Vanda's Penis/ Phronsie's Pregnancies/
BLT's Psyche/ Ted's Putts
Allen is easy:
Vanda52: well, part of the problem is I am easy-going
and at some point people take advantage of that and
eventually it pisses me off
The snits are now snots:
Jhd730: the snits used to be witty and they
are mean spirited and hurtful
OK, but what about the 2nd date?:
Jhd730: how about cover me in peanut butter, roll me in
bird seed and tie me to a tree and let the birds peck me
to death?
Joann's 2nd date:
Jhd730: does anyone like hummus?
I2DaysInNovember: I love hummus
Ironfeliks1: what is hummus?
Mg500mv: I am going to do rereads all next month
Ironfeliks1: is it like a regular bj?
Jhd730: I tried hummus for the first time this week
...with Stacys pita chips
I like retarted women:
Vanda52: oh god im so sick of porn, i bet ive seen more
porn then anyone here
Nowhereinva: I think everyone has seen more porn than me
BinxB91: porn is not sexy
Vanda52: i have various fantasies
Catpower777: Binx, that's a broad statement
BinxB91: I don't have fantasies ... only memories
Beysshoes: there is good erotica...not just porn
Vanda52: fantasies are better binx
Beysshoes: memories work best i think as well binx
BinxB91: One unnatural part of porn --- bright lights
Vanda52: true
Beysshoes: making memories work even better though.
BinxB91: I like sex in soft light ... with silouettes
rather than clinic lighting
Beysshoes: yes true
Catpower777: there is some artful porn
Vanda52: id like to know where they get all these girls
who make the masses of porn out there
Beysshoes: most of them are mentally retarded allan.
Vanda52: ah
Catpower777: with something besides florescent lighting
Vanda52: even better
Catpower777: at least I've HEARD there is
Beysshoes: puerco!
Vanda52: i like retarted women
BinxB91: Yes, the porn stars do look pretty stupid
Catpower777: I think they're drugged
BinxB91: Is there a correlation between large breasts and
low IQs?
BinxB91: a relationship between large penises and small brains?
Beysshoes: no, but mr girls are easy prey for that industry.
BinxB91: I think Cat just revealed something about her breast size
Beysshoes: ohh binx, i'm so sorry to hear this. 's ok.
Or the coffee:
Ironfeliks1: you know what? this room has become like starbucks,
but without any hot chicks
Who Killed Allen's penis?:
Vanda52: my penis isnt working so good since i started taking
all these antibiotics for bronchitis, seems its been killed off
You Lie Like a Persian Carpet:
Ironfeliks1: they dont see me getting up at 5 am to be
at my hospice house to serve breakfast, or teaching
underprivelidged kids to play stringed instruments, they
just see what they are taught to see and distrust
Ironfeliks1: then they say I am closed monded
Ironfeliks1: minded
Ironfeliks1: and shallow
Beysshoes: who is 'they' james?
PatientOnion3: you lie like a persian carpet
Ironfeliks1: you are they
Ironfeliks1: bey
Beysshoes: lolol
Ironfeliks1: and you can go **^& yourself
Always the last to know:
Ironfeliks1: am I not normal?
Journey Back to the 80s:
Jhd730: have you seen the Journey necklaces? should get
her one of those
Ironfeliks1: I'm sure she already has a journey necklace
Jhd730: she probably doesn't they are new this year
Jhd730: and wouldn't you know...
Catpower777: what is it, Jo?
Ironfeliks1: can you link me to one?
Ironfeliks1: you have one?
Ironfeliks1: how does it look with the whitesnake jean jacket?
Jhd730: it's a curves line of diamnds...usually little to big
ones ..representing lifes journey or a relationships journey
Ironfeliks1: I thought you meant journey the band
I said FORK, dammit:
Ironfeliks1: fork, finish this sentence
Ironfeliks1: women are....
Catpower777: ...such wonderful goddesses
Gracie418: incredibly beautiful and intelligent
Ironfeliks1: binx are you still dating that bag?
Ironfeliks1: fork, finish the sentence
Ironfeliks1: women are just....
Mg500mv: wonderful
Gracie418: adorable
Mg500mv: the best
Phronsie: in the majority
Ironfeliks1: fork, she cheated on you!
Forkrereredux: maybe
Ironfeliks1: finish the damned sentence!
Ironfeliks1: women are....
Mg500mv: Leaders
Phronsie: powerful
But his master stays on:
Vanda52: spark went to bed
I thought you wre a girl:
Ironfeliks1: I dig pregnant chicks
DeeDeee78: hahah why ??
Ironfeliks1: cause they are swollen in all the best places
Ironfeliks1: and so delicate
Bondoe03: wtf
Bondoe03: i thought you were a girl.
DeeDeee78: especially while vomiting
Phronsie: You sound like my ex, Blt, and he was gay
Pregnant Women Glow:
Phronsie: He always thought I looked my best when I was pregnant
Phronsie: I must say I resented that
Ironfeliks1: pregnant women glow
Phronsie: bull
Gracie418: i wouldn't know how to feel about that either, phronsie
DeeDeee78: i threw up daily and had bloody noses
Gracie418: jim ... menopausal women glow also ... its the hot flashes
Bondoe03: glow?
Catpower777: I loved my pregnant self -- despite being sick 7 out
of 9 months
Phronsie: sweat like crazy
Ironfeliks1: menopause can be sexy
DeeDeee78: oh hell yeah, gracie
BinxB91: Dee ... did you have more than one child??
Ironfeliks1: see? cat knows
DeeDeee78: yes, binx. i have two
Phronsie: Well, I didn't really want to be pregnant, so the
best I could be about it was ambivalent
Gracie418: i loved being pregnant ... but didn't think i looked
my best
BinxB91: How did you ever get talked into the 2nd one??
DeeDeee78: binx, throwing up and bloody noses do not phase me
BinxB91: DeeDee, you could have been a boxer
Phronsie: Life used to be chancier. Preventing pregnancy was
a lot harder in the good old days
Ironfeliks1: what about the swollen parts dee? that had to be ok
Catpower777: Phrons, you have two children?
Phronsie: 3, Cat
Gracie418: i have 8 brothers and sisters ... all results of the
good old catholic rhythm system ... lol
DeeDeee78: yep, iron....they swelled !
Phronsie: Then we finally realized what caused it, and stopped
Doing the Enola thing:
Ironfeliks1: dee, these are the people that read the swill
that the other room writes
Ironfeliks1: do you notice the step down?
Phronsie: The lounge is full of posers and pretenders
Phronsie: Hence, no real step down
When swearing is OK:
SKlein69: The revoution is here. Howard Stern live and
uncensored only on Sirius Satellite Radio.
JadedDremer: oh, stfu, sklein
Your conversation or your freinds?:
The Deeper Throat:
Williamh824: Just started reading Dean was counsel to
president Nixon it reads as we have yet to learn the whole
story of how we go into this war
Recreation in North Carolina:
I2DaysInNovember: Marie and I used to love going to Putt-Putt
golf and then to the drive-inn
TRBfrom NC: they opened a set of batting machines next to the
putt-putt, called it the bat-bat
TRBfrom NC: then trampolines, called it the jump-jump
Gracie418: ted ... did they really?
TRBfrom NC: next came a brothel, mmmmm won't tell you what
they called it
Gracie418: or is that really a not-not
Even Though:
Vanda52: truthful of the situation, trust me you dont want
my sister doing you any favors because you will pay for life
Bi Idagress: lol allan ... very cynical even though I find
you repulisive
Jhd730: is Bi Allans sister?
The sweetest Chatter:
Madav1: I gotta go, have a great chat
Freaks and bad grammar:
Gracie418: i was born a redhead ... still have the temperament,
not the hair color
DeeDeee78: dark red. a freak in my italian family
Ironfeliks1: <=== has a thing for redheads
Bondoe03: ha me too
Bondoe03: my family is jews
A bosom by any other name:
BinxB91: Name a role that you were proud of Phronsie??
Phronsie: That would be the last one i did in 1991:
The Baglady
BinxB91: The BagLady?? I was hoping you'd be Blanche DuBois
or Maggie the Cat
BinxB91: But The BagLady sounds challenging
Phronsie: No. I always had too much bosom for roles like that,
Bondoe03: bosom. lol.
Bondoe03: my sister has alot of that.
Bondoe03: i dont though.
Ironfeliks1: a lot
Bondoe03: ha.
Ironfeliks1: not alot
BinxB91: "Bosom" makes her laugh. Yes, she's 19.
Phronsie: Binx, I'm not acting any more--except for acting myself
Bondoe03: college has other terms for that part..
Phronsie: Bond, we know them
Phronsie: or some of them, at least
Phronsie: But "bosom" is legitimate too
Ironfeliks1: dirty pillows
Parental Guidance:
DeeDeee78: do you have kids, iron ?
Ironfeliks1: yes I do dee
Ironfeliks1: but thats as far as I like to discuss that in this
filthy room
Who's cooking your burger?:
Ironfeliks1: I dont wash my hands
Ironfeliks1: why should I, I dont pee on my hands and
my genitals arent filthy
Phronsie: Havelock Ellis used to recommnd peeing on one's hands
Book chat still squeaks out:
SGINFINITY: clancy is a little too tech for my tastes
BLT's Psyche/ Ted's Putts
Allen is easy:
Vanda52: well, part of the problem is I am easy-going
and at some point people take advantage of that and
eventually it pisses me off
The snits are now snots:
Jhd730: the snits used to be witty and they
are mean spirited and hurtful
OK, but what about the 2nd date?:
Jhd730: how about cover me in peanut butter, roll me in
bird seed and tie me to a tree and let the birds peck me
to death?
Joann's 2nd date:
Jhd730: does anyone like hummus?
I2DaysInNovember: I love hummus
Ironfeliks1: what is hummus?
Mg500mv: I am going to do rereads all next month
Ironfeliks1: is it like a regular bj?
Jhd730: I tried hummus for the first time this week
...with Stacys pita chips
I like retarted women:
Vanda52: oh god im so sick of porn, i bet ive seen more
porn then anyone here
Nowhereinva: I think everyone has seen more porn than me
BinxB91: porn is not sexy
Vanda52: i have various fantasies
Catpower777: Binx, that's a broad statement
BinxB91: I don't have fantasies ... only memories
Beysshoes: there is good erotica...not just porn
Vanda52: fantasies are better binx
Beysshoes: memories work best i think as well binx
BinxB91: One unnatural part of porn --- bright lights
Vanda52: true
Beysshoes: making memories work even better though.
BinxB91: I like sex in soft light ... with silouettes
rather than clinic lighting
Beysshoes: yes true
Catpower777: there is some artful porn
Vanda52: id like to know where they get all these girls
who make the masses of porn out there
Beysshoes: most of them are mentally retarded allan.
Vanda52: ah
Catpower777: with something besides florescent lighting
Vanda52: even better
Catpower777: at least I've HEARD there is
Beysshoes: puerco!
Vanda52: i like retarted women
BinxB91: Yes, the porn stars do look pretty stupid
Catpower777: I think they're drugged
BinxB91: Is there a correlation between large breasts and
low IQs?
BinxB91: a relationship between large penises and small brains?
Beysshoes: no, but mr girls are easy prey for that industry.
BinxB91: I think Cat just revealed something about her breast size
Beysshoes: ohh binx, i'm so sorry to hear this. 's ok.
Or the coffee:
Ironfeliks1: you know what? this room has become like starbucks,
but without any hot chicks
Who Killed Allen's penis?:
Vanda52: my penis isnt working so good since i started taking
all these antibiotics for bronchitis, seems its been killed off
You Lie Like a Persian Carpet:
Ironfeliks1: they dont see me getting up at 5 am to be
at my hospice house to serve breakfast, or teaching
underprivelidged kids to play stringed instruments, they
just see what they are taught to see and distrust
Ironfeliks1: then they say I am closed monded
Ironfeliks1: minded
Ironfeliks1: and shallow
Beysshoes: who is 'they' james?
PatientOnion3: you lie like a persian carpet
Ironfeliks1: you are they
Ironfeliks1: bey
Beysshoes: lolol
Ironfeliks1: and you can go **^& yourself
Always the last to know:
Ironfeliks1: am I not normal?
Journey Back to the 80s:
Jhd730: have you seen the Journey necklaces? should get
her one of those
Ironfeliks1: I'm sure she already has a journey necklace
Jhd730: she probably doesn't they are new this year
Jhd730: and wouldn't you know...
Catpower777: what is it, Jo?
Ironfeliks1: can you link me to one?
Ironfeliks1: you have one?
Ironfeliks1: how does it look with the whitesnake jean jacket?
Jhd730: it's a curves line of diamnds...usually little to big
ones ..representing lifes journey or a relationships journey
Ironfeliks1: I thought you meant journey the band
I said FORK, dammit:
Ironfeliks1: fork, finish this sentence
Ironfeliks1: women are....
Catpower777: ...such wonderful goddesses
Gracie418: incredibly beautiful and intelligent
Ironfeliks1: binx are you still dating that bag?
Ironfeliks1: fork, finish the sentence
Ironfeliks1: women are just....
Mg500mv: wonderful
Gracie418: adorable
Mg500mv: the best
Phronsie: in the majority
Ironfeliks1: fork, she cheated on you!
Forkrereredux: maybe
Ironfeliks1: finish the damned sentence!
Ironfeliks1: women are....
Mg500mv: Leaders
Phronsie: powerful
But his master stays on:
Vanda52: spark went to bed
I thought you wre a girl:
Ironfeliks1: I dig pregnant chicks
DeeDeee78: hahah why ??
Ironfeliks1: cause they are swollen in all the best places
Ironfeliks1: and so delicate
Bondoe03: wtf
Bondoe03: i thought you were a girl.
DeeDeee78: especially while vomiting
Phronsie: You sound like my ex, Blt, and he was gay
Pregnant Women Glow:
Phronsie: He always thought I looked my best when I was pregnant
Phronsie: I must say I resented that
Ironfeliks1: pregnant women glow
Phronsie: bull
Gracie418: i wouldn't know how to feel about that either, phronsie
DeeDeee78: i threw up daily and had bloody noses
Gracie418: jim ... menopausal women glow also ... its the hot flashes
Bondoe03: glow?
Catpower777: I loved my pregnant self -- despite being sick 7 out
of 9 months
Phronsie: sweat like crazy
Ironfeliks1: menopause can be sexy
DeeDeee78: oh hell yeah, gracie
BinxB91: Dee ... did you have more than one child??
Ironfeliks1: see? cat knows
DeeDeee78: yes, binx. i have two
Phronsie: Well, I didn't really want to be pregnant, so the
best I could be about it was ambivalent
Gracie418: i loved being pregnant ... but didn't think i looked
my best
BinxB91: How did you ever get talked into the 2nd one??
DeeDeee78: binx, throwing up and bloody noses do not phase me
BinxB91: DeeDee, you could have been a boxer
Phronsie: Life used to be chancier. Preventing pregnancy was
a lot harder in the good old days
Ironfeliks1: what about the swollen parts dee? that had to be ok
Catpower777: Phrons, you have two children?
Phronsie: 3, Cat
Gracie418: i have 8 brothers and sisters ... all results of the
good old catholic rhythm system ... lol
DeeDeee78: yep, iron....they swelled !
Phronsie: Then we finally realized what caused it, and stopped
Doing the Enola thing:
Ironfeliks1: dee, these are the people that read the swill
that the other room writes
Ironfeliks1: do you notice the step down?
Phronsie: The lounge is full of posers and pretenders
Phronsie: Hence, no real step down
When swearing is OK:
SKlein69: The revoution is here. Howard Stern live and
uncensored only on Sirius Satellite Radio.
JadedDremer: oh, stfu, sklein
Your conversation or your freinds?:
The Deeper Throat:
Williamh824: Just started reading Dean was counsel to
president Nixon it reads as we have yet to learn the whole
story of how we go into this war
Recreation in North Carolina:
I2DaysInNovember: Marie and I used to love going to Putt-Putt
golf and then to the drive-inn
TRBfrom NC: they opened a set of batting machines next to the
putt-putt, called it the bat-bat
TRBfrom NC: then trampolines, called it the jump-jump
Gracie418: ted ... did they really?
TRBfrom NC: next came a brothel, mmmmm won't tell you what
they called it
Gracie418: or is that really a not-not
Even Though:
Vanda52: truthful of the situation, trust me you dont want
my sister doing you any favors because you will pay for life
Bi Idagress: lol allan ... very cynical even though I find
you repulisive
Jhd730: is Bi Allans sister?
The sweetest Chatter:
Madav1: I gotta go, have a great chat
Freaks and bad grammar:
Gracie418: i was born a redhead ... still have the temperament,
not the hair color
DeeDeee78: dark red. a freak in my italian family
Ironfeliks1: <=== has a thing for redheads
Bondoe03: ha me too
Bondoe03: my family is jews
A bosom by any other name:
BinxB91: Name a role that you were proud of Phronsie??
Phronsie: That would be the last one i did in 1991:
The Baglady
BinxB91: The BagLady?? I was hoping you'd be Blanche DuBois
or Maggie the Cat
BinxB91: But The BagLady sounds challenging
Phronsie: No. I always had too much bosom for roles like that,
Bondoe03: bosom. lol.
Bondoe03: my sister has alot of that.
Bondoe03: i dont though.
Ironfeliks1: a lot
Bondoe03: ha.
Ironfeliks1: not alot
BinxB91: "Bosom" makes her laugh. Yes, she's 19.
Phronsie: Binx, I'm not acting any more--except for acting myself
Bondoe03: college has other terms for that part..
Phronsie: Bond, we know them
Phronsie: or some of them, at least
Phronsie: But "bosom" is legitimate too
Ironfeliks1: dirty pillows
Parental Guidance:
DeeDeee78: do you have kids, iron ?
Ironfeliks1: yes I do dee
Ironfeliks1: but thats as far as I like to discuss that in this
filthy room
Who's cooking your burger?:
Ironfeliks1: I dont wash my hands
Ironfeliks1: why should I, I dont pee on my hands and
my genitals arent filthy
Phronsie: Havelock Ellis used to recommnd peeing on one's hands
Book chat still squeaks out:
SGINFINITY: clancy is a little too tech for my tastes
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