What I Remember
Rules of the Game:
DoomGrl: wheres Binx, I want to be on the television
Beysshoes: television?
DoomGrl: the katy tried show
Beysshoes: well, first you gots to say somethin' inneresting
Julie Come Back:
Gleam1946: Without Ooooooli this romm sucks and blows
Rafo65: --- thinks Creepy is soooooo cute!
Nada is the Adopted One?:
Prospect26: My son is zip, zero, nada.
Push Her Button:
Summers Eve L: So, tell us about Mexico.
Summers Eve L: Or can you? Are you still on mute?
EmpressZ21: im here i think
Summers Eve L: Good.
Summers Eve L: That would suck.
Summers Eve L: You get back and can't speak.
EmpressZ21: it doesnt affect my ims
Yossarian4now: wait .. women have mute buttons??
Yossarian4now: WHERE ARE THEY LOCATED???
Summers Eve L: Sometimes I wish I could locate my own
mute button.
Alansueton: in 2 days I turn 40
Always the Last to Know:
Beysshoes: lol? is somebody funny in here that i dunt know about??
Want better sex? Try mouthwash:
KissMyAsterix: new fangs anais?
Anais3233: just one
Anais3233: and i guess it would be my third molar
Beysshoes: how can you put a new one in? anais, you're too young
KissMyAsterix: she needs a sharper one
Anais3233: it cracked and would need endo and crown lengthening
Anais3233: so i'm getting an implant
Anais3233: ::sigh::
Beysshoes: i hope you got some drugs anais
Beysshoes: anais. use strong mouthwash if you still want your
hub to give you sex.
KissMyAsterix: she's taking the night off
Beysshoes: i thought you liked fezz jammers
Jam7604801: not after he stuck his head up obamas butt
KissMyAsterix: you felt betrayed?
Quiver and Onions:
Jam7604801: i honestly don't miss onion
Beysshoes gina he hates onion.
SBrin6: I like Onion, even if he's a commie punk
KissMyAsterix: I don't know how you can hate onion
Beysshoes: onions the best thing in here
KissMyAsterix: he should be cloned
Beysshoes: well, onion does call him a hillbilly a times
KissMyAsterix: onion calls everyone names
Jam7604801: nothing onion says is real. real humor come from
making fun of something real
Jam7604801: bey i like realism not a bunch of fakes
SBrin6: this is fake, Jam
BookShelf Charades:
Tj34: people drinking cloroform?
Back to the Future:
oooolijay: i kinda want to send that to binx
Beysshoes: the pussy cunt twat discussion you mean ooji?
oooolijay: yes beys
oooolijay: i use pussy and cunt most often
oooolijay: i usually save twat for name calling
AnnAsphodel: Pussy seems undignified to me.
Summers Eve L: I'm going to quit drinking and join a convent.
Beatnikspore: i rarely have an instance in which they would be needed
PatientOnion3: Which word do your clients prefer?
Google Search:
AmberDevilRay8: "Saucerdick" turned up nothing.
Sex as Alternative:
BinxB91: British people have sex, don't they
NomduSemiLLC: might as well, they don't know how to cook
Beys not getting it:
BinxB91: XO, the real difference between a lady and a ho ---
BinxB91: One man with a big mouth
Beysshoes: i dont get that joke binx
BinxB91: what joke? about the parking space?
Beysshoes: the big mouth thing.
BinxB91: Beys, a man tells a woman's secrets ... thus ruining
her proper surface
Beysshoes: "proper surface" ? what does this mean binky? you
talking ukrainian to me baby?
BinxB91: Reputation
BinxB91: Onna no kao, Beysshoes-kun
Beysshoes: binky you didn't teach me that one
BinxB91: kao = face
BinxB91: To be a lady is to have face
Hadachoke: kao is indeed face
LadyMtnMedic: Binx what does that mean?
BinxB91: Face = reputation
Hadachoke: to lose face
LadyMtnMedic: to have a good reputation
LadyMtnMedic: a face you can hold up
Dickenzian: zzzzzzzzzzzz
Beys Rides Horse:
WarHorseThor: sweet, I know where allan is in italy, want me
to cause him some trouble?
Beysshoes: allan lives in italy? que?
WarHorseThor: im not talking to you beys
Beysshoes: sweet, he says he has dry runs of DTs
Beysshoes: he hallucinated that sebilius was named the veepee
Sweet Disorder 2: Dry runs of DT's? What is that?
Barely poet: whats it mean when you find a bear with a wet nose
Beysshoes: delirium tremors sweet
Beysshoes: what blt has
Barely poet: youre to damn close to the bear
Beysshoes: 'cept blt's are not dry runs
WarHorseThor: see julie, this is what I mean
WarHorseThor: I didnt provoke beys and she wants to insult me
The Brother She Never Had:
WarHorseThor: julie, beys is an adopted asian lady with saddlebag
Ooolijay: that's unfortunate
WarHorseThor: yes
Beysshoes: sadly yes ... i've been on steroids for 3 months and
got phat. sigh
Ooolijay: did your birth parents not want you because you were a girl
Beysshoes: ooji. blt is a sociopath and he lies. surprise.
Sweet Talkin Julie:
Beysshoes: ooji stick with jam. less damage.
Beysshoes: blt going after jammies left overs. lol
WarHorseThor: I will dream, with reckless abandon of the day I can
hold you close and feel your babies breath on my chest
Ooolijay: i dont have any babies
WarHorseThor: ouch
Tongue in Cheek?:
WarHorseThor: look at all of the rejected women wishing they were
julie, how funy!
DinosoreVagina: you have that right
DinosoreVagina: yes, you're one hot commodity
Onion Through the Looking Glass:
FoodSIut: i am teaching at risk youth that it's more fun to roll
out dough than to sell crack and do drive bys
DinosoreVagina: no one would buy that
FoodSIut: flour, organic blueberries, cherries, tomatoes, chilies
DinosoreVagina: I'm a suburban mother and I don't even think that
FoodSIut: free range chickens
Beysshoes: you are such a great mentor onion.
FoodSIut: you have a soy bean patch for the organic tofu
FoodSIut: back to the food stampers and their bread and chance for
a peaceful organic life thanks to dino's organic detroit produce
Girl Friends:
Jam7604801: i just got up
Ooolijay: oh
Ooolijay: that's right
Ooolijay: you said you had to get up early
Beysshoes: blt was here hitting on your gf ooji
Jam7604801: i have to go to the city this morning
Beysshoes: for what?
Ooolijay: i am not jam's girlfriend beys nut
Ooolijay: gawd
DinosoreVagina: jams girlfriend is named bones something or other
Jam7604801: no bey i have a girl on pogo
Ooolijay: see
Beysshoes: i'm playing you sillies
DinosoreVagina: well one of them, didn't you say you had two jam?
BookSlut's Uncle:
Gypsyjo47: Balzac is interesting for four or five novels...
then it is just drawing room boring stuff
Zola Changed His Screen Name:
Tj34: zola is also a mixed bag
Niontron9: who is zola again?
Niontron9: I don't know who is zola
Silence Is Consent:
Chris185432678: anyone mind a poem?
Chris185432678: I shall try if you let me.
Chris185432678: speak up
Chris185432678: alright, no one said not to
Chris185432678: I proceed.
The Sentence That Wouldn't Die:
WANDCHANTRESS: ok let me jut say for the part 90% all of you
are better read than me however i had 2 people in publishing,
woman in thier firties recommend twight to me so i bought it
and I just have to say Are you kidding?
Freshman Dorm:
Gypsyjo47: Any of you ever read the I Ching while stoned?
That is an amazing experience.
South Beach Diet Modified:
EDruezillaB: I had wine for dinner
EDruezillaB: I think, all I had today was some lettuce and wine
David Revealed:
Alansueton: I know I love attention
Catpower777: no way, Para !
Catpower777: I'd never have guessed
Out of Context Blues:
Tj34: is there a Scientology bot?
LadyMtnMedic: pondering getting one of those big high powered
kids squirt guns
Tj34: i think Inspector Gadget would make the perfect Romeo
zomcom81: hm. i was wrong
Phronsie: why would one feel impelled to eat lice?
I Know That Guy!:
Melodramamama22: do men really buy blow up dolls?
RiverTrail Kat: some men do.
BinxB91: Melo, there's a movie called Lars and the Real Girl
where a man starts believing his doll is real
Melodramamama22: binx, lars chats in here don't he?
Small Talk:
B00KGASM: I am more interested in Poe's works as reflections
of the intermittence of modern life.
Are You Tough Enough?:
Tj34: poe liked to swim the River Charles.
he wasn't a little crybaby
B00KGASM: Gyp. You read like the Parade version of the Arts
section of the NYT.
Melo Does Britain:
Melodramamama22: binx, i liked a lot of stuff. i liked that
every bump in the ground had a name and a rich history
Melodramamama22: i liked the ww2 bomb crack in my kitchen in
Melodramamama22: i like the bleakness of cornwall
Why We Don't Talk Books:
Book4friend25: I read Hemingway's "In Our Time" in college.
I really enjoyed it.
What Are Yiou Wearing?:
Book4friend25: I'm wearing a business suit.
Tj34: wool pants and no underwear
One-Woman Chat:
Prospect26: prospect...what is your impression of the president
in Great Britain?
Book4friend25: Anyway, the chat here seems more intelligble than
that of the Author's lounge.
Was the Safety On?:
LadyQuasi: I almost shot diet Cherry Coke out my nose.
How Empress Knows:
EmpressZ21: my dog is farting and i know because i can hear them
Empress Into the Testosterone:
EmpressZ21: vin deisel is kinda badass
EmpressZ21: mostly because of his name
EmpressZ21: except now im watcing him on jimmy kimmel and he
is kinda pussy
Philapinnas are like that:
KD81785: I was talking to a lady today who I think is maybe
Philapinna, but, I think she is hard of hearing
Bey Watch:
Beysshoes: ded! you're here!
Beysshoes: i've never ever seen you here before ded.
DedLettr: yes, Bey
Beysshoes: i'm jazzed. where's onion?
DedLettr: I should have my head examined
Beysshoes: lolol
DedLettr: he's here
Beysshoes: get in line ded
PatientOnion3: bey, what sexy lingerie you wearing?
Beysshoes: nada ... old navy tank top and drawstring shorts brat
DedLettr: no sexier than mine, I hope
Beysshoes: lol. nope
DedLettr: what's the math question, Onion?
Beysshoes: bunion is prolly cooking ded ... i just wanted to
say 'hey' ded
DedLettr: well, I am not that Patient
DedLettr: hey Bey
Beysshoes: gotta run ... a momentous occasion. pls come by more often ded
DedLettr: so this is Bey Watch
What Was She Thinking:
EDruezillaB: Beys, if you're happy, you'll have to pay a fine.
Beysshoes: haha. edrue dunt be stoopid. that's not possible.
Beysshoes: i'm in here ain't i?
EDruezillaB: What was I thinking!
Beys Happy:
Beysshoes: binkybippys!!!
BinxB91: bippys?
Beysshoes: yes. a nice way of saying assful
The Oreohead:
Jam7604801: if obama was really smart he would have split this tax
with tobacco and alcohol
BinxB91: what tax?
Jam7604801: the smoking tax binx
BinxB91: there's a smoking tax?
Jam7604801: half the people in the usa smokes and he just pissed
them off
Jam7604801: now 2/3 of the people who smokes will now quit so what
kind of tax money will the oreohead get binx
Fork Offended:
BinxB91: oreohead .... geez
Forkrerereredux: oreohead sound racist
Forkrerereredux: and one thing fork doesn't like is racism!
KissMyAsterix: oh man
Beys Catching the Bot Virus:
Beysshoes: you don't like your new nicky binx? oofsh.
Beysshoes: i'm sorry binky. c'mere lemme lick your face.
pls don't be mad at me.
BinxB91: lick my face?
Beysshoes: or whatever binky. (smile)
millicenttrici: woohoo its working :) , who wana see my cam ?
Beys Unplugged:
Beysshoes: gina, candycane ... woot happed to nora?
Beysshoes: did binx send her his white star anus porn and scare her?
BinxB91: Beys, what you latch on to
Meet Lindy90909:
Lindy90909: no binx u have a serious honker going on
Beysshoes: lindy knows about your honker binky?
BinxB91: a serious honker??? I used to always get one when i
was about 14 and walked by the linergerie counter
EDruezillaB: Send a picture
Beysshoes: nolo binx! you showed lindy your sex you pig. yeah what
edrue just said.
BinxB91: So Lindy, what are you wearing?
For Want of a Comma:
BinxB91: I think Jam and Onion should go back to college and be
Jam7604801: nah binx me and blt would be better roomies
Beysshoes: binx jam and blt? omg jam has a man crush on binky and james
BinxB91: Beys!! Down girl
Jam7604801: bey i should have put a comma after binx
KissMyAsterix: jam, aren't you a little old to room with a guy
Jam7604801: dino binx said me and onion should go back to college
KissMyAsterix: and the first thing you thought of was shacking up
with blt jam?
Beysshoes: dingdingding 50 pointer
Various704: hey now. 50 points? i think not. that may have to go
to a tribunual
KissMyAsterix: well various, put the kilt away.. jam won't room
with you
Beys Getting East Coast:
Beysshoes: please say hey for me candy
BinxB91: Beys eats hey?
Beysshoes: binx. what are you yammering about eating hey?
BinxB91: hey for me
Beysshoes: oh its a euphemism binx?
Beysshoes: wow binx. you are so street savvy darling.
Beysshoes: i'm impressed.
The Roommate Thing Won't Die:
Jam7604801: dino, binx said me an onion should go back to
college and be roomies
Various704: damn it jam!!
KissMyAsterix: I see jam, but you'd rather room with two other men.
Jam7604801: Various i only would room with people who shared half
my views
KissMyAsterix: and the same anatomy
Lindy Cheap Shot:
BinxB91: I loved in the movie The Sixt Sense when the Bruce Willis
character says to his wife's suitor, "keep on going, cheese dick"
BinxB91: would a psychiatrist use that phrase?
Beysshoes: especially a shrink would use that phrase binx
Lindy90909: sixt???
Lindy90909: what a douche
BinxB91: OK Lindy I fucked up!! Get over it
Beysshoes: WOW
Lindy Issues:
Lindy90909: bay hoes??????
Beysshoes: shut up you skanky lindyloo
Lindy90909: lolololol
Lindy90909: ok hoes
BinxB91: lolololol looks like a suspension bridge
CordialCactus: lindy...do you also run with scissors? I see you
failed the "plays well with others"
SaucerDick II:
AmberDevilRay8: "Saucerdick" turned up nothing.
AmberDevilRay8: But there are 5 men in the U.S. named "Dick Saucer"
KissMyAsterix: and jam has roomed with them?
KissMyAsterix: so it wasn't even an insult?
Bot why?:
Beysshoes: gracie milli wants you to IM her
Beysshoes: NOW
Beysshoes: wow it worked.
Beysshoes: okay lemme try again. gracie, jam wants you to IM him.
KissMyAsterix: who's gracie
Beysshoes: she's the bot in here gina
Jam7604801: bey i reported that ho
KissMyAsterix: you reported a bot?
Just Whistle:
Various704: amber, im so poor that when i want music i give a
tramp 20 pence to whistle
KissMyAsterix: and I whistle too dammit
KissMyAsterix: I'm broke, what can I say
Beysshoes: you bastid oscar. so dat was what those 2 dimes were
you mailed me. punkass
Various704: heh
Imagine If We Discussed Books:
Known8265: half the time i don't know whether anyone
is *actually* reading what's said...so small nuances like that...
the acknowledgement thereof...is an attempt to create something
better....boring still?
Beysshoes: even more boring known.
Beysshoes: pls stop. imma beggin' you
Tallthinjones: known that was a right good speech
KissMyAsterix: maybe you could work on shorter sentences
KissMyAsterix: less preachy
KissMyAsterix: more conversational
marine2783: i read me some new york times the other day
AmberDevilRay8: I think he might be a saucerdick.
Beysshoes: okay know. we like you. but heres the thing you must pay
cover charge to stay more than 3 lines.
Picking On the New Guy:
KissMyAsterix: that's your only acronym?
KissMyAsterix: all this time here and you have tyvm
marine2783: i ain the best reader but grandma says with due time
i learn me some good words
Beysshoes: you can apply for a discount of 20% marine. just send
gina and i nekkid pics with your application.
KissMyAsterix: grandmas lie
Tallthinjones: anything to shut him up
Various704: i blocked it after the first sentence. i think so
Beysshoes: oscar. must you disgrace me in public like dat? oof
marine2783: i love me some taters, with that taters sauce
Various704: my apologise. if i was drunk id be more tactful
marine2783: i aint not bot
Beysshoes: well, its a sad thing when i find a bot more interesting
than the rest of youza
Various704: life is sad, bey. :(
Beysshoes: mebbe i'm just hungry
Tallthinjones: marine, are you handicapped?
marine2783: do i look handi capped
Tallthinjones: you sound handicapped
Beysshoes: jones. we welcome newbies now. that be the new policy.
even bots.
Tallthinjones: oh, well being nice is cool
marine2783: i love me some chocolates
Beysshoes: shut up already please marine.
Oh I didn't recognize you DonkeyShit!:
funkstank@yahoo.com: so, how many post menopausal withered ovaries
in here tonight?
Summers Eve L: Just yours.
BinxB91: Funk, you're quite the ray of sunshine
funkstank@yahoo.com: summer, your'e giving me a not so fresh feeling
funkstank@yahoo.com: sunshine is for faggots
Lamumsie: it's so sad that they allowed the Yahoos to escape
funkstank@yahoo.com: trust me i'm not proud of being here
Summers Eve L: Wait a minute, is that you BloatedSackofDonkeySh*t?
Penelope Crews:
I2DaysInNovember: Penelope is really hot I wonder how
she got her name
Lamumsie: those big soulful eyes
I2DaysInNovember: and pouty lips
I2DaysInNovember: and beautkful shoulders
Lamumsie: oh yeah, the lips
Lamumsie: lol
I2DaysInNovember: - k of course
BinxB91: she was topless in Abra Los Ojos (Open Yoy Eyes) which
was remade in America as Vanilla Sky
I2DaysInNovember: + i while you're at it
Lamumsie: that was the weirdest movie
Summers Eve L: I like the typos you gentlemen make when you start
talking about hot broads.
I2DaysInNovember: nop
I2DaysInNovember: ee
PaIeRlDER2: me too i2
BinxB91: I was wondering aboyt a too Natalie
BinxB91: *that
Summers Eve L: Oh you will need to cut that out, Mr. Brown. haha
Yeshiva University:
Gleam1946: Obsessive is a college word frought with Jewish
psychological bull-shit attenuation
Phronsie: Gleam, are you attempting to intimidate people?
Gleam1946: not at all
BinxB91: Gleam swallowed a vocabulary builder?
Phronsie: bingo,Binx
MsVictoriaLynn1: he is free basing a thesaurus
Gleam1946: you guys are just dumb
Broke Bot:
PatientOnion3: i have very very strict rules concerning the objects
of my obsession
PatientOnion3: i will tell you what they are, brb
Tj34: oh god
PatientOnion3: a woman can be as fine as can be with kisses sweet
as honey, but that don't mean a thing to me if she don't got no
money, if her purse is fat, that's where it's at.
PatientOnion3: I don't care if her eyes are red, I don't care if
her nose is long, I don't care if she's underfed, i don't care if
her clothes are worn, first i look at the purse.
PatientOnion3: I don't care if her legs are big, i don't care if
her teeth are big, i don't care if her hair is a wig, why waste
time looking at the waist line, first I look at the purse.
zomcom81: amen.
Alansueton: Patient keep on
PatientOnion3: very simple
PatientOnion3: precise
PatientOnion3: and ooli is the same way
Beysshoes: homer you sound like a broke bot
PatientOnion3: they must have a purse as big as the sky
zomcom81: dun dun dun
PatientOnion3: bey, shut up, smoke another joint
David's Ass:
Alansueton: Bey tell the truth have you visited my Blog to gaze
upon my derriere today?
Beysshoes: para, i don't need to . i've blown it up poster style
in my boudoir
Alansueton: Bey word
KissMyAsterix: (tell him he needs spray tan beys)
Alansueton: that butt has a halo
KissMyAsterix: I think he should do a before and after shot
Tj34: where is my well worn Koran?
Alansueton: KMA I like it white it's an Aristocratic Butt
Beysshoes: bonbon thank you ever so much for washing it before
zomcom81: alan's butt gets a lot of screen time in here
Alansueton: oh my not a flaw no red bumps
PatientOnion3: the only "boudoir" you have is a crappy orange shag
carpet with 42 bong water stains
Beysshoes: oh homer. you're contrary tonight are you?
PatientOnion3: and maybe a bean bag chair that is leaking "beans"
PatientOnion3: it's better to burn out, than fade away, you guys
just want to fade into your couch with the tv turned on and the
bong lying on the floor, sideways, yet another bong water stain
PatientOnion3: bey, you need to repent for your sins of sloth
JustRhonda39: onion bong's arent in any more
Beysshoes: shut up you punk ass
PatientOnion3: jam is out in the garden GROWING things, all you
do bey is smoke things
Beysshoes: you're the epitome of sloth homer
Alansueton: three toed sloth?
Seal the Rocks:
Tj34: it's the midnight hour hear in olympia, WA
zomcom81: tj i'm in king co
Tj34: that's when my love begins to shine
JustRhonda39: it's 3AM in NY
Tj34: you need to leave those behind in Plato's cave, rhonda.
the blinding sunlight of truth awaits
Tj34: painful at first
Beysshoes: thare he goes again ... jones is in primo form
KissMyAsterix: god not platos cave
KissMyAsterix: someone seal the rocks
The Multitudes:
zomcom81: david is kal and para and alan?
Beysshoes: yes zom. he's MPD
zomcom81: he has too many names.
Alansueton: I am Multitudes
Beysshoes: well, he's overcompensating for his
Alansueton: that too
In the Wee Wee Hours of the Morning:
KissMyAsterix: beys
KissMyAsterix: don't make me club you like a baby seal
Beysshoes: yes gina
KissMyAsterix: seriously
zomcom81: you're vote no longer counts.
zomcom81: your even
Beysshoes: okay. lemme try again. shup you zommy
zomcom81: two's a good time to quit
Beysshoes: lawd zom you're lazy. you need a wide spectrum sampling
to find one near okay.
KissMyAsterix: quit what?
zomcom81: collecting husbands.
KissMyAsterix: well it's not exactly some mad pile up
JustRhonda39: my motto with ex's is NEXT!
zomcom81: i'll stick with zero
KissMyAsterix: I sad that at 27 too
zomcom81: it's a political decision
zomcom81: i don't think it will change
KissMyAsterix: we'll ask obama
Tj34: bey, who will drive you to the hospital when youre old?
Tj34: a cabbie?
Beysshoes: yes jones.
Beysshoes: i have his card, in fact
KissMyAsterix: prepared
zomcom81: sheesh.. if you're nice anyone will take you
zomcom81: unless goodness runs out by then
Beysshoes: zom. i'm not nice.
KissMyAsterix: but she tips well
zomcom81: someone will take ya
zomcom81: you guys are... old
zomcom81: and bitter
zomcom81: ....and i'm sorry.
Beysshoes: bitter? who's bitter?
KissMyAsterix: about what?
zomcom81: people are good tho
zomcom81: people are very good.
JustRhonda39: not bitter just experienced
KissMyAsterix: oh brother
KissMyAsterix: some people are good enough the rest of us can
slack off
KissMyAsterix: so I'm ok with that
zomcom81: i refuse to think you're all that bad asterix
KissMyAsterix: why must I be labeled
KissMyAsterix: I'm human
Beysshoes: gina isn't bad. she's just stoopid. i mean look at
where she be?
zomcom81: i think gina's smart. she's the top performer in the
'special' class
KissMyAsterix: if I woke in the morings, I'd reinvent the a-bomb
KissMyAsterix: so I try an sleep in
Tj34: yes, i'm not around mornings but i've heard about them
KissMyAsterix: the birds are just as good singing you to sleep
as waking you up
zomcom81: that's terrible
zomcom81: truly terrible
zomcom81: asterix...
Beysshoes: omg that's like pro-fucking-found gina!
The Button Girl:
Beysshoes: what kind of work doom?
DoomGrl: I work in the button factory, I do editorial work,
I do a web cam
Beysshoes: well, you're a diversely talented gal doom. no
one can accuse you of being boring
Check Out My Web Cam:
DoomGrl: if you are intersted you could watch Miranda July's
How to Make Buttons vid on YOuTube
"you guys don't think hard":
JustRhonda39: hey the other night we had a girls night at my house,
question if you had to be stranded on an island with a famous
woman who would it be and why
JustRhonda39: now your not starving or in danger just stranded
JustRhonda39: the same question for a famous man and why
Beysshoes: okay ... dead or alive?
zomcom81: i pick anias nin
Beysshoes: can she be fictional?
DoomGrl: i would want to be stranded with Johnny depp
Beysshoes: liam neeson
Beysshoes: andy garcia
zomcom81: man i pick john locke
Beysshoes: william hurt
zomcom81: you guys don't think hard
JustRhonda39: for a woman i said Cher shes funny and probably
has a million stories and could entertain and she has slept
with everyone you could get the scoop on how the famous guys are
in bed
DoomGrl: a philosopher would probaby talk to o much and get on
my nerves
zomcom81: ew
Beysshoes: i'd choose augusten burroughs. hands down.
JustRhonda39: for a man i said robin williams
zomcom81: i'm suddenly disappointed in all of you
Beysshoes: we dunt care zom
zomcom81: honestly
Beysshoes: go away you buzzkill.
Essentially Emily:
DoomGrl: i want to be stranded with emily bronte and emily dickinson
zomcom81: emily emily emily
DoomGrl: yes, a band of emilies
JustRhonda39: auntie em auntie em
Beysshoes: i'd choose that ugly wife of prince charles
Beysshoes: seriously rhonda. that woman has GOT to have special secrets
JustRhonda39: bey absolutely
JustRhonda39: of all sorts
Beysshoes: i am transfixed by their coupling.
JustRhonda39: shes slept with a lot of famous men
Beysshoes: seriously
JustRhonda39: and hey to be honest they would have to swing both ways
if it was a really longgggggggggggg time
JustRhonda39: patientonion the sanfransisco treat!
PatientOnion3: rhonda, can you taste the goodness?
Beysshoes: yuck
Button Down:
PatientOnion3: Bey, is your homework done?
Beysshoes: you missed dooomsgirl
Beysshoes: yes onion
JustRhonda39: patientonion the sanfransisco treat!
Beysshoes: she said she works in a button factory. and writes.
and also cams
PatientOnion3: what is a button factory?
Beysshoes: i have no idea. but she said she works at one
zomcom81: i think that
zomcom81: a button factory
PatientOnion3: i work at a zipper factory, rhonda works at a pocket
factory, fork works at a spoon factory
zomcom81: would totally be outsourced.
zomcom81: by now.
PatientOnion3: doom lives in india
JustRhonda39: you know the new word for the clitoris is the button
Onion Beating Up Beysshoes:
PatientOnion3: don't tell bey, she has NOSE problems, e.g., she is nosy
Beysshoes: i am not nosy and i do not get why you're saying this homer.
Beysshoes: you're upsetting me. this is the second time.
PatientOnion3: bey, take a pamprin'
PatientOnion3: or another bong hit
PatientOnion3: i will tell binx that you are disrupting the chatroom
Beware of Onion:
PatientOnion3: i will tell para not to change his poetry
blog url and you won't be able to write your insipid comments.
Beysshoes: see, this is why rhonda leaves for 3 years.
Beysshoes: brat
zomcom81: you guys are endeering. when you're not together.
zomcom81: ^ together
JustRhonda39: zom dont play with him he will make your eyes water
I Feel Ya:
Grinning Woman: I fell in love with the wrong person
Melodramamama22: grinning, take a number and get in line
Three Wishes:
Melodramamama22: two phones, beer, and a book of french poetry
"i thought you were an asshole":
Melodramamama22: quand les mah, quand les mah, les marecages
Melodramamama22: translation: when the mar, when the mar,
when the marshymorasswamps
Melodramamama22: that would be henri micaux, and let me just say
Melodramamama22: WTF?
Melodramamama22: michaux, scuse me
Alansueton: Henri Michaux
AXELvonAUR: Melo is my new best pal
Melodramamama22: the maledictions, when the mahahahahas,
the hahahatorrors
Alansueton: Henri Michaux did experiments with Mescaline and wrote
about it under the influence
Melodramamama22: the mahagonorrhyphilohahas
Melodramamama22: the matratrimatratrihahas
Catpower777: well, there you go, Para
Alansueton: Melo Henri Michaux
Melodramamama22: (seriously, this is a real poem)
Melodramamama22: alan, yes
Melodramamama22: everything else seems fairly coherent but that one
Melodramamama22: alan, how did you know that? i thought you were
an asshole
Catpower777: Melo, para is the most well-read person online
Melodramamama22: gosh, whe knew?
Melodramamama22: who, i mean
Melodramamama22: jesus
Catpower777: I guess just me
Alansueton: Im an erudite asshole
Melodramamama22: okay, here's a test alan
Melodramamama22: ______ ponge
Bbrolia: I find it hard to sit still and read very long
Alansueton: (nervous)
Catpower777: lol
Catpower777: easy
Melodramamama22: heehee
Catpower777: sponge bob square pants
Melodramamama22: LOL
Alansueton: I know Ponge and I want to say Francis or Francois
Catpower777: :)
Melodramamama22: its francis. well done!
Alansueton: Merci Beuacoup
Melodramamama22: dammit, now i can't be as annoyed at you as i
generally like to be
UrbanStarGazer Welcomed Back:
FoodSIut: urbs, the shelf now is populated by the likes of Fork
UrbanStarGazer: Food -- aren't you fork?
Beysshoes: he's the poster boy for cultural retardation and the
need for proper socialization.
FoodSIut: only one keyboard here in frisco
UrbanStarGazer: I think there are more than one
UrbanStarGazer Won't Be Back For Another 2 Years:
Beysshoes: food is onion urbs!
FoodSIut: urb can see the truth
UrbanStarGazer: Beys -- I know, that's why I'm ignoring him
FoodSIut: the same ol' urb
FoodSIut: married a serial killer hillbilly w/no teeth that
beats her with a shovel nightly
FoodSIut: like patty hearst, she has the opportunity to leave
but doesn't, stockholm syndrome
Anti-Asian Fetish:
Forkrerereredux: forky lovers you all, except beysshoes and
What's Not to Like?:
UrbanStarGazer: although, I'm beginning to suspect I might be
slightly sociopathic
Beysshoes: why?
UrbanStarGazer: I dunno. I don't get as upset about things as
most folk
Beysshoes: mebbe you related to our president urbs?
Fork Misses:
KissMyAsterix: I think they're talking about something else entirely fork
Forkrerereredux: oh :(
KissMyAsterix: besides women don't worry about that, men usually put out
KissMyAsterix: it's why gay men really are happier
Beysshoes: loL
Beysshoes: dingdingding another 50 pointer!
Gina Being Tough:
KissMyAsterix: I find it difficult to judge people in extraordinary
KissMyAsterix: the mind has too many unknowns
Jam7604801: i once dated a girl for a few months and although i
put some moves on her and made out a few times i told her i really
didn't want to have sex until i got to know her, i never heard from
her again after that
KissMyAsterix: that's because.. that's textbook gay jam
Forkrerereredux: people used to use the n word a lot, but not so
much now
Forkrerereredux: it's out of fashion
Beysshoes: petty thoughts from a petty man.
Silly Too:
FoodSIut: Jam came out of the closet too, and now we are
happy lovers in Topeka, raising our corn & zukes
Beysshoes: oh onion congrats!!! you scored big!
KissMyAsterix: I still think you should do herbs, you and jam .. food
Jam7604801: onion only in your dreams
Beysshoes: what should i send you for your housewarming gifts
please say?
KissMyAsterix: a stack of fifties a foot thick
Silly OD:
Beysshoes: jam don't you order online? its much cheaper
FoodSIut: 3 month supply of what?
Jam7604801: no beys all of it went up
FoodSIut: condoms?
FoodSIut: a 3 month supply of chocolate pork rinds?
FoodSIut: of corn jerky?
Jam7604801: tobacco, onion
FoodSIut: you have cartons of cigarettes stashed under your bed?
Jam7604801: no onion
Jam7604801: i roll my own
Urban Showing Class:
Beysshoes: you IM'g with onion boy again?
UrbanStarGazer: me?
UrbanStarGazer: I've never imed with onion
Beysshoes: you should leave him be urbs ... now that he and
jam are a couple.
UrbanStarGazer: I generally put him immediately on ignore
KissMyAsterix: wow
Beysshoes: why? he's the best thing in this chatroom urbs. truly
UrbanStarGazer: Beys -- we're all entitled to our opinions, that's
what makes life interesting
Beysshoes: we voted on this jam. yes its true. onion is king of
the cesspool chat
BookShelf Blues:
Jam7604801: bey if me wit and fezz was here for that vote Godwit
would be the man
Beysshoes: mebbe, mebbe not jam.
FoodSIut: Jam, if pigs could fly
KissMyAsterix: and that may be the second chapter in textbook gay jam
FoodSIut: 40 mins to FS bliss
Saucerdick III:
AmberDevilRay8: His name's not "Saucerdick"? =(
AmberDevilRay8: -$
AmberDevilRay8: I have no idea how that got in there.
Beysshoes: well amber. i guess you were repressing it.
Are You My Mother?:
Prospect26: I have two adult children in school...not happy
about it.
BinxB91: Prospect, better than prison
Anais3233: well, if they are adults and still in middle school,
then there's something to be unhappy about
Anais3233: but be glad they are feeding their minds
Anais3233: wait.
Anais3233: prospect? are you my mom?
Anais3233: wouldn't that be awkward
Anais3233: mom?
Prospect26: Anais...your name is?
Dr Fork meet Dr Beys:
Forkrerereredux: beys, what is wrong with you?
Forkrerereredux: what do you do for an occupation?
Beysshoes: lots of stuff fork. i'm a psychiatric social worker
on indefinite sabbatical.
Beysshoes: peeps like you burnt me out.
I recommend your thing:
AmberDevilRay8: "Knowing" has lots of people running around on
fire and stuff getting blowed up real good.
AmberDevilRay8: I'd recommend it if that's your thing.
[The fact is I am quite happy in a movie, even a bad movie.
Other people, so I have read, treasure memorable moments in
their lives: the time one climbed the Parthenon at sunrise,
the summer night one met a lonely girl in Central Park and
achieved with her a sweet and natural relationship, as they
say in books. I too once met a girl in Central Park but it
is not much to remember. What I remember is the time John
Wayne killed three men with a carbine as he was falling to
the dusty street in Stagecoachand the time the kitten
found Orson Welles in the doorway in The Third Man.]
Fork's Sister:
Forkrerereredux: Fork hath a little sister, and she hath no
breasts: what shall he do for his sister on the day when she
shall be spoken for? (Solomon 8.8)
Mafia Greeting Cards:
LadyQuasi: An old friend will help you move. A good friend will
help you move a dead body
Alan's Girl:
Alansueton: One guy was in her cooch and another in her a
Alansueton: and 5 guys were gangbanging her
Alansueton: I admire her
Her Fork in the Road:
Creepy Loner: Dr. Fork...my mom wants me to go back to school...
muttering s**t about a "lit major"...
Creepy Loner: Your vote?
Forkrerereredux: yes, major in lit
Creepy Loner: Okay. I will do it.
Rules of the Game:
DoomGrl: wheres Binx, I want to be on the television
Beysshoes: television?
DoomGrl: the katy tried show
Beysshoes: well, first you gots to say somethin' inneresting
Julie Come Back:
Gleam1946: Without Ooooooli this romm sucks and blows
Rafo65: --- thinks Creepy is soooooo cute!
Nada is the Adopted One?:
Prospect26: My son is zip, zero, nada.
Push Her Button:
Summers Eve L: So, tell us about Mexico.
Summers Eve L: Or can you? Are you still on mute?
EmpressZ21: im here i think
Summers Eve L: Good.
Summers Eve L: That would suck.
Summers Eve L: You get back and can't speak.
EmpressZ21: it doesnt affect my ims
Yossarian4now: wait .. women have mute buttons??
Yossarian4now: WHERE ARE THEY LOCATED???
Summers Eve L: Sometimes I wish I could locate my own
mute button.
Alansueton: in 2 days I turn 40
Always the Last to Know:
Beysshoes: lol? is somebody funny in here that i dunt know about??
Want better sex? Try mouthwash:
KissMyAsterix: new fangs anais?
Anais3233: just one
Anais3233: and i guess it would be my third molar
Beysshoes: how can you put a new one in? anais, you're too young
KissMyAsterix: she needs a sharper one
Anais3233: it cracked and would need endo and crown lengthening
Anais3233: so i'm getting an implant
Anais3233: ::sigh::
Beysshoes: i hope you got some drugs anais
Beysshoes: anais. use strong mouthwash if you still want your
hub to give you sex.
KissMyAsterix: she's taking the night off
Beysshoes: i thought you liked fezz jammers
Jam7604801: not after he stuck his head up obamas butt
KissMyAsterix: you felt betrayed?
Quiver and Onions:
Jam7604801: i honestly don't miss onion
Beysshoes gina he hates onion.
SBrin6: I like Onion, even if he's a commie punk
KissMyAsterix: I don't know how you can hate onion
Beysshoes: onions the best thing in here
KissMyAsterix: he should be cloned
Beysshoes: well, onion does call him a hillbilly a times
KissMyAsterix: onion calls everyone names
Jam7604801: nothing onion says is real. real humor come from
making fun of something real
Jam7604801: bey i like realism not a bunch of fakes
SBrin6: this is fake, Jam
BookShelf Charades:
Tj34: people drinking cloroform?
Back to the Future:
oooolijay: i kinda want to send that to binx
Beysshoes: the pussy cunt twat discussion you mean ooji?
oooolijay: yes beys
oooolijay: i use pussy and cunt most often
oooolijay: i usually save twat for name calling
AnnAsphodel: Pussy seems undignified to me.
Summers Eve L: I'm going to quit drinking and join a convent.
Beatnikspore: i rarely have an instance in which they would be needed
PatientOnion3: Which word do your clients prefer?
Google Search:
AmberDevilRay8: "Saucerdick" turned up nothing.
Sex as Alternative:
BinxB91: British people have sex, don't they
NomduSemiLLC: might as well, they don't know how to cook
Beys not getting it:
BinxB91: XO, the real difference between a lady and a ho ---
BinxB91: One man with a big mouth
Beysshoes: i dont get that joke binx
BinxB91: what joke? about the parking space?
Beysshoes: the big mouth thing.
BinxB91: Beys, a man tells a woman's secrets ... thus ruining
her proper surface
Beysshoes: "proper surface" ? what does this mean binky? you
talking ukrainian to me baby?
BinxB91: Reputation
BinxB91: Onna no kao, Beysshoes-kun
Beysshoes: binky you didn't teach me that one
BinxB91: kao = face
BinxB91: To be a lady is to have face
Hadachoke: kao is indeed face
LadyMtnMedic: Binx what does that mean?
BinxB91: Face = reputation
Hadachoke: to lose face
LadyMtnMedic: to have a good reputation
LadyMtnMedic: a face you can hold up
Dickenzian: zzzzzzzzzzzz
Beys Rides Horse:
WarHorseThor: sweet, I know where allan is in italy, want me
to cause him some trouble?
Beysshoes: allan lives in italy? que?
WarHorseThor: im not talking to you beys
Beysshoes: sweet, he says he has dry runs of DTs
Beysshoes: he hallucinated that sebilius was named the veepee
Sweet Disorder 2: Dry runs of DT's? What is that?
Barely poet: whats it mean when you find a bear with a wet nose
Beysshoes: delirium tremors sweet
Beysshoes: what blt has
Barely poet: youre to damn close to the bear
Beysshoes: 'cept blt's are not dry runs
WarHorseThor: see julie, this is what I mean
WarHorseThor: I didnt provoke beys and she wants to insult me
The Brother She Never Had:
WarHorseThor: julie, beys is an adopted asian lady with saddlebag
Ooolijay: that's unfortunate
WarHorseThor: yes
Beysshoes: sadly yes ... i've been on steroids for 3 months and
got phat. sigh
Ooolijay: did your birth parents not want you because you were a girl
Beysshoes: ooji. blt is a sociopath and he lies. surprise.
Sweet Talkin Julie:
Beysshoes: ooji stick with jam. less damage.
Beysshoes: blt going after jammies left overs. lol
WarHorseThor: I will dream, with reckless abandon of the day I can
hold you close and feel your babies breath on my chest
Ooolijay: i dont have any babies
WarHorseThor: ouch
Tongue in Cheek?:
WarHorseThor: look at all of the rejected women wishing they were
julie, how funy!
DinosoreVagina: you have that right
DinosoreVagina: yes, you're one hot commodity
Onion Through the Looking Glass:
FoodSIut: i am teaching at risk youth that it's more fun to roll
out dough than to sell crack and do drive bys
DinosoreVagina: no one would buy that
FoodSIut: flour, organic blueberries, cherries, tomatoes, chilies
DinosoreVagina: I'm a suburban mother and I don't even think that
FoodSIut: free range chickens
Beysshoes: you are such a great mentor onion.
FoodSIut: you have a soy bean patch for the organic tofu
FoodSIut: back to the food stampers and their bread and chance for
a peaceful organic life thanks to dino's organic detroit produce
Girl Friends:
Jam7604801: i just got up
Ooolijay: oh
Ooolijay: that's right
Ooolijay: you said you had to get up early
Beysshoes: blt was here hitting on your gf ooji
Jam7604801: i have to go to the city this morning
Beysshoes: for what?
Ooolijay: i am not jam's girlfriend beys nut
Ooolijay: gawd
DinosoreVagina: jams girlfriend is named bones something or other
Jam7604801: no bey i have a girl on pogo
Ooolijay: see
Beysshoes: i'm playing you sillies
DinosoreVagina: well one of them, didn't you say you had two jam?
BookSlut's Uncle:
Gypsyjo47: Balzac is interesting for four or five novels...
then it is just drawing room boring stuff
Zola Changed His Screen Name:
Tj34: zola is also a mixed bag
Niontron9: who is zola again?
Niontron9: I don't know who is zola
Silence Is Consent:
Chris185432678: anyone mind a poem?
Chris185432678: I shall try if you let me.
Chris185432678: speak up
Chris185432678: alright, no one said not to
Chris185432678: I proceed.
The Sentence That Wouldn't Die:
WANDCHANTRESS: ok let me jut say for the part 90% all of you
are better read than me however i had 2 people in publishing,
woman in thier firties recommend twight to me so i bought it
and I just have to say Are you kidding?
Freshman Dorm:
Gypsyjo47: Any of you ever read the I Ching while stoned?
That is an amazing experience.
South Beach Diet Modified:
EDruezillaB: I had wine for dinner
EDruezillaB: I think, all I had today was some lettuce and wine
David Revealed:
Alansueton: I know I love attention
Catpower777: no way, Para !
Catpower777: I'd never have guessed
Out of Context Blues:
Tj34: is there a Scientology bot?
LadyMtnMedic: pondering getting one of those big high powered
kids squirt guns
Tj34: i think Inspector Gadget would make the perfect Romeo
zomcom81: hm. i was wrong
Phronsie: why would one feel impelled to eat lice?
I Know That Guy!:
Melodramamama22: do men really buy blow up dolls?
RiverTrail Kat: some men do.
BinxB91: Melo, there's a movie called Lars and the Real Girl
where a man starts believing his doll is real
Melodramamama22: binx, lars chats in here don't he?
Small Talk:
B00KGASM: I am more interested in Poe's works as reflections
of the intermittence of modern life.
Are You Tough Enough?:
Tj34: poe liked to swim the River Charles.
he wasn't a little crybaby
B00KGASM: Gyp. You read like the Parade version of the Arts
section of the NYT.
Melo Does Britain:
Melodramamama22: binx, i liked a lot of stuff. i liked that
every bump in the ground had a name and a rich history
Melodramamama22: i liked the ww2 bomb crack in my kitchen in
Melodramamama22: i like the bleakness of cornwall
Why We Don't Talk Books:
Book4friend25: I read Hemingway's "In Our Time" in college.
I really enjoyed it.
What Are Yiou Wearing?:
Book4friend25: I'm wearing a business suit.
Tj34: wool pants and no underwear
One-Woman Chat:
Prospect26: prospect...what is your impression of the president
in Great Britain?
Book4friend25: Anyway, the chat here seems more intelligble than
that of the Author's lounge.
Was the Safety On?:
LadyQuasi: I almost shot diet Cherry Coke out my nose.
How Empress Knows:
EmpressZ21: my dog is farting and i know because i can hear them
Empress Into the Testosterone:
EmpressZ21: vin deisel is kinda badass
EmpressZ21: mostly because of his name
EmpressZ21: except now im watcing him on jimmy kimmel and he
is kinda pussy
Philapinnas are like that:
KD81785: I was talking to a lady today who I think is maybe
Philapinna, but, I think she is hard of hearing
Bey Watch:
Beysshoes: ded! you're here!
Beysshoes: i've never ever seen you here before ded.
DedLettr: yes, Bey
Beysshoes: i'm jazzed. where's onion?
DedLettr: I should have my head examined
Beysshoes: lolol
DedLettr: he's here
Beysshoes: get in line ded
PatientOnion3: bey, what sexy lingerie you wearing?
Beysshoes: nada ... old navy tank top and drawstring shorts brat
DedLettr: no sexier than mine, I hope
Beysshoes: lol. nope
DedLettr: what's the math question, Onion?
Beysshoes: bunion is prolly cooking ded ... i just wanted to
say 'hey' ded
DedLettr: well, I am not that Patient
DedLettr: hey Bey
Beysshoes: gotta run ... a momentous occasion. pls come by more often ded
DedLettr: so this is Bey Watch
What Was She Thinking:
EDruezillaB: Beys, if you're happy, you'll have to pay a fine.
Beysshoes: haha. edrue dunt be stoopid. that's not possible.
Beysshoes: i'm in here ain't i?
EDruezillaB: What was I thinking!
Beys Happy:
Beysshoes: binkybippys!!!
BinxB91: bippys?
Beysshoes: yes. a nice way of saying assful
The Oreohead:
Jam7604801: if obama was really smart he would have split this tax
with tobacco and alcohol
BinxB91: what tax?
Jam7604801: the smoking tax binx
BinxB91: there's a smoking tax?
Jam7604801: half the people in the usa smokes and he just pissed
them off
Jam7604801: now 2/3 of the people who smokes will now quit so what
kind of tax money will the oreohead get binx
Fork Offended:
BinxB91: oreohead .... geez
Forkrerereredux: oreohead sound racist
Forkrerereredux: and one thing fork doesn't like is racism!
KissMyAsterix: oh man
Beys Catching the Bot Virus:
Beysshoes: you don't like your new nicky binx? oofsh.
Beysshoes: i'm sorry binky. c'mere lemme lick your face.
pls don't be mad at me.
BinxB91: lick my face?
Beysshoes: or whatever binky. (smile)
millicenttrici: woohoo its working :) , who wana see my cam ?
Beys Unplugged:
Beysshoes: gina, candycane ... woot happed to nora?
Beysshoes: did binx send her his white star anus porn and scare her?
BinxB91: Beys, what you latch on to
Meet Lindy90909:
Lindy90909: no binx u have a serious honker going on
Beysshoes: lindy knows about your honker binky?
BinxB91: a serious honker??? I used to always get one when i
was about 14 and walked by the linergerie counter
EDruezillaB: Send a picture
Beysshoes: nolo binx! you showed lindy your sex you pig. yeah what
edrue just said.
BinxB91: So Lindy, what are you wearing?
For Want of a Comma:
BinxB91: I think Jam and Onion should go back to college and be
Jam7604801: nah binx me and blt would be better roomies
Beysshoes: binx jam and blt? omg jam has a man crush on binky and james
BinxB91: Beys!! Down girl
Jam7604801: bey i should have put a comma after binx
KissMyAsterix: jam, aren't you a little old to room with a guy
Jam7604801: dino binx said me and onion should go back to college
KissMyAsterix: and the first thing you thought of was shacking up
with blt jam?
Beysshoes: dingdingding 50 pointer
Various704: hey now. 50 points? i think not. that may have to go
to a tribunual
KissMyAsterix: well various, put the kilt away.. jam won't room
with you
Beys Getting East Coast:
Beysshoes: please say hey for me candy
BinxB91: Beys eats hey?
Beysshoes: binx. what are you yammering about eating hey?
BinxB91: hey for me
Beysshoes: oh its a euphemism binx?
Beysshoes: wow binx. you are so street savvy darling.
Beysshoes: i'm impressed.
The Roommate Thing Won't Die:
Jam7604801: dino, binx said me an onion should go back to
college and be roomies
Various704: damn it jam!!
KissMyAsterix: I see jam, but you'd rather room with two other men.
Jam7604801: Various i only would room with people who shared half
my views
KissMyAsterix: and the same anatomy
Lindy Cheap Shot:
BinxB91: I loved in the movie The Sixt Sense when the Bruce Willis
character says to his wife's suitor, "keep on going, cheese dick"
BinxB91: would a psychiatrist use that phrase?
Beysshoes: especially a shrink would use that phrase binx
Lindy90909: sixt???
Lindy90909: what a douche
BinxB91: OK Lindy I fucked up!! Get over it
Beysshoes: WOW
Lindy Issues:
Lindy90909: bay hoes??????
Beysshoes: shut up you skanky lindyloo
Lindy90909: lolololol
Lindy90909: ok hoes
BinxB91: lolololol looks like a suspension bridge
CordialCactus: lindy...do you also run with scissors? I see you
failed the "plays well with others"
SaucerDick II:
AmberDevilRay8: "Saucerdick" turned up nothing.
AmberDevilRay8: But there are 5 men in the U.S. named "Dick Saucer"
KissMyAsterix: and jam has roomed with them?
KissMyAsterix: so it wasn't even an insult?
Bot why?:
Beysshoes: gracie milli wants you to IM her
Beysshoes: NOW
Beysshoes: wow it worked.
Beysshoes: okay lemme try again. gracie, jam wants you to IM him.
KissMyAsterix: who's gracie
Beysshoes: she's the bot in here gina
Jam7604801: bey i reported that ho
KissMyAsterix: you reported a bot?
Just Whistle:
Various704: amber, im so poor that when i want music i give a
tramp 20 pence to whistle
KissMyAsterix: and I whistle too dammit
KissMyAsterix: I'm broke, what can I say
Beysshoes: you bastid oscar. so dat was what those 2 dimes were
you mailed me. punkass
Various704: heh
Imagine If We Discussed Books:
Known8265: half the time i don't know whether anyone
is *actually* reading what's said...so small nuances like that...
the acknowledgement thereof...is an attempt to create something
better....boring still?
Beysshoes: even more boring known.
Beysshoes: pls stop. imma beggin' you
Tallthinjones: known that was a right good speech
KissMyAsterix: maybe you could work on shorter sentences
KissMyAsterix: less preachy
KissMyAsterix: more conversational
marine2783: i read me some new york times the other day
AmberDevilRay8: I think he might be a saucerdick.
Beysshoes: okay know. we like you. but heres the thing you must pay
cover charge to stay more than 3 lines.
Picking On the New Guy:
KissMyAsterix: that's your only acronym?
KissMyAsterix: all this time here and you have tyvm
marine2783: i ain the best reader but grandma says with due time
i learn me some good words
Beysshoes: you can apply for a discount of 20% marine. just send
gina and i nekkid pics with your application.
KissMyAsterix: grandmas lie
Tallthinjones: anything to shut him up
Various704: i blocked it after the first sentence. i think so
Beysshoes: oscar. must you disgrace me in public like dat? oof
marine2783: i love me some taters, with that taters sauce
Various704: my apologise. if i was drunk id be more tactful
marine2783: i aint not bot
Beysshoes: well, its a sad thing when i find a bot more interesting
than the rest of youza
Various704: life is sad, bey. :(
Beysshoes: mebbe i'm just hungry
Tallthinjones: marine, are you handicapped?
marine2783: do i look handi capped
Tallthinjones: you sound handicapped
Beysshoes: jones. we welcome newbies now. that be the new policy.
even bots.
Tallthinjones: oh, well being nice is cool
marine2783: i love me some chocolates
Beysshoes: shut up already please marine.
Oh I didn't recognize you DonkeyShit!:
funkstank@yahoo.com: so, how many post menopausal withered ovaries
in here tonight?
Summers Eve L: Just yours.
BinxB91: Funk, you're quite the ray of sunshine
funkstank@yahoo.com: summer, your'e giving me a not so fresh feeling
funkstank@yahoo.com: sunshine is for faggots
Lamumsie: it's so sad that they allowed the Yahoos to escape
funkstank@yahoo.com: trust me i'm not proud of being here
Summers Eve L: Wait a minute, is that you BloatedSackofDonkeySh*t?
Penelope Crews:
I2DaysInNovember: Penelope is really hot I wonder how
she got her name
Lamumsie: those big soulful eyes
I2DaysInNovember: and pouty lips
I2DaysInNovember: and beautkful shoulders
Lamumsie: oh yeah, the lips
Lamumsie: lol
I2DaysInNovember: - k of course
BinxB91: she was topless in Abra Los Ojos (Open Yoy Eyes) which
was remade in America as Vanilla Sky
I2DaysInNovember: + i while you're at it
Lamumsie: that was the weirdest movie
Summers Eve L: I like the typos you gentlemen make when you start
talking about hot broads.
I2DaysInNovember: nop
I2DaysInNovember: ee
PaIeRlDER2: me too i2
BinxB91: I was wondering aboyt a too Natalie
BinxB91: *that
Summers Eve L: Oh you will need to cut that out, Mr. Brown. haha
Yeshiva University:
Gleam1946: Obsessive is a college word frought with Jewish
psychological bull-shit attenuation
Phronsie: Gleam, are you attempting to intimidate people?
Gleam1946: not at all
BinxB91: Gleam swallowed a vocabulary builder?
Phronsie: bingo,Binx
MsVictoriaLynn1: he is free basing a thesaurus
Gleam1946: you guys are just dumb
Broke Bot:
PatientOnion3: i have very very strict rules concerning the objects
of my obsession
PatientOnion3: i will tell you what they are, brb
Tj34: oh god
PatientOnion3: a woman can be as fine as can be with kisses sweet
as honey, but that don't mean a thing to me if she don't got no
money, if her purse is fat, that's where it's at.
PatientOnion3: I don't care if her eyes are red, I don't care if
her nose is long, I don't care if she's underfed, i don't care if
her clothes are worn, first i look at the purse.
PatientOnion3: I don't care if her legs are big, i don't care if
her teeth are big, i don't care if her hair is a wig, why waste
time looking at the waist line, first I look at the purse.
zomcom81: amen.
Alansueton: Patient keep on
PatientOnion3: very simple
PatientOnion3: precise
PatientOnion3: and ooli is the same way
Beysshoes: homer you sound like a broke bot
PatientOnion3: they must have a purse as big as the sky
zomcom81: dun dun dun
PatientOnion3: bey, shut up, smoke another joint
David's Ass:
Alansueton: Bey tell the truth have you visited my Blog to gaze
upon my derriere today?
Beysshoes: para, i don't need to . i've blown it up poster style
in my boudoir
Alansueton: Bey word
KissMyAsterix: (tell him he needs spray tan beys)
Alansueton: that butt has a halo
KissMyAsterix: I think he should do a before and after shot
Tj34: where is my well worn Koran?
Alansueton: KMA I like it white it's an Aristocratic Butt
Beysshoes: bonbon thank you ever so much for washing it before
zomcom81: alan's butt gets a lot of screen time in here
Alansueton: oh my not a flaw no red bumps
PatientOnion3: the only "boudoir" you have is a crappy orange shag
carpet with 42 bong water stains
Beysshoes: oh homer. you're contrary tonight are you?
PatientOnion3: and maybe a bean bag chair that is leaking "beans"
PatientOnion3: it's better to burn out, than fade away, you guys
just want to fade into your couch with the tv turned on and the
bong lying on the floor, sideways, yet another bong water stain
PatientOnion3: bey, you need to repent for your sins of sloth
JustRhonda39: onion bong's arent in any more
Beysshoes: shut up you punk ass
PatientOnion3: jam is out in the garden GROWING things, all you
do bey is smoke things
Beysshoes: you're the epitome of sloth homer
Alansueton: three toed sloth?
Seal the Rocks:
Tj34: it's the midnight hour hear in olympia, WA
zomcom81: tj i'm in king co
Tj34: that's when my love begins to shine
JustRhonda39: it's 3AM in NY
Tj34: you need to leave those behind in Plato's cave, rhonda.
the blinding sunlight of truth awaits
Tj34: painful at first
Beysshoes: thare he goes again ... jones is in primo form
KissMyAsterix: god not platos cave
KissMyAsterix: someone seal the rocks
The Multitudes:
zomcom81: david is kal and para and alan?
Beysshoes: yes zom. he's MPD
zomcom81: he has too many names.
Alansueton: I am Multitudes
Beysshoes: well, he's overcompensating for his
Alansueton: that too
In the Wee Wee Hours of the Morning:
KissMyAsterix: beys
KissMyAsterix: don't make me club you like a baby seal
Beysshoes: yes gina
KissMyAsterix: seriously
zomcom81: you're vote no longer counts.
zomcom81: your even
Beysshoes: okay. lemme try again. shup you zommy
zomcom81: two's a good time to quit
Beysshoes: lawd zom you're lazy. you need a wide spectrum sampling
to find one near okay.
KissMyAsterix: quit what?
zomcom81: collecting husbands.
KissMyAsterix: well it's not exactly some mad pile up
JustRhonda39: my motto with ex's is NEXT!
zomcom81: i'll stick with zero
KissMyAsterix: I sad that at 27 too
zomcom81: it's a political decision
zomcom81: i don't think it will change
KissMyAsterix: we'll ask obama
Tj34: bey, who will drive you to the hospital when youre old?
Tj34: a cabbie?
Beysshoes: yes jones.
Beysshoes: i have his card, in fact
KissMyAsterix: prepared
zomcom81: sheesh.. if you're nice anyone will take you
zomcom81: unless goodness runs out by then
Beysshoes: zom. i'm not nice.
KissMyAsterix: but she tips well
zomcom81: someone will take ya
zomcom81: you guys are... old
zomcom81: and bitter
zomcom81: ....and i'm sorry.
Beysshoes: bitter? who's bitter?
KissMyAsterix: about what?
zomcom81: people are good tho
zomcom81: people are very good.
JustRhonda39: not bitter just experienced
KissMyAsterix: oh brother
KissMyAsterix: some people are good enough the rest of us can
slack off
KissMyAsterix: so I'm ok with that
zomcom81: i refuse to think you're all that bad asterix
KissMyAsterix: why must I be labeled
KissMyAsterix: I'm human
Beysshoes: gina isn't bad. she's just stoopid. i mean look at
where she be?
zomcom81: i think gina's smart. she's the top performer in the
'special' class
KissMyAsterix: if I woke in the morings, I'd reinvent the a-bomb
KissMyAsterix: so I try an sleep in
Tj34: yes, i'm not around mornings but i've heard about them
KissMyAsterix: the birds are just as good singing you to sleep
as waking you up
zomcom81: that's terrible
zomcom81: truly terrible
zomcom81: asterix...
Beysshoes: omg that's like pro-fucking-found gina!
The Button Girl:
Beysshoes: what kind of work doom?
DoomGrl: I work in the button factory, I do editorial work,
I do a web cam
Beysshoes: well, you're a diversely talented gal doom. no
one can accuse you of being boring
Check Out My Web Cam:
DoomGrl: if you are intersted you could watch Miranda July's
How to Make Buttons vid on YOuTube
"you guys don't think hard":
JustRhonda39: hey the other night we had a girls night at my house,
question if you had to be stranded on an island with a famous
woman who would it be and why
JustRhonda39: now your not starving or in danger just stranded
JustRhonda39: the same question for a famous man and why
Beysshoes: okay ... dead or alive?
zomcom81: i pick anias nin
Beysshoes: can she be fictional?
DoomGrl: i would want to be stranded with Johnny depp
Beysshoes: liam neeson
Beysshoes: andy garcia
zomcom81: man i pick john locke
Beysshoes: william hurt
zomcom81: you guys don't think hard
JustRhonda39: for a woman i said Cher shes funny and probably
has a million stories and could entertain and she has slept
with everyone you could get the scoop on how the famous guys are
in bed
DoomGrl: a philosopher would probaby talk to o much and get on
my nerves
zomcom81: ew
Beysshoes: i'd choose augusten burroughs. hands down.
JustRhonda39: for a man i said robin williams
zomcom81: i'm suddenly disappointed in all of you
Beysshoes: we dunt care zom
zomcom81: honestly
Beysshoes: go away you buzzkill.
Essentially Emily:
DoomGrl: i want to be stranded with emily bronte and emily dickinson
zomcom81: emily emily emily
DoomGrl: yes, a band of emilies
JustRhonda39: auntie em auntie em
Beysshoes: i'd choose that ugly wife of prince charles
Beysshoes: seriously rhonda. that woman has GOT to have special secrets
JustRhonda39: bey absolutely
JustRhonda39: of all sorts
Beysshoes: i am transfixed by their coupling.
JustRhonda39: shes slept with a lot of famous men
Beysshoes: seriously
JustRhonda39: and hey to be honest they would have to swing both ways
if it was a really longgggggggggggg time
JustRhonda39: patientonion the sanfransisco treat!
PatientOnion3: rhonda, can you taste the goodness?
Beysshoes: yuck
Button Down:
PatientOnion3: Bey, is your homework done?
Beysshoes: you missed dooomsgirl
Beysshoes: yes onion
JustRhonda39: patientonion the sanfransisco treat!
Beysshoes: she said she works in a button factory. and writes.
and also cams
PatientOnion3: what is a button factory?
Beysshoes: i have no idea. but she said she works at one
zomcom81: i think that
zomcom81: a button factory
PatientOnion3: i work at a zipper factory, rhonda works at a pocket
factory, fork works at a spoon factory
zomcom81: would totally be outsourced.
zomcom81: by now.
PatientOnion3: doom lives in india
JustRhonda39: you know the new word for the clitoris is the button
Onion Beating Up Beysshoes:
PatientOnion3: don't tell bey, she has NOSE problems, e.g., she is nosy
Beysshoes: i am not nosy and i do not get why you're saying this homer.
Beysshoes: you're upsetting me. this is the second time.
PatientOnion3: bey, take a pamprin'
PatientOnion3: or another bong hit
PatientOnion3: i will tell binx that you are disrupting the chatroom
Beware of Onion:
PatientOnion3: i will tell para not to change his poetry
blog url and you won't be able to write your insipid comments.
Beysshoes: see, this is why rhonda leaves for 3 years.
Beysshoes: brat
zomcom81: you guys are endeering. when you're not together.
zomcom81: ^ together
JustRhonda39: zom dont play with him he will make your eyes water
I Feel Ya:
Grinning Woman: I fell in love with the wrong person
Melodramamama22: grinning, take a number and get in line
Three Wishes:
Melodramamama22: two phones, beer, and a book of french poetry
"i thought you were an asshole":
Melodramamama22: quand les mah, quand les mah, les marecages
Melodramamama22: translation: when the mar, when the mar,
when the marshymorasswamps
Melodramamama22: that would be henri micaux, and let me just say
Melodramamama22: WTF?
Melodramamama22: michaux, scuse me
Alansueton: Henri Michaux
AXELvonAUR: Melo is my new best pal
Melodramamama22: the maledictions, when the mahahahahas,
the hahahatorrors
Alansueton: Henri Michaux did experiments with Mescaline and wrote
about it under the influence
Melodramamama22: the mahagonorrhyphilohahas
Melodramamama22: the matratrimatratrihahas
Catpower777: well, there you go, Para
Alansueton: Melo Henri Michaux
Melodramamama22: (seriously, this is a real poem)
Melodramamama22: alan, yes
Melodramamama22: everything else seems fairly coherent but that one
Melodramamama22: alan, how did you know that? i thought you were
an asshole
Catpower777: Melo, para is the most well-read person online
Melodramamama22: gosh, whe knew?
Melodramamama22: who, i mean
Melodramamama22: jesus
Catpower777: I guess just me
Alansueton: Im an erudite asshole
Melodramamama22: okay, here's a test alan
Melodramamama22: ______ ponge
Bbrolia: I find it hard to sit still and read very long
Alansueton: (nervous)
Catpower777: lol
Catpower777: easy
Melodramamama22: heehee
Catpower777: sponge bob square pants
Melodramamama22: LOL
Alansueton: I know Ponge and I want to say Francis or Francois
Catpower777: :)
Melodramamama22: its francis. well done!
Alansueton: Merci Beuacoup
Melodramamama22: dammit, now i can't be as annoyed at you as i
generally like to be
UrbanStarGazer Welcomed Back:
FoodSIut: urbs, the shelf now is populated by the likes of Fork
UrbanStarGazer: Food -- aren't you fork?
Beysshoes: he's the poster boy for cultural retardation and the
need for proper socialization.
FoodSIut: only one keyboard here in frisco
UrbanStarGazer: I think there are more than one
UrbanStarGazer Won't Be Back For Another 2 Years:
Beysshoes: food is onion urbs!
FoodSIut: urb can see the truth
UrbanStarGazer: Beys -- I know, that's why I'm ignoring him
FoodSIut: the same ol' urb
FoodSIut: married a serial killer hillbilly w/no teeth that
beats her with a shovel nightly
FoodSIut: like patty hearst, she has the opportunity to leave
but doesn't, stockholm syndrome
Anti-Asian Fetish:
Forkrerereredux: forky lovers you all, except beysshoes and
What's Not to Like?:
UrbanStarGazer: although, I'm beginning to suspect I might be
slightly sociopathic
Beysshoes: why?
UrbanStarGazer: I dunno. I don't get as upset about things as
most folk
Beysshoes: mebbe you related to our president urbs?
Fork Misses:
KissMyAsterix: I think they're talking about something else entirely fork
Forkrerereredux: oh :(
KissMyAsterix: besides women don't worry about that, men usually put out
KissMyAsterix: it's why gay men really are happier
Beysshoes: loL
Beysshoes: dingdingding another 50 pointer!
Gina Being Tough:
KissMyAsterix: I find it difficult to judge people in extraordinary
KissMyAsterix: the mind has too many unknowns
Jam7604801: i once dated a girl for a few months and although i
put some moves on her and made out a few times i told her i really
didn't want to have sex until i got to know her, i never heard from
her again after that
KissMyAsterix: that's because.. that's textbook gay jam
Forkrerereredux: people used to use the n word a lot, but not so
much now
Forkrerereredux: it's out of fashion
Beysshoes: petty thoughts from a petty man.
Silly Too:
FoodSIut: Jam came out of the closet too, and now we are
happy lovers in Topeka, raising our corn & zukes
Beysshoes: oh onion congrats!!! you scored big!
KissMyAsterix: I still think you should do herbs, you and jam .. food
Jam7604801: onion only in your dreams
Beysshoes: what should i send you for your housewarming gifts
please say?
KissMyAsterix: a stack of fifties a foot thick
Silly OD:
Beysshoes: jam don't you order online? its much cheaper
FoodSIut: 3 month supply of what?
Jam7604801: no beys all of it went up
FoodSIut: condoms?
FoodSIut: a 3 month supply of chocolate pork rinds?
FoodSIut: of corn jerky?
Jam7604801: tobacco, onion
FoodSIut: you have cartons of cigarettes stashed under your bed?
Jam7604801: no onion
Jam7604801: i roll my own
Urban Showing Class:
Beysshoes: you IM'g with onion boy again?
UrbanStarGazer: me?
UrbanStarGazer: I've never imed with onion
Beysshoes: you should leave him be urbs ... now that he and
jam are a couple.
UrbanStarGazer: I generally put him immediately on ignore
KissMyAsterix: wow
Beysshoes: why? he's the best thing in this chatroom urbs. truly
UrbanStarGazer: Beys -- we're all entitled to our opinions, that's
what makes life interesting
Beysshoes: we voted on this jam. yes its true. onion is king of
the cesspool chat
BookShelf Blues:
Jam7604801: bey if me wit and fezz was here for that vote Godwit
would be the man
Beysshoes: mebbe, mebbe not jam.
FoodSIut: Jam, if pigs could fly
KissMyAsterix: and that may be the second chapter in textbook gay jam
FoodSIut: 40 mins to FS bliss
Saucerdick III:
AmberDevilRay8: His name's not "Saucerdick"? =(
AmberDevilRay8: -$
AmberDevilRay8: I have no idea how that got in there.
Beysshoes: well amber. i guess you were repressing it.
Are You My Mother?:
Prospect26: I have two adult children in school...not happy
about it.
BinxB91: Prospect, better than prison
Anais3233: well, if they are adults and still in middle school,
then there's something to be unhappy about
Anais3233: but be glad they are feeding their minds
Anais3233: wait.
Anais3233: prospect? are you my mom?
Anais3233: wouldn't that be awkward
Anais3233: mom?
Prospect26: Anais...your name is?
Dr Fork meet Dr Beys:
Forkrerereredux: beys, what is wrong with you?
Forkrerereredux: what do you do for an occupation?
Beysshoes: lots of stuff fork. i'm a psychiatric social worker
on indefinite sabbatical.
Beysshoes: peeps like you burnt me out.
I recommend your thing:
AmberDevilRay8: "Knowing" has lots of people running around on
fire and stuff getting blowed up real good.
AmberDevilRay8: I'd recommend it if that's your thing.
[The fact is I am quite happy in a movie, even a bad movie.
Other people, so I have read, treasure memorable moments in
their lives: the time one climbed the Parthenon at sunrise,
the summer night one met a lonely girl in Central Park and
achieved with her a sweet and natural relationship, as they
say in books. I too once met a girl in Central Park but it
is not much to remember. What I remember is the time John
Wayne killed three men with a carbine as he was falling to
the dusty street in Stagecoachand the time the kitten
found Orson Welles in the doorway in The Third Man.]
Fork's Sister:
Forkrerereredux: Fork hath a little sister, and she hath no
breasts: what shall he do for his sister on the day when she
shall be spoken for? (Solomon 8.8)
Mafia Greeting Cards:
LadyQuasi: An old friend will help you move. A good friend will
help you move a dead body
Alan's Girl:
Alansueton: One guy was in her cooch and another in her a
Alansueton: and 5 guys were gangbanging her
Alansueton: I admire her
Her Fork in the Road:
Creepy Loner: Dr. Fork...my mom wants me to go back to school...
muttering s**t about a "lit major"...
Creepy Loner: Your vote?
Forkrerereredux: yes, major in lit
Creepy Loner: Okay. I will do it.