KatyLied? No Way!!! Everything is
true except that I changed the spelling
of Lithuanian.
I'm Hot:
LeslieHapablap: i am in my pajamas
LeslieHapablap: my pajamas are red with kittens
all over that say, "glamour puss."
ParaMyrrh: hot
LeslieHapablap: super sexy.
MaxCady912: are they flammable?
A Good Blog:
LeslieHapablap: blogs are dull.
BinxB91: Urban's blog is occasionally interesting
BinxB91: So is Shell's
LeslieHapablap: dull. dull. dull.
BinxB91: I used to read BornOnaPirateShip's too
LeslieHapablap: if people who blogged had anything
remotely interesting to say the times would hire them
for an op-ed piece.
PatientOnion3: if there blogs are soooo good, how come
they didn't make a movie out of them yet? I know a
woman who did a julia child blog, and got a book and a
book tour
LeslieHapablap: "today i watered my flowers."
BinxB91: yes, that's dull
LeslieHapablap: "this afternoon i saw a dynamite sunset."
BinxB91: yes, dull
LeslieHapablap: "tomorrow i plan to take the cat to the vet."
LeslieHapablap: "yesterday i baked latkes."
BinxB91: ditto
PatientOnion3: This afternoon i dug a little hole in my flower
garden, stuck in three sticks of dynamite, and set the timer
to go off at sunset."
PatientOnion3: it was a beautiful sunset, body parts everywhere,
oh how I hate republicans
PatientOnion3: that's a good blog
Niontron and the Mature Women:
Niontron3: I can't get into the author's lounge
LeslieHapablap: lucky them.
PatientOnion3: they have up an anti-nion force field
at the border, you illegal alien terrorist you
Niontron3: That room is so crowded over the weekends
Niontron3: I've been trying for an hour now...
Niontron3: All these time, I was going to "mature women"
chat room...they are so much fun
Niontron's Pennsylvania Adventure:
Niontron3: my friend and I are planning to go see the
amish people
Niontron3: in PA
Niontron3: and we also plan to eat deer meat
Niontron3: I will drive his car...so that I don't have
to pay for the gas
Niontron3: I plan to talk to a virgin amish girl
Niontron3: i plan to ask her how she is going to go about
sex later in life..
Niontron3: and I am also going to ask them is it okay if I
lived with them for a week or so
CordialCactus: im sure they have a standard answer for heathens
who approach them with such questions
Diary of Mad Housewife:
CordialCactus: cleaned out litter box, assualted the under
the couch dust bunnies, mopped the kitchen floor, did 5 loads
of laundry, 2 of dishes, fought the losing battle against
premature graying, sorted toys (happy meal toys breed, btw)
Projecting Her Boobs:
Forkrereredux: it was probably a nervous smile
PatientOnion3: her perky boobage?
BinxB91: projecting her boobs??
CordialCactus: did you scurry away giggling and snorting
PatientOnion3: rono, did you have your x-ray specs on?
Forkrereredux: ahh the old post office pick up line
A BlueMonk Christmas:
Dinosaur Vagina: Henry, how's the son? Did he see Santa yet?
Henrykrinkle912: he loves santa
Dinosaur Vagina: that's good, did he see him?
Henrykrinkle912: i should whisper that he should hit him
in the face if we see him at the mall or something
Voting --- Opposing Views:
ParaMyrrh: Ive never voted. Screw mass marketing
campaigns for the voting cattle
Is She Weird 55: well .... i think it's fun
Great Expectations:
Creepy Loner: I'm all right. I went to check out the Astrology
room, but everyone was manic...and talking in only short,
Nionish sentences...
Creepy Loner: It was horrid.
Phezziwig13: It's called the Bookshelf
JFWaterman: And you expected . . . what, Loner?
Creepy Loner: Something else.
Toked Up in the Fiction Section:
BooksIut: I once had a $500 library fine.
Homework Help From BlueMonk:
M1SS J3SSKA x: IF anyone can help me with some questions
on lord of the flies can you please im me thanxxx
MaxCady912: who needs help with homework?
FaryeFaythe: i have never gotten a 0 on homework and now
im going to lol. i sound like a freak. someone help me please
MaxCady912: farye, go to elephantlist.com
MaxCady912: it's a good, free resource
FaryeFaythe: thanks
MaxCady912: np
FaryeFaythe: really?
MaxCady912: miss, mind your own business, you pervert
FaryeFaythe: omg
FaryeFaythe: you're mean
Staples Discovers Godwit:
Godwit935: Morrison is popular because she is black. Same
as Obama being a champion candidate because he is black.
Eat at staples2: that is so stupis, wit
MaxCady912: godwit sounds like ben stein after a serious
head injury
If Bill Bradley Were Black, He'd Have Been President:
Godwit935: If a white candidate, say Bill Bradley, said what
Obama was saying(and he did), he would not be nearly as
BinxB91: Bill Bradley is dull
Eat at staples2: BB was an egghead, obama gets it
BinxB91: If Bill Bradley were black, he'd still be dull
MaxCady912: do you have their posters?
Godwit935: Bradley said more than Obama is saying and better,
yet was a dim light among the Democrats.
MaxCady912: if bill bradley were black he'd have been a
good basketball player
Not Having Your Baby:
Niontron3: that is exactly what I am going to do...
I am not producing anymore baby..I am going to adopt a baby
because I think it is a crime to produce more babies knowing
that your baby is going to suffer in this inhuman world
AsystoIic: you sound like a blast at parties, Niontron
Forever Blowing Bubbles:
HughJorganEsq: I have an invention, vagina flavored gum
BlueMonk Explains:
LeslieHapablap: bluemonk912, why do you change your screen
name once a month?
MaxCady912: 3 months
MaxCady912: free trial runs out
MaxCady912: 912, though, i'm not trying to fool the people
Oh Well, You'll Just Have to be Stupid:
Niontron3: I've lost my wisdom quotes
Male Nurse:
MaxCady912: leslie, i'm in nursing school now
LeslieHapablap: nice.
Godwit935: Male nurse.
Godwit935: lol
MaxCady912: i have a boner all day, 10:1 girl-to-guy ratio
Godwit935: You know what that expression means, male nurse.
Eyez Wide Open 3: most of them are gay
Eyez Wide Open 3: but not always
HughJorganEsq: godwit, there are millions of male nurses and
it is one of the most important jobs a person can have, idiot
Eyez Wide Open 3: that show heroes had a male hospice nurse
MaxCady912: godwit is giggling into a handkerchief
Eyez Wide Open 3: who was straight
Godwit935: Hugh, I love nurses.
Eyez Wide Open 3: my younger ssiter is in nursing school now
LeslieHapablap: godwit935, once upon a time i was a candy striper.
Niontron3: only women should be cleaning human feces in a hospital
LeslieHapablap: i had the cutest uniform.
HughJorganEsq: nion, nurses rarely clean feces
BinxB91: Save the men for animal feces?
MaxCady912: i've cleaned feces as a student
Niontron3: who cleans the feces of a patient who can't go
to the bathroom
Treeluva: nion, only women should do that?
Treeluva: really?
Eyez Wide Open 3: good god
Niontron3: and if women didn't do that they should be made
Treeluva: oh my.
HughJorganEsq: max, I have nothing but respect for the nurses
at our hospital
MaxCady912: the female nurses in my clinical group all defer
to me already
HughJorganEsq: but I caught one of them stealing controlled substances tonight
MaxCady912: hugh, i'm looking forward to it
HughJorganEsq: its a hard job
Godwit935: Max, you are the man, being deferred to. lol
MaxCady912: some nurses go into the field just for the drugs
Condorblue Caught Plagiarizing:
Condorblue: today's world is so technically complex, you have
to specially in school. There are no more generalists anymore
Condorblue: how does one think about masturbation, with one
arm tied behind one's back?
BooksIut: That's precisely the line taken by John Ralston Saul
in his book Voltaire's Bxstards, Condor.
Ask Me a Question:
MaxCady912: binx sensed i had just signed on and needed
BinxB91: Monk, what's the most memorable thing your wife has
said to you during sex?
MaxCady912: something in greek i think
LeslieHapablap: "GET OFF OF ME!"
CordialCactus: i found a definition, giglet, a giddy frolicsome girl
Not a Giglet:
Is She Weird 55: I love my i-Pod. i just hate the fact
that i am in this house in this stupid town going to a
stupid high school
Say the Word:
MaxCady912: my wife won't let me choke her
MaxCady912: not even just fooling around
Asia7384: Max, explain the sexual benefits
MaxCady912: asia, wouldn't know
MaxCady912: i just like the way it looks
ParaMyrrh: cutting off oxygen to the brain causes intensification
of Orgasm cf Michael Hutchence
MaxCady912: my friend and one of his girlfriends have/need a safeword
MaxCady912: that's gotta be fun
Asia7384: Max the word is gurrgh?
On Smart Women:
BinxB91: a movie question??? Name a movie
that made women look smarter than men?
ImThePaIeRlDER: erin brocobitch
Nomdujourxx: Thelma & Louise
BinxB91: I was thinking Silence of the Lambs
Ta21l: I was thinking Gone with the Wind
ImThePaIeRlDER: charlies angels made im look smarter too
CordialCactus: any movie with meryl streep
BinxB91: Scarlett O'Hara was not smart
Ta21l: Death Becomes Her
MaxCady912: meryl streep is a douchebag
MaxCady912: i hate her face
Ta21l: she was brilliant...what are you talking about Binx
ImThePaIeRlDER: id do meryl
Nomdujourxx: Not fond of Meryl, either
BinxB91: Merlyl Streep was damaged in Sophie's Choice and
in love with a psychotic
MaxCady912: you can count on me is a beautiful movie
CordialCactus: shes a woman's woman, i guess
Dinosaur Vagina: she is Cactus
MaxCady912: laura linney is smart
ImThePaIeRlDER: id do her
BinxB91: Ta, she let Rhett get away and couldn't stop
loving a weak man
ImThePaIeRlDER: course i keep my standards low
Ta21l: did you read the sequal?
CordialCactus: ta, i would have to agree with binx, the
smartest thing she did in the movie was make a gown from
We Love Her Just the way She Is:
Clifford3848: Dinosaur, please change your sn
ImThePaIeRlDER: jodie has a nice rack
CordialCactus: clifford ...we love her just the way she is
Cold War Memories:
BinxB91: One of my co-workers is Lithuanian
BinxB91: In another time the Lithuanian woman and I might
have ended up killing each other
BinxB91: But now we can actually think about kissing
BinxB91: She told me she couldn't have killed me since she
failed her instruction on disassembling her
Kalashivinikov(?) rifle
CordialCactus: lol binx, you had that discussion?
BinxB91: about her and I killing each other? yes
CordialCactus: is that a flirtatious conversation?
Ta21l: what cactus...you've never had that conversation with
someone you liked?
[Van Ness felt a gladness and wonder as he drove past
the small isolated towns along U.S. 101 in Northern
California, a certain interest, a yearning, because
he sensed they were places a person could disappear
into. They felt like little naps you might never wake
up from --- you might throw a tire and hike to a gas
station and stumble unexpectedly onto the rest of your
life, the people who would finally mean something to
you, a woman, an immortal friend, a saving fellowship
in the religion of some obscure church.]
Try Hard:
Niontron3: you are not going to find happiness in hurting others
Dinosaur Vagina: how will we ever know Nion, if we don't try?
Knish Tears Himself away:
Knishofdeath: See you later--nice chatting with you, Bookslut
BooksIut: The 32nd fatality of Ebola occured in Uganda Friday.
BooksIut: You too, Knish!
Texture Issues:
BooksIut: Should I eat a Symphony bar?
Creepy Loner: Yes.
Creepy Loner: Wait...
Nomdujourxx: Go for a Butterfinger
BooksIut: Those things are divine.
Creepy Loner: Does it have nuts?
BooksIut: I think so.
BooksIut: Toffee and almonds?
Creepy Loner: Don't eat it then.
Creepy Loner: I'm against that.
BooksIut: Why.
Creepy Loner: I have...texture issues.
BooksIut: ...
Creepy Loner: [frown]
Nomdujourxx: lol-----texture issues
BooksIut: Should I ask?
Creepy Loner: No.
Forkrereredux: what is a symphony bar?
Creepy Loner: It's chocolate, Dr. Fork...
Creepy Loner: Arrogant chocolate, but put out by Hershey.
Creepy Loner: Of all things.
Forkrereredux: since fork has not heard of it, it must suck
BooksIut: I like Lindt chocolates.
Creepy Loner: It's all right...
Creepy Loner: We should have sex sometime.
Rozari: Creepy, I understand about texture issues.
BooksIut: I don't like dark chocolate.
BooksIut: Although I heard it can better your sex life.
Creepy Loner: I don't like dark chocolate either.
TRBfrom NC: i remember Symphony bars, they're good
In Between Proust and Eco:
BooksIut: I never noticed how well endowed Hewitt was.
BooksIut: -- sorry, distracted.
CordialCactus: alright... im not here anymore... happy
end of monday to you!
CordialCactus: Goodnight
Buddylak: I miss her already
true except that I changed the spelling
of Lithuanian.
I'm Hot:
LeslieHapablap: i am in my pajamas
LeslieHapablap: my pajamas are red with kittens
all over that say, "glamour puss."
ParaMyrrh: hot
LeslieHapablap: super sexy.
MaxCady912: are they flammable?
A Good Blog:
LeslieHapablap: blogs are dull.
BinxB91: Urban's blog is occasionally interesting
BinxB91: So is Shell's
LeslieHapablap: dull. dull. dull.
BinxB91: I used to read BornOnaPirateShip's too
LeslieHapablap: if people who blogged had anything
remotely interesting to say the times would hire them
for an op-ed piece.
PatientOnion3: if there blogs are soooo good, how come
they didn't make a movie out of them yet? I know a
woman who did a julia child blog, and got a book and a
book tour
LeslieHapablap: "today i watered my flowers."
BinxB91: yes, that's dull
LeslieHapablap: "this afternoon i saw a dynamite sunset."
BinxB91: yes, dull
LeslieHapablap: "tomorrow i plan to take the cat to the vet."
LeslieHapablap: "yesterday i baked latkes."
BinxB91: ditto
PatientOnion3: This afternoon i dug a little hole in my flower
garden, stuck in three sticks of dynamite, and set the timer
to go off at sunset."
PatientOnion3: it was a beautiful sunset, body parts everywhere,
oh how I hate republicans
PatientOnion3: that's a good blog
Niontron and the Mature Women:
Niontron3: I can't get into the author's lounge
LeslieHapablap: lucky them.
PatientOnion3: they have up an anti-nion force field
at the border, you illegal alien terrorist you
Niontron3: That room is so crowded over the weekends
Niontron3: I've been trying for an hour now...
Niontron3: All these time, I was going to "mature women"
chat room...they are so much fun
Niontron's Pennsylvania Adventure:
Niontron3: my friend and I are planning to go see the
amish people
Niontron3: in PA
Niontron3: and we also plan to eat deer meat
Niontron3: I will drive his car...so that I don't have
to pay for the gas
Niontron3: I plan to talk to a virgin amish girl
Niontron3: i plan to ask her how she is going to go about
sex later in life..
Niontron3: and I am also going to ask them is it okay if I
lived with them for a week or so
CordialCactus: im sure they have a standard answer for heathens
who approach them with such questions
Diary of Mad Housewife:
CordialCactus: cleaned out litter box, assualted the under
the couch dust bunnies, mopped the kitchen floor, did 5 loads
of laundry, 2 of dishes, fought the losing battle against
premature graying, sorted toys (happy meal toys breed, btw)
Projecting Her Boobs:
Forkrereredux: it was probably a nervous smile
PatientOnion3: her perky boobage?
BinxB91: projecting her boobs??
CordialCactus: did you scurry away giggling and snorting
PatientOnion3: rono, did you have your x-ray specs on?
Forkrereredux: ahh the old post office pick up line
A BlueMonk Christmas:
Dinosaur Vagina: Henry, how's the son? Did he see Santa yet?
Henrykrinkle912: he loves santa
Dinosaur Vagina: that's good, did he see him?
Henrykrinkle912: i should whisper that he should hit him
in the face if we see him at the mall or something
Voting --- Opposing Views:
ParaMyrrh: Ive never voted. Screw mass marketing
campaigns for the voting cattle
Is She Weird 55: well .... i think it's fun
Great Expectations:
Creepy Loner: I'm all right. I went to check out the Astrology
room, but everyone was manic...and talking in only short,
Nionish sentences...
Creepy Loner: It was horrid.
Phezziwig13: It's called the Bookshelf
JFWaterman: And you expected . . . what, Loner?
Creepy Loner: Something else.
Toked Up in the Fiction Section:
BooksIut: I once had a $500 library fine.
Homework Help From BlueMonk:
M1SS J3SSKA x: IF anyone can help me with some questions
on lord of the flies can you please im me thanxxx
MaxCady912: who needs help with homework?
FaryeFaythe: i have never gotten a 0 on homework and now
im going to lol. i sound like a freak. someone help me please
MaxCady912: farye, go to elephantlist.com
MaxCady912: it's a good, free resource
FaryeFaythe: thanks
MaxCady912: np
FaryeFaythe: really?
MaxCady912: miss, mind your own business, you pervert
FaryeFaythe: omg
FaryeFaythe: you're mean
Staples Discovers Godwit:
Godwit935: Morrison is popular because she is black. Same
as Obama being a champion candidate because he is black.
Eat at staples2: that is so stupis, wit
MaxCady912: godwit sounds like ben stein after a serious
head injury
If Bill Bradley Were Black, He'd Have Been President:
Godwit935: If a white candidate, say Bill Bradley, said what
Obama was saying(and he did), he would not be nearly as
BinxB91: Bill Bradley is dull
Eat at staples2: BB was an egghead, obama gets it
BinxB91: If Bill Bradley were black, he'd still be dull
MaxCady912: do you have their posters?
Godwit935: Bradley said more than Obama is saying and better,
yet was a dim light among the Democrats.
MaxCady912: if bill bradley were black he'd have been a
good basketball player
Not Having Your Baby:
Niontron3: that is exactly what I am going to do...
I am not producing anymore baby..I am going to adopt a baby
because I think it is a crime to produce more babies knowing
that your baby is going to suffer in this inhuman world
AsystoIic: you sound like a blast at parties, Niontron
Forever Blowing Bubbles:
HughJorganEsq: I have an invention, vagina flavored gum
BlueMonk Explains:
LeslieHapablap: bluemonk912, why do you change your screen
name once a month?
MaxCady912: 3 months
MaxCady912: free trial runs out
MaxCady912: 912, though, i'm not trying to fool the people
Oh Well, You'll Just Have to be Stupid:
Niontron3: I've lost my wisdom quotes
Male Nurse:
MaxCady912: leslie, i'm in nursing school now
LeslieHapablap: nice.
Godwit935: Male nurse.
Godwit935: lol
MaxCady912: i have a boner all day, 10:1 girl-to-guy ratio
Godwit935: You know what that expression means, male nurse.
Eyez Wide Open 3: most of them are gay
Eyez Wide Open 3: but not always
HughJorganEsq: godwit, there are millions of male nurses and
it is one of the most important jobs a person can have, idiot
Eyez Wide Open 3: that show heroes had a male hospice nurse
MaxCady912: godwit is giggling into a handkerchief
Eyez Wide Open 3: who was straight
Godwit935: Hugh, I love nurses.
Eyez Wide Open 3: my younger ssiter is in nursing school now
LeslieHapablap: godwit935, once upon a time i was a candy striper.
Niontron3: only women should be cleaning human feces in a hospital
LeslieHapablap: i had the cutest uniform.
HughJorganEsq: nion, nurses rarely clean feces
BinxB91: Save the men for animal feces?
MaxCady912: i've cleaned feces as a student
Niontron3: who cleans the feces of a patient who can't go
to the bathroom
Treeluva: nion, only women should do that?
Treeluva: really?
Eyez Wide Open 3: good god
Niontron3: and if women didn't do that they should be made
Treeluva: oh my.
HughJorganEsq: max, I have nothing but respect for the nurses
at our hospital
MaxCady912: the female nurses in my clinical group all defer
to me already
HughJorganEsq: but I caught one of them stealing controlled substances tonight
MaxCady912: hugh, i'm looking forward to it
HughJorganEsq: its a hard job
Godwit935: Max, you are the man, being deferred to. lol
MaxCady912: some nurses go into the field just for the drugs
Condorblue Caught Plagiarizing:
Condorblue: today's world is so technically complex, you have
to specially in school. There are no more generalists anymore
Condorblue: how does one think about masturbation, with one
arm tied behind one's back?
BooksIut: That's precisely the line taken by John Ralston Saul
in his book Voltaire's Bxstards, Condor.
Ask Me a Question:
MaxCady912: binx sensed i had just signed on and needed
BinxB91: Monk, what's the most memorable thing your wife has
said to you during sex?
MaxCady912: something in greek i think
LeslieHapablap: "GET OFF OF ME!"
CordialCactus: i found a definition, giglet, a giddy frolicsome girl
Not a Giglet:
Is She Weird 55: I love my i-Pod. i just hate the fact
that i am in this house in this stupid town going to a
stupid high school
Say the Word:
MaxCady912: my wife won't let me choke her
MaxCady912: not even just fooling around
Asia7384: Max, explain the sexual benefits
MaxCady912: asia, wouldn't know
MaxCady912: i just like the way it looks
ParaMyrrh: cutting off oxygen to the brain causes intensification
of Orgasm cf Michael Hutchence
MaxCady912: my friend and one of his girlfriends have/need a safeword
MaxCady912: that's gotta be fun
Asia7384: Max the word is gurrgh?
On Smart Women:
BinxB91: a movie question??? Name a movie
that made women look smarter than men?
ImThePaIeRlDER: erin brocobitch
Nomdujourxx: Thelma & Louise
BinxB91: I was thinking Silence of the Lambs
Ta21l: I was thinking Gone with the Wind
ImThePaIeRlDER: charlies angels made im look smarter too
CordialCactus: any movie with meryl streep
BinxB91: Scarlett O'Hara was not smart
Ta21l: Death Becomes Her
MaxCady912: meryl streep is a douchebag
MaxCady912: i hate her face
Ta21l: she was brilliant...what are you talking about Binx
ImThePaIeRlDER: id do meryl
Nomdujourxx: Not fond of Meryl, either
BinxB91: Merlyl Streep was damaged in Sophie's Choice and
in love with a psychotic
MaxCady912: you can count on me is a beautiful movie
CordialCactus: shes a woman's woman, i guess
Dinosaur Vagina: she is Cactus
MaxCady912: laura linney is smart
ImThePaIeRlDER: id do her
BinxB91: Ta, she let Rhett get away and couldn't stop
loving a weak man
ImThePaIeRlDER: course i keep my standards low
Ta21l: did you read the sequal?
CordialCactus: ta, i would have to agree with binx, the
smartest thing she did in the movie was make a gown from
We Love Her Just the way She Is:
Clifford3848: Dinosaur, please change your sn
ImThePaIeRlDER: jodie has a nice rack
CordialCactus: clifford ...we love her just the way she is
Cold War Memories:
BinxB91: One of my co-workers is Lithuanian
BinxB91: In another time the Lithuanian woman and I might
have ended up killing each other
BinxB91: But now we can actually think about kissing
BinxB91: She told me she couldn't have killed me since she
failed her instruction on disassembling her
Kalashivinikov(?) rifle
CordialCactus: lol binx, you had that discussion?
BinxB91: about her and I killing each other? yes
CordialCactus: is that a flirtatious conversation?
Ta21l: what cactus...you've never had that conversation with
someone you liked?
[Van Ness felt a gladness and wonder as he drove past
the small isolated towns along U.S. 101 in Northern
California, a certain interest, a yearning, because
he sensed they were places a person could disappear
into. They felt like little naps you might never wake
up from --- you might throw a tire and hike to a gas
station and stumble unexpectedly onto the rest of your
life, the people who would finally mean something to
you, a woman, an immortal friend, a saving fellowship
in the religion of some obscure church.]
Try Hard:
Niontron3: you are not going to find happiness in hurting others
Dinosaur Vagina: how will we ever know Nion, if we don't try?
Knish Tears Himself away:
Knishofdeath: See you later--nice chatting with you, Bookslut
BooksIut: The 32nd fatality of Ebola occured in Uganda Friday.
BooksIut: You too, Knish!
Texture Issues:
BooksIut: Should I eat a Symphony bar?
Creepy Loner: Yes.
Creepy Loner: Wait...
Nomdujourxx: Go for a Butterfinger
BooksIut: Those things are divine.
Creepy Loner: Does it have nuts?
BooksIut: I think so.
BooksIut: Toffee and almonds?
Creepy Loner: Don't eat it then.
Creepy Loner: I'm against that.
BooksIut: Why.
Creepy Loner: I have...texture issues.
BooksIut: ...
Creepy Loner: [frown]
Nomdujourxx: lol-----texture issues
BooksIut: Should I ask?
Creepy Loner: No.
Forkrereredux: what is a symphony bar?
Creepy Loner: It's chocolate, Dr. Fork...
Creepy Loner: Arrogant chocolate, but put out by Hershey.
Creepy Loner: Of all things.
Forkrereredux: since fork has not heard of it, it must suck
BooksIut: I like Lindt chocolates.
Creepy Loner: It's all right...
Creepy Loner: We should have sex sometime.
Rozari: Creepy, I understand about texture issues.
BooksIut: I don't like dark chocolate.
BooksIut: Although I heard it can better your sex life.
Creepy Loner: I don't like dark chocolate either.
TRBfrom NC: i remember Symphony bars, they're good
In Between Proust and Eco:
BooksIut: I never noticed how well endowed Hewitt was.
BooksIut: -- sorry, distracted.
CordialCactus: alright... im not here anymore... happy
end of monday to you!
CordialCactus: Goodnight
Buddylak: I miss her already