Out Like a Lamb
Playing It Safe:
Bbrolia: I open my fortune cookie and it read..
"You like Chinese food"
The anti-Rachel Ray:
Ashardymon: i need to start dinner, but i'm not really in the
mood to cook
Family Circus Unplugged:
LadyQuasi: OMG...you guys are NOT going to believe this one.
LadyQuasi: My youngest, who is five, ran into the room crying.
He had fallen and his bottom hurt.
LadyQuasi: He was bouncing up and down.
LadyQuasi: He had been running around naked, fell in his room,
and jammed a toy in his anal region.
LadyQuasi: I had to fish it out.
LadyQuasi: My husband was going to take a picture, but I
wouldn't let him.
Bbrolia: Kids find ways of getting things stuck everywhere.
Summers Eve L: According to the nurses at the ER so do grown men.
LadyQuasi: Yikes
EmpressZ21: gotta ask since no one else is: what was the toy
LadyQuasi: A Ben 10 figurine
LadyQuasi: Used to be clear crystal...
LadyQuasi: a little darker now
Bbrolia: A miniature cave dweller figure?
Natalie In Love:
Summers Eve L: I'm listening to this fabu big band radio station
on Sirius. If I could I would marry it.
Yossarian4now: i'm sure somewhere you could
Yossarian4now: vermont ..
Busy is as Busy Does:
Yossarian4now: damn busy room
Summers Eve L: It's not as busy if you take out people you don't
intend to read. I'm just saying.
Unintentional Physical Therapy:
Kan wa ma kan: was trying to do the star trek hand greeting
with my toes
Couldn't Pretend:
Kan wa ma kan: i was embarressed to see my parents after i got
married because i knew they knew i had sex
Fork's Daughter:
Forkrerereredux: nothing wrong with a father-daughter sex talk
Papa Don't Breach:
AlexaSkelexa: talking about my romantic life with my dad
AlexaSkelexa: that would be my nightmare
KissMyAsterix: that's normal alexa
AlexaSkelexa: or his
KissMyAsterix: even worse
AlexaSkelexa: i would just run screaming from the house and
in front of a passing car
[They were pulling off the rest of their clothes, snuggling under
the sheets in manufactured, fragrant air. "Don't rush," Matt said
against her face. "We have a few minutes. Let me introduce
myself." He was moving his hands over her, circling her legs in
"Ah, foreplay," Kate whispered. "Do that tighter and talk to me.
Tell me what you thought about all these evenings with my father,
out there in the moat of the castle."
He moved his mouth along her collarbone, smooth, quiet touch to
slow them down. "Tonight I thought about the year my father left
my mother, for that woman he met at work."
"You were away at college then." She cupped his face in her
hands and looked at him. "Why did your father go home?"
"At the time I didn't ask. Years later he told me he went back
because he didn't think he could support two families." Matt smiled
wistfully. "So he sent me to medical school, and now I'm
supporting two families.
The words plunged through Kate like little stones. She whispered,
"But you can do it. I can help you." She closed her eyes, tilting
toward him, easing him inside her. Later, turning under him, bound
up in him, enveloped in deaf dumb blindness sex almost brought her,
she wondered if she'd said the words or only thought them.]
Same Ole Same ole:
Yossarian4now: wow, gone 10 min and binx is discussing having sex
with david copperfield and onion is on 9/11 again
Yossarian4now: eh, had a friend in town today, making sure they got
to the hotel ok
PatientOnion3: how many kilos did you sell them?
Sarah Palin Says So:
Gypsyjo47: I have never seen a hockey game...they say that the
games are exciting.
19th Century Woman:
Melodramamama22: i am uni-tasking, can't do but one thing at a time
Write Your Own Joke:
Gypsyjo47: Anybody here ever been to a cockfight?
Tile Counting:
Kan wa ma kan: worst vomit story is watching someone in the er
with projectile vomit
Kan wa ma kan: 8 feet no lie
Yossarian4now: cool
Yossarian4now: did you measure
Kan wa ma kan: we counted tiles
They're Out There:
Gleam1946: let's face it they have no game that's worth playing
Gleam1946: Basketball can't cure Cancer
Gleam1946: Hopeless retards, that require constant stroking to keep
them from killing us all
Gleam1946: Get hip It's Darwinism---Science like the Liberals say
Gleam1946: People are animals
Best Simile:
Melodramamama22: Remembrance of Things Past, i got to page 11
Melodramamama22: it was like being dragged through molasses by a slug
Vanda Misidentified:
KD81785: Alan, are you the guy from Long Island with orchids?
Prospect enters. Cue Twilight Zone theme:
Prospect26: ladyjam...have not seen that in some time.
JadedDremer: why is jam a lady?
Prospect26: jamlady?
BinxB91: Julie, I think someone is twasing Prospect again
BinxB91: *teasing
Melodramamama22: tasing prospect?
Melodramamama22: twasing is like tasing someone's twat
le juif errant: kinky
Melodramamama22: i mean that in a nice way
Prospect26: jaded...in my defense...this is a weird situation
What he's always talkin:
Alansueton: Scatological stuff is my expertise
Prospect26: sorry got to leave...the jonas brothers
What Are You Wearing?
JustRhonda39: sweats and a tshirt here now isnt that sexy
MsVictoriaLynn1: Hospital Scrub pants and a Phantom of the
Opera Tour T Shirt
Apropos of Nothing/the Out-Of-Context Blues:
JadedDremer: i hear my dog drinking out of the toilet
Creepy Loner: A German used to steal my lunch money.
Gypsyjo47: Never spend 20 dollar you can hang on to
AnnAsphodel: I prefer slut to whore. It's a little less coarse.
Modern Education:
Melodramamama22: i had a fabulous kindergarten life. i had a
paper dress and fishnet stockings
Joke Critique:
Gypsyjo47: I knew a girl named Mike Hunt and she had all sorts
of problems with that name.
Summers Eve L: No one names their daughter Mike. He just wanted
to use that name in a sentence.
Summers Eve L: It wasn't well thought out.
Summers Eve L: But I'm sure he sees that now.
Her Recalcitant F:
JadedDremer: jo, i only have one at home at the moment, but kate
and her b are over for the night
UntilYouCameBy: is the b for brat ?
JadedDremer: until, my f has been recalictrant lately. it's supposed
to be bf
UntilYouCameBy: ok lol
JadedDremer: er, recalcitrant
the only Seas: Jaded, I have a rebellious W
Onion came, Milk died, Let's eat:
BinxB91: Onion, what are people saying about the film Milk in
San Francisco?
PatientOnion3: milk was killed the same year I came to frisco, 1978,
it's hardly relevant
PatientOnion3: 30 years ago
PatientOnion3: time to chop veggies
A Fake Penrod?:
SBrin6: I've been coming here for over ten years; sometimes
it blows, sometimes it's funny
SBrin6: mostly it's boring
Beysshoes: whats your other nicks SN
Beysshoes: SB?
Brin6: no other sn now
SBrin6: used to SBrinch
KissMyAsterix: you were tossed?
SBrin6: then some other names
SBrin6: then Penrod59
SBrin6: I've been tos'd many times
Beysshoes: you're laying claim to penrod? nolo
Beysshoes: penrod is witty
Beysshoes: that aint you
Jam Betrayed:
Beysshoes: i thought you liked fezz jammers
Jam7604801: not in a few weeks bey
KissMyAsterix: he only has eyes for godwit
Beysshoes: ha. well gina dont tell jam about godwit and cat then
Jam7604801: not after he stuck his head up obamas butt
KissMyAsterix: you felt betrayed?
Beysshoes: good lawd! fezz likes our BLACK PRESIDENT? OMG
Jam Slam:
Jam7604801: i honestly don't miss onion
SBrin6: I like Onion, even if he's a commie punk
KissMyAsterix: I don't know how you can hate onion
Beysshoes: onions the best thing in here
KissMyAsterix: he should be cloned
Beysshoes: well, onion does call him a hillbilly a times
KissMyAsterix: onion calls everyone names
Jam7604801: nothing onion says is real real humor come from
making fun of something real
Jam7604801: bey i like realism not a bunch of fakes
SBrin6: this is fake, Jam
"cunt is only for the brave":
AnnAsphodel: I avoid saying "pussy"
BobsurAuntTom: twat?
BobsurAuntTom: Well, I like pussy.
AnnAsphodel: I always say cunt
BobsurAuntTom: Ann, you really are my kinda gal.
Beysshoes: pussy isn't as bad as beaver ann. twat is fine.
cunt is only for the brave.
Alansueton: the gravity of the vagina has once again pulled the
chat down to its level
oooolijay Usages:
oooolijay: i kinda want to send that to binx
Beysshoes: the pussy cunt twat discussion you mean ooji?
oooolijay: yes beys
oooolijay: i use pussy and cunt most often
oooolijay: i usually save twat for name calling
AnnAsphodel: Pussy seems undignified to me.
Summers Eve L: I'm going to quit drinking and join a convent.
Beatnikspore: i rarely have an instance in which they would be needed
PatientOnion3: Which word do your clients prefer?
men Men men men Manly men:
AnnAsphodel: Bob, I have no problem calling a man a slut.
BobsurAuntTom: Ann, aren't ALL men sluts?
AnnAsphodel: No.
Beysshoes: ann, the term is jiggaho
BobsurAuntTom: And if they're not, just what the hell is worng with them.
Catpower777: doing a little projecting, Bob?
BobsurAuntTom: Not at all Cat.... I think any man that doesn't at
least think about having sex constantly, isn't really a man.
Beatnikspore: bob there is much more than sex to think about
BobsurAuntTom: What is that Beat.
BobsurAuntTom: Spelling dummy?
Beatnikspore: obsession with sex is like brain damage
Crossing New Boundaries of Grossness:
NotNycgirl: jsut saying
Alansueton: Nyc i was being ironic Because if oooli had as
many pricks sticking out of her as she has had tuck in her she'd be
a porcupine
Catpower777: lolol Para
Catpower777: you are so going to hell
oooolijay: he is, and soon, cat
Beysshoes: he already went and they kicked his ass back up here.
Alansueton: Nyc ooooli is lovely and desirable An attractive and
intelligent woman very dangerous
Alansueton: She often vomits on cocks to show power
Beysshoes: omg is vomitting on cocks power? NOW you tell us para!
oooolijay: it might be easy
Summers Eve L: Is that why you confessed that? At random?
So you could get the attention you so desire?
oooolijay: you dont know
oooolijay: and i didn't completely vomit
Rodney King Moment:
BinxB91: Can't we just have a story about kissing sometime?
Beysshoes: a story? que? where binx?
oooolijay: there was kissing
Beysshoes: in this cesspool you want a kissing story binx?
Assholes R Us:
BobsurAuntTom: Ooooli, he's nice to most people. Nice...
a bit creepy... and in my opinion, an asshole.
BobsurAuntTom: But as I've said, it is not remotely personal.
Alansueton: I find Binx kind and honest
Alansueton: he's not perfect
Beysshoes: hey binx is only a creepy asshole with women bigsur.
oh and you.
Alansueton: but who is
BobsurAuntTom: That's true... he is an asshole that I chose to
point as as being such.
Summers Eve L: I tend to like assholes. Especially if they are amusing.
Beysshoes: it appears.
BobsurAuntTom: Oooli, I'm sure that I am an asshole to him.
But, I don't think I would care at all if he called me one.
Alansueton: Can't we all get along?
Beysshoes: what a sissyboy to whine on and on like that.
group hug para?
Binx and Ted's excellent adventure:
Tallthinjones: binx, would you have smelled a rat when ted bundy
offered you a lift?
PatientOnion3: binky, did you model for ted bundy?
NotNycgirl: if there was no handle, you wouldn't be able to shut
the door when you got in
oooolijay: i would have probably been killed by ted bundy
BinxB91: Ted Bundy wasn't interested in men
Onion Rant Number 287:
PatientOnion3: good, all those wacked out bingoheads are watching
tv and out of my way to world domination
PatientOnion3: I am a Paula Deen Cooking Machine
Beysshoes: paula deen? she'll be on qvc on the 14th with her
spring line homer
PatientOnion3: i'm cooking me up some class warfare over easy with a
side of lox filled bagelles
Beysshoes names names:
KissMyAsterix: why do they call you oscar
KissMyAsterix: beys? you came up with that
KissMyAsterix: right?
Jam7604801: bey calls everyone oscar
KissMyAsterix: no she doesn't
KissMyAsterix: she calls onion something else
Tammynet: she has never called me oscar
KissMyAsterix: she doesn't call you oscar
Various704: cause i quoted wilde to her
Tammynet: she calls me tamela
KissMyAsterix: oh
[She called LaLeche League every couple of days for new
suggestions. Kate's favorite counselor was in Medford,
a working-class part of Boston Kate didn't remember ever
having seen. But the woman had no accent; she was
someone else far from home. You'll battle through this
she would say, be stubborn and hang on. Women are made
to nurse, she'd declare in each conversation, any woman
can nurse; and then she'd say, in a softer tone, that
people forgot how hard it was to get established the first
time. "Don't let the pain defeat you," were her exact
words. "The uterine pain actually helps you heal, and
your nipples will toughen."
"What about stress?" Kate asked once. "Will I have enough
milk ---"
"Stress?" was the response. "Are you kidding? Any woman
with a new baby is stressed to the max. She doesn't sleep,
she's bleeding, she's sore, she might have other kids or a
job she'll go back to. The baby is sucking for life. As
long as you eat well and drink, drink constantly, your
body responds. You don't need unbroken sleep. You don't
need a perfect situation. Refugees nurse their babies, and
war victims; theirs are the children more likely to survive,
even in the worst of times."
I understand, Kate wanted to say. I understand all about
you, and I understand everything.
"Have your husband buy a Knorr manual breast pump at the
hospital infirmary," the counselor had said, "and a roll of
disposable plastic bottles. The pump is a clear plastic tube,
marked in ounces. Use it each time your breasts aren't
completelt emptied by the baby. Increase production; you
can't have too much milk. Freeze all you express. That's
how some women work full-time and still nurse their babies.
I'll send you some information in the mail. And if you feel
discouraged, call back."
I just wanted to hear your voice, Kate wanted to say.]
4 of 5 chatters here know of Godwit:
Kgbirdpaul: is godwit really in prison?
CordialCactus: godwit is a [insert pejorative of choice here],
but he's an interesting catalyst
Beysshoes: what? godwit in jail?
MsVictoriaLynn1: no, but he should be
ElusvMemry: i think its better to have a guy in the bed...
A Dull Catalyst:
Tem o Bedlam: Actually, he's a dull catalyst. Every reaction
comes out the same.
Kgbirdpaul: insult people is sometimes catalytic
MsVictoriaLynn1: hes a pest
Beysshoes: he's just old school is all that godwit
KissMyAsterix: old school felon?
Various704: he robs from the rich and gives to the poor
MsVictoriaLynn1: a miscreant
Too Much Godwit already!:
KissMyAsterix: this is the man who wanted advice on how to kill his cat
KissMyAsterix: what do you consider a crime
Beysshoes: what? HIS cat? you mean euthanize it?
Tem o Bedlam: Nothing criminal that required minimal competence...
KissMyAsterix: well he was too cheap to pay someone to do it.
Beysshoes: godwit does not get messy tem
Beysshoes: he's like totally sanitized.
bail? bale? ... let's call the whole thing off:
Yossarian4now: and i can only wire so much bail money
Yossarian4now: they have a amount per day limit
Kgbirdpaul: Yoss is going to bail out godwit?
Yossarian4now: not a chance, paul
KissMyAsterix: we'd send godwit a bucket, let him bail himself out
KissMyAsterix: or would that be bale
WildCIAagent: ohhhhhhhhh had to take sox off... hot feet
Many are asked, but few are chosen:
BinxB91: Treeluva, what are you wearing?
MsVictoriaLynn1: ever notice no one ever asks me that?
Beysshoes: cus you hussy you always be nekkid
BinxB91: MsVic, what are you wearing?
Beysshoes naming names again:
BinxB91: Beys, who among us is most likely to be naked?
Beysshoes: you mean in the chatroom binky?
BinxB91: Maybe it would be someone in Hawaii
BinxB91: yes, Beys
Beysshoes: uhm ... tamela
Beysshoes: if she's IMg with onion
MsVictoriaLynn1: sure as hell wouldn't be naked here in February
ElusvMemry: do you mean totally nekkid?
Tammynet: i am not in hawaii
Beysshoes: lordy elus ... goody 2 shoes
MsVictoriaLynn1: Oh and panties.... NOT Speedos!
BinxB91: Tammy is in the Great Northwest
Tammynet: and thanks for thinking it was me beys
Beysshoes: tammy is in seattle binx
Catpower777: yeah, it's too cold for Tammy to be nekkid right now
MsVictoriaLynn1: here too Cat
ElusvMemry: so turn up the heat
MsVictoriaLynn1: Its chilly
Beysshoes: snow in seattle???
Tammynet: yes
Tammynet: we have had lots this year
MsVictoriaLynn1: Good, its about time someone else got it
Catpower777: Bey, where do you think Seattle is...Mississippi?
Beysshoes: omg. so does that mean frasier was canceled.
Beysshoes: seattle is west coast cat
BinxB91: It's geography night on the Shelf
ParaMyrrh on his 2nd beer:
Alansueton: I like the Vintage gals not fake curves
also Nina Hartley is great she's smart watched an interview with
her she was a nurse and became a porn star because she loves sex
she was totally open and talked about responsibility
IRL we're mature:
MsVictoriaLynn1: Beys did it, cybered him to death
KissMyAsterix: so when beys says friend...
Catpower777: yes, she means herself
MsVictoriaLynn1: exactly Cat
KissMyAsterix: that's what i heard
Beysshoes: gina. how many times i gots to tell you nobody IRL
likes me chica?
Zenchef2006: kiss, she means bow chicka wow wow!!
Beysshoes: shut up cat
MsVictoriaLynn1: LOL
Beysshoes: YOU shut up beys
KissMyAsterix: you lie though beys
KissMyAsterix: right zen
Beysshoes: do noooot
KissMyAsterix: do so
I love it already:
Catpower777: wait
Catpower777: who was compared to Raymond Carver?
BinxB91: Raymond carver often wrote about people struggling
with addiction
Beysshoes: binx is yakkin about jones' book cat
Tammynet: TJ
BinxB91: TallThinJones
Catpower777: see now, I'm a major Raymond Carver fan
Beysshoes: binky been drinking ?
Tammynet: the other night someone stated that john updike mentioned
tj too
BinxB91: Jones writes about janitors, boxers, epiletics,
Vietnam Vets struggling with PTSD
Beysshoes: omg binx. send me his book please.
Catpower777: you've read his stuff?
MsVictoriaLynn1: That is VERY cool, thank you Tammy
BinxB91: yes, Updike gave Jones a letter of support
Beysshoes: janitors too? wow
Beysshoes: i love it already
BinxB91: I did read some of Jones' short stories before I ever met
him in this chat room
Beysshoes: does the janitor sweat though?
BinxB91: Jones was a school janitor after he came back from Vietnam
ThePaIeRlDER: id do ya bey
Beysshoes: nah uh
Catpower777: Bey and John Updike, sittin in a tree
CordialCactus: whoa, im lost
MsVictoriaLynn1: do so TOO!!! Pfffttt....
Beysshoes: thank you pale. but i thought that was you last night. nolo?
ThePaIeRlDER: might have been........
MsVictoriaLynn1: no Beys it was me
Bad Naked:
Zenchef2006: lynn, back to the subject of nekkid veggie peeling,
i gave up nude bowling
Zenchef2006: they insist that i wear those ridiculous shoes!!!
MsVictoriaLynn1: men do not get periods, they get exclaimation points
ThePaIeRlDER: i have gone through some rough periods vic
Beysshoes: lolol you jigaho
MsVictoriaLynn1: good Zen, getting yourself caught in the ball
return could hurt like hell
"you're so vain":
Beysshoes: yah. btw para next time you send me your pix pls put
some speedos on. anything reallly would be good.
Beysshoes: hey i bet para's gonna think my cabin story is about him gina
Beysshoes: wow oscar. give you a gf and you all worns out
Various704: im oldand grey, bey
KissMyAsterix: that's going to be you're down pat excuse tonight various?
Various704: yep
Beysshoes: oscar haven't you guys in europe heard of viagra?
Various704: we live on oysters and caviar here bey. we need no
american drugs
Beysshoes: buncha stuckups
Been Down So Long Looked Like Up To Me:
Kan wa ma kan: i just got an im from u r a booger
Kan wa ma kan: should i answer it
Playing It Safe:
Bbrolia: I open my fortune cookie and it read..
"You like Chinese food"
The anti-Rachel Ray:
Ashardymon: i need to start dinner, but i'm not really in the
mood to cook
Family Circus Unplugged:
LadyQuasi: OMG...you guys are NOT going to believe this one.
LadyQuasi: My youngest, who is five, ran into the room crying.
He had fallen and his bottom hurt.
LadyQuasi: He was bouncing up and down.
LadyQuasi: He had been running around naked, fell in his room,
and jammed a toy in his anal region.
LadyQuasi: I had to fish it out.
LadyQuasi: My husband was going to take a picture, but I
wouldn't let him.
Bbrolia: Kids find ways of getting things stuck everywhere.
Summers Eve L: According to the nurses at the ER so do grown men.
LadyQuasi: Yikes
EmpressZ21: gotta ask since no one else is: what was the toy
LadyQuasi: A Ben 10 figurine
LadyQuasi: Used to be clear crystal...
LadyQuasi: a little darker now
Bbrolia: A miniature cave dweller figure?
Natalie In Love:
Summers Eve L: I'm listening to this fabu big band radio station
on Sirius. If I could I would marry it.
Yossarian4now: i'm sure somewhere you could
Yossarian4now: vermont ..
Busy is as Busy Does:
Yossarian4now: damn busy room
Summers Eve L: It's not as busy if you take out people you don't
intend to read. I'm just saying.
Unintentional Physical Therapy:
Kan wa ma kan: was trying to do the star trek hand greeting
with my toes
Couldn't Pretend:
Kan wa ma kan: i was embarressed to see my parents after i got
married because i knew they knew i had sex
Fork's Daughter:
Forkrerereredux: nothing wrong with a father-daughter sex talk
Papa Don't Breach:
AlexaSkelexa: talking about my romantic life with my dad
AlexaSkelexa: that would be my nightmare
KissMyAsterix: that's normal alexa
AlexaSkelexa: or his
KissMyAsterix: even worse
AlexaSkelexa: i would just run screaming from the house and
in front of a passing car
[They were pulling off the rest of their clothes, snuggling under
the sheets in manufactured, fragrant air. "Don't rush," Matt said
against her face. "We have a few minutes. Let me introduce
myself." He was moving his hands over her, circling her legs in
"Ah, foreplay," Kate whispered. "Do that tighter and talk to me.
Tell me what you thought about all these evenings with my father,
out there in the moat of the castle."
He moved his mouth along her collarbone, smooth, quiet touch to
slow them down. "Tonight I thought about the year my father left
my mother, for that woman he met at work."
"You were away at college then." She cupped his face in her
hands and looked at him. "Why did your father go home?"
"At the time I didn't ask. Years later he told me he went back
because he didn't think he could support two families." Matt smiled
wistfully. "So he sent me to medical school, and now I'm
supporting two families.
The words plunged through Kate like little stones. She whispered,
"But you can do it. I can help you." She closed her eyes, tilting
toward him, easing him inside her. Later, turning under him, bound
up in him, enveloped in deaf dumb blindness sex almost brought her,
she wondered if she'd said the words or only thought them.]
Same Ole Same ole:
Yossarian4now: wow, gone 10 min and binx is discussing having sex
with david copperfield and onion is on 9/11 again
Yossarian4now: eh, had a friend in town today, making sure they got
to the hotel ok
PatientOnion3: how many kilos did you sell them?
Sarah Palin Says So:
Gypsyjo47: I have never seen a hockey game...they say that the
games are exciting.
19th Century Woman:
Melodramamama22: i am uni-tasking, can't do but one thing at a time
Write Your Own Joke:
Gypsyjo47: Anybody here ever been to a cockfight?
Tile Counting:
Kan wa ma kan: worst vomit story is watching someone in the er
with projectile vomit
Kan wa ma kan: 8 feet no lie
Yossarian4now: cool
Yossarian4now: did you measure
Kan wa ma kan: we counted tiles
They're Out There:
Gleam1946: let's face it they have no game that's worth playing
Gleam1946: Basketball can't cure Cancer
Gleam1946: Hopeless retards, that require constant stroking to keep
them from killing us all
Gleam1946: Get hip It's Darwinism---Science like the Liberals say
Gleam1946: People are animals
Best Simile:
Melodramamama22: Remembrance of Things Past, i got to page 11
Melodramamama22: it was like being dragged through molasses by a slug
Vanda Misidentified:
KD81785: Alan, are you the guy from Long Island with orchids?
Prospect enters. Cue Twilight Zone theme:
Prospect26: ladyjam...have not seen that in some time.
JadedDremer: why is jam a lady?
Prospect26: jamlady?
BinxB91: Julie, I think someone is twasing Prospect again
BinxB91: *teasing
Melodramamama22: tasing prospect?
Melodramamama22: twasing is like tasing someone's twat
le juif errant: kinky
Melodramamama22: i mean that in a nice way
Prospect26: jaded...in my defense...this is a weird situation
What he's always talkin:
Alansueton: Scatological stuff is my expertise
Prospect26: sorry got to leave...the jonas brothers
What Are You Wearing?
JustRhonda39: sweats and a tshirt here now isnt that sexy
MsVictoriaLynn1: Hospital Scrub pants and a Phantom of the
Opera Tour T Shirt
Apropos of Nothing/the Out-Of-Context Blues:
JadedDremer: i hear my dog drinking out of the toilet
Creepy Loner: A German used to steal my lunch money.
Gypsyjo47: Never spend 20 dollar you can hang on to
AnnAsphodel: I prefer slut to whore. It's a little less coarse.
Modern Education:
Melodramamama22: i had a fabulous kindergarten life. i had a
paper dress and fishnet stockings
Joke Critique:
Gypsyjo47: I knew a girl named Mike Hunt and she had all sorts
of problems with that name.
Summers Eve L: No one names their daughter Mike. He just wanted
to use that name in a sentence.
Summers Eve L: It wasn't well thought out.
Summers Eve L: But I'm sure he sees that now.
Her Recalcitant F:
JadedDremer: jo, i only have one at home at the moment, but kate
and her b are over for the night
UntilYouCameBy: is the b for brat ?
JadedDremer: until, my f has been recalictrant lately. it's supposed
to be bf
UntilYouCameBy: ok lol
JadedDremer: er, recalcitrant
the only Seas: Jaded, I have a rebellious W
Onion came, Milk died, Let's eat:
BinxB91: Onion, what are people saying about the film Milk in
San Francisco?
PatientOnion3: milk was killed the same year I came to frisco, 1978,
it's hardly relevant
PatientOnion3: 30 years ago
PatientOnion3: time to chop veggies
A Fake Penrod?:
SBrin6: I've been coming here for over ten years; sometimes
it blows, sometimes it's funny
SBrin6: mostly it's boring
Beysshoes: whats your other nicks SN
Beysshoes: SB?
Brin6: no other sn now
SBrin6: used to SBrinch
KissMyAsterix: you were tossed?
SBrin6: then some other names
SBrin6: then Penrod59
SBrin6: I've been tos'd many times
Beysshoes: you're laying claim to penrod? nolo
Beysshoes: penrod is witty
Beysshoes: that aint you
Jam Betrayed:
Beysshoes: i thought you liked fezz jammers
Jam7604801: not in a few weeks bey
KissMyAsterix: he only has eyes for godwit
Beysshoes: ha. well gina dont tell jam about godwit and cat then
Jam7604801: not after he stuck his head up obamas butt
KissMyAsterix: you felt betrayed?
Beysshoes: good lawd! fezz likes our BLACK PRESIDENT? OMG
Jam Slam:
Jam7604801: i honestly don't miss onion
SBrin6: I like Onion, even if he's a commie punk
KissMyAsterix: I don't know how you can hate onion
Beysshoes: onions the best thing in here
KissMyAsterix: he should be cloned
Beysshoes: well, onion does call him a hillbilly a times
KissMyAsterix: onion calls everyone names
Jam7604801: nothing onion says is real real humor come from
making fun of something real
Jam7604801: bey i like realism not a bunch of fakes
SBrin6: this is fake, Jam
"cunt is only for the brave":
AnnAsphodel: I avoid saying "pussy"
BobsurAuntTom: twat?
BobsurAuntTom: Well, I like pussy.
AnnAsphodel: I always say cunt
BobsurAuntTom: Ann, you really are my kinda gal.
Beysshoes: pussy isn't as bad as beaver ann. twat is fine.
cunt is only for the brave.
Alansueton: the gravity of the vagina has once again pulled the
chat down to its level
oooolijay Usages:
oooolijay: i kinda want to send that to binx
Beysshoes: the pussy cunt twat discussion you mean ooji?
oooolijay: yes beys
oooolijay: i use pussy and cunt most often
oooolijay: i usually save twat for name calling
AnnAsphodel: Pussy seems undignified to me.
Summers Eve L: I'm going to quit drinking and join a convent.
Beatnikspore: i rarely have an instance in which they would be needed
PatientOnion3: Which word do your clients prefer?
men Men men men Manly men:
AnnAsphodel: Bob, I have no problem calling a man a slut.
BobsurAuntTom: Ann, aren't ALL men sluts?
AnnAsphodel: No.
Beysshoes: ann, the term is jiggaho
BobsurAuntTom: And if they're not, just what the hell is worng with them.
Catpower777: doing a little projecting, Bob?
BobsurAuntTom: Not at all Cat.... I think any man that doesn't at
least think about having sex constantly, isn't really a man.
Beatnikspore: bob there is much more than sex to think about
BobsurAuntTom: What is that Beat.
BobsurAuntTom: Spelling dummy?
Beatnikspore: obsession with sex is like brain damage
Crossing New Boundaries of Grossness:
NotNycgirl: jsut saying
Alansueton: Nyc i was being ironic Because if oooli had as
many pricks sticking out of her as she has had tuck in her she'd be
a porcupine
Catpower777: lolol Para
Catpower777: you are so going to hell
oooolijay: he is, and soon, cat
Beysshoes: he already went and they kicked his ass back up here.
Alansueton: Nyc ooooli is lovely and desirable An attractive and
intelligent woman very dangerous
Alansueton: She often vomits on cocks to show power
Beysshoes: omg is vomitting on cocks power? NOW you tell us para!
oooolijay: it might be easy
Summers Eve L: Is that why you confessed that? At random?
So you could get the attention you so desire?
oooolijay: you dont know
oooolijay: and i didn't completely vomit
Rodney King Moment:
BinxB91: Can't we just have a story about kissing sometime?
Beysshoes: a story? que? where binx?
oooolijay: there was kissing
Beysshoes: in this cesspool you want a kissing story binx?
Assholes R Us:
BobsurAuntTom: Ooooli, he's nice to most people. Nice...
a bit creepy... and in my opinion, an asshole.
BobsurAuntTom: But as I've said, it is not remotely personal.
Alansueton: I find Binx kind and honest
Alansueton: he's not perfect
Beysshoes: hey binx is only a creepy asshole with women bigsur.
oh and you.
Alansueton: but who is
BobsurAuntTom: That's true... he is an asshole that I chose to
point as as being such.
Summers Eve L: I tend to like assholes. Especially if they are amusing.
Beysshoes: it appears.
BobsurAuntTom: Oooli, I'm sure that I am an asshole to him.
But, I don't think I would care at all if he called me one.
Alansueton: Can't we all get along?
Beysshoes: what a sissyboy to whine on and on like that.
group hug para?
Binx and Ted's excellent adventure:
Tallthinjones: binx, would you have smelled a rat when ted bundy
offered you a lift?
PatientOnion3: binky, did you model for ted bundy?
NotNycgirl: if there was no handle, you wouldn't be able to shut
the door when you got in
oooolijay: i would have probably been killed by ted bundy
BinxB91: Ted Bundy wasn't interested in men
Onion Rant Number 287:
PatientOnion3: good, all those wacked out bingoheads are watching
tv and out of my way to world domination
PatientOnion3: I am a Paula Deen Cooking Machine
Beysshoes: paula deen? she'll be on qvc on the 14th with her
spring line homer
PatientOnion3: i'm cooking me up some class warfare over easy with a
side of lox filled bagelles
Beysshoes names names:
KissMyAsterix: why do they call you oscar
KissMyAsterix: beys? you came up with that
KissMyAsterix: right?
Jam7604801: bey calls everyone oscar
KissMyAsterix: no she doesn't
KissMyAsterix: she calls onion something else
Tammynet: she has never called me oscar
KissMyAsterix: she doesn't call you oscar
Various704: cause i quoted wilde to her
Tammynet: she calls me tamela
KissMyAsterix: oh
[She called LaLeche League every couple of days for new
suggestions. Kate's favorite counselor was in Medford,
a working-class part of Boston Kate didn't remember ever
having seen. But the woman had no accent; she was
someone else far from home. You'll battle through this
she would say, be stubborn and hang on. Women are made
to nurse, she'd declare in each conversation, any woman
can nurse; and then she'd say, in a softer tone, that
people forgot how hard it was to get established the first
time. "Don't let the pain defeat you," were her exact
words. "The uterine pain actually helps you heal, and
your nipples will toughen."
"What about stress?" Kate asked once. "Will I have enough
milk ---"
"Stress?" was the response. "Are you kidding? Any woman
with a new baby is stressed to the max. She doesn't sleep,
she's bleeding, she's sore, she might have other kids or a
job she'll go back to. The baby is sucking for life. As
long as you eat well and drink, drink constantly, your
body responds. You don't need unbroken sleep. You don't
need a perfect situation. Refugees nurse their babies, and
war victims; theirs are the children more likely to survive,
even in the worst of times."
I understand, Kate wanted to say. I understand all about
you, and I understand everything.
"Have your husband buy a Knorr manual breast pump at the
hospital infirmary," the counselor had said, "and a roll of
disposable plastic bottles. The pump is a clear plastic tube,
marked in ounces. Use it each time your breasts aren't
completelt emptied by the baby. Increase production; you
can't have too much milk. Freeze all you express. That's
how some women work full-time and still nurse their babies.
I'll send you some information in the mail. And if you feel
discouraged, call back."
I just wanted to hear your voice, Kate wanted to say.]
4 of 5 chatters here know of Godwit:
Kgbirdpaul: is godwit really in prison?
CordialCactus: godwit is a [insert pejorative of choice here],
but he's an interesting catalyst
Beysshoes: what? godwit in jail?
MsVictoriaLynn1: no, but he should be
ElusvMemry: i think its better to have a guy in the bed...
A Dull Catalyst:
Tem o Bedlam: Actually, he's a dull catalyst. Every reaction
comes out the same.
Kgbirdpaul: insult people is sometimes catalytic
MsVictoriaLynn1: hes a pest
Beysshoes: he's just old school is all that godwit
KissMyAsterix: old school felon?
Various704: he robs from the rich and gives to the poor
MsVictoriaLynn1: a miscreant
Too Much Godwit already!:
KissMyAsterix: this is the man who wanted advice on how to kill his cat
KissMyAsterix: what do you consider a crime
Beysshoes: what? HIS cat? you mean euthanize it?
Tem o Bedlam: Nothing criminal that required minimal competence...
KissMyAsterix: well he was too cheap to pay someone to do it.
Beysshoes: godwit does not get messy tem
Beysshoes: he's like totally sanitized.
bail? bale? ... let's call the whole thing off:
Yossarian4now: and i can only wire so much bail money
Yossarian4now: they have a amount per day limit
Kgbirdpaul: Yoss is going to bail out godwit?
Yossarian4now: not a chance, paul
KissMyAsterix: we'd send godwit a bucket, let him bail himself out
KissMyAsterix: or would that be bale
WildCIAagent: ohhhhhhhhh had to take sox off... hot feet
Many are asked, but few are chosen:
BinxB91: Treeluva, what are you wearing?
MsVictoriaLynn1: ever notice no one ever asks me that?
Beysshoes: cus you hussy you always be nekkid
BinxB91: MsVic, what are you wearing?
Beysshoes naming names again:
BinxB91: Beys, who among us is most likely to be naked?
Beysshoes: you mean in the chatroom binky?
BinxB91: Maybe it would be someone in Hawaii
BinxB91: yes, Beys
Beysshoes: uhm ... tamela
Beysshoes: if she's IMg with onion
MsVictoriaLynn1: sure as hell wouldn't be naked here in February
ElusvMemry: do you mean totally nekkid?
Tammynet: i am not in hawaii
Beysshoes: lordy elus ... goody 2 shoes
MsVictoriaLynn1: Oh and panties.... NOT Speedos!
BinxB91: Tammy is in the Great Northwest
Tammynet: and thanks for thinking it was me beys
Beysshoes: tammy is in seattle binx
Catpower777: yeah, it's too cold for Tammy to be nekkid right now
MsVictoriaLynn1: here too Cat
ElusvMemry: so turn up the heat
MsVictoriaLynn1: Its chilly
Beysshoes: snow in seattle???
Tammynet: yes
Tammynet: we have had lots this year
MsVictoriaLynn1: Good, its about time someone else got it
Catpower777: Bey, where do you think Seattle is...Mississippi?
Beysshoes: omg. so does that mean frasier was canceled.
Beysshoes: seattle is west coast cat
BinxB91: It's geography night on the Shelf
ParaMyrrh on his 2nd beer:
Alansueton: I like the Vintage gals not fake curves
also Nina Hartley is great she's smart watched an interview with
her she was a nurse and became a porn star because she loves sex
she was totally open and talked about responsibility
IRL we're mature:
MsVictoriaLynn1: Beys did it, cybered him to death
KissMyAsterix: so when beys says friend...
Catpower777: yes, she means herself
MsVictoriaLynn1: exactly Cat
KissMyAsterix: that's what i heard
Beysshoes: gina. how many times i gots to tell you nobody IRL
likes me chica?
Zenchef2006: kiss, she means bow chicka wow wow!!
Beysshoes: shut up cat
MsVictoriaLynn1: LOL
Beysshoes: YOU shut up beys
KissMyAsterix: you lie though beys
KissMyAsterix: right zen
Beysshoes: do noooot
KissMyAsterix: do so
I love it already:
Catpower777: wait
Catpower777: who was compared to Raymond Carver?
BinxB91: Raymond carver often wrote about people struggling
with addiction
Beysshoes: binx is yakkin about jones' book cat
Tammynet: TJ
BinxB91: TallThinJones
Catpower777: see now, I'm a major Raymond Carver fan
Beysshoes: binky been drinking ?
Tammynet: the other night someone stated that john updike mentioned
tj too
BinxB91: Jones writes about janitors, boxers, epiletics,
Vietnam Vets struggling with PTSD
Beysshoes: omg binx. send me his book please.
Catpower777: you've read his stuff?
MsVictoriaLynn1: That is VERY cool, thank you Tammy
BinxB91: yes, Updike gave Jones a letter of support
Beysshoes: janitors too? wow
Beysshoes: i love it already
BinxB91: I did read some of Jones' short stories before I ever met
him in this chat room
Beysshoes: does the janitor sweat though?
BinxB91: Jones was a school janitor after he came back from Vietnam
ThePaIeRlDER: id do ya bey
Beysshoes: nah uh
Catpower777: Bey and John Updike, sittin in a tree
CordialCactus: whoa, im lost
MsVictoriaLynn1: do so TOO!!! Pfffttt....
Beysshoes: thank you pale. but i thought that was you last night. nolo?
ThePaIeRlDER: might have been........
MsVictoriaLynn1: no Beys it was me
Bad Naked:
Zenchef2006: lynn, back to the subject of nekkid veggie peeling,
i gave up nude bowling
Zenchef2006: they insist that i wear those ridiculous shoes!!!
MsVictoriaLynn1: men do not get periods, they get exclaimation points
ThePaIeRlDER: i have gone through some rough periods vic
Beysshoes: lolol you jigaho
MsVictoriaLynn1: good Zen, getting yourself caught in the ball
return could hurt like hell
"you're so vain":
Beysshoes: yah. btw para next time you send me your pix pls put
some speedos on. anything reallly would be good.
Beysshoes: hey i bet para's gonna think my cabin story is about him gina
Beysshoes: wow oscar. give you a gf and you all worns out
Various704: im oldand grey, bey
KissMyAsterix: that's going to be you're down pat excuse tonight various?
Various704: yep
Beysshoes: oscar haven't you guys in europe heard of viagra?
Various704: we live on oysters and caviar here bey. we need no
american drugs
Beysshoes: buncha stuckups
Been Down So Long Looked Like Up To Me:
Kan wa ma kan: i just got an im from u r a booger
Kan wa ma kan: should i answer it