Hillary's Most Excellent Prom/
The Return of Beysshoes/CreepyLoner Findingg
Her Voice/Bookslut Refined/Not Much Else
"they made like special drinks":
Is She Weird 55: well we went to this really fancy place
and danced to kinda bad rap crap that I dont even like
and well, they played some good slow songs... tyler and
i had fun and there were some good drinks and ummm yeah
i saw all my friends.
Is She Weird 55: after prom had lots of games and i
entered some raffles but won nothing. umm visited with
some buddies
Creepy Loner: Good drinks?
Creepy Loner: Such as?
Creepy Loner: Did you get all boozed up?
Is She Weird 55: oh non-alcoholic lol no. but i mean they
made like special drinks
"he's not too much into the rape aspect ...":
Creepy Loner: That's no good...prom is a night that demands
projectile vomit...did you pick up a bottle later?
Is She Weird 55: no, i was too tired. my friends and i all
went to my friends house and they drank but i fell asleep
on the floor
Creepy Loner: Did you wake up with critical articles of
clothing curiously rearranged? For example...was the *ss
side of your underwear toward the front?
Is She Weird 55: hahahahahahahaha
Creepy Loner: [smirk]
Is She Weird 55: tyler was there but um he's not too much
into the rape aspect of life
BinxB91: Was something written on your forehead?
Is She Weird 55: no
Creepy Loner: A giant penis illustration aimed toward your
Just Now Getting It:
Is She Weird 55: "I have a dick on my face"
Creepy Loner: I know...I said that just for you, my dear.
Creepy Loner: [grin]
Look Who Wants More Prom Details:
Creepy Loner: HILLARY!
Creepy Loner: TALK TO US!
Is She Weird 55: yeah i have ADD even on the computer
Really Vintage:
Is She Weird 55: my dress was a 50s vintage prom dress
(really vintage- i got it in a vintage store in cleveland)
and it was black and spaghetti straps, to my feet and a
pink ruffle in the back
CordialCactus: neato daddy-o
Creepy Loner: Did this pink ruffle cover your butt?
Creepy Loner: Were you scared to sit?
Is She Weird 55: yeah it showed off my assets
Is She Weird 55: no
Is She Weird 55: at the restaurant all these old people were
like "you look sooo beautiful oh my god what a cuteeee"
Creepy Loner: [clap, clap]
10/4 Good Buddy:
BooksIut: Also, Cunningham's book The Four Horsemen of the
Apocalypse: Disease, Famine, War, and Death.
Is She Weird 55: no but haha they do that in 10 things
I hate about you
[I took his class once. It was called something innocuous
like Introduction to Cinema, so a lot of frat guys signed
up thinking they'd fulfill the humanities requirement by
watching "movies". You should have seen the looks on their
faces the day we saw the black-and-white film where a
teenage girl gets her period on camera. Or the day we
screened Richard Werner Fassbinder's "Why Does Herr R.
Run Amok?" In it, a humdrum businessman goes about his
humdrum business --- listening to his harpy wife, helping
his son with his homework, talking to his visiting
parents --- for what seems like hours, until the last five
minutes, when he goes berserk and bludgeons his family to
Afterwards, we were supposed to discuss existentialism.
The professor asked if anyone had read Camus. I, of course,
had read "L'Etranger in the original Franch and raised my
hand. I mentioned the protagonist who doesn't care about
his mother's death. Then I said I often washed dishes
with my mom. When she'd hand me the knife to dry, I
would have the fleeting thought that it would be easy to
kill her if I wanted. I should mention that I usually
sat in the back, so when I said this about a hundred heads
whipped around to stare at me. What I should have said
was, "But I don't want to kill her!" What I actually said
was, "Oh, like you never thought about killing your mom."
It was at that moment that I realized how small the
New German Cinema community really was.]
Book Store Customer:
Creepy Loner: I'll take my time with Penthouse Letters II
... fondle the spine a bit and wink at you.
College Mascot Night:
Fleurdelochi: i'm SO sorry. badger away
MlSS lNF0RMATl0N: Am I badgering, Fleurdelochi?
Fleurdelochi: nonono
Fleurdelochi: cactus
CordialCactus: no.. me!
Anais3233: cactus is the badger
CordialCactus: but not really
MlSS lNF0RMATl0N: Ah okay.
Anais3233: yes you are
Anais3233: for real
Fleurdelochi: miss, you're not badgering at all.
just pissing up a rope
BinxB91: Cactus is a Badger
Creepy Loner: Really?
Creepy Loner: Badgers are mean.
BinxB91: C'Loner is Buckeye
Creepy Loner: Cute, though.
BinxB91: Anais is a Hoosier
Creepy Loner: Well...true...I am a poisonous nut.
Creepy Loner: [shrug]
BinxB91: Lamumsie is a Wolverine
Fleurdelochi: >snortlaff<
Anais3233: in the wisconsin state capital, there is a big
huge brass badger, but it looks more like a ferret, it
makes me laugh every time.
CordialCactus: lol anais.. yeah
Anais3233: i was born and raised a badger binx
Fleurdelochi: i'm a COUGAR
A Short Affair:
Creepy Loner: The names that I had picked out when I was
madly in love were Evangeline and Wolfgang...
Creepy Loner: That was as far as I got.
Another Short Affair:
PatientOnion3: what kind of beer do you drink creepy
Creepy Loner: Unibroue.
BinxB91: Unibroue?
PatientOnion3: binx, are you nice?
Creepy Loner: Onion, please, stuff it up your *ss.
Creepy Loner: Drop the routine for five f*cking minutes.
Unclear On the Concept:
BooksIut: I wish I had a pug named Meatball. :(
BooksIut: I have a pitbull.
The Benevolent Cactus:
CordialCactus: i was trying to find a way to divert a certain
persons attention away from another certain person, you know..
as a random act of kindness
[Once, headed uptown on the 9 train, I notice a sign posted
by the Metropolitan Transit Authority advising subway riders
who might become ill in the train. The sign asked that the
suddenly infirm inform another passenger or get off at the
next stop and approach the stationmaster. Do not, repeat,
do not pull the emergency brake, the sign said, as this
will only delay aid. Which was all very logical, but for
the following proclamation at the bottom of the sign,
something along the lines of, "If you are sick, you will not
be left alone." This strikes me as not only kind, not only
comforting, but the epitome of civilization, good government,
i.e., the crux of societal impulse. Banding together,
pooling our taxes, not just making trains that move
underground, not just making trains that move underground
with suprising efficiency at a fair price --- but posting on
said trains a notification of such surprising compassion and
thoughtfulness, I found myself scanning the faces of my
fellow passangers, hoping for fainting, obvious fevers, at
the very least a sneeze so that I might offer a tissue]
BooksIut: I'm going to start sending you stuff to add
to KatyTried, Binx.
BooksIut: I don't think you're accurately representing my
full awesomeness.
Her Full Awesomeness:
BooksIut: My vaginal muscles are strong enough to perpetually
hold Emerson's eye in my lips.
HotGuylnOhio: ;x
BooksIut: So I just stand upside down and see the world for
what it really is.
Creepy Draws a Line:
PatientOnion3: that's why hillary's dad won't let her come in
this chatroom
Fleurdelochi: we could all use the occasion good dick slapping,
i'm sure
Creepy Loner: Not me.
Creepy Loner: I don't want a dick slapping.
WarHorseThor: why not creeps?
Fleurdelochi: >sigh< obstinate woman
Creepy Loner: Uh...'cause I don't want to be hit with a dick?
I'm on TV and I Don't Know Why:
BIDET LIVES: it's a good time to open a cool store in your
BIDET LIVES: no one can afford to leave
WarHorseThor: bidet, I saw that this morning
BIDET LIVES: you watch the today show, thor?
BIDET LIVES: watch it on father's day and you might see me
BinxB91: Why then?
BIDET LIVES: no idea, but they're filming monday and tuesday
at our house
Bookslut Counter-Punch:
BooksIut: The Lakers spanked the Spurs tonight.
Not Into Normal American Maleness:
Godwit935: WarHorse, you could tear the ass off an elephant!
WarHorseThor: why would I want an elephants ass?
Her Taco Life?:
Beysshoes: holaaa saturday nighters
Godwit935: Beys, how is your taco life?
Beysshoes: godwit terrible. but for this delicious moment of
convo with you...x
Godwit935: Solid, Beys.
If The McLaughlin Group Were a Chat Room ...:
Godwit935: Good night, at least for now, my fellow Americans.
Beysshoes: toxic fumes
Beysshoes: it must be mclaughlin group time for our godwit
Bring Beysshoes Up to Date:
DinosoreVagina: it's been a while, you've missed...
DinosoreVagina: so much of uh
DinosoreVagina: nothing
BooksIut: Seriously.
Tem's Lady:
Tem o Bedlam: "The only thing more tragic than losing the woman
one loves, is winning here, and finding out how shallow she is."
Lowered Expectations:
Beysshoes: gina how are you doing? any action this long weekend?
DinosoreVagina: not so far, but I'm not having a lot of success
with decent excuses to avoid extended family
Beysshoes as Out-of-Practice Chatter:
Creepy Loner: Okay; I'm done with the manicure.
Creepy Loner: It's not perfect, but a hell of a lot better.
Creepy Loner: I didn't paint my nails.
BooksIut: "I'll make a wicker girl and fill her up with tissue
and I'll burn her and think of you."
Billw0314: interesting
Beysshoes: oh creeps. what did you manicure or do we want
to know?
Creepy Loner: [blank stare]
Creepy Loner: My hands.
Tem o Bedlam: Manicure includes it's own definition. What do
you still not know?
Beysshoes: french manicure creeps?
BooksIut: LOL.
Creepy Loner: I cleaned my f*cking nails, Bey.
Creepy Loner: And filed them.
Beysshoes: thank you for sharing such compelling info creeps
Creepy Loner: Oh no, thank you for being way too pushy about it.
Insensitive Shelfers:
BooksIut: 120,000 people are facing famine in S.E. Bangladesh,
"where an invasion of rats led to widespread crop destruction."
SemiLitterate: Only 120,000?
Jam7604801: well book maybe they should start bbqing rats
Best Pun:
PatientOnion3: maybe it's relevant if you bake a loaf of bread
and add olive oil and garlic and salt, or euro sweet butter
and fancy french salt
ThePaIeRlDER: very romantic
PatientOnion3: i only do that for sex dates though
Fleurdelochi: mmm, truffle oil
McLaryn5508: truffles? did I hear truffles?
Tem o Bedlam: Nobody knows the truffles I've seen...
What are you listening to?:
BooksIut: * Shut Up and Let Me Go/ The Ting Tings *
PatientOnion3: * Love Inside the Stud Farm/ The Hollow Heffers *
BooksIut: * Never Gonna Change/ Drive-by Truckers *
Creepy Loner: *F**k Dub Pts 1 + 2/ Tosca*
Random Middle of a Long Saga:
CordialCactus: my husband was hanging out the camper door
oblivious puking up cherry desert
Beats the Movies:
Creepy Loner: That's great. Takes me back to being a wee creep.
I always loved hanging out with friends that had extremely
disturbed families --- better than a movie any day.
[This is how a three-year-old will tell a knock-knock joke:
"Knock, knock"
"Who's there?"
"I've got a bug in my pocket!"]
Women at Rest:
Is She Weird 55: i forget i am here sometimes
BooksIut: Sometimes I just sit back and read...
The Return of Beysshoes/CreepyLoner Findingg
Her Voice/Bookslut Refined/Not Much Else
"they made like special drinks":
Is She Weird 55: well we went to this really fancy place
and danced to kinda bad rap crap that I dont even like
and well, they played some good slow songs... tyler and
i had fun and there were some good drinks and ummm yeah
i saw all my friends.
Is She Weird 55: after prom had lots of games and i
entered some raffles but won nothing. umm visited with
some buddies
Creepy Loner: Good drinks?
Creepy Loner: Such as?
Creepy Loner: Did you get all boozed up?
Is She Weird 55: oh non-alcoholic lol no. but i mean they
made like special drinks
"he's not too much into the rape aspect ...":
Creepy Loner: That's no good...prom is a night that demands
projectile vomit...did you pick up a bottle later?
Is She Weird 55: no, i was too tired. my friends and i all
went to my friends house and they drank but i fell asleep
on the floor
Creepy Loner: Did you wake up with critical articles of
clothing curiously rearranged? For example...was the *ss
side of your underwear toward the front?
Is She Weird 55: hahahahahahahaha
Creepy Loner: [smirk]
Is She Weird 55: tyler was there but um he's not too much
into the rape aspect of life
BinxB91: Was something written on your forehead?
Is She Weird 55: no
Creepy Loner: A giant penis illustration aimed toward your
Just Now Getting It:
Is She Weird 55: "I have a dick on my face"
Creepy Loner: I know...I said that just for you, my dear.
Creepy Loner: [grin]
Look Who Wants More Prom Details:
Creepy Loner: HILLARY!
Creepy Loner: TALK TO US!
Is She Weird 55: yeah i have ADD even on the computer
Really Vintage:
Is She Weird 55: my dress was a 50s vintage prom dress
(really vintage- i got it in a vintage store in cleveland)
and it was black and spaghetti straps, to my feet and a
pink ruffle in the back
CordialCactus: neato daddy-o
Creepy Loner: Did this pink ruffle cover your butt?
Creepy Loner: Were you scared to sit?
Is She Weird 55: yeah it showed off my assets
Is She Weird 55: no
Is She Weird 55: at the restaurant all these old people were
like "you look sooo beautiful oh my god what a cuteeee"
Creepy Loner: [clap, clap]
10/4 Good Buddy:
BooksIut: Also, Cunningham's book The Four Horsemen of the
Apocalypse: Disease, Famine, War, and Death.
Is She Weird 55: no but haha they do that in 10 things
I hate about you
[I took his class once. It was called something innocuous
like Introduction to Cinema, so a lot of frat guys signed
up thinking they'd fulfill the humanities requirement by
watching "movies". You should have seen the looks on their
faces the day we saw the black-and-white film where a
teenage girl gets her period on camera. Or the day we
screened Richard Werner Fassbinder's "Why Does Herr R.
Run Amok?" In it, a humdrum businessman goes about his
humdrum business --- listening to his harpy wife, helping
his son with his homework, talking to his visiting
parents --- for what seems like hours, until the last five
minutes, when he goes berserk and bludgeons his family to
Afterwards, we were supposed to discuss existentialism.
The professor asked if anyone had read Camus. I, of course,
had read "L'Etranger in the original Franch and raised my
hand. I mentioned the protagonist who doesn't care about
his mother's death. Then I said I often washed dishes
with my mom. When she'd hand me the knife to dry, I
would have the fleeting thought that it would be easy to
kill her if I wanted. I should mention that I usually
sat in the back, so when I said this about a hundred heads
whipped around to stare at me. What I should have said
was, "But I don't want to kill her!" What I actually said
was, "Oh, like you never thought about killing your mom."
It was at that moment that I realized how small the
New German Cinema community really was.]
Book Store Customer:
Creepy Loner: I'll take my time with Penthouse Letters II
... fondle the spine a bit and wink at you.
College Mascot Night:
Fleurdelochi: i'm SO sorry. badger away
MlSS lNF0RMATl0N: Am I badgering, Fleurdelochi?
Fleurdelochi: nonono
Fleurdelochi: cactus
CordialCactus: no.. me!
Anais3233: cactus is the badger
CordialCactus: but not really
MlSS lNF0RMATl0N: Ah okay.
Anais3233: yes you are
Anais3233: for real
Fleurdelochi: miss, you're not badgering at all.
just pissing up a rope
BinxB91: Cactus is a Badger
Creepy Loner: Really?
Creepy Loner: Badgers are mean.
BinxB91: C'Loner is Buckeye
Creepy Loner: Cute, though.
BinxB91: Anais is a Hoosier
Creepy Loner: Well...true...I am a poisonous nut.
Creepy Loner: [shrug]
BinxB91: Lamumsie is a Wolverine
Fleurdelochi: >snortlaff<
Anais3233: in the wisconsin state capital, there is a big
huge brass badger, but it looks more like a ferret, it
makes me laugh every time.
CordialCactus: lol anais.. yeah
Anais3233: i was born and raised a badger binx
Fleurdelochi: i'm a COUGAR
A Short Affair:
Creepy Loner: The names that I had picked out when I was
madly in love were Evangeline and Wolfgang...
Creepy Loner: That was as far as I got.
Another Short Affair:
PatientOnion3: what kind of beer do you drink creepy
Creepy Loner: Unibroue.
BinxB91: Unibroue?
PatientOnion3: binx, are you nice?
Creepy Loner: Onion, please, stuff it up your *ss.
Creepy Loner: Drop the routine for five f*cking minutes.
Unclear On the Concept:
BooksIut: I wish I had a pug named Meatball. :(
BooksIut: I have a pitbull.
The Benevolent Cactus:
CordialCactus: i was trying to find a way to divert a certain
persons attention away from another certain person, you know..
as a random act of kindness
[Once, headed uptown on the 9 train, I notice a sign posted
by the Metropolitan Transit Authority advising subway riders
who might become ill in the train. The sign asked that the
suddenly infirm inform another passenger or get off at the
next stop and approach the stationmaster. Do not, repeat,
do not pull the emergency brake, the sign said, as this
will only delay aid. Which was all very logical, but for
the following proclamation at the bottom of the sign,
something along the lines of, "If you are sick, you will not
be left alone." This strikes me as not only kind, not only
comforting, but the epitome of civilization, good government,
i.e., the crux of societal impulse. Banding together,
pooling our taxes, not just making trains that move
underground, not just making trains that move underground
with suprising efficiency at a fair price --- but posting on
said trains a notification of such surprising compassion and
thoughtfulness, I found myself scanning the faces of my
fellow passangers, hoping for fainting, obvious fevers, at
the very least a sneeze so that I might offer a tissue]
BooksIut: I'm going to start sending you stuff to add
to KatyTried, Binx.
BooksIut: I don't think you're accurately representing my
full awesomeness.
Her Full Awesomeness:
BooksIut: My vaginal muscles are strong enough to perpetually
hold Emerson's eye in my lips.
HotGuylnOhio: ;x
BooksIut: So I just stand upside down and see the world for
what it really is.
Creepy Draws a Line:
PatientOnion3: that's why hillary's dad won't let her come in
this chatroom
Fleurdelochi: we could all use the occasion good dick slapping,
i'm sure
Creepy Loner: Not me.
Creepy Loner: I don't want a dick slapping.
WarHorseThor: why not creeps?
Fleurdelochi: >sigh< obstinate woman
Creepy Loner: Uh...'cause I don't want to be hit with a dick?
I'm on TV and I Don't Know Why:
BIDET LIVES: it's a good time to open a cool store in your
BIDET LIVES: no one can afford to leave
WarHorseThor: bidet, I saw that this morning
BIDET LIVES: you watch the today show, thor?
BIDET LIVES: watch it on father's day and you might see me
BinxB91: Why then?
BIDET LIVES: no idea, but they're filming monday and tuesday
at our house
Bookslut Counter-Punch:
BooksIut: The Lakers spanked the Spurs tonight.
Not Into Normal American Maleness:
Godwit935: WarHorse, you could tear the ass off an elephant!
WarHorseThor: why would I want an elephants ass?
Her Taco Life?:
Beysshoes: holaaa saturday nighters
Godwit935: Beys, how is your taco life?
Beysshoes: godwit terrible. but for this delicious moment of
convo with you...x
Godwit935: Solid, Beys.
If The McLaughlin Group Were a Chat Room ...:
Godwit935: Good night, at least for now, my fellow Americans.
Beysshoes: toxic fumes
Beysshoes: it must be mclaughlin group time for our godwit
Bring Beysshoes Up to Date:
DinosoreVagina: it's been a while, you've missed...
DinosoreVagina: so much of uh
DinosoreVagina: nothing
BooksIut: Seriously.
Tem's Lady:
Tem o Bedlam: "The only thing more tragic than losing the woman
one loves, is winning here, and finding out how shallow she is."
Lowered Expectations:
Beysshoes: gina how are you doing? any action this long weekend?
DinosoreVagina: not so far, but I'm not having a lot of success
with decent excuses to avoid extended family
Beysshoes as Out-of-Practice Chatter:
Creepy Loner: Okay; I'm done with the manicure.
Creepy Loner: It's not perfect, but a hell of a lot better.
Creepy Loner: I didn't paint my nails.
BooksIut: "I'll make a wicker girl and fill her up with tissue
and I'll burn her and think of you."
Billw0314: interesting
Beysshoes: oh creeps. what did you manicure or do we want
to know?
Creepy Loner: [blank stare]
Creepy Loner: My hands.
Tem o Bedlam: Manicure includes it's own definition. What do
you still not know?
Beysshoes: french manicure creeps?
BooksIut: LOL.
Creepy Loner: I cleaned my f*cking nails, Bey.
Creepy Loner: And filed them.
Beysshoes: thank you for sharing such compelling info creeps
Creepy Loner: Oh no, thank you for being way too pushy about it.
Insensitive Shelfers:
BooksIut: 120,000 people are facing famine in S.E. Bangladesh,
"where an invasion of rats led to widespread crop destruction."
SemiLitterate: Only 120,000?
Jam7604801: well book maybe they should start bbqing rats
Best Pun:
PatientOnion3: maybe it's relevant if you bake a loaf of bread
and add olive oil and garlic and salt, or euro sweet butter
and fancy french salt
ThePaIeRlDER: very romantic
PatientOnion3: i only do that for sex dates though
Fleurdelochi: mmm, truffle oil
McLaryn5508: truffles? did I hear truffles?
Tem o Bedlam: Nobody knows the truffles I've seen...
What are you listening to?:
BooksIut: * Shut Up and Let Me Go/ The Ting Tings *
PatientOnion3: * Love Inside the Stud Farm/ The Hollow Heffers *
BooksIut: * Never Gonna Change/ Drive-by Truckers *
Creepy Loner: *F**k Dub Pts 1 + 2/ Tosca*
Random Middle of a Long Saga:
CordialCactus: my husband was hanging out the camper door
oblivious puking up cherry desert
Beats the Movies:
Creepy Loner: That's great. Takes me back to being a wee creep.
I always loved hanging out with friends that had extremely
disturbed families --- better than a movie any day.
[This is how a three-year-old will tell a knock-knock joke:
"Knock, knock"
"Who's there?"
"I've got a bug in my pocket!"]
Women at Rest:
Is She Weird 55: i forget i am here sometimes
BooksIut: Sometimes I just sit back and read...
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