Can You Feel the Love Tonight?
Nora Through the Looking Glass:
Doc Whew: nora are you a lesbian?
NoraMcKee525: yes i am
NoraMcKee525: and anais is my lover
NoraMcKee525: we are pickle canners in saskatoon
Doc Whew: sweet or dill
Anais3233: dill
NoraMcKee525: we worship at the hair of sarah palin
DoomGrl Fan:
Ooolijay: you know who is funny
Ooolijay: doomgrl
Ooolijay: she cracks me up
I2DaysInNovember: she is pretty bright
BinxB91: Doomgrl doesn't intend to be funny though
Creepy Loner: Doom is bright?
Creepy Loner: Do tell, 12.
Ooolijay: doom does too
Ooolijay: she's a smart cookie
Ooolijay: she knows what she's doing
Creepy Loner: She's not smart enough to use a legible font...
how sharp could she be?
She'll Try Anything Once:
I2DaysInNovember: Come On Sucker, Lick My Battery « The Roman Empire
Ooolijay: oh!
Ooolijay: what is that
Female Bonding/Male Exile:
WildCIAagent: CC, you sould see these bee boots.
WildCIAagent: Western Chief Women's Bee Rain Rubber
Boot: Shoes (Keyword to:
CordialCactus: cia.. lol, i didnt know they made them for adults
WildCIAagent: $34.85
CordialCactus: my daughter had lady bug boots
WildCIAagent: What a deal!
WildCIAagent: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lady bug
CordialCactus: you're going to buy them?
WildCIAagent: CC, I can dream.
CordialCactus: do you have a matching coat?
CordialCactus: you will need a matching coat
Ooolijay: wild why dont you buy them
CordialCactus: and umbrella
WildCIAagent: Maybe I could get a YEllow and black peacoat.
Boulshevit: I'll just be over here...humming a tune...Hmmm hmmm
Ooolijay: poor bouls
Ooolijay: shoes and tampons
Ooolijay: 12 get back in here
Ooolijay: bouls needs you
Boulshevit: Hmm Hmmmm
CordialCactus: see if you can find the lady bug ones.. then
a black pea coat.. more versatile than yellow and black... i
suppose the black pea coat would go just as well with the bee
boots, though
CordialCactus: bouls... armpit farts
PatientOnion3: with bidet
I2DaysInNovember: Bouls! : ) how about a manly man hug?
CordialCactus: there you go
Ooolijay: hi onion
Ooolijay: hi 12
CordialCactus: a dose of man topic
Ooolijay: hold on let me get my lickin battery
PatientOnion3: hi ooo li jay
Boulshevit: I thought you'd never aske, 12!
I2DaysInNovember: then we can rip out out chest hair just for the
hell of it
CordialCactus: hiya nov.. hello again onion
Ooolijay: wow that one was stronger
I2DaysInNovember: Hi Oooli! : )
CordialCactus: lol i love when you two get all bondy
Ooolijay: i must have hit it harder
CordialCactus: whats your favorite underused word?
Raphael11110: Cord that's a sort of contradictory question,
words are just means to an end to describe something so how
can a mean be preferable to another?
Boulshevit: I like "henceforthly" but that is kind of becoming
Stop and Smell the ...:
CordialCactus: brb.. daughter wants me to go smell the moon sand
Stop and Shop Lit:
CordialCactus: im reading a book
CordialCactus: called legend
CordialCactus: from the grocery store
Boulshevit: "legend from the grocery store"?
CordialCactus: lol no
CordialCactus: LEGEND
CordialCactus: i bought it from the grocery store
CordialCactus: written by
CordialCactus: David Lynn Goleman
"people are crazy":
Raphael11110: there was this girl who was upset that I called
her the 1st 3 letters of her snname
CordialCactus: what were the first three letters?
CordialCactus: butterfly?
Raphael11110: Gene
CordialCactus: sounds overly picky to me
Raphael11110: cord people are crazy
Raphael11110: people who like food usually have very laid back
CordialCactus: thats like sayng people who dont like air are
usually uptight
ParaMyrrh: Palin is cruel she named her retarded son "Trig" but
he'll never learn Trigonometry
Hyperyon3: operation dessert storm
John Lennon had sisters?:
Nickdee67: who was your favorite lennon sister?
Odds and Ends:
NoraMcKee525: i found money in the street yesterday and took
it to the police station
Melodramamama22: nothing worse than pool boogers
Dickenzian: Why am I awake?
WildCIAagent: ditto to what i said before.
Rietax: i don't like my screenname
DVDMOGUL7: cats are so paranoid sometimes
Ooolijay: tortoises are stupid
Anais3233: i saw sea anenomes they were coolio!
Vacations In Her Room:
Prospect26: I was on vacation and made sure I was in my
room for the debate\
Paul Newman Rememebered:
Gleem1946: Great guy used to buy beers for all the racers
at Bridgehampton
Godwit Bait:
Godwit935: Bidet, would you rather be autistic or not?
Down Boy:
Eat at staples2: this is awesome--i thought we'd be talking
books and crap, and now it looks like a MMA smackdown is about
to begin
Eat at staples2: cool room!
Harryshaw3178: welcome to the shelf, eat
Couldn't We Snuggle First:
Godwit935: Binx, kiss my arse.
Help A Guy Out:
RONORELOADED: I plan to add jokes my site
RONORELOADED: if you have non-dirty but smart jokes you can send
to me
Swami Hoople BVD: I jused to know a lot of violist jokes
RONORELOADED: I will also put food recipies
RONORELOADED: If you have good recipies
RONORELOADED: send it to me
Outdoing Herself:
B00KGASM: Gross.
B00KGASM: Alpaca pubes.
It's OK to Suck:
Anais3233: i told you all about 'a walk in the woods" and
loved it. they are making it into a movie
Anais3233: it should suck
Anais3233: but that's ok.
[After exploring his mouth for a while, she removed her hand
and pulled him to her breast.
"Suck on it," she whispered. "Don't be afraid."
Her voice was patient, almost instructional, and he did as he
was told, not bothering her to inform her that this activity
was not one that frightened him in the least. He had the
feeling that she was trying to teach him something, but he
didn't know what --- a lesson about her body, or maybe just
something about following directions. In any case, he had a
long time to think about it.
"Now the other one."]
Bonding Beyond Words:
CordialCactus: binx, we had a few estrogen bonding moments in here earlierCordialCactus: nothing lascivious
Tammynet: do tell cactus
Tammynet: who bonded with who cactus
CordialCactus: tammy.. you know when the vibe gels, and everyone
plays off one another, the banter is ripe and perfect for the
plucking.. ok.. that sentence annoys me.. but, yeah, it was fun
yet brief
CordialCactus: creeps and i, nora, beys, summer, mclaryn, melo, cat
BinxB91: the banter is ripe?? lol
CordialCactus: pfft
CordialCactus: it annoys me even more when you say it
Iceland's Action? ... or Anais's?:
Anais3233: i have a question
BinxB91: oh oh. Anais has a question.
Anais3233: would you, in the privacy of your own home, Cast your
vagina and make chocolate twats from the cast of it?
DoomGrl: Iceland almost went bankrupt today. They asked the Russians
to help them.
KissMyAsterix: would I, you mean.. when did I?
KissMyAsterix: who hasn't
DoomGrl: isnt that weird
Especially On Franks n Beans Night:
Anais3233: it's so easy for me to get drawn into a fart conversation
Josh Demures:
Avoidingstasis: one of my favorite names is Avigdor, but it's
a guy name. I wouldn't care, but at my age it's late for a change
like that
Avoidingstasis: what names would you all choose
Josh94504: well not avigdor
... and pizza:
Avoidingstasis: the militant fear mongering right is calling
for Obama's death
Natalie at the Movies:
Summers Eve L: I saw the Beverly Hills Chihuahua movie today with
my mom.
Summers Eve L: First time she has been to a movie in at least 10 years.
Summers Eve L: This kid behind me kept pouring skittles down my back.
Summers Eve L: Bless that kid's heart.
And Godwit's Serious:
Godwit935: I like it when people talk like that, and they're
serious. They say, mix CD.
Godwit935: Not even a touch of irony.
Which One Does Not Belong:
Summers Eve L: Just anything and everything that sounds good
to me that I can find on MySpace. Benny Goodman, Louis
Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald, Fred Astaire, Tommy Dorsey,
Duke Ellington....
Summers Eve L: Squirrel Nut Zippers.
Disgusting Kisses Are Sometimes Good:
Hyperyon3: I watched the movie Brokerback Mountain...I thought
it was good
Godwit935: Hyper, you like to watch men kissing each other?
Godwit935: I rented some Six Feet Under episodes and had to
turn away because the one guy, he's queer, and he kisses other
men onscreen, and I mean disgustingly.
Judah X 83: i bought a graphic online and it said it sent it to
my cell number..but i didnt get a phone call
Your Friends Are Dumb:
Mrob3333: i came in here so my friends would see where i am at and
think i am smart
You're Dumb:
Godwit935: Judah, I don't go into the Authors Lounge unless this
jernt is empty. I mean, you are taken seriously in there.
It Really Says That?:
CordialCactus: listen to this Urban Dictionary definition for
Author's Lounge
CordialCactus: deep breath and here i go:
CordialCactus: 1. Author's Lounge An online group of supreme
authors who became close friends. The future rulers of the world.
Jane wanted to join the Author's Lounge, but she just wasn't kewl
Yes, Only Because the Old Shelvers Are All Dead:
Mrob3333: look if anyone comes in here, will binx you pretend i
started the room
Her Own Language:
DoomGrl: we pretended we were nick and norahs infinite play list
and went looking for Wheres Fluffy in Cherry
DoomGrl: we ended up at Dulcinea's 1ooth Monkey. they were
having Asseteria
NoraMcKee525: doom, lately, i understand less and less if what
you say
DoomGrl: its a dance party, with free shots for girls
Prospect26: I am not a whiner...I am a shaker and a mover. I read
several neswpapers a day as well as what I as what I watch on
numerous channels.
If Only She Were Full of Candy:
Prospect26: Thank you all for trashing me. Job well done.
Hadachoke: Prospect is our Pinata
Strange Ambition:
Beysshoes: i wanna be the pinata binx!
Candles For Nothing:
Beysshoes: is your son all healed and better pros?
Prospect26: never needed healing...and is well.
Prospect26: my son
Beysshoes: pros he had broken his arm ?
Beysshoes: i lit candles for him.
On Cue:
BinxB91: Many of us are intelligent. But some of us are not as
intelligent as we think we are
Godwit935: How do you know, Binx.
MsVictoriaLynn1: as if on cue
Dr Pepper:
NoraMcKee525: someone has stolen my dr pepper lipsmacker
NoraMcKee525: noooooo
Tem o Bedlam: Besides, all unclaimed Dr Pepper winds up in the
museum in Waco.
BoreUsYelledSin: I've driven though Waco. There's really not
much there.
Homework Helpless:
Nickdee67: well can the protagonist and the antagonist heve sex?
Victoria As Wise Guy:
Creepy Loner: We're going to drink heavily and hang out in motel
rooms and watch porn!
Creepy Loner: [pleased grin]
MsVictoriaLynn1: Go for it
Creepy Loner: Wurd.
MsVictoriaLynn1: watch the same TV in the same room Creepy, it helps...
Josh Maxwell4: why do women want funny?
WildCIAagent: Because we are sick of IDIOT?
BinxB91: because laughter cures depression
Beysshoes: it takes a certain intelligence for wit josh.
BinxB91: and sometimes acts as an aphrodisiac
Josh Maxwell4: does funny trump handsome and hung?
Beysshoes: it depends josh
Beysshoes: when women are young, we're pretty stoopid and
indiscriminate. so no. later, yes
Josh Maxwell4: fortunately i am all three
BinxB91: young, stupid, and indiscriminate?
Prospect26: josh...women want funny because they don't get it.
Looking for an affair? The other will have a sense of humor.
Beysshoes: yes josh. these chatrooms are filled with a&f
men like you.
Josh Maxwell4: lol blinx: hilarious, cute and 8
Beysshoes: bleh
BinxB91: well, Josh, glad to see you don't have any
self-esteem issues
WildCIAagent: I'm always leery when a man thinks he's all
that and MORE...
Beysshoes: HA
BinxB91: what kind of man describes himself as "cute"?
Beysshoes: onion
BinxB91: Richard Simmons
Josh Maxwell4: i'm not gay but if zac efron asked i'd dance with him
Prospect26: Richards Simmons...good to see you/
Rono Nervous:
Hyperyon3: I get really nervous when I meet someone famous
Hyperyon3: I met wisely snipes one day...I was shaking while
I was shaking his hand
Hyperyon3: get it, shaking and shaking hand?
Hyperyon3: wisely snipes talk to everyone...
Sore Loser:
Zenchef2006: anais, you'll have to get in line for the sushi,
summer's eve made me promise to hand feed her sushi
Anais3233: she's a whore
Phezz Brings That Out in People:
BinxB91: Beys and Phezz should appear together on Blind Date
Dickenzian: Beys once threatened to kill me. I think it made
that website
Dickenzian: She even described the model of handgun
Lovin' Beysshoes:
BinxB91: Phezz, she'd tie you up
BinxB91: and leave you
Beysshoes: binx that was not for public consumption. stop pouting.
Beysshoes: its unattractive
Dickenzian: Good luck Binx. Wear a freaking wetsuit
Beys Willing to Share:
Beysshoes: binx, you know you're my boo
BinxB91: I'm your boo? ... and you ask me about my dates. Odd
Beysshoes: why is this odd binx?
Beysshoes: its not like you're cheating online is it?
the date is IRL stoopid.
BinxB91: that you'll share me
Beysshoes: well, youre a lot of work binx.
Beysshoes: we should go mormon really
Still Skinny Dipping:
Beysshoes: don't spread lies fezz. binx found me in the nunnery.
BinxB91: No, I found Beys here
Dickenzian: Shakespear's Nunnery
Beysshoes: shut up binx
On Book Discussions:
Josh Maxwell4: has a book ever been discussed in this room?
Beysshoes: books are discussed on fridays noon.
Beysshoes: first Friday of each month josh
BinxB91: Josh, BookGasm discusses books. Unfortunately,
she only talks to herself.
Josh Maxwell4: has she ever had a nonliterary gasm?
Altered States:
DVDMOGUL7: beys victorialynn is interesting i only see her
in here on the weekends tho
Beysshoes: ms vicky is lovely and incredibly intelligent dvd
Beysshoes: thus, she rarely visits us here
Altered States II
WildCIAagent: Hyper, you seem to have on a new personality tonight.
Dickenzian: Mizzcactus, I think it is time for you to put on
your thong and go go boots and let's turn in
CordialCactus: how about happy pants and a t shirt?
Otis and Anais:
Beysshoes: binxox are you drinking again???
BinxB91: drinking again?? Beys you think everyone is drinking
Anais3233: I thought binx was the room lush, kind of like Otis
from mayberry.
BinxB91: "what in tarnation"
BinxB91: and Anais is the room floozy like ...
Anais3233: I guess you can check yourself in to the metal cell hotel
Anais3233: maybe i was wrong about binx being the room otis
Anais3233: i think someone else might fit that bill better
Hadachoke: ahem.. fleur, you're ignoring me
Fleurdelochi: >running leap<
Fleurdelochi: i AM not
Argument Ender:
Josh Maxwell4: newt gingrich is probably the most intelligent
politician of this period
Anais3233: i'm so tired of these rebuplicrats
Anais3233: newt gingrich is a bitch
Anais3233: with a giant head
Anais Crowned Miss Vulgarity:
Tem o Bedlam: Other'n being a liar and a thief, Gingrich is a great
Dickenzian: Gingrich is like Bush with brains
Anais3233: WHOA NUH UH
CordialCactus: and bad hair
Godwit935: I don't understand how young people can like pinch-minded
Republicans. It goes against nature.
Anais3233: i wouldn't fock newt gingrich with Rush Limbaugh's cock.
Anais3233: even if i got to cut it off myself
Hack Like Me:
Josh Maxwell4: obama is no john kennedy and not fdr--
just a conventional chicago hack
Godwit935: Josh, if he were a hack, he wouldn't be where he is.
Manny Ramirez, you twit:
Godwit935: Beys, how do you like that guy that plays for the Dodgers,
the one with the plaited hair, whatsisname?
How to Shut Godwit Up:
Creepy Loner: Ah, Godwit...
Creepy Loner: I thought about you the other night while touching myself.
Creepy Loner: [wink]
Anais3233: did you spank yourself rythmically with a hairbrush while
thinking of him?? just wondering
The Fun Couple:
Creepy Loner: And I fear for your understanding of the opposite sex,
Godwit...but what else is new?
Creepy Loner: Say something erotic to me, baby.
Godwit935: Creepy, just keep all that perversion to yourself,
if you please.
Creepy Loner: Fear thee not, Godwit...I intend to bring a good American
into the world...via a bisexual that sort of hates me.
Godwit935: Must we be so low.
Well ... yes:
Catpower777: Anais what were you thanking me for?
Catpower777: just being me?
Eye-rolling Economics Lesson:
Godwit935: What kind of car do you drive, Beys?
Beysshoes: taurus godwit
Beysshoes: why?
Godwit935: Beys, good.
Creepy Loner: "Good" 'cause it's American.
Creepy Loner: [eye roll]
Godwit935: That is right, Creepy.
Godwit935: Because, Beys, how you spend your money is far more
important than how you cast your vote.
It's OK to laugh, just don't point and laugh:
Creepy Loner: I try to avoid laughing DURING sex.
Creepy Loner: I'm polite like that.
Candice With Priorities Straight:
Dickenzian: Chicago will have one thing other countries around
the world competing to host the olympics won't have. Who knows
what that is, people?
CordialCactus: deep dish pizza?
Dickenzian: yes Cactus and the President of the United States
Barack and Me:
Dickenzian: I was talking to Obama a long time ago about getting
involved in the olympics and starting a commission to establish
a World's Fair in 2033. I wonder if he would remember
Beysshoes: seriously fezz?
CordialCactus: supah!
Dickenzian: Yep
Beysshoes: what did he say?
Dickenzian: He said, "2033?, I hope we make it that far."
Beysshoes: that's a major bummer.
CordialCactus: WE being who, phezz?
Dickenzian: No, he was more receptive than that
Dickenzian: We being him and me
That Mindful Godwit:
Godwit935: Creepy, you parents must have gone way wrong, somehow,
if you don't know what it means to act civilized.
Creepy Loner: Are you blind?
Creepy Loner: Stupid?
PaperHatProphet: how is everyone?
Creepy Loner: Respond properly.
Godwit935: Be civil, be mindful of others, Creepy. Be careful of
others' feelings and thoughts.
Creepy Loner: This has nothing to do with my lousy parents, you cur.
Godwit935: You are not the only one in the world, Creepy.
Creepy Loner: Yeah? And?
M3DsRevenge: wow
Godwit935: Creepy, when you start talking about private sexual
matters as if they were normal, or inoffensive, that is a mistake.
Godwit935: That is not being mindful of others.
M3DsRevenge: true...
Dickenzian: Well, her SN is creepy
Creepy Loner: When you take "I'm going to watch tentacle porn
w/ an art f*g" seriously...that's offensive too.
Creepy Loner: Jesus.
M3DsRevenge: though this is a public chat
CordialCactus: and it is after hours
PaperHatProphet: respect is one thing, but its just a chat room.
A Sense of Humor (and Love) Cannot be Bought:
Creepy Loner: Godwit...please...I beg of you...get a sense of humor.
Creepy Loner: Some sweet f***ing day.
Beysshoes: creeps. you must pay him. he charges extra for funny.
Everyone's Question:
Dickenzian: Ok, what is tentacle porn?
CordialCactus: phezz, im not completely sure what tentacle porn is..
but the sound of releasing suction cups is what i think of
Dickenzian: yuk
Dickenzian: Perhaps we could find a way to simulate that sound, Cactus
Tem o Bedlam: Or amorphous probing sorta fingery things...
CordialCactus: nice.. thats a bookshelf moment
Tem o Bedlam: I minored in tentacle...
Creepy Loner: Me too.
Knickers Knotted
HadleighUS: Godwit, where does a wetback like Sheen get off with
a name like that?
Dickenzian: Hadleigh, your Klan robe is showing
Godwit935: Hadleigh, Martin Sheen is a better American than
Ronald Reagan ever was.
HadleighUS: Dick, I was responding to Godwit's absurdity, don't get
your knickers in a knot
Creepy Losin' Her Calm:
Creepy Loner: Is there someone in here that you basically like, Godwit
...that you generally agree w/?
Creepy Loner: Or is everything a f***ing fight?
Godwit935: Creepy, there's a few people in here that I think are
decent, normal, good-hearted Americans, sure. Dick is one. Jam is
HadleighUS: Godwit, but you gotta admit, Reagan had the role of a lifetime
Creepy Loner: Oy vey.
Dickenzian: I got rolled by Reagan
Too Sensitive:
HadleighUS: Someone sent me an e-mail contending it was from aol
complaining about something I said, which was totally not a violation
of terms of service, I wonder what these people have wrong with 'em?
Maybe He Meant Geeks:
Tem o Bedlam: Greeks, actually. a device for secret messages.
CordialCactus: spartans
Creepy Loner: Why did I come back in here?
Creepy Loner: [trying to remember]
CordialCactus: right.. greeks
Tem o Bedlam: Particularly Spartans.
Creepy Loner: *Buckets Of Rain / Bob Dylan*
Beysshoes: candy, ask para. he'll send you a library
Tem o Bedlam: Probly won't be many opportunities to worl this into the conversation...
CordialCactus: lol tem.. worl away
CordialCactus: make the worl go away
Hadachoke: the worl is ending
Creepy Loner: Tem's on target.
CordialCactus: ann crispin.. welcometo the shelf.. the lounge
must be hoppin busy tonight
Anncrispin: hi cactus, yes, it is. Thanks for the welcome.
CordialCactus: i typed that.. then deleted..then typed it again..
then deleted.. was glad you stay for a minute so my effort wouldn't
be in vain
CordialCactus: the word sex is the most googled word
CordialCactus: and...
CordialCactus: i forgot what i was going to say
Nora Through the Looking Glass:
Doc Whew: nora are you a lesbian?
NoraMcKee525: yes i am
NoraMcKee525: and anais is my lover
NoraMcKee525: we are pickle canners in saskatoon
Doc Whew: sweet or dill
Anais3233: dill
NoraMcKee525: we worship at the hair of sarah palin
DoomGrl Fan:
Ooolijay: you know who is funny
Ooolijay: doomgrl
Ooolijay: she cracks me up
I2DaysInNovember: she is pretty bright
BinxB91: Doomgrl doesn't intend to be funny though
Creepy Loner: Doom is bright?
Creepy Loner: Do tell, 12.
Ooolijay: doom does too
Ooolijay: she's a smart cookie
Ooolijay: she knows what she's doing
Creepy Loner: She's not smart enough to use a legible font...
how sharp could she be?
She'll Try Anything Once:
I2DaysInNovember: Come On Sucker, Lick My Battery « The Roman Empire
Ooolijay: oh!
Ooolijay: what is that
Female Bonding/Male Exile:
WildCIAagent: CC, you sould see these bee boots.
WildCIAagent: Western Chief Women's Bee Rain Rubber
Boot: Shoes (Keyword to:
CordialCactus: cia.. lol, i didnt know they made them for adults
WildCIAagent: $34.85
CordialCactus: my daughter had lady bug boots
WildCIAagent: What a deal!
WildCIAagent: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lady bug
CordialCactus: you're going to buy them?
WildCIAagent: CC, I can dream.
CordialCactus: do you have a matching coat?
CordialCactus: you will need a matching coat
Ooolijay: wild why dont you buy them
CordialCactus: and umbrella
WildCIAagent: Maybe I could get a YEllow and black peacoat.
Boulshevit: I'll just be over here...humming a tune...Hmmm hmmm
Ooolijay: poor bouls
Ooolijay: shoes and tampons
Ooolijay: 12 get back in here
Ooolijay: bouls needs you
Boulshevit: Hmm Hmmmm
CordialCactus: see if you can find the lady bug ones.. then
a black pea coat.. more versatile than yellow and black... i
suppose the black pea coat would go just as well with the bee
boots, though
CordialCactus: bouls... armpit farts
PatientOnion3: with bidet
I2DaysInNovember: Bouls! : ) how about a manly man hug?
CordialCactus: there you go
Ooolijay: hi onion
Ooolijay: hi 12
CordialCactus: a dose of man topic
Ooolijay: hold on let me get my lickin battery
PatientOnion3: hi ooo li jay
Boulshevit: I thought you'd never aske, 12!
I2DaysInNovember: then we can rip out out chest hair just for the
hell of it
CordialCactus: hiya nov.. hello again onion
Ooolijay: wow that one was stronger
I2DaysInNovember: Hi Oooli! : )
CordialCactus: lol i love when you two get all bondy
Ooolijay: i must have hit it harder
CordialCactus: whats your favorite underused word?
Raphael11110: Cord that's a sort of contradictory question,
words are just means to an end to describe something so how
can a mean be preferable to another?
Boulshevit: I like "henceforthly" but that is kind of becoming
Stop and Smell the ...:
CordialCactus: brb.. daughter wants me to go smell the moon sand
Stop and Shop Lit:
CordialCactus: im reading a book
CordialCactus: called legend
CordialCactus: from the grocery store
Boulshevit: "legend from the grocery store"?
CordialCactus: lol no
CordialCactus: LEGEND
CordialCactus: i bought it from the grocery store
CordialCactus: written by
CordialCactus: David Lynn Goleman
"people are crazy":
Raphael11110: there was this girl who was upset that I called
her the 1st 3 letters of her snname
CordialCactus: what were the first three letters?
CordialCactus: butterfly?
Raphael11110: Gene
CordialCactus: sounds overly picky to me
Raphael11110: cord people are crazy
Raphael11110: people who like food usually have very laid back
CordialCactus: thats like sayng people who dont like air are
usually uptight
ParaMyrrh: Palin is cruel she named her retarded son "Trig" but
he'll never learn Trigonometry
Hyperyon3: operation dessert storm
John Lennon had sisters?:
Nickdee67: who was your favorite lennon sister?
Odds and Ends:
NoraMcKee525: i found money in the street yesterday and took
it to the police station
Melodramamama22: nothing worse than pool boogers
Dickenzian: Why am I awake?
WildCIAagent: ditto to what i said before.
Rietax: i don't like my screenname
DVDMOGUL7: cats are so paranoid sometimes
Ooolijay: tortoises are stupid
Anais3233: i saw sea anenomes they were coolio!
Vacations In Her Room:
Prospect26: I was on vacation and made sure I was in my
room for the debate\
Paul Newman Rememebered:
Gleem1946: Great guy used to buy beers for all the racers
at Bridgehampton
Godwit Bait:
Godwit935: Bidet, would you rather be autistic or not?
Down Boy:
Eat at staples2: this is awesome--i thought we'd be talking
books and crap, and now it looks like a MMA smackdown is about
to begin
Eat at staples2: cool room!
Harryshaw3178: welcome to the shelf, eat
Couldn't We Snuggle First:
Godwit935: Binx, kiss my arse.
Help A Guy Out:
RONORELOADED: I plan to add jokes my site
RONORELOADED: if you have non-dirty but smart jokes you can send
to me
Swami Hoople BVD: I jused to know a lot of violist jokes
RONORELOADED: I will also put food recipies
RONORELOADED: If you have good recipies
RONORELOADED: send it to me
Outdoing Herself:
B00KGASM: Gross.
B00KGASM: Alpaca pubes.
It's OK to Suck:
Anais3233: i told you all about 'a walk in the woods" and
loved it. they are making it into a movie
Anais3233: it should suck
Anais3233: but that's ok.
[After exploring his mouth for a while, she removed her hand
and pulled him to her breast.
"Suck on it," she whispered. "Don't be afraid."
Her voice was patient, almost instructional, and he did as he
was told, not bothering her to inform her that this activity
was not one that frightened him in the least. He had the
feeling that she was trying to teach him something, but he
didn't know what --- a lesson about her body, or maybe just
something about following directions. In any case, he had a
long time to think about it.
"Now the other one."]
Bonding Beyond Words:
CordialCactus: binx, we had a few estrogen bonding moments in here earlierCordialCactus: nothing lascivious
Tammynet: do tell cactus
Tammynet: who bonded with who cactus
CordialCactus: tammy.. you know when the vibe gels, and everyone
plays off one another, the banter is ripe and perfect for the
plucking.. ok.. that sentence annoys me.. but, yeah, it was fun
yet brief
CordialCactus: creeps and i, nora, beys, summer, mclaryn, melo, cat
BinxB91: the banter is ripe?? lol
CordialCactus: pfft
CordialCactus: it annoys me even more when you say it
Iceland's Action? ... or Anais's?:
Anais3233: i have a question
BinxB91: oh oh. Anais has a question.
Anais3233: would you, in the privacy of your own home, Cast your
vagina and make chocolate twats from the cast of it?
DoomGrl: Iceland almost went bankrupt today. They asked the Russians
to help them.
KissMyAsterix: would I, you mean.. when did I?
KissMyAsterix: who hasn't
DoomGrl: isnt that weird
Especially On Franks n Beans Night:
Anais3233: it's so easy for me to get drawn into a fart conversation
Josh Demures:
Avoidingstasis: one of my favorite names is Avigdor, but it's
a guy name. I wouldn't care, but at my age it's late for a change
like that
Avoidingstasis: what names would you all choose
Josh94504: well not avigdor
... and pizza:
Avoidingstasis: the militant fear mongering right is calling
for Obama's death
Natalie at the Movies:
Summers Eve L: I saw the Beverly Hills Chihuahua movie today with
my mom.
Summers Eve L: First time she has been to a movie in at least 10 years.
Summers Eve L: This kid behind me kept pouring skittles down my back.
Summers Eve L: Bless that kid's heart.
And Godwit's Serious:
Godwit935: I like it when people talk like that, and they're
serious. They say, mix CD.
Godwit935: Not even a touch of irony.
Which One Does Not Belong:
Summers Eve L: Just anything and everything that sounds good
to me that I can find on MySpace. Benny Goodman, Louis
Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald, Fred Astaire, Tommy Dorsey,
Duke Ellington....
Summers Eve L: Squirrel Nut Zippers.
Disgusting Kisses Are Sometimes Good:
Hyperyon3: I watched the movie Brokerback Mountain...I thought
it was good
Godwit935: Hyper, you like to watch men kissing each other?
Godwit935: I rented some Six Feet Under episodes and had to
turn away because the one guy, he's queer, and he kisses other
men onscreen, and I mean disgustingly.
Judah X 83: i bought a graphic online and it said it sent it to
my cell number..but i didnt get a phone call
Your Friends Are Dumb:
Mrob3333: i came in here so my friends would see where i am at and
think i am smart
You're Dumb:
Godwit935: Judah, I don't go into the Authors Lounge unless this
jernt is empty. I mean, you are taken seriously in there.
It Really Says That?:
CordialCactus: listen to this Urban Dictionary definition for
Author's Lounge
CordialCactus: deep breath and here i go:
CordialCactus: 1. Author's Lounge An online group of supreme
authors who became close friends. The future rulers of the world.
Jane wanted to join the Author's Lounge, but she just wasn't kewl
Yes, Only Because the Old Shelvers Are All Dead:
Mrob3333: look if anyone comes in here, will binx you pretend i
started the room
Her Own Language:
DoomGrl: we pretended we were nick and norahs infinite play list
and went looking for Wheres Fluffy in Cherry
DoomGrl: we ended up at Dulcinea's 1ooth Monkey. they were
having Asseteria
NoraMcKee525: doom, lately, i understand less and less if what
you say
DoomGrl: its a dance party, with free shots for girls
Prospect26: I am not a whiner...I am a shaker and a mover. I read
several neswpapers a day as well as what I as what I watch on
numerous channels.
If Only She Were Full of Candy:
Prospect26: Thank you all for trashing me. Job well done.
Hadachoke: Prospect is our Pinata
Strange Ambition:
Beysshoes: i wanna be the pinata binx!
Candles For Nothing:
Beysshoes: is your son all healed and better pros?
Prospect26: never needed healing...and is well.
Prospect26: my son
Beysshoes: pros he had broken his arm ?
Beysshoes: i lit candles for him.
On Cue:
BinxB91: Many of us are intelligent. But some of us are not as
intelligent as we think we are
Godwit935: How do you know, Binx.
MsVictoriaLynn1: as if on cue
Dr Pepper:
NoraMcKee525: someone has stolen my dr pepper lipsmacker
NoraMcKee525: noooooo
Tem o Bedlam: Besides, all unclaimed Dr Pepper winds up in the
museum in Waco.
BoreUsYelledSin: I've driven though Waco. There's really not
much there.
Homework Helpless:
Nickdee67: well can the protagonist and the antagonist heve sex?
Victoria As Wise Guy:
Creepy Loner: We're going to drink heavily and hang out in motel
rooms and watch porn!
Creepy Loner: [pleased grin]
MsVictoriaLynn1: Go for it
Creepy Loner: Wurd.
MsVictoriaLynn1: watch the same TV in the same room Creepy, it helps...
Josh Maxwell4: why do women want funny?
WildCIAagent: Because we are sick of IDIOT?
BinxB91: because laughter cures depression
Beysshoes: it takes a certain intelligence for wit josh.
BinxB91: and sometimes acts as an aphrodisiac
Josh Maxwell4: does funny trump handsome and hung?
Beysshoes: it depends josh
Beysshoes: when women are young, we're pretty stoopid and
indiscriminate. so no. later, yes
Josh Maxwell4: fortunately i am all three
BinxB91: young, stupid, and indiscriminate?
Prospect26: josh...women want funny because they don't get it.
Looking for an affair? The other will have a sense of humor.
Beysshoes: yes josh. these chatrooms are filled with a&f
men like you.
Josh Maxwell4: lol blinx: hilarious, cute and 8
Beysshoes: bleh
BinxB91: well, Josh, glad to see you don't have any
self-esteem issues
WildCIAagent: I'm always leery when a man thinks he's all
that and MORE...
Beysshoes: HA
BinxB91: what kind of man describes himself as "cute"?
Beysshoes: onion
BinxB91: Richard Simmons
Josh Maxwell4: i'm not gay but if zac efron asked i'd dance with him
Prospect26: Richards Simmons...good to see you/
Rono Nervous:
Hyperyon3: I get really nervous when I meet someone famous
Hyperyon3: I met wisely snipes one day...I was shaking while
I was shaking his hand
Hyperyon3: get it, shaking and shaking hand?
Hyperyon3: wisely snipes talk to everyone...
Sore Loser:
Zenchef2006: anais, you'll have to get in line for the sushi,
summer's eve made me promise to hand feed her sushi
Anais3233: she's a whore
Phezz Brings That Out in People:
BinxB91: Beys and Phezz should appear together on Blind Date
Dickenzian: Beys once threatened to kill me. I think it made
that website
Dickenzian: She even described the model of handgun
Lovin' Beysshoes:
BinxB91: Phezz, she'd tie you up
BinxB91: and leave you
Beysshoes: binx that was not for public consumption. stop pouting.
Beysshoes: its unattractive
Dickenzian: Good luck Binx. Wear a freaking wetsuit
Beys Willing to Share:
Beysshoes: binx, you know you're my boo
BinxB91: I'm your boo? ... and you ask me about my dates. Odd
Beysshoes: why is this odd binx?
Beysshoes: its not like you're cheating online is it?
the date is IRL stoopid.
BinxB91: that you'll share me
Beysshoes: well, youre a lot of work binx.
Beysshoes: we should go mormon really
Still Skinny Dipping:
Beysshoes: don't spread lies fezz. binx found me in the nunnery.
BinxB91: No, I found Beys here
Dickenzian: Shakespear's Nunnery
Beysshoes: shut up binx
On Book Discussions:
Josh Maxwell4: has a book ever been discussed in this room?
Beysshoes: books are discussed on fridays noon.
Beysshoes: first Friday of each month josh
BinxB91: Josh, BookGasm discusses books. Unfortunately,
she only talks to herself.
Josh Maxwell4: has she ever had a nonliterary gasm?
Altered States:
DVDMOGUL7: beys victorialynn is interesting i only see her
in here on the weekends tho
Beysshoes: ms vicky is lovely and incredibly intelligent dvd
Beysshoes: thus, she rarely visits us here
Altered States II
WildCIAagent: Hyper, you seem to have on a new personality tonight.
Dickenzian: Mizzcactus, I think it is time for you to put on
your thong and go go boots and let's turn in
CordialCactus: how about happy pants and a t shirt?
Otis and Anais:
Beysshoes: binxox are you drinking again???
BinxB91: drinking again?? Beys you think everyone is drinking
Anais3233: I thought binx was the room lush, kind of like Otis
from mayberry.
BinxB91: "what in tarnation"
BinxB91: and Anais is the room floozy like ...
Anais3233: I guess you can check yourself in to the metal cell hotel
Anais3233: maybe i was wrong about binx being the room otis
Anais3233: i think someone else might fit that bill better
Hadachoke: ahem.. fleur, you're ignoring me
Fleurdelochi: >running leap<
Fleurdelochi: i AM not
Argument Ender:
Josh Maxwell4: newt gingrich is probably the most intelligent
politician of this period
Anais3233: i'm so tired of these rebuplicrats
Anais3233: newt gingrich is a bitch
Anais3233: with a giant head
Anais Crowned Miss Vulgarity:
Tem o Bedlam: Other'n being a liar and a thief, Gingrich is a great
Dickenzian: Gingrich is like Bush with brains
Anais3233: WHOA NUH UH
CordialCactus: and bad hair
Godwit935: I don't understand how young people can like pinch-minded
Republicans. It goes against nature.
Anais3233: i wouldn't fock newt gingrich with Rush Limbaugh's cock.
Anais3233: even if i got to cut it off myself
Hack Like Me:
Josh Maxwell4: obama is no john kennedy and not fdr--
just a conventional chicago hack
Godwit935: Josh, if he were a hack, he wouldn't be where he is.
Manny Ramirez, you twit:
Godwit935: Beys, how do you like that guy that plays for the Dodgers,
the one with the plaited hair, whatsisname?
How to Shut Godwit Up:
Creepy Loner: Ah, Godwit...
Creepy Loner: I thought about you the other night while touching myself.
Creepy Loner: [wink]
Anais3233: did you spank yourself rythmically with a hairbrush while
thinking of him?? just wondering
The Fun Couple:
Creepy Loner: And I fear for your understanding of the opposite sex,
Godwit...but what else is new?
Creepy Loner: Say something erotic to me, baby.
Godwit935: Creepy, just keep all that perversion to yourself,
if you please.
Creepy Loner: Fear thee not, Godwit...I intend to bring a good American
into the world...via a bisexual that sort of hates me.
Godwit935: Must we be so low.
Well ... yes:
Catpower777: Anais what were you thanking me for?
Catpower777: just being me?
Eye-rolling Economics Lesson:
Godwit935: What kind of car do you drive, Beys?
Beysshoes: taurus godwit
Beysshoes: why?
Godwit935: Beys, good.
Creepy Loner: "Good" 'cause it's American.
Creepy Loner: [eye roll]
Godwit935: That is right, Creepy.
Godwit935: Because, Beys, how you spend your money is far more
important than how you cast your vote.
It's OK to laugh, just don't point and laugh:
Creepy Loner: I try to avoid laughing DURING sex.
Creepy Loner: I'm polite like that.
Candice With Priorities Straight:
Dickenzian: Chicago will have one thing other countries around
the world competing to host the olympics won't have. Who knows
what that is, people?
CordialCactus: deep dish pizza?
Dickenzian: yes Cactus and the President of the United States
Barack and Me:
Dickenzian: I was talking to Obama a long time ago about getting
involved in the olympics and starting a commission to establish
a World's Fair in 2033. I wonder if he would remember
Beysshoes: seriously fezz?
CordialCactus: supah!
Dickenzian: Yep
Beysshoes: what did he say?
Dickenzian: He said, "2033?, I hope we make it that far."
Beysshoes: that's a major bummer.
CordialCactus: WE being who, phezz?
Dickenzian: No, he was more receptive than that
Dickenzian: We being him and me
That Mindful Godwit:
Godwit935: Creepy, you parents must have gone way wrong, somehow,
if you don't know what it means to act civilized.
Creepy Loner: Are you blind?
Creepy Loner: Stupid?
PaperHatProphet: how is everyone?
Creepy Loner: Respond properly.
Godwit935: Be civil, be mindful of others, Creepy. Be careful of
others' feelings and thoughts.
Creepy Loner: This has nothing to do with my lousy parents, you cur.
Godwit935: You are not the only one in the world, Creepy.
Creepy Loner: Yeah? And?
M3DsRevenge: wow
Godwit935: Creepy, when you start talking about private sexual
matters as if they were normal, or inoffensive, that is a mistake.
Godwit935: That is not being mindful of others.
M3DsRevenge: true...
Dickenzian: Well, her SN is creepy
Creepy Loner: When you take "I'm going to watch tentacle porn
w/ an art f*g" seriously...that's offensive too.
Creepy Loner: Jesus.
M3DsRevenge: though this is a public chat
CordialCactus: and it is after hours
PaperHatProphet: respect is one thing, but its just a chat room.
A Sense of Humor (and Love) Cannot be Bought:
Creepy Loner: Godwit...please...I beg of you...get a sense of humor.
Creepy Loner: Some sweet f***ing day.
Beysshoes: creeps. you must pay him. he charges extra for funny.
Everyone's Question:
Dickenzian: Ok, what is tentacle porn?
CordialCactus: phezz, im not completely sure what tentacle porn is..
but the sound of releasing suction cups is what i think of
Dickenzian: yuk
Dickenzian: Perhaps we could find a way to simulate that sound, Cactus
Tem o Bedlam: Or amorphous probing sorta fingery things...
CordialCactus: nice.. thats a bookshelf moment
Tem o Bedlam: I minored in tentacle...
Creepy Loner: Me too.
Knickers Knotted
HadleighUS: Godwit, where does a wetback like Sheen get off with
a name like that?
Dickenzian: Hadleigh, your Klan robe is showing
Godwit935: Hadleigh, Martin Sheen is a better American than
Ronald Reagan ever was.
HadleighUS: Dick, I was responding to Godwit's absurdity, don't get
your knickers in a knot
Creepy Losin' Her Calm:
Creepy Loner: Is there someone in here that you basically like, Godwit
...that you generally agree w/?
Creepy Loner: Or is everything a f***ing fight?
Godwit935: Creepy, there's a few people in here that I think are
decent, normal, good-hearted Americans, sure. Dick is one. Jam is
HadleighUS: Godwit, but you gotta admit, Reagan had the role of a lifetime
Creepy Loner: Oy vey.
Dickenzian: I got rolled by Reagan
Too Sensitive:
HadleighUS: Someone sent me an e-mail contending it was from aol
complaining about something I said, which was totally not a violation
of terms of service, I wonder what these people have wrong with 'em?
Maybe He Meant Geeks:
Tem o Bedlam: Greeks, actually. a device for secret messages.
CordialCactus: spartans
Creepy Loner: Why did I come back in here?
Creepy Loner: [trying to remember]
CordialCactus: right.. greeks
Tem o Bedlam: Particularly Spartans.
Creepy Loner: *Buckets Of Rain / Bob Dylan*
Beysshoes: candy, ask para. he'll send you a library
Tem o Bedlam: Probly won't be many opportunities to worl this into the conversation...
CordialCactus: lol tem.. worl away
CordialCactus: make the worl go away
Hadachoke: the worl is ending
Creepy Loner: Tem's on target.
CordialCactus: ann crispin.. welcometo the shelf.. the lounge
must be hoppin busy tonight
Anncrispin: hi cactus, yes, it is. Thanks for the welcome.
CordialCactus: i typed that.. then deleted..then typed it again..
then deleted.. was glad you stay for a minute so my effort wouldn't
be in vain
CordialCactus: the word sex is the most googled word
CordialCactus: and...
CordialCactus: i forgot what i was going to say
Josh Maxwell4: does funny trump handsome and hung?
Beysshoes: it depends josh
Beysshoes: when women are young, we're pretty stoopid and
indiscriminate. so no. later, yes
Josh Maxwell4: fortunately i am all three
BinxB91: young, stupid, and indiscriminate?
Good one, Binx!
Credit Beysshoes with an assist
Giving due credit to Beysshoes for the astute setup and to Josh Maxwell4 for simply being a man with some learnin' to do.
Candy, You mean Josh Maxwell4 was the guy in the 'willing to learn' clip Binx inserted mid-column?
Beys, I scoured katytried to see if I could find what you are talking about.. what?
The nursing clip Candy. oofsh
Oh! Ha! No, I didn't confuse the "nursing" student with JoshMaxwell4. And for the life of me, I cannot think of a witty retort, either.
I win. YAY
... Wait wait was Josh the prize? Here Candycannola you take him - you lost.
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