Monday, February 16, 2009

This is the End.

Mystery Solved:
Will C Makepeace: howdy
Will C Makepeace: thought i'd come online for a bit

Beysshoes: i dont get the funnies in this one.
Jam7604801: one flew over the coo coo's nest in beys pants
Beysshoes: uhm thats spelled cuckoo stoopid jam
MsVictoriaLynn1: A Beautiful Mind in my pants
NotNycgirl: Saving Private my pants
AmberDevilRay8: The Iron Giant in my pants
NotNycgirl: Some Like It Hot, in my pants
Pheziwig: The Grapes of Wrath in my Pants
oooolijay: beys this is fun, just try it in my pants
Catpower777: Bey, I have missed you
NotNycgirl: The Sting in my pants
Catpower777: I'm so glad you're back
oooolijay: beys just made me laugh in my pants
Pheziwig: The Audacity of Hope in my Pants
AmberDevilRay8: Journey to the Center of my pants.
oooolijay: good try in my pants
AmberDevilRay8: Are we allowed to take words out?
NotNycgirl: Cool Hand Luke in my pants....what we have here,
is a failure to communicate in my pants
Pheziwig: Websters Dictionary in my Pants
MsVictoriaLynn1: Grays Anatomy in my pants
oooolijay: there are no rules in my pants
Tammynet: doing it with kid movies is just wrong...toy story
in my pants, finding nemo in my pants
Summers Eve L: What you people are doing is just sad. In my pants.
Pheziwig: Skinny Bitch in my Pants
oooolijay: finding nemo in my pants hahaha
AmberDevilRay8: So I could be all " my pants."
Beysshoes: damn it kitkat i'm freezing up ... i missed you MORE!
MsVictoriaLynn1: Monsters Inc in my pants
Summers Eve L: Sleeping Beauty in my pants.
Jam7604801: mission impossible in oooli's pants
Tammynet: jack and the beanstalk in my pants
MsVictoriaLynn1: Seven Dwarves in my pants
Pheziwig: The Devil Wears Prada in my Pants
oooolijay: it's only impossible for some in my pants
MsVictoriaLynn1: The Devil wears Prada because she can afford to
MsVictoriaLynn1: I would not, could not, in my pants
Pheziwig: tune in next week when we do major appliances
oooolijay: i will unfortunately be unable to attend the party in
your pants rider
AmberDevilRay8: Death Comes for the Archbishop in my pants.
MsVictoriaLynn1: Death takes a Holiday in my pants
oooolijay: jaws in my pants
ThePaIeRlDER: ouch

Bob's Wish:
BobsurAuntTom: I'm just hoping someone is logging all this to
send to Binx
Catpower777: Bob, that's your job
BobsurAuntTom: That asshole in my pants

BobsurAuntTom: I don't even like pot.. but what's the big deal.
oooolijay: when your kid starts smoking pot he'll like
michael phelps again
Beatnikspore: phelps is a dumby who thinks playing poker and
dating a topless dancer is mature
BobsurAuntTom: The guy trains 15 hours a day... who cares if he
gets high.
oooolijay: michael phelps is a kid
AnnAsphodel: My 13 year-old son does, Bob
Alansueton: AA I can't wait for the new record to come out
NotNycgirl: micheal phelps is a 14 time olympic medalist lol
oooolijay: how many guys his age dont want to play poker and
date a topless dancer
Alansueton: Ive heard two singles off of it good stuff
NotNycgirl: if he wants to smoke pot, let him snoke pot
BobsurAuntTom: I wonder how Phelps spells dummy?
BobsurAuntTom: Anyone care to venture a guess?
Beatnikspore: if my wealth was attached to my image i would not
play it up in the press
Summers Eve L: If he wants to snoke poot, I say let him.
oooolijay: he just became wealthy...he's not used to it yet
BobsurAuntTom: Ann, I need to speak to that boy. Ann, I never
even enjoyed getting high... and I've got to say that I am NOT
getting 100 million in endorsement deals.
Alansueton: people who smoke pot are losers Now if you snort
coke that's cool
Beatnikspore: whissing and pasting and pooting all the way,
ronnie helping kenny burn is poots away
NotNycgirl: i love phelps,he's my man fish
Summers Eve L: haha
Summers Eve L: Beatnik. Wtfever you just said. It made me laugh.

Texas Fun Facts:
Summers Eve L: There's no basement in the Alamo!

Leave It To Ozzie:
Pheziwig: Speaking of the Alamo, I remember when Ozzy Osbourne
got arrested for taking a leak against the wall of the Alamo.
As the cops lead him away, he said, "I didn't know anybody
lived there."

Why 12 Isn't Often on This Blog:
I2DaysInNovember: I knew this guy once... and
I2DaysInNovember: it turned out
I2DaysInNovember: that
I2DaysInNovember: I didn't really know him at all

What the Hell Are They Talking About
(category I wish I thought of before):

Prospect26: so m. phelsh was just on tv/

Mdm Mel: Now Faye Dunnaway is spinning out. The cheese is
sliding off the cracker all over the place....

Gleam1946: Like darwinism everbody is equal
Gleam1946: you guys are the final arbiters
Gleam1946: I have facts others say are contrived and bogus

Niontron9: it does not matter what other people think about you
...because they will never be YOU

BobsurAuntTom: Many many Vonneguts
BobsurAuntTom: All too many.
BobsurAuntTom: But, the guy was a damn good and even important
writer, so why not.

Katie and Sarah - together again:
BinxB91: Butterfly, name a favorite book
ButterflyBikini: i just finished Heart of the Sea
BinxB91: Heart of the Sea?
ButterflyBikini: it's not my favorite
ButterflyBikini: Stolen lives was pretty good
ButterflyBikini: and Reading Lolita in Tehran
ButterflyBikini: i'd prefer family guy
Pheziwig: This is like a Palin interview

Apropos of Nothing:
Prospect26: I don't really care anymore
EmpressZ21: dont care about what prospect

What are you wearing?:

Summers Eve L: I am wearing fuzzy PJs.
Summers Eve L: And fuzzy socks.

MsVictoriaLynn1: Les Miz tour T shirt, pajama pants and
slippers, what did you Expect?

What's Your Genre?:
Spookyfish2: I loved pre-1996 Simpsons.

Hoosier Daddy?:
MyStrat: summer, ever read a book by Kurt Vonnegut,
God Bless you Mr Rosewater
Anais3233: i have a signed copy of that downstairs, strat
Anais3233: me lovie kurt
Anais3233: heart heart heart him

Make Her an Offer She Can't ...:
Prospect26: Lady...can I talk to you off line?

Johnny Carsonisms:
Pheziwig: It was so cold in chicago for so long, I walked
past a statue and it was shivering
Pheziwig: It was so cold in Chicago, I saw a lawyer with his
hands in his own pockets

Don Rickle's daughter:
Poor Bidet: speaking of nasty details, there's bgrant

Poor Bidet: when you get fat, you turn to pbs

So There:
BobsurAuntTom: And dipship Mel, if you want to compare reading
lists, go ahead. But yes, I know far more about art or
literature than you would ever know.

Get This:
Alansueton: Bidet why can't Ray Charles read?
Poor Bidet: because he's a nigger?
Poor Bidet: i'm sorry, i meant because he's blind

Flexible Bigot:
Poor Bidet: i'm switching to mexicans

Authors Lounge's Slum:
WildCIAagent: I find it idiotic when AL comes through.
Catpower777: oh, when they stop by to tell us this room sucks?
I2DaysInNovember: well I think the shelf is sometimes a holding
pattern for those who are circling around the AL when it's full
Catpower777: yes and they make that plain, 12
Catpower777: CIA, I'm thinking it's just their friendly reminder
that we're the nerd chatroom
I2DaysInNovember: <~~~putting on nerd glasses and pocket
protector and IMing Cat for some hot cyber calculator chat

Nerd Cyber Sex:
I2DaysInNovember: Cat did you get my IM where I said the
new TI2x did linear equations in polar notation and limicon radial
counter vortixes? it's really Hot!!!
Catpower777: oh 12, don't get me all worked up in front of the
whole chatroom !

Except in the Extreme:
I2DaysInNovember: boring isn't gossip worthy

To Tell the Truth:
WildCIAagent: How was your day, Lam?
Lamumsie: this is Laura
EmpressZ21: no this is Laura
AXELvonAUR: Laura Petrie?
Lamumsie: nooooooo, THIS is Laura
AXELvonAUR: I'm jumpy
EmpressZ21: yes this is Laura
I2DaysInNovember: :::drool::: Laura was
WildCIAagent: Someone call DR LAURA!
AXELvonAUR: what is Laura's last name in that Gene Tierny movie?

Medical Dictionary Fun:
OderusMobius: the body also releases prolactin when it sneezes
Spookyfish2: Oderus must have picked up the Medical
Encyclopedia that I threw away.
Spookyfish2: The one that grossed me out with its entries on
"Jogger's Nipple" and "smegma"

PatientOnion's Most Excellent Set-Up:
BinxB91: I've had jogger's nipple a lot
AnnAsphodel: Binx, use band-aids
BobsurAuntTom: Ann, what is your favorite city in Europe that
you've been to?
AnnAsphodel: Lucerne Switzerland
BinxB91: I used cole cream too ... but sometimes you're a few
miles out, then what
AnnAsphodel: It's cold cream, Binxie
BinxB91: cold cream??? I felt I had it wrong
BinxB91: I knew it wasn't coal cream
BobsurAuntTom: Really... what about Lucerne dis you especially
AnnAsphodel: I enjoyed the lovely bridge across Lake Lucerne.
It's since burned down, I think.
FoodSIut: the bridge burned down after the coal cream dust explosion

Suicide Prevention:
Spookyfish2: They're building a net under the Golden Gate bridge.
Spookyfish2: Which is dumb.
MsVictoriaLynn1: in case it falls Amber?
Spookyfish2: People will just find another place to kill themselves.
BinxB91: why is it dumb?
BinxB91: Spooky is Amber?
MsVictoriaLynn1: they will jump off the edge of the net

Impressing Her Husband:
Spookyfish2: When I moved to California I had my friend in
Florida record Jeopardy and then email it to me.
Spookyfish2: And when it aired here 3 hours later I'd impress my
husband by getting every single answer right.

Cheese Danish?:
Spookyfish2: Every cheese snack sounds dirty.
Spookyfish2: Cheese whiz.
Spookyfish2: Cheese doodle.

OctoMom moments:
Pheziwig: So, what you are saying is that this single woman
who already had six kids was getting pumped up with fertility
I2DaysInNovember: Amber can you imagine? you probably
don't have any kids yet but 14 kids how can she breast
feed that many?
Beysshoes: one can hire a wet nurse nova
Pheziwig: Six wasn't enough?
Beysshoes: obama says the enough number is eight.
I2DaysInNovember: Beys she'll need more than one

Bathroom Blues:
Pheziwig: If they are all girls, they'll need at least four bathrooms
Pheziwig: I got a buddy who has a wife and three daughters. He walks
over to the gas station every evening to get the paper and sit in
their mens room.

Beysshoes and Phezziwhig - together again:
Beysshoes: 1 in 15 peeps are now unemployed in our country
Pheziwig: 1 in 15 people are unemployed in this country but I just
heard why from Bush. The chick with the 14 kids blew out the

12Days' Joke:
12DaysInNovember: "Good morning or afternoon sir or maddam, Thanks
you for calling the Hewlet Packard technical support hotline. My
namd is Trivanpradesh Vittontwawtanasatid Kalalripalalyatu -
I am wanting to be telling you that all or portions of
I2DaysInNovember: this discussion may be recorded for quality purposes"
I2DaysInNovember: Wai!!1 what did you say your name was?
I2DaysInNovember: "Trivanpradesh Vittontwawtanasatid Kalalripalalyatu"
I2DaysInNovember: uhhh how do you spell that?
I2DaysInNovember: T
I2DaysInNovember: R
I2DaysInNovember: I
I2DaysInNovember: sir nevermind that now
I2DaysInNovember: plaease slowly and clearly state your name and phone
number and the problem you are experiencing with your Hewlet Packard
I2DaysInNovember: Bill

There's a joke in here somewhere:
JadedDremer: i bought all 3 seasons of Arrested Development

Amber's Friends:
AmberDevilRay8: I'm worried where this might lead...this guy has
already told me little green men come to this planet to suck my
toes. =\
MsVictoriaLynn1: Damn Amber that's MY job...:(
AmberDevilRay8: Egad.
MsVictoriaLynn1: Never let me have any fun
MsVictoriaLynn1: brb I'm going to pout and get coffee

Men Will Brag About Anything:
Beatnikspore: Lynn i have never needed a laxative
Beatnikspore: but i can eat a string of figs and hold my own.
so to speak
MsVictoriaLynn1: Damn it, I like a man who can hold his figs

Amber on the Edge:
AmberDevilRay8: Just when I get my wee one to sleep, she wakes
back up.
AmberDevilRay8: I'm considering spiking her food with NyQuil.
AmberDevilRay8: I'm kidding. Please don't report me. brb
Beatnikspore: amber goes to dump the nyquil

Who Do You Love:
Condorblues: small room tonight
Condorblues: who scared them away?
Beysshoes: well, i heard phrons was here earlier condor

Deep Thoughts by Condorblues:
Condorblues: I was thinking about how people say they would
rather die than be paralyzed and have someon wiping their butt
for them
Condorblues: and I thought, if I was paralyzed, the highlight of
the day would be someone wiping my butt, I would be looking
forward to it

The Best Defence is:
MsVictoriaLynn1: mend any fences that need mending
KissMyAsterix: you don't have to forgive everyone or mend every fence
MsVictoriaLynn1: Some can't be mended
KissMyAsterix: some shouldn't
Beysshoes: fences serve a lot of purposes. really.
KissMyAsterix: high ones
Beysshoes: and you can't just go tearing down someone elses fence
you know?
Condorblues: a fence is a fence

[They had talked many words before but never the right words that
might have brought them close beyond suspense.]

What Binx Thinks:
Beysshoes: do you know binx doesn't think that rono is sick? sheesh.
KissMyAsterix: he thinks he's dead?
MsVictoriaLynn1: Rono sane is even more frightening
KissMyAsterix: that's the only other alternative

Generation Xers:
MsVictoriaLynn1: Lighten up, bucky
Yossarian4now: ok dude

Sympathy Lacking:
Yossarian4now: god i'm lost
Beysshoes: get a st jude pendant yoss

They Should Have Been Army:
KissMyAsterix: what color will you get me
Beysshoes: pink of course silly
KissMyAsterix: pink huh
KissMyAsterix: I'm not really a pink person
Beysshoes: okay, you can have the purple
KissMyAsterix: how about green
Beysshoes: the olive or sage?
Beysshoes: mint i should say
Beysshoes: okay so i'm boring. just be rude and not answer. oof
KissMyAsterix: sage
KissMyAsterix: I was thinking
Beysshoes: bye already. i have writing to do. nolo you're
too rude and late. its olive for you
KissMyAsterix: dammit olive
KissMyAsterix: I'm not sure I like that
Beysshoes: don't complain or you be back on pink
KissMyAsterix: pink may be better than olive

Women and Math:
MsVictoriaLynn1: This kind of sucks
Beysshoes: how much vicky?

European Tales:
Alansueton: I feel like I am being made fun of In Europe
it's normal to wear speedos
oooolijay: that would really just be a band
AmberDevilRay8: Yeah, but...that's Europe.
oooolijay: okay brb...i'm going to get some popcorn
Alansueton: yeah where people respect and show off their bodies
and where most people aren't waddling lard asses like here
AnnAsphodel: I'm going to sleep.
Tammynet: nite ann
AmberDevilRay8: European men are God's gag gift to women.
AmberDevilRay8: Well...the French men.
CordialCactus: im just not mature enough to rise above the speedo
Tammynet: where at in europe does this speedo thing happen alan
CordialCactus: its me, not you, alan
CordialCactus: though, surf shorts are sexier
JunkedLTD: he had a zeppelin in his speedo
Alansueton: Cannes, France Sitges, Spain Greece everywhere
Alansueton: everywhere
JunkedLTD: redneck riviera
AmberDevilRay8: Any country where the residents would commit
suicide during a brie shortage.
JunkedLTD: lol!
JunkedLTD: latvia
JunkedLTD: i'm out
JunkedLTD: happy schlong chattng
AmberDevilRay8: I'm assuming it's mostly the Mediterranean area.
Alansueton: yeah
Alansueton: where men are real men

Various Commits Manslaughter:
Calalily742: any writers?
Calalily742: any advice for the aspiring kind?
MsVictoriaLynn1: just write, practice and have fun with it,
write anything that comes to mind
BinxB91: Cala, write every day
MsVictoriaLynn1: Yes, what Binx said
Beysshoes: Cala, join some online writers groups and workshops
BinxB91: Cala, write letters to people
Various704: cala, ask the authors lounge. they are very kind and
helpful in there
KissMyAsterix: and you say I'm mean various

News Crawl Gone Wild:
Prospect26: s...our secretary of commerce is from NH...
check your stats.

Making Selah Feel Good:
BobsurAuntTom: I mean, once you get a job unless you're a
complete fuck-up, you don't get fired.
Selah3221: really? that's.....not my experience
SteveIzHere7: I've never been fired.
Selah3221: maybe I am a complete fuck up
SteveIzHere7: but I've quit a few times
Selah3221: I was fired twice in NYC
SteveIzHere7: if the job sucks
BobsurAuntTom: Did you show up for your job?
Selah3221: yes

Phezi Having a Bad Day:
MerlinTheSmarty: Please check my profile.
MerlinTheSmarty: I am 1469 years old.
MerlinTheSmarty: My gender is WIZARD
Pheziwig: I swear to God, every crackpot on the internet

Pheziwig: You can tell by the way I use my wok, I'm a chinese
cook, no time to talk

America the Beautiful:
Pheziwig: We are a tolerant nation, otherwise we would have hunted
the BeeGees for sport

Phezi as Dating Expert:
Kan wa ma kan: xenes you are pretty
Xenesthis41886: lol ty
Xenesthis41886: how come i cant find a guy then
Pheziwig: You want a guy? Find a woman who has two and make
friends with her

Like Shindler's List With Curry:
Rafo65: I liked Slumdog Millionaire very much
Rafo65: It made my own life look almost bearable..

Best Simile:
Pheziwig: <---listening to 21st Century Schizoid Man by
King Krimson and you guys are not fitting in with the music
Pheziwig: It's like the kmher rouge walks into a tupperware party

Best Metaphor:
Alansueton: and the funny thing is most of the truth, info,
is from Israeli Newspapers US papers are afraid to print the truth
Poor Bidet: u.s. papers are pussies
Poor Bidet: is that what you're trying to say?
Poor Bidet: u.s. papers are the BINXB91 of international journalism

Best Typo:
AmberDevilRay8: I'm eating rice cakes. I'm boring. =(
AmberDevilRay8: I like 'em 'cause they're crunchy.
AmberDevilRay8: I have to eat the flavored ones though.
AmberDevilRay8: Eating the palin ones is like munching on styrofoam.
AmberDevilRay8: *plain
Fleurdelochi: palin makes rice cakes now?
Kan wa ma kan: they are moose flavored

Divine Intervention:
Kan wa ma kan: i am eating a butterscotch candy
Kan wa ma kan: i do believe this is the first i have had in
over a decade
Kan wa ma kan: i forgot how divine they are

Phezi at a Funeral:
Pheziwig: I have a friend who speaks Latin and his daughter's
goldfish died. We had a funeral, and he spoke over the fish
in Latin. It was the lyrics to the Beatles song Let it Be.
I almost lost it. LOL

I Got the Spurs That Don't Jingle Jangle:
Beysshoes: binx is very trusty ms vicky.
MsVictoriaLynn1: yes I know, I like him
MsVictoriaLynn1: we IM on occasion
Beysshoes: yes. he's decent.
MsVictoriaLynn1: I probably should have just had sense to ask
HIM why he did the blog..
Beysshoes: its okay. he doesn't jangle easily
Beysshoes: he's like a white obama. ha

[Clearly he was destroying himself, and knew it but couldn't stop.
It was all made so easy. His world was narrow, stifling narrow,
and yet he knew no alternatives. He honestly faced up to all the
questions, and asked them ruthlessly over and over, but they were
the wrong questions. Round and round he went: you need new ques-
tions before you can get new answers.
It appeared, however, that for the time being Hector would survive.
He didn't know why. Perhaps because he had a sense of humor, and
therefore his thoughts began to bore him and he could allow himself
to be charmed and calmed by the water. Perhaps life just wasn't
tough enough for him.]

BookShelf History:
MsVictoriaLynn1: I sometimes wonder about Binx
Beysshoes: vicky what is there to wonder about binx?
MsVictoriaLynn1: I can not fathom why the blog is so important,
but then again, I do not have to
MsVictoriaLynn1: so its rhetorical wondering, I guess
Beysshoes: he's unusual in that he's one of the rare regular guys
who don't game. the blog?
Beysshoes: many of us love the blog vicky
Beysshoes: and its part of the chatrooms history
MsVictoriaLynn1: it makes more sense now
MsVictoriaLynn1: Oh its fun to read but its a lot of work
MsVictoriaLynn1: Ahh... see, that I did not know
Beysshoes: binx likes work vicky
MsVictoriaLynn1: now I see the light, so to speak
MsVictoriaLynn1: makes perfect sense now then

BookShelf Explained
Ttwifan4ever: so is this a room to talk about rooms and authors and
oooolijay: and stuff


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