Friday, July 31, 2009

Binx is Gay/Onion Overdose/Ta is back/
too much Binx&Beys/soft core/Polish joke

Seeking Balance:
Prospect26: Gosh, it's Friday night. Really wanted some normal
people here.

His Gay Dull Life:
Yossarian4now: you dont find it completely gay, binx, taht you
spend time copying conversations and posting them there
BinxB91: How is that gay?
Yossarian4now: don't you have a life? a hobby? a family?
Yossarian4now: it's sad
BinxB91: sad? Some people laugh about it
Yossarian4now: it's sad you have such a dull life, taht that is
part of it

Bare Your Soul:
BinxB91: OK, the KatyTried files are getting rather thin.
Someone say something stupid ... or clever
LadyQuasi: Poor Binx...
LadyQuasi: the old Mother Hubbard of Bookshelf...

Keep Your Eye On:
IonDeSparrow: well--think I'm gonna head off to bed--got a
12 hour shift tomorrow
IonDeSparrow: loaf, lounge, and retier
Catpower777: night Ion
Beysshoes: we should try to get her to stay cat. you know?
Beysshoes: she keeps the trolls away
Catpower777: Ion is a woman?
BinxB91: Ion is a she?
Beysshoes: omg yessssssss
BinxB91: JINX!
Catpower777: I didn't think so
Catpower777: I've been cybering with "him" for months now, damn it

Ta21l is Back:
BinxB91: and Ta!!!!
Ta21l: hey Binx
Beysshoes: binkyboo
Ta21l: I know, I'm building the ark
Beysshoes: ta os BACL!
Beysshoes: back
BinxB91: and DinosaurVagina!
Beysshoes: is
Ta21l: yeah...the day shift got boring
KissMyAsterix: I like bacl
Beysshoes: i'm overly excited
Beysshoes: lolgina
Ta21l: you can be sexy

Summer Cuisine:
Catpower777: I wish i had a banana laffy taffy
Jam7604801: ---- eating orange serbert push-up

Saving Food:
AmberDevilRay8: I found a Now & Later.
AmberDevilRay8: Cherry.
zomcom81: lol, where do you find a thing like that amber?
AmberDevilRay8: Stuck to my leg.
BinxB91: Now & Later is a soap opera?
AmberDevilRay8: Nope. Candy.
AmberDevilRay8: It was actually in the jar of pens and pencils.
zomcom81: that's a lot less disgusting
AmberDevilRay8: The leg thing...
zomcom81: mhmm
AmberDevilRay8: ...that's where I find money.

Gonna party like it's 1956:
AmberDevilRay8: Why do they still sell Coke in glass bottles?
AmberDevilRay8: Is it so people can be all
"Oooh, this is just like 1956!" ::glug glug::
zomcom81: do they? i thought that was just in mexico?
AmberDevilRay8: They do here.

The Girls:
Catpower777: Ana - effin- is !!!
Beysshoes: we have miiiiissed you!!!
Anais3233: hello
Anais3233: whores
Catpower777: that ho's to you
Beysshoes: da dum dum

"get it for me":
Beysshoes: binxox! augusten has released a new book
Beysshoes: pulease get it for me please!!!
Catpower777: bey, I saw no evidence of that
BinxB91: augusten has written too many books
Beysshoes: cat its on his blog. what are you jigahos doing here?
IonDeSparrow: augusten??
IonDeSparrow: what does he/she write?
BinxB91: Ion, Burroughs writes about his extremely dysfunctional
Catpower777: not just that Binx
Catpower777: he also writes about his dysfunctional adulthood, too
Beysshoes: he's a comedic genius sparrow. kinda like our onion
Beysshoes: but better of course

I need your "stfu"s:
IonDeSparrow: I'd rather do a memoir of my work with DD adults
IonDeSparrow: but I'm not energetic enough
Beysshoes: you doing a book on this chatroom peeps sparrow?
IonDeSparrow: hmmm a book on the shelf--it just might work
Beysshoes: kitkat, say something to help sparrow huney
Beysshoes: you are really lax on your 'stfu's today cat
Catpower777: stfu
Catpower777: twice

What are you reading?:
BinxB91: The Great Man - Kate Christensen
Beysshoes: your third christensen?
BinxB91: my fourth!!!

Hadachoke: Binx has discovered religion
Beysshoes: why do you love her so much binx?
Catpower777: Bey, she's HOT
BinxB91: She includes a small discription of lesbian sex
in a parathesis
Beysshoes: oic that makes sense. binx da jigaho
BinxB91: and i thought, "gee, does that work?"
BinxB91: I need a woman to practice on
Beysshoes: wow binx. smooth.

[My mother jumped in: "Does anyone have any idea how high
the adult illiteracy rate in this country is?" I doubted
she herself knew. Like me, my mother didn't learn facts or
acquire knowledge; instead she had feelings ---
insecurity about not being knowledgeable, for example.
She looked around the table; none of us knew how high the
adult illiteracy rate was.
She said, "Seventeen percent."
I thought, Eighty-five percent of statistics are made up on
the spot.

Idle Thoughts:
VioletDeliriums: i'll bet if you put "pretty vacant" in a
google search you will find something
Hadachoke: LeslieHapabasketcase
Beysshoes: we're lazy that way violet. we'll just sit here for
months until you tell us.

Gotta Problem? Call the Catholics:
Pheziwig: Have you guys heard much about a little problem we've
been having at a local cemetery?
Catpower777: I saw something about bones protruding?
Beysshoes: oh the grave diggers fezz?
Pheziwig: That's less than two miles from where I live
Pheziwig: It's a fraking circus over there
Catpower777: you have zombies in the 'hood?
Beysshoes: fezz? did you lose your job and get mixed up with
the wrong crowd again?
Pheziwig: Beys, stop sucking pencils
Pheziwig: I don't know how they are going to figure that ouy
Pheziwig: they called in the catholics to take care of the
Beysshoes: sprinkle holy water fezz?

[After she told me about losing her virginity to a Swiss ski
instructor, she looked over to me. I knew she she was waiting
for me to tell her my story, and it occurred to me to make
one up. Instead, I admitted that I had never skied.]

Feel the Love:
Rafo65: Cordial! My fave roomie of all time! yaay!
CordialCactus: hi are ya?
Beysshoes: wow. is rafo one o' yoh chillens candy?

Onion Through the Looking Glass:
PatientOnionSF: i took a cable car to a safeway and had my
gift card, so i could buy three packs, i forgot i had it and
already started having dreams about finding $20 bills and
running to the crack house
Rafo65: The Onion's back, and you're gonna be in trouble..
Hey now, Hey now, the Onion's back
PatientOnionSF: or i have a dream that right under the bed is
a rock, i wake up, get my crack pipe, and no rock, it was just
a dream, but the dream of an addict in heat is very real.
Beysshoes: onion, i found some high end smokes in my china
stash. i'll send them off okay?
PatientOnionSF: bey, just cigs, i haven't touched the other
stuff since nam
KissMyAsterix: nam lol

Butterflies Are Free:
Rafo65: Patient.. you are not exactly sober at the moment, are you?
PatientOnionSF: rafo, i haven't touched a drop since 1974 moscow
when i was in an orgy with gay balerina dudes
Beysshoes: Rafo, sadly, onion is sober.
PatientOnionSF: i haven't taken a cable car to the end in years,
all the hot tourist guys from euro land
PatientOnionSF: i had my bus pass so it was free
Beysshoes: onion its Friday. you're not allowed to do reruns of
bragging on your bus pass and food stamps

Taking Onion Seriosly:
PatientOnionSF: ask Bobo, her dad was in \our unit
PatientOnionSF: ask thor, he was there in nam with us
PatientOnionSF: thor, remember jam's daddy in our unit?
Pheziwig: guess not
Bobophet1: Patient? My dad was in what unit?
PatientOnionSF: in nam bobo
Bobophet1: Pateint, my Dad isn't an American, and never lived in
this country or Viet Nam.

[She's always trying to fatten me up ---she feeds me constantly.
The rest of the family talks about sports and God and politics,
and Carlene floats above it all like an angel --- and she's
helping with prayer. She really knows how to pray --- and it's
very cool to be able to pray without someone in your family
coming into the room and (a)passing wind and (b)shouting (c)
analysing the 'phoney metaphysics' of prayer (d)singing loudly

Amber Wronged:
AmberDevilRay8: This box of cereal has blueberries in the picture.
AmberDevilRay8: But, alas, there are no blueberries in the cereal.
AmberDevilRay8: I feel wronged!

The Godwit Saga:
Beysshoes: so did godwit. he's oncewasabird or something
KissMyAsterix: oh yeah, he said he got tossed by 'queers' or
something like that
Ta21l: really? Godwit?
KissMyAsterix: shocking, since he was so pc
KissMyAsterix: but after they stole his dignity
Ta21l: man I've missed a lot
Catpower777: of COURSE that's what happened
KissMyAsterix: I guess he had nothing to lose
Catpower777: It couldn't be that he said anything offensive
KissMyAsterix: he probably got shitty when they wouldn't meet
him in the park
Beysshoes: omg i wonder if it was ms vicky who reported him. loL
KissMyAsterix: I don't think it was here beys
Beysshoes: some other chat room lets godwit in?

All Girl Group - The One Name Onlys:
Alansueton: goodnight folks "He stopped loving AOL today!
Alansueton: He put a wreath upon his mouse
Alansueton: and then he carried his laptop away
Alansueton: He stopped loving AOL today
Beysshoes: yah bye already
Ta21l: lol...ok, so that was Para?
KissMyAsterix: bey's is throwing dirt on him already
Catpower777: oh yeah
Catpower777: Ta, can you believe Para was tos'd and had to come
up with a new name?
Ta21l: ok, that's it...I'm now forming a club ... "One Name Only"
Catpower777: shocking, isn't it

More Like a Lay-Up:
Tom Brite: Ta, have you a large member?
Ta21l: yes, but he's working now
Tom Brite: lol
Beysshoes: dingdingding 50 points

Soft Core IS a present:
Beysshoes: binx please get me augusten's 'sellavision' okay?
BinxB91: when I fetched it for him and was checking him and
his wife out at the register, his wife teased him about his
BinxB91: as he massaged her shoulders seemingly trying to get
her to stop
Beysshoes: wow
Beysshoes: that's like soft porn.
BinxB91: Beysshoes, I'll have to choose between presents for
you and shoes
Beysshoes: okay. just present without the S so one book and
shoes you punk
Beysshoes: sellavision
Beysshoes: its old. you can prolly get a deal.
BinxB91: sometimes couples in love are soft porn ... the woman
kissed her boy friend's bicep two times while he was talking
with me and exchanging money and such
Beysshoes: see what you have done? you're embarrassing peeps
with your cheapness convo here
BinxB91: ... like she couldn't go with out tasting him longer
than 5 minutes
BinxB91: Beys, I am always thinking of stuff you would like
Beysshoes: liar

BinxB91: the idea of giving pleasure as pleasurable
AmberDevilRay8: Is it one of those artsy-fartsy naked people movies?
BinxB91: artsy-fartsy usually means there's too much talking
BinxB91: In this case there's a lot of talking but the characters
are too stupid to say anything deep
Alansueton: Fidelity infidelity choices
Beysshoes: oh binx, you didn't say you were acting in it.
i'll rent it then.
BinxB91: LOL Beys
Alansueton: Binx are you a man?
Alansueton: you laughed at that lame insult?
BinxB91: Binx is a man. Green eggs and ham.
BinxB91: Alan, inside joke
Beysshoes: well, unless that nekkid photo he sent me was fake,
he's a man.

Feel the Love:
Forkrerereredux: beys, i hate you so much
Beysshoes: callate la boca y'tu cavrone chinga tu madre fork

Feign the Love:
KissMyAsterix: go on hada, say it.. I'll feign surprise

Gina Takes a Pass:
Catpower777: Obsession by Gloria Vanderbilt
Catpower777: it was supposed to be erotica
KissMyAsterix: I thought obsession was by calvin klein
Hadachoke: aka clit lit
BinxB91: Anderson Cooper's mom?
Catpower777: yes
KissMyAsterix: I don't know, someone who produced anderson cooper
KissMyAsterix: should they be writing erotica
KissMyAsterix: I feel a little soiled after thinking abou that
BinxB91: Imagine your mom writing erotica
KissMyAsterix: nah I'm gonna pass on that
KissMyAsterix: 'and then she ripped open her bodice and made a
peanut butter and jelly sandwich"
KissMyAsterix: see it never ends well

Catpower's Opening Act:
Catpower777: my favorite band name is "Drive By Spankin' "

Steve's Resume:
SteveIzHere8: I build rapport easily.

Binx's Next Girl Friend:
BinxB91: Elizaveta, you're Polish born?
ElizavetaTheRed: Yes Binx
BinxB91: I'm sweating
PatientOnionSF: Binky the slavofile

Eastern European Musings:
ElizavetaTheRed: My mother's first name is Agata
ElizavetaTheRed: She almost named me Agnieszka
KissMyAsterix: were those the names of the munsters
ElizavetaTheRed: My father wanted to name me Elisabeta,
which is the Romanian spelling

AOL Poland Ignore Feature:
ElizavetaTheRed: Go ahead and talk about me, I'll close my eyes


Blogger Beysshoes said...

While my intention was to thank you for not posting my most recent obscenities; I find myself tethering retraint so as not to type some here. Ms. Shoes

8/01/2009 4:26 AM  
Blogger Beysshoes said...

Passe` un bien viajae, Mr Tried, cuidadte. Take lots of photos. Te extranar, Ms Shoes

8/14/2009 3:06 AM  

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