Friday, March 28, 2008


Dear Mr Binx,
We have contact from our client and I
urgently must insist at once that you cease
and desease the harassment of our client.
It is because you do not have permission
to re-print his commenst. These commenst
belong exclusively and only to Niontron3
and you do not have his permission. They
are his comments. He made them up in his
own head.
Also we wonder why you call yourself
"KatyTried"? Are you a homosexual or
something? You belong in the zoo.
Further Mr Niontron3(Rono)is willing to
drop his suit and give permission to use
his comments for a small financial settlement.
Please finance for him and his Russian Lady
a small jungle farm next to a lake. Also
it will have horses in it.
I do not expect you to continue on the net.

Alexander Bjoodrarileen
Vice President for High Standards and Obsessions
Americans On-Line


Niontron3: binx, you are obsessed with me
Niontron3: following my online posts
Niontron3: you are the male version of prospect
ManiacEyeball: yeah...anyone who actually reads what you
type must be obsessed
BinxB91: Rono is my best source of laughs
Niontron3: seriously binx
Niontron3: stop following my posts
Avaricearoni: pee on his posts, binx

You Changed Her Stuff/It Is Not Going to Be Nice:

Niontron3: that peson is here...
Niontron3: you don't need to call her...
Niontron3: the other day she complained you changed her stuff
BinxB91: CreepyLoner loves teasing you
Niontron3: binx, I am not talking about creepy
Niontron3: creepy is not here.
BinxB91: well, I didn't change anything [shrug]
Avaricearoni: you're here, nion, that's creepy enough
Jam7604801: is it horse rono
Niontron3: in any case,you posted my stuff without my permision
Niontron3: that is
Niontron3: all I need to know...
Niontron3: and you shall pay accordingly
EDruezillaB: if you already posted it here, it is public
BinxB91: Niontron, I have posting your stuff for several years now
EDruezillaB: you have no ownership over what you type in this
EDruezillaB: surely you realize that
Niontron3: no it is meant to knows for people only here...
no one asked anyoen to make it public...
BinxB91: and as long as you continue to make such ridiculous
statements, I'll keep posting them
Niontron3: don't ahve my persmission...
EDruezillaB: i think someone did just that or it wouldn't be posted
Niontron3: binx you don't have my permission...and sooner
or later you will pay for this
Niontron3: it is not going to be nice..
Avaricearoni: Binx, ain't you askeered?


Niontron3: do you people want your stuff on bin'x blog?
Niontron3: anyboy
Niontron3: do you people want your stuff on bin'x blog?
Niontron3: do you people want your stuff on bin'x blog?
Niontron3: do you people want your stuff on bin'x blog?
Niontron3: do you people want your stuff on bin'x blog?
Jam7604801: rono i don't care one way or the other about it
Niontron3: do you people want your stuff on binx's blog?
Avaricearoni: Nion.... STFU
Niontron3: do you people want your stuff on binx's blog?
Niontron3: do you people want your stuff on binx's blog?
Niontron3: do you people want your stuff on binx's blog?
Niontron3: do you people want your stuff on binx's blog?

Rono As Fixer:
Niontron3: if people don't want their stuff posted on
katytried...let me know...I will take care of it
Niontron3: if people don't want their stuff posted on
katytried...let me know...I will take care of it

Rono's Mission:
Niontron3: well, I am about to take it off the net

He Had Her Permission:

Niontron3: I hooked up with a russian ho today
Niontron3: russian girls are mad easy
Niontron3: whores can do them and leave
Niontron3: emoitional ones are trouble
KatGraceandEm: not many emotional whores.
Niontron3: because they want only sex, no guilty feelings
after leaving them
KatGraceandEm: so much damage has been done emotionally
that most russian whores are numb, dissociated, without
Niontron3: that is what they want

Which Brings On This Question:
Prospect26: I would still like to have a definitive
explanation of whore vs prostitute. I thought they
both got paid.


Niontron3: i think government wants women to be whores
Niontron3: so that they can be used as business tools
CordialCactus: yes, ive seen the pamphlets

Are you? Are You?:

Prospect26: you're doing some drinking?
Verneuker: Prospect after 56 days in the looney bin
and 30 in the homeless shelter...Im not inclined to do
any drinking
Prospect26: you're drinking?
Prospect26: Vern...are you drinking

The Cutest:

Niontron3: glow, that's where the multiverse theory
comes person can be in this world and he can
be in another world at the same time..
Godwit935: Nothing can be in two places at one time,
of course.
WaldanPond: a vibration can. that is the current thinking
on electrons
Godwit935: Waldan, the thing vibrating is in one place.
WaldanPond: God, maybe it caqn sort of split
Godwit935: Waldan, you are a real physicist, eh
WaldanPond: noGod, but I have read a bit about that
Niontron3: at subatomic levels particles act bizarrely
ManiacEyeball: clueless people arguing over theoretical physics.
ManiacEyeball: it doesn't get much cuter than that.

Leslie Analysis:

ParaMyrrh: Bidet is a good person
ParaMyrrh: I don't know why some folks can't stand her
LeslieHapablap: bidet is a good person next to pol pot

Outta the Rain:

Tem o Bedlam: If this were a pub, i'd be drinking a pint,
smoking a Lucky, and doing the Guardian crossword.
All in, outta the rain.
CordialCactus: lol tem.. for a moment i thought
"guardian crossword" was an obscure the
cabbage patch

Waiting For the Next One:
LeslieHapablap: i laughed two weeks ago.

I Dare You:

ParaMyrrh: he goes to school and does well
ParaMyrrh: Bey,how would you know what kind of mother she is?
BinxB91: WHY are we talking about Bidet???
BinxB91: This is like an autopsy on a mummy
Beysshoes: put that in print in katytried please binx.
Beysshoes: i dare you.

BookSlut and Bart:

BooksIut: hey, you know how bart scribbles on that chalkboard?
BooksIut: you can create your own messages,
BooksIut: so, my bf sends one that says "i love you teaja."
BooksIut: so i tell him i love him and want to get married.
BooksIut: and he says,
BooksIut: "who knows. maybe i'll just disappear. like houdini."
BooksIut: ...

BLT Fantasy:
WarHorseThor: here is my fantasy situation, hillary as prez
with obama as vp, then they both die in a plane crash and
madeline albright becomes prez

We're All Dying:

WarHorseThor: or that ugly dude, janet reno
IaintRlGHT: she is dying reno is
IaintRlGHT: parkinsons
WarHorseThor: she is?
Boulshevit: We're all dying
IaintRlGHT: yes boul
WarHorseThor: we are born dying
IaintRlGHT: she lives in my state
Boulshevit: He not busy being born is busy dying- B. Dylan

Looking In All the Wrong Places:

Ein Sage: any laurell hamilton readers?
BinxB91: Sorry, I only know of her because i work in a book store
Ein Sage: then you can help, bin
Ein Sage: well, can any of you tell me the names of the books in
the anita blake series
Boulshevit: I can't
Ein Sage: not the individual books, but the ones put together
BinxB91: Ein, try Barnes&
Ein Sage: I can search those, but I don't know how to look for
the others
Ein Sage: give me some credit, bin
BinxB91: Ein, visit a B&N then
Ein Sage: I did, but they just have titles
CordialCactus: ein... hold one minute, ok
CordialCactus: i have a friend online that would know
Ein Sage: I don't know if they are individual books, or
the four in one type
BinxB91: Ein, isn't there a Vampire chat room?
Ein Sage: you rule, cordial
Ein Sage: its possible...but I would rather be here
Ein Sage: I am hoping for a higher intellect

Curious George Does An Autopsy:
WarHorseThor: I write childrens murder mystery

He Still Wants to Be Noticed:
WarHorseThor: daisy, its me, blt
DAISYTRAIL: Ohhh, a new costume

My Brother's Wedding:

BinxB91: Name a song with "shut up" in the lyrics
WriterVamp7: Get over it by the Eagles
Boulshevit: Lol...Writer, when I was in charge of the music
for my brother's wedding ceremony... I accidentally played
"get over it"

["Your father's a nice guy," he told me. "You should hear
him talk about you."
"What do you mean?"
"He's just so unbelieveably proud of you. It's like no one
in the world ever went to Yale before."
"Your father must be proud of you too."
Matt shook his head. "He thinks I'm the world's biggest
"You?" I smiled. "A fuck-up?"
"I know." Matt shook his head. Once these misconceptions get
started, they take a life of their own."
"Still," I said, "he's gotta be proud. How many other car
salesmen have kids that got into Yale?"
Matt looked puzzled for a second, then waved away the question
like it was smoke.
"Nah," he said. "Now he just thinks Bart Giammatti's a fuck-up
. an]

Unclear On the Concept:
WarHorseThor: bidet, dont you have a vagina to tuck back
in to your uterus?

Love Songs With Lots of Death:
Prospect26: Nom...the Edmund Fitzgerald is one of my top
five songs ever

Be Positive:

Tem o Bedlam: Complaining is cheap, and fun. Very few things
are both, anymore.
Is She Weird 55: complaaaaint lifestyle
Prospect26: complaining is a very negative thing
Tem o Bedlam: You say "negative" like it's a bad thing...
Is She Weird 55: Let's complain about complaining!


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