A QUICKIE --- the horror, the horror
Tired Ass:
Creepy Loner: Godwit, you don't even have anything up
it and you're making my ass tired
It's a Word War:
Godwit935: Language is stolen these days.
Godwit935: The Republicans are really good at stealing language.
Godwit935: As are the homosexuals.
Brianna CD123: how is it stolen?
Godwit935: Well, Brianna, its meaning is taken over through
Brianna CD123: so words are used to stand for something that
you disagree with? is that what that means?
Godwit935: Brianna, what I mean is, the conventional meaning
of words is wrenched away by special interests.
Brianna CD123: can you give me an example?
Godwit935: Look at how the Republicans call any discussion
of leaving Iraq surrender.
Brianna CD123: well...that is just propaganda Republicans
couch the idea of leaving Iraq. It is termed as "surrender."
Brianna CD123: that's not theft of language
Brianna CD123: no...words are not objects that can be stolen
Godwit935: They can be stolen back, that's true.
Godwit935: Sure they are, Brianna.
Brianna CD123: "surrender" can be used in many contexts
Brianna CD123: that is not a good example
Godwit935: Well, so is the co-option of the word, gay, Brianna.
Godwit935: Sure it is theft, Brianna.
Glomawr: see Brianna, its like writtin somethin on the
bathroom wall
Glomawr: then somebody steals it and writes it on some other
bathroom wall
Glomawr: that is a misdemeanor
"hey do we have to know this for the test":
CordialCactus: brianna.. i love your simple instructions on
your profile.. but like exams where the answers are given
before the test, some people will always fail it
Word War II:
Godwit935: Brianna, homosexuals sure did steal the meaning of
the word, gay.
Brianna CD123: i think "gay" was a derogatory term forced upon
homosexuals by homophobes
Godwit935: These days, if you notice, the homosexuals are turning
the phrase "same-sex marriage" into "same-gender marriage."
Brianna CD123: so i dont think homosexuals stole the word
BinxB91: oh my gosh!!!! Point, Brianna
Godwit935: That is nonsense, Brianna.
CordialCactus: brianna, i wonder
Glomawr: Binx is keepin score
Brianna CD123: you need to convince me of word theft still
Godwit935: "Same-sex" now is being promoted by the homosexuals
as "same-gender."
Q4Omega: when i want to say "gay" to describe a mood i say "homosexual"
Brianna CD123: god - but if i say i surrender when someone is tickling
me does that mean "i'm leaving iraq?"
Reflections on Tickling:
Glomawr: I used to tickle my children
Glomawr: but they grew up and moved away
Creepy Loner: Can't you just say that you're straight, Godwit
--- as opposed to "normal?"
Catching on to Godwit:
Brianna CD123: you are afraid of being thought of as a homosexual
Brianna CD123: is that correct?
Fear of Phrase:
Q4Omega: i'm afraid of being thought of as a homosexual because
of a word i used when it should be because i "chose" to walk out
of the closet, provided that i'm in a closet
She meant "facts", but this way was better:
Brianna CD123: history is a selection of cats from an infinite pool
of facts, many of which are ignored...with the selected facts the
historian hypothesizes where to insert it in a chain of events to
explain something
Delayed Nastiness Emerges:
Godwit935: Your argument is the result of an illiberal
education, Brianna.
Brianna CD123: its by carl dalhous, and its called "foundations of
music history"
Godwit935: Brianna, keep on reading.
Brianna CD123: god - you are now using ad hominem tactics...
that is, you are attacking me personally rather than debating
Brianna CD123: this is a fallacy
Creepy Loner: Found it.
Glomawr: kinda like Bill O'Reilly does?
Illiberal Education Techniques:
Tallthinjones: when i was a janitor the principal liked to
hide a penny in a corner of the room as he observed teachers
The Movie in PatientOnion's Brain:
PatientOnion3: like eraser head meets whole foods
PatientOnion3: meets texas chainsaw massacre
Onion and the Insane:
PatientOnion3: this totally beautiful, totally insane woman from
baltimore IMs and we talk about bread
PatientOnion3: she is like 45 and really hot
Creepy Loner: ...
PatientOnion3: but she is totally crazy
Brianna CD123: i love bread
BinxB91: Horse, how come you never had kids?
WarHorseThor: define had binx
Tree Hugger:
Brianna CD123: some people like to bring up hitler as "evil"
Brianna CD123: but take the perspective of a tree...which is
more "evil" - hitler or a lumberjack?
Shelf Standards:
Brianna CD123: i simply made a point...i dont expect everyone
to agree
PatientOnion3: no one agrees, you have to leave
The Dead Guy on the Stick:
PatientOnion3: jews made up that dead guy on a stick myth,
that zombie jesus christ
PatientOnion3: and you fell for it, hook line and sinker
PatientOnion3: you guys worship somebody right out of night
of the living dead
PatientOnion3: it was just a jewish plot to weaken you
Sorry, wrong number:
TburdX71194: anyone wanna chat
TburdX71194: 13-m-in
TburdX71194: im me
WarHorseThor: tburd, I am chris hanson from dateline nbc,
how are you?
Interesting? We'd expect nothing less:
B00KGASM: I watched an interesting documentary on Roman Polanski's
statutory rape trial.
B00KGASM: Has anyone read Christian Bok's Euonia?
B00KGASM: It's cool.
B00KGASM: Each chapter is devoted to a single vowel
Candice's Treasure:
CordialCactus: alliteration and assonance are abundant in Eunonia
CordialCactus: apparently
Word Joy On:
CordialCactus: facetious has all the vowels in alphabetical order
Intellectual Chat:
B00KGASM: Bill, Bri. Have you seen that indie film about
Fernando Pessoa's life of quietude?
Brianna CD123: B00K - i have not
Billw0314: ....No book
DinosoreVagina: is that a trick question
B00KGASM: If you have cable television, it's currently OnDemand.
Brianna CD123: i dont have TV
Intellectual Chat On:
B00KGASM: Right now looking at some affecting photography by
Dorothy Bohm; found her work vis-a-vis the Wood s lot site I linked
you to awhile back.
Billw0314: I remember vaguely book.....How is her stuff?
What's it like?
Intellectual Chat to Get Laid:
AA Birthday Pony: joe jackson was like, the poor man's elvis costello
PatientOnion3: pony, jennifer strange is not here
Us Magazine:
Doc Whew: did you see hulk hogans wife
AA Birthday Pony: i know. i'm bummed about it too.
Doc Whew: dating nineteen year old
SolliIja: I drink and I drink until I am blacked out
Kamperkenii: I recommend you play the piano instead
The New York Review of Bores:
B00KGASM: speaking of ranks, i'm reading an affecting new york
review on a book about slaves who fought in the civil war.
Billw0314: who wrote it bookie?
B00KGASM: the title of the book is "the slave's war: the civil
war in the words of former slaves" by andrew ward.
Billw0314: hmmm....I thought it might've been James Macpherson
....he wrote The Negro's Civil War
B00KGASM: here's a quotation ward included in his book:
"boys (slaves) used to crawl under the house and lie on the
ground to hear master read the newspaper to missus when they
first began to talk about the war."
Billw0314: there's a novelistic sort of detail
B00KGASM: it reminds me of the determination of frederick douglas
and gustavus vassa.
Jam7604801: they also stood around in post offices listen to the
whites read letter to one another
B00KGASM: interesting, jam.
Billw0314: Mcpherson's little book on Lincoln was quite good, book
B00KGASM: there's another great little book, jam, bill, about the
civil war called "the civil war through their eyes" which is a long
photo essay about the civil war.
B00KGASM: jam. another one of ward's quotes testified to the
slaveholders fear of newspapers (being distributed to slaves)
outweighting their fear of snakes!
Literary Discussion Antidote:
FoodSIut: i was climbing down the big hill of nob, the bag
snapped, it held TWENTY oranges, five of them rolled down the
forty-five degree angle hill, rolled in the street and were
crushed by cars leaving downtown san francisco
FoodSIut: a couple survived, i nursed them back to health and
ate them
Odds and Ends
Tallthinjones: things aren't always hunky dory in this life
PatientOnion3: candied shark fin choppy suey
Fleurdelochi: cactus, i think the almonds were on the liquered
lady fingers
Anais3233: i went to a concert tonight, rythms on the river
... there was no concert
WarHorseThor: I nailed a black girl named secret
DoomGrl: i dont think its a good idea to name your kids after alcohol
Something in That Thing:
Tallthinjones: i kissed traci lords
Tallthinjones: my face got all hot and i thought my hair
was on fire so there has to be something to that whole thing
as she didn't strike me as my type
Creepy Loner: *Run Through The Jungle/ Creedence Clearwater Revival*
Jam7604801: creepy ever listen to any Veruca Salt
Creepy Loner: Sure.
Creepy Loner: Not a fan, though.
Tallthinjones: what's that loner?
Creepy Loner: * SONG / BAND *
Jam7604801: creepy i like Fogerty more than ccr
Creepy Loner: Okay.
Tallthinjones: right but did i re-use a line?
Creepy Loner: I don't f*cking know...is this Jeopardy Chat?
Creepy Loner: Blow me.
Remembering Patsy:
Creepy Loner: *Why Can't He Be You / Patsy Cline*
CordialCactus: i love me some patsy cline
Creepy Loner: Wurd.
BinxB91: C'Loner, your songs jerk all over the map
Creepy Loner: I cover the waterfront.
Fleurdelochi: she is eclectic
Tallthinjones: you like that hillbilly crap?
Creepy Loner: Sure, Tall.
BinxB91: Patsy Cline may be hillbilly but she's not crap
MenacingTwilight: shes not crap....but, she is now soil
Tallthinjones: how about clog dancing to the orange blossom
special down at the store
Creepy Loner: Always, Tall.
Creepy Loner: Well, when I'm not hanging out in Book Shelf.
Creepy Loner: [belch]
[By my late teens, I was tall and blond and tan from
swimming, running, and riding my bike. I was in good
enough shape to wear a bikini without flinching. Even
though my grades were all A's and B's, I was an insecure
mess. when I think back to that period, I see myself as
kind of the flip side to the Girl from Impanema. Because
though I was getting my share of attention from the opposite
sex, I remember a lot of people saying, "Jesus Christ, Dawn!
Are you nuts?" than going "Aaaaah"]
What He's Not Telling:
Beysshoes: back...yah but normal peeps dont come to chat
here with us anais
Anais3233: we chased off onion for you
Sleepy Eyed Evie: i dont mind onion
Sleepy Eyed Evie: most of the time
ThePaIeRlDER: me either evie
ThePaIeRlDER: he aint getting head from me
Summers Eve L: Why did you feel the need to tell us that?
Summers Eve L: Is there something you are hiding, Rider?
"It's all a lot of oysters but no pearls":
Rietax: i like amsterdam onions
Beysshoes: (vidalias are best)
ThePaIeRlDER: you mean rocky mountain oysters rie?
"no, don't":
Jam7604801: creepy you should have watched nasa channel the
other day when one of the astronaut did the running man in
zero g's
PatientOnion3: nasa has a tv channel?
Creepy Loner: Amusing, Jam...but kinda tough to do without a TV.
PatientOnion3: mail her a tv
Creepy Loner: No, don't.
We're Just Filler Between His TV Shows:
Godwit935: I have to go watch Rexella and Dr. Jack Van Impe
discuss the end of the world.
MyStrat: havent been approached my anyone wanting me to sell
Amway lately....must not fit the profile anymore...used to
get hit on by Amway people on a regular basis
CordialCactus: strat.. i would like to talk to you about
a business opportunity!
CordialCactus: actually they dont call themselves amway anymore..
i dont know what it is, but i was approached a year ago
MyStrat: cord, i had this one keep calling me at home, so i
went to dennys to see him...ended up telling him i thought he
was full of crap and there was no way i would do that for a
living...as i am leaving, he stands up and yellls "you can
MyStrat: still change your mind!"
MyStrat: cord, you think if you tell someone that their company is
a bunch of crap, that the interview would be over then
CordialCactus: its all the positive thinking brainwashing they
have, strat
DinosoreVagina: is it quixar or something like that Cactus
CordialCactus: thats why i am the way i am.. amway circa 1993
CordialCactus: hence the cordial, dammit
CordialCactus: dinov.. that sounds right
MyStrat: cord, my 2 brothers and dad fell into this long distance
phone thing (Excel), i was only one who didnt buy into it,,,i said
to my bro, "Hey , its been 5 yrs, wheres your BMW?"
B00KGASM: I want a boy who leaves his room mate a note on his
whiteboard that says, "Duuude. Got major pu**y last night on your
bed. Don't use your pillow."
B00KGASM: Oh, that's my boyfriend.
B00KGASM: Nevermind.
"meemmories, light the corners of my mind"
Creepy Loner: I have never intentionally tasted my boob sweat.
B00KGASM: I used to kiss my boyfriend's temples after sex.
Couple of White Chicks:
Creepy Loner: Art F*g loves the Smiths...
Creepy Loner: And Morrissey.
Anais3233: morriessy drives my ass nuts
Anais3233: but i like that song
Anais3233: i'd fuck morrissey
Anais3233: just because I like it when a man cries afterwards
Stuck in 1982:
AA Birthday Pony: We are young,
AA Birthday Pony: heartache to heartache we stand
AA Birthday Pony: No promises, no demands
AA Birthday Pony: Love Is A Battlefield
AA Birthday Pony: you couldn't tell pat benetar shit in 1982
AA Birthday Pony: she was so bad ass
What Do You Mean by That?:
ThePaIeRlDER: mel you look pretty in your profile pic
Melodramamama22: are you saying my personality sucks?
The New Niontron:
B00KGASM: I have half the room on ignore Willie. I find it
much more productive & enjoyable that way, LOL!
Sweet Disorder 2: Half the room on ignore...you do not
like challenge. Sad.
Tem o Bedlam: Look on the bright side. She could be doing
her version of interacting with you.
Billw0314: LOL! Well, nobody's given me a reason to ig....
ah Onion's here
Brianna CD123: i see most people in chat rooms as a source
of entertainment
Tired Ass:
Creepy Loner: Godwit, you don't even have anything up
it and you're making my ass tired
It's a Word War:
Godwit935: Language is stolen these days.
Godwit935: The Republicans are really good at stealing language.
Godwit935: As are the homosexuals.
Brianna CD123: how is it stolen?
Godwit935: Well, Brianna, its meaning is taken over through
Brianna CD123: so words are used to stand for something that
you disagree with? is that what that means?
Godwit935: Brianna, what I mean is, the conventional meaning
of words is wrenched away by special interests.
Brianna CD123: can you give me an example?
Godwit935: Look at how the Republicans call any discussion
of leaving Iraq surrender.
Brianna CD123: well...that is just propaganda Republicans
couch the idea of leaving Iraq. It is termed as "surrender."
Brianna CD123: that's not theft of language
Brianna CD123: no...words are not objects that can be stolen
Godwit935: They can be stolen back, that's true.
Godwit935: Sure they are, Brianna.
Brianna CD123: "surrender" can be used in many contexts
Brianna CD123: that is not a good example
Godwit935: Well, so is the co-option of the word, gay, Brianna.
Godwit935: Sure it is theft, Brianna.
Glomawr: see Brianna, its like writtin somethin on the
bathroom wall
Glomawr: then somebody steals it and writes it on some other
bathroom wall
Glomawr: that is a misdemeanor
"hey do we have to know this for the test":
CordialCactus: brianna.. i love your simple instructions on
your profile.. but like exams where the answers are given
before the test, some people will always fail it
Word War II:
Godwit935: Brianna, homosexuals sure did steal the meaning of
the word, gay.
Brianna CD123: i think "gay" was a derogatory term forced upon
homosexuals by homophobes
Godwit935: These days, if you notice, the homosexuals are turning
the phrase "same-sex marriage" into "same-gender marriage."
Brianna CD123: so i dont think homosexuals stole the word
BinxB91: oh my gosh!!!! Point, Brianna
Godwit935: That is nonsense, Brianna.
CordialCactus: brianna, i wonder
Glomawr: Binx is keepin score
Brianna CD123: you need to convince me of word theft still
Godwit935: "Same-sex" now is being promoted by the homosexuals
as "same-gender."
Q4Omega: when i want to say "gay" to describe a mood i say "homosexual"
Brianna CD123: god - but if i say i surrender when someone is tickling
me does that mean "i'm leaving iraq?"
Reflections on Tickling:
Glomawr: I used to tickle my children
Glomawr: but they grew up and moved away
Creepy Loner: Can't you just say that you're straight, Godwit
--- as opposed to "normal?"
Catching on to Godwit:
Brianna CD123: you are afraid of being thought of as a homosexual
Brianna CD123: is that correct?
Fear of Phrase:
Q4Omega: i'm afraid of being thought of as a homosexual because
of a word i used when it should be because i "chose" to walk out
of the closet, provided that i'm in a closet
She meant "facts", but this way was better:
Brianna CD123: history is a selection of cats from an infinite pool
of facts, many of which are ignored...with the selected facts the
historian hypothesizes where to insert it in a chain of events to
explain something
Delayed Nastiness Emerges:
Godwit935: Your argument is the result of an illiberal
education, Brianna.
Brianna CD123: its by carl dalhous, and its called "foundations of
music history"
Godwit935: Brianna, keep on reading.
Brianna CD123: god - you are now using ad hominem tactics...
that is, you are attacking me personally rather than debating
Brianna CD123: this is a fallacy
Creepy Loner: Found it.
Glomawr: kinda like Bill O'Reilly does?
Illiberal Education Techniques:
Tallthinjones: when i was a janitor the principal liked to
hide a penny in a corner of the room as he observed teachers
The Movie in PatientOnion's Brain:
PatientOnion3: like eraser head meets whole foods
PatientOnion3: meets texas chainsaw massacre
Onion and the Insane:
PatientOnion3: this totally beautiful, totally insane woman from
baltimore IMs and we talk about bread
PatientOnion3: she is like 45 and really hot
Creepy Loner: ...
PatientOnion3: but she is totally crazy
Brianna CD123: i love bread
BinxB91: Horse, how come you never had kids?
WarHorseThor: define had binx
Tree Hugger:
Brianna CD123: some people like to bring up hitler as "evil"
Brianna CD123: but take the perspective of a tree...which is
more "evil" - hitler or a lumberjack?
Shelf Standards:
Brianna CD123: i simply made a point...i dont expect everyone
to agree
PatientOnion3: no one agrees, you have to leave
The Dead Guy on the Stick:
PatientOnion3: jews made up that dead guy on a stick myth,
that zombie jesus christ
PatientOnion3: and you fell for it, hook line and sinker
PatientOnion3: you guys worship somebody right out of night
of the living dead
PatientOnion3: it was just a jewish plot to weaken you
Sorry, wrong number:
TburdX71194: anyone wanna chat
TburdX71194: 13-m-in
TburdX71194: im me
WarHorseThor: tburd, I am chris hanson from dateline nbc,
how are you?
Interesting? We'd expect nothing less:
B00KGASM: I watched an interesting documentary on Roman Polanski's
statutory rape trial.
B00KGASM: Has anyone read Christian Bok's Euonia?
B00KGASM: It's cool.
B00KGASM: Each chapter is devoted to a single vowel
Candice's Treasure:
CordialCactus: alliteration and assonance are abundant in Eunonia
CordialCactus: apparently
Word Joy On:
CordialCactus: facetious has all the vowels in alphabetical order
Intellectual Chat:
B00KGASM: Bill, Bri. Have you seen that indie film about
Fernando Pessoa's life of quietude?
Brianna CD123: B00K - i have not
Billw0314: ....No book
DinosoreVagina: is that a trick question
B00KGASM: If you have cable television, it's currently OnDemand.
Brianna CD123: i dont have TV
Intellectual Chat On:
B00KGASM: Right now looking at some affecting photography by
Dorothy Bohm; found her work vis-a-vis the Wood s lot site I linked
you to awhile back.
Billw0314: I remember vaguely book.....How is her stuff?
What's it like?
Intellectual Chat to Get Laid:
AA Birthday Pony: joe jackson was like, the poor man's elvis costello
PatientOnion3: pony, jennifer strange is not here
Us Magazine:
Doc Whew: did you see hulk hogans wife
AA Birthday Pony: i know. i'm bummed about it too.
Doc Whew: dating nineteen year old
SolliIja: I drink and I drink until I am blacked out
Kamperkenii: I recommend you play the piano instead
The New York Review of Bores:
B00KGASM: speaking of ranks, i'm reading an affecting new york
review on a book about slaves who fought in the civil war.
Billw0314: who wrote it bookie?
B00KGASM: the title of the book is "the slave's war: the civil
war in the words of former slaves" by andrew ward.
Billw0314: hmmm....I thought it might've been James Macpherson
....he wrote The Negro's Civil War
B00KGASM: here's a quotation ward included in his book:
"boys (slaves) used to crawl under the house and lie on the
ground to hear master read the newspaper to missus when they
first began to talk about the war."
Billw0314: there's a novelistic sort of detail
B00KGASM: it reminds me of the determination of frederick douglas
and gustavus vassa.
Jam7604801: they also stood around in post offices listen to the
whites read letter to one another
B00KGASM: interesting, jam.
Billw0314: Mcpherson's little book on Lincoln was quite good, book
B00KGASM: there's another great little book, jam, bill, about the
civil war called "the civil war through their eyes" which is a long
photo essay about the civil war.
B00KGASM: jam. another one of ward's quotes testified to the
slaveholders fear of newspapers (being distributed to slaves)
outweighting their fear of snakes!
Literary Discussion Antidote:
FoodSIut: i was climbing down the big hill of nob, the bag
snapped, it held TWENTY oranges, five of them rolled down the
forty-five degree angle hill, rolled in the street and were
crushed by cars leaving downtown san francisco
FoodSIut: a couple survived, i nursed them back to health and
ate them
Odds and Ends
Tallthinjones: things aren't always hunky dory in this life
PatientOnion3: candied shark fin choppy suey
Fleurdelochi: cactus, i think the almonds were on the liquered
lady fingers
Anais3233: i went to a concert tonight, rythms on the river
... there was no concert
WarHorseThor: I nailed a black girl named secret
DoomGrl: i dont think its a good idea to name your kids after alcohol
Something in That Thing:
Tallthinjones: i kissed traci lords
Tallthinjones: my face got all hot and i thought my hair
was on fire so there has to be something to that whole thing
as she didn't strike me as my type
Creepy Loner: *Run Through The Jungle/ Creedence Clearwater Revival*
Jam7604801: creepy ever listen to any Veruca Salt
Creepy Loner: Sure.
Creepy Loner: Not a fan, though.
Tallthinjones: what's that loner?
Creepy Loner: * SONG / BAND *
Jam7604801: creepy i like Fogerty more than ccr
Creepy Loner: Okay.
Tallthinjones: right but did i re-use a line?
Creepy Loner: I don't f*cking know...is this Jeopardy Chat?
Creepy Loner: Blow me.
Remembering Patsy:
Creepy Loner: *Why Can't He Be You / Patsy Cline*
CordialCactus: i love me some patsy cline
Creepy Loner: Wurd.
BinxB91: C'Loner, your songs jerk all over the map
Creepy Loner: I cover the waterfront.
Fleurdelochi: she is eclectic
Tallthinjones: you like that hillbilly crap?
Creepy Loner: Sure, Tall.
BinxB91: Patsy Cline may be hillbilly but she's not crap
MenacingTwilight: shes not crap....but, she is now soil
Tallthinjones: how about clog dancing to the orange blossom
special down at the store
Creepy Loner: Always, Tall.
Creepy Loner: Well, when I'm not hanging out in Book Shelf.
Creepy Loner: [belch]
[By my late teens, I was tall and blond and tan from
swimming, running, and riding my bike. I was in good
enough shape to wear a bikini without flinching. Even
though my grades were all A's and B's, I was an insecure
mess. when I think back to that period, I see myself as
kind of the flip side to the Girl from Impanema. Because
though I was getting my share of attention from the opposite
sex, I remember a lot of people saying, "Jesus Christ, Dawn!
Are you nuts?" than going "Aaaaah"]
What He's Not Telling:
Beysshoes: back...yah but normal peeps dont come to chat
here with us anais
Anais3233: we chased off onion for you
Sleepy Eyed Evie: i dont mind onion
Sleepy Eyed Evie: most of the time
ThePaIeRlDER: me either evie
ThePaIeRlDER: he aint getting head from me
Summers Eve L: Why did you feel the need to tell us that?
Summers Eve L: Is there something you are hiding, Rider?
"It's all a lot of oysters but no pearls":
Rietax: i like amsterdam onions
Beysshoes: (vidalias are best)
ThePaIeRlDER: you mean rocky mountain oysters rie?
"no, don't":
Jam7604801: creepy you should have watched nasa channel the
other day when one of the astronaut did the running man in
zero g's
PatientOnion3: nasa has a tv channel?
Creepy Loner: Amusing, Jam...but kinda tough to do without a TV.
PatientOnion3: mail her a tv
Creepy Loner: No, don't.
We're Just Filler Between His TV Shows:
Godwit935: I have to go watch Rexella and Dr. Jack Van Impe
discuss the end of the world.
MyStrat: havent been approached my anyone wanting me to sell
Amway lately....must not fit the profile anymore...used to
get hit on by Amway people on a regular basis
CordialCactus: strat.. i would like to talk to you about
a business opportunity!
CordialCactus: actually they dont call themselves amway anymore..
i dont know what it is, but i was approached a year ago
MyStrat: cord, i had this one keep calling me at home, so i
went to dennys to see him...ended up telling him i thought he
was full of crap and there was no way i would do that for a
living...as i am leaving, he stands up and yellls "you can
MyStrat: still change your mind!"
MyStrat: cord, you think if you tell someone that their company is
a bunch of crap, that the interview would be over then
CordialCactus: its all the positive thinking brainwashing they
have, strat
DinosoreVagina: is it quixar or something like that Cactus
CordialCactus: thats why i am the way i am.. amway circa 1993
CordialCactus: hence the cordial, dammit
CordialCactus: dinov.. that sounds right
MyStrat: cord, my 2 brothers and dad fell into this long distance
phone thing (Excel), i was only one who didnt buy into it,,,i said
to my bro, "Hey , its been 5 yrs, wheres your BMW?"
B00KGASM: I want a boy who leaves his room mate a note on his
whiteboard that says, "Duuude. Got major pu**y last night on your
bed. Don't use your pillow."
B00KGASM: Oh, that's my boyfriend.
B00KGASM: Nevermind.
"meemmories, light the corners of my mind"
Creepy Loner: I have never intentionally tasted my boob sweat.
B00KGASM: I used to kiss my boyfriend's temples after sex.
Couple of White Chicks:
Creepy Loner: Art F*g loves the Smiths...
Creepy Loner: And Morrissey.
Anais3233: morriessy drives my ass nuts
Anais3233: but i like that song
Anais3233: i'd fuck morrissey
Anais3233: just because I like it when a man cries afterwards
Stuck in 1982:
AA Birthday Pony: We are young,
AA Birthday Pony: heartache to heartache we stand
AA Birthday Pony: No promises, no demands
AA Birthday Pony: Love Is A Battlefield
AA Birthday Pony: you couldn't tell pat benetar shit in 1982
AA Birthday Pony: she was so bad ass
What Do You Mean by That?:
ThePaIeRlDER: mel you look pretty in your profile pic
Melodramamama22: are you saying my personality sucks?
The New Niontron:
B00KGASM: I have half the room on ignore Willie. I find it
much more productive & enjoyable that way, LOL!
Sweet Disorder 2: Half the room on ignore...you do not
like challenge. Sad.
Tem o Bedlam: Look on the bright side. She could be doing
her version of interacting with you.
Billw0314: LOL! Well, nobody's given me a reason to ig....
ah Onion's here
Brianna CD123: i see most people in chat rooms as a source
of entertainment
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