Enola enters ... for some inexplicable reason:
Enolaflite: the timing, Jam...usually i seek
solace in the Lounge...but for some inexplicable
reason that establishment has been not receving
guests at this time of night..
Enolaflite: so i comfort myself by attending
Jam7604801: enola this room has a better pace
its easier to flush people here
Enolaflite: very true..and the sludge heads
are easier to identify in here...no pretense of
class or taste in intellect..
Voting for Talent ... and Knowledge:
Jam7604801: talent is winning by 62,000 now
LadyMtnMedic: talent is a person? I thought
you were saying you voted for talent, an
Jam7604801: Jim Talent
Jam7604801: he is a senator
AloysiusWeasley: me too, lady, don't feel bad
LadyMtnMedic: whew
Enola mixes it up:
Enolaflite: hickory dickory dorkery...you wallow
in foul speech...you have never made a cogent
observation on anything subject..sacred or profane
..in all your babbling ...i hold you in contempt
...nothing more
Rocky still not getting it:
Jam7604801: i voted for talent
AloysiusWeasley: ah! I see
BinxB91: Then it's your fault, Jam
Hickory49: ... jam ... do you live in the St Louis area?
Jam7604801: binx i voted for 3 republicans and
about 10 democrats
Jam7604801: no hick i live 65 miles south of st louis
BinxB91: Jam lives near St Louis. Once he got into
a fight here about Missouri and yelled "kiss my arch"
Enolaflite: good for you, Jam...most of the dumplings
in these establishment are too mired in paralysis to
split a ticket ever
Hickory49: you're down near the Cape = Rush country
Jam7604801: nah binx we got the Show Me thing here
Jam7604801: north of cape 65 miles
Hickory49: ... south of Festus ...
Jam7604801: yes
Jam7604801: about 20 miles
Hickory49: jam ... i lived in the St louis area twice
LadyMtnMedic: OMG I thought that was a joke, Festus, sorry
Bait of the Day:
ParaMyrrh: Universal Adult Suffrage is stupid
ParaMyrrh: I am all for Divine Right Monarchy
Probably Clinton's fault:
Sabalans: I know 2 asians kids adopted by the same
family they turned out to be lesbians, kinda weird
Except here?:
ParaMyrrh: I enver rant
I Know How to Masturbate:
ParaMyrrh: they are winning in Tennessee, Missouri
and Virginia
ParaMyrrh: But I am more concerned for Britney's
need for a man
Phronsie: "need for a man"? Oh Good grief
Phronsie: learn to masturbate and buy a good dildo.
ParaMyrrh: Phronsie every woman needs a man
Phronsie: bull, Para
ParaMyrrh: Phronsie do you have a man?
Phronsie: Para, I divorced my husband back in 1978
ParaMyrrh: Phronsie and you've been embittered and
miserable ever since
Phronsie: I have a pension and social security.
I don't need a man
ParaMyrrh: Phronsie do you have a heart?
Phronsie: Why do people on line talk about bitterness
so much?
ParaMyrrh: don't you miss intimacy? tenderness?
Phronsie: I don't miss housework
Phronsie: I know how to masturbate
Phronsie: Having a man doesn't mean one has emotional
and physical intimacies
Catpower777: Go, Phrons!
Just the Place for KaLenfer:
ParaMyrrh: Phronsie ah you're frigid
ParaMyrrh: uncomfortable with yourself
Catpower777: Para, that's no way to woo Phrons
ParaMyrrh: jam I am more concerned about Britney Spears
Phronsie: Cat, I'm afraid Para has lost out with me
ParaMyrrh: She's a Valid cultural phenomenon something
that means something Unlike pointless elections
LadyMtnMedic: thats just silly
Catpower777: Phrons, it's his clumsy mating ritual
Phronsie: Cat, anyone who's looking to mate, can
just cruise on by. Been there, done that
ParaMyrrh: Phronsie you must be lonely no heart
BinxB91: KaL, Phronsie is unattainable. Try scaling
Everest instead
Phronsie: Everest sounds good,just the place for Para
Kev's autobiography:
Vanda52: federline has something girls like, my guess
is hes well hung so brit got it and he will get a
few million dollars and everyone will be happy
Phronsie: A Beau Brummel, he's not
Asia7384: I admire him and plan to read his autobiography
Asia7384: 'my first 30 years of siting on the couch
with my Xbox'
Adventures in Voting:
PatientOnion3: when i was coming back from voting, i helped
my 85 year old chinese landlady move some heavy garbage,
and she just came by to give me home made sweet rice taro.
I Have a Sense of Humor. I do!:
ParaMyrrh: but really Universal Adult Suffrage--
barring convicted felons--is as stupid as Divine
Right Monarchy
BinxB91: Geez KaL, lighten up
BinxB91: KaL, if you have a girl friend, do you
ever make her laugh?
ParaMyrrh: Binx yes especially when I am naked
BinxB91: Is she pointing when she laughs??
ParaMyrrh: Binx I make everyone laugh I have a
great sense of humor I do not take myself so seriously
I am too scottish to do so
TRBfrom NC: yeah, and he lies a lot, too
ParaMyrrh: Vanda the resident wise man Do I have a
good sense of humor? Do I take myself as seriously as
most folks in here?
Adventures in Shopping:
Vanda52: so i go in a pharmacy andsay(as im
buying things) do you have a tissue i need to blow
my nose, so the girl gets a pack of tissues they sell
and says we sell these. i bought it but thought
it was kinda cheap
Helping Tony LaRusso?:
Jam7604801: i when out today and help a baseball team
put up 12 ranks of wood for a old man
Slightly Desperate Housewives:
TreeSquish: it's kind of fun to get the house to
yourself (kids excepted)
SCHELL37: I know Tree. I might have cereal for supper
one night.
TreeSquish: my favorite thing to say is, "fend for
yourself dinner." it's very rare, though
SCHELL37: Tree, When I try that I'm met with looks of
TreeSquish: yes, that's why it's rare.
TreeSquish: but it feels like skipping class or something.
Jamming Up the calls:
Jam7604801: i had something funny happen last night I got
a phone call and it was a guy asking me to vote on the
amendment 2 here in Missouri so i asked him what is it about
and he goes uh uh you can go to our website and read it and
i said
Jam7604801: i don't have a pc so tell me what it is
Jam7604801: and he said he didn't know i said you you are
getting paid to call and harass people to vote on this and
you don't even know what it is
What are you hooked on?:
TreeSquish: cat, is your name from the singer catpower?
Catpower777: yes, Tree
Verneuker: I havent seen you in a LONG time Tree
TreeSquish: i just heard her for the first time the other week
TreeSquish: i'm good, vern. how about you?
Verneuker: drunk as usual
Catpower777: Did you hear "The Greatest" Tree?
TreeSquish: no, cat. the song i downloaded was "i don't blame you."
Vanda52: you re drunk croc?
Catpower777: I am hooked on her song "Living Proof"
Verneuker: Allan when you see me...Im drunk
TreeSquish: that's how i like you vern. drunk and happy
Vanda52: what do you drink?
TreeSquish: cat, i will download it.
Verneuker: Vodka
Vanda52: ah
Vanda52: straight?
Why bother with Doctors:
Vanda52: anyone here take that condrouten stuff for joint pain?
R264606: I do, and it works....
Vanda52: gluco somoething?
Sublime Elu: tried it, I think it caused me additonal pain
Vanda52: you like it r2?
Vanda52: oh
Vanda52: i need somoething
Vanda52: i might try it
Even at Wal-Mart??:
SCHELL37: Whenever I go, I walk through the area, and
pretend I live there.
Guys Only:
Vanda52: i learned to shoot with my family off season
at the ocean beaches
Vanda52: my father had a jeep, tis was in the 50s ,
there werent any other people on the beach back then
Vanda52: army surplus
Vanda52: a real jeep
Sublime Elu: I enjoyed teaching my son to shoot
Vanda52: we were the only people over at the beaches,
no one had 4 wheel drive back then
Vanda52: shooting is fun elu
Vanda52: i no longer do it but i liked as a kid
Sublime Elu: I still do it, but I'm not a very good shot
Vanda52: last time i shoot a gun was a cops pistol
upstate ny maybe 20 years ago , jesus pistols are
loud and not easy to shot
Sublime Elu: the neighborhood is woods, so you can't
find the stray bullets
Vanda52: crazy cop i knew
Sublime Elu: gotta use muffs with a handgun
Vanda52: loud
Sublime Elu: inside is even louder
Vanda52: i bet
I2DaysInNovember: Vanda was it a S&W .38 or Baretta 9mm
I2DaysInNovember: or perhaps a Glak
I2DaysInNovember: Glock too
I2DaysInNovember: 9mm
Vanda52: i forget 12, there were 2 guns, one was a revolver,
Vanda52: i was hungover from a topless bar the night before
it wasnt really fun for me
Be Careful who you loan your weapons to:
Vanda52: i had these 2 22s, years ago this creepy hells
angel neighbor said he would clean them for me, i asked
for them back and he said i gave them to him, i hope hes
back in jail now, what a creep
Gothic Kids:
Cecilleej: yes i don't like the gothic kids in school they
freak me out
Cecilleej: no reason to be DEPRESSED all the time
TRBfrom NC: cecil, reason has very little to do with it
The origins of Yeti:
Gypsyjo47: Yeah somebody coming off a real bad drunk
glanced up and saw somebody coming off a much worse drunk,
and Bigfoot got started...
Vanda52: isnt big foot in old indian lore?
LadyMtnMedic: so Bigfoot is a Marine?
BinxB91: Interview With a Vampire --- the movie ---
was popular with gays
TRBfrom NC: remember, gothic novels are also known as
Vanda52: interview is good its the first one i read,
then i read some more, i liked le stat best as a vamp,
hes a very human vamp compared to the others
BinxB91: Who is doing the ripping??
Cecilleej: yes i liked interview with vamp.
but i heard Lestat was good too
Cecilleej: Binx i just read you comment about the gays lol
Cecilleej: as you put it
Cecilleej: i never heard of that
BinxB91: Makes sense though, doesn't it, cecil?
Cecilleej: yeah Lestat was a little gay in parts
Cecilleej: i mean feasting was a very sexual thing and he
often feasted on men so.................................
He can never exit quietly:
Enolaflite: i thought this chat room did not
have the brains to hold a political discussion
of any merit...i was right..there is no
brainpower from the demo craps here, only
trash and garbage from clods like hickorydork,
and that ilk..
Enolaflite: so dumplnigs...i will drift off to
the Lounge and see if there is any room there
...it is not much brighter than this place...
but it is better attended and the numerical
odds indicate some a few poeple of inteligence
and substance
Enolaflite: will be present
Enolaflite: the timing, Jam...usually i seek
solace in the Lounge...but for some inexplicable
reason that establishment has been not receving
guests at this time of night..
Enolaflite: so i comfort myself by attending
Jam7604801: enola this room has a better pace
its easier to flush people here
Enolaflite: very true..and the sludge heads
are easier to identify in here...no pretense of
class or taste in intellect..
Voting for Talent ... and Knowledge:
Jam7604801: talent is winning by 62,000 now
LadyMtnMedic: talent is a person? I thought
you were saying you voted for talent, an
Jam7604801: Jim Talent
Jam7604801: he is a senator
AloysiusWeasley: me too, lady, don't feel bad
LadyMtnMedic: whew
Enola mixes it up:
Enolaflite: hickory dickory dorkery...you wallow
in foul speech...you have never made a cogent
observation on anything subject..sacred or profane
..in all your babbling ...i hold you in contempt
...nothing more
Rocky still not getting it:
Jam7604801: i voted for talent
AloysiusWeasley: ah! I see
BinxB91: Then it's your fault, Jam
Hickory49: ... jam ... do you live in the St Louis area?
Jam7604801: binx i voted for 3 republicans and
about 10 democrats
Jam7604801: no hick i live 65 miles south of st louis
BinxB91: Jam lives near St Louis. Once he got into
a fight here about Missouri and yelled "kiss my arch"
Enolaflite: good for you, Jam...most of the dumplings
in these establishment are too mired in paralysis to
split a ticket ever
Hickory49: you're down near the Cape = Rush country
Jam7604801: nah binx we got the Show Me thing here
Jam7604801: north of cape 65 miles
Hickory49: ... south of Festus ...
Jam7604801: yes
Jam7604801: about 20 miles
Hickory49: jam ... i lived in the St louis area twice
LadyMtnMedic: OMG I thought that was a joke, Festus, sorry
Bait of the Day:
ParaMyrrh: Universal Adult Suffrage is stupid
ParaMyrrh: I am all for Divine Right Monarchy
Probably Clinton's fault:
Sabalans: I know 2 asians kids adopted by the same
family they turned out to be lesbians, kinda weird
Except here?:
ParaMyrrh: I enver rant
I Know How to Masturbate:
ParaMyrrh: they are winning in Tennessee, Missouri
and Virginia
ParaMyrrh: But I am more concerned for Britney's
need for a man
Phronsie: "need for a man"? Oh Good grief
Phronsie: learn to masturbate and buy a good dildo.
ParaMyrrh: Phronsie every woman needs a man
Phronsie: bull, Para
ParaMyrrh: Phronsie do you have a man?
Phronsie: Para, I divorced my husband back in 1978
ParaMyrrh: Phronsie and you've been embittered and
miserable ever since
Phronsie: I have a pension and social security.
I don't need a man
ParaMyrrh: Phronsie do you have a heart?
Phronsie: Why do people on line talk about bitterness
so much?
ParaMyrrh: don't you miss intimacy? tenderness?
Phronsie: I don't miss housework
Phronsie: I know how to masturbate
Phronsie: Having a man doesn't mean one has emotional
and physical intimacies
Catpower777: Go, Phrons!
Just the Place for KaLenfer:
ParaMyrrh: Phronsie ah you're frigid
ParaMyrrh: uncomfortable with yourself
Catpower777: Para, that's no way to woo Phrons
ParaMyrrh: jam I am more concerned about Britney Spears
Phronsie: Cat, I'm afraid Para has lost out with me
ParaMyrrh: She's a Valid cultural phenomenon something
that means something Unlike pointless elections
LadyMtnMedic: thats just silly
Catpower777: Phrons, it's his clumsy mating ritual
Phronsie: Cat, anyone who's looking to mate, can
just cruise on by. Been there, done that
ParaMyrrh: Phronsie you must be lonely no heart
BinxB91: KaL, Phronsie is unattainable. Try scaling
Everest instead
Phronsie: Everest sounds good,just the place for Para
Kev's autobiography:
Vanda52: federline has something girls like, my guess
is hes well hung so brit got it and he will get a
few million dollars and everyone will be happy
Phronsie: A Beau Brummel, he's not
Asia7384: I admire him and plan to read his autobiography
Asia7384: 'my first 30 years of siting on the couch
with my Xbox'
Adventures in Voting:
PatientOnion3: when i was coming back from voting, i helped
my 85 year old chinese landlady move some heavy garbage,
and she just came by to give me home made sweet rice taro.
I Have a Sense of Humor. I do!:
ParaMyrrh: but really Universal Adult Suffrage--
barring convicted felons--is as stupid as Divine
Right Monarchy
BinxB91: Geez KaL, lighten up
BinxB91: KaL, if you have a girl friend, do you
ever make her laugh?
ParaMyrrh: Binx yes especially when I am naked
BinxB91: Is she pointing when she laughs??
ParaMyrrh: Binx I make everyone laugh I have a
great sense of humor I do not take myself so seriously
I am too scottish to do so
TRBfrom NC: yeah, and he lies a lot, too
ParaMyrrh: Vanda the resident wise man Do I have a
good sense of humor? Do I take myself as seriously as
most folks in here?
Adventures in Shopping:
Vanda52: so i go in a pharmacy andsay(as im
buying things) do you have a tissue i need to blow
my nose, so the girl gets a pack of tissues they sell
and says we sell these. i bought it but thought
it was kinda cheap
Helping Tony LaRusso?:
Jam7604801: i when out today and help a baseball team
put up 12 ranks of wood for a old man
Slightly Desperate Housewives:
TreeSquish: it's kind of fun to get the house to
yourself (kids excepted)
SCHELL37: I know Tree. I might have cereal for supper
one night.
TreeSquish: my favorite thing to say is, "fend for
yourself dinner." it's very rare, though
SCHELL37: Tree, When I try that I'm met with looks of
TreeSquish: yes, that's why it's rare.
TreeSquish: but it feels like skipping class or something.
Jamming Up the calls:
Jam7604801: i had something funny happen last night I got
a phone call and it was a guy asking me to vote on the
amendment 2 here in Missouri so i asked him what is it about
and he goes uh uh you can go to our website and read it and
i said
Jam7604801: i don't have a pc so tell me what it is
Jam7604801: and he said he didn't know i said you you are
getting paid to call and harass people to vote on this and
you don't even know what it is
What are you hooked on?:
TreeSquish: cat, is your name from the singer catpower?
Catpower777: yes, Tree
Verneuker: I havent seen you in a LONG time Tree
TreeSquish: i just heard her for the first time the other week
TreeSquish: i'm good, vern. how about you?
Verneuker: drunk as usual
Catpower777: Did you hear "The Greatest" Tree?
TreeSquish: no, cat. the song i downloaded was "i don't blame you."
Vanda52: you re drunk croc?
Catpower777: I am hooked on her song "Living Proof"
Verneuker: Allan when you see me...Im drunk
TreeSquish: that's how i like you vern. drunk and happy
Vanda52: what do you drink?
TreeSquish: cat, i will download it.
Verneuker: Vodka
Vanda52: ah
Vanda52: straight?
Why bother with Doctors:
Vanda52: anyone here take that condrouten stuff for joint pain?
R264606: I do, and it works....
Vanda52: gluco somoething?
Sublime Elu: tried it, I think it caused me additonal pain
Vanda52: you like it r2?
Vanda52: oh
Vanda52: i need somoething
Vanda52: i might try it
Even at Wal-Mart??:
SCHELL37: Whenever I go, I walk through the area, and
pretend I live there.
Guys Only:
Vanda52: i learned to shoot with my family off season
at the ocean beaches
Vanda52: my father had a jeep, tis was in the 50s ,
there werent any other people on the beach back then
Vanda52: army surplus
Vanda52: a real jeep
Sublime Elu: I enjoyed teaching my son to shoot
Vanda52: we were the only people over at the beaches,
no one had 4 wheel drive back then
Vanda52: shooting is fun elu
Vanda52: i no longer do it but i liked as a kid
Sublime Elu: I still do it, but I'm not a very good shot
Vanda52: last time i shoot a gun was a cops pistol
upstate ny maybe 20 years ago , jesus pistols are
loud and not easy to shot
Sublime Elu: the neighborhood is woods, so you can't
find the stray bullets
Vanda52: crazy cop i knew
Sublime Elu: gotta use muffs with a handgun
Vanda52: loud
Sublime Elu: inside is even louder
Vanda52: i bet
I2DaysInNovember: Vanda was it a S&W .38 or Baretta 9mm
I2DaysInNovember: or perhaps a Glak
I2DaysInNovember: Glock too
I2DaysInNovember: 9mm
Vanda52: i forget 12, there were 2 guns, one was a revolver,
Vanda52: i was hungover from a topless bar the night before
it wasnt really fun for me
Be Careful who you loan your weapons to:
Vanda52: i had these 2 22s, years ago this creepy hells
angel neighbor said he would clean them for me, i asked
for them back and he said i gave them to him, i hope hes
back in jail now, what a creep
Gothic Kids:
Cecilleej: yes i don't like the gothic kids in school they
freak me out
Cecilleej: no reason to be DEPRESSED all the time
TRBfrom NC: cecil, reason has very little to do with it
The origins of Yeti:
Gypsyjo47: Yeah somebody coming off a real bad drunk
glanced up and saw somebody coming off a much worse drunk,
and Bigfoot got started...
Vanda52: isnt big foot in old indian lore?
LadyMtnMedic: so Bigfoot is a Marine?
BinxB91: Interview With a Vampire --- the movie ---
was popular with gays
TRBfrom NC: remember, gothic novels are also known as
Vanda52: interview is good its the first one i read,
then i read some more, i liked le stat best as a vamp,
hes a very human vamp compared to the others
BinxB91: Who is doing the ripping??
Cecilleej: yes i liked interview with vamp.
but i heard Lestat was good too
Cecilleej: Binx i just read you comment about the gays lol
Cecilleej: as you put it
Cecilleej: i never heard of that
BinxB91: Makes sense though, doesn't it, cecil?
Cecilleej: yeah Lestat was a little gay in parts
Cecilleej: i mean feasting was a very sexual thing and he
often feasted on men so.................................
He can never exit quietly:
Enolaflite: i thought this chat room did not
have the brains to hold a political discussion
of any merit...i was right..there is no
brainpower from the demo craps here, only
trash and garbage from clods like hickorydork,
and that ilk..
Enolaflite: so dumplnigs...i will drift off to
the Lounge and see if there is any room there
...it is not much brighter than this place...
but it is better attended and the numerical
odds indicate some a few poeple of inteligence
and substance
Enolaflite: will be present
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