Sunday, March 02, 2008

Women of BookShelf - The BookSlut Monologues/
CodialCactus Reflections/BIDET Silliness/
Hillary's Pride and Prejudice/
CreepyLoner Asides/Dinosaur Vagina Joy Luck Club

News From Japan:
BooksIut: Kobo Abe said that there was nothing better
tasting than his own ear wax, just like cheese.

On Ass Kissers:

BD Radical84: I see Bidet's right hand rear kisser is here
ParaMyrrh: Bidet, can I kiss your butt again?
ParaMyrrh: it's so fragrant and shiny
ParaMyrrh: such a lovely pair of half spheres
BIDET LIVES: anyone else?
ParaMyrrh: thanks
ParaMyrrh: so Honored
BIDET LIVES: no licking, folks
Kamperkenii: Para, I was going to suggest that we refer
to Bidet as the 'porcelein concavity'
Kamperkenii: whadyathink?
ParaMyrrh: careful Bidet,the person who kisses your ass today
may be the one working to unseat you tomorrow
Lamumsie: would hate to misunderstand such a subject
BIDET LIVES: is that a threat?
ParaMyrrh: No not a threat
ParaMyrrh: Actually I want to be your only ass smoocher online
BIDET LIVES: i see. a promise. a cautionary tale.
BIDET LIVES: you'll have to deal with binx - he's the ultimate
BinxB91: oh Bidet, do shut up
ParaMyrrh: Bidet but he kisses all the hens' asses
BIDET LIVES: don't drop your scone, binxy
BinxB91: scone?
BinxB91: I'm not British
Lamumsie: ho-hum
Lamumsie: goodnight
BIDET LIVES: one down
BinxB91: what's the point in making people walk out?
BinxB91: and boring them to tears doesn't count.
BIDET LIVES: i am just sitting here
BIDET LIVES: reading poetry
BIDET LIVES: listening to lonesome bob
BinxB91: poetry? whose?
BIDET LIVES: yes, i said lonesome bob
BIDET LIVES: that's personal, binx
BIDET LIVES: but fairly harmless, wouldn't you say?
BinxB91: I'm just sitting here having sex
BinxB91: but with who is a little personal
BIDET LIVES: i'm having sex, too
BD Radical84: with what? a urinal cake?
BIDET LIVES: yes. i'm having sex with a urinal cake.
BD Radical84: well don't forget to wash up afterwards
BIDET LIVES: and down
ParaMyrrh: Bidet brilliant!
BIDET LIVES: more kisses!


ParaMyrrh: Politics is Porn without the jouissance
Kamperkenii: no,politics is porn without all of the nekkid pics
ParaMyrrh: Kamper that was my point
BooksIut: What's that mean, Kamp?
ParaMyrrh: Jouissance implies sexual satisfaction titillation
Kamperkenii: oh, I know, Para. i merely Para phrased you
ParaMyrrh: politics is porn all money shot no sex
ParaMyrrh: Kamp good one
ParaMyrrh: Para phrased
Kamperkenii:just translated it into 'low' language for AOL's benefit

Bunk Beds:

CordialCactus: i will say this.. brazilian constructed
bunk beds should be outlawed... had to put them together...
nothing was plumb (?) lengths and widths were off.. it was
a character building experiece
CordialCactus: luckily the kids went to bed, so i
didnt have to kill them
BinxB91: character building instead of bed building?
DinosoreVagina: phew Cactus - close call
Bethliebner: i never had to sleep in a bunk bed
Yossarian4now: me either
CordialCactus: the bed is up and in use.... but...argh...
what an afternoon.. but, im still married.. thats good
DinosoreVagina: sure Cactus
CordialCactus: beth.. my teens had bunk beds when they were
little.. i always wanted bunk beds when i was a kid , and a
sibling close in age to share them with..
CordialCactus: so... i like em
DinosoreVagina: hmm
BinxB91: I had bunk beds in boot camp
CordialCactus: they just look so american familyish
DinosoreVagina: I'd worry about the bunks
DinosoreVagina: my son has taken to climbing on the desk and
jumping off
DinosoreVagina: all I hear is a large "THUMP"
CordialCactus: lol... we had one of those already
CordialCactus: he's more careful now
DinosoreVagina: I'm going to have to bubble wrap him or get
some xanax
CordialCactus: speeds the learning curve
DinosoreVagina: I keep thinking the "that's a stupid idea"
thing to kick in
DinosoreVagina: so far, no luck


BIDET LIVES: i'm freezing. this could be bird flu.
Bgrant444: Bidet, you are freezing because your soul is a cold,
dark and moss-covered place
BIDET LIVES: i met with a republican for 2 hours this morning
BIDET LIVES: and i liked him
Bgrant444: See? What did I say

CordialCactus: brb... cat is sounding weird

An Icon for Insincere Slimeballs:

BinxB91: Phronsie, Para's here. Your own Eddie Haskell
Phronsie: Binx, Para and I seemed to have reached detente.
Phronsie: For the moment at least.
BinxB91: Phronsie, you outlasted him
ParaMyrrh: Phronsie is fine by me Don't drag her into it
like a coward hiding behind a woman
Nomdujourxx: Amazing, Eddie Haskell has become an icon for
insincere slimeballs everywhere 30 years after the fact

Quest for Vagina:

BooksIut: I asked my boyfriend about the sacredness of
virginity and he said,
BooksIut: "It was special but not sacred. Your pu**y
wasn't the Holy Grail."
BooksIut: Then, BooksIut: if that wasn't bad enough,
BooksIut: "how was it special for you?"
BooksIut: OH MY GOD.
Creepy Loner: I think, after that, you should nickname
your vagina "Perceval."
BinxB91: I thought only men named their sex organs
Creepy Loner: That should change, Binx.
Creepy Loner: And Slut should be the one to change it.
BinxB91: The woman in Portney's Complaint named hers
BinxB91: but she was low
Creepy Loner: Slut's not too tall, either.

Twisted and Fucked:

PRobin5478: what kind of movies do you like?
Max 314159265358: The ones that have a twist
Max 314159265358: or the one where's the protaginist is
fucked from the start

A Boy Named Mark:

EmpressZ21: bad kissers can kill the whole deal even
if he is a nice employed guy
EDruezillaB: My first kiss followed my first proposal.
EmpressZ21: wow how old were you
EDruezillaB: Five.
EmpressZ21: and who asked you or him
EDruezillaB: A boy named Mark in Kindergarten.

Evidence of Our UNcoolness:
CordialCactus: thats the third time i have heard the
lawerence welk resort mentioned in the past month

Godwit935: It's been a week now since I shot my cat.
Still getting over that.

So THAT's What a Tuffet Is:
BooksIut: Creep and I exchanged tuffets of pubic hair
in addition to photos.

Some Guy:
Is She Weird 55: oh binx i have a BF did i tell ya?
Is She Weird 55: some guy from drug mart

Hillary's Friends:
Is She Weird 55: oh, binx. my friend was on shroo ms over
the weekend and he got on top of my other guy friend and
tried to make out with h im

Odds and Ends:

CordialCactus: sorry.. had to make an emergency peanut
butter and jelly

Prospect26: Just for the record, I am a woman.

Niontron3: I am afraid of all humans

Is She Weird 55: i am so hungry all the time

Catpower777: did you laugh out loud?
DinosoreVagina: no, but I almost shot coffee out my nose

Prospect26: I don't do drugs...and do not do drugs by

Solsfam: I let my granddaughter beat me playing tic tac toe

Max 314159265358: I may have consumed more green beans than
I'd like

Godwit935: This place is so awful, much of the time

Seems Like Old Times:
CordialCactus: bidet, go swallow a tuna can

KatyTried Reader:
Is She Weird 55: i cant stop laughings

A Freaking Weird Analogy:

Is She Weird 55: haha ohhh i loved those pomegranate martinis
CordialCactus: not*
CordialCactus: martinis are like breasts, hillary
CordialCactus: 1 is too few, 3 is too many... remember that
Is She Weird 55: ew
Is She Weird 55: that's a freaking weird analogy
CordialCactus: well... arent you glad you dont have 3

C'Loner Being Social:

Creepy Loner: I got drunk with a bunch of Australians
in Texas...God, they were fun.
Creepy Loner: Good trip.
Creepy Loner: I never thought that I would enjoy trying to
run a mile while blasted out of my brains on gin...
Creepy Loner: They proved me wrong.
Nanofaydan: gin?..they drank gin??.. sure they were Aussie?
Creepy Loner: It was my purchase, Nan...they were down with it
'cause it was free. They seemed to stick to beer for most
of our stay...

Godwit Being Coy:

Creepy Loner: GODWIT! Light of my life and fire of my loins!
Godwit935: I was just watching Charlie Rose, and I never saw a
better show of his than tonight's.
Creepy Loner: Oh, how I've missed you!
Creepy Loner: Tell me what you would do to me if you were with
me Godwit...make it hot!
Creepy Loner: [grins / leers]
Nanofaydan: ahhh..ok I can barely contain myself.....
Godwit935: It was all about William F. Buckley and Charlie
nearly broke down at the end. Never saw that before.
Godwit935: Creepy, I'd have you get me a cup of tea.
Creepy Loner: Mmm...
Creepy Loner: [spanks own arse]...I love ya, Godwit.

Outing a Snert:

Ridenwheels: does any one in here read
Creepy Loner: There are people in here that read enough to
know that "anyone" is a single word, Ride...
Creepy Loner: You wouldn't believe...

Tolerating a Snert:

Ridenwheels: dont know cant read
EmpressZ21: if he cant read how is he responding
Various704: emp, hes hitting random keys and hoping for
the best

Boris Vian/a Larded-Down Bed/Mescaline Slurpee/Her Dick:

BooksIut: Last couple of weeks I haven't gone to school
or work, just layed in bed reading or researching until
I fell asleep. This is repetitive action, if you can
call it that. But, it's like my bed is larded down with
all these facts
BooksIut: and it isn't so much that no one else knows or
gives a fuck about Boris Vian but that . . . my bed sinks
lower and lower with knowledge and in the end, will
become my grave.
BooksIut: I don't think my confession can be explained by
the mescaline Slurpee I've been slushing these past few
BinxB91: Slut, you ought to try some poetry
BooksIut: Binx. I have.
BinxB91: slut, I am sure your poetry would show some energy
BooksIut: Binx. Doubtful. I feel as if . . .
I'm forcing the last quivers of cum out of my d*ck.

Pay PerView:

BooksIut: Nude Read(er)er.
BooksIut: My own demi-monde of Moroccan acrobats.
BooksIut: So it's pretty much about the sex.
BIDET LIVES: if i met bookslut in real life, i'd vomit
on her lap
BIDET LIVES: and wait for more big words
Creepy Loner: It's good to want things, BIDET.
Bgrant444: I might pay to see that

Let's Be Bots:

OnlineHost: LeslieHapablap has entered the room.
LeslieHapablap: hi, 36/f/married/california
LeslieHapablap: pictures in my profile, hot guys IM me.

No Retort of a Snappy Sort:

CordialCactus: "/"/"/wisconsin
Kamperkenii: Cactus, you're in Wisconsin?
Kamperkenii: a cheesehead, huh?
Kamperkenii: THAT explains it!
Kamperkenii: I should've connected the dots long before now
Phezziwig13: Yeah, a cactus grows in Wisconsin
CordialCactus: wait.. i married a cheesehead, birthed a yooper
... was born and raised a flatlander
CordialCactus: im confused
LeslieHapablap: cordialcactus, where were you raised?
CordialCactus: i have no retort for that
CordialCactus: no retort of the snappy sort... no, so there or
ha! no oh really or duh.. i have no love of cheese you see..
i just like it thankyou now let me be

Super Tuesday Leftover:

Phezziwig13: Obama just jumped up 2% in California
Harryshaw3178: if Obama can take Missouri...
Johnpaperfir: they are already calling Cali for Clinton wtf
Johnpaperfir: spanish people did this

I'm Easy:
She Weird 55: Haiku's are Easy.
But sometimes they dont make sense.

Tender Correspondence:

CordialCactus: Dear LeslieHapablap, I hope this note find you
healthy and happy. Sincerely, Cordial Cactus
LeslieHapablap: HELL NO!
LeslieHapablap: i still have that cold.
Nomdujourxx: That should be, Cordially, Cactus
Nomdujourxx: CC has never been sincere
CordialCactus: Dear Nom.. I have been wanting to write to you
about your backseat writing. In the future would you kindly
pen your own correspondance. Cordially, Cactus
LeslieHapablap: dear cordial cactus, stick it to him.
love, lesliehapablap
Niontron3: dear shelfers, you are boring me...yours truely,
Rono. P.S. Cut it out!!!
LeslieHapablap: dear niontron3, i wish you would leave and
never come back. seriously, lesliehapablap

I Don't Get It:

Bgrant444: Obama's wife will be a delight in office,
they will chain her to the Roosevelt Room
CordialCactus: i dont get it
Boulshevit: Me too
Harryshaw3178: don't get what?
CordialCactus: the historical reference
Lamumsie: mmhmmm
Lamumsie: keep her under lock and key
CordialCactus: or if there was one
Bgrant444: Wasn't historical The Roosevelt room is just a
room in the White house
CordialCactus: oh.. ok.. phew
Boulshevit: Nice save

Living On Risque Lane:

Boulshevit: Will you still love me sober?
CordialCactus: of course
Lamumsie: taking turns....?
Bgrant444: Boul, will you ever get sober?
Boulshevit: God willing no
CordialCactus: lams.. i just get sick of seeing myself talk
sometimes.. just being a goof
CordialCactus: so, hence, the "your turn"
Bgrant444: Cordial, I enjoy your conversation
Lamumsie: I was just considering the....possibilities?
CordialCactus: thanks bg.. but im around me all day long
CordialCactus: lol lams.. i practice not being risque
Lamumsie: heheh
Bgrant444: Cordial, you and I are the only sane ones here
I think, but I do worry about you :-)
Lamumsie: come now, was that risque?
Lamumsie: I was thinking like...Scrabble
Lamumsie: or...Yahtzee
CordialCactus: taking turns.... that could have gone straight
down risque lane
Lamumsie: y'know?
CordialCactus: oh
CordialCactus: you tricked me!
CordialCactus: lol
Lamumsie: O:-)
Bgrant444: Scrabble, Hammocking, 124 points
Lamumsie: nice, Bob!
Boulshevit: Hammocking?
Boulshevit: No shit?
Lamumsie: is that...laying in a hammock?
Bgrant444: Hammocking-Wild Sexual acts standing up in a Hammock
CordialCactus: i was getting ready to expound at length..( is
there any other way to expound) about the various ways that
taking turns could be risque, for your benefit
Lamumsie: or....ohhhhh!
Bgrant444: Cordial, well, in the shower maybe
CordialCactus: but.. thankfully.. i didnt travel that road..
lol.. see? i get sick of my rambling... but as long as you
dont mind
Bgrant444: Cordial, Ramble away
I2DaysInNovember: well Lamsie I sent it to you too : )
CordialCactus: bg.. hammocking?
Harryshaw3178: I enjoy your rambling, cordial
CordialCactus: standing in a hammock?
CordialCactus: is that truly possible?
Bgrant444: Cordial, yes, difficult, but rewarding
Lamumsie: CC's new name: Ramblin' Rose
Lamumsie: oh! cool, AT
CordialCactus: ramblin on.. dooo doo dooo .. sing my song
Bgrant444: Covorting Cactus
CordialCactus: covort
Bgrant444: Cavorting
CordialCactus: say that three times fast and i challenge
you not to giggle
Bgrant444: Well, guys chortle, we are not much on giggling
CordialCactus: ok.. i will concede that minor detail
Lamumsie: I was imagining...
Harryshaw3178: we'll gather together, chortle
Bgrant444: Lamumsie :-)
Lamumsie: and thump shoulders, Harry?
CordialCactus: lol
Harryshaw3178: thump and chortle
Lamumsie: heh
CordialCactus: thump chortle and cavort
Boulshevit: And ramble
Harryshaw3178: on the road to a round of guffaw and bash

Tuesdays With Morrie, Fridays With Ded:

DedLettr: when I come in here Fridays, Bey, I am looking
for sex
Beysshoes: oh ded, i bopped in for a hey..i must go
out shortly. next time perhaps yes?

C'Loner Knows Why:
Harryshaw3178: death has never frightened me. no idea why.
Creepy Loner: Because you're a stud, Harry.

Hillary's Date:

Is She Weird 55: hey, binx. i had a date tonight
BinxB91: A date?? And you're here to replay the highlights?
Is She Weird 55: um...only if you so desire
BinxB91: Was he nice to you?
Is She Weird 55: of course
Hadachoke: were you nice to him?
Is She Weird 55: yes i was nice to him
BinxB91: Did he say anything stupid?
Is She Weird 55: no he said nothing stupid.
Creepy Loner: I'm sure he said plenty of stupid things, he was
just blessed to be saying them to Hillary, who wouldn't notice.

Speak to Your Groin:

Penrod59: weaslemum is IMing me so I can';t keep up
DedLettr: tell her Hi, Pen
Penrod59: weaslemum wants to speak to your groin
Penrod59: WEASLEMUM: well hello dick

Love Him Terribly:

DedLettr: married to Patient Onion .. cant get sadder than that
Bethliebner: so true ded
Beysshoes: onion is a wonderful man ded. i love him terribly.
Beysshoes: but, alas, he loves beth
DedLettr: love is easy, marriage hard
Bgrant444: Beyss? Have you missed your meds?
Bethliebner: you can have him Bey

The Eternal Question:
Various704: para, have you always been a wank? or do you
do it to amuse us?

Pawning Off Ded:
Beysshoes: mumsy ... ded was here looking for you earlier
Beysshoes: also, he was looking for Friday night sex, mumsy

[And for the first time in his life, that summer he shed
tears for someone besides himself. That long step toward
maturity came after the finals of the boxing tournament,
in which his brother Louis was beaten in three rounds for
the seventy-five pound championship by a boy two years
older than he. At the end of the fight, Louis's lip was
cut and there was a big lump on his forehead. Louis took
his beating with his usual stoicism, but, while Benjamin
was leading him to the showers to stop the flow of blood
and put an icy washrag against Louis's forehead, the
tears of helpless love suddenly came to Benjamin's eyes.
He turned his head trying to keep Louis from seeing what
was happening. But he knew that Louis knew, though they
never talked about the moment, even when they were grown
men. Louis looked at him gravely, wondering and a little
ashamed of what seemed to him incomprehensible
childishness in a brother he had never seen weep before]

KaL and Hillary - together again:

ParaMyrrh: hey Bey Bey have you heard that rap song
Hurricane Chris wrote about you?
ParaMyrrh: it's jamming in clubs nationwide A bey bey
ParaMyrrh: Bey you haven't heard the song "Ay Bey Bey"?
Is She Weird 55: i HATe that song , para
ParaMyrrh: Ay Bey Bey has a primitive edge to it with
repetitive refrain banging like a tribla chant

"trying to get a visual on this":

Boulshevit: I am a walking penis
Lamumsie: are you bald, Bouldie?
Boulshevit: Not yet, Mumsie
Lamumsie: Boulsie ?*
Lamumsie: hmmm
Lamumsie: trying to get the visual on this
Nomdujourxx: Woody Allen did it years ago
Sleepy Eyed Evie: woody allen raps?
MadiHolmes: I thought Woody Allen clarinets
Nomdujourxx: walked around in a giant condom
Is She Weird 55: like like a bandage!


Prospect26: Lady...everyone is so drunk.
Hadachoke: i'm stone cold sober
CordialCactus: not drinking
LadyMtnMedic: who is drunk?
Summers Eve L: Just because people are discussing their
taste in alcohol doesnt mean that they have had a drop.
Summers Eve L: I am painfully sober.
Nomdujourxx: Drinking coffee
DinosoreVagina: me too Summer
Hadachoke: me too
Jam7604801: me three summer
CordialCactus: well, im drinking.. but its water.. clean
clear crisp water
DinosoreVagina: well this explains why nothing makes sense
Tem o Bedlam: A nip or two with my advil...
DinosoreVagina: you're all sober
Hadachoke: that stuff'll rust your pipes, cc
Summers Eve L: Water! You tart!
Nomdujourxx: There goes that excuse
Jam7604801: the only stuff i have in the house is a bottle of wine
CordialCactus: lol @ tart
Tem o Bedlam: It'd be downright uncivic for me to drink water.
DinosoreVagina: right Tem, almost... unpatriotic
Nomdujourxx: I've got a bottle of rye but I ran out of ginger ale
Summers Eve L: Mix it all together!
CordialCactus: nom.. thats my problem as well.. i have rum,
whiskey, scotch, tequila, apple schnapps.. but nothing to
mix it with
DinosoreVagina: well now we've covered drugs, breasts and booze
CordialCactus:(asking in my mothers voice) are you all grass smokers?
DinosoreVagina: what's left?
LadyMtnMedic: no CC
DinosoreVagina: we didn't finish drugs then

A Fun Date:
Summers Eve L: I'm not going to drink until Saturday night
after the bout (roller derby game) and win or lose my friends
I shall not be at all sober.

Honoring William F. Buckley:

Godwit935: I want to tear the ass off an elephant, in honor
of the death of William F. Buckley.
William F. Buckley.
LeslieHapablap: ok.
LeslieHapablap: good luck with that.
Godwit935: I love the way that guy LIVED.
Creepy Loner: ...
LeslieHapablap: creepy loner, that was exactly my response.
Godwit935: I disagreed with him on a fundamental level,
but he liked to FIGHT.
LeslieHapablap: earlier i was on the telephone with mr. hapablap.
LeslieHapablap: he said, "william f. buckley died."
LeslieHapablap: i said, "..."
LeslieHapablap: then i said, "anyway."
Creepy Loner: That's really the best reaction, Leslie...
no doubt about it.
Godwit935: Leslie, had you heard much of Buckley?
LeslieHapablap: godwit935, no.
Godwit935: The guy was hard to beat.
Godwit935: I like a guy's hard to beat.
Creepy Loner: [biting my tongue]
Jam7604801: me too creepy
LeslieHapablap: he did have a wonderful vocabulary.
Godwit935: Creepy, you're easy to beat, if you bite your tongue.
Godwit935: Leslie, he was far more than vocabulary.
LeslieHapablap: of course.
CordialCactus: just googling a bit.. found this cute..
william f buckley wrote a negative review to ayn rands
Jam7604801: wit are you hard to beat?

Roller Derby as Serious Shit:

NeoNPaisleY: roller derby, serious shit there. jk.
NeoNPaisleY: some dedicated people nonetheless
Summers Eve L: We do take roller derby seriously. We play it
for the sport. Not like back when it was like wrestling.
CordialCactus: i remember falling of my cool yellow and blue
bmx bike, falling out of trees, and kicking boys butts in
grade school.. it didnt hurt near as much when you are 60
pounds and 4'9"
CordialCactus: not that i do those things much now
CordialCactus: heh
Jennifer Payne: i think there's something wrong
Summers Eve L: Yeah falling hurts as an adult. First time I
fell as an adult I didn't think I was ever going to be able
to get up.
Summers Eve L: I hada to crawl over to the wall and pull
myself up.
CordialCactus: i hear ya
Hadachoke: i hada too
NeoNPaisleY: shit im twenty years old and falling doesent feel
particurly nice
Summers Eve L: haha
Jam7604801: i sorta like roller derby ... watching it as a kid
Jam7604801: the coaches had names like wrestlers
Summers Eve L: My derby name is WHORECULES
CordialCactus: lol
Summers Eve L: Tis I! WHORECULES!
Jennifer Payne: the girl who cuts my hair is on the roller derby team
Jennifer Payne: and her name is The Brutician
Summers Eve L: Where are you from, Jen? Oh good one.
Jennifer Payne: VA
CordialCactus: what are some other derby names
Jennifer Payne: like any could be better than Whorecules
Glomawr: been watching him for years
Glomawr: mint julep
Summers Eve L: In my league we have Machine Gun Kelly, Your Mom,
Instant Karmen...
Tem o Bedlam: Pemberly. According to Jane Austen, that's in Derbyshire.
Summers Eve L: Kinky Kenevil
Summers Eve L: Bloody Elle
Summers Eve L: Gwen Reaper
Jennifer Payne: lol Bloody Elle
Summers Eve L: my favorite from other leagues are Hurt Reynolds.
Glomawr: watch out machine gun
Summers Eve L: Soylent Mean
Glomawr: believe her name was Kathryn Kelly
Summers Eve L: Assault N Peppa
Jennifer Payne: lol
Hadachoke: Graceless Kelly
Summers Eve L: Mace Kelly
Tem o Bedlam: LOL
Summers Eve L: Smashimi
Hadachoke: lol
CordialCactus: love it
Hadachoke: the japaqnese chick
Tem o Bedlam: No Elizabeth of Hungary?
Lamumsie: hmmmmmmm
Glomawr: lam chop

Lispers and the NRA:

DinosoreVagina: feel free to im me... Lam
DinosoreVagina: hubba hubba
Lamumsie: ready or not...
DinosoreVagina: just don't use the lisp
Tem o Bedlam: Hey, we got the NRA. The entire population
is potentially dangerous, whether or not they've been
DinosoreVagina: Cactus says that kills it
CordialCactus: lol.. it makes it better
DinosoreVagina: lol
DinosoreVagina: hey hon, can you talk dirty with a lisp
StarlightStorms: I hope we keep the NRA!
DinosoreVagina: I doubt I could say that with a straight face
CordialCactus: ok.. im getting loopy... look at the screen..
i have 4 lols in a row
Lakeshadw: Lam---to quote Kenny rodgers---"ya gotta know when
ta hold em...when to fold em...."
Lamumsie: wow, guess LadyM really doesnt like cyber?
DinosoreVagina: lol cactus
Lamumsie: lol
DinosoreVagina: oh LOL
Lamumsie: hahaha Shadow
CordialCactus: dinov, you are taking the loopy lead, though:)
DinosoreVagina: maybe you should have offered with a lisp?
Lamumsie: loopy lisping
DinosoreVagina: yeah well, some loopy is born not made
Lakeshadw: sore Vaggie--make that a "lithp"
Jam7604801: i have a joke i will try to copy and paste
DinosoreVagina: I always have to sound that out
DinosoreVagina: and it involves spitting kinda
Tem o Bedlam: It isn't that odd that there is only one amendment
to the Constitution. It is, however a little peculiar that it
should be numbered "2."
Jam7604801: dern to won't let me paste it
DinosoreVagina: do you supposes there's a reverse speech class,
where I could learn to lisp
CordialCactus: you thilly perthonth... it goeth like thith
... thyber thexth ith more interethting when you thay thuggethtive
thtuff like, thupple and thmooth and thothe kindth of thingth
CordialCactus: brb
Tem o Bedlam: In a reverse class, tha'd be "psil."
DinosoreVagina: LOL
DinosoreVagina: by the time I sound it out, the mood is gone though
Lakeshadw: Yes, sore...ith called "dythlectith 101"
DinosoreVagina: oh
Lamumsie: ithn't that thore?
DinosoreVagina: wonder who teaches that
StarlightStorms: back in a few
Lakeshadw: brb...Jeez..need a tea + single malt
OnlineHost: StarlightStorms has left the room.
DinosoreVagina: oh definetly lam
Jam7604801: it was about a midet with a lispth
DinosoreVagina: Jam, can you type it?
Jam7604801: i can mail it
Tem o Bedlam: I'll spare everybody the "Cathtilian" joke.
man, I'm getting lazy.
DinosoreVagina: ok
CordialCactus: nacl
CordialCactus: whoa... back*
DinosoreVagina: wb Cactus
DinosoreVagina: lol
CordialCactus: thanks
DinosoreVagina: national association of chronic lispers?
DinosoreVagina: nacl
CordialCactus: lol
CordialCactus: good one
DinosoreVagina: we meet on fridays
CordialCactus: heh
Tem o Bedlam: "I've got a little lithp." - WS Gilbert
CordialCactus: funny... ok.. i really need to go.. you win
funny of the night with that quick acronym thing
DinosoreVagina: for dwinth and thewapy

Spell Check:

CordialCactus: i found them cheap, thought i put some
in the kids room, the bar and the guest room, to add ambience
CordialCactus: i love inexpensive ambience... wait is
that supposed to be ambiance?
IaintRlGHT: ambiance
CordialCactus: oh like you know

Raising the Conversation:

CordialCactus: well.. i may bave bored you to death, but
i got us away from dildos and strap-ons
Harryshaw3178: thanks cactus
Boulshevit: Speaking of strapons and Dildos..oh..sorry

Keep Me Informed:
Godwit935: Did anyone see the Charlie Rose show last week
dedicated entirely to William F. Buckley?
CordialCactus: no godwit, i wish you would email me
notices for things like that

"I thought you should be told":

CordialCactus: wb hada
Hadachoke: ty cc
CordialCactus: hada.. i asked lams what she had been doing
... she said "hada!"
CordialCactus: i thought you should be told

Why Akron Subways Are Dry:
Is She Weird 55: i am afraid of mayonnaise

The Whole of It:
BooksIut: That's the whole of it. Should I feel embarrassed
about my hyper sexuality?


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