Thursday, October 30, 2008

Boxing Day - Last week I had Beysshoes and Godwit
as swizzle sticks. For this week's too-much-time-
on-my-fans, I wonder what it would be like if
we were all boxers. For assistance with this I
had Rocky Grazziano of Ring Magazine examine old
KatyTried archives (are archives ever not old?) and
imagine Shelfers as boxers in the ring and then
report back. Here are his various sketches:

Godwit - Leads with his chin. Vunerable to
rope-a-dope tactics. Sometimes prevails when
opponets wear out their hands.

Beysshoes - A freewheeling style. Puzzling tactic
of helping opponets up and apologizing after she's
decked them

Oooolijay - Likes to mix it up. Light on her feet.
Looks good in trunks.

Lesliehapablap - An exacting tactician who unravels
when there's blood.

WarHorseThor - a bar room brawler

Dickeszian - Hard to hit but attack is limited to
rabbit punches, head butts, and feints

CreepyLoner - Shrugs and eyebrow rises distract
from her nifty footwork. Often loses interest during
the middle rounds. Though she flops, always gets up.

CordialCactus - Great Counter Puncher. But also
seems to enjoy hitting herself.

ParaMyrrh - Skilled but often fights dirty ...
then whines to the ref when warned.

MsVictoriaLynn - Has some good combinations but poise
goes to hell when fouled

Fork - Couldn't keep watching this fighter after I
saw what he did with his mouth guard

Phronsie - Cannot be knocked down. But will throw
in the scrabble towell when not given a fight.

Anais - Pretends to be a dirtier fighter than she
really is. Seems to only fight so she can enjoy
a long post-bout hug from her opponet.

NoraMcKee - An effective jab but always leaves herself
open for a hook.

Summers Eve L - A hard hitter. But can get tired.

PatientOnion - Given to occaisional greatness where he
hits everything including the ref. Hard to defense.
Doesn't really care if he misses.

Catpower - Steady. A good tactician. Doesn't really
want a shot at the title.

BookGasm - Free swinger. Seems to prefer shadow
boxing though.

Melodramamama - Likes to mix it up. Needs to finish
opponets off.

Bidet - Once a feared opponet. Now quits after one round.

BethLiebner - Don't sleep on this fighter.

Rono - Always fights with a lot of energy but is more
interested in annoying than hurting opponets.

Prospect - Persistent but seems out of her weight class.

LadyMountain Medic - Can punch with either hand. Good
at sidestepping wild hooks.

HadaChoke - Always looking for an opening for an uppercut.

PaleRider - Telegraphs his punches. Don't let him get
you in a clinch.

Now the clips:

Hey You Guys:
Hyperyon3: you guys might be surprised to know this,
but einstein was a women hater
StilIJaded: i am wearing an einstein t-shirt now

Americans Don't Win Nobel Prizes:
Rafo65: One of my fave poets is Gustavo Adolfo Becquer..
I met a Spanish girl once who told me that the only people
in Spain who read his poetry are 14 yr old girls.. geez

Women Without Men:
KD81785: 30 years ago I was in college and brought a
feminist speaker to the college. We took her out afterwards
and one of the committee chicks said, "I like to eat with
women because I can really eat"
NoraMcKee525: ha

Your Tax Dollars at Work:
NoraMcKee525: it wrong to shoot craps during a
faculty meeting?

It's Tough Being a Grouch:
BoreUsYelledSin: I'm experiencing exhaustion.

Scar Wars:
Creepy Loner: I have only had brief dealings with camels. They seem okay.
Creepy Loner: I don't like parrots.
Creepy Loner: I was talking to a parrot once and it bit me...on the face!
Creepy Loner: I punched it.
PatientOnion3: I was wondering how you got that scar on your nose
PatientOnion3: i was afraid to ask
Creepy Loner: It bit me on the cheek, Onion. The scar on my nose is
from something else.

St Francis of Assissi (NOT):
CordialCactus: bird and rodents.. anything with a brain the size of
a nut really.. they make me wary
Melodramamama22: i had a greyhound with a brain the size of a nut
McLaryn5508: I was once bitten by a squirrel I befriended.
I have a scar on my left eyelid

But Will You Respect Her in the Morning:
SteveIzHere1: I need to get my pole polished.
SteveIzHere1: I met a really cute dumb girl tonight.
SteveIzHere1: cute and dumb is the best mix

Her Charming Voice:
PatientOnion3: right or left cheek?
Creepy Loner: Left.
PatientOnion3: were you trying to eat the parrot?
Creepy Loner: No. I was trying to coax it into liking me by
using my charming, high-pitched, "you're a cute little thing"
Creepy Loner: It just sat there like a lump, for about three
minutes, then it turned w/ no warning at all and bit me on
the face. So I punched it.

Creepier Than Buffalo Bill:
Creepy Loner: Fork puts the lotion on his skin. He does this
whenever he's told.
Forkrerereredux: fork is a good girl
Catpower777: have you fattened Fork up, Creepy?
Creepy Loner: No. He's on a diet.
Forkrerereredux: fork likes to be skinny
Melodramamama22: diet coke
Forkrerereredux: borderling emaciated
Melodramamama22: he poo's a lot
Creepy Loner: I need to loosen his I can make myself
a man suit...out of real men.
Creepy Loner: "Goodbye hoooooorssseeess....are crying over
Fooooooork! [putting sock into panties and dancing around room]"

ParaMyrrh's Women:
ParaMyrrh: I enjoy Phronsie's presence She's authentic and not
afraid to say what she thinks
Beysshoes: are you calling phronsie sarah palin names para?
Phronsie: and I believe in birth control and abortion

BinxB91: I went past Menopause once but it was closed
BinxB91: Heard they had great food

BinxB91: I don't use condoms either. I suppose that's how
I became a father
Forkrerereredux: condoms are for sailors and homos
ParaMyrrh: Dr Fork do you use Prosthetics?
BinxB91: My daughter is going to the Dominican Republic tomorrow
BinxB91: boleta emitado favor enviarlo tal qual

And That's a Good thing:
RONORELOADED: Your mind keeps wanting and wanting...

Para as Charmer:
ParaMyrrh: I think I'll drink myself into a COMA
ParaMyrrh: death take your fiddle
ParaMyrrh: play a song for me
ParaMyrrh: play a song we used to sing
ParaMyrrh: a song that brings you close to me
Phronsie: I think it's scrabble time. Y'all have fun.

If You're a Man, Duck:
Summers Eve L: My boyfriend and I broke up (read he dumped
me after I got back in town from burying my grandmother) and
I needed to reorganize my life.
McLaryn5508: Bastard!
Beachpotato01: Damn Nat...sorry to hear that
Jennifer Payne: ugh sorry Eve that stinks
Beysshoes: summers omg what a pig
ThePaIeRlDER: gee summer im crying for you
Melodramamama22: summer, they're all bastards
Beysshoes: yes mama
McLaryn5508: damn, nice timing!!
Summers Eve L: I know, right?
Wilbur6375: It sounds like house cleaning is a great thing,
PatientOnion3: That's why I became a Lesbian, men are jerks

Men Making a Comeback?:
Beachpotato01: NOT ALL men are jerks...Geeeze
PatientOnion3: name one man that isn't a jerk
PatientOnion3: see you can't!
Catpower777: Jimmy Carter
Melodramamama22: okay, okay. alan alda isn't an asshole
McLaryn5508: Paul Newman wasn't a jerk
Beachpotato01: Tom Hanks...Not a Jerk
Catpower777: Surely Johnny Depp is not a jerk?
Beachpotato01: Ron Howard...not a jerk
Beysshoes: cat, you notice we're all mostly naming actors?
CordialCactus: cat.. if they are prettier than most women,
they're jerks
Creepy Loner: Johnny Depp might be a jerk.
PatientOnion3: depp went to high school with fork, and fork
said he was cool
Beysshoes: uhm. no real nonjerk men IRL except jimmy carter. okay

Splitting Hairs:
Creepy Loner: Onion; Sometimes a jerk, sometimes charming.
Beysshoes: onions not a jerk he's an ass. there's a
difference creeps

Maybe It Took 43 Years To Get His Jerk Out:
McLaryn5508: My man is not a jerk
McLaryn5508: But, it took me 43 years to find him

Summers is Native American?:
ThePaIeRlDER: well maybe she was being a tad more bitchey cat
and he could no longer take it
Catpower777: Rider, she just lost her grandmother
Catpower777: she is allowed to scalp him if necessary

ThePaIeRlDER: why are we focusing on men as jerks and not women
as bitches?
McLaryn5508: We are bitches bc you are jerks
CordialCactus: oh bs
Catpower777: Rider, you are assuming that great chicks hook up
with great dudes

Misheard Lyrics?:
BinxB91: 'Love is a nose but you better not pick it"
Melodramamama22: that's on par with "something in the way she moos,
attracts me like no udder lover"

Odds and Ends:

DoomGrl: i like to bowl

Akuma Gouki San: My grandpa is 80 and has 2 girlfriends

BoreUsYelledSin: I think my favorite story was that one about
the guy that only ate oatmeal. Taht was great.

CordialCactus: have you ever run over a wallaby?

B00KGASM: I do wish that my physician wore a cassock.

Ooolijay: i'd like to train my vaginal muscles to frown

Poor Bidet: i'm not a thug

Glomawr: I took my children to see Metallica

Maybe He Could Be a Stock Broker:
Beysshoes: fezz is too immature to be a frat boy

The Next Dr. Phil:
Hyperyon3: when it comes to human, everybody is equall to me,
as long as they are honest

Rono Is Official:
Hyperyon3: I placed an ad on google today, for my website...
I have officially gone international

The Victorian Rage:
Dickenzian: Where's Uncle Godwit?
MsVictoriaLynn1: buried under Para in the meadowlands
MsVictoriaLynn1: joined at the crotch
BinxB91: Geez, Victoria. You're kind of weird
MsVictoriaLynn1: I am, Binx?
MsVictoriaLynn1: So Binxyboo... why am I only a little weird,
aren't I trying hard enough?
BinxB91: Victoria, that Meadowlands comment
MsVictoriaLynn1: should I have said Gowanus Canal, Binx?

WHOM is she speaking of?:
Summers Eve L: That woman is a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day.
When it's cold outside....she's got the month of May...

Meg wants to share ... and type:
I2DaysInNovember: ~~~I'm so glad, I'm so glad, I'm glad
I'm glad I'm glad
Mg500mv: 12, did yuo have a wonderful day?
Mg500mv: What are you gald about?
Mg500mv: glad

Josh Maxwell4: i worked in a place that made vaginal speeculums
Bbrolia: Cool Josh. Did you get to ride in one?

Cunning Little Vixen:
B00KGASM: There is a nasty little spin to a traditional child's
story... the Cunning Little Vixen. The original story is about a
vixen who is trapped by a hunter and attempts to escape.
DoomGrl: i want to be a cunning little vixen
DoomGrl: grrrrr
B00KGASM: The remake is much more sexually charged.

Mimi Undercover:
MsVictoriaLynn1: Mimi... if you felt compelled to correct Lalaland
you MIGHT want to buy your panties a size larger.....
Madam Mimi: what are panties?

CordialCactus: hey ho let the mango through
Gypsyjo47: Ya'll shut up about mangos...that is my favorite fruit
Tem o Bedlam: Mangoes into a bar.

Godwit Analysis:
Akuma Gouki San: There are a million "godwits"
Akuma Gouki San: People who are very fond of themselves and
ready to tell you
Akuma Gouki San: They are simply bores

Consoling BookSlut:
B00KGASM: Why the f can't I be smart and hot and get fucked all
the time like stupid women...
BoreUsYelledSin: Book, obviously you can get fucked anytime you want.
B00KGASM: No I can't, Bore.
BoreUsYelledSin: Sure you can.
BoreUsYelledSin: Book, if an old, fat, unattractive woman can get
laid any time she wants, you can.
BoreUsYelledSin: Ask any women in here... they'll all tell you
just how easy it is.
Rafo65: Boreus.. have u ever considered a career in diplomacy?
OK, how about used car sales?

There's Something About Drowning:
Prospect26: the Edmund Fitzgerald is one my all time favorite songs.

Bengali Betrayal:
Madam Mimi: Binx....I liked the Apu character in the Simpsons

But Not With Quotation Marks:
BoreUsYelledSin: I've pretty much had it with most "ethnic" authors".

But Can She Sing About Drowning?:
MsVictoriaLynn1: As much as I like Gordon Lightfoot, Shania Twain
makes a much prettier Canadian...

Fresh From the Miley Cyrus Room:
JarJarnSnoopy: Thats why I like this room better, much better
topics and intelligent conversations

More Godwit Commentary:
MsVictoriaLynn1: you know how subtle and mamby pampy he can be
with his opinions
DoomGrl: he mellowed after every body started calling him NitWit

Just Like Sex:
Prospect26: everytime I read Toni Morrison I am a bit
overwhelmed and thankful,

Roommate Has Laundry Issues?:
Akuma Gouki San: You can really force nobody to change

How's That Again?:
AnnAsphodel: I prefer interesting kind people
AnnAsphodel: I don't have time for mean people
AnnAsphodel: Mean people usually reveal their meanness.

Lady Had Two Stalkers?:
Verneuker: When I was drinking heavy...this chatroom WAS my life
Prospect26: will always be TOC to me...we had many
conversations and similar issues.

BookSlut Clarifies:
Akuma Gouki San: are you a person who views people based on
statistics of what they can offer, their IQ, how beautiful
they are, .. most people dont want to be a number
JarJarnSnoopy: San thats why when Book gets sexual I don't
cyber with her. My comp might catch a virus from that
disease riddled person
Akuma Gouki San: im not saying anything .. just throwing out
B00KGASM: I don't cyber.

GLG Revokes:
Akuma Gouki San: it's easy to be nice to people who are nice to you
GLG32: i agree akuma.
Akuma Gouki San: i just came online to have sex okay
Akuma Gouki San: not for philosophical malarchy
GLG32: i revoke that agreement.

Good Luck Slut!!:
B00KGASM: I want to completely give myself mind and body -
I want to not only release the muscles of my vagina but also
the taught muscles surrounding my heart. I wish to be free!
BinxB91: BOOK, why not just share a cup of coffee first
MsVictoriaLynn1: or switch to decaf

["Are you sure that this is what you want?" I murmered, not
intending to stop.
"Oh, yes," she cried, "yes."
We stopped talking about it quickly because the dialogue was
getting too embarressing. She was blissful. I took care
never to look at her while I preached, though she always
sat in the front row. We did have a genuinely spiritual
dimension. I taught her a lot, and she put all her efforts
into the church, quite apart from me. It was a good time.
To the pure all things are pure ....]

BookSlut on the Curve:

A mature vampire book? Still waiting:
GLG32: i read deep and mature books but my main love is vampire
and fantasy literature.

Who Knew?:
B00KGASM: I have an ark of stuffed animals.
Ooolijay: little known fact about ooli: she collects boyd's bears

Because Bikers Don't Do Novels:
Dane1066b: Has anyone ever read a book of biker-type short stories?

Beyond Bagels:
BoreUsYelledSin: You'd be amazed at what Jews are responsible for.

I Am Not My Stuffed Animal:
Gleem1946: When first we met you were so demure and soft as
a kitten and now this
Ooolijay: i think you're confusing me with someone else gleem

ParaMyrrh Shares:
Alansueton: Poor Bidet [11:50 P.M.]: alan, you are a genius.
a brilliant man. and your dick!

Pre-emptive Strike:
Poor Bidet: binx, stfu

You'll Die Laughing:
Poor Bidet: kal will kill me one day

Myrrh Puckering Up:
Alansueton: I can't meet people here like Bidet and Ooolijay
They are not at all alike But they are both incredibly vibrant
personalities in their own way
Alansueton: And I am not kissing butt figuratively
Ooolijay: you will be soon, alan

To Call Your Mom?:
Hyperyon3: why should I talk to a woman if it's not a floozie

BoreUsYelledSin: I can't be direct as I always have a hidden agenda.
BoreUsYelledSin: I have an openly hidden agenda.
Rafo65: I have a hidden pudenda
BinxB91: I had a hidden agenda. It was under my blotter

Prospect26: ah, yes...the jam, lady thing

Night at the Museum:
Hyperyon3: I have seen a Mummy in india, in calcutta museum
Hyperyon3: I bowed the mummy and said, "THanx for coming to us after
4000 years later"
Hyperyon3: but I didn't know when they were alive before they
were mummified

Julie Studies Russian:
Ooolijay: i took intensive russian one summer
Ooolijay: i was dating this beautiful half lebanese photographer
at the time
Ooolijay: and we spent the entire summer getting drunk and high and
going to the track
BinxB91: what made it fun?
Ooolijay: he called me kitty cat
Fleurdelochi: a half lesbian photographer?
Ooolijay: no
Ooolijay: lebanese
Fleurdelochi: [snickers] i know, i couldn't resist
BinxB91: What was his other half?
Ooolijay: i dunno
Ooolijay: something white
Hyperyon3: his other half was monkey!!!!!
Hyperyon3: ooli, just joking

Fetching Her Mouse?:
Tammynet: sorry, i was getting help from the dog

BoreUs Offering?:
Ooolijay: i kinda dig it when a man tastes of alcohol and cigarettes
BoreUsYelledSin: I love rubbing ashes in my chest hair.

Rono Hates Humans:
Hyperyon3: some people are trying to take over two apartments of mine

Anais Swoons:
Anais3233: i used to watch their sermons on sunday mornings
Anais3233: i have actually been moved to tears watching them
Anais3233: but it's so staged, i feel like my tearducts were
raped afterwards

Or Shell Fish Bastards:
BoreUsYelledSin: Selfish bastards.
EmpressZ21: shelfish bastards you mean

[By Sunday the pastor had word back from the council. The
real problem, it seemed, was going against the teachings
of St. Paul, and allowing women power in the church. Our
branch of the church had never thought about it, we'd
always had strong women, and the women organised everything.
Some of us could preach, and quite plainly, in my case, the
church was full because of it. There was an uproar, then a
curious thing happened. My mother stood up and said this
was right: that women had specific circumstances for their
ministry, that the Sunday School was one of them, the
Sisterhood another, but that the message belonged to the
men. Until this moment my life had still made some kind of
sense. Now it was making no sense at all. My mother
droned on about the importance of missionary work for a
woman, that I was clearly such a woman, but had spurned my
call to wield power on the home front, where it was
inappropriate. She ended by saying that having taken on a
man's world in other ways I flouted God's law and tried to
do it sexually. This was no spontaneous speech. She and
the pastor had talked about it already. It was her weakness
for the ministry that had done it. No doubt she'd told
Pastor Spratt months ago. I looked around me. Good people,
simple people, what would happen to them now? I knew mother
hoped I would blame myself, but I didn't. I knew now where
the blame lay. If there's such a thing as spiritual adultry,
my mother was a whore.]

More DoomGirl Fans:
UntilYouCameBy: Doom is a delight...she would never fight...
She is so loveable...with talent to spare That woman is
just right
MsVictoriaLynn1: Yes... what Until said...

Remember the 70s?:
UntilYouCameBy: Remember the song that starts...I'm not Lisa
..My name is Julie ?
Ooolijay: yes i do
Ooolijay: but i thought it was the other way around
UntilYouCameBy: No
Ooolijay: hmm
UntilYouCameBy: I don't think so
Ooolijay: well, i guess i just sort of remember it then

BoreUsYelledSin: I don't think I've been invited to any
Halloween parties.
BoreUsYelledSin: I might be party-less
Ooolijay: do you need to go to a halloween party?
BoreUsYelledSin: Not really.
Ooolijay: do you already have your costume

The Breakfest Club:
AnaisNlNja: Binx, will you sprinkle the dandruff on my landscape sketch?

Re-writing for Julie:
UntilYouCameBy: She's not Lisa..Her name is Julie...Lisa left you..
For another chat...Her eyes aren't blue...Lisa lied to you...
and the truth is...Lisa was


Blogger Beysshoes said...

Boxer Binx: Sets it up and then steps back to wait and watch it all happen.
... Boo, I'm so proud of you getting out such a righteous column.

10/30/2008 5:53 PM  
Blogger KatyTried said...

That's very white of you.

10/30/2008 9:04 PM  
Blogger Candice said...

Binx: always entertaining, often discerning, occasionally biting.. floats like a bee and stings like a butterfly.. ha

10/31/2008 9:27 AM  

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