Life After Death (leftovers)
You know ... I'm not really interested in what you
all are wearing. Through KatyTried entries
(somewhat enlarged by my own imagination), I do
have my pictures of activities some of you may be
involved in. The clothes you're wearing are
Cordialcactus - Furiously peddling her bicycle
with two toddlers in tow trying to catch the
ice cream truck.
NoraMcKee - Riding on a dolly being crashed into
a wall by a co-worker.
SleepyEyedEvie - Gently smiling at a customer's graceless
comments while resisting pressing a plate of pancakes into
his chest.
SummersEveL - Shaking her head trying not to say "I told you
so" while observing the front end of the receptionist's car
through the opposite side of the office wall.
Melodramamama - Pouting while her children gobble their
desserts leaving her with none.
Anais - Dreaming of her husband coming home from work while
picking up the toys
CreepyLoner - Walking through a graveyard at midnight carrying
a glow stick on her way to buy creamer at the convenience store.
Beysshoes - Counting the houses she's walked by as her whippet
pulls ever forward. Seeing all of Hawaii's green, as she vaguely
misses Maine's frozen pines.
PatientOnion - Spilling a bag of groceries on a hill and noting
that oranges roll further in San Francisico than they would in most
other cities.
ParaMyrh (AlanSueton) - Drafting a new manual for his company's
improved Customer Sevices practices.
Godwit - Instructing his diner waitress that it isn't proper
for her to address him as "you guys"
DoomGrl - Reading poetry with her father
Candy Girl:
AmberDevilRay8: I wish humans had more than one set of teeth
to lose.
BookSlut Blues:
BinxB91: Can anyone recommend an obscure and obtuse Eastern European
Fleurdelochi: uh.....
CordialCactus: lol, binx, i most definitely cannot
BinxB91: oh shoot, BookSlut already moved on
BinxB91: that little dickens
Fleurdelochi: i can recomend an obscure and obtuse latin american
novelist, will that work?
Fleurdelochi: i'm not really hip to eastern europe
BinxB91: Never mind, Fleur. I was just messing with BOOKGASM
Fleurdelochi: well damn
Fleurdelochi: i feel so USED
After Years of Nursing Training:
Fleurdelochi: herpes is not a good idea
Looking for Friends in All the Wrong Places:
Jessied200010400: B00KGASM [12:25 A.M.]: Don't contact me any
more you needy suckling.
PatientOnion3: the wrestler was just a remake of the gladiator
Melodramamama22: binx, i have pneumonia. i'm wearing some yoga
pants and my daughter's t-shirt
"you two are freaks"
Melodramamama22: my kids made me laugh, they put their money together
and bought the soundtract to o brother
Melodramamama22: when it first came out
Melodramamama22: they were like preteens
Melodramamama22: i was all omg, you two are freaks!
Because They'd Spoil the Recipe:
PatientOnion3: i have no minions
Book Contract:
JFWaterman: -signed a contract for one of my books today, too-
Raphael11110: what's it about?
JFWaterman: Sci-fi, time travel, law enforcement all in one, Raph.
JFWaterman: My agent wants to pitch it, so we'll see who bites.
Helpful Onion and Oooolijay??:
Dehft m19u3l: well i have to get ready to watch friday 13 with my gf.
thanks ONION AND OOOOLIJAY for your guys's help!!
Second Opinion:
BobsurAuntTom: Chatrooms are stupid and I'm a moron for being in one.
JadedDremer: especially in that color, bob
AmberDevilRay8: The evolution of the chatroom is what fascinated me.
BinxB91: evolution?
AmberDevilRay8: I'm sure the programmers of the chat room were all
excitied about allowing people from all around the world to share ideas
and culture and whatnot...
AmberDevilRay8: ...instead they get a bunch of people sitting around
going "I like cookies! LOLOMG I M l33t h4><0r!"
oooolijay: i think half the people in author's lounge consider typing
into a chatroom being 'published'
BobsurAuntTom: I have had really good reviews in important publications,
but I've never published anything.
The Pain of Poetry:
Raphael11110: so Lil why you like poetry?
LilPoet1624: idk i have so much emotion and its liek i put all my
emotion into my work and thats how i relieve stress.........or i
just argue with ppl 4 no reason
oooolijay: wow, like, even that sentence was poetic
Odd Drinking Songs:
CordialCactus: snip snip snip snip snip snip snip
MsVictoriaLynn1: VASECTOMY!
Tammylovesooli: Yeah what vicky said!
ThePaIeRlDER: they fit to tight mary
ThePaIeRlDER: im cloisterphobic
McLaryn5508: hurl
oooolijay: that's a funny typo
McLaryn5508: get a vasectomy
CordialCactus: lol
MsVictoriaLynn1: try a damn fire hose then
Tammylovesooli: Hi Ooooli
What About Leaving the Mold On?:
KissMyAsterix: this guy I used to work with
KissMyAsterix: I was saying he'd scrape mold off of anything
KissMyAsterix: nothing phased him, food wise
KissMyAsterix: holocaust survivor
Tallthinjones: he could handle it
Next Pi to the 26th place:
KissMyAsterix: my son has memorized 911
Can You Top This?:
Condorblues: they got some real ball busters in here
Tallthinjones: condor ate tainted peanut butter served on hardtac
MsVictoriaLynn1: with extra Vermin
Trust Her on this One:
Condorblues: ooools!
Condorblues: I'm shrinking
oooolijay: how can we tell
Movie Reviews That Never Happened:
Condorblues: I saw coraline today, a weird flick
Tallthinjones: how so, condor?
MsVictoriaLynn1: isn't that a pasta dish, Vermincelli?
Gina As Drill Sergeant:
Yossarian4now: staring at a plate of cassarole
Yossarian4now: i havent had a cassarole since i was like
Yossarian4now: 12?
KissMyAsterix: it won't eat itself
KissMyAsterix: get to work
Yossarian4now: not hungry
I Thought Zen meant "peace":
Zenchef2006: and one of the students asked if i would teach him
some mixed martial arts stuff today
KissMyAsterix: how'd that work out zen
Zenchef2006: scraped my knuckles while punching him in the ribs,
forgot to tell him to take off his gi
Zenchef2006: was great kiss, got to choke and armbar alot of people
KissMyAsterix: I'm envious zen
KissMyAsterix: I didn't get to choke anyone today
Zenchef2006: although i did get slammed on my head pretty hard
tonite too
ParaMyrrh Power:
Catpower777: oh, did Para win an Oscar?
KissMyAsterix: no
KissMyAsterix: but he said if he did
KissMyAsterix: he would pick on people who didn't like him
Beysshoes: lol that punk para
Catpower777: he already does that
KissMyAsterix: that's what I said
Catpower777: he'd just do it in front of a bigger audience?
KissMyAsterix: but apparently it means more if you're successful
Catpower777: oh, I see
Beysshoes: the pig would never leave the stage.
["The apocalyptic crotch himself."
"Don't be funny," he said. "Do that one thing for me, Bucky.
Avoid all funny stuff. I'm cold and tired. I need to be
talked to seriously. Jet lag, fear, anxiety, depession. You
know my history."
"Want some cocoa? Good and hot."]
Speak of the Devil:
Catpower777: Para !
Catpower777: were your ears burning?
Beysshoes: we was just trashin' yoh ass
Alansueton: nope just my loins
Beysshoes: ew
Beysshoes: ew
Beysshoes: and ew
Alansueton: cool
Alansueton: i need to be humbled
Mysteries That No One wants Solved:
PatientOnion3: bey, how come you are the only one to comment on kal's
PatientOnion3: and why did he change his sn?
PatientOnion3: anybody know?
Catpower777: I wonder how many Sn's he's had over the years
PatientOnion3: do you guys like chicken nuggets? i am doing 3 THREE!!!
diff batters
PatientOnion3: indian, mexican, hillbilly
Onion's World:
PatientOnion3: we had TWO days of rain, our budget problem is solved,
there is light at the end of the tunnel, so i have to get rich and
famous before the obama cures the depression
PatientOnion3: time is running out
KissMyAsterix: somehow I think you could still take a day or two off
PatientOnion3: it was funny last night, poor halfwit jam blaming the
govt for screwing up his mortgage
PatientOnion3: he said he had to sell veggies from his garden to make
the payments
PatientOnion3: i almost cried
PatientOnion3: yes, his cardboard shack that he paid $350.00 for
Catpower777: I'm choking
Another Onion Straight Man:
SemiLitterate: Wife made bean soup today with a ham bone in it
----Campbells eat your heart out
PatientOnion3: semi, you lucky dog you
PatientOnion3: you must be some catch
SemiLitterate: leftover from a baked ham, duh
PatientOnion3: from xmas?
PatientOnion3: is it green?
When Beysshoes is Away:
PatientOnion3: is bey suicidal again?
PatientOnion3: it's from reading kal's poetry
KissMyAsterix: no, homicidal
Catpower777: she's probably cooking a steak for her pup
Catpower777: it's Sunday night
He Can't Really Cook:
PatientOnion3: 95% of previous attempts at deep frying have
miserably failed, but 2nite i got lucky
PatientOnion3: it must be the rain
Catpower777: how can deep frying fail?
Catpower777: did you forget to batter?
SemiLitterate: Oil was congealed
SemiLitterate: rancid
PatientOnion3: i took a walk in the rain, a nap, and am ready to
deep fry again
ParaMyrrh Exposed:
PatientOnion3: bey, how much does kal pay you to read his poems
Beysshoes: not a lot onion
Beysshoes: fiddy cents a pome
Onion Ecstatic:
SemiLitterate: put the mayo in a plastic baggie, insert meat & coat
PatientOnion3: semi, when you said "insert meat" i got a B*NER. STOP IT!
PatientOnion3: you are married, don't be a tease
Beysshoes: semi, you don't have to fabricate a wife to keep onion at bay.
PatientOnion3: oh
Beysshoes: we're here to protect you
PatientOnion3: he has cable
KissMyAsterix: we are?
Beysshoes: you lazy beach gina
Thoughts on Missing Shelfers:
SemiLitterate: I think Godwit ran off with Creepy
KissMyAsterix: interesting theory semi
NotNycgirl: how did you come to this semi?
KissMyAsterix: so the park thing was just a date then
SemiLitterate: no Creepy, no Godwit, simple deduction
KissMyAsterix: yes but fork is missing
KissMyAsterix: and who else..
SemiLitterate: Fork is missing when he is here
Beysshoes: that makes sense. the no-sex couple. yes.
some symmetry.
KissMyAsterix: beys, godwit says he's a 'normal' man
KissMyAsterix: with a predilection for watching men get it on
in the park and a love of daniel day lewis
Beysshoes: well, sadly this cesspool of a chatroom
he's pretty near norm.
The anit-Brad Pitt Crowd:
Beysshoes: onion did you watch the oscars? i wanted mickey rourke
to win. but sean penn was a good second for me
Oscar and Homer:
Beysshoes: sorry. i forgot you dont have a tv homer
PatientOnion3: i have a perfectly fine tv w/a knob to change the
channels, and a high-tech converter box
SemiLitterate: If I had to watch the oscars I would have to off
myself---bunch of egotistical perverts
Beysshoes: wow onion. you must've made some money over the holidays
PatientOnion3: money?
PatientOnion3: it's only $20
PatientOnion3: if you get the $40 coupon from obama
KissMyAsterix: cool
KissMyAsterix: I never have coupons when I need them
Muskrats are like that:
Jimberkeley: anything by captain & tenniel makes me cry...
especially 'muskrat love'
Anais3233: it's like, "hey, will you lick my pussy" and he does.
and likewise
You know ... I'm not really interested in what you
all are wearing. Through KatyTried entries
(somewhat enlarged by my own imagination), I do
have my pictures of activities some of you may be
involved in. The clothes you're wearing are
Cordialcactus - Furiously peddling her bicycle
with two toddlers in tow trying to catch the
ice cream truck.
NoraMcKee - Riding on a dolly being crashed into
a wall by a co-worker.
SleepyEyedEvie - Gently smiling at a customer's graceless
comments while resisting pressing a plate of pancakes into
his chest.
SummersEveL - Shaking her head trying not to say "I told you
so" while observing the front end of the receptionist's car
through the opposite side of the office wall.
Melodramamama - Pouting while her children gobble their
desserts leaving her with none.
Anais - Dreaming of her husband coming home from work while
picking up the toys
CreepyLoner - Walking through a graveyard at midnight carrying
a glow stick on her way to buy creamer at the convenience store.
Beysshoes - Counting the houses she's walked by as her whippet
pulls ever forward. Seeing all of Hawaii's green, as she vaguely
misses Maine's frozen pines.
PatientOnion - Spilling a bag of groceries on a hill and noting
that oranges roll further in San Francisico than they would in most
other cities.
ParaMyrh (AlanSueton) - Drafting a new manual for his company's
improved Customer Sevices practices.
Godwit - Instructing his diner waitress that it isn't proper
for her to address him as "you guys"
DoomGrl - Reading poetry with her father
Candy Girl:
AmberDevilRay8: I wish humans had more than one set of teeth
to lose.
BookSlut Blues:
BinxB91: Can anyone recommend an obscure and obtuse Eastern European
Fleurdelochi: uh.....
CordialCactus: lol, binx, i most definitely cannot
BinxB91: oh shoot, BookSlut already moved on
BinxB91: that little dickens
Fleurdelochi: i can recomend an obscure and obtuse latin american
novelist, will that work?
Fleurdelochi: i'm not really hip to eastern europe
BinxB91: Never mind, Fleur. I was just messing with BOOKGASM
Fleurdelochi: well damn
Fleurdelochi: i feel so USED
After Years of Nursing Training:
Fleurdelochi: herpes is not a good idea
Looking for Friends in All the Wrong Places:
Jessied200010400: B00KGASM [12:25 A.M.]: Don't contact me any
more you needy suckling.
PatientOnion3: the wrestler was just a remake of the gladiator
Melodramamama22: binx, i have pneumonia. i'm wearing some yoga
pants and my daughter's t-shirt
"you two are freaks"
Melodramamama22: my kids made me laugh, they put their money together
and bought the soundtract to o brother
Melodramamama22: when it first came out
Melodramamama22: they were like preteens
Melodramamama22: i was all omg, you two are freaks!
Because They'd Spoil the Recipe:
PatientOnion3: i have no minions
Book Contract:
JFWaterman: -signed a contract for one of my books today, too-
Raphael11110: what's it about?
JFWaterman: Sci-fi, time travel, law enforcement all in one, Raph.
JFWaterman: My agent wants to pitch it, so we'll see who bites.
Helpful Onion and Oooolijay??:
Dehft m19u3l: well i have to get ready to watch friday 13 with my gf.
thanks ONION AND OOOOLIJAY for your guys's help!!
Second Opinion:
BobsurAuntTom: Chatrooms are stupid and I'm a moron for being in one.
JadedDremer: especially in that color, bob
AmberDevilRay8: The evolution of the chatroom is what fascinated me.
BinxB91: evolution?
AmberDevilRay8: I'm sure the programmers of the chat room were all
excitied about allowing people from all around the world to share ideas
and culture and whatnot...
AmberDevilRay8: ...instead they get a bunch of people sitting around
going "I like cookies! LOLOMG I M l33t h4><0r!"
oooolijay: i think half the people in author's lounge consider typing
into a chatroom being 'published'
BobsurAuntTom: I have had really good reviews in important publications,
but I've never published anything.
The Pain of Poetry:
Raphael11110: so Lil why you like poetry?
LilPoet1624: idk i have so much emotion and its liek i put all my
emotion into my work and thats how i relieve stress.........or i
just argue with ppl 4 no reason
oooolijay: wow, like, even that sentence was poetic
Odd Drinking Songs:
CordialCactus: snip snip snip snip snip snip snip
MsVictoriaLynn1: VASECTOMY!
Tammylovesooli: Yeah what vicky said!
ThePaIeRlDER: they fit to tight mary
ThePaIeRlDER: im cloisterphobic
McLaryn5508: hurl
oooolijay: that's a funny typo
McLaryn5508: get a vasectomy
CordialCactus: lol
MsVictoriaLynn1: try a damn fire hose then
Tammylovesooli: Hi Ooooli
What About Leaving the Mold On?:
KissMyAsterix: this guy I used to work with
KissMyAsterix: I was saying he'd scrape mold off of anything
KissMyAsterix: nothing phased him, food wise
KissMyAsterix: holocaust survivor
Tallthinjones: he could handle it
Next Pi to the 26th place:
KissMyAsterix: my son has memorized 911
Can You Top This?:
Condorblues: they got some real ball busters in here
Tallthinjones: condor ate tainted peanut butter served on hardtac
MsVictoriaLynn1: with extra Vermin
Trust Her on this One:
Condorblues: ooools!
Condorblues: I'm shrinking
oooolijay: how can we tell
Movie Reviews That Never Happened:
Condorblues: I saw coraline today, a weird flick
Tallthinjones: how so, condor?
MsVictoriaLynn1: isn't that a pasta dish, Vermincelli?
Gina As Drill Sergeant:
Yossarian4now: staring at a plate of cassarole
Yossarian4now: i havent had a cassarole since i was like
Yossarian4now: 12?
KissMyAsterix: it won't eat itself
KissMyAsterix: get to work
Yossarian4now: not hungry
I Thought Zen meant "peace":
Zenchef2006: and one of the students asked if i would teach him
some mixed martial arts stuff today
KissMyAsterix: how'd that work out zen
Zenchef2006: scraped my knuckles while punching him in the ribs,
forgot to tell him to take off his gi
Zenchef2006: was great kiss, got to choke and armbar alot of people
KissMyAsterix: I'm envious zen
KissMyAsterix: I didn't get to choke anyone today
Zenchef2006: although i did get slammed on my head pretty hard
tonite too
ParaMyrrh Power:
Catpower777: oh, did Para win an Oscar?
KissMyAsterix: no
KissMyAsterix: but he said if he did
KissMyAsterix: he would pick on people who didn't like him
Beysshoes: lol that punk para
Catpower777: he already does that
KissMyAsterix: that's what I said
Catpower777: he'd just do it in front of a bigger audience?
KissMyAsterix: but apparently it means more if you're successful
Catpower777: oh, I see
Beysshoes: the pig would never leave the stage.
["The apocalyptic crotch himself."
"Don't be funny," he said. "Do that one thing for me, Bucky.
Avoid all funny stuff. I'm cold and tired. I need to be
talked to seriously. Jet lag, fear, anxiety, depession. You
know my history."
"Want some cocoa? Good and hot."]
Speak of the Devil:
Catpower777: Para !
Catpower777: were your ears burning?
Beysshoes: we was just trashin' yoh ass
Alansueton: nope just my loins
Beysshoes: ew
Beysshoes: ew
Beysshoes: and ew
Alansueton: cool
Alansueton: i need to be humbled
Mysteries That No One wants Solved:
PatientOnion3: bey, how come you are the only one to comment on kal's
PatientOnion3: and why did he change his sn?
PatientOnion3: anybody know?
Catpower777: I wonder how many Sn's he's had over the years
PatientOnion3: do you guys like chicken nuggets? i am doing 3 THREE!!!
diff batters
PatientOnion3: indian, mexican, hillbilly
Onion's World:
PatientOnion3: we had TWO days of rain, our budget problem is solved,
there is light at the end of the tunnel, so i have to get rich and
famous before the obama cures the depression
PatientOnion3: time is running out
KissMyAsterix: somehow I think you could still take a day or two off
PatientOnion3: it was funny last night, poor halfwit jam blaming the
govt for screwing up his mortgage
PatientOnion3: he said he had to sell veggies from his garden to make
the payments
PatientOnion3: i almost cried
PatientOnion3: yes, his cardboard shack that he paid $350.00 for
Catpower777: I'm choking
Another Onion Straight Man:
SemiLitterate: Wife made bean soup today with a ham bone in it
----Campbells eat your heart out
PatientOnion3: semi, you lucky dog you
PatientOnion3: you must be some catch
SemiLitterate: leftover from a baked ham, duh
PatientOnion3: from xmas?
PatientOnion3: is it green?
When Beysshoes is Away:
PatientOnion3: is bey suicidal again?
PatientOnion3: it's from reading kal's poetry
KissMyAsterix: no, homicidal
Catpower777: she's probably cooking a steak for her pup
Catpower777: it's Sunday night
He Can't Really Cook:
PatientOnion3: 95% of previous attempts at deep frying have
miserably failed, but 2nite i got lucky
PatientOnion3: it must be the rain
Catpower777: how can deep frying fail?
Catpower777: did you forget to batter?
SemiLitterate: Oil was congealed
SemiLitterate: rancid
PatientOnion3: i took a walk in the rain, a nap, and am ready to
deep fry again
ParaMyrrh Exposed:
PatientOnion3: bey, how much does kal pay you to read his poems
Beysshoes: not a lot onion
Beysshoes: fiddy cents a pome
Onion Ecstatic:
SemiLitterate: put the mayo in a plastic baggie, insert meat & coat
PatientOnion3: semi, when you said "insert meat" i got a B*NER. STOP IT!
PatientOnion3: you are married, don't be a tease
Beysshoes: semi, you don't have to fabricate a wife to keep onion at bay.
PatientOnion3: oh
Beysshoes: we're here to protect you
PatientOnion3: he has cable
KissMyAsterix: we are?
Beysshoes: you lazy beach gina
Thoughts on Missing Shelfers:
SemiLitterate: I think Godwit ran off with Creepy
KissMyAsterix: interesting theory semi
NotNycgirl: how did you come to this semi?
KissMyAsterix: so the park thing was just a date then
SemiLitterate: no Creepy, no Godwit, simple deduction
KissMyAsterix: yes but fork is missing
KissMyAsterix: and who else..
SemiLitterate: Fork is missing when he is here
Beysshoes: that makes sense. the no-sex couple. yes.
some symmetry.
KissMyAsterix: beys, godwit says he's a 'normal' man
KissMyAsterix: with a predilection for watching men get it on
in the park and a love of daniel day lewis
Beysshoes: well, sadly this cesspool of a chatroom
he's pretty near norm.
The anit-Brad Pitt Crowd:
Beysshoes: onion did you watch the oscars? i wanted mickey rourke
to win. but sean penn was a good second for me
Oscar and Homer:
Beysshoes: sorry. i forgot you dont have a tv homer
PatientOnion3: i have a perfectly fine tv w/a knob to change the
channels, and a high-tech converter box
SemiLitterate: If I had to watch the oscars I would have to off
myself---bunch of egotistical perverts
Beysshoes: wow onion. you must've made some money over the holidays
PatientOnion3: money?
PatientOnion3: it's only $20
PatientOnion3: if you get the $40 coupon from obama
KissMyAsterix: cool
KissMyAsterix: I never have coupons when I need them
Muskrats are like that:
Jimberkeley: anything by captain & tenniel makes me cry...
especially 'muskrat love'
Anais3233: it's like, "hey, will you lick my pussy" and he does.
and likewise