Thursday, July 24, 2008

AOL HEADLINE GUY - Because "I'm just tired and
bored with myself", I asked AOL for some help
with the captions this time. They sent over some
technical assistance --- the guy who writes all
the headline/teasers for AOL news. See if you
can spot his captions below.

Bartender Finds Unpleasant Surprise in Coat Pocket:

MyndlessChat: I did black girl in our coat room when I
was NC and the manager lady had no idea
MyndlessChat: somehow the bartender ho found out...

Pudding, Jello, and Headlights --- You Won't
Believe What Women Call Their Breasts:

Sleepy Eyed Evie: why does the male equipment require
constant adjustment?
Sleepy Eyed Evie: thats what I'd like to know
Sleepy Eyed Evie: or do they just do it for fun
CordialCactus: its like a bra
Sleepy Eyed Evie: but my bra isnt part of my body
Sleepy Eyed Evie: i dont like bras
CordialCactus: lol.. they keep wanting to head to the equator
CordialCactus: point north babies! north i say!
EmpressZ21: haha
ThePaIeRlDER: rofl.rain forest candice?
Melodramamama22: heehee
Melodramamama22: i like that whole put the bra on, lean
forward, and jiggle them into optimal position
CordialCactus: i dont do that
Sleepy Eyed Evie: melissa you have to have enough to jiggle for
that to work
Melodramamama22: i thought everybody did that!
EmpressZ21: one must do a nip check when wearing a tight shirt
Melodramamama22: you will, one day, when they're the consistency
of pudding instead of jello
Sleepy Eyed Evie: yeah when it gets cold
Sleepy Eyed Evie: your headlights come on

Tacky Is As Tacky Does:

Searchchin: nodda sellers market
Beysshoes: its a buyers market.
Beysshoes: anyway i see in terms of time not money
Beysshoes: times a'wastin' chop chop
FoodSIut: binky has some room, he just kicked his girlfriend out
Beysshoes: homer binkys cheating on me IRL was one thing. but
i think he's cheating on me ONLINE!!!
Beysshoes: dats just tacky

As Fun as a Box of Hair:

Beysshoes: my gay bf tommy is moving to RI what
jump started me
Beysshoes: mebbe i'll move next door to you homer. you can
cook for me yes?
Beysshoes: i'll buy a and maui can live on
one floor.
Searchchin: playbuthole
Beysshoes: shut up and get out please nochin
Beysshoes: you're about as fun as a box of hair nochin

New Ways to Save on Movies:
Jam7604801: Creepo you might like Hancock with Will Smith
Hes a drunk super hero starting out
Creepy Loner: I'll pass, Jam.
Creepy Loner: Or just look in a mirror.

Rono's Pick-Up Lines:
Ridoy Vogn0: Where should I go to find you..I only see sufferings
with you...just wait maybe our love will be easy thru some miracle
Beysshoes: does the miracle mean 6 packs of viagra?
Ridoy Vogn0: you want to come to me because you want to hurt me...
Beysshoes: well, here's the thing rono...i'm too lazy to look for
you. solly

Denial Is Exciting:
Raphael11110: I like how women deny that porn excites them I
find that exciting ..

Just Before He Started Shooting:
Raphael11110: there's nothing good on tv someone must pay for it..

Passionate Beth:
Lilly Carden: Family Guy is on
Bethliebner: i hate that show

So Out of Character:
FrontalLobotomy7: where is Patient Ohnion
FrontalLobotomy7: he lied to me

BlDET: i sometimes surround myself by fat people
BlDET: so i feel thinner
Creepy Loner: Fart.
BlDET: same idea

Movie Review:
BlDET: we saw wall-e today
BlDET: it was very cute
BlDET: funny
Lilly Carden: I loved Wall-e

The Chicken Lady:
BlDET: i just spent thousands of dollars on paintings of
angry chickens
BlDET: all chickens look angry, really
BlDET: so maybe they're not angry - just being themselves
BlDET: all chickens look angry, really
BlDET: so maybe they're not angry - just being themselves
NoraMcKee525: i missed the name of the movie beth is watching...??
BlDET: but there's something about an angry chicken
BlDET: they're everywhere
BlDET: maybe they're angry because they're chickens
BlDET: or maybe they are chickens because they're angry
DoomGrl: there is a chicken that lived 2 years without its head.
BlDET: the anger and the chicken

Bidet: "click me, baby":
Summers Eve L: I clicked Bidet. I'm sorry I just had too many
pots cooking to try and understand WTF she was bitching about.

Spank Me:
Catpower777: summer have you ever read anything by Mary Gaitskill?
Summers Eve L: No, Cat. I haven't. Something to check out?
NoraMcKee525: anyway, do you watch inthemotherhood?
Catpower777: well,you wanted something weird, right?
Catpower777: she wrote the story that the movie The Secretary
was based on
Summers Eve L: YES!
Summers Eve L: Oh I like that movie, Cat.
Catpower777: me, too !
BinxB91: really! Maggie gyllanhall?
Catpower777: it's in a book of short stories called "Bad Behavior"
Anais3233: i LOVE the secretary
Catpower777: yes, Binx
Anais3233: it's so awsome
Anais3233: james spader can spank me anytime
BinxB91: THREE Women love that movie!!

Odds and Ends:

Is She Weird 55: i'm a 2 in american eagle pants!!!

WarHorseThor: victor, I really have no desire to know anyone in
the music industry

Boulshevit: What's the greatest depressed drunk movie ever made?

KammaToasted: i can count the lesbians i've had on one hand

FoodSIut: donald took the greyhound to nogales and bought
a baby armadillo

Shackleton912: i used to read books in stripjoints

Is She Weird 55: i love the song detachable pe nis

DoomGrl: if you move your hands in a completely dark room,
you can feel the light

Anais3233: i'm afraid of americans

Jam7604801: maybe i should go to pogo

MsVictoriaLynn1: Nectrotizing bacteria is nearly endemic in
the caribbean right now

The Boys Are Back:
ParaMyrrh: War, Being a male is fun no better
anti-depressant than a Hard Cock
WarHorseThor: hahahahaha kal!
ParaMyrrh: and you can even share it's power to promote Joy!
WarHorseThor: the kind you can flex and make go up and down

BinxB91: Doom, maybe you're just after deeper meanings ...
and I mistake that for naivete
DoomGrl: i dont thnk so Binx, maybe I am just stupid

Nora Does Better This Time:

NoraMcKee525: pregnant stray showed up tonight...oh yay
NoraMcKee525: tg it's a cat and not my sister
NoraMcKee525: this time

She Accidentally Lost a Friend See Why:
MsVictoriaLynn1: good night feloows, I've lost one friend
accidentally tonight, you aren't amusing anymore
ParaMyrrh: MsVic did he or she see you in the wig?
BinxB91: you lost a friend accidentally?
Creepy Loner: [sniff, sniff]...Eau de Drama.

She said He said She said:

NoraMcKee525: beys cacti said binx said there was a new katytried
but there ain't so i told cactus to tell binx but he was offline
so i'm tellin you
CordialCactus: yeah..binx came in and said there was a
new katytried
NoraMcKee525: SHUT UP cactus
CordialCactus: so.. i told nora.. and i was going to tell binx
Catpower777: Cactus, you mean BinkyLied?
NoraMcKee525: beys...tell him cactus said he said

[What I was thinking about, as she embraced herself ten feet
away and delievred her monologue, was the time she'd taken a
running jump into my arms. She had dashed forward and leaped
with limbs splayed. I nearly fell over. Almost a foot
shorter than me, she clambered up my body with ferociously
prehensible knees and ankles and found a seat on my shoulders.
"Hey," I said, protesting. "Transport me," she commanded.
I obeyed. I wobbled down the stairs and carried her the
length of Portobello Road.]

I Know What You Did Last Summer:
Lilly Carden: Last summer, I tried the Author's Lounge... hideous

Spot the Missing Word:
MsVictoriaLynn1: I DO So wish Godwit would move to the gulf coast
BinxB91: Why Vic?
Hadachoke: you wanna RUIN the Gulf coast?
Anais3233: so vic could blow him once and for all
BinxB91: Aniais!!!!
Creepy Loner: Did you forget the word "away" Anais?

Missing Memory:
KammaToasted: i had a chick orgasm while blowing me once....
(maybe she was faking, who cares?)...
Creepy Loner: I had the same thing happen to me once, Kamma...
Creepy Loner: [wondering if I blew you]

Kamma and Margaret Cho:
KammaToasted: chicks that make lots of jokes in bed annoy me
KammaToasted: i still fuck them, of course...but it's annoying

Nora Works Cheap:
FoodSIut: nora, are you in katy tried?
FoodSIut: do you get paid?
NoraMcKee525: i get paid in good karma and godwit's undying adoration

No Comment:

Beysshoes: i will nora. cancan is his cheerleading squad.
Beysshoes: he's lucky in that.
NoraMcKee525: beys..if candy's his cheerleader, why has she not
posted a comment?
Beysshoes: nora that's an excellent question. cancan you got
an eggscuse?
CordialCactus: i comment. you havent read the archives?
Beysshoes: cancan you really should comment more. you know binx
would love that.
Beysshoes: ya lazy syphillitis skank
CordialCactus: beys.. i speak with binx and give encouragement..
but i can comment publicly more often sure
Beysshoes: QUE??? you are talking private convos wid my boo???

Can Only Stand It For Another Hour:
Godwit935: This is so, so bad

Onion Made It:
Zenchef2006: beys, do you remember who made the observation about
2 asians speaking spanish last time we chatted?
FoodSIut: i made it
Beysshoes: yes zen chan ...t'was onion
Zenchef2006: arigato gozayimasu oni-san
FoodSIut: it is wrong
FoodSIut: asians should speak ASIAN and not MEXICAN

Reaction to Premature Ejaculation?:
FoodSIut: fleur has a sexy temper in bed too

If I Only ...:
KD81785: I could be a linguist if I could learn a language
other than english
FoodSIut: Alberto Fujimori
FoodSIut: he took a fake peruvian first name like bey did
FoodSIut: bey tells people her first name is Juanita
Beysshoes: shut up you head cramp
KD81785: the second time I was at the University of SC, I had
a classmate who was the son of a Peruvian ambassador.

Hard Tofu:
FoodSIut: i like my tofu like my men, FIRM AND HARD

Chat Counseling:
Summers Eve L: I was very proud of us (me) for being so nice to
him and really trying to work it out.

BlueMonk("ask me some questions") continued:

BinxB91: what annoys you about your wife?
Shackleton912: she's materialistic
Shackleton912: she's not terribly intelligent
Shackleton912: she doesn't take it in the dumper these days
Shackleton912: every time she sees a sporting event on the
tv, she makes some kinda statement about how their wives
must be happy or something
GirlMeetsCamera: maybe she means in bed.
Shackleton912: no
Shackleton912: stuff-wise
GirlMeetsCamera: i'd be pretty happy with an athelete in bed.
Shackleton912: i was an athlete once

Shackleton912: women keep bothering me ever since i got married

If Rono Were Relaxed:
Happy sea lover: I learned trust today.
Happy sea lover: Well sometimes life is strange.
Happy sea lover: The person you would not turn to helps you.

Shackleton912: vinyl is the new linoleum just like hobos are the
new unicorns, things change, that's all

Ya Feel me?:
AA Birthday Pony: i hate that word. menstrual
Sleepy Eyed Evie: you'd like it even less if you were a girl

So There:
Shackleton912: women in here, especially young women, who don't
get or appreciate me are stupid

What Monk Made His Parents Do:
Shackleton912: i loved chariots of fire when i was a kid
SemiLitterate: Music is good in Chariots
Shackleton912: semi, i made my parents buy me a casio keyboard
after that movie

Reflections on Polygamy:
Troymcgill2: I am really Renee...the wife of Troy & I can't
imagine living with 5 other women!

Bidet Paints:
BlDET: shack
Shackleton912: bidet
BlDET: shack, i did a painting today you might like
BlDET: a lot
Troymcgill2: Bidet....what kind of painting do you do?
I'm a painter.
Shackleton912: bidet, why would i like it?
Hadachoke: Biddy paints toilets
BlDET: sent it, shack
BlDET: you decide
BlDET: what do you paint, troy
Shackleton912: nice
Troymcgill2: Bidet....kid's art...
BlDET: troy, i am currently painting chickens
BlDET: have a small job doing a single-wall mural soon
Troymcgill2: Bid..interesting
Troymcgill2: I do murals all the some...hate some
BlDET: shack, admit you loved it
Shackleton912: i said nice

Stand Hard:
SemiLitterate: I dislike negativity
BlDET: hush, semi
BinxB91: "it's not your fault"
BlDET: don't be a weenie
BlDET: don't be a binx

What's New in Kid's Lunches For the Fall:

Anais3233: i have two frozen bags of breastmilk in my freezer,
and i always threaten the kids that i'm going to put them in
their lunches instead of a coldpack. ON accident of course!!
NoraMcKee525: so what are you freezing this breastmilf for?
Rietax: lol anais
Anais3233: well, i was pumping and storing for a while.
Shackleton912: i do that
Anais3233: but then he was weaned and then now i just look at
it nostolgically. I'll never make milk again

Nature's Rubiks Cube:
Sleepy Eyed Evie: men don't understand/ appreciate the vagina
Sleepy Eyed Evie: nature's rubiks cube

Anais as Drug Lord:
Anais3233: yes, vadge, where's my package of stuff?
Anais3233: i have given my address out to three people online now
Anais3233: whores
DinosoreVagina: I'm working on it, I promise
Anais3233: you just wanted to look me up on google earth
DinosoreVagina: it's a lot of stuff
MsVictoriaLynn1: what is it you want sent to you Anais?
Anais3233: yay!!!
Anais3233: i always get sad when the ups truck drives by and
doesn't stop
DinosoreVagina: oh, I didn't think of googling you
DinosoreVagina: are you on google earth?
DinosoreVagina: waving?
Anais3233: no, but my trashcans are out
NoraMcKee525: uhoh...anais go stand outside quick while i do
google earth
DinosoreVagina: better out than in
DinosoreVagina: now I sound like shrek
DinosoreVagina: Princess Fiona

How to Pick a Career (you won't believe
way #4):
Anais3233: my books are eight hundred dollars
DinosoreVagina: books for what anais?
Anais3233: a and p, spanish, english and math
DinosoreVagina: what are you going for?
Anais3233: nursing
Anais3233: because i saw this porn one time, and i always wanted
to be a nurse and that just cinched it
DinosoreVagina: yes, that's how most people pick careers

Beysshoes Doing Godwit:
Beysshoes: russia is sending arms to cuba and syria and
you guys make chinese food jokes?

Hillary Looks Forward to College Life:
Is She Weird 55: i'm watching that 70s show, listening to
the raconteurs and thiinking about

It's Who You're Next to That Counts:
H&MSSve7: Fidel is going to look like a Wizard compared to Raul
FoodSIut: raul looks like a wizard compared to bush

No Higher Compliment:
Creepy Loner: F**k Onion...ya made me choke on my coffee.
Creepy Loner: [coughing]

Sitcom Cheer:
Is She Weird 55: No, it's the fresh prince of belair theme
Dickenzian: Is there a stale prince?
Is She Weird 55: oh my god stfu i am the entertainment of this
room., you all sing your dum bass seventeies sh it and i'll sing
my fresh prince and yeah... wow CNN MUCH? i can go to aol news
thanks for my latest yawn story

Hillary ala mode:
FoodSIut: hillary just wait, you are walking home from your college
library one night and a pack of hungry negros eat you for dessert

A Very Needy Sorority:
Is She Weird 55: i want an internship. i dont need to get married.
wtf i am not joining some needy sorority either
Is She Weird 55: i can just imagine me kicking all of their asses

Rono's Reactions:
MyndlessChat: even when the mother is fighting is with the
mother-in-law she is doing it for the future baby without
realizing it...
MyndlessChat: I am opening a new secret is name
FoodSIut: MyndlessBengali: my mother in law hates me as much as
my wife does.
Is She Weird 55: i am opening a new secret society---

The Vulnerable Rono:
MyndlessChat: I just spend all day crying...
MyndlessChat: I was watching this soap opera...
MyndlessChat: and I started to cry...
MyndlessChat: my worker is from bangladesh ...he gave me
bengali soap opera
CHRISCJAMEZ: It sucks big time.
MyndlessChat: and I started to cry...
Creepy Loner: Did you kiss him, Rono?
Creepy Loner: That would be hot.
MyndlessChat: yes...I cried watching the soap opera
Creepy Loner: Oh.
Dickenzian: I wonder if people cry in different languages
Is She Weird 55: wamu
Can't Get Their Brains Out of the Coat Room:
MyndlessChat: the people who always talk about sex have
no talent to find anything that is interesting
MyndlessChat: their brains are not capable of thinking
about anything else

Hillary's Roommate:
Is She Weird 55: i hate everyone i have to live with
Is She Weird 55: plus she's a bia
FoodSIut: a bialy?
Is She Weird 55: i already met her... on facebook. she talks
trash about me
Is She Weird 55: no, a bi tch
FoodSIut: she is rich you are poor, what do you expect
Is She Weird 55: she has a friend named walker and she's like
"I hate my roomate" to him
Is She Weird 55: isnt that awful?
FoodSIut: welcome to the adult world

Sex With Ex'es:
Creepy Loner: I cleaned my underwear with my ex-fiance's
toothbrush before we split up.
Fleurdelochi: what is sleeper doing in here?
Creepy Loner: I gave it a swirl in the toilet, too.
Is She Weird 55: x dickl
MsVictoriaLynn1: an its hard work to maintain one,
isn't it Anais?
Anais3233: but one time i took a room mate's laundry out of
the dryer and put it in a basket and danced on it. with my
dirty feet. jumped up and down.
Anais3233: and i never kissed him again
Creepy Loner: Neither did I...
Anais3233: i sucked his cock, but i was like, no more kissing
Anais3233: hahaha
Creepy Loner: LOL
Anais3233: just kidding

... or an Aim Problem:
Dickenzian: I don't know. When your semen winds up in your own
mouth, you have an ego problem
Anais3233: indeed

Godwit's Good Points:
Godwit935: KD, I don't tell dirty jokes to ten-year-olds.
Who's attacking whom?

Nora and Cactus Together Again:

NoraMcKee525: onion..cactus has something she wants to ask you
CordialCactus: nora.. you are bossy
FoodSIut: i'm right here cactus
Hadachoke: :-X = No Oral Sex
NoraMcKee525: WAS your idea
CordialCactus: ok.. you said something clever to nora..
about cross section..
CordialCactus: anyway.. i thought that would make a nice contribution
to katytried.. but nora was too shy to ask you
NoraMcKee525: cactus...READ YOUR IMS
CordialCactus: so, she volunteered me
NoraMcKee525: damn...too late
CordialCactus: i cant do two things at once woman!
NoraMcKee525: your sexual problems are not my business
FoodSIut: cactus are you naked and drunk and sending IMs, i think
creepy turned cordial lesbian in record time
NoraMcKee525: how many orange juices have you had cactus?

There's Always One Poor Idiot Who Didn't Get the Word:
CordialCactus: wOOt!
Creepy Loner: w00t!
Hadachoke: lol
Hadachoke: w00t!
Fleurdelochi: w00000000t
Godwit935: What's this woot business.
Creepy Loner: Onion explained the origin of "w00t" to me...

... and Hit 73 Home Runs in the Hawaiian League:
Beysshoes: i got phat from 2 months of steroids.

The Fourth is Third
Godwit935: I love the Fourth, being a real American.
Godwit935: The only holidays better than the Fourth are
Labor Day and Thanksgiving, in that order.

San Francisco Blackout:
Creepy Loner: Holy sh*t. ONION left the room for the first time
in 4 years.


Blogger Beysshoes said...

Bartender Finds Unpleasant Surprise in Coat Pocket:/ New Ways to Save on Movies: / Just Before He Started Shooting/She said He said She said / Spot the Missing Word / How to Pick a Career / Sitcom Cheer ... so those are my guesses (YAY) do I get a prize?

7/29/2008 3:13 AM  
Blogger KatyTried said...

Wow Beysshoes!!! Very Good!
Since you're taking steroids, there will be no prizes for you.

Oh well, you can have the book I'm reading once I'm finished. Be warned though, other than the memory of the woman jumping into the man, there aren't many happy scenes in it.

7/29/2008 6:41 AM  
Blogger Beysshoes said...

loL ... fifty steroid pointer. Score one unhappy book ...YAY!

7/29/2008 2:31 PM  
Blogger Beysshoes said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

7/29/2008 8:37 PM  
Blogger Beysshoes said...

"No soup for you!" ... Soup Nazi
"No prize for you!" ... Phat patrol Nazi

7/29/2008 8:40 PM  

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