Saturday, December 09, 2006

Vanda is Back. BookShelf Will Go On.

And without showers ...:

Vanda52: i'll be back after a shower, it's been a
difficult 5 days without the internet

The Paki Girl is still available:

Vanda52: i had no internet or phone for 5 days, im well,
it was interesting if you like solitaire, damn near went
bar hopping and i would of if it lasted much longer
JaneH56: PO said you had married the paki deli girl,
and BLT said you had had a heart attack.
Nowhereinva: i said you and nag were off playing poker
with elvis and jimmy hoffa
Vanda52: i saw jane and alas no, the paki girl is still
selling cigarettes at country valley farms, it would of
been nice marrying the young muslim tho, for a week at

Free to screw off:

Nowhereinva: i'm at work tonight
Cecilleej: right now nowhere?
Nowhereinva: yes, cec
Nowhereinva: i'll be here ALL NIGHT
Cecilleej: where do you work where you are allowed to chat
on the internet?
Nowhereinva: i work at a shelter
JadedDremer: shelter? what kinda shelter?
Nowhereinva: domestic violence julie
Nowhereinva: at night there's not much to do except my rounds
Nowhereinva: so i can pretty much screw off to my heart's

Blended Families and Mixed Drinks:

Nowhereinva: i wish my step-father would take his drunk ass to bed
Vanda52: i thought he only drank on weekends rag?

Wouldn't Drinking be Healthier:

Vanda52: i need to find some goth porn, that can be my
assignment tomorrow

Just when you thought it couldn't get weirder:

Vanda52: if i was a teen i would go for that goth lookkkkk
Cecilleej: you should try to rock it now Allan
MsJillybeen9: Allan, would you have the face piercing?
Nomdujourxx: The pallid look, eh, Vanda?
Vanda52: i also tend to like necrophilia

Jilly in Black:

MsJillybeen9: some girls look cute in black, i look like someone beat me

Heroism is Stupid:

JaneH56: Rocky, I was sad to hear that dad that left his family
in the car to go for help, was found dead.
LadyMtnMedic: Yes, bless his heart, he did the valiant thing,
however misguided it was
Vanda52: that was sad jane
ParaMyrrh: Jane sometimes heroism is stupid
LadyMtnMedic: the man did what he thought was best for his family,
so you have to give him credit for that
JaneH56: kal. he was from San Francisco, he didn't know about
that weather.
ParaMyrrh: lady nonsense he did something amazingly thoughtless
and irresponsible playign the hero in those conditions smarter
and better for the family to stay put

Crack is Boring:

AnntWb: hey hey
JaneH56: hi annts.
AnntWb: I am going to play Deal or NO deal
BinxB91: Annt?? As in AnntsinHerPantz??
Nowhereinva: ANNTS!!!!!!Nowhereinva: don't you dare leave you hussy!!!!
AnntWb: yes binx you KNOW this MAN
ParaMyrrh: Watching a crass game show
AnntWb: hi lady :)
AnntWb: I am going to play on line M
AnntWb: I am waiting for it to load
BinxB91: MAN?? You've changed sex?
Nowhereinva: annts!!!! you never come play with us anymore!!!
AnntWb: no YOU are MAN, I am WO man
AnntWb: geeze
ParaMyrrh: Annt that's a stupid game I can't believe you
watch that swill
BinxB91: Anntz, you used to be coherent
ParaMyrrh: you're addicted to it like drinking or crack
AnntWb: I know m, I don't get online much, I forgot and didn't
even pay my water bill
JaneH56: I can't stand it Kal.
AnntWb: they cut my water off today :(
Criskingbmx: burrito
AnntWb: too much stuff
JaneH56: why annt?
ParaMyrrh: Jane God Bless You
AnntWb: kal, crack is boring

The Homeless Shelfer?:

AnntWb: I always sleep in my clothes, don't you

SKlein branches out:

SKlein69: The Revolution is here. Howard Stern live and
uncensored only on Sirius Satellite Radio.
ParaMyrrh: SKlein Sirius is tanking
ParaMyrrh: flop
JaneH56: Sklein is still around.
Vanda52: never mind
SKlein69: Everyday is history in the making. Howard Stern
live and uncensored only on Sirius Satellite Radio.
ParaMyrrh: SKlein it's tanking the stock is plummetting
SKlein69: 7 Eleven-Fresh Brewed-Fresh Taste
I2DaysInNovember: IM me if you want to see me on my webcam
Vanda52: i saw something about serius,i forget what it was
SKlein69: Dunkin Donuts-America runs on Dunkin

A Masters Degree ... but not in punctuation:

MsJillybeen9: no, the first comma should have been a colon

All Vanda's stories are the same:

Vanda52: oh i saw a thing about some burger place that has
the waitresses wear sexy nurse outfits i think in texas
NickNox78: every time i hear texas i think spongebob square pants

His idea of a greeting card:

MsJillybeen9: julie, allan sent me the spears twat pic

Home for the Holidays:

MsJillybeen9: janeh, my sister isn't talking to me
JaneH56: why jilly?
MsJillybeen9: i told her that i think she's a bad mom,
apparently it offended her
JaneH56: lol jilly. that will do it.
MsJillybeen9: Jane, she teaches her kids to cuss and
say racial slurs and thinks it's cute
JaneH56: oh no. poor kids.
MsJillybeen9: thanksgiving was grand


Vanda52: cause cat, ive had my fill of porn today, i
had indian porn today, the sub continent indian, no
american indian beaver shots
JadedDremer: allan is obviously spending too much time
Catpower777: Indian porn, huh?
Vanda52: indian porn ladies dont shave
Catpower777: girls with bells on their ankles, Allan?
PatientOnion3: his wife is paki, his porn is indian
MsJillybeen9: do they bathe, allan?
JadedDremer: uh, delete extraneous letters, please
JadedDremer: allan, a lot of laides don't shave
JadedDremer: i'm part indian, but i don't shave
Vanda52: well julie and this is my personal opinion
I like a hairy pussy, i mean why call it a pussy otherwise
PatientOnion3: cecil what do you wax with?
PatientOnion3: a movie filmed in san fransicko?
Nowhereinva: mcdreamy prefers it au natural
MsJillybeen9: so allan likes hairy beaver but not blow jobs.
PatientOnion3: as michael savage lovingly calls his home
Nowhereinva: i shaved it once last summer because of my
bathing suit and he didn't like it

It's only an expression, Lucerosala:

PatientOnion3: I bought the same book, I read the chapter
called "The Fastest Way to a Woman's Heart is Thru Her TummY"
LUCEROSALA: make sure she is wearing a skirt

Yeah, you would:

ParaMyrrh: I admire that guy who faked retardation

Asexual Yearnings:

ParaMyrrh: Nags if you can somehow feel this asexual
yearning i have for your bitter ripostes!
ParaMyrrh: your insane conspiracy theories!

And the Nominees for Best Shelf Line of the Year:

PatientOnion3: choosy mothers choose JIF, not psychiatric
drugs for their offspring


Blogger Catz said...

has katy died trying??? ;)

as amusing as some of this was please give us something new.

1/07/2007 7:28 PM  

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