: your children have wheels?
Jhd730: binx Kal and I had a falling out...he's a pussy and I
no longer allow him to call..he knows why and agrees
ParaMyrrh: Jo cost me so much money in lost sports bets

Keeping Order:

Jhd730: i hated when people would bring kids into my salon
for haircuts..I'd keep a box of dried apricots in my drawer..
the first thing I'd do after I got a kid in my chair would
be to show them that box
Jhd730: I'd tell them they were the ears of all the kids who
didn't sit still while I cut their hair

Depends on the Music:

Max 314159265358: These things are creepy yet I can't turn away
Jhd730: Max, would you date a one armed legless woman?
Max 314159265358: Depends on the music
ParaMyrrh: Jo same side? or one left one right?

"I was looking up blond vagina":

Vanda52: i was looking up blonde vagina on the web this
morning and came onto an ad in craiglist (for real)
for a vagina attached to a body born in 1985, and it
went on to describe the vagina and said picture
Vanda52: s are available
Vanda52: whats that all about?
BinxB91: you were looking up blond vagina??? huh?
Vanda52: sure binx and heres why
Vanda52: this morning in a store there was this youngish
german female in a bikini, she was a blond with a german
accent, i was looking for her(maybe) and thats about when
I decided I need to get some pussy

Tricking Lyn into Confessing:

Jhd730: I didn't realize how much power my pussy had until
Sept 25, 1981
Jhd730: no that was the date I relaized how much power my
pussy held...men just want sex
Jhd730: he was my orthodontist..I never had to pay for my
BinxB91: oh my god ....
Jhd730: Binx, it continued onto my eye doctor
Jhd730: my gyno was a female..so that sucked..had to pay
that bill
ParaMyrrh: Jo has a special health plan it's called FDMP
LynBelle: wait a minute, where were your parents during this
time? didn't they think it was strange about your orthodontist?
Jhd730: Lyn, they made me do it
LynBelle: my freebees didn't start until my divorce attorney

BlueMonk Returns:

DeadBlkDwarf912: my wife's hot cousin is staying over tonight
Jhd730: Monk has Mary kate and Ashley got too old for you?

But if Your Minister Were Handsome?:

JaneH56: yesterday evening. I had to take him to er.
He had the atrial fribullation. or however you spell.
Vanda52: did they tell him you were having an affair
with the minister jane? that would be shocking
JaneH56: what a laugh allan. my minister is a 90 lb. weakling.
Vanda52: oh
Vanda52: ok

BlueMomk Update:

DeadBlkDwarf912: i start nursing school in september
DeadBlkDwarf912: my wife's doing real estate
TRACEEBRAT: What kind of nursing?
DeadBlkDwarf912: i'm thinking anesthetics
TRACEEBRAT: What is your kids name?
DeadBlkDwarf912: Leonidas
TRACEEBRAT: Does he have a little mohawk?
DeadBlkDwarf912: he did, yes

Try Them All:

Phronsie: The thing I disliked most about my surgery Friday
was the tube they put down my throat.
Phronsie: It left me with a sore throat all day, and I
coughted up stuff all the rest of the day
DeadBlkDwarf912: phronsie, was it fleshy with a pulse?
Phronsie: lollol. Not that I'm aware, Dead
TRACEEBRAT: I was hoarse after getting my throat squeezed
during sex
Phronsie: Tracee, it's possible to find more pleasurable sex
practices than the asphyxsiation thing
TRACEEBRAT: Phronsie, what's the most pleasurable is trying
them all
DeadBlkDwarf912: anyone want a picture of me and my son?

Tatoos I didn't Get:

JaneH56: Thank God I never got a tattoo.
BlDET: i was going to tattoo those dotted lines that
section off the cuts of meat on maps of cows
BlDET: on my body
BlDET: once
BlDET: very drunk
BlDET: very glad i didn't do that
JaneH56: lol bidet.

BlueMonk Reflection:

TRACEEBRAT: Blue, how many screennames have you had?
DeadBlkDwarf912: tracee, several
DeadBlkDwarf912: all 912
DeadBlkDwarf912: every time i get tos'd

Any Question at All:

DeadBlkDwarf912: can't sleep, any questions in here?
Ta21l: why can't you sleep?

What Women Want:

Ta21l: why do women sit there, end a relationship and
then never stop talking about that guy?
Max 314159265358: Seems like the kind of girl that'd
have a cat carcass instead of a cat


Max 314159265358: The Halloween theme often gives me wood

Her Other Half:

Condorblue: hi creepy loner, nice to have you here
Condorblue: say hi to creepy socialite

Movies by the Numbers:

Jam7604801: transformer and live free or die hard
has been the 2 best movies i have seen this year
Ta21l: I liked Pirates of the Carribean 3
Jam7604801: it was ok
Jam7604801: spiderman 3 was ok
Ta21l: I can't wait till 4
Ta21l: Spiderman 3 was much like XMen 3
Jam7604801: ha
Max 314159265358: I fell asleep 4 times tryin to watch POC:2
Ta21l: I had a similar problem with Hellraiser 4
Jam7604801: harry potter 5 sucked
Ta21l: why do you sound surprised by that Jam?

Sock Monkey Pajamas:

LeslieHapablap: i am fresh from the shower.
Max 314159265358: Hello
LeslieHapablap: max314159265358***
StarlightStorms: hi Max
BinxB91: so what are you wearing?
Max 314159265358: Hap**
BinxB91: max314159265358****
LeslieHapablap: sock monkey pajama bottoms and a
catalina island t-shirt.
LeslieHapablap: plus panties. of course.
LeslieHapablap: my hair is wet & there is an ocean breeze.

Thoughts on Motherhood ... WAIT!! a Naked Lady:

BinxB91: Starlight, how many children do you have?
StarlightStorms: six
BinxB91: six!!
StarlightStorms: yep 5 sons 1 daughter
CordialCactus: lol... you should be exhausted
StarlightStorms: nah
BinxB91: but hey, I am the fifth of six
StarlightStorms: I love them more than anything!
BinxB91: what number is your daughter?
CordialCactus: thats right, you were telling me about them
the other night.. one wanted to take you to italy
StarlightStorms: 5
StarlightStorms: yes
BinxB91: 5? just like me
Ta21l: I remember that
StarlightStorms: now he's relocating to Hawaii
StarlightStorms: I like snow though!
JFWaterman: The fifth daugter of a fifth daughter- got to be
some mana there.
StarlightStorms: yeah I'm sure my hubby would have liked to
have seven sons
BinxB91: Star, is your husband confused having a daughter?
StarlightStorms: he's very happy
StarlightStorms: she's so spoiled
StarlightStorms: but, very kind
Max 314159265358: Once you get more than 2 kids where does
the Joy come in?!
StarlightStorms: Max, how can you say that?
JMax 314159265358: You must've not ever had to raise children
of a factry work/Retail budget
CordialCactus: max... when you first meet this little perfect
person and they blink at you then stare
CordialCactus: there is the joy
CordialCactus: right there
StarlightStorms: You'd be surprised Max
CordialCactus: eh... im a bartender and my husband is auto parts
store manager
PatientOnion3: my naked neighbor is reading vonegutt's cat's cradle
Max 314159265358: male or female?

Leslie just back, 20 minutes after a "brb":

Max 314159265358: Anyone else have buddies who don't sign off
to get laid? They just put a brb?
LeslieHapablap: max314159265358, not to my knowledge.

Tracee's Halloween:

TRACEEBRAT: I spent a halloween at Kent.
TRACEEBRAT: I think I puked.

It's no EFFORT:

BinxB91: Beys, say hello to TRACEE in Japanese
Beysshoes: hey traceee
TRACEEBRAT: Binx, I always feel bad that you have to go
through the effort of capitalizing all my letters.

"Dear Para, some pipples might not beleebe your proses":

Beysshoes: para gets nasty with me everytime i critique his poetry.
Beysshoes: like a 2 yr old. i'm going to stop helping him already
BinxB91: Beys, you have to careful how you criticize peoples poetry
Beysshoes: i AM binx!
Beysshoes: its not like i'm getting paid!
Beysshoes: sheesh
StarlightStorms: lol
Ta21l: why...if they ask for a critique, they should expect an
honest one
Beysshoes: pro bono. and all i get is nasty back
Beysshoes: yes ta.
Ta21l: if Bey's not going to be honest, then what's the point/
BinxB91: I don't imagine ParaMyrhh(AKA KaLenfer) to be
someone who takes criticism well
BinxB91: Beys, don't take it personally. He's nasty to everyone
Beysshoes: then he should stop asking me to do reviews.

What if a co-worker is obnoxious?:

Godwit935: I have a situation to describe and would like
to hear responses. Anyone game?
Ta21l: thrill me detective
Godwit935: All right, here's the situation. You work in a
place that has profit-sharing and you see a fellow worker,
a new employee, nodding off at his work. You know that his
slacking off has an effect on productivity, and therefore
Godwit935: profit-sharing could be reduced. Is it proper
to report this employee's behavior to management?

Brain-washed Author Lounger:

Madam Mimi: Ive written something SO freaking good
Madam Mimi: really..... i have
Madam Mimi: my book is Sooooo good. Im gonna send it off
this month
Madam Mimi: I read it today......and it's dang gooooood
CordialCactus: well, good luck with that...or break a leg..
or something

Wives in the attic:

StarlightStorms: what are you discussing?
BinxB91: Starlight, romantic movies
StarlightStorms: ah
BinxB91: I say there aren't any ... almost
BinxB91: Ta says Dracula
StarlightStorms: Dracula is
BinxB91: I liked Jane Eyre a lot
StarlightStorms: me too!
StarlightStorms: with Orson Welles
BinxB91: I loved when Jane looks in the mirror and says
"you are a fool"
JustMe Lauren: yes, very good movie
StarlightStorms: Jane Eyre has atmosphere
BinxB91: I saw a modern version with William Hurt and
Charlotte Gainsborough
StarlightStorms: me too, it was awful
StarlightStorms: There's one with George C. Scott too
BinxB91: She was beautiful but at times odd-looking as a
governess might be
StarlightStorms: yes
BinxB91: but no woman deserves a crazy first wife in the attic
StarlightStorms: lol!
StarlightStorms: no woman deserves to have to be in the attic
BinxB91: she wore a to the ankles night gown in one scene
and that was very sexy
Ta21l: I don't know Binx...I know a few that it would be good for
BinxB91: Does every woman know where their husband's exes are?

Hmmm ...:

Godwit935: What do you tell a woman with two black eyes?
Ta21l: nothing you haven't told her twice already
Godwit935: Ta, that is horrible of you.
Ta21l: that's the joke Godwit
Ta21l: a very old one at that
Godwit935: It's appalling, Ta.

Worth Repeating from the Blog
(Beysshoes: Chica of the Year)

NAGUAL4A: So far this conversation is written proof that
people who ‘embrace diversity’ as far as gay people go…
..really haven’t thought about it much. Or if they have
they certainly haven’t reached a logical conclusion that
they can articulate

Sarai: yah? So what? It’s only a stupid blog ya mentalcakes.

Saturday, August 04, 2007


A Pink Adventure:

LeslieHapablap: someday i would like to visit the
ramen noodle museum
LeslieHapablap: the ramen noodle museum is located
in japan.

A Pink Quest:
LeslieHapablap: how can we get nagual4a back on the book shelf?

Once He Sobered Up, He Changed His Mind About the Floors:

Godwit935: My brother was in Japan for four years in the
Air Force. He came home, he knew judo, liked sake, and wanted
to paint the floors black.

Leslie - Manners Police:

Max 314159265358: Why would you assume the responsibility
for someone else's life?
Max 314159265358: You can love someone without the guilt
thinking you caused it
BinxB91: Max is a like a Rono without the wierd grammar
LeslieHapablap: binx91, take that back.
eslieHapablap: max314159265358 is nothing like rono.
BinxB91: oh, Leslie, the resemblance was fleeting
LeslieHapablap: binx91, you own max314159265358 an apology.
LeslieHapablap: owe
BinxB91: Leslie, this is the Shelf, not the Queen's tea
LeslieHapablap: binxb91, not on my watch.
BinxB91: Leslie, what WAS in your tea tonight?
LeslieHapablap: binx91, manners.
CordialCactus: hmm.. rono is likable... i dont think it is
necessarily an insult to be compared to rono
AforAllie: Rono is funny
BinxB91: I think it's bad manners to discuss your menstrual
cycle in public
LeslieHapablap: binxb91, i will take that under advisement.

Leslie - as Home Visitor:

Prospect26: Godwit...if I were to talk to you...I would have
an answer. I have you on ignore all the time. You have been
demeaning to me.
LeslieHapablap: prospect26, where do you live?
Prospect26: Leslie, why?
LeslieHapablap: prospect26, i would like to come over to your
house and see just exactly what goes on.
Prospect26: Leslie...you want to see what goes on in my house?
LeslieHapablap: yes, prospect26.
Prospect26: why?
LeslieHapablap: it sounds of interest.

Not as Interesting as Buying Hooter's:

Godwit935: So how about this Rupert Murdoch buying the
Wall Street Journal. Pretty interesting, huh?

So Far Away:

CordialCactus: ha.. i just checked my myspace....
my brother left this message and i have to share it..
do you mind?
StarlightStorms: go ahead
BinxB91: not at all
CordialCactus: You are a prodigious sesquepedalian, while
I tend to eschew obfuscation through the utilization of
diminuitive terminology...
CordialCactus: i miss my brother... he lives to far away

[I don't know how to play this game, Hector thought.
And it will all be over before I learn.]

Kim is Icky:

Vanda52: whats with that kim anyway?
LeslieHapablap: she is icky.
Vanda52: i see
LeslieHapablap: she lives in a trailer.
Vanda52: well leslie, living in a trailor shouldn't
make a person ugly like that
Vanda52: i must put her on my buddy list
LeslieHapablap: she is like "sanford & son" only she is a
white woman living in a trailer park in iowa who is not at
all entertaining.
Vanda52: ah
Vanda52: ok

Could They Work at a Jewish Deli?:

NotRed1537: Germans make the best waiters -- they are good
at taking orders

Some Slaves Don't Need to be Chained:

ParaMyrrh: BIDET is as artistic as she is altruistic
ParaMyrrh: I will never get bored of you BIDET You are
a brilliant person An Artist who is selfless
ParaMyrrh: What a strange marvel you are

Latest Tastelessness:

ParaMyrrh: I have a theory. I blame that bridge
collapsing in Minneapolis on American Obesity.
The stress of Fat drivers broke the Bridge

Leslie and Max - Bosom Buddies:

StarlightStorms: Hi Binx and Leslie
BinxB91: hello Ta
LeslieHapablap: hello, book shelf.
BinxB91: Hello Starlight
BinxB91: hello Max(who is actually Rono)
Beysshoes: max is rono?
Ta21l: you think so?
LeslieHapablap: i swear to you, max314159265358 is not rono.
Max 314159265358: Shhh
BinxB91: Leslie and Max are in the same room togther
BinxB91: max is Mr Hapablap
LeslieHapablap: no.
LeslieHapablap: max314159265358 is my oldest aol pal.
BinxB91: How old is he?
Ta21l: wait...i know this one
Ta21l: 28?
LeslieHapablap: i am glad you have children, binxb91.
people to appreciate your dumb dad jokes.
Ta21l: Binx, you made a dumb dad joke?
Beysshoes: max is not your hub leslie?
BinxB91: If he's such a pal, why can't just call him Max
instead of Max314832946473837465475784846465
Ta21l: lol
Beysshoes: lolol
LeslieHapablap: no, he is not my husband.

Yeah, but he also misses boils:

Max 314159265358: I miss EVYunq


BlDET: lifeboat
BlDET: the dire wolf
BlDET: hitchcock, steinbeck and gordon downie
BinxB91: Bidet, names for your next 3 children?
BlDET: lifeboat
BlDET: the dire wolf
BlDET: you ever see lifeboat?
BlDET: with tallulah bankhead
BlDET: and canada lee?
Dutch02bucky: boring movie
BinxB91: That show where all the couples hook up on a
cruise ship each week?
Dutch02bucky: love boat
BlDET: maritime woe is never boring
BinxB91: the lash, rum, and sodomy?
Dutch02bucky: oh my
Ta21l: what Binx did last night?
BinxB91: oh Ta (sniffle)
BinxB91: I don't drink
Ta21l: sorry
Ta21l: I couldn't help it

My Glorious Career:

BlDET: i'm not obsessed with anyone, binx.
i'm very busy with my glorious career
StarlightStorms: goodnight all
BlDET: i ran her off
BlDET: strut strut strut
BinxB91: good night Stars
BinxB91: whew
BinxB91: I thought you typed "slut"
BlDET: my back is really itchy. think that could
be cancer?
BinxB91: my back and other parts of me have been
itchy all summer
BlDET: probably a dirty bomb
BinxB91: probably allergies ... and stress
BlDET: itching powder that some terrorist ordered from
the back of an archie & the gang comic
PatientOnion3: what career honey??
BinxB91: honey?
PatientOnion3: you are opening an itching powder factory?
BlDET: well, pat
BlDET: after that screen shot of me berating someone in
the lounge appeared in the internet for dummies book, my
career really took off
BlDET: next thing i knew, i'd been quoted in a book on
garbage picking and dumpster diving
BlDET: it realy gave me the confidence boost i needed
BlDET: the shelf had been dragging me down, maybe
BlDET: some friends!
BinxB91: as if you needed a boost
BlDET: so i entered a story in an international short
story competition
BlDET: and it
BinxB91: It won???
BinxB91: Spill
BlDET: now i'm da man
BlDET: i paid off the 2001 ford
BinxB91: where can we find this story?
BlDET: and i used the $10 gift card to la madeline they
gave me to get some soup and a piece of bread
BlDET: it's not online
BlDET: but it was a hotshot competition
BinxB91: where is it then?
BlDET: the only way i wasn't winning was if another guy
who has about 10 novels published beat me out
BlDET: but he didn't
BinxB91: Does the hotshot competition have a name?
BlDET: they were after ART
BlDET: yes, it does
BlDET: i'll send you the story
BlDET: but let me warn you
BlDET: get a hankie
BinxB91: I stand warned
BlDET: you're a delicate flower, and i've got quite a way with words
BinxB91: yeah, so I've seen here
BlDET: mail
BlDET: go read - it's 3 paragraphs
BlDET: you want it, onion?
BinxB91: oh my
BinxB91: How do you know I won't post this?
BlDET: why would you?
BlDET: anyway, i won, i'm done with it and have moved on
BinxB91: why would I?? Bidet, not everyone's mind works
like yours
BlDET: but i will tell you that i am now rubbing elbows
with the poet laureate
BlDET: and the poet laureate eats shrimps!
BinxB91: ok ok ... I will read this. Hankies be damned.
BinxB91: But not in between chat clips
BinxB91: It asks for more concentration than that

Conversation Starter:

Godwit935: Does someone have a terminal illness?
I am sensing a terminal illness.

Imagine TWO in the same workplace:

Godwit935: They just hired this guy from Texas where I work.
What a huge jackass this guy is. Can't shut his yap.

More Onion:

PatientOnion3: i love jam's sexy long black hair
PatientOnion3: the way it swishes when he runs naked thru
the corn fields
Catpower777: lolol
Catpower777: Jam, I had no idea
PatientOnion3: a hillbilly Fabio
Jam7604801: my hair is brown

"I have no friends":

Jhd730: do you call people "chica" in real life?
Beysshoes: joann i don't call pipples anything IRL.
i have no friends.
Jhd730: oh yes!!! that's it pipples is another one of
your odd words
Beysshoes: what state do you live in joann? whats your
address and phone number pls?
ParaMyrrh: Only two countries on this entire planet did
not think the bombing of lebanon was criminal
the US and Israel
Beysshoes: para hush. imma trynna make a IRL friend.
Jhd730: I live in Boca Raton Florida
Beysshoes: oof, you live by para ... is you his cousin?
ParaMyrrh: Ma prochaine!
Beysshoes: omg...incestchat

KaL's Garlic:

Ta21l: the near future card is showing your false hopes
about the two of you, but the Satr card tells you not to
lose your faith because the High preist is right there,
waiting to show you both the way
BinxB91: she's doing Tarot readings via a chat room?
Ta21l: yup...
LadyMtnMedic: TA that is scary
ParaMyrrh: eek Tarot
LadyMtnMedic: I've never seen KaL leave so fast.

Rapid Evolution:

Ta21l: my only experience with the Pacific Ocean was at
night, and oddly enough, during a grunyon run

BLT being watched?:

ShhJm: there was an add on the right side encouraging
people to report cyber bullying to some national organization
ShhJm: that would take me out quick
Ta21l: what the hell is cyber bullying anyways...seriously
Creepy Loner: You can't bully people online? Crap...this
might be the only forum where the bullied get to kick back
for once...WTF

The Real Reason Leslie Likes Max:

AforAllie: and it's so hot hair
AforAllie: here
AforAllie: I get to work sweating every day
Max 314159265358: I lost 4 lbs to sweat the last 2 days
BinxB91: hot here too
Jam7604801: yeah 2/55 ac isn't very useful
BinxB91: I'm just wearing shorts
Max 314159265358: I'm just wearin socks
CordialCactus: ew
BinxB91: eww Max
Max 314159265358: Should I take em off?

Who Would Miss Onion?:

Beysshoes: beth...did you see onion here at all?
Bethliebner: not today
Beysshoes: i'm fretting over him.
Beysshoes: its been over 10 days i think beth. IM him yes?
Bethliebner: he's not online
Jhd730: I talked with Po3 just the other day...
Jhd730: he was making horizontal cuts across his wrist and
I said hey buddy, go vertical
Ta21l: wow...lots of love in this room tonight

Will They Like Allen any Better?:

ParaMyrrh: tell Jo about your new job opportunity
Allan's gonna be a movie star
Vanda52: oh maybe we'll see
Beysshoes: allan? que?
Vanda52: the new tom cruise
Jhd730: I heard you were going to be a cheap snacks hawker
Vanda52: i joined the scientologists, sarai
Bethliebner: i can picture Allen jumping on a couch
Jhd730: poor Tom Cruise..even the gays don't like him anymore

"I hate the poor. I truly do"

Jhd730: Allan what about working some soup kitchen..
I can see you being very helpful
Vanda52: ive come to like Cruise
Jhd730: you only like him because he's slightly shorter than you
Vanda52: nah jo ann, i hate the poor, i truely do

Still Missing Onion:

Beysshoes: jo...pls answer me...how is onionboy?
Jhd730: Bey last I talked with him he was just about
to move his bowels and felt not right

"I have a winning personality":

Beysshoes: what kind of job tho allan?
Vanda52: more out of boredom but i dont mind making money
Vanda52: a vending route
Vanda52: vending machines
Vanda52: 200 bucks a day
Jhd730: that's good, I would hate the thought of you not
being able to afford cable and not be here to keep the
room rocking
Beysshoes: cool like dennis quaid in that flick with meg ryan!!!!!
Vanda52: they supply the van
Beysshoes: 'blood and bones'
Jhd730: Allan, you could deliver papers for more money than that
Vanda52: i dont think so jo ann
Vanda52: thats a grand a week, thats fine with me
Jhd730: I'd like to see you behind a counter
Jhd730: "what the fuck do you want?"
Beysshoes: lolollllll
ParaMyrrh: Allan's a mover
Jhd730: "a small coffee please"
Vanda52: not true jo ann, i have a winning personality, seriously,
i treat people well
Jhd730: "you're too fat, no cream of sugar for you"
Jhd730: "next"

Incoherence 101:

Jhd730: Bey are you a social worker or former nun?
Beysshoes: both but the other way around jo.

Incoherence 201:

Jhd730: goodnight allan, my your dreams be filled with
your firm breasts and you have 14 hands
Vanda52: night jo ann
Ta21l: lmao
Jhd730: young

Vanda Sending Gifts:

Vanda52: i sent a girl online 600 bucks for an abortion,
i think she was conning me tho
KimberlysCabin2: vanda sounds like it.... unless you had
done her and was worried it was yours
Vanda52: i never met her
PatientOnion3: he did and it was hers
PatientOnion3: liar liar, thingy on fire
KimberlysCabin2: well you shouldve offered to send it directly
to the clinic
Vanda52: i did send her a glassine packet of my sperm once tho
Phronsie: Where is Binx. He should be copying this

Incoherence Redux:

Ta21l: I don't have a husband, just a boyfriend, who's just
like my husband, but really isn't

Sleeping With Your Major:

Prospect26: Binx...I was an English major in college.
So I did Hemingway. Back then I had no reference for what
he wrote about. I had not been to Spain, Cuba, Key West...

While Onion Was Sleeping:

I am Steve 10: I feel good about this room.
I am Steve 10: I know you're not ding dongs.