Friday, November 21, 2008


Godwit to KatyTried Readers:
Godwit935: Yo Binx, when you go in there, tell them they are
some poor sumbucks, reading about this wasteland.

His Resource:
Alansueton: I don't know where I come up with this stuff
Ooolijay: your ass is an endless resource alan

"No,Interesting TO ME!":
Ooolijay: godwit are you a sinner like me?
Godwit935: Let's talk about something interesting.
Godwit935: Binx, do you have anything interesting to
talk about?
BinxB91: Yes, Godwit, ever hate something you once loved?
Godwit935: Not that I can remember, Binx.
BinxB91: Godwit, ever feel passionate?
Godwit935: Binx, that is a ridiculous question, not bona fide.

What Are You Wearing?

Ooolijay: jeans and a dallas cowboy's hoodie

Eyes Attack: I'm wearing black jogging shorts and a blue tank.

Creepy Loner: I am wearing my pink Hudson Bay "woobie"
oversized cardigan, loose-knit, cream-colored...a watch-fob
and moose-tooth as a necklace...and a hair-tie.

Zoshka5: jeans and a sort of knit shirt
LeslieHapablap: lee jeans?

LeslieHapablap: binxb91, sock monkey pajamas.

Twice-Told Jokes:
Forkrerereredux: some girls don't know they are pregnant
until the baby falls out
BinxB91: Fork, the baby doesn't exactly "fall" out
DGBALTIMORE: fork thats a state of denial
Josh Maxwell4: classic joke: a girl goes to the doctor and is
told she is pregnant.
Josh Maxwell4: she asks the doctor: "is it mine?"
RONORELOADED: "I swear I don't have a baby in my belly"
Forkrerereredux: um, who is the doctor here?
RONORELOADED: until he tells the woman "how are you today, Mr."

"you are ridiculous":
Godwit935: Ooli, you are impossible to talk to.
Ooolijay: i am not godwit
Ooolijay: you never try to talk to me
Forkrerereredux: godwit never answer questions
Alansueton: Godwit you ended that sentence with a preposition
Godwit935: Ooli, you make it impossible. You are ridiculous.
Ooolijay: whenever i ask you real questions you dont answer

[Her mother sat by my bed and chatted and urged me to ask
Villanelle to marry me when she was free.
'I had a dream last night,' she said. 'A dream of death.
Ask her, Henri.'
When we were out together that afternoon I did ask her, but
she shook her head.
'I can't give you my heart.'
'I don't have to have it.'
'Perhaps not, but I need to give it. You're my
When I told her mother what had happened, she stopped her
baking. 'You're steady for her, she goes for madmen. I tell
her to calm down but she never will. She wants it to be
Pentecost everyday.']

Sandwich Spread:
Ooolijay: i was in a good mood today and felt like spreading
the love today, alan
Alansueton: you whore
Ooolijay: so i sandwiched that book between a dog book and a
picture of doomgirl

Street Preacher:
LucifersWit: God cries for you Godwit
LucifersWit: a lost people
LucifersWit: the people of Godwit

Guess Again, Amber:
AmberDevilRay8: Is this Rono dude the leader?

BookSlut's In Love:
B00KGASM: Just got off work.
BinxB91: what is your job, Book?
B00KGASM: Service industry.
B00KGASM: > grin <
BinxB91: CAN you smile?
B00KGASM: Yesss.
BinxB91: food service?
B00KGASM: Use your imagination.
B00KGASM: I meet foreigners on a daily basis.
BinxB91: is that like everyday?
Onimesh: translation?
Ooolijay: an airport bar?
Onimesh: airport McDonald
WildCIAagent: Hooker?
B00KGASM: That would be awesome, Oooli.
Onimesh: I was thinking "hooker"
B00KGASM: I am in love with the Phoenix airport.

Gay Vodka:
Creepy Loner: Yes. Art F*g claims that he can drink vodka like
it's water and not get a massive hangover. It has to be a
certain kind of especially gay-vodka, though.
Creepy Loner: Which is very expensive.

Creepy Getting Free Dinners:
Creepy Loner: I had a friend in high school that wouldn't eat
...and I'd take the food after it had been scooted around the
plate a few times.
Creepy Loner: The friend would PRETEND to eat by moving the
food around the plate.
Creepy Loner: I'd sit there and wait until friend was done with
this dance...then I'd eat the food. Free dinner!
Creepy Loner: [grin]

Newbie Vetting:
Eyes Attack: I will settle in.
Creepy Loner: Wurd.
Creepy Loner: Tell us more about yourself, Eyes...what do you like,
apart from vodka?
Creepy Loner: Do you use tobacco products of any kind?
Eyes Attack: I do.
Creepy Loner: Ah ha!
Creepy Loner: What do you use?
BinxB91: Do you live in Ohio?
Eyes Attack: I smoke Marlboro Lights 100's.
Eyes Attack: I live in Tennessee.
Creepy Loner: That's what I started on. How long have you been
Forkrerereredux: like boys in sailor costumes?

NoraMcKee525: i had heartburn once after I'd washed down a bag of
sour patch kids with a bottle of chardonnay

Odds & Ends:

B00KGASM: I had a dream about my own funeral.

Ooolijay: your body shouldn't be digesting food this late

Forkrerereredux: fork hate shania twain

Onimesh: I have watched The Matrix again today

Godwit935: It will be interesting to see what happens tomorrow
on the stock market.

CordialCactus: cordon bleu popped in my head

NoraMcKee525: i'm stuffed

Where to Find Nora and Julie:
NoraMcKee525: oooli..the scoot inn has morrissey mondays now

Candice Making Money:
CordialCactus: I just made five bucks
ThePaIeRlDER: jesus candice
Anais3233: YAY five dollars!
CordialCactus: selling baby/toddler/preschooler clothes through
Anais3233: i'm looking on craig's list right now
EmpressZ21: what did she get for the 5 bucks cact
CordialCactus: two old navy sweaters and a pair of black
suede clogs
BinxB91: babies wear clogs?
Anais3233: only if they are hippie babies, binx
Anais3233: With their hemp diapers

Studying Hard:
Anais3233: i only read stuff that has pictures of genitals in it
Anais3233: OMG speaking of... i saw so many cocks today
Anais3233: and some vaginas too

SunNapper Meets Fork:
SunNapper55: kind of like a Fork raised with wolves or something

NOT on the same page:
EDruezillaB: Binx, we were about to turn to that page where the
girlfirend lays with her head at the foot of the bed as to
accommodate a good face F while he watches football

Creative in Bed:
EDruezillaB: I'm pretty creative in bed.
Ooolijay: i once made a collage in bed

More Stuff Only Rono Knows:
Onimesh: DId you know gestapo police had lots of jewish members?

Regarding Henry:
Onimesh: did you know Hitler was a good buddy with ford?
SunNapper55: Gerald Ford?
BinxB91: Tennesee Ernie Ford?
Onimesh: Then living ford...
Hadachoke: fjiord
BinxB91: Whitey Ford?
Onimesh: I can find out the name withing FIVE minutes
Onimesh: but unless I get paid for it, why should I ?
BinxB91: "Hey good buddy, Adloph here"
SunNapper55: from the Norway Fjiords

Fast Food Foreigners:
Onimesh: if you are chinese and you come to america
Onimesh: you open up a chinese restaurant
Onimesh: your life is set
Onimesh: you don't have to learn anything new...
SunNapper55: and according to Biden, if you're Indian, you
open a Dunkin Donuts
Onimesh: or a subway
Onimesh: sun, in astoria
Onimesh: this indian lady
Onimesh: her name is SHUKLA DEVI
Onimesh: she owns 16!!!
SunNapper55: wow
Onimesh: dunkin donuts...
Onimesh: I used to know four of them...

SunNapper Meets Rono:
SunNapper55: and according to Biden, if you're Indian, you open
a Dunkin Donuts
Onimesh: not indian indian...
Onimesh: sun, no one told you I was indian
Onimesh: how do you know I am indian?
SunNapper55: you're Indian?
Onimesh: don't play dumb
Onimesh: BOY
SunNapper55: I don't have to play.
Onimesh: or subhuman woman
SunNapper55: I was talking about Biden. And his comments.
Onimesh: I am watching you...
SunNapper55: get this Onimesh offa me!!!

The Geeky Girls:
Summers Eve L: No, but I have "Haunted Places: the
National Directory"
Melodramamama22: you do not
Summers Eve L: I so do.
Summers Eve L: It's by Dennis William Hauck
Melodramamama22: thats kinda dorky. do you look up haunted places
before you go somewhere?
Summers Eve L: I wanted to base a road trip on haunted places.
Melodramamama22: and hit 'em?
Melodramamama22: omg
Summers Eve L: OMG. You didn't know I am geekitronious maximus?
Summers Eve L: Because I like so am.

"Movie Sex Scenes for 600, Alex":
BinxB91: In what movie does Suasan Sarandon go down on James Spader?
Melodramamama22: white palace
Melodramamama22: white something
Summers Eve L: Damn it.
BinxB91: WTG Melo
Melodramamama22: hahahahaha!
Melodramamama22: i should be quiet and let someone else win one
Melodramamama22: snort
Summers Eve L: I want to go down on James Spader. Ok. There's some
trivia for you.
BinxB91: In what movie does Marlon Brando have anal sex with his
lover with the help of a stick of butter?
Melodramamama22: oh, uh, last tango in paris
Summers Eve L: Ok. I need to see more movies.

Tom and Jerry:
Tom Brite: ...notice how masturbation discussion is avoided
CordialCactus: hello Tom
Tom Brite: it's taboo but universally practised
Phronsie: unfortunate. Matrubation is harmless. Rape is not
MyStrat: tom, everyone does it, but no one admits to it
Phronsie: nor is sexual activity consequenceless
Phronsie: I admit to it.
MyStrat: does seem to freak the dogs out when they walk in on
you when you are having some 'alone time'
Phronsie: I'd certainly not want people to think I was engaged
in sex with other people
CordialCactus: lol
Tom Brite: my friend jerry talks about it all the time but then
everyone else is silent or leaves the room
MyStrat: cord, and the cats just seem disgusted by the whole thing

Candice Caught:
AXELvonAUR: Cordial Cactus is IMing me. Should I allow this?
CordialCactus: lol
CordialCactus: you dork

Godwit on the Make:
Godwit935: Annspokdel, you and I ought to get together.
AnnAsphodel: Godwit, why would you say that?
Godwit935: Ann, why not.
AnnAsphodel: You hardly know me.
Ooolijay: ann, godwit is trying to make a date with you
Godwit935: I don't know you at all, Ann. You could be 22.

More or Less:
Godwit935: But Ann, I get the feeling we are in the
same ballpark, more or less.
AnnAsphodel: I'm not sure what ballpark that would be.

"Perfect Ann!":
Godwit935: Ann, just one question is relevant to me: Are you
interested in men in the usual way of human history?
Ooolijay: ann, you should meet godwit. he is a decent american man
LeslieHapablap: i would consider meeting godwit935 but i am
afraid he would try to lick me. that would be icky.
AnnAsphodel: I have never met anyone I first met online.
Godwit935: Perfect, Ann!
Godwit935: Ann, Quakertown sound good to you. That Dutchy diner
at 663?

Coming Closer:
Godwit935: Annpholidelasphodel, do you have pictures of yourself
on your profile?

You Intrigue Me:
Godwit935: Ann, I am just wondering about you. You live so close,
you intrigue me.
AnnAsphodel: That's intriguing?
BinxB91: intrigue??? OMFG
Godwit935: Sure, Ann, you are in the realm of possibility, as far
as I am concerned.
BinxB91: Godwit, give the lady some breathing space
Ooolijay: godwit, if i lived closer to you would i also be intriguing?
Zoshka5: 'you intrigue me and live so close'...classic stalker line
Forkrerereredux: AnnAsphodel: Me change mind. Me want meet and sex :)
AnnAsphodel: ha!

Godwit Strikes Out:
Godwit935: Nuts, that broad left.
Ooolijay: that broad left
Ooolijay: hahhaha
CordialCactus: lol @ broad
Godwit935: Must be a lesbo.

Consoling Godwit:
CordialCactus: godwit, i want you to know that i think you're
charming in your own godwitty way
Forkrerereredux: she doesn't like men in the natural way that
women like men
Zoshka5: what if godwit was one of us

Leslie Glad:
BoreUsYelledSin: Target really has some quite lovely commercials.
BoreUsYelledSin: I appreciate that.
LeslieHapablap: boreusyelledsin, i am glad.

Leslie Does:
Godwit935: So anyway, does anyone here understand what will happen
to the United States, long-term, if the American carmakers go out
of business?
LeslieHapablap: godwit935, what is your telephone number?

Try Matching Ones:

AXELvonAUR: Binx you're scary
AXELvonAUR: Binx, did anyone ever suggest to you that that's
a trifle obsessive?
BinxB91: Katy Tried
BinxB91: Axel, it's just fun. By the way, I have two of your
comments already this evening
AXELvonAUR: Binx, what, do you want money?
BinxB91: AXEL, who's scarier ---- me or Godwit?
LeslieHapablap: binxb91 is scarier.
LeslieHapablap: he has a tattoo. godwit935 does not.

Golden Calf:
Godwit935: A woman's calf is defiled by a tattoo. A woman's calf
is the greatest creation of the Almighty, as is.

Stuff Only Leslie Knows:
LeslieHapablap: jews do not wear jeans.
Ooolijay: they dont?
BoreUsYelledSin: They do too.

Leslie Down 35%:
LeslieHapablap: boreusyelledsin, go to neiman marcus and get
some jeans.
BoreUsYelledSin: Leslie is really pissing me off. I may have to
find her new home and get her.
BinxB91: Boreus, Leslie is an acquired taste
BoreUsYelledSin: Leslie, may I acquire you?
LeslieHapablap: boreusyelledsin, i am not publicly traded.

You Have to Admit:
Godwit935: You have to admit, this room is almost worthless.
Ooolijay: not when you're here godwit

Really Long Labia:
BoreUsYelledSin: Y'know what I once heard about Joan Osborne?
Glomawr: what did you hear about Joan Osborne?
BoreUsYelledSin: I really shouldn't even tell anyone this...
because it was told to me by a friend of a friend of someone
in her band.
BoreUsYelledSin: So it isn't coming directly for the horses mouth,
so to speak.
Glomawr: sounds like a source to me
BoreUsYelledSin: Well... supposedly Joan went on for labial surgery.
Ooolijay: labial surgery?
BoreUsYelledSin: She had extremely long labia.... and I guess she
didn't like the "flappin' in the wind" feel to them.
Glomawr: oh..........
Ooolijay: long labia?
Zoshka5: dumbo labia
BoreUsYelledSin: yes Julie... that is a big new thing for women.
Glomawr: bad if you ride motorcycles naked
BoreUsYelledSin: Exactly Zosh.
Glomawr: the flying twat
Artfulcrosstitch: flapping in the wind glomar
Ooolijay: not if you want to slow down glom
Zoshka5: a lip tuck
Glomawr: I'm callin Disney
BoreUsYelledSin: Maybe when she was swimming someone thought
they were undeer attack by a sting ray or something.
Glomawr: a flitter tuck
Glomawr: a sting ray...........LOL
Artfulcrosstitch: thats terrible
Glomawr: worse than terrible
Zoshka5: being attacked by a hirsute dragon
Glomawr: which of course would be terriblest
Zoshka5: lay labia lay, lay across my big brass clit ring
BoreUsYelledSin: Well, I didn't make it up. But who knows if
it's true. But I do know that if god was one of us he'd probably
not have really long labia.
BoreUsYelledSin: But, I can't speak for god.

Julie's Ready:
Godwit935: Has anyone in here made a fallback plan in case the
entire economy collapses?
Ooolijay: i'm thinking of painting my toenails

BoreUsYelledSin: I can't stand that Mike Huckabee.
BoreUsYelledSin: I hope he regains that 600 pounds he lost.

Godwit935: I would like to see the rich lose everything, and be as
poor as the very poor.
Zoshka5: walmart is crowded enough
Doc Whew: the hot dog mustard at walmart tastes like egg roll mustard

Tom Dis'ed:
Tom Brite: everyone is scared
Godwit935: Tom, I am not scared at all. I am getting richer,
relatively speaking.
Ooolijay: tom, your ex wife was in here earlier. she called you
a douchebag

Someone New to Flirt With:
BoreUsYelledSin: if everyone flirts with Oooli, I'm gonna have
to find someone different to flirt with. I hate being one of
the many.
BoreUsYelledSin: Maybe I'll start flirting with Godwit.
BinxB91: BoreUs, flirt with Daisy
BoreUsYelledSin: I don't know Daisy... does she have breasts?
Tom Brite: i would like a nice fire, some warm breasts and a dog
Ooolijay: she has a trail
MsVictoriaLynn1: well, I have warm breasts and a dog
Ooolijay: i have a bird

Godwit935: I hear people saying "who knew" on NPR all the time
and it makes me want to crush their windpipes.
Godwit935: Is it abnormal to be angry? Of course not.
Godwit935: Anyone with a head on his shoulders is angry and
Godwit935: Any normal American man is angry.

Godwit's Dog:
Zoshka5: I imagine he has some sort of drooly hound with
flatulence issues

SecretSkull11: theres two kind of woman hookers and non hookers
hookers get paid up front non hookers get it on the back end

The Unappreciated Rono:
Onimesh: annscrispin blames EVERYONE
Onimesh: once everyone was attacking her and i saved her
Onimesh: the next day she blames me too

Hooters Relection:
Godofodd2: rafo, I just got back from hooters casino, they
are a bit younger than palin

Bengali Pen Pal:
Onimesh: Mimi emailed me from india

And Funny Too?:
CordialCactus: i take after my dad and he's funny looking

Those Crazy Canucks:
KD81785: there is not a damn job that a welfare mother can't
do that Canadians do
KD81785: Ann murray

You Have to Be There:
CordialCactus: the upside down show
Ooolijay: what is the upside down show
CordialCactus: its funny!

Safety Lessons:
CordialCactus: but.. an experience with my niece taught me to
never never put a raisin in your nose
NoraMcKee525: i had an experience that taught me never to leave
manicure scissors on the couch cushion

Shopping for Bras:
WildCIAagent: It the NEW! naturally uplifting!
BoDY LACE FANTASY by Vanity Fair
CordialCactus: underwire?
WildCIAagent: I got the Yes
NoraMcKee525: the yes?
WildCIAagent: Beige one
Ooolijay: yes to underwire i think nora
NoraMcKee525: oh
WildCIAagent: Yes, underwire... she mixed me up.
NoraMcKee525: i prefer cia stirred, not shaken
WildCIAagent: It's light as a feather.
CordialCactus: how much?
CordialCactus: online? or physically at a store
CordialCactus: and dont be embarrassed to tell me how much
WildCIAagent: $30
Ooolijay: i would be afraid to buy a bra online
CordialCactus: ok
CordialCactus: my mom buys my bras
CordialCactus: cia, she just knows
CordialCactus: i am a dork
Ooolijay: your mom buys bras for you?
CordialCactus: she does
WildCIAagent: I tried on about 8 and this one felt the best.
CordialCactus: i dont ask her to
CordialCactus: she sends them
CordialCactus: and i think.. oh hey, i dont have to buy one
NoraMcKee525: you tried them on?
NoraMcKee525: i don't do that
Ooolijay: of course you try them on
Ooolijay: are you insane nora?
NoraMcKee525: it's like underwear!
WildCIAagent: CC, how does she know what will fit just right?
Ooolijay: you dont try panties on
Ooolijay: but you do try bras on
Ooolijay: yes
Ooolijay: yes you do
WildCIAagent: NO, I ALWAYS try them on!

WildCIAagent: Hi CC, o, Nora,
Ooolijay: how come you gave me such a little o?

Pontoon Sex:
CordialCactus: ive never had dressing room sex
CordialCactus: or even dressing room heavy petting
NoraMcKee525: never?
CordialCactus: nope
WildCIAagent: My husband would never.
NoraMcKee525: public bathroom sex?
Ooolijay: i've had that
CordialCactus: thinking
NoraMcKee525: alley sex?
NoraMcKee525: ok...cactus is making ME feel like a ho
CordialCactus: no and no
Ooolijay: behind the beer tent on a picnic table at oktoberfest sex
NoraMcKee525: end of times!!
CordialCactus: lol
NoraMcKee525: lol oooli
BinxB91: car sex?
Ooolijay: yeah car sex
CordialCactus: yes to car sex
NoraMcKee525: duh binx
Ooolijay: everyone has had car sex
WildCIAagent: O?
NoraMcKee525: movie theater sex
Ooolijay: yes
CordialCactus: pontoon sex, backyard sex, back of truck sex,
parents bed sex
WildCIAagent: Eww
BinxB91: sex in the high grass?
CordialCactus: lol no to movie theater sex
NoraMcKee525: sex while driving
CordialCactus: you mean with someone, right?>
Ooolijay: lol pontoon sex
WildCIAagent: That was my eww too, CC
Ooolijay: yes
NoraMcKee525: yes cactus!
CordialCactus: lol
CordialCactus: i was thinking pee wee herman

Jinx or Slug Bug:
Ooolijay: dont stand so close to me
BinxB91: "don't stand so ...."
Ooolijay: is the song you're thinking of
BinxB91: JINX II
CordialCactus: thats it
Ooolijay: in which sting references lolita
CordialCactus: you owe binx a coke
Ooolijay: i'm the girl
Ooolijay: binx buys the drinks
CordialCactus: ok.. but according to the rules of jinx
CordialCactus: the person who says jinx first gets the coke
CordialCactus: duh
CordialCactus: ::eyeroll::
NoraMcKee525: i thought the one who says jinx gets to punch
the other one
CordialCactus: nora, thats slug bug

Nora Draws the Line:
BoreUsYelledSin: I'm against sex in public.
HunterXTC: i could have public sex to the charlie parker tune
on Nora's profile
NoraMcKee525: stop saying that already

Godwit to BookShelf:
Godwit935: Good night, you mostly disgusting pigs.

Wondering Comes to an End:
HunterXTC: well, i WAS wondering, but i guess i no longer have
to wonder. but i think the perfect breast size is 34C.

Was It Good For You Too?
NoraMcKee525: did you just snort me?


Blogger Candice said...


11/25/2008 6:35 AM  
Blogger KatyTried said...

Thanks, Candice. Now shake Beysshoes to see if she's sleeping.

11/25/2008 8:37 AM  
Blogger Beysshoes said...

I'm on 50 mg of prednisone steroids a day so I haven't slept for 3 days now binky. Just what I need more noodles baking upstairs and relentless hungering leading to even more phat.
...The smokey black walnut planks were floored this week and lays in splendor cooling my every footstep.e

12/03/2008 11:49 PM  
Blogger KatyTried said...

I have no idea what you mean.
Yet, your words are undeniable beautiful.

12/04/2008 1:05 PM  
Blogger Beysshoes said...

What I mean: 1. If you visited my nightjar you'd get that one; 2. sleep deprivation leads to over baking the cerebellum and steroids make you insatiably hungry; 3. I guess you were earnest in your disinterest of my new wood floors.
... on black walnut wood: It's a very rare commodity as the trees take 60 - 100 years to maturation so no one who plants them will reap any profit, you see. Scott and I would plant hundreds of black walnuts on our 46 acre woodland in Maine every year. Naturally, I fell in love with the planks and sent you the link-in-a-box which you plainly ignored.

12/05/2008 3:47 AM  
Blogger Beysshoes said...

Oh and PS: Love and hate are the extreme ends of one emotion on the very same spectrum. So it's all good.

12/10/2008 11:45 AM  

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